It sounds like you have a great therapist. You are doing amazing working on everything in your life. Your wife is amazing too. The two of you got this. I admire both of you. Enjoy your beautiful family.
I never thought of processing trauma as a dam, but that is such a good way to explain it and is so true. I dont share the same story, but experienced extensive trauma for a long period of time. Everyday you get up and keep going just proves how strong we really are. Thinking of all fellow warriors, no matter what your story is ❤❤
I had to heal through childhood abuse of every kind from my biological father. Then God sent me on a path to become a foster parent. I was a foster parent of teenagers, mostly girls for 34 years before God gave me the sign to let me know that it was OK to retire. Six months after retired I started to have a lot of pain and within a few months I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But it was also part of God‘s plan for me. Trauma comes in waves sometimes and mine is nothing like yours. Child trauma, secondary trauma from foster children and now trauma from health issues. It comes and goes. My belief system is strong and I know for sure that God loves me, my savior loves me and that he has a plan for me, definitely is not the plan, I would’ve picked but his plan has worked in my life. It’s sad that sometimes other people affect the plan that God had for us, but if we heal through our trauma, God will give us away to make it better. Not only for us, but for others Colby, I know you don’t know me. But I want you to know That I have always been so proud of how you have walked through this pain with the whole world watching. You are an amazing young man and I have no doubt that you’re an amazing husband and amazing father. God loves you just like he loves me and like you said it will get better I promise it does.
I'm praying for you and you are so strong. I lost my mom to terminal breast cancer, my dad to colon cancer and my step mom just a few weeks ago to lung and liver cancer. All of them were recent. I love hearing that you know it's Gods plans for you. I cant imagine what it's like knowing that its terminal. Well I can because I took care of my mom the whole way through and it was hard and she had so much Faith that she would get better. I wish she did but I think God took them all because they all needed peace in their hearts. YOU ARE AMAZINGLY STRONG. My thoughts, prayers and heart is with you.❤
God bless for your inspiration that you give us. You are right brother, God has given you a benchpress and no one knows those weights but you and Him. Like you said brother, will be rewarded in the now and The Hereafter. Family, community, our generation. ❤️ 💙
While you’ll remember and keep your bro & sis in your prayers, enjoy new life. The children you have, and knowing that they will grow up with two parents that will love and protect them always.
Your trauma in particular, is unbelievably different because there are several different levels of emotion. You are dealing with grief of multiple people, your old life, your current reality and how to navigate through it. You are dealing with betrayal and your own instincts to trust in others. Having your supportive wife, babies, and faith will make you whole in a different way. Just keep moving forward. God Bless!
That you can comfort us with all that you have been through shows that you are one amazing person. You have a gift to share, and we see that every time you post. Thank you, Colby. You are as wonderful on the inside as you are on the outside. I wish you many blessings and continued healing❤
I was taught you have an empty backpack at the start of the day, and each time you're stressed throughout the day, you put in a stone. Once you get to ten stones that day , you take the backpack off and let yourself relax. That way, the backpack never gets to heavy ❤ it really has helped me , as we tend to be to hard on ourselves. You have to take that time to put the shit to the side and relax.
Colby I grew up with a mentally ill father and I understand your pain. You are always trying to figure out what’s wrong with my parents and as a child we want to help them and we love ❤️ them and sometimes we think that their problems are our fault. Believe me it’s not your fault. Praying 🙏 for continuing healing in your journey to be free from this pain and realize it was never your fault and nothing you could have done. The parent made their own choices and their choices hurt you. But detach in love because that parent had their own trauma too but you can set a healthy boundary with that parent. Whether you talk to them or not is your decision. You can forgive and decide what that looks like for you.
Thank you for always being a light for those in the dark and normalizing the need for mental health. I believe we all need it at times. My heart is always with you and your family. Sending love to all of you!
Colby, Thank you, I'm 57 and I started therapy for PTSD just 4 years ago when I really needed to start it 25 years ago and I really needed to hear what you said about the dam holding back what we can't take all at once, I have been praying my heart out and struggling with the nightmares and flash backs of the event and although I take medication it's only a tool to help and like you I just want to rip the band aide off but I know spiritually and mentally it's not the answer. I needed to hear exactly what you said, I thank you for sharing and helping me with this day, God bless you and keeping you and Kelsey in my prayers for a easy labor and delivery what a blessed little boy to have you both as parents ❤
I think the biggest value of you doing these videos right now is for your own healing. If you choose to do so you will have a great ability to help others even more in the future. When trauma finds us we cope and learn because it’s really the only choice. I have coped and healed from severe trauma without any religious belief involved. I’m not against religion but just saying that it is possible to heal through spirituality too. Love is the key element. Whenever we allow love to be greater than fear it’s a win.
That was really beautiful what you said in this video. It helped me today to trust in God's plan for my life and be patient. Little one will be here soon! The bible says be still and know that I am God. Thank you for the words of encouragement!!
You have your own beautiful family to treasure and focus on -- YOUR life, YOUR future. Making YOUR own path forward with them.💕💕 Oh, theres still underlying traumas, no doubt! Thats the baby steps in moving forward. Are you familiar with DBT? DBT is a good base for learning tools to manage lifes twists n turns. The biggest one for me in my journey, is radical acceptance! Its a real toughy, but so necessary. Wishing you all the best! Thank you for the post! 💕
Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley
I love that, scarred but beautiful. Amen. That's real. I'd rather hear that than trashy one liners from shallow people. Thank you Colby. God Bless you and everyone on this channel. Love and peace to all. xx
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the lessons you've learned. I am proud of you for using your voice in a positive and beneficial way that will help others. ❤
Colby, we don’t often realise that we need to treat ourselves with the same kindness and patience we treat others. Trauma makes us go into deep self actualisation and huge personal growth, and it connects you to God and to other humans who are going through big life’s challenges. Those strong and resilient peeps are the best people around, so it’s a great tribe to be a part of. Praying for your family and everyone going through difficult times. 🙏🏻
I am so happy that you and your sweet wife Kelsee are working through your feelings on this, it's gonna be so helpful for you in your future and your family's future. Love you all bunches ❤❤❤❤❤stay blessed 🙌
Glad you’ve prayed and healed through the terrible strife you’ve been through. It’s good to see the light at the end of the tunnel is no longer a train!
Thanks for sharing what your therapist said about the dam. And the metaphor about the train.❤ I'm a bit older than your mom, but I'm noticing more and more how weary I am as I near retirement because I never gave myself - my inner child - the time and space to work though my trauma. Or maybe the responsibilities of life never allowed for it... Colby, you are a great inspiration! What you went through is far beyond what most of us could imagine and yet you're staying strong, finding the best way to forward to make something positive come of it and, most of all, giving your time to so authentically share with us and inspire us! ❤
Thank you, Colby! Dealing with past trauma has been something I, myself, have been finally facing and am healing from. It’s painful, but man! It’s also beautiful. We gain a strength we never thought possible! And to look back and see how Jesus was right there loving me & protecting me has brought me closer to Him ❤️ Love you & your precious family! (Tell Kelsee she has to have the baby today!! It’s my kiddos bday.Lol)
You're doing an amazing job, awesome husband, father and steadfast man of God! You're such a great example for so many on how you're processing, dealing with and healing from all this trauma and loss! Not sure if you've ever heard of EMDR and ART therapy? I have complex PTSD and have made amazing strides from these techniques. It's rewiring and neuroplasticity. I hope you find peace and healing in your journey and thank you for helping others while helping yourself ❤
Thank you Colby! When I’m processing my hard things I Sometimes just cry cuz tears are healing. It comes and goes like letting some of that dam water out of the dam. Not gonna let it out all at once cuz it may do more damage.
Colby, you are a true and sincere follower of Christ. What we take in makes us who we are. When we use gore and terror and evil for entertainment, it changes who we are and opens that door to our heart and soul for the evil one. So many as the Bible says are near to Jesus with their tongues but not with their hearts. To glorify and celebrate evil is.. evil, plain and simple. For this reason I've ceased to observe Halloween. I don't judge anyone who doesnt do as I do, but this move has felt right and good to me. Thank you for speaking this unpopular truth, and for keeping your soul and your home as safe from the adversary as possible. You sir are a true Christian and hero❤️
All my best wishes for the baby boy! About helping each others and lifting each other up, when we speak truth about our own lives and experiences, that is what other people will resonate with. It makes it both harder and more easy to be there for each other. More easy, becasue one does not have to figure out just what to say and how to say it for the other persons sake. Harder, because realising what is truth in our own haert might be painful.
There is no correct way, just focus on the present and love your family. You are on the right road young man. We all get older and don’t always understand, appreciate or absolutely hate what the adults in our life did. You are on the extreme end of this natural challenge, because of the betrayal beyond our comprehension. ❤️
You're such an inspiration and I know you'll get there. You're doing great and we should all be proud of you. Keep moving, learning and growing. Most importantly, doing what you're already doing- sharing and helping others. It can be very helpful. I've been through something very similar, just not the insane public aspect and for sure not as severe, but still so awful. Grace and time are also key. Be kind to yourself along the way. It never goes away, but you can turn even this level of adversity into a massive tool of strength. It does get easier with time, understanding by doing the work and a new found appreciation for the good ones in your life. Much luck and love to anyone going through trauma. ❤
Colby you have a way to make the viewer feel like you are talking with them … like one on one… it’s a beautiful gift you have. But almost every time I listen tears want to roll down my cheeks. I’ve been in amazing therapy for 3 years and yet those traumas still hit expecially on certain “big” dates. I fear this month and next as big traumas have happened. I want to hide and not listen to your podcasts just because your words are so powerful. But I feel hearing your perspective does help. So very much. Prayers to you and your beautiful family!
Your strong faith is beautiful to witness, Colby. Thank you for sharing it! I'm praying for you and your family. I'm so excited for the new baby to arrive, best wishes for a healthy arrival.
Colby, I want to thank you for YOUR encouragement today❤ I needed to hear it. I've been in a hard place in life for awhile, always wondering why God has me here. It's for a purpose & although it is difficult, it's NOT more than I can handle. Praying for you & Kelsey and that sweet baby boy 🩵 that will be in your arms soon🙏
You are truly amazing. Every time I see you I cry. The tears are sad because of what you have gone through and happy for the way you are handling all of this. Love you buddy. Can't wait to hear about the new little man and how his sisters welcome him.
I like that about the Dam that’s pretty good. I live by the ocean and I always say when the high tide comes in I know it’s not going to last -it will be low tide again. This happens over and over again, of course, but just knowing that it won’t last helps. Congratulations on your new baby!
Oh that’s so true. Give yourself grace. I have a hard time doing that for myself. I literally told my therapist about the wall that’s up. Literally no end in sight, can’t see above it. Mine is like a foot thick concrete reinforced with steel. I mean. Wow. Wth. This is going to take a long time. Trauma from childhood up until late adulthood and I’m like ok this is sucking. Ty for your words! It helps to hear from others
I love that you are doing this work while your children are young,thats so important! All my boys were stubborn too 😂 so I feel so much for your wife, it aint easy.
Colby, as I started itching your video, I started, first, as I always do, just look at you and ask myself, how are you still doing, after all the things you went through, and the encouragement that you gave me, in the first couple of minutes, helped me so much. Your compassion touched my heart. Then I suddenly thought, he's been through unimaginable trauma and here he is encouraging me. I started crying uncontrollably. Oh Colby, thank you so much for inspiring me. You have a beautiful family. God has given you a gift of encouraging others Thank you so much and congratulations on your new baby boy. Your wife is so beautiful. God has blessed you with a wonderful family and I encourage you to keep up the good work. Hang in there. Jesus will see you through. God bless you and your family ❤
Colby, you have so many Mothers on your channel and you are going to thrive in helping others and in receiving the love & support from your audience. I am so glad you are seeing a therapist. It sounds like you have clicked with this professional. I am a retired therapist and it makes me happy to know you have a good counselor. It matters. And yes, God is the center of everything. I have also experienced extreme trauma during my lifetime and my trauma was caused by family members that are no longer part of my life. It has taken a long time, but I am finally at peace. I have three adult children. Michael is 37. Jordan is 32 and Logan is 30. I have five grandchildren, ages 9,7,5,4,&1! What I did not have growing up, I had the opportunity to create as an adult. I did not have a stable loving family but I am creating my family now as a mother and grandmother. So, consider me one of your Star Wars Moms! I bet there are a lot of us. You will have a big family right here. And Colby, you have already touched so many lives. I have no doubt God has great plans for you. ❤️🙏 We will be excited to meet the new baby when the time is right! Grace &Peace.
I’m inspired by your strength and wisdom.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Colby, I can't express how proud I am of you. Everything you said is right on.
Giving yourself grace is so important. Trauma is real and the wounds we carry from childhood can be overcome. Keep up the amazing work, Colby!
So thankful you aren’t in denial about your mom! Bravo to you Colby
Thank you for being REAL AND RAW AND HONEST about how things are and how to handle the hard things we're going through! I appreciate it!
That was beautiful, so generous, to share that hope with us all, thank you xo
Prayers for quick, easy, healthy delivery!!!
It sounds like you have a great therapist. You are doing amazing working on everything in your life. Your wife is amazing too. The two of you got this. I admire both of you. Enjoy your beautiful family.
Thank you for including us on your healing journey. Colby, you are doing so well, bless you! 👩🏼🫶🏽❤️👋🏼✌🏼
🙏❤Prayers for a speedy, healthy delivery for mini Colby. 😜
Watching on catch-up! You are 100% correct! I’m glad you are seeing someone!
U have come a long way Colby.. we all love & support u, and u are Def a smart young man. May God continue to heal your hearts
I never thought of processing trauma as a dam, but that is such a good way to explain it and is so true. I dont share the same story, but experienced extensive trauma for a long period of time. Everyday you get up and keep going just proves how strong we really are.
Thinking of all fellow warriors, no matter what your story is ❤❤
Thank you Colby your an inspiration! 🙏❤️
I had to heal through childhood abuse of every kind from my biological father. Then God sent me on a path to become a foster parent. I was a foster parent of teenagers, mostly girls for 34 years before God gave me the sign to let me know that it was OK to retire. Six months after retired I started to have a lot of pain and within a few months I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But it was also part of God‘s plan for me. Trauma comes in waves sometimes and mine is nothing like yours. Child trauma, secondary trauma from foster children and now trauma from health issues. It comes and goes. My belief system is strong and I know for sure that God loves me, my savior loves me and that he has a plan for me, definitely is not the plan, I would’ve picked but
his plan has worked in my life. It’s sad that sometimes other people affect the plan that God had for us, but if we heal through our trauma, God will give us away to make it better. Not only for us, but for others Colby, I know you don’t know me. But I want you to know That I have always been so proud of how you have walked through this pain with the whole world watching. You are an amazing young man and I have no doubt that you’re an amazing husband and amazing father. God loves you just like he loves me and like you said it will get better I promise it does.
I'm praying for you and you are so strong. I lost my mom to terminal breast cancer, my dad to colon cancer and my step mom just a few weeks ago to lung and liver cancer. All of them were recent. I love hearing that you know it's Gods plans for you. I cant imagine what it's like knowing that its terminal. Well I can because I took care of my mom the whole way through and it was hard and she had so much Faith that she would get better. I wish she did but I think God took them all because they all needed peace in their hearts. YOU ARE AMAZINGLY STRONG. My thoughts, prayers and heart is with you.❤
God bless for your inspiration that you give us. You are right brother, God has given you a benchpress and no one knows those weights but you and Him. Like you said brother, will be rewarded in the now and The Hereafter. Family, community, our generation. ❤️ 💙
Wise words Colby 🙏💙
God bless you and Kelsee and your 3 beautiful children (one still reluctant to show himself!) 😂❤🙏🏼🩵💜 Praying for you all!
While you’ll remember and keep your bro & sis in your prayers, enjoy new life. The children you have, and knowing that they will grow up with two parents that will love and protect them always.
You have become a Therapist for us all ..Thank you
I agree with you 🫶
Your trauma in particular, is unbelievably different because there are several different levels of emotion. You are dealing with grief of multiple people, your old life, your current reality and how to navigate through it. You are dealing with betrayal and your own instincts to trust in others. Having your supportive wife, babies, and faith will make you whole in a different way. Just keep moving forward. God Bless!
That you can comfort us with all that you have been through shows that you are one amazing person. You have a gift to share, and we see that every time you post. Thank you, Colby. You are as wonderful on the inside as you are on the outside. I wish you many blessings and continued healing❤
Thank you Colby, for taking us on this journey with you may God bless you and your precious family 🥀
Welcome sweet baby! Thank you, Colby.
Yes YES YES Colby ! There is a life forward from trauma ! Jesus is my answer, my source of comfort, hope and reason for living.
I was taught you have an empty backpack at the start of the day, and each time you're stressed throughout the day, you put in a stone. Once you get to ten stones that day , you take the backpack off and let yourself relax. That way, the backpack never gets to heavy ❤ it really has helped me , as we tend to be to hard on ourselves. You have to take that time to put the shit to the side and relax.
@@scousesally5977 Great analogy 👍
Thank you, Colby. Your words gave me strength
I hope today is your beautiful healthy baby boy’s birthday too, Colby and Kelsee!!
Thank you, Colby for your heart!
Colby I grew up with a mentally ill father and I understand your pain. You are always trying to figure out what’s wrong with my parents and as a child we want to help them and we love ❤️ them and sometimes we think that their problems are our fault. Believe me it’s not your fault. Praying 🙏 for continuing healing in your journey to be free from this pain and realize it was never your fault and nothing you could have done. The parent made their own choices and their choices hurt you. But detach in love because that parent had their own trauma too but you can set a healthy boundary with that parent. Whether you talk to them or not is your decision. You can forgive and decide what that looks like for you.
God bless you!
Thank you for always being a light for those in the dark and normalizing the need for mental health. I believe we all need it at times. My heart is always with you and your family. Sending love to all of you!
We are all waiting for your baby😂❤
Colby, Thank you, I'm 57 and I started therapy for PTSD just 4 years ago when I really needed to start it 25 years ago and I really needed to hear what you said about the dam holding back what we can't take all at once, I have been praying my heart out and struggling with the nightmares and flash backs of the event and although I take medication it's only a tool to help and like you I just want to rip the band aide off but I know spiritually and mentally it's not the answer. I needed to hear exactly what you said, I thank you for sharing and helping me with this day, God bless you and keeping you and Kelsey in my prayers for a easy labor and delivery what a blessed little boy to have you both as parents ❤
Thank you! I really needed to hear these words of encouragement right now! God Bless you and your beautiful family!
I think the biggest value of you doing these videos right now is for your own healing. If you choose to do so you will have a great ability to help others even more in the future. When trauma finds us we cope and learn because it’s really the only choice.
I have coped and healed from severe trauma without any religious belief involved. I’m not against religion but just saying that it is possible to heal through spirituality too. Love is the key element. Whenever we allow love to be greater than fear it’s a win.
That was really beautiful what you said in this video. It helped me today to trust in God's plan for my life and be patient. Little one will be here soon! The bible says be still and know that I am God. Thank you for the words of encouragement!!
Thank you Colby for your ln encouragement .You are appreciated and Loved.
You have your own beautiful family to treasure and focus on -- YOUR life, YOUR future. Making YOUR own path forward with them.💕💕 Oh, theres still underlying traumas, no doubt! Thats the baby steps in moving forward.
Are you familiar with DBT? DBT is a good base for learning tools to manage lifes twists n turns. The biggest one for me in my journey, is radical acceptance! Its a real toughy, but so necessary. Wishing you all the best! Thank you for the post! 💕
Thanks Colby, Thank you for sharing your Wisdom, your True Spiritual Insight🙏🫶
I haven’t been through what you’ve been through, but I 100% know this: TO GET OVER IT, you have to walk back through it!! ❤🙏🏻
You look happy. Peacefulness will find you. Congratulations on the baby
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley
I love that, scarred but beautiful. Amen. That's real. I'd rather hear that than trashy one liners from shallow people. Thank you Colby. God Bless you and everyone on this channel. Love and peace to all. xx
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the lessons you've learned. I am proud of you for using your voice in a positive and beneficial way that will help others. ❤
Colby, we don’t often realise that we need to treat ourselves with the same kindness and patience we treat others. Trauma makes us go into deep self actualisation and huge personal growth, and it connects you to God and to other humans who are going through big life’s challenges. Those strong and resilient peeps are the best people around, so it’s a great tribe to be a part of. Praying for your family and everyone going through difficult times. 🙏🏻
I am so happy that you and your sweet wife Kelsee are working through your feelings on this, it's gonna be so helpful for you in your future and your family's future. Love you all bunches ❤❤❤❤❤stay blessed 🙌
Your a very special man colby.. i wish you & your beautiful family peace & happiness Always 🥰
Glad you’ve prayed and healed through the terrible strife you’ve been through. It’s good to see the light at the end of the tunnel is no longer a train!
Thanks for sharing what your therapist said about the dam. And the metaphor about the train.❤
I'm a bit older than your mom, but I'm noticing more and more how weary I am as I near retirement because I never gave myself - my inner child - the time and space to work though my trauma. Or maybe the responsibilities of life never allowed for it...
Colby, you are a great inspiration! What you went through is far beyond what most of us could imagine and yet you're staying strong, finding the best way to forward to make something positive come of it and, most of all, giving your time to so authentically share with us and inspire us! ❤
You are an amazing husband and dad!❤
Thank you, Colby! Dealing with past trauma has been something I, myself, have been finally facing and am healing from. It’s painful, but man! It’s also beautiful. We gain a strength we never thought possible! And to look back and see how Jesus was right there loving me & protecting me has brought me closer to Him ❤️ Love you & your precious family! (Tell Kelsee she has to have the baby today!! It’s my kiddos bday.Lol)
You're doing an amazing job, awesome husband, father and steadfast man of God! You're such a great example for so many on how you're processing, dealing with and healing from all this trauma and loss! Not sure if you've ever heard of EMDR and ART therapy? I have complex PTSD and have made amazing strides from these techniques. It's rewiring and neuroplasticity. I hope you find peace and healing in your journey and thank you for helping others while helping yourself ❤
You have the potential to help others. You seem so genuine. Your experience, trauma, ability to keep moving forward. Bravo!
Good Word Colby Ryan 👍Thank you for living in THE LIGHT and sharing HIM with the lost and hurting
Happy Sunday Colby and Family 😊
I love that your channel is growing so fast. Very well deserved Colby 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Great message today, Colby 🙏🙏
Thank you Colby! When I’m processing my hard things I Sometimes just cry cuz tears are healing. It comes and goes like letting some of that dam water out of the dam. Not gonna let it out all at once cuz it may do more damage.
Colby, you are a true and sincere follower of Christ. What we take in makes us who we are. When we use gore and terror and evil for entertainment, it changes who we are and opens that door to our heart and soul for the evil one. So many as the Bible says are near to Jesus with their tongues but not with their hearts. To glorify and celebrate evil is.. evil, plain and simple. For this reason I've ceased to observe Halloween. I don't judge anyone who doesnt do as I do, but this move has felt right and good to me. Thank you for speaking this unpopular truth, and for keeping your soul and your home as safe from the adversary as possible. You sir are a true Christian and hero❤️
All my best wishes for the baby boy!
About helping each others and lifting each other up, when we speak truth about our own lives and experiences, that is what other people will resonate with. It makes it both harder and more easy to be there for each other. More easy, becasue one does not have to figure out just what to say and how to say it for the other persons sake. Harder, because realising what is truth in our own haert might be painful.
We all love you & your family & understand - focus on your family right now, we can wait
You're so brave and strong. I'm very proud of you and everything that you have overcome!
There is no correct way, just focus on the present and love your family. You are on the right road young man. We all get older and don’t always understand, appreciate or absolutely hate what the adults in our life did. You are on the extreme end of this natural challenge, because of the betrayal beyond our comprehension. ❤️
You're such an inspiration and I know you'll get there. You're doing great and we should all be proud of you. Keep moving, learning and growing. Most importantly, doing what you're already doing- sharing and helping others. It can be very helpful. I've been through something very similar, just not the insane public aspect and for sure not as severe, but still so awful. Grace and time are also key. Be kind to yourself along the way. It never goes away, but you can turn even this level of adversity into a massive tool of strength. It does get easier with time, understanding by doing the work and a new found appreciation for the good ones in your life. Much luck and love to anyone going through trauma. ❤
Give yourself lots of love and grace Colby. We are all here to pray for you and support you. ❤
Awww Colby we love you!!! ❤❤❤
God Bless you and your family are so good at these trauma videos and I really need this positive message!
Thank you, Colby
What an amazing show! Thank you for insight and sharing. ❤
Colby you have a way to make the viewer feel like you are talking with them … like one on one… it’s a beautiful gift you have. But almost every time I listen tears want to roll down my cheeks. I’ve been in amazing therapy for 3 years and yet those traumas still hit expecially on certain “big” dates. I fear this month and next as big traumas have happened. I want to hide and not listen to your podcasts just because your words are so powerful. But I feel hearing your perspective does help. So very much. Prayers to you and your beautiful family!
The Bible says that God does not test us himself, but he does allow us to be tested, only up to what He knows we can endure
Yay, Colby and Kelsey🤗❤️🤗🦋💕🌈‼️
Thank you. Sending lots of love, light and prayers.
Thank you Colby I lost my boyfriend of 19 years and you really helped me your amazing congratulations when your baby boy is born 😢❤
Thank you Colby! I needed this today! I just started EMDR therapy and it's changing my life.
You're doing an amazing job of encouraging and relating with us Colby. Praying for a happy and healthy baby boy birthday today! 🙏💙
It will be with you for the rest of your life but you will learn to deal with it through all the stages. Never give up.
Your strong faith is beautiful to witness, Colby. Thank you for sharing it! I'm praying for you and your family. I'm so excited for the new baby to arrive, best wishes for a healthy arrival.
** * Would Love to Talk with you Colby.. sending love and kindness to you and your family ❤
Colby, I want to thank you for YOUR encouragement today❤ I needed to hear it. I've been in a hard place in life for awhile, always wondering why God has me here. It's for a purpose & although it is difficult, it's NOT more than I can handle.
Praying for you & Kelsey and that sweet baby boy 🩵 that will be in your arms soon🙏
Thankyou Colby. I needed to hear this ❤❤❤❤ bless you
Thank you Colby and Kelsy
Kansas loves & supports you ❤
You are truly amazing. Every time I see you I cry. The tears are sad because of what you have gone through and happy for the way you are handling all of this. Love you buddy. Can't wait to hear about the new little man and how his sisters welcome him.
So happy that you have Jesus❤, He is always here for us!
I like that about the Dam that’s pretty good. I live by the ocean and I always say when the high tide comes in I know it’s not going to last -it will be low tide again. This happens over and over again, of course, but just knowing that it won’t last helps. Congratulations on your new baby!
Blessings and love for your sweet family .
Oh that’s so true. Give yourself grace. I have a hard time doing that for myself. I literally told my therapist about the wall that’s up. Literally no end in sight, can’t see above it. Mine is like a foot thick concrete reinforced with steel. I mean. Wow. Wth. This is going to take a long time. Trauma from childhood up until late adulthood and I’m like ok this is sucking. Ty for your words! It helps to hear from others
I love that you are doing this work while your children are young,thats so important! All my boys were stubborn too 😂 so I feel so much for your wife, it aint easy.
Wow, so impressed with your wisdom. You should definitely go towards counseling as a career. 🎉❤
Baby's not stubborn he's strong just like his mommy and daddy
Colby, as I started itching your video, I started, first, as I always do, just look at you and ask myself, how are you still doing, after all the things you went through, and the encouragement that you gave me, in the first couple of minutes, helped me so much. Your compassion touched my heart. Then I suddenly thought, he's been through unimaginable trauma and here he is encouraging me. I started crying uncontrollably. Oh Colby, thank you so much for inspiring me. You have a beautiful family. God has given you a gift of encouraging others Thank you so much and congratulations on your new baby boy. Your wife is so beautiful. God has blessed you with a wonderful family and I encourage you to keep up the good work. Hang in there. Jesus will see you through. God bless you and your family ❤
Sending a ❤ to you and your family ❤️
Your baby comes next week 😅😊
This video ❤ was especially beautiful Colby 😊thank you.
TY I needed these words today❤
You are one amazing person. ❤
Colby, you have so many Mothers on your channel and you are going to thrive in helping others and in receiving the love & support from your audience. I am so glad you are seeing a therapist. It sounds like you have clicked with this professional. I am a retired therapist and it makes me happy to know you have a good counselor. It matters. And yes, God is the center of everything. I have also experienced extreme trauma during my lifetime and my trauma was caused by family members that are no longer part of my life. It has taken a long time, but I am finally at peace. I have three adult children. Michael is 37. Jordan is 32 and Logan is 30. I have five grandchildren, ages 9,7,5,4,&1! What I did not have growing up, I had the opportunity to create as an adult. I did not have a stable loving family but I am creating my family now as a mother and grandmother. So, consider me one of your Star Wars Moms! I bet there are a lot of us. You will have a big family right here. And Colby, you have already touched so many lives. I have no doubt God has great plans for you. ❤️🙏 We will be excited to meet the new baby when the time is right! Grace &Peace.