Grieving the Loss of an Unsaved Person

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024
  • In this short interview, Keith talks about a very difficult subject with pastor and author Will Dobbie. His book, A Time to Mourn deals with managing the grief of the death of someone whose eternity is uncertain.
    You can get his book here:
    If you enjoyed this video, and want to reach out with questions or comments, send us a message at

ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @jmh7977
    @jmh7977 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I was raised primarily by my grandmother, who retired from her Professorship (English and Philosophy) in order to do so. She was a militant atheist, but you'd honestly never knew it by looking at her actions: courteous, kind, donated to charities voluminously, donated to the food bank every week, supported local libraries, ate healthy, culturally conservative, etc... but if you ever brought up God? She would become a different person, one filled with bitterness and anger. It was primarily her rearing me that caused me to call myself an atheist until later in my life. On her deathbed, she expressed.... reservations about death, about her disbelief in God, fear even. For such a proud and staunch woman (which she absolutely was), it rattled and shook me to see her so humbled and defeated. My dad and I both tried to convince her of the truth of the Gospel and of Jesus the Christ, we tried repeatedly, urgently, desperately, and seemingly in vain. But it seemed evident that she was thinking long and hard about things before she died. We don't know where she is now. That's not wishful thinking speaking... we honestly don't know. We hope and pray that in her last moments, she surrendered her last remaining pride to God through Christ in faith. But we don't know. She died about twelve years ago. I miss her terribly still.

  • @Savedbygrace22
    @Savedbygrace22 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Thanks Keith, I think I’ll get the book. My first big aha moment in my reformed faith came when I heard RC Sproul say no one is in hell because someone wasn’t eloquent enough with their witnessing and I’m not responsible for saving my atheist dad. That was a HUGE burden off of my Arminian shoulders. I realized the reformed faith wasn’t a joke and it acknowledged who does the saving and I had been carrying a load that wasn’t mine to carry long after his death. I did try to talk to him when I was a new believer but he said he just couldn’t believe a snake talked to anyone. I thought I failed and didn’t say the right thing to convince him. Matthew 28 says go, not convince. It’s His work. I now rest in the sovereign will of God who is the perfect judge. God bless🙏

  • @BoondockBrony
    @BoondockBrony 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    My dad died unsaved in 2016, my entire family is more or less probably reprobate at least in the future. So I needed this as I am the only Christian in my family.

    • @CrownOfThornss
      @CrownOfThornss 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That'a terrible to hear😔 I'll pray that your family may find Christ🙏

  • @hismercyismore845
    @hismercyismore845 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My mom past a couple of years ago and it broke my heart that she wasn’t saved .
    I shared the gospel with her many times and she would say well I’m not a sinner but you are and I said to her , I know that I am a sinner that’s why I need a savior , Jesus .

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    My Father and Mother in law both died very recently and there was no doubt of their faith.
    Their passing was blessed and allowed for a nice time for family and closure
    I can't imagine the anguish those that aren't saved must experience 😢

    • @jdkayak7868
      @jdkayak7868 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      The worst part is knowing that some of them think they are Christians but hate God's law, practice cohabitation, and live as they never knew Christ.

  • @th6252
    @th6252 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Strange timing seeing this pop up in my feed (although I subscribed). My uncle, mother’s younger brother, will be passing any day now and this has been weighing on me for a while. My family is saved, but he was a Buddhist until my grandmother passed years ago when I was a child (we’re Korean, my brother and I as well as my 2 cousins were born and raised here in the US). At that time, he “converted” to Catholicism due to my aunt’s family being devout Catholics. This posed multiple issues, at least for me as I can’t speak for the rest of my family…my father was kind of a weak Christian if I’m being honest and my family in general is quite averse to confrontation.
    Although I grew up in church and got saved in high school, I didn’t come to reformed theology until later in life. I’ve had difficulty speaking to my uncle on the topic of faith as his idea of Christianity is quite skewed partially due to his Buddhist lens which I believe he never truly let go of, as well as the Catholicism he had been learning. I’d had conversations with him several times about the Bible being Gods inerrant and infallible Word but he gave nothing but pushback giving the typical nonbeliever comments “it’s written by men”, it has so many different meanings and if that is how God is, then I can’t believe”, as well as everything in between. In some ways, I was closer to him than my own father, although I was blessed to have a good earthly father, so I’m feeling it more than when my own father passed 4 years ago.
    Thank you for your ministry and this timely message Keith.

  • @livingaquietlife
    @livingaquietlife 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This was so timely! I'm a newer believer that had spent my entire life in a charismatic/pentecostal environment. After my mom passed away from cancer after being told her healing was on the way in 2011, her death along with many family members that have died over my lifetime has been weighing heavy on me now that the Lord has saved me. While I'm thankful to be in a reformed and sound church, this just isn't a topic that has been touched upon at the church during a Sunday sermon. I just ordered the book and am looking forward to reading it.

  • @wallywest001
    @wallywest001 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've seen in other comments of people asking How us Reformed Christians grieve and mourn the loss of family and friends and I say it's a gift from God that we grieve and mourn for a time but grieving and mourning constantly is sinful.

    • @Savedbygrace22
      @Savedbygrace22 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Well said Wally. We all want our families to be saved but like God said to Aaron not to grieve because of his son’s blasphemy towards him we remember God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy. I’m thankful for his mercy to me and pray regularly it’s his will to do the same for my family. Blessings 🙏

    • @wallywest001
      @wallywest001 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Savedbygrace22 AMEN. In a post-modern Anti Sovereignty of God christendom here in America people get mad at God when their loved one's die and they always say it wasn't their time yet God Decreed it for them to die that day and how they died whether it be murdered, car wreck, or natural causes because it's to bring God His Glory that he shares with no human. God Will have mercy on whom he chooses to have Mercy and he will harden whomever he hardens.

  • @honibear
    @honibear 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It would be wonderful if this was available in audiobook format!

  • @JohnCBurzynski
    @JohnCBurzynski 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Good subject to address.

  • @PeterRyanDr
    @PeterRyanDr 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The worst story I ever heard, my father-in-law told me a pastor friend went through this. This is the summary: Dad was lost, wife and two kids were saved. They tried and tried to see him saved, but he rejected it. He was in a special church meeting with a direct gospel presentation and he was white-knuckling the pew, but left still openly rejecting Christ. He died the next week in an auto wreck. At the end of the funeral the Family asked to come up and say their final goodbyes. The little boy wouldn't get up from his seat, finally, he came by the coffin (the pastor was standing there too) and looked up at the pastor, and asked, "pastor, is my dad in hell?" The pastor just nodded and lowered his head. The little boy slapped the coffin and in front of everyone said, "You just wouldn't do it, would you Dad?! You wouldn't get saved, and you're in Hell, and we'll never see you again because we'll be in Heaven." You could hear a pin drop.

    • @KristiLEvans1
      @KristiLEvans1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That is gut wrenching. Good grief. 💔

    • @Dogg1982
      @Dogg1982 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Guarantee you that kid grows up and leaves the church.

    • @Savedbygrace22
      @Savedbygrace22 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Or not

    • @Dogg1982
      @Dogg1982 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@Savedbygrace22or does.

  • @isaiahwlong
    @isaiahwlong 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you for this!

  • @Sgomes-is4or
    @Sgomes-is4or 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thats been my struggle the past week. Had a co-worker who died and i did witness to her and tell her about Christ but she never wanted to hear about it. Now im thinking she is in hell so the questions are did i fail as a witness for Christ? Or maybe she was not elect of God and nothing i would have done would have mattered anyways. Any answer would help. Probably wil get the book at some point.

    • @Savedbygrace22
      @Savedbygrace22 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Actually you can rest in the sovereign will of God. No one is in hell because of you or a lack of knowledge. No one is in heaven by their own merit either. It’s all of God as Eph 2:8-9 says among other verses. Remember, will not the God of the universe do right? Hell is occupied by those in willfull unbelief. Just like we would have been before God’s mercy saved us. You can rest on God being the perfect righteous judge. Blessings to you🙏

  • @goosieschmoo8239
    @goosieschmoo8239 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There was a trans coworker of mine that died in a car accident... grieves me to know they were a goat. But it makes me ever more grateful that I am a sheep that God chose to save. 😭

    • @warrenroby6907
      @warrenroby6907 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is no way that Mt 25 teaches that the sheep are saved and the goats lost. Dig into the Greek and understand the historical context. It is about nations, not individuals. It deals with the temporary disciplining of recalcitrant nations/people groups (and yes I am a postmillenialist.)

  • @garrygraham
    @garrygraham 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sometimes Christians say "amen" too much.
    If you agree, give me an "amen"...😎

  • @annathrope1820
    @annathrope1820 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It is not for us to speculate on who is 'saved'. This question should never come up. Mourn the loss and give comfort to the family.

    • @ritastevenson5639
      @ritastevenson5639 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The question naturally comes up for those who lose loved ones and there is nothing wrong with that. Ultimately, I believe we can't know one way or another until we see (or don't see) that person in heaven ourselves. People can put on a good show and fool people (and themselves) into thinking they are a Believer when they aren't and a supposed unbeliever who puts a gun in his mouth can, in that split second before death, cry out to God in humility, no matter how dire the situation is. The "thief on the cross" is in Scripture for a reason and knowing God is fully sovereign in all of salvation can give us hope to let it rest in His hands and be at peace knowing He is just and also merciful. I'd the question doesn't even come up in your mind, that is unnatural to me. We SHOULD grieve that someone couldn't be humbled and that should cause us to weep for joy at our own assurance and be ever more determined to use our time on this earth to spread His message of redemption.

  • @jamesearl389
    @jamesearl389 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I like you, Brother. I watch most of your content and like many things you teach and you DO have a beautiful heart for Father. But the LORD IS going to change this in you. It has already begun. The toothpaste is out of the tube for you and you will come to a decision day. It will cost you to follow the truth because the church will want to crucify anyone who teaches that Christ was victorious over ALL rebellion.

    • @lauracheever
      @lauracheever 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      So are you promoting universalism or...?

    • @KristiLEvans1
      @KristiLEvans1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      What do you mean? Dude is saved

    • @honibear
      @honibear 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Now this message is what I would call as clear as mud... maybe just as well 🥴

    • @jamesearl389
      @jamesearl389 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@honibear before you open your mouth and say something idiotic, please realize it’s a message that was made for Keith, not for you, and it was a follow up to my other comment, it does not exist in a vacuum. Now does that make a little bit more sense to you?

    • @jakepatterson2798
      @jakepatterson2798 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@jamesearl389 what was your earlier comment?

  • @LivingFaith2
    @LivingFaith2 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Between quoting occultist C S Lewis, and abbreviating and neglecting to quote Jesus's saying "depart from me I never knew you", then to hear the interviewee is a Calvinist , I knew the rest of the interview wouldn't be worth suffering.

    • @ConversationswithaCalvinist
      @ConversationswithaCalvinist  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Well, the channel is called “Your Calvinist” so… at least now you know you don’t have to suffer through anything else. It’s all tainted.

    • @andrewbrowne5557
      @andrewbrowne5557 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@ConversationswithaCalviniston the bright side Keith, I woke up with “It’s your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey” going through my head! I have been so blessed by your ministry of late!

    • @KristiLEvans1
      @KristiLEvans1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yeah, didn’t you know to keep scrolling when you saw the NAME of the channel? Lol

    • @caman171
      @caman171 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      not a calvinist here, not by a long shot, but why do you think CS Lewis was an occultist? As for listening to a calvinist, I listen and learn. How can you have a firm foundation of your own position if you dont know what other positions are out there? I listen to Catholics, Calvinists, Pentecostals, Restorationists etc. You can learn from them even while disagreeing completely. Now if they lie, call them out on it, but dont fail to learn. On a side note, when Jesus said "I never knew you" wouldnt that imply that they were NEVER saved? If salvation can be lost, that statement would make no sense, for there was a time when Jesus "knew" them. if he NEVER knew them, then they were never saved.