Name, Status, and StartType are the names of the properties that we are using so the property names become the column header and the property values are listed under those headers. If you want to structure the output a little bit better, I would suggest looking at the Format-List and Format-Table cmdlets. Specifically look at the examples in the help system (get-help format-table -examples).
how does it know what goes under name, status and, starttype?
Im working with some obscure data and I cannot get it to look this nice.
Name, Status, and StartType are the names of the properties that we are using so the property names become the column header and the property values are listed under those headers. If you want to structure the output a little bit better, I would suggest looking at the Format-List and Format-Table cmdlets. Specifically look at the examples in the help system (get-help format-table -examples).