Excellent little tour! I think the symbol under the skull on the "graffiti" stone is simply a femur. Also, have you looked into chronograms? ""GO-MMML" would read (I think) as 411-3050 perhaps referring to a date or verse important to the family of the deceased. "MILIAEMVDE" might also have similar encoding.
Great revisit with new information Jag. 6 out of 10!
Excellent little tour! I think the symbol under the skull on the "graffiti" stone is simply a femur. Also, have you looked into chronograms? ""GO-MMML" would read (I think) as 411-3050 perhaps referring to a date or verse important to the family of the deceased. "MILIAEMVDE" might also have similar encoding.
Thanks Laura, will research further.
it was ggof to see my home town but jesus its just been forgoten thats really poor dundee council get your finger out your butts xxx