Yes it is, it will even hold a 16-hole Grand Chromatic harmonica. The product is not even limited to harmonicas only, but you can basically disinfect everthing that will fit into the bag.
OK...Would you feel 100% confident in disinfecting a harp you just didn't use and give it to a friend...or? In this time of the COVID I have several harps I'd like to DISINFECT...BUT...even though I haven't touched them for years I'm still a little paranoid!! comments appreciated!
Thank you from Italy!
Greg, is it good for Chromatic?
Yes it is, it will even hold a 16-hole Grand Chromatic harmonica. The product is not even limited to harmonicas only, but you can basically disinfect everthing that will fit into the bag.
OK...Would you feel 100% confident in disinfecting a harp you just didn't use and give it to a friend...or? In this time of the COVID I have several harps I'd like to DISINFECT...BUT...even though I haven't touched them for years I'm still a little paranoid!! comments appreciated!