buh you so much SS. How many roll do u have spent? 6k gem free i only have 3 ss and 1 healer tama i pick free in early. 3 ss all is blaster lol ( ninja Aldelhel, tiger and Karen cat girl ver yellow). Is that good or need rr< my team pick 3 blaster is ok go to story or late man? :
He has Seika LB 2 et Erika LB 1, you know he spent a lot ^^
Get lucky or reroll it ain't that hard... This game has 3% chance of getting a SS
buh you so much SS. How many roll do u have spent? 6k gem free i only have 3 ss and 1 healer tama i pick free in early. 3 ss all is blaster lol ( ninja Aldelhel, tiger and Karen cat girl ver yellow). Is that good or need rr< my team pick 3 blaster is ok go to story or late man? :
The step up has 3 guaranteed SS iirc if not more by flips or other chance encounters