"The Forgotten Memory" ("الذكرى المنسية") by an-Noor al-Jeylaani | English Translation
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- “The Forgotten Memory” (“الذكرى المنسية”) is a song written by Jamaal Abdelraheem and performed by an-Noor al-Jeylaani. It is easily al-Jeylaani’s most famous song, amassing over 1 million views on TH-cam.
Also recommended is this performance of the song by al-Jeylaani in 1982: • Video
As well as this recording of the song by Mahmoud Abdelaziz, another beloved Sudanese artist: • Video
يا صحو الذكرى المنسية
ya sahwa az-zikra al-manseeyya
The awakening of a forgotten memory
من بعدك وين الحنية
min ba’dak weyn al-hinneeyya
After you, how am I supposed to find love?
بتعدّي مواسم وتروّح
bit’addi mawaasim wa trawih
You come for a few seasons and then leave
والذكرى بتصبح أبدية
waz-zikra btasbah abadeeyya
And the memory lasts forever
والفرقة بتصبح أبدية
wal-furga btasbah abadeeyya
And the separation lasts forever
يا مرسى الفرحة يا واحة
ya marsal-faraha ya waaha
You’re the anchor of happiness, an oasis
(قبلة عيني وصباحها)
(giblat ‘eyney wa sabaaha)
(The qibla of my eyes, my sunshine)
من بعدك دنيا بتشجيني
min ba’dak dunya btashjeeni
Without you, this life has nothing but sorrow for me
(وخطايا بعدك تواها)
(wa khataaya ba’dak tawaaha)
(Without you, I’m lost)
الحزن الخيّم في قلبي
al-huzn al-khayyam fi galbi
Sadness has built up in my heart
(وأيامي الفاتت أفراحها)
(wa ayaami al-faatat afraaha)
(And now my days are without happiness)
لا فرحة بدونك بتفيدني
la farha bidoonak bitfeedni
Nor is happiness without you of any use to me
لا قلبي وراك بلقى الراحة
la galbi waraak ligar-raaha
Nor has my heart found peace without you
عصفورنا الروّح كلمته
'asfoorna ar-rawwah kallamtu
I talked to our sparrow
(وصيته يطوف يسأل عنك)
(waseytu yatoof yis’al ‘annak)
(I told him to wander around and ask about you)
وإسمك في جناحه سطرته
wa ismak fi jinaahu sattartu
I wrote your name onto his wings
(بحناني الفايض منك)
(bey hanaani al-faayid minnak)
(Using my unbridled love for you)
في أي مكان لو قابلتو
fi eyyi makaan law gaabaltu
If you happen to cross paths with him
(انا شوق الدنيا علي منك)
(ana shog ad-dunya ‘aley minnak)
([Know that] you were the source of all the joy in my life)
وبتجينا اظنك وما اظنك
wa bitjeena azinnak ma azinnak
And I’m struck with thoughts of “maybe you did, maybe you didn’t”
الرحلة طويلة
ar-rihla taweela
It’s a long journey
مكتوبة عليّ وبمشيها
maktooba ‘aley wa bamsheeha
It’s my fate, and I take it [the journey]
(المسافة بعيدة)
(al-masaafa ba’eeda)
(It’s a long distance [to walk])
(محسوبة خطاوي وجاييها)
(wa mahsooba khataawi wa jaayeeha)
(Each of my steps is fated, and I am approaching them)
الغنية حزينة
al-ghunya hazeena
It’s a sad song
مليانة محنة وأغنيها
malyaana mahanna wa aghanneeha
It’s filled with affection, and I sing it
(الرحلة طويلة)
(ar-rihla taweela)
(It’s a long journey)
(مكتوبة عليّ وبمشيها)
(maktooba ‘aley wa bamsheeha)
(It’s my fate, and I take it [the journey])
(الغنية حزينة)
(al-ghunya hazeena)
(The song is sad)
(مليانة محنة وأغنيها)
(malyaana mahanna wa aghanneeha)
(It’s filled with affection, and I sing it)
والذكرى الباقية معاي منك
waz-zikra al-baagya ma’ai minnak
The memories of you remain with me
(يا ريتو قلبك يصحيها)
(ya reytu galbak yasaheeha)
(I wish your heart would awaken them)
والذكرى الخالدة معاي منك
waz-zikra al-khaalda ma’ai minnak
The memories of you that will live with me forever
يا ريتو قلبك يصحيها
ya reytu galbak yasaheeha
I wish your heart would awaken them
Greatest work of art by a sudani person
عصفورنا الروح كلمتوا ❤
يا سلام ياخ
outstanding work, really appreciate this project
Keep the great work guys, hats off 👏
If I could request, can you please do Mustafa Sid Ahmed song (بين الموجة والخزان)
الله يشفيه نور ....
تصميمك جميل جدآ ياخ ..... ♥️♥️♥️♥️
روعات تصميماتك
Amazing work my friend !!
ممكن تعمل غنية "الزمن الجميل" ل ايلاف عبد العزيز؟؟
more content of special sudanese songs
Please do Vivian 🙏❤