I watched the whole thing damn. The history of LoL is in these clips. Insane dedication to get all these clips. Also props to those people who kept playing they onetrick even long years after the clips.
I'm so glad you included the old Morde penta, made my day seeing he disembowel like he used to (not saying he's weak after rework, but you need to build so much tank that your dmg output is too low for one shots)
Links: A-J
0:12 AATROX Hashinshin www.twitch.tv/hashinshin
0:38 AHRI www.twitch.tv/hammyhamster123
1:07 AKALI Professor Akali th-cam.com/channels/DIJhfKjVYlbo5-oQvM5EqQ.html
1:46 ALISTAR th-cam.com/channels/Kv8p7GVddpKEeNN33rPUPQ.html
2:32 AMUMU th-cam.com/channels/8z1DXmILnxM9APWm72IWag.html
3:02 ANIVIA Froggen th-cam.com/channels/Ctqo-zzKZhBNxwAjlqX4rA.html
3:38 ANNIE Annie Bot th-cam.com/channels/bP-VaqDLVVcRdQnDTSGsZw.html
3:58 APHELIOS Glacierr Gaming th-cam.com/channels/Jqai6C4UfgtmnECGTJcudA.html
4:20 ASHE Bang th-cam.com/channels/nDcpS7XLQ9KFPqULb9TH8g.html
5:00 AURELION SOL G2 Caps www.twitch.tv/caps
5:41 AZIR Unexpected www.twitch.tv/unexpectedlol
5:57 BARD BunnyFuFuu th-cam.com/channels/v7PqO2lW3eK16sQngYPwsA.html
6:55 BLITZCRANK th-cam.com/channels/qN89dSkyV6uBfSoZ--2UsQ.html
7:29 BRAND Scarra th-cam.com/channels/an_L4XHfSbCKaTCcntyLTQ.html
7:43 BRAUM th-cam.com/channels/mSfLd_UozmnJfOVs0suHXA.html
8:28 CAITLYN Doublelift th-cam.com/channels/rPCP1oaOr0AEs2JdxzfOFA.html
9:08 CAMILLE th-cam.com/channels/cjxOVHOlkiibVl27JfSsNA.html
9:40 CASSIOPIA Faker www.twitch.tv/faker
10:05 CHO'GATH th-cam.com/channels/XVPGDrR6-OPqEAyD9t2BSQ.html
10:29 CORKI th-cam.com/channels/KzfQpo7IPQF3_K5qqYjOiA.html
11:01 DARIUS Hashinshin www.twitch.tv/hashinshin
11:29 DIANA th-cam.com/channels/nE4rGoi8DVECDzAi0SvweQ.html
11:48 DR. MUNDO St. Vicious th-cam.com/users/saintvicious676
12:36 DRAVEN Tyler1 th-cam.com/channels/wV_0HmQkRrTcrReaMxPeDw.html
13:20 EKKO Huni www.twitch.tv/huni
14:04 ELISE BunnyFuFuu th-cam.com/channels/v7PqO2lW3eK16sQngYPwsA.html
14:47 EVELYNN th-cam.com/channels/snSw14Qo1WK0i7OSA624pw.html
15:10 EZREAL Stixxay www.twitch.tv/stixxay
15:59 FIDDLESTICKS www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/e7vwmp/elder_dragon_buff_fiddle_ult_fastest_penta_of_all/
16:14 FIORA KDM Edge th-cam.com/channels/KVlixycWmapnGQ_wht4cHQ.html
16:58 FIZZ Bjergsen th-cam.com/users/BjergsenLoL
17:36 GALIO Xiaohu th-cam.com/channels/ck3GtfaB356euYQPXvMPhw.html
18:19 GANGPLANK th-cam.com/video/wzrCSOcrAUI/w-d-xo.html
18:46 GAREN www.twitch.tv/saltyteemo
19:07 GNAR www.twitch.tv/thealdurion
19:32 GRAGAS Siv HD th-cam.com/users/WQLFY
20:06 GRAVES Tarzaned th-cam.com/channels/g5qiSDvo1D6S4jv4iyXg4A.html
20:53 HECARIM th-cam.com/channels/Sb1x-B8fJwn1YQUnRDXQ1w.html
21:09 HEIMERDINGER th-cam.com/channels/VUadOYDJnNtxRVEpVuZ-zA.html
22:07 ILLAOI th-cam.com/channels/NTJiOdNba8_IBqupJyIDkw.html
21:39 IRELIA TF Blade th-cam.com/channels/NEmy4a6O2q0ZCz7Qi2MThA.html
22:27 IVERN th-cam.com/channels/qN89dSkyV6uBfSoZ--2UsQ.html
23:06 JANNA Emerson th-cam.com/channels/lRj1Vs96bjj9gV7SJAj-bQ.html
23:45 JARVEN Hayate th-cam.com/video/YjCiV0GYZ_E/w-d-xo.html
24:18 JAX Hashinshin www.twitch.tv/hashinshin
24:59 JAYCE Full Metal Jayce www.twitch.tv/fmjayce
25:33 JHIN th-cam.com/channels/ui2kkBiYmrMsr6uZFvpFyg.html
26:04 JINX Doublelift th-cam.com/channels/rPCP1oaOr0AEs2JdxzfOFA.html
26:46 KAI'SA Viper th-cam.com/channels/KVlixycWmapnGQ_wht4cHQ.html
27:16 KALISTA LYN WhiteLotus www.twitch.tv/whitelotuslol
27:56 KARMA Turun Markku th-cam.com/video/4TuuLLqvu0U/w-d-xo.html
28:17 KARTHUS th-cam.com/channels/z202xFAZ5esvkLCUighbYg.html
28:49 KASSADIN th-cam.com/channels/dzg7959iV0gQVto5K685NQ.html
29:08 KATARINA Scarra th-cam.com/channels/an_L4XHfSbCKaTCcntyLTQ.html
29:27 KAYLE BunnyFufuu www.twitch.tv/bunnyfufuu
30:05 KAYN Karasmai th-cam.com/channels/a6vtrqKmfEWWA7dgD5TFrg.html
30:56 KENNEN th-cam.com/channels/J6Q9XngfCKH9QsbGs31vZw.html
31:13 KHA'ZIX Alex Ich www.twitch.tv/alexich
31:55 KINDRED Rush www.twitch.tv/rush
32:34 KLED th-cam.com/channels/YqM6n4wpebslEQqtzaQBfQ.html
33:20 KOG'MAW OMGs1mlz th-cam.com/channels/iLtwQM-6PbImq5QCYALumg.html
33:53 LEBLANC Faker www.twitch.tv/faker
34:54 LEE SIN Heizman th-cam.com/channels/gKshtw1k7w0Yw8lh41jMMQ.html
35:09 LEONA th-cam.com/channels/QjgOjY422X7TjKZN96fwiQ.html
35:38 LISSANDRA www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/c6lwuw/so_i_got_a_pentakill_with_lissandra_passive/
36:10 LUCIAN Sneaky www.twitch.tv/c9sneaky
36:56 LULU th-cam.com/channels/anJ9iyx9A8kFOmfyWg3hIw.html
37:18 LUX th-cam.com/channels/GlIQGD4bTo7dSKq747A9wg.html
37:45 MALPHITE th-cam.com/channels/wtMCMKxXJeXDIhS_vBx0Tw.html
38:00 MALZAHAR Jensen www.twitch.tv/jensen
38:53 MAOKAI th-cam.com/channels/Ep-KF5vb-oMdJCnu3LMYeQ.html
39:12 MASTER YI Cowsep www.twitch.tv/cowsep
39:44 MISS FORTUNE th-cam.com/channels/eMxm4yDto9s2kzWG6E7jgQ.html
39:54 MORDEKAISER KatEvolved th-cam.com/channels/kD0audCDrzuj1UGVC2Dh1A.html
41:08 MORGANA th-cam.com/channels/C-8BjixLep6gXTjJ4KHwSQ.html
41:21 NAMI th-cam.com/channels/U_Xc7q692xohn6GSauxyvA.html
41:57 NASUS Trick2G th-cam.com/channels/uSrv3qgQA7SSi6R9bWag5A.html
43:07 NAUTILUS Anklespankin www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
43:52 NEEKO th-cam.com/channels/84aQWhzgWRF40v6RMZp54A.html
44:01 NIDALEE th-cam.com/channels/lVJDYG4tYmLiyrAI3jbLHg.html
44:56 NOCTURNE th-cam.com/channels/2wtZ8e5ETdydJ_LZTCdhcg.html
45:26 NUNU th-cam.com/channels/z19uwx9uCdfn4LVrXCiu1A.html
45:47 OLAF th-cam.com/channels/jVqgY47c2lfUHKLFaURUBA.html
46:21 ORIANNA Bjergsen th-cam.com/users/BjergsenLoL
47:31 ORNN th-cam.com/channels/o99ZXbAQ0EM927w7GK-6QQ.html
47:58 PANTHEON th-cam.com/channels/ABaONDEjZ39lIIRVfdRmOQ.html
48:31 POPPY th-cam.com/channels/vKVG3PyFzY4YGXlKnHDSoA.html
49:12 PYKE th-cam.com/video/h69UE4LAkQU/w-d-xo.html
49:32 QIYANA Professor Qiyana th-cam.com/channels/DIJhfKjVYlbo5-oQvM5EqQ.html
49:54 QUINN Senpai Moto th-cam.com/channels/69TQA3M95CCTLJcLNe2YcQ.html
50:28 RAKAN th-cam.com/channels/MIHx0ajHUYDRnkCFAiD_EQ.html
51:10 RAMMUS th-cam.com/channels/7OllbY3_uyZHyeyQ6G_Xaw.html
51:46 REK'SAI TheOddOne th-cam.com/users/OddOneLoL
52:39 RENEKTON RenektonTopOnly (RTO) www.twitch.tv/rto_lol/
53:12 RENGAR ScrubNoob www.twitch.tv/scrubnoob
53:34 RIVEN BoxBox www.twitch.tv/boxbox
53:58 RUMBLE AnDa www.twitch.tv/anda
54:48 RYZE th-cam.com/channels/TCJb0wLqdOiYiNm9iI0sCQ.html
55:04 SEJUANI th-cam.com/channels/rxar14Wv-C0YmxtZZqIscw.html
55:40 SENNA th-cam.com/channels/CsJ-srTQpMBWLC2JvhalKQ.html
56:20 SETT Yassuo & Bunny th-cam.com/channels/T_j3a9mJYv601Tp3Bcy-QQ.html
58:00 SHACO Chase www.twitch.tv/chaseshaco
58:23 SHEN th-cam.com/channels/RdPOh-2267gdRq5R88IV0A.html
59:07 SHYVANNA th-cam.com/channels/g-xSo-IHOgR2xiM5sOipGQ.html
59:47 SINGED Sirchez www.twitch.tv/sirhcez
01:00:06 SION th-cam.com/channels/V24z_2KeHcjVP67Nr_HEpA.html
01:00:49 SIVIR th-cam.com/channels/zAypSoOFKCZUts3ULtVT_g.html
01:01:40 SKARNER th-cam.com/channels/VQZLdbh6fWI76HGt_qXynQ.html
01:02:18 SONA www.twitch.tv/masheymaru
01:03:09 SORAKA HaoTV www.twitch.tv/haotv
01:04:09 SWAIN th-cam.com/channels/ZYxMzFDVB99vFeLEAF_OXw.html
01:04:40 SYLAS Trick2G www.twitch.tv/trick2g
01:05:31 SYNDRA Faker www.twitch.tv/faker/clips?tt_content=player_profile_img
01:05:57 TAHM KENCH th-cam.com/channels/Xh29oVkTzKE-BOnAokeUbQ.html
01:06:55 TALIYAH Immortoru www.twitch.tv/immortoru
01:07:24 TALON th-cam.com/channels/4woFvnFoFSwvvZec3V-gVA.html
01:07:38 TARIC th-cam.com/channels/x8o6nVbrYJQCx3MuI34ayQ.html
01:08:17 TEEMO th-cam.com/channels/9EWsypnyyQkwYo9xcvOYiw.html
01:08:54 THRESH th-cam.com/channels/1tWWOabrnq_jo0WTBhjLlQ.html
01:09:54 TRISTANA Rekkles www.twitch.tv/rekkles
01:10:52 TRUNDLE th-cam.com/channels/Z6UnSfY9PJwk3CYOym98cA.html
01:11:33 TRYNDAMERE Fogged www.twitch.tv/foggedftw2
01:12:35 TWISTED FATE Gross Gore www.twitch.tv/grossie_gore
01:13:21 TWITCH RAT IRL www.twitch.tv/ratirl
01:13:51 UDYR Trick2G www.twitch.tv/trick2g/videos
01:14:18 URGOT www.twitch.tv/goliathgames
01:14:55 VARUS Yuuki60 th-cam.com/channels/zAypSoOFKCZUts3ULtVT_g.html
01:15:36 VAYNE Gosu www.twitch.tv/gosu
01:16:08 VEIGAR th-cam.com/channels/ATaZrRPHwBFzTunDjwcqGQ.html
01:16:22 VELKOZ Azzapp www.twitch.tv/azzapp
01:16:52 VI Super Metroid www.twitch.tv/supermetroid
01:17:41 VIKTOR Brizzilla www.twitch.tv/brizzilla
01:18:11 VLADIMIR Elite500 www.twitch.tv/elite500
01:18:38 VOLIBEAR www.twitch.tv/jakedamaster
01:19:19 WARWICK th-cam.com/channels/uuMYgbS4RnSMk3yNQOX3cA.html
01:20:18 WUKONG Harambe www.twitch.tv/harambe
01:21:08 XAYAH NoahMost www.twitch.tv/riotgames
01:21:46 XERATH Zwag www.twitch.tv/zwag
01:22:41 XIN ZHAO www.twitch.tv/ianvv3
01:23:10 YASUO Yassuo (Moe) www.twitch.tv/yassuo
01:23:32 YORICK www.twitch.tv/rto_lol
01:24:30 YUUMI th-cam.com/channels/qPcftad5b1eG4dFWT9bXjg.html
01:25:21 ZAC www.twitch.tv/flyingbaklava
01:25:54 ZED LL Stylish www.twitch.tv/llstylish
01:26:24 ZIGGS Jumpinthepack th-cam.com/channels/POm2V7Ccdlkm2J1TqNptEw.html
01:26:36 ZILEAN www.twitch.tv/ronniekrazy
01:27:04 ZOE www.twitch.tv/jonypotato007
01:27:37 ZYRA www.twitch.tv/sobercorewin
I watched the whole thing damn. The history of LoL is in these clips. Insane dedication to get all these clips. Also props to those people who kept playing they onetrick even long years after the clips.
I had no idea what I was in for when I started making this video XD
But it’s not like I would want to stop at champion 40. This video was a grind lol
I'm so glad you included the old Morde penta, made my day seeing he disembowel like he used to (not saying he's weak after rework, but you need to build so much tank that your dmg output is too low for one shots)
respect for the immense dedication.
1:24:30 is what we're all here for
The Sejuani pinging the Yuumi the entire time she was getting that Pentakill had me laughing my ass off
That Ezreal fadeaway r to get the penta on Kass was actually fucking unreal
damn thought penta that u made was gonna say
I'm gonna need another decade for that
Whats the song playing in some clips
For example veigar clip
i liked the heimerdinger one the most but goodjob making a good 1.5hr video
We need an updated ver
I like the "and teemo" part 😂
mmm persona 3 dancing ost very epic choice of bgm
A trilha sonora de Persona 3 no início----- morri que saudade
Cool video 👍
Champions and termo?
this video is a banger frfr
imagine being the one dude who disliked
watched the whole thing to find out that getting an ace with zoe is called an ass xD
Legend incoming 12:48
Happy 2023 from Brazil 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
There is an Italian streamer called CuginoRap that did penta whit all the champion on the same account. He probably is crazy
What a mad man
Is that Evelyn one the world fastest?
Melhor parte 😂 4:35
The Senna Penta was fucking nasty!
Jhin penta was sick af
man wawrwick was a beast there
who's the champion on 16:10 ??????? i dont know whtf is it
thats fiddlesticks back when he was spooky af
Is z2u credible?
Yuumi Pentakill yes.
Los tipos: el tutorial esta muy corto 🥱
Z2u reputation!
Im sorry, but Baus penta is just Baus penta. Hes maybe the hest sion ever.
and teemo
z2u = gold
I watch the whole video and my favorite was talon
And teemo kkkkk