By the way, Roland swims with deep almost straight arm pull here, quite opposite to what used to be promoted on the RC channel before. Anyway, great quality as usual. Pure pleasure for the watcher's eyes to see those underwater movements in slow motion. Thanks!
+Eugene S. Yes, Roland pulls with a deep pull and I have had some discussion about that with him. However, he swims the 50 sprint and that is the one event where one can get away (to some degree) with a deeper pull. I still don't think it is the best way to pull, however...even in the 50.
1 00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:06,360 We have a series of drills that we use to help you rotate your body more. 몸통 돌리기를 더 잘 할 수 있게 해주는 몇 가지 부분훈련(drill)이 있습니다. 2 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:09,180 And the first one we do is just simply a body rotation drill. 첫번째 훈련은 단순한 몸통 돌리기 훈련입니다. 3 00:00:09,180 --> 00:00:11,880 With the fins on and, I want you to grab your snorkel. 물갈퀴를 신고, 스노클을 착용하세요. 4 00:00:12,080 --> 00:00:16,620 With your hands at your side, you gonna do six kicks on one side. 손은 옆에 붙이고, 한 쪽마다 여섯 번 차십시요. 5 00:00:16,840 --> 00:00:22,220 And then you're gonna snap your body, not slowly, but quickly to the other side. 그런 후, 몸통을 재빨리 반대편으로 획 돌리는데, 서서히 하면 안됩니다. 6 00:00:22,360 --> 00:00:24,980 You don't want to turn like the rotisserie chicken. 전기구이 통닭처럼 서서히 돌려서는 안됩니다. 7 00:00:25,360 --> 00:00:28,120 You're gonna be like a torpedo, going from one side to the other. 마치 어뢰가 된 듯, 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 돌리십시요. 8 00:00:28,120 --> 00:00:33,760 The more you, the faster you turn, the more force you can generate to pull against. OK? 더 빨리 돌릴수록, 팔로 당길 때 기대면서 이용할 수 있는 힘을 더 많이 만들어낼 수 있습니다. 아시겠죠? 9 00:00:33,900 --> 00:00:39,460 So, six kicks on one side, then, a quick turn all the way to vertical to the other. 자, 한 쪽으로 여섯 번 차고, 그 후에, 다른 쪽으로 획 수직이 되게 재빨리 돌리세요. 10 00:00:39,460 --> 00:00:41,320 Group one, ready! (Whistle blow!~) 제 1 편대, 준비! (휘파람!~) 11 00:00:42,900 --> 00:00:44,200 At the race club camps, 레이쓰클럽 캠프에서는, 12 00:00:44,200 --> 00:00:50,460 teaching swimmers how to aggressively rotate their bodies during freestyle, is one of our highest priorities. 선수들에게 자유형에서의 공격적인 몸통돌리기를 가르치는 것이 최우선 과제 중의 하나입니다. 13 00:00:51,300 --> 00:01:01,420 The reason is that this motion, when timed correctly, is one of the most powerful ways we can increase the distance we move down the pool, each time we take a stroke. 정확하게 때맞춤될 경우, 이 동작이 한 번 저을 때마다 갈 수 있는 거리를 늘릴 수 있는 가장 강력한 방법이기 때문입니다.(Distance per Stroke) 14 00:01:02,140 --> 00:01:10,080 We call this body rotation a coupling motion, because when it's coupled with the pull and the kick, it makes both of them more powerful. 몸통돌리기가 젓기, 차기 동작과 결합될 때, 젓기와 차기 모두를 더욱 강력하게 만들어주므로, 우리는 몸통돌리기를 결합동작(a coupling motion)이라 부릅니다. 15 00:01:11,180 --> 00:01:21,160 While rotation of the body is a vital part of developing a faster freestyle, it's the speed of the body's rotation that is most important in gaining the boost in power. 몸통돌리기가 빠른 자유형을 개발하는 데 필수적이며, 힘의 증가를 얻는 데 있어서는, 그 중에서도 몸통을 돌리는 속도가 가장 중요합니다. 16 00:01:21,960 --> 00:01:27,000 If you turn the body slightly or slowly, you won't see much change in the power. 약간만 혹은 천천히 몸을 돌린다면, 힘에 있어서의 변화를 많이 느낄 수 없습니다. 17 00:01:27,060 --> 00:01:33,500 But if you turn the body quickly and aggressively, the increase in swimming speed can be dramatic. 하지만 만약 몸통을 재빨리 그리고 공격적으로 돌리면, 헤엄치는 속도는 극적으로 빨라질 수 있습니다. 18 00:01:35,280 --> 00:01:43,900 There are many dryland exercises that we practice at our Race club camps to develop the abdominal muscles used for fast body rotation. 레이쓰 클럽 캠프에서는, 몸통을 빨리 돌리기 위해 사용되는 배 부위 근육을 만들기 위한 지상훈련을 많이 볼 수 있습니다. 19 00:01:44,360 --> 00:01:46,020 The bicycle situp. 자전거 타며 윗몸일으키기. 20 00:01:46,020 --> 00:01:53,020 Zach Hayden keeps both legs off the ground, bending one knee at a time, while straightening the other leg. 잭 해이든(Zach Hayden)은 양다리를 지면에서 띄운 채로, 반대쪽 다리는 쭉 펴면서, 한 번에 한쪽씩 무릎을 굽힙니다. 21 00:01:53,640 --> 00:02:01,060 With his hands held behind his ears, he elevates his head skyward, trying to touch one elbow to the opposite knee. 손을 귀 뒤에 붙이고, 팔꿈치로 반대쪽 무릎에 대면서, 하늘을 향해 머리를 오르락거립니다. 22 00:02:01,840 --> 00:02:10,040 After returning to head back down toward the ground, he quickly elevates again and rotates the body to touch the opposite elbow and knee, 머리가 바닥 쪽으로 내려온 후, 다시 재빨리 윗몸을 일으켜 반대쪽의 팔꿈치와 무릎을 맞댑니다, 23 00:02:10,260 --> 00:02:13,020 repeating the motion quickly for 1 minute. 이 동작을 1 분간 빠르게 반복합니다. 24 00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:17,520 6! 7! 8! 9! Hold! 6! 7! 8! 9! 버텨! 25 00:02:20,280 --> 00:02:21,680 And stop! 이제 그만! 26 00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:25,200 Ah, here we ago! Ready! (Whistle blow!~) 자, 시작합니다! 준비! (휘파람!~) 27 00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:27,700 Lock the elbows! Rotate more ab! 팔꿈치 고정! 복부를 더 돌려! 28 00:02:27,720 --> 00:02:29,200 Rotate all the way back! Come on! 완전히 뒤까지 돌려! 어서! 29 00:02:29,200 --> 00:02:30,280 Way back! That's it! 완전히 뒤로! 그래 그렇게! 30 00:02:30,280 --> 00:02:32,120 Elbows high! Smack her! Come on! 팔꿈치는 높게! 소리나게 때려! 어서! 31 00:02:32,120 --> 00:02:35,380 Hard! Fast! Powerful! Keep the elbows high! Go! 쎄게! 빠르게! 힘있게! 팔꿈치는 높게! 가! 32 00:02:35,460 --> 00:02:40,340 Right through! Right around! Go right on around all the way! Both directions! Elbows up! Come on! Get them up! 제껴! 돌려! 완전히 돌리란 말야! 양쪽 다! 팔꿈치 내리지 마! 조금 더! 팔꿈치 올려! 33 00:02:40,440 --> 00:02:43,080 Rotate! Rotate! Rotate back! 돌려! 돌려! 뒤까지 제껴! 34 00:02:43,180 --> 00:02:46,780 Keep the elbows locked! That's it! OK! Good! With the roundhouse boxing exercise, 팔꿈치는 고정! 그래 그렇게! 오케이! 잘했어! 돌려치기 권투 연습을 할 때, 35 00:02:46,860 --> 00:02:50,680 Rebecca Soni keeps her arms elevated to a high position. 레베카 소니(Rebecca Soni)는 양팔을 높게 유지합니다. 36 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:59,340 She then uses the fast rotation of the body to tap the boxing mitts with the gloves, as she goes through the complete rotation for one minute. 그러고서 몸통을 빠르게 돌려 권투 미트를 장갑낀 손으로 치면서, 완전히 돌리는 것을 1 분동안 반복합니다. 37 00:02:59,700 --> 00:03:11,620 By using her body to generate the speed of the gloves rather than by throwing a punch each time, Rebecca builds strength in her core muscles required for fast body rotation in freestyle. 매번, 주먹을 날리기보다는, 몸통을 사용해 장갑이 움직이는 속도를 냄으로써, 레베카는 자유형에서 빠른 몸통 돌리기를 하는 데 필요한 강력한 코어 근육을 만들어냅니다. 38 00:03:11,940 --> 00:03:14,380 Keep the elbows locked! That's it! Rotate! Good! 팔꿈치 고정시키고! 그래 그렇게! 돌려! 좋아! 39 00:03:14,380 --> 00:03:16,340 A lot of torso! That's it! 몸통을 많이 써! 그렇지! 40 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:18,300 A lot of rotation in shoulders! 어깨부위를 많이 돌려! 41 00:03:18,300 --> 00:03:20,620 Keep the elbows up! Come on! You're slipping down. 팔꿈치는 높게 유지해! 어서! 흘러내린다. 42 00:03:20,620 --> 00:03:23,240 High elbow! Five more seconds. Come on! 팔꿈치를 높이! 5 초 남았다. 어서!
On another YT channel, the coach commented that the hips drive the shoulder rotation. Never heard that one before, and always thought that it was the other way around... Watching that 6 kick/snorkel drill, it seems more obvious. Also, how come no one makes ergonomically correct swim fins? Our feet are 3 D, not flat like a frog or duck (I am an U of Oregon Duck...). The typical frog feet that are available do not promote the going pigeon toed and pronating your ankles, unless you really work at it... Unless that is the reason. I did see some specialized fins that had to be for the whip/breast stroke kick. Strange looking...
The shoulder rotation precedes the hip rotation by a few tenths of a second, depending on the stroke rate. The shoulders rotate at peak angular velocity as the lead arm strikes the water. The hips rotate as the pulling arm leaves the water. The time lapse between those depends on technique (hip, hybrid or shoulder driven) and stroke rate.
@@theraceclub I had to hunt this one up since I couldn't remember which one it was. So, I have been playing around with this a bit. Seems to me, that in every slow motion freestyle video I watch, and that is a lot of them..., the shoulder rotation starts as the pulling arm starts to pull. Rotation goes into hips, and then recover arm is the follow through. This would explain why the first kick in the 6 beat per cycle, is the strongest. For sure, with my over arm side stroke, the top arm starts the pull and then the hips twist into the scissor kick. Never felt right trying to get the hips to drive the recover arm. The pulling arm acts as an anchor to drive the twist. The recover arm may come over faster, but the pull arm is in a more solid base...
Coach, I was kind of hoping for a reply here. If you think I am crazy for that opinion, I don't mind hearing it, and it won't be the first time I have heard that, or we can agree to disagree. Am I missing some thing? Or are we talking about the same thing???
How does body rotation increase speed? Rotation is an angular movement that does not impart forward force. Unless, maybe there is a corkscrew effect going on.
This increase speed will be observed in the swimming stroke. Fast rotation with the arms in propulsion/recovery means we can pull through the water faster/more aggressively & couple better by throwing the recovering arm forward/to the surface harder.
Hi! Thanks for all your videos! I have a question though, will spending time on a stationary bike daily help my swimming or will it actually hurt it? Thank you!
+Mack R Won't hurt it. Cycling and kicking have more in common biomechanically than running and kicking. So go at it! Also helps build the aerobic systems.
One needs to start with drills, then add in the swimming slowly with rotation, then faster. Try to make the rotation quickly, as the coupling energy has to do with speed of the rotation.
We believe the drag coefficient of the human body is not appreciably different on stomach or side (or inbetween). The act of rotating the body will not adversely affect frontal drag, so long as the same streamlined shape is being held.
Body Rotation is one of the key ingredients to a fast freestyle swim technique. 몸통돌리기는 빠른 자유형 기법을 완성해가는 데 있어 중요한 요소들 중의 하나입니다. At The Race Club swim camps ( ), we believe a swimmer should rotate the shoulders maximally during most races. 우리 레이쓰클럽 캠프( )에서는, 대부분의 경기에서 수영선수는 어깨를 최대한 돌려야 한다고 확신합니다. One of the most important drills we have found in teaching swimmers how to rotate their body for freestyle swim technique is the body rotation swim drill. 몸통돌리기 수영 훈련(the body rotation swim drill)은 우리가 찾아낸 자유형 수영 기법에서 몸통 돌리는 법을 가르치는 데 있어 가장 중요한 부분훈련들 중의 하나입니다. In this swim drill we use fins and a snorkel to allow the swimmer to focus on the act of rotating. 이 훈련을 할 때, 물갈퀴와 스노클을 사용함으로써, 선수가 돌리는 행위에만 집중할 수 있게 합니다. The swimmer rotates their body aggressively so that the shoulder is vertical after 6 kicks. 6 번 찬 후 양 어깨를 잇는 선이 수직이 되도록 몸통을 공격적으로 돌립니다. Turn the body slightly or slowly and you won’t feel much increase in power, turn the body quickly and aggressively and the increase in speed will be dramatic. 약하게 혹은 느리게 몸통을 돌리면 힘이 늘어나는 것을 별로 느끼지 못하게 되므로, 몸통을 재빨리 공격적으로 돌리십시요. 속도가 급격하게 빨라질 것입니다. You can also try this drill with 12 kicks or for a real challenge try every 3. 이 훈련은 12 번 차기로 할 수도 있고, 훨씬 힘든 3 번 차기로 하는 것에 도전할 수도 있습니다.
We use many dryland exercises at the Race Club to improve our body rotation in the pool . 물 속에서의 몸통 돌리기를 향상시키기 위해, 우리 레이쓰 클럽에서는 지상 훈련을 많이 사용합니다. Bicycle Sit Ups are a great exercise we regularly incorporate into our dryland as well as Roundhouse Boxing. 자전거 타며 윗몸 일으키기(Bicycle Sit Ups) 와 함께 돌려치기 권투(Roundhouse Boxing)는 수시로 우리가 하는 지상훈련에 포함시킵니다. By using the core for these exercises one can feel a stronger connection in the pool and lead to a faster freestyle swim technique. 이 두 가지 훈련을 하는 데 있어 코어근육을 사용함으로써 물 속에서 보다 강하게 힘이 연결되는 것을 느끼게 되어 보다 빠른 자유형 기술을 구사하게 됩니다. Learn the secret to improving your rotation by learning this drill and these dryland exercises in this #swimisodes 이번 #스윔에피소드(#swimsodes)에서 이 훈련과 지상훈련을 알게 됨으로써, 몸통돌리기(body rotation)를 향상시키는 비법을 배우십시요. Thanks for watching! 시청해주셔서 감사합니다! visit us: 우리 웹사이트를 방문해주세요: Director/Editor: Richard Hall 감독/편집: 리챠드 홀 Producer: The Race Club 제작: 레이쓰클럽 Writer/Narrator: Gary Hall Sr 저술/설명: 게리 홀 시니어 Cinematographer: Frazier Nivens 촬영: 프레이저 니벤스 Music: Kyle Pittman 음악: 카일 핕맨 Live Sound: Gustavo Moller 실황 녹음: 구스타보 몰러 Jib Operator: Mikey Montoya (Jib and Co) 집 운용: 마이키 몬토야 (집앤코) Underwater Housing: AquaVideo 수중 방수: 아쿠아비디오 Filmed at our training facility Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87 Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87에 소재한 우리 훈련 시설에서 촬영했습니다 Swimmers of all ages and abilities come from all over the world to the Race Club swim camps to improve their swimming technique. Join us! 레이쓰 클럽 수영 캠프에서는 수영 기술 향상을 원하시는 전세계 모든 연령 모든 등급의 수영인들을 환영합니다. 참가하세요!
Yes! We are located in both Islamorada, FL and Coronado, CA but we also do consultation anywhere in the world! Check out our website for more details...
I was a sprint swimmer with 9.09 free short course timing and 11 secs Butterfly short course, I quit swimming because of studies ,graduation shit for indian parents , and I am 24 years old now fuck. I want to start competitive swimming , is it too late ??
theraceclub tony ervin is an inspiration, but the content of this channel got me back to pool. You gave me so many reasons to get back there and try all those small small things to improve upon 🤗🙌🙌 Thanks
The guy swiming during last part of video seems to be wasting a lot of energy splashing and smacking the water so hard. Do you encourage such a forceful stroke with the palm striking the water that way?
+nemrut It is not wasted energy. The kinetic energy of the arm recovery is one of the two coupling motions of freestyle, helping make the pull and kick stronger. The greater the velocity of the recovering arm ( and greater the length) the more kinetic energy is coupled with the propulsion. That is why sprinters have such a fast stroke rate.
that technique is used by Sprinters and he (Roland Schoeman) showed it quite well, if you search for "Florent Manaudou | World Record 50m Freestyle | 2014 FINA World Swimming Championships Doha" you will see the guy who broke his world record and how fast his time was.
By the way, Roland swims with deep almost straight arm pull here, quite opposite to what used to be promoted on the RC channel before.
Anyway, great quality as usual. Pure pleasure for the watcher's eyes to see those underwater movements in slow motion. Thanks!
+Eugene S. Yes, Roland pulls with a deep pull and I have had some discussion about that with him. However, he swims the 50 sprint and that is the one event where one can get away (to some degree) with a deeper pull. I still don't think it is the best way to pull, however...even in the 50.
Best Coach ever!
Thank you!
beautiful! love you coach and thanks.
Thanks for watching!
Great video
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it
@@theraceclub very much.
Amazing tips. Thank you very much.
You are welcome!
00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:06,360
We have a series of drills that we use to help you rotate your body more.
몸통 돌리기를 더 잘 할 수 있게 해주는 몇 가지 부분훈련(drill)이 있습니다.
00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:09,180
And the first one we do is just simply a body rotation drill.
첫번째 훈련은 단순한 몸통 돌리기 훈련입니다.
00:00:09,180 --> 00:00:11,880
With the fins on and, I want you to grab your snorkel.
물갈퀴를 신고, 스노클을 착용하세요.
00:00:12,080 --> 00:00:16,620
With your hands at your side, you gonna do six kicks on one side.
손은 옆에 붙이고, 한 쪽마다 여섯 번 차십시요.
00:00:16,840 --> 00:00:22,220
And then you're gonna snap your body, not slowly, but quickly to the other side.
그런 후, 몸통을 재빨리 반대편으로 획 돌리는데, 서서히 하면 안됩니다.
00:00:22,360 --> 00:00:24,980
You don't want to turn like the rotisserie chicken.
전기구이 통닭처럼 서서히 돌려서는 안됩니다.
00:00:25,360 --> 00:00:28,120
You're gonna be like a torpedo, going from one side to the other.
마치 어뢰가 된 듯, 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 돌리십시요.
00:00:28,120 --> 00:00:33,760
The more you, the faster you turn, the more force you can generate to pull against. OK?
더 빨리 돌릴수록, 팔로 당길 때 기대면서 이용할 수 있는 힘을 더 많이 만들어낼 수 있습니다. 아시겠죠?
00:00:33,900 --> 00:00:39,460
So, six kicks on one side, then, a quick turn all the way to vertical to the other.
자, 한 쪽으로 여섯 번 차고, 그 후에, 다른 쪽으로 획 수직이 되게 재빨리 돌리세요.
00:00:39,460 --> 00:00:41,320
Group one, ready! (Whistle blow!~)
제 1 편대, 준비! (휘파람!~)
00:00:42,900 --> 00:00:44,200
At the race club camps,
레이쓰클럽 캠프에서는,
00:00:44,200 --> 00:00:50,460
teaching swimmers how to aggressively rotate their bodies during freestyle, is one of our highest priorities.
선수들에게 자유형에서의 공격적인 몸통돌리기를 가르치는 것이 최우선 과제 중의 하나입니다.
00:00:51,300 --> 00:01:01,420
The reason is that this motion, when timed correctly, is one of the most powerful ways we can increase the distance we move down the pool, each time we take a stroke.
정확하게 때맞춤될 경우, 이 동작이 한 번 저을 때마다 갈 수 있는 거리를 늘릴 수 있는 가장 강력한 방법이기 때문입니다.(Distance per Stroke)
00:01:02,140 --> 00:01:10,080
We call this body rotation a coupling motion, because when it's coupled with the pull and the kick, it makes both of them more powerful.
몸통돌리기가 젓기, 차기 동작과 결합될 때, 젓기와 차기 모두를 더욱 강력하게 만들어주므로, 우리는 몸통돌리기를 결합동작(a coupling motion)이라 부릅니다.
00:01:11,180 --> 00:01:21,160
While rotation of the body is a vital part of developing a faster freestyle, it's the speed of the body's rotation that is most important in gaining the boost in power.
몸통돌리기가 빠른 자유형을 개발하는 데 필수적이며, 힘의 증가를 얻는 데 있어서는, 그 중에서도 몸통을 돌리는 속도가 가장 중요합니다.
00:01:21,960 --> 00:01:27,000
If you turn the body slightly or slowly, you won't see much change in the power.
약간만 혹은 천천히 몸을 돌린다면, 힘에 있어서의 변화를 많이 느낄 수 없습니다.
00:01:27,060 --> 00:01:33,500
But if you turn the body quickly and aggressively, the increase in swimming speed can be dramatic.
하지만 만약 몸통을 재빨리 그리고 공격적으로 돌리면, 헤엄치는 속도는 극적으로 빨라질 수 있습니다.
00:01:35,280 --> 00:01:43,900
There are many dryland exercises that we practice at our Race club camps to develop the abdominal muscles used for fast body rotation.
레이쓰 클럽 캠프에서는, 몸통을 빨리 돌리기 위해 사용되는 배 부위 근육을 만들기 위한 지상훈련을 많이 볼 수 있습니다.
00:01:44,360 --> 00:01:46,020
The bicycle situp.
자전거 타며 윗몸일으키기.
00:01:46,020 --> 00:01:53,020
Zach Hayden keeps both legs off the ground, bending one knee at a time, while straightening the other leg.
잭 해이든(Zach Hayden)은 양다리를 지면에서 띄운 채로, 반대쪽 다리는 쭉 펴면서, 한 번에 한쪽씩 무릎을 굽힙니다.
00:01:53,640 --> 00:02:01,060
With his hands held behind his ears, he elevates his head skyward, trying to touch one elbow to the opposite knee.
손을 귀 뒤에 붙이고, 팔꿈치로 반대쪽 무릎에 대면서, 하늘을 향해 머리를 오르락거립니다.
00:02:01,840 --> 00:02:10,040
After returning to head back down toward the ground, he quickly elevates again and rotates the body to touch the opposite elbow and knee,
머리가 바닥 쪽으로 내려온 후, 다시 재빨리 윗몸을 일으켜 반대쪽의 팔꿈치와 무릎을 맞댑니다,
00:02:10,260 --> 00:02:13,020
repeating the motion quickly for 1 minute.
이 동작을 1 분간 빠르게 반복합니다.
00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:17,520
6! 7! 8! 9! Hold!
6! 7! 8! 9! 버텨!
00:02:20,280 --> 00:02:21,680
And stop!
이제 그만!
00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:25,200
Ah, here we ago! Ready! (Whistle blow!~)
자, 시작합니다! 준비! (휘파람!~)
00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:27,700
Lock the elbows! Rotate more ab!
팔꿈치 고정! 복부를 더 돌려!
00:02:27,720 --> 00:02:29,200
Rotate all the way back! Come on!
완전히 뒤까지 돌려! 어서!
00:02:29,200 --> 00:02:30,280
Way back! That's it!
완전히 뒤로! 그래 그렇게!
00:02:30,280 --> 00:02:32,120
Elbows high! Smack her! Come on!
팔꿈치는 높게! 소리나게 때려! 어서!
00:02:32,120 --> 00:02:35,380
Hard! Fast! Powerful! Keep the elbows high! Go!
쎄게! 빠르게! 힘있게! 팔꿈치는 높게! 가!
00:02:35,460 --> 00:02:40,340
Right through! Right around! Go right on around all the way! Both directions! Elbows up! Come on! Get them up!
제껴! 돌려! 완전히 돌리란 말야! 양쪽 다! 팔꿈치 내리지 마! 조금 더! 팔꿈치 올려!
00:02:40,440 --> 00:02:43,080
Rotate! Rotate! Rotate back!
돌려! 돌려! 뒤까지 제껴!
00:02:43,180 --> 00:02:46,780
Keep the elbows locked! That's it! OK! Good!
With the roundhouse boxing exercise,
팔꿈치는 고정! 그래 그렇게! 오케이! 잘했어!
돌려치기 권투 연습을 할 때,
00:02:46,860 --> 00:02:50,680
Rebecca Soni keeps her arms elevated to a high position.
레베카 소니(Rebecca Soni)는 양팔을 높게 유지합니다.
00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:59,340
She then uses the fast rotation of the body to tap the boxing mitts with the gloves, as she goes through the complete rotation for one minute.
그러고서 몸통을 빠르게 돌려 권투 미트를 장갑낀 손으로 치면서, 완전히 돌리는 것을 1 분동안 반복합니다.
00:02:59,700 --> 00:03:11,620
By using her body to generate the speed of the gloves rather than by throwing a punch each time, Rebecca builds strength in her core muscles required for fast body rotation in freestyle.
매번, 주먹을 날리기보다는, 몸통을 사용해 장갑이 움직이는 속도를 냄으로써, 레베카는 자유형에서 빠른 몸통 돌리기를 하는 데 필요한 강력한 코어 근육을 만들어냅니다.
00:03:11,940 --> 00:03:14,380
Keep the elbows locked! That's it! Rotate! Good!
팔꿈치 고정시키고! 그래 그렇게! 돌려! 좋아!
00:03:14,380 --> 00:03:16,340
A lot of torso! That's it!
몸통을 많이 써! 그렇지!
00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:18,300
A lot of rotation in shoulders!
어깨부위를 많이 돌려!
00:03:18,300 --> 00:03:20,620
Keep the elbows up! Come on! You're slipping down.
팔꿈치는 높게 유지해! 어서! 흘러내린다.
00:03:20,620 --> 00:03:23,240
High elbow! Five more seconds. Come on!
팔꿈치를 높이! 5 초 남았다. 어서!
Speed of the rotation is the key!
best all the time. thanks.
Thank you!!
You are welcome!
On another YT channel, the coach commented that the hips drive the shoulder rotation. Never heard that one before, and always thought that it was the other way around... Watching that 6 kick/snorkel drill, it seems more obvious.
Also, how come no one makes ergonomically correct swim fins? Our feet are 3 D, not flat like a frog or duck (I am an U of Oregon Duck...). The typical frog feet that are available do not promote the going pigeon toed and pronating your ankles, unless you really work at it... Unless that is the reason. I did see some specialized fins that had to be for the whip/breast stroke kick. Strange looking...
The shoulder rotation precedes the hip rotation by a few tenths of a second, depending on the stroke rate. The shoulders rotate at peak angular velocity as the lead arm strikes the water. The hips rotate as the pulling arm leaves the water. The time lapse between those depends on technique (hip, hybrid or shoulder driven) and stroke rate.
@@theraceclub I had to hunt this one up since I couldn't remember which one it was. So, I have been playing around with this a bit. Seems to me, that in every slow motion freestyle video I watch, and that is a lot of them..., the shoulder rotation starts as the pulling arm starts to pull. Rotation goes into hips, and then recover arm is the follow through. This would explain why the first kick in the 6 beat per cycle, is the strongest. For sure, with my over arm side stroke, the top arm starts the pull and then the hips twist into the scissor kick. Never felt right trying to get the hips to drive the recover arm. The pulling arm acts as an anchor to drive the twist. The recover arm may come over faster, but the pull arm is in a more solid base...
Coach, I was kind of hoping for a reply here. If you think I am crazy for that opinion, I don't mind hearing it, and it won't be the first time I have heard that, or we can agree to disagree. Am I missing some thing? Or are we talking about the same thing???
Beyond remarkable
Great to see the girls having fun lol.
I agree!!
How does body rotation increase speed? Rotation is an angular movement that does not impart forward force. Unless, maybe there is a corkscrew effect going on.
This increase speed will be observed in the swimming stroke. Fast rotation with the arms in propulsion/recovery means we can pull through the water faster/more aggressively & couple better by throwing the recovering arm forward/to the surface harder.
@@theraceclub Ah, I see. The demo was just demonstrating the rotation, not how that enhances the full swim cycle.
Thanks!!! 👍🏼💪🏼
You are welcome, Ariana!
You don't want to be like a rotisserie chicken, you want to be like a torpedo LOL ;P
Thanks for the tip and inspiration. Is Rebecca planning to do a comback?
+fkeopfkeop Not that we know of.
Me getting back pain after swimming while trying to rotate to my left.basically i hv back pain issue.. Any remedy sir?
Try yoga to increase your flexibility
Hi! Thanks for all your videos! I have a question though, will spending time on a stationary bike daily help my swimming or will it actually hurt it? Thank you!
+Mack R Won't hurt it. Cycling and kicking have more in common biomechanically than running and kicking. So go at it! Also helps build the aerobic systems.
That's good to hear! Thank you! You have no idea how much I trust your channel. Thanks for delivering great content!
i have a problem we do a lot of these rotation exercise but whenever i time 100 or so i dont rotate at all how do i fix this problem
One needs to start with drills, then add in the swimming slowly with rotation, then faster. Try to make the rotation quickly, as the coupling energy has to do with speed of the rotation.
thanks this helped me a lot
You're welcome
its important to connect the body rotation with kicks too
+outlawbitty The coupling motion of the rotating body works with both the kick and the pulling forces.
Coach Hall, any other rotation drills you recommend to build the muscle memory.
Do Bicycle exercise on dryland. rotating situps
Does rotation create drag?
We believe the drag coefficient of the human body is not appreciably different on stomach or side (or inbetween). The act of rotating the body will not adversely affect frontal drag, so long as the same streamlined shape is being held.
Body Rotation is one of the key ingredients to a fast freestyle swim technique.
몸통돌리기는 빠른 자유형 기법을 완성해가는 데 있어 중요한 요소들 중의 하나입니다.
At The Race Club swim camps ( ), we believe a swimmer should rotate the shoulders maximally during most races.
우리 레이쓰클럽 캠프( )에서는, 대부분의 경기에서 수영선수는 어깨를 최대한 돌려야 한다고 확신합니다.
One of the most important drills we have found in teaching swimmers how to rotate their body for freestyle swim technique is the body rotation swim drill.
몸통돌리기 수영 훈련(the body rotation swim drill)은 우리가 찾아낸 자유형 수영 기법에서 몸통 돌리는 법을 가르치는 데 있어 가장 중요한 부분훈련들 중의 하나입니다.
In this swim drill we use fins and a snorkel to allow the swimmer to focus on the act of rotating.
이 훈련을 할 때, 물갈퀴와 스노클을 사용함으로써, 선수가 돌리는 행위에만 집중할 수 있게 합니다.
The swimmer rotates their body aggressively so that the shoulder is vertical after 6 kicks.
6 번 찬 후 양 어깨를 잇는 선이 수직이 되도록 몸통을 공격적으로 돌립니다.
Turn the body slightly or slowly and you won’t feel much increase in power, turn the body quickly and aggressively and the increase in speed will be dramatic.
약하게 혹은 느리게 몸통을 돌리면 힘이 늘어나는 것을 별로 느끼지 못하게 되므로, 몸통을 재빨리 공격적으로 돌리십시요. 속도가 급격하게 빨라질 것입니다.
You can also try this drill with 12 kicks or for a real challenge try every 3.
이 훈련은 12 번 차기로 할 수도 있고, 훨씬 힘든 3 번 차기로 하는 것에 도전할 수도 있습니다.
We use many dryland exercises at the Race Club to improve our body rotation in the pool .
물 속에서의 몸통 돌리기를 향상시키기 위해, 우리 레이쓰 클럽에서는 지상 훈련을 많이 사용합니다.
Bicycle Sit Ups are a great exercise we regularly incorporate into our dryland as well as Roundhouse Boxing.
자전거 타며 윗몸 일으키기(Bicycle Sit Ups) 와 함께 돌려치기 권투(Roundhouse Boxing)는 수시로 우리가 하는 지상훈련에 포함시킵니다.
By using the core for these exercises one can feel a stronger connection in the pool and lead to a faster freestyle swim technique.
이 두 가지 훈련을 하는 데 있어 코어근육을 사용함으로써 물 속에서 보다 강하게 힘이 연결되는 것을 느끼게 되어 보다 빠른 자유형 기술을 구사하게 됩니다.
Learn the secret to improving your rotation by learning this drill and these dryland exercises in this #swimisodes
이번 #스윔에피소드(#swimsodes)에서 이 훈련과 지상훈련을 알게 됨으로써, 몸통돌리기(body rotation)를 향상시키는 비법을 배우십시요.
Thanks for watching!
시청해주셔서 감사합니다!
visit us:
우리 웹사이트를 방문해주세요:
Director/Editor: Richard Hall
감독/편집: 리챠드 홀
Producer: The Race Club
제작: 레이쓰클럽
Writer/Narrator: Gary Hall Sr
저술/설명: 게리 홀 시니어
Cinematographer: Frazier Nivens
촬영: 프레이저 니벤스
Music: Kyle Pittman
음악: 카일 핕맨
Live Sound: Gustavo Moller
실황 녹음: 구스타보 몰러
Jib Operator: Mikey Montoya (Jib and Co)
집 운용: 마이키 몬토야 (집앤코)
Underwater Housing: AquaVideo
수중 방수: 아쿠아비디오
Filmed at our training facility Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87
Founders Park Islamorada, FL MM87에 소재한 우리 훈련 시설에서 촬영했습니다
Swimmers of all ages and abilities come from all over the world to the Race Club swim camps to improve their swimming technique. Join us!
레이쓰 클럽 수영 캠프에서는 수영 기술 향상을 원하시는 전세계 모든 연령 모든 등급의 수영인들을 환영합니다. 참가하세요!
What are those fins? DMC or Arena?
+Eugene S. They are DMC - You can purchase here and we ship world wide:
Is the race club in Florida
Yes! We are located in both Islamorada, FL and Coronado, CA but we also do consultation anywhere in the world! Check out our website for more details...
I was a sprint swimmer with 9.09 free short course timing and 11 secs Butterfly short course, I quit swimming because of studies ,graduation shit for indian parents , and I am 24 years old now fuck. I want to start competitive swimming , is it too late ??
Never too late, depending on what your goals are.
theraceclub tony ervin is an inspiration, but the content of this channel got me back to pool.
You gave me so many reasons to get back there and try all those small small things to improve upon
🤗🙌🙌 Thanks
The guy swiming during last part of video seems to be wasting a lot of energy splashing and smacking the water so hard.
Do you encourage such a forceful stroke with the palm striking the water that way?
+nemrut It is not wasted energy. The kinetic energy of the arm recovery is one of the two coupling motions of freestyle, helping make the pull and kick stronger. The greater the velocity of the recovering arm ( and greater the length) the more kinetic energy is coupled with the propulsion. That is why sprinters have such a fast stroke rate.
that technique is used by Sprinters and he (Roland Schoeman) showed it quite well, if you search for "Florent Manaudou | World Record 50m Freestyle | 2014 FINA World Swimming Championships Doha" you will see the guy who broke his world record and how fast his time was.
Am I the only one who felt the colour contrast and saturation of this video section a little bit irritating ?🤔🤔
Ahmdarshed A - Maybe they’ve been taking the rotisserie drill too literally?
You are spot on. Sorry about that. We are better now.
we are not worthy