Ill tell you this, I have a 1983 mongoose supergoose that Ive had since 1983 when I was a kid. I beat the living hell out of that bike and I still have it and I still ride it with my kids. All I did was regrease the hubs and bearings it still rides like it did in 1983 and is still is perfect condition. I don’t know if the bikes built today could last 39 years from now and still be ridden with minimal maintenance.
@@hohohaha999 na, when a sealed bearing gets play in it you have to put it in the bin. You can replace balls and regrease cupncone literally for 50 years
I’m old school Bmx but I agree with them that new school bikes can take so much more even tho todays bikes do look the same no matter the manufacturer.
Best BMX channel out there. Still learning after 35 years, 80s definitely have style for miles. Every last part was ingenuity. Thanks for these videos. Restoration videos never get old, maybe pick 5 or 6 old school companies and do a profile on a specific bike or the company itself.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
My only issue with new school is just the lack of color and chrome. Seems like all manufactures just do black, white, teal, and red again "seems" like. Phu/Al I am interested on your take of the repop bikes like the Mongoose California and Supergoose, the E.T. 40th bike etc etc. What's old, what's new, where did these manufacturers improved on or cheaped out on??
@@BerserkerNick there is very little in the geometry performance wise you are now just chjanging size for preference but the bikes are built to stunt that is why they all look very similair until material science moves on there will be no change
@@stuartmorganbmx I wasn't talking about geometry, the new geometry is awesome. I was talking about style. I know there are a couple throwback designs out there like Haro is doing with the freestylers and GT is doing with the performers and those are awesome in their own right, which is cool. But. Im not talking about throwbacks either. What I'm talking about is most of these newer bikes having basically the same frame design, the same colors, then having sticker kits that are either nonexistent or barely visible. Alot of companies aren't even stamping their logo on frames anymore. It is possible to have both style and function. Individuality is lost when everything looks the same.
You made a video about an old bike and a new bike, so make us one about everything in between, steel, cro-Molly, aluminum, fiber, etc. Talk about the changes, and when they happen, threaded to Threadless, throw in a 1 inch Threadless fork, and go back a little farther, I know you got something with a banana seat😂
Phu’s absolutely right! I have both styles as a BMX fanatic and BMX builder and I much rather have an old school! Alf and Phu I love the videos, love the how you guys get down. Keep them coming, awesome work Alf!
Great point. I love the style of the old school but the new stuff is so much better. I think Haro nailed the combo of old school with new with all their Lineage stuff.
Do a video on geometry. Old school vs mid school, and today. relate tricks to geometry, like steep head tube is easier to learn nose manuels. Or a lower bottom bracket helps stability. This can help explain the evolution of tricks. It help some people choose the correct frame size and parts.
Old school rules, but then again I’m old 51 and still cruising a old school. My personal is a custom mixed 1978 mongoose with old and mid school parts. I’m not that extreme anymore. Bless up bro love the videos
You are absolutely right. I have a 2021 GT Dyno Pro Compe 29” BMX and it is so robust. The tubing is much larger and the axles are 14mm vs 3/8”. Crankset is more robust and better brakes (V vs Caliper) too. I like the looks of the old school and it brings back memories but the testing was more opinionated and not scientific. You bring a lot of good information as some buyers are looking to cruise around the neighborhood and others are looking to put the bike through h3ll and back. Keep the videos coming.
I'm always a fan of innovation when it comes to bmx. Whether its olschool, mid or new. I love knowing the history of how a certain part that has been improved upon from how it used to be made. Back then, bikes were made for racing, so durability wasn't much an issue and style is what sets bikes apart. but as riding progressed, and parts start breaking, parts became beefier and heavier to accommodate. New school parts now is a happy middle of strength to weight ratio on a tried and true overall geometry and i think has peaked. But when it comes to skill progression, seeing younger kids do tricks you wouldn't imagine yourself doing is a testament that what we have now works. Bmx is simple, as it should. When you have a bike that can be taken apart with just a 6mm allen wrench, that is good enough for me.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17.
I think new bikes are 1000 times better than the old school 80s stuff. The mid school stuff was the best and the standard that today's bikes are built to. One thing I'll give the old school is they had cool design, styling, and personality. I remember breaking stuff all the time on old school and mainstream popular early 90s stuff.
My fave BMX channel.Fu is the man and has a great sense of humor.He loves when people prank him,let's see more of that!My idea is do more comparos,like 2021 Performer heritage vs stock 87 performer. Repops vs "oldpops" bikes. What has changed?
great vid, Love the old school bike design and uiqueness, never realized the difference in strength ! I have a Redline RL240 Chrome thats gonna get a modern conversion other than frame, forks, gooseneck and the oldschool mags, It has more modern stronger bars. Im going with better , brakes and levers, Gyro, Grips etc.. For what I do Im not a big air, Big landing rider so getting back in game oldschool bike should work, I go newer bike as I progress
I like building old school however I’m into mid school recently. I’m doing a GT but added new and old school stuff. I think most on the channel would cry, however it kinda cool. It’s a Frankenstein.
since i got my 2006 gt performer back in 2006 only thing i done to it was paint and some maintance to the rear hub , front hub and bottom bracket. it still got every original part except grips and tires. Full 4130 cro-moly its not really heavy nor light. it still rides as good as it did in 2006-2010. 10/10 would buy again
Phu you should talk about 22” BMX bikes and older dudes getting back into riding. I’m about to be 38 lol. Rep for the old guys dude. I love the videos please make more! And also #Alfgang
I’m a sneaker collector. There is a pretty good parallel to BMX bikes. Some of the retro sneakers look so good…they look a better than a lot of current basketball shoes. But I wouldn’t use them for serious hooping.
I have a sabrosa wild child and a Matt Ray. Definitely like the new school stuff for riding the old school stuff is nice to sit and ride around but don't do any tricks on it. One of my biggest things with progression of back in the day was breaking everything
Bang on, if you rode hard back in the day you broke stuff all the time (even the good makes). I snapped forks,broke frames, bent bars...... New stuff is strong but just not the style or individuality, shame. Shame the linage stuff and the like is SO expensive, as almost the best of both, but 2K for a bike......
Ok Phu, I like all your shop videos but this video I haven't even seen it yet. The headline caught my attention. I'm 48, still ride but I'm an old school guy till I die. But the old school bike you're presenting is making us old school lovers look bad. Please if you ever compare old school to new school bikes, reach out to me. I live 20 min from your shop. I got 3 old school racing bikes that make your subscribers think twice comparing old school vs new school. 💯👍
Before I think it was more of the look then function like the skateboards used to be all different shapes I just think everyone before used to like to look wild 😛
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Apples to Oranges old school was for racing new school are not BMX they are freestyle trick bikes. Old racers still did simple tricks on the street. Love the channel wish racing would come back
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Guys on July 16th there's gonna be a Midschool GT BMX bike ride. We may swing by your shop to show you some Midschool GT race bikes ultraboxes, boxes, recall bikes you know all the cool midschool shit.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
It's crazy how it's nearly impossible to buy new wheels for an older bike. New wheels have a 14mm axle, a 9 tooth cog, and many rims are unable to run brakes. And hope you like the color black, because that's basically the only color available today, for both hubs and rims.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
It's the type and style of riding that each bike was intended for that would determine the diameter and thickness of the tubing used. The freestyle frames of the 80'S used thicker tubing than the standard frames because of the stresses they were put under.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Phu I’m old school like yourself. Can you feature any old school bmx. Maybe a viewer can bring one in. I like how you cover the bikes or any bmx topic. I would bring mine but I live down in SD. Maybe once a week you can feature one 👍
Can you talk about the price of the older box bikes compared to now? I do understand the whole vintage aspect of the older bikes which makes them a little more pricey.
They dont make them like they used to (style and looks). I hate the looks of the new bikes but those fukkers will hold up to anything,plus the headsets now with threadless forks and mid bottom bracket inventions are awesome.
I gotta admit I'm not that old but I just got a bike from my past that I loved as a kid and it had some style for a 2000 Mongoose Hoop D lol but ya you can't buy that quality of a mongoose anymore to my knowledge but I own a few bicycles that are gone as far as I know like DiamondBack and Schwinn
alfredo, are you running metal pegs or plastic? plus those both are amazing bikes, but the old skool can be modded with modern parts mixed with old skool also.. lol its all on the riders wishes and ideas in their heads. Phu, you should do a video on best gyro set ups, or best type for modern and old skool:)
Old school race bike vs a new school freestyler....hmm not the best comparison. You right tho in some respects. I use to swap out weak parts for stronger parts all the time.
Roller coaster episode that was slick as Phus hair. Do a day in the life of…EPIC BMX video. Fluff up a good day where the homies come through from open to close with a session out front to end it.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
I miss the era of the 80s, but modern bikes are 1,000 percent better.. no one misses tightening the headset every mile, axle bending when you mention a peg.. bikes were either under built in the 80s-90s then severely over built in the early 2000s. Front triangles too short, rear too long, laid back posts would of never existed if frame geometry was correct. All wheels sucked in the 80s, I always ended up back on Skyway mags, that also sucked 80s bikes had character for sure, some too much so, but still you knew a GT, Haro, CW from a mile away. 80s bikes are now shelf queens that cost a small car to restore and then stare at.. My newest ride I have 2700 into and don't want to scratch that either! So I find myself looking for a beat up frame and parts to ride so I don't feel bad grinding... Old is Kool, New is better.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
I own an Eastern thats maybe 8-10 years old and have my Osborn Pro still rideable(86). I have a Kuwahara Bravo KT and a Hutch Trickstar and have a midschool Gambler Pro and a Specialized 415. I like my oldschool best
“Make them like they used to” definitely isn’t the same across the board for everything. As I would agree though, that most items made back when most things were made in the USA, are actually of a more solid build quality and heavier duty better materials. But in the case of Automobiles, most modern cars are more reliable and last longer. But older vehicles are far easier to do an engine rebuild in your garage with basic hand tools. The sheet metal and cheap plastic interior on modern cars won’t last very long at all.
I trust everything on my new school £1400 build apart from the chain 😂 Snapped too many chains and now I have "chain fear". The strength in BMX development is incredible but I wonder where we go from here? Like what can be improved? Has BMX hit a development "wall"? Are we at peak BMX? Only thing I can think of is some exotic type of metal to replace chromoly that's super light and super strong but affordable but even then I think the styling will stay the way it is now for a long ass time.
@@chrisapolinar1102 I will in time. I'm using a BSD blued steel half-link atm and it seems okay, doesn't seem to be stretching or showing signs of snapping. The Shadow supreme is next after I get a new seat.
While it's true that most BMX bikes today look the same, there are still parts available that'll give them that 80s look. More importantly, though, are stronger pound for pound, lighter, and have significantly better geometry. I loved my 92 Haro Aggro and it held up until 2009 when it was stolen, but I love my 2021 Midway way more. I think BMX is one of the only things that benefits from not being made like it used to be.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17.
The better geometry aspect is getting a bit tired. An old school BMX bike requires the rider to adjust to the bike vs geometry customization to fit the sport. So to say the geometry is better is a misnomer.
As someone who's been riding since the 80's I can tell you modern bikes are WAY better than the ones we grew up on. Old Skool BMX is highly overrated & not worth a dime in my opinion.
@@AmazingChinaToday Bmx has come along way from the 80’s bikes, stronger, better geometry, and built very tough, im an older rider and i feel safer on the modern bmx bikes, i still love the older bmx’s but to ride or race il stick with what feels right. Plus the early bmx bikes i own are tiny compared to my modern bike, one has 20.75 tt and the other 21, bit more clearance
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
I've done that forks are too narrow, but it would be cool to see a modified fork maybe a company makes them, where you can install 2 wheels on the front fork, that's wide enough for easy balance
Ill tell you this, I have a 1983 mongoose supergoose that Ive had since 1983 when I was a kid. I beat the living hell out of that bike and I still have it and I still ride it with my kids. All I did was regrease the hubs and bearings it still rides like it did in 1983 and is still is perfect condition. I don’t know if the bikes built today could last 39 years from now and still be ridden with minimal maintenance.
Yes, even less maintenance, sealed bearings yo
@@hohohaha999 na, when a sealed bearing gets play in it you have to put it in the bin.
You can replace balls and regrease cupncone literally for 50 years
yeah but we talking about real bmx, not just ride, a pro would destroy your oldschool bike in 1 day
@@fodedordegatas1081 Wow cool man! Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it. Have a nice day 😊
@@EastCoastPGS no problem sir, much love
I’m old school Bmx but I agree with them that new school bikes can take so much more even tho todays bikes do look the same no matter the manufacturer.
Best BMX channel out there. Still learning after 35 years, 80s definitely have style for miles. Every last part was ingenuity. Thanks for these videos. Restoration videos never get old, maybe pick 5 or 6 old school companies and do a profile on a specific bike or the company itself.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
My only issue with new school is just the lack of color and chrome. Seems like all manufactures just do black, white, teal, and red again "seems" like. Phu/Al I am interested on your take of the repop bikes like the Mongoose California and Supergoose, the E.T. 40th bike etc etc. What's old, what's new, where did these manufacturers improved on or cheaped out on??
Plus all the frames look alike
@@BerserkerNick there is very little in the geometry performance wise you are now just chjanging size for preference but the bikes are built to stunt that is why they all look very similair until material science moves on there will be no change
@@stuartmorganbmx I wasn't talking about geometry, the new geometry is awesome. I was talking about style. I know there are a couple throwback designs out there like Haro is doing with the freestylers and GT is doing with the performers and those are awesome in their own right, which is cool. But. Im not talking about throwbacks either. What I'm talking about is most of these newer bikes having basically the same frame design, the same colors, then having sticker kits that are either nonexistent or barely visible. Alot of companies aren't even stamping their logo on frames anymore. It is possible to have both style and function. Individuality is lost when everything looks the same.
@@BerserkerNick the point of a basic looking bike is to show off your "style" through your riding.
I used to think like that - I regretted it
I agree back in the day you were able to tell exactly what someone was riding, nowadays it’s all similar
You made a video about an old bike and a new bike, so make us one about everything in between, steel, cro-Molly, aluminum, fiber, etc. Talk about the changes, and when they happen, threaded to Threadless, throw in a 1 inch Threadless fork, and go back a little farther, I know you got something with a banana seat😂
Phu’s absolutely right! I have both styles as a BMX fanatic and BMX builder and I much rather have an old school! Alf and Phu I love the videos, love the how you guys get down. Keep them coming, awesome work Alf!
Great point. I love the style of the old school but the new stuff is so much better. I think Haro nailed the combo of old school with new with all their Lineage stuff.
True haro kept there game up with bike technology and old school taste
Do a video on geometry. Old school vs mid school, and today. relate tricks to geometry, like steep head tube is easier to learn nose manuels. Or a lower bottom bracket helps stability. This can help explain the evolution of tricks. It help some people choose the correct frame size and parts.
Best thing about old bmx is the dropouts had much more adjustment. Changing chainrings and sprockets were much easier. Now you need a half link chain.
Old school rules, but then again I’m old 51 and still cruising a old school. My personal is a custom mixed 1978 mongoose with old and mid school parts. I’m not that extreme anymore. Bless up bro love the videos
You are absolutely right. I have a 2021 GT Dyno Pro Compe 29” BMX and it is so robust. The tubing is much larger and the axles are 14mm vs 3/8”. Crankset is more robust and better brakes (V vs Caliper) too. I like the looks of the old school and it brings back memories but the testing was more opinionated and not scientific. You bring a lot of good information as some buyers are looking to cruise around the neighborhood and others are looking to put the bike through h3ll and back. Keep the videos coming.
Modern bike building philosophy is simple - Form follows function. That’s an engineers mantra right there!
Apples to oranges.
Trick bike to race bike.🤔
I'm 60 and he's totally right.
I’m obsessed with that Mongoose. It doesn’t get any sexier than that.
I'm always a fan of innovation when it comes to bmx. Whether its olschool, mid or new.
I love knowing the history of how a certain part that has been improved upon from how it used to be made.
Back then, bikes were made for racing, so durability wasn't much an issue and style is what sets bikes apart. but as riding progressed, and parts start breaking, parts became beefier and heavier to accommodate. New school parts now is a happy middle of strength to weight ratio on a tried and true overall geometry and i think has peaked. But when it comes to skill progression, seeing younger kids do tricks you wouldn't imagine yourself doing is a testament that what we have now works.
Bmx is simple, as it should. When you have a bike that can be taken apart with just a 6mm allen wrench, that is good enough for me.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17.
Que bueno tu comentario
I think new bikes are 1000 times better than the old school 80s stuff. The mid school stuff was the best and the standard that today's bikes are built to. One thing I'll give the old school is they had cool design, styling, and personality. I remember breaking stuff all the time on old school and mainstream popular early 90s stuff.
My fave BMX channel.Fu is the man and has a great sense of humor.He loves when people prank him,let's see more of that!My idea is do more comparos,like 2021 Performer heritage vs stock 87 performer. Repops vs "oldpops" bikes.
What has changed?
Vintage BMX all the way dudes !
great vid, Love the old school bike design and uiqueness, never realized the difference in strength !
I have a Redline RL240 Chrome thats gonna get a modern conversion other than frame, forks, gooseneck and the oldschool mags, It has more modern stronger bars. Im going with better , brakes and levers, Gyro, Grips etc.. For what I do Im not a big air, Big landing rider so getting back in game oldschool bike should work, I go newer bike as I progress
I like building old school however I’m into mid school recently. I’m doing a GT but added new and old school stuff. I think most on the channel would cry, however it kinda cool. It’s a Frankenstein.
I have my old redline all original and my new subrosa. I love my redline but the subrosa is so much more fun
since i got my 2006 gt performer back in 2006 only thing i done to it was paint and some maintance to the rear hub , front hub and bottom bracket. it still got every original part except grips and tires. Full 4130 cro-moly its not really heavy nor light. it still rides as good as it did in 2006-2010. 10/10 would buy again
Phu you should talk about 22” BMX bikes and older dudes getting back into riding. I’m about to be 38 lol. Rep for the old guys dude. I love the videos please make more! And also #Alfgang
🙏🏼🙏🏼 thanks brotha! We’ll do a video on 22s soon!
Yeah, I love my 22" general lee!!!!!
How about comparing OG GT performer to a new school gt performer?
Thank you bro. Great video I love old school bmx
I’m a sneaker collector. There is a pretty good parallel to BMX bikes. Some of the retro sneakers look so good…they look a better than a lot of current basketball shoes. But I wouldn’t use them for serious hooping.
Nothing was better then mag rims back in the days
I have a sabrosa wild child and a Matt Ray. Definitely like the new school stuff for riding the old school stuff is nice to sit and ride around but don't do any tricks on it. One of my biggest things with progression of back in the day was breaking everything
Bang on, if you rode hard back in the day you broke stuff all the time (even the good makes). I snapped forks,broke frames, bent bars......
New stuff is strong but just not the style or individuality, shame. Shame the linage stuff and the like is SO expensive, as almost the best of both, but 2K for a bike......
I’M UPSET!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!
Invotion is a hella of a thing.
New subscriber. Just the nerd chat I was looking for
Welcome :))
Ok Phu, I like all your shop videos but this video I haven't even seen it yet.
The headline caught my attention. I'm 48, still ride but I'm an old school guy till I die.
But the old school bike you're presenting is making us old school lovers look bad. Please if you ever compare old school to new school bikes, reach out to me. I live 20 min from your shop. I got 3 old school racing bikes that make your subscribers think twice comparing old school vs new school. 💯👍
What do you have?
@@roberthuffmann8204 Too much to describe. Look me up in FB I will accept friend request
@@mrblackitalian3715 just curious which three bikes that you mentioned
I have old school but I really like the new school stuff
Hooefully see Walter inna vlog soon bro seems coo af
Freestylers jumped pretty high on those same 80s BMX bikes remember?
So right!
I would really like a new bmx with the old school geometry!
My dads tools from the 80s and 90s are still what we use
Before I think it was more of the look then function like the skateboards used to be all different shapes I just think everyone before used to like to look wild 😛
You are absolutely correct. However, you are comparing a track bike vs a vert bike. Hotdogs vs sausages. Similar but way different.❤
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Apples to Oranges old school was for racing new school are not BMX they are freestyle trick bikes. Old racers still did simple tricks on the street. Love the channel wish racing would come back
I remember trying to street ride on my 1995 diamondback assault after watching Road fools and snap my back axle from a feeble grind 😂👍🚲💨
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Guys on July 16th there's gonna be a Midschool GT BMX bike ride. We may swing by your shop to show you some Midschool GT race bikes ultraboxes, boxes, recall bikes you know all the cool midschool shit.
All the new bikes look alike, where'd all the style go?
Really neat how u explained it's like Nascar just gets better & better.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
It's crazy how it's nearly impossible to buy new wheels for an older bike. New wheels have a 14mm axle, a 9 tooth cog, and many rims are unable to run brakes. And hope you like the color black, because that's basically the only color available today, for both hubs and rims.
? where do you live you can't find some good rims, I live in the middle of nowhere and can get em shipped easy, whatever color I want
except like yellow I guess I've never seen
profile colourways for hubs g sport colourways for rims
older - you mean 25 years old ?
Alflaredo that was another banging video and guys like Phu they don't make guys like him nomore 😂💙🙏
@@royTheLightning cheers brother 👍🏾
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
It's the type and style of riding that each bike was intended for that would determine the diameter and thickness of the tubing used.
The freestyle frames of the 80'S used thicker tubing than the standard frames because of the stresses they were put under.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
my 1st "BMX" was a mongoose expert beat on it every day for years it was fine...the expert is only 4130 on the front triangle
Same here.! Still got it and it's still going strong. Put this bike through hell...
Alfredo ,where i can buy some old school bikes ?
please review some repop frames and complete bikes. Hutch Trickstar, Haro Master, GT Pro Performer etc etc
Alfredo, is this for real? If it is, please reply using your regular account name. :)
At first I thought the blue bike was a diamondback with an SE handlebars
Phu I’m old school like yourself. Can you feature any old school bmx. Maybe a viewer can bring one in. I like how you cover the bikes or any bmx topic. I would bring mine but I live down in SD. Maybe once a week you can feature one 👍
Yes for sure old school are way more cool 😎 but new school are way more stronger 💪🏼
Yup your right but at the end of the day I rather be on the mongoose all day
Beautiful jorts.
Can you talk about the price of the older box bikes compared to now? I do understand the whole vintage aspect of the older bikes which makes them a little more pricey.
Damn good video.
I'm 42 but just got into BMX a year ago so I'm all new school
You should build out one of your gems you have hanging around. Maybe even referrbing a old wheel set w new bearings free wheel ect… lol I’m trying idk
They dont make them like they used to (style and looks). I hate the looks of the new bikes but those fukkers will hold up to anything,plus the headsets now with threadless forks and mid bottom bracket inventions are awesome.
I gotta admit I'm not that old but I just got a bike from my past that I loved as a kid and it had some style for a 2000 Mongoose Hoop D lol but ya you can't buy that quality of a mongoose anymore to my knowledge but I own a few bicycles that are gone as far as I know like DiamondBack and Schwinn
Forks are usually stamped.
alfredo, are you running metal pegs or plastic?
plus those both are amazing bikes, but the old skool can be modded with modern parts mixed with old skool also.. lol
its all on the riders wishes and ideas in their heads.
Phu, you should do a video on best gyro set ups, or best type for modern and old skool:)
I run plastic
@@AlfredoMancuso do you like them better than metal? and im wondering why?:)
Should do vid on Repops vs originals
Good idea!
Old school race bike vs a new school freestyler....hmm not the best comparison. You right tho in some respects. I use to swap out weak parts for stronger parts all the time.
Roller coaster episode that was slick as Phus hair.
Do a day in the life of…EPIC BMX video. Fluff up a good day where the homies come through from open to close with a session out front to end it.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Is it possible to have a video on how BMX tracks have evolved. I love to learn about the top riders and there bikes from the 80s.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
You guys should go on a mountain bike ride and go on trails and record it, just have fun
I miss the era of the 80s, but modern bikes are 1,000 percent better.. no one misses tightening the headset every mile, axle bending when you mention a peg.. bikes were either under built in the 80s-90s then severely over built in the early 2000s.
Front triangles too short, rear too long, laid back posts would of never existed if frame geometry was correct. All wheels sucked in the 80s, I always ended up back on Skyway mags, that also sucked
80s bikes had character for sure, some too much so, but still you knew a GT, Haro, CW from a mile away.
80s bikes are now shelf queens that cost a small car to restore and then stare at..
My newest ride I have 2700 into and don't want to scratch that either! So I find myself looking for a beat up frame and parts to ride so I don't feel bad grinding...
Old is Kool,
New is better.
I love the look of the new school bmx, can I find that anywhere?
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Too old to push a bike to a breaking point. Imma cruise to the liquor store😆
I get what your saying the loves not there... but priorities change, both have their attributes
80s la mejor etapa del bmx saludos amigo saves de bicicletas
I miss my Schwinn predator
I own an Eastern thats maybe 8-10 years old and have my Osborn Pro still rideable(86). I have a Kuwahara Bravo KT and a Hutch Trickstar and have a midschool Gambler Pro and a Specialized 415. I like my oldschool best
Is your Osborne a General Hustler PRO?
I’d like to see some cruising.
“Make them like they used to” definitely isn’t the same across the board for everything. As I would agree though, that most items made back when most things were made in the USA, are actually of a more solid build quality and heavier duty better materials. But in the case of Automobiles, most modern cars are more reliable and last longer. But older vehicles are far easier to do an engine rebuild in your garage with basic hand tools. The sheet metal and cheap plastic interior on modern cars won’t last very long at all.
Tailwhip Thursday do it would of been amazing to watch that mongoose fly, old school tires I just think tioga comp III. 🤔
If you had a Hutch Trickstar or a Haro Freestyler instead of that Mongoose everyone would understand the point you're trying to make
I love Style..💃💃💃💃🚴🚴🚴🚴🚴🚴😋😋😋
dont stop showing up
We won’t
I dunno if anyone's ever snapped 80s pro bmx, like mongoose Pro class, supergoose, kuwahara etc, they're strong.
I trust everything on my new school £1400 build apart from the chain 😂 Snapped too many chains and now I have "chain fear". The strength in BMX development is incredible but I wonder where we go from here? Like what can be improved? Has BMX hit a development "wall"? Are we at peak BMX?
Only thing I can think of is some exotic type of metal to replace chromoly that's super light and super strong but affordable but even then I think the styling will stay the way it is now for a long ass time.
I've thought that, how can they be improved upon 🤔
You needa get a shadow conspiracy premium half link chain. Then have No more chain fear. Cause it will not break garenteed.
@@chrisapolinar1102 I will in time. I'm using a BSD blued steel half-link atm and it seems okay, doesn't seem to be stretching or showing signs of snapping. The Shadow supreme is next after I get a new seat.
Shadow Supreme chain, with forged links. Costs about $70, but it's clearly the strongest chain on the market.
The 80’s bikes had style.. we also were not doing flairs, flips or tail whips..
I prefer old school.
First thing that catches my eye is that small ass sprocket why it so small
While it's true that most BMX bikes today look the same, there are still parts available that'll give them that 80s look. More importantly, though, are stronger pound for pound, lighter, and have significantly better geometry.
I loved my 92 Haro Aggro and it held up until 2009 when it was stolen, but I love my 2021 Midway way more. I think BMX is one of the only things that benefits from not being made like it used to be.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17.
The better geometry aspect is getting a bit tired. An old school BMX bike requires the rider to adjust to the bike vs geometry customization to fit the sport. So to say the geometry is better is a misnomer.
Late today but still 😎🤙🌹
I like your subrosa, I,ve collecting the bike it is SUBROSA GRIFFIN, subrosa salvador and subrosa sono, I,ok choose new school one
Retro mods.. Old/midschool with new drivetrain and wheels
yeah but its pretty hard to find newschool hubs that 3 8ths im rebuilding a midschool and had to get mags over the crappy single walled rims
Just file/grind the dropouts to 14mm. Super easy.
@@CNYKnifeNerd I dont wanna destroy the drop outs
Im 47 & still daily ride ride my '84 General Hustler Pro... 40 years & still the baddest motherfucking machine.
As someone who's been riding since the 80's I can tell you modern bikes are WAY better than the ones we grew up on. Old Skool BMX is highly overrated & not worth a dime in my opinion.
I agree, i have 2 old school bmx’s sitting in my lounge room and dont bother riding them, my modern bmx is way better to ride in many ways
The threadless fork / stem combo definitely improved strength up front. But other than that, what else is a major improvement?
@@AmazingChinaToday Bmx has come along way from the 80’s bikes, stronger, better geometry, and built very tough, im an older rider and i feel safer on the modern bmx bikes, i still love the older bmx’s but to ride or race il stick with what feels right. Plus the early bmx bikes i own are tiny compared to my modern bike, one has 20.75 tt and the other 21, bit more clearance
I mean he ain't wrong but the 80's bike is a race bike. Compare the strength and style of that Subrosa vs a 1997 GT Pro Freestyle Tour Team
Sealed bearings!
All i ever had go wrong with my old BMX would be getting a puncture, or replace brake blocks.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16 and 17
Depends on your riding style and tricks you like to do...
I think it would be awesome to make a functional 3 wheel bmx, with 2 wheels on the front, but just a dumb idea
Haha would be interesting
you can bolt 2 wheels to one fork give it a try
I've done that forks are too narrow, but it would be cool to see a modified fork maybe a company makes them, where you can install 2 wheels on the front fork, that's wide enough for easy balance
@@burling02 bolt them on the outside of the fork with just 1 nut