From art point of view, this game is considered as a masterpiece. The game was super hard to developed as every characters are pixel arts drawn on top of 3D models frame by frame. Every frames are pixel arts, but the smoothness of the animation, layers of colours on the skin and outfit of the characters, the shadow placement for every frame of animation is just mindblowing. Just imagine the amount of works and time to produce this game.
KC Smooth you’re absolutely right. This bankrupt the company. I really wish this game wasn’t so under appreciated because it’s gorgeous. Actually my absolute favorite fighting game of all time
@@ayomeanz8934 the game is beautiful and smooth. I almost don't play it for hardware reasons, but i get furious every time I see these Ralf, Clark, King, Athena, Yuri sprites, among others. When I pretend they are other characters it is easier to accept. But, yeah, it's a shame that 3D is taking it all, and it's unavoidable...
your tags it’s a real shame too. Nowadays you’re seeing A LOT of companies taking shortcuts for games that have a huge fan base. Noteably Capcom and nintendo. The developers for this game spared no expense. It’s a beautiful game. It’s not broken. Sure EX Kyo ex iori and me karate are top tier but you could have even been successful with Leona in this game. Such a shame it was short lived. This is a prime example of a company working on a video game out of love rather than profit
@@Blackreapxr modern evo is just some sjw propaganda, political correct and filled with snowflakes. I like kof because the pros are "normal" people. I don't want to watch some person who thinks he is an animal and act disgusting in front of camera or some man who dressed like school girl
NubeNegra I would love it if SNK added more characters to this game at some point as a new release, since it is a fan favorite. The roster *could* be even better.
Man the 2d art in this game is like 3rd strike levels as some of the best in any fighting game. This was always my favorite one just how good it looks and the music is awesome too
I always kind of liked Street Fighter more than King Of Fighters..but I feel like KOF deserves so much more attention than SF,I like the 2D they stuck with, I wish SF had done the same, I think it would have been a better game overall and would have left a small small possibility of CVS3 ... but capcom hates giving fans what they want. None the less these dudes are Epic players.
Very incorrect here, and I don't want this to spew into a Capcom vs Snk company nonsense either, however to point a few things out. The reason they chose to go the 3-D route was simply to cater to more current young generation of players. Yes, being a purist of the series, I didn't like that, but understood from a business standpoint it made perfect sense. Obviously it was the winning route since its sold millions of copies. Capcom is the Only Real fighting game company out their that has actually put Real Money into Tournaments. At Evolution they put up those crazy $10k+ pots that you saw for their games. What about Snk? None. Look to Infiltration at capcom cup for 2012..dude won a new car. Just recently last month in December Capcom even hosted their own Tournament which was Capcom Cup. Do we have anything like that coming from SNK? Can't say the same there. Capcom has even hired people whom are part of the Street Fighter community to work with them. Look at Seth Killian whom worked w/ Capcom for years and was one of those whom helped with making SF4. Look to Combofiend now whom is working with Capcom for the next patch in Ultra Street Fighter 4. The one whom has put more effort into the community of the fighting game is without question Capcom. I would like the facts to be put forward before making the assumption that Capcom cares less, when in fact they've cared the most.
lol it was my OPINION, my OPINION cannot be incorrect,you can't tell me how I should feel. capcom has money to blow so they are the only real fighting game company, then what is Namco? sales = great game, then COD must be the greatest thing ever. I really don't like how you took my opinion, I never said they were facts. what "good" fighting game company withholds characters on purpose then releases them as DLC when they are already there. Don't even get me started on the 3 or 4 variations of SFIV that are out. and I do FEEL they care less, and they showed plenty of times how shallow they can be with their fanbase when it comes to gameS
xKingx16 Learn to properly sentence, trying to read that entire blob will make any sane person go numb. You're blowing things way out of proportion now. Nobody said More Sales ='s Better Game. However Nobody can Deny Street Fighter 4 is the most competitively played game in the entire world. That's a Fact. Capcom having money to blow? Have you looked at them financially? Lol. The only things keeping them afloat are SF and Monster Hunter. Considering Capcom has actually MADE efforts with Fans, let me ask you this, how many times as SNK made efforts to cater to fans wants or needs? All I hear are birds chirping at this point. Capcom has made more efforts with the fans. You aren't going to always get what you want because a great majority of the wants are stupid in the first place. Have you not seen HD:Remix? They catered that to the wants of fans. Have you not seen what they are doing with Ultra SF4 now? They are catering that with fan wants in mind. They have put More Effort then Anyone else into Fans, and by the way, I'm speaking about the Competitive Community, not the average joe (which seems you're a part of). As for making multiple versions, in MvC3, that was THERE fault, they brought the game out too soon. For your statement on SF4. Not a Single one of the SF4 versions that came after Vanilla SF4 went for full price. Only SSF4 came out for $40. Arcade Edition was a $15 upgrade while Arcade Edition 2012 was FREE OF CHARGE. Ultra SF4 is only a $15 upgrade, and when you consider that to the 10 million COD games you mentioned going for full price, they've been SUPER CONSIDERATE. Once again, Learn the Facts before you blow things out of proportion that Capcom doesn't care for their players. They've Cared More Then Any Other Fighting Game Company For Years Now. It's about time others started doing the same.
How Petty of you,I take it you don't know how to sentence properly. My sentences are fine,I simply didn't paragraph. you paragraph after just about every line. if that's what you consider a sentence by all means for now I will accommodate you. Anyhow,back to the point. That fact seems almost irrelevant,COD is one of the most competitively played shooters,so what does that mean? as you said before take the winning route and the masses will follow. that doesn't make it good. seriously who's fault is that lol? Devil May Cry, Onimusha, Resident evil, megaman used to be some of Capcoms cash cows. who's fault is it they decided to drop 2 of those, half ass 2 other games. why drop something out the blue that was making money? and when you remove good content and mechanics from a game,YEA sales get worse. and regardless how bad you consider that AAA COMPANY to be doing, 10k is nothing to them. SNK was off the grid for awhile before this KOF12&13, I don't think they have the money to do all that. they are not as big as capcom. and I never said they were,just wanted them to get more attention. Lol Fans wanting stupid stuff? once again MVC3 as an example, How is wanting more of the ORIGINAL cast from the 1st two games stupid? Cater to the fans, they blamed fans for the cancellation of a new megaman game. HOW is that fans fault? The Moment keiji inafune said he was going to do it himself but need support, FANS backed him up, he hit that goal in what 1 or 2 days? but Capcom said it was our fault. HD remixes? and HD remakes...I mean what company doesn't do that, I don't see it as anything major, that's really common. slap some HD on, few tweaks, and let the nostalgia take you from there.I'm not saying it's bad. it's common. there are smaller companies with smaller fan bases doing that. I recall Tekken Tag 2 releasing a mechanic tweak and 6 characters for Free. so the fact that decided to make Arcade edition free after charging for a while does not wow me. That competitive community line makes no sense, you didn't make a point on that you just said it, so other fighting games should follow suite pay $15 bucks throw a few characters at you, and some mechanics tweaks rinse wash and repeat. Copy & Paste some SFxT characters and your good to go. once again Namco did that once for free,so why can't they? and you cannot deny the last update is Lazy. Bad no,Lazy yes. So, since your speaking competitively, and I was talking about fans in general on my 1st and 2nd post, what was your point in barging in? by the way, I don't have to sneak a petty insult in, Fuck You, Once again MY OPINION, and you can't change that,so you can Kindly fuck off. and I'm grown tired of typing a story back and forth, not saying you don't have a point,we interpret things differently, like you keep interpreting my opinion for fact along with other things, none the less I'm not about to keep exchanging thoughts with someone who's trying to be a condescending ass. I'm not saying SF sucks, Capcom just has shitty practices, and KOF could use more attention. that's was my beginning point and you took this far. Good Talk Sir!
xKingx16 My eyes must be deceiving me. You're actually typing correctly this time. Please, please don't try to derail what you originally complained about. Since now you're going all over the place. Comparisons of COD to SF is stupid because Capcom is not producing their games for Full Priced in terms of SF, while COD actually is doing so. So this is completely irrelevant. As for Capcoms marque franchises, that had more to do with losing key figures and internal disputes then anything else. As for SNK not wanting more attention. They GOT ATTENTION WHEN KOF 13 WAS RELEASED. Problem? Their Net Coding was so bad that it literally helped to kill the competitive scene outside of Japan. Current Generations today don't travel or go to arcades to play, especially within the US, so having a great netcode would've done wonders to KOF XIII. That was one of it's biggest plunders, while a game like SF4 had a solid netcode. Don't think that didn't have an impact on the KoF scene? Just go and ask yourself, or check out Ultrachen on their comments about it. HD:Remix was reproduced with the help of competitive players a.k.a. the Fanbase. It wasn't just a simple hand me down. It played completely different from Vanilla ST. Once again...Name me one SNK fighting game in which SNK got their own fanbase to help them with? Zero. Tekken Tag 2 introduced new characters, but they were already open to the pre-ordered players, in which they had already intended to have them be free to the remaining public afterward. Namco is also not sinless in here. You do realized that they pulled the same stunt that Capcom did w/ MvC3 right? You don't remember Tekken 5? Then 5.1, then T5:DR? They introduced T5 to the arcades, then sold it on console, only to upgrade it to 5.1 shortly afterward and then made arcade owners to having to pay for those upgrades too. Shortly after that you completely introduced DR all together. This shafted the competitive scene, because in order for you gain access to T5:DR you either had to get to an arcade that had it, or else completely buy the then new generation system to play it. Hmm...even Namco has taken jabs at reaping $$$ from their own fanbase as well. So your comparison here is once again a failure. The Tekken Tag 2 patches are not even close to the same magnitude that you will see in Ultra SF4. I know this, because I play BOTH franchises competitively. The TTT2 update patch for character changes involved only 5 changes! How is that comparable to what we'll see in Ultra SF4 where it will be a complete cast overhaul? Not to mention New Universal Options which will directly have a large impact on gameplay. You also fail to realize how hard it is to do overhaul updates/tweaks to characters. Just so you realize, I have an actual relative whom works and test fighting games for *gasp* Namco. I used to be just like you until I was educated on how hard it is to do these changes, especially involving an entire cast. He noted how expensive and how time consuming it was for the people whom worked on these things. Even Combofiend himself whom is currently working on Ultra Street Fighter 4 has noted how much time/money is being spent on, which was much greater then he had even assumed as well. So don't go around getting the idea that a single guy sits there, just does a few number tweaks and it's good to go. You have to change hit properties, add frames or remove some, you have to change movements etc, etc. Then afterward you have to do hours of testing to make sure it's working as intended. If you have a cast of over 30+ like in the case of SF4...that time spent goes up even greater. That's why putting the price up for $15 is GREAT from the consumer standpoint in contrast to how much time/effort they are putting into making it. Point is...It's Not Full Price. In fact $15 is cheaper then a lot of the other nonsense you now have to pay for games anyways. All other genres such as RTS like LoL, MMO's w/ their cash shops make tons of money off of the most bogus nonsense. $10 for a skin? $15 for a school uniform in an MMO? lmao. Fighting games have been super Tame here, and Capcom has done well in the case of Street Fighter 4. Fact is...Not ANY of the companies you've defended or mentioned is anymore angelic then Capcom. I know it was going to go into a Capcom is so Evil nonsense rant by you. However what I had originally pointed out to you about your wrong baseless assumption is simple....Capcom has cared more for their fighting game based community then the other gaming companies. They have HIRED their own competitive players to help make the SF games. Namco or SNK has NEVER done this. Capcom has Put In their Own Big Sum of Money for the Pot Prize in fighting tournaments which hosted their games. Namco has hosted a tournament before (I believe in 2012), but they've never put up Huge Money Prizes for it. I can't even remember a time in which SNK hosted a tournament for their fanbase. Their is a reason why the Prize Money at Evolution at one point reached $20,000 dollars...and that was because of CAPCOM. Not SNK, not Namco, Not WB, Not Nintendo etc, etc. So once again, before you bash Capcom, think a bit more before you do so. They Aren't Perfect, but they've definitely tried to cater more to the fans then ANY of the FG companies you've mentioned.
kof 13 is the best one i hope they keep hd meter it makes the game fair other kofs you could just go crazy and kill a entire character now its the perfect game it would be the best fighter ever if the online net code wasn't terrible
@@slamtown1903 pretty subjective. If you don't like dbz you'll think all of the character designs are whack. This game is definitely easier on the eyes without unecessary bullshit all over the screen
@@BgXERO Agreed. I can't wait to see KOF 15! Unlike KOF 14 which looked ugly, they've apparently gone back to using the unreal engine (the same as guilty gear and kof 13). So I'm sure it'll look super beautiful and hopefully play beautifully too.
"Three times" Actually the 'third' time, Iori (Tokido) got caught by Kyo(Reynald)'s overhead from the air, thinking that the latter was gonna try the low hit that time.
@@zaytwal2mermagkx644 The direction of GGST in the last bunch of months killed my motivation for fighting games so I didn't actually end up picking it up.
@@coreyrachar9694 the game will go on sale during EVO this year. If the matchmaking issues people are complaining about gets fixed then I'd say KOF 15 is a pretty solid game
2:41:57 EVO SPELLING BEE: "Okay, Reynald, the phrase is 'Dropped Combo.'" REYNALD: "Dropped Combo. R, E, S, E, T. Dropped Combo." EVO SPELLING BEE: "Correct."
Combo, HD cancel juggle Super HD remix cancel, Super ninteno 64 cancel juggle juggle juggle special ultra cancel, Max ultra super cancel. Love watching people play but this game's to technical for me.
+1 for making me laugh aside, that's an opinion I've seen a lot, the "too technical" thing. Having 160 hours of KoF down (and by no means being a good player) - yeah, high-level play is highly technical, as is to be expected of any competetive game. But it's really sad that this really awesome game has so few players just because there are twenty different names for pressing certain buttons at different times. It's not that complicated once you get into it - it's literally the second fighting game I've ever played for real (the first one being Skullgirls, aka babbies' first fighting gaem), and just playing and watching a video or two every now and then eased me into all those concepts that seems so over-complicated and "technical". tl;dr People, please. Play this game.
IVE Played, still think it's to technical for me, I do love King though fun character, and the rolling mechanic just like SF alpha 3, but I'm a stick to, UMVC3 and SSF4AE, the meter stuff+ Combo cancel isn't for me, it's basically like needing a turbo to do damage. (Turbo- Upgrade's your character's juggle potential for bigger combo's- Yun on SS4AE uses it.)
btw looking at 29:34, it's kind of wild how quickly you can get guard broken in KOF 13. Much faster than in KOF 15. I guess that can speed up the pace a little
Some of these players look incredibly uniterested in what they're doing. Then again, I understand why, seeing how much you need to concentrate during a tournament.
All these year later still can’t believe the lone American won this tournament wow Reynald is the best damn fighting game player of all time should have made top 8 in 2018
That day Reynald had the best performance ever and nothing more that in the most important day for his pro player career, his entire road vs Xiaohai/Tokido/MadKof was a truly masterpiece.
LMAO!!! 1:19:42 Hellpockets says it best. 2:41:52 the quote of these finals for this event! :D so hype. I got KOF but cant train my fingers to this level but its always fun to watch though.
You say that now but when KoF XIII dropped it wasn't shown as much love as it deserved. Plus it was still during the era where people were alot of the time scared to venture out of their usual game. Like when you wouldnt catch an 09ers playing anything ArcSys, French Bread, SNK or pre-2008 Capcom.
kof13 is probably better than kof15 in most ways, but kof15 is a pretty solid entry in the series. Graphics aside (which I think looks fine for the most part), kof15's gamelay is pretty good. It has a lot of the things kof13 has (guard cancel rolls, guard cancel attacks, EX moves). I guess the big thing that wasn't brought back that was in kof13 is the hyperdrive meter and its related mechanics. The main criticism of kof15 is the matchmaking which SNK should be able to fix sometime in the future
MvC has the bigger and more enthusiastic fanbase. I find KoF battles more dramatic due to the no tag elimination format. I also have trouble following MvC's action due to the artwork. I love the look but I struggle to see what happens. It just isn't as clear as MvC2.
In winner's finals, when the winners from both sides of the brackets fight, the winner goes on to the winner's bracket for grand finals. Next is the loser's finals, where the loser of winner's finals and the 3rd place guy fight and the winner enters the grand finals in the loser's bracket. In order to win grand finals from the loser's side, you have to win two sets, whereas you only have to win one from winner's side. When the loser's bracket finalist wins the first set of grand finals, he puts the guy from winner's side into the loser's side, thus evening out their position and "resetting the bracket".
NESTS Kyo and Flaming Iori are the 'original' versions of both characters, who were reworked for KOF13. Mr. Karate is Takuma's alter ego. Essentially, they're entirely different characters, though they use the same normals, and they're definitely balanced.
If the reason you put it down was because you couldn't make anything link then i think everyone has felt your pain. Just make sure you start imputing stuff for links either at the beginning or end of the previous move and you'll get the hang of it in no time
I think it was because I couldn't really get in or do the long HD combos. And I'm a Marvel player so it's a bit sad XD But like all things, it just takes practice.
MAN SHIT THIS IS SOOOOOOOOO AMAZING , the new games with the 3D Graphics i look buuuuut, 2D look better than 3D sometimes, this is nostalgic, the characters and scenery, very nice championship.
Na época esse jogo decepcionou, pixelado quando todos esperavam um hd estilo guilty gear. Mas com o tempo esse jogo se mostrou lindo a seu modo, deve ser o jogo pixelado mais bonito já feito, até hoje me agrada muito o visual desse jogo.
The one with the glasses and red headphones. Pro tip: In tourneys, they always sit in front of the screen according to which side/player they are on the game. If MadKOF is player one, and you don't know which one he is, it's easy to tell because he'll be sitting on the LEFT (player 1) in regards to the monitor they're using to play. In this video, since we're looking at them from the front, he's the one on the right in the first match.
I agree. I actually think it's easier on pad. Only reason I still play stick is because of the arcade scene. If this was console only, I would be on pad.
From art point of view, this game is considered as a masterpiece. The game was super hard to developed as every characters are pixel arts drawn on top of 3D models frame by frame. Every frames are pixel arts, but the smoothness of the animation, layers of colours on the skin and outfit of the characters, the shadow placement for every frame of animation is just mindblowing. Just imagine the amount of works and time to produce this game.
I believe it almost bankrupt the company who made it. They worked extremely hard and spared no expense!
KC Smooth you’re absolutely right. This bankrupt the company. I really wish this game wasn’t so under appreciated because it’s gorgeous. Actually my absolute favorite fighting game of all time
I have serious issues about character art for most of them, even if I acknowledge the effort. But the gameplay is very enjoyable.
@@yuggor My favorite out the whole franchise tbh🔥
@@ayomeanz8934 the game is beautiful and smooth. I almost don't play it for hardware reasons, but i get furious every time I see these Ralf, Clark, King, Athena, Yuri sprites, among others. When I pretend they are other characters it is easier to accept. But, yeah, it's a shame that 3D is taking it all, and it's unavoidable...
This game is so beautiful to watch at the highest level. I can't get enough of it.
IKR we lack of kofxiii content!
your tags it’s a real shame too. Nowadays you’re seeing A LOT of companies taking shortcuts for games that have a huge fan base. Noteably Capcom and nintendo.
The developers for this game spared no expense. It’s a beautiful game. It’s not broken. Sure EX Kyo ex iori and me karate are top tier but you could have even been successful with Leona in this game. Such a shame it was short lived. This is a prime example of a company working on a video game out of love rather than profit
@@Blackreapxr modern evo is just some sjw propaganda, political correct and filled with snowflakes. I like kof because the pros are "normal" people. I don't want to watch some person who thinks he is an animal and act disgusting in front of camera or some man who dressed like school girl
NubeNegra I would love it if SNK added more characters to this game at some point as a new release, since it is a fan favorite. The roster *could* be even better.
@@flumestradamus it wont happen but okay
9:20 for first game
This was 9 years ago, and now in about 2 weeks we'll get to see some of these pro players go up against each other in KOF 15 at EVO 2022. I'm hyped
Best looking fighting games of all time:
1.- KoF XIII
2.- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
3.- Guilty Gear Xrd
Great list. Guilty Gear Strive obv takes things to the next level. I would also throw in Garou: Mark of the Wolves into this conversation.
That's a weird way to spell UMVC3 bro
Add DBFZ to the list now
Real 2d is unmatched.
@@laos85 I'm a sucker for sprites, and it's sad to see them go
10 years ago... Oh my days. I watched this at my friends house back then.... time flies
Got recommended this in 2021
Grand Finals was pretty hype and Reynald didn't have to loop Hee San Woo that bad with Benimaru and Chin lol
When life gives you lemon , make ex-lomonade
I cringed so hard.
And I still liked it lol
@@rubemevangelista3868 I cringed too at that part LOL
Man the 2d art in this game is like 3rd strike levels as some of the best in any fighting game. This was always my favorite one just how good it looks and the music is awesome too
I always kind of liked Street Fighter more than King Of Fighters..but I feel like KOF deserves so much more attention than SF,I like the 2D they stuck with, I wish SF had done the same, I think it would have been a better game overall and would have left a small small possibility of CVS3 ... but capcom hates giving fans what they want. None the less these dudes are Epic players.
Very incorrect here, and I don't want this to spew into a Capcom vs Snk company nonsense either, however to point a few things out.
The reason they chose to go the 3-D route was simply to cater to more current young generation of players. Yes, being a purist of the series, I didn't like that, but understood from a business standpoint it made perfect sense. Obviously it was the winning route since its sold millions of copies.
Capcom is the Only Real fighting game company out their that has actually put Real Money into Tournaments.
At Evolution they put up those crazy $10k+ pots that you saw for their games. What about Snk? None. Look to Infiltration at capcom cup for 2012..dude won a new car. Just recently last month in December Capcom even hosted their own Tournament which was Capcom Cup.
Do we have anything like that coming from SNK? Can't say the same there. Capcom has even hired people whom are part of the Street Fighter community to work with them. Look at Seth Killian whom worked w/ Capcom for years and was one of those whom helped with making SF4.
Look to Combofiend now whom is working with Capcom for the next patch in Ultra Street Fighter 4. The one whom has put more effort into the community of the fighting game is without question Capcom.
I would like the facts to be put forward before making the assumption that Capcom cares less, when in fact they've cared the most.
lol it was my OPINION, my OPINION cannot be incorrect,you can't tell me how I should feel. capcom has money to blow so they are the only real fighting game company, then what is Namco? sales = great game, then COD must be the greatest thing ever.
I really don't like how you took my opinion, I never said they were facts. what "good" fighting game company withholds characters on purpose then releases them as DLC when they are already there. Don't even get me started on the 3 or 4 variations of SFIV that are out. and I do FEEL they care less, and they showed plenty of times how shallow they can be with their fanbase when it comes to gameS
xKingx16 Learn to properly sentence, trying to read that entire blob will make any sane person go numb.
You're blowing things way out of proportion now. Nobody said More Sales ='s Better Game. However Nobody can Deny Street Fighter 4 is the most competitively played game in the entire world. That's a Fact.
Capcom having money to blow? Have you looked at them financially? Lol. The only things keeping them afloat are SF and Monster Hunter.
Considering Capcom has actually MADE efforts with Fans, let me ask you this, how many times as SNK made efforts to cater to fans wants or needs? All I hear are birds chirping at this point.
Capcom has made more efforts with the fans. You aren't going to always get what you want because a great majority of the wants are stupid in the first place.
Have you not seen HD:Remix? They catered that to the wants of fans. Have you not seen what they are doing with Ultra SF4 now? They are catering that with fan wants in mind.
They have put More Effort then Anyone else into Fans, and by the way, I'm speaking about the Competitive Community, not the average joe (which seems you're a part of).
As for making multiple versions, in MvC3, that was THERE fault, they brought the game out too soon.
For your statement on SF4. Not a Single one of the SF4 versions that came after Vanilla SF4 went for full price. Only SSF4 came out for $40. Arcade Edition was a $15 upgrade while Arcade Edition 2012 was FREE OF CHARGE.
Ultra SF4 is only a $15 upgrade, and when you consider that to the 10 million COD games you mentioned going for full price, they've been SUPER CONSIDERATE.
Once again, Learn the Facts before you blow things out of proportion that Capcom doesn't care for their players.
They've Cared More Then Any Other Fighting Game Company For Years Now. It's about time others started doing the same.
How Petty of you,I take it you don't know how to sentence properly. My sentences are fine,I simply didn't paragraph. you paragraph after just about every line. if that's what you consider a sentence by all means for now I will accommodate you.
Anyhow,back to the point.
That fact seems almost irrelevant,COD is one of the most competitively played shooters,so what does that mean? as you said before take the winning route and the masses will follow. that doesn't make it good.
seriously who's fault is that lol? Devil May Cry, Onimusha, Resident evil, megaman used to be some of Capcoms cash cows. who's fault is it they decided to drop 2 of those, half ass 2 other games. why drop something out the blue that was making money? and when you remove good content and mechanics from a game,YEA sales get worse. and regardless how bad you consider that AAA COMPANY to be doing, 10k is nothing to them.
SNK was off the grid for awhile before this KOF12&13, I don't think they have the money to do all that. they are not as big as capcom. and I never said they were,just wanted them to get more attention.
Lol Fans wanting stupid stuff? once again MVC3 as an example, How is wanting more of the ORIGINAL cast from the 1st two games stupid?
Cater to the fans, they blamed fans for the cancellation of a new megaman game. HOW is that fans fault? The Moment keiji inafune said he was going to do it himself but need support, FANS backed him up, he hit that goal in what 1 or 2 days? but Capcom said it was our fault.
HD remixes? and HD remakes...I mean what company doesn't do that, I don't see it as anything major, that's really common.
slap some HD on, few tweaks, and let the nostalgia take you from there.I'm not saying it's bad. it's common. there are smaller companies with smaller fan bases doing that.
I recall Tekken Tag 2 releasing a mechanic tweak and 6 characters for Free. so the fact that decided to make Arcade edition free after charging for a while does not wow me.
That competitive community line makes no sense, you didn't make a point on that you just said it,
so other fighting games should follow suite pay $15 bucks throw a few characters at you, and some mechanics tweaks rinse wash and repeat. Copy & Paste some SFxT characters and your good to go. once again Namco did that once for free,so why can't they? and you cannot deny the last update is Lazy. Bad no,Lazy yes.
So, since your speaking competitively, and I was talking about fans in general on my 1st and 2nd post, what was your point in barging in? by the way,
I don't have to sneak a petty insult in,
Fuck You,
Once again MY OPINION, and you can't change that,so you can Kindly fuck off. and I'm grown tired of typing a story back and forth, not saying you don't have a point,we interpret things differently, like you keep interpreting my opinion for fact along with other things, none the less I'm not about to keep exchanging thoughts with someone who's trying to be a condescending ass. I'm not saying SF sucks, Capcom just has shitty practices, and KOF could use more attention. that's was my beginning point and you took this far.
Good Talk Sir!
My eyes must be deceiving me. You're actually typing correctly this time.
Please, please don't try to derail what you originally complained about. Since now you're going all over the place.
Comparisons of COD to SF is stupid because Capcom is not producing their games for Full Priced in terms of SF, while COD actually is doing so. So this is completely irrelevant.
As for Capcoms marque franchises, that had more to do with losing key figures and internal disputes then anything else.
As for SNK not wanting more attention. They GOT ATTENTION WHEN KOF 13 WAS RELEASED. Problem? Their Net Coding was so bad that it literally helped to kill the competitive scene outside of Japan.
Current Generations today don't travel or go to arcades to play, especially within the US, so having a great netcode would've done wonders to KOF XIII.
That was one of it's biggest plunders, while a game like SF4 had a solid netcode.
Don't think that didn't have an impact on the KoF scene? Just go and ask yourself, or check out Ultrachen on their comments about it.
HD:Remix was reproduced with the help of competitive players a.k.a. the Fanbase. It wasn't just a simple hand me down. It played completely different from Vanilla ST.
Once again...Name me one SNK fighting game in which SNK got their own fanbase to help them with? Zero.
Tekken Tag 2 introduced new characters, but they were already open to the pre-ordered players, in which they had already intended to have them be free to the remaining public afterward.
Namco is also not sinless in here. You do realized that they pulled the same stunt that Capcom did w/ MvC3 right?
You don't remember Tekken 5? Then 5.1, then T5:DR? They introduced T5 to the arcades, then sold it on console, only to upgrade it to 5.1 shortly afterward and then made arcade owners to having to pay for those upgrades too. Shortly after that you completely introduced DR all together.
This shafted the competitive scene, because in order for you gain access to T5:DR you either had to get to an arcade that had it, or else completely buy the then new generation system to play it.
Hmm...even Namco has taken jabs at reaping $$$ from their own fanbase as well. So your comparison here is once again a failure.
The Tekken Tag 2 patches are not even close to the same magnitude that you will see in Ultra SF4. I know this, because I play BOTH franchises competitively.
The TTT2 update patch for character changes involved only 5 changes! How is that comparable to what we'll see in Ultra SF4 where it will be a complete cast overhaul? Not to mention New Universal Options which will directly have a large impact on gameplay.
You also fail to realize how hard it is to do overhaul updates/tweaks to characters. Just so you realize, I have an actual relative whom works and test fighting games for *gasp* Namco.
I used to be just like you until I was educated on how hard it is to do these changes, especially involving an entire cast.
He noted how expensive and how time consuming it was for the people whom worked on these things.
Even Combofiend himself whom is currently working on Ultra Street Fighter 4 has noted how much time/money is being spent on, which was much greater then he had even assumed as well.
So don't go around getting the idea that a single guy sits there, just does a few number tweaks and it's good to go. You have to change hit properties, add frames or remove some, you have to change movements etc, etc.
Then afterward you have to do hours of testing to make sure it's working as intended. If you have a cast of over 30+ like in the case of SF4...that time spent goes up even greater.
That's why putting the price up for $15 is GREAT from the consumer standpoint in contrast to how much time/effort they are putting into making it.
Point is...It's Not Full Price. In fact $15 is cheaper then a lot of the other nonsense you now have to pay for games anyways. All other genres such as RTS like LoL, MMO's w/ their cash shops make tons of money off of the most bogus nonsense. $10 for a skin? $15 for a school uniform in an MMO? lmao.
Fighting games have been super Tame here, and Capcom has done well in the case of Street Fighter 4.
Fact is...Not ANY of the companies you've defended or mentioned is anymore angelic then Capcom.
I know it was going to go into a Capcom is so Evil nonsense rant by you.
However what I had originally pointed out to you about your wrong baseless assumption is simple....Capcom has cared more for their fighting game based community then the other gaming companies.
They have HIRED their own competitive players to help make the SF games. Namco or SNK has NEVER done this.
Capcom has Put In their Own Big Sum of Money for the Pot Prize in fighting tournaments which hosted their games. Namco has hosted a tournament before (I believe in 2012), but they've never put up Huge Money Prizes for it.
I can't even remember a time in which SNK hosted a tournament for their fanbase.
Their is a reason why the Prize Money at Evolution at one point reached $20,000 dollars...and that was because of CAPCOM. Not SNK, not Namco, Not WB, Not Nintendo etc, etc.
So once again, before you bash Capcom, think a bit more before you do so. They Aren't Perfect, but they've definitely tried to cater more to the fans then ANY of the FG companies you've mentioned.
This game is so sweet, wish I had it.
Zazz Zazzmen it's on phone
Zazz Zazzmen but I think you like street fighters more than KOF
did you get it?
That sad moment when you've realized you spent a lot of time typing up a long rant, just to know deep inside, nobody is gonna read it.
kof 13 is the best one i hope they keep hd meter it makes the game fair other kofs you could just go crazy and kill a entire character now its the perfect game it would be the best fighter ever if the online net code wasn't terrible
To this day there has yet to be a fighting game that looks as good as this. Xrd and DBFZ have got nothing on kof13's looks.
Eh some of the character designs are wack
@@slamtown1903 pretty subjective. If you don't like dbz you'll think all of the character designs are whack. This game is definitely easier on the eyes without unecessary bullshit all over the screen
Xrd looks better... But ide say kof13 is a close second.
@@lillymckinnon7853 I like the look of Xrd more as well. But KoF 13 is really pretty in sprite work.
@@BgXERO Agreed. I can't wait to see KOF 15! Unlike KOF 14 which looked ugly, they've apparently gone back to using the unreal engine (the same as guilty gear and kof 13). So I'm sure it'll look super beautiful and hopefully play beautifully too.
"Three times"
Actually the 'third' time, Iori (Tokido) got caught by Kyo(Reynald)'s overhead from the air, thinking that the latter was gonna try the low hit that time.
There will never be another fighting game like this again
Kof xv is trash compared to this
Never been into KOF but this shit's got me hype af for KOF 15!
Same here!!!
Are you guys enjoying it,
@@zaytwal2mermagkx644 The direction of GGST in the last bunch of months killed my motivation for fighting games so I didn't actually end up picking it up.
@@coreyrachar9694 the game will go on sale during EVO this year. If the matchmaking issues people are complaining about gets fixed then I'd say KOF 15 is a pretty solid game
@@SleepyRickyC92 long story short I did buy it and did not like it much at all =/. Oh well, not for me.
Reynald is THE MAN
First match starts @ 9:20, if you wanna skip the combo exhibition.
Reynald looks like a early 1990 ies Hong Kong Action movie Villain i love it
Imagine if this game got rollback…..
The best thing to happen on mankind
@@RyotaSenju_KOF agreed
And a Combo Breaker to avoid infinite combos.
@@suciodan5817 you might as well just tell the players to not get so good at a game.the long chain combos are one of the main draws of kof xiii
The GODS heard you,man….
Get READY! 👀🔥🔥🔥
The commentator scream goes perfectly with him throwing his stick LOL
EVO SPELLING BEE: "Okay, Reynald, the phrase is 'Dropped Combo.'"
REYNALD: "Dropped Combo. R, E, S, E, T. Dropped Combo."
I want a new Capcom VS SNK!
With these graphics would have been beautiful.
Its 2018. I still like this game. Are you listening SNK?
Yes the 14 and 15 looks worse compared to it
what a grand finals, this game is cool
I haven't seen this since I watched it live. Forgot how it ended. That finish was straight out of a movie.
Combo, HD cancel juggle Super HD remix cancel, Super ninteno 64 cancel juggle juggle juggle special ultra cancel, Max ultra super cancel. Love watching people play but this game's to technical for me.
Super ninteno 64 cancel - =))))))
+1 for making me laugh aside, that's an opinion I've seen a lot, the "too technical" thing.
Having 160 hours of KoF down (and by no means being a good player) - yeah, high-level play is highly technical, as is to be expected of any competetive game. But it's really sad that this really awesome game has so few players just because there are twenty different names for pressing certain buttons at different times.
It's not that complicated once you get into it - it's literally the second fighting game I've ever played for real (the first one being Skullgirls, aka babbies' first fighting gaem), and just playing and watching a video or two every now and then eased me into all those concepts that seems so over-complicated and "technical".
People, please. Play this game.
IVE Played, still think it's to technical for me, I do love King though fun character, and the rolling mechanic just like SF alpha 3, but I'm a stick to, UMVC3 and SSF4AE, the meter stuff+ Combo cancel isn't for me, it's basically like needing a turbo to do damage. (Turbo- Upgrade's your character's juggle potential for bigger combo's- Yun on SS4AE uses it.)
btw looking at 29:34, it's kind of wild how quickly you can get guard broken in KOF 13. Much faster than in KOF 15. I guess that can speed up the pace a little
Cant believe this is 10 years ago
Thanks for the upload Spooky!
Reynal's benimaru was phenomenal
Kof Is my favorite fighting game series of all time next to SF
Man, a good variety of characters be showcased here. I don't think of i've seen 10 or 11 characters getting use like this.
"crowd are on their feet...i think"
"They're on the stage"
Early 21st humor
Been waitin for this one! Thanks Based Spooby!
Best Top of Evo again. Two years in a row.
Some of these players look incredibly uniterested in what they're doing. Then again, I understand why, seeing how much you need to concentrate during a tournament.
probably best announcers at evo
the final match was amazing!!
1:54:51 That shit was a canon fight. Looked choreographed.
appreciate all the uploads sp00ky!
All these year later still can’t believe the lone American won this tournament wow Reynald is the best damn fighting game player of all time should have made top 8 in 2018
I want a Dragonball Z game with this fighting engine. KoF13 is beautiful.
That day Reynald had the best performance ever and nothing more that in the most important day for his pro player career, his entire road vs Xiaohai/Tokido/MadKof was a truly masterpiece.
good old times man, i remember been crazy when Reynold started going crazy with Kyo, i started screaming and all XD.
I cant play kof 13 for shit but my God this game is amazing as a spectator esport
LMAO!!! 1:19:42 Hellpockets says it best. 2:41:52 the quote of these finals for this event! :D so hype. I got KOF but cant train my fingers to this level but its always fun to watch though.
Hee San Woo's Kim is unreal.
Thanks Spooky!
Looking back at this kof13 is way better then the new kof15 all they had to do was remaster kof13 with new characters and online rollback support
You say that now but when KoF XIII dropped it wasn't shown as much love as it deserved. Plus it was still during the era where people were alot of the time scared to venture out of their usual game. Like when you wouldnt catch an 09ers playing anything ArcSys, French Bread, SNK or pre-2008 Capcom.
kof13 is probably better than kof15 in most ways, but kof15 is a pretty solid entry in the series. Graphics aside (which I think looks fine for the most part), kof15's gamelay is pretty good. It has a lot of the things kof13 has (guard cancel rolls, guard cancel attacks, EX moves). I guess the big thing that wasn't brought back that was in kof13 is the hyperdrive meter and its related mechanics.
The main criticism of kof15 is the matchmaking which SNK should be able to fix sometime in the future
You got your wish
Almost felt like Mad Kof lost cause he started taking things easy after building a lead.
Kyo the real king of fighters
damn i wish this was on xbox one and ps4
me too bro
Yall got your wish
MvC has the bigger and more enthusiastic fanbase. I find KoF battles more dramatic due to the no tag elimination format. I also have trouble following MvC's action due to the artwork. I love the look but I struggle to see what happens. It just isn't as clear as MvC2.
I love how everyone has a's like MvC, everyone has a f*ing Virgil. >.>
Oh wait...King is saying Venom Strike...? Oh. My bad. XD
@2.23.20 I love the good sportamanship on display.
Excellent tournament !!!!!!
Wow this game looks beautiful. Makes SFV look like doodoo, or maybe I’m just biased?
I mean, technically you are biased
However, I don't disagree.
I don't hate SFV but sometimes it looks like clay.
Good Lord Reynald xD that last match was bananas xD :O
Who would have thought... KoF has Lightining Loops too.
where they chanting USA or You Ese?
cool story bro, you coming out with a part 2 of your great tale?
I tried KoF for a while, but I couldn't pick it up. I think I may get it again because this looks HYPE. I just need practice.
I agree! I love watching KOF especially with a sweet ass King player(s). For me, KOF is just as you said, more dramatic and intense for me.
3D fighters can be good too, Virtua Fighter 5 is very good.
I like SF AND KOF. I only wish snk would get just a little more recognition.
But I like em both. Capcom VS SNK 3 FTW
remind me again what "resetting the bracket" is??
In winner's finals, when the winners from both sides of the brackets fight, the winner goes on to the winner's bracket for grand finals. Next is the loser's finals, where the loser of winner's finals and the 3rd place guy fight and the winner enters the grand finals in the loser's bracket. In order to win grand finals from the loser's side, you have to win two sets, whereas you only have to win one from winner's side. When the loser's bracket finalist wins the first set of grand finals, he puts the guy from winner's side into the loser's side, thus evening out their position and "resetting the bracket".
ah thank you. Now i understand ^.^
no prob
So I've never played KOF. What's The difference between the regular version of a character and the EX version?
damage is higher for the short time.
NESTS Kyo and Flaming Iori are the 'original' versions of both characters, who were reworked for KOF13. Mr. Karate is Takuma's alter ego. Essentially, they're entirely different characters, though they use the same normals, and they're definitely balanced.
Tokido...i would hate to ply against him in ANY fighting game
Somebody pleeeeaaaase make the first song downloadable. It's the most badass song I've heard so far
which side is mad kof on the dude with the red headphones or the one with the black
Matches begin at 9:20
37:13 ..shaking hands...not knowing Reynold was gonna end Woo's career at Grand finals 🤣🤣
Why are the calling Woo japanese when his father is chinese?! come on commentators, have some respect.
Hee San Woo comes from Osaka japan, hence why they say he is from japan.
lol kept hearing "taquito"
If the reason you put it down was because you couldn't make anything link then i think everyone has felt your pain. Just make sure you start imputing stuff for links either at the beginning or end of the previous move and you'll get the hang of it in no time
the first 2 min shows some of these endless combos, btw i like to watch every evo in every game it's kinda interesting to learn some stuff
Eu acho de longe esse o Kof mais bonito e mais difícil de jogar.
Até mais difícil que o 2002.
octogonal or square gate for KOF?
I dunno, I feel sorry for Xian, he always looks ready to commit seppuku when he loses...
Don't be, he won Street Fighter 4 that year.
God that grand finals is amazing
compared to the rest...this was really fun to watch
Wow,I don't know anything about kof but that Reynald was good, my word.
how come some characters have their names red? can someone explain what does that mean?
DLC characters.
Mr.Karate is Takuma's alter ego. EX/NESTS Kyo (red) is old Kyo. EX Iori (classic Iori) is how Iori was in old KOF's.
thanks man. you helped alot
Reynauld got the shades on, you can't see me
I think it was because I couldn't really get in or do the long HD combos. And I'm a Marvel player so it's a bit sad XD But like all things, it just takes practice.
MAN SHIT THIS IS SOOOOOOOOO AMAZING , the new games with the 3D Graphics i look buuuuut, 2D look better than 3D sometimes, this is nostalgic, the characters and scenery, very nice championship.
What did the sign say can someone translate?
Na época esse jogo decepcionou, pixelado quando todos esperavam um hd estilo guilty gear. Mas com o tempo esse jogo se mostrou lindo a seu modo, deve ser o jogo pixelado mais bonito já feito, até hoje me agrada muito o visual desse jogo.
And mistery ? Winner in asia tournament ?
That Fox is a cool MoFo and i really like his Chin
The one with the glasses and red headphones.
Pro tip: In tourneys, they always sit in front of the screen according to which side/player they are on the game. If MadKOF is player one, and you don't know which one he is, it's easy to tell because he'll be sitting on the LEFT (player 1) in regards to the monitor they're using to play. In this video, since we're looking at them from the front, he's the one on the right in the first match.
Reynald is a monster.
Dat fckin comeback!
2013 awesome Kof Game.Really wish they stick to the 2d or at Least let the Specials still look flashy
I agree. I actually think it's easier on pad. Only reason I still play stick is because of the arcade scene. If this was console only, I would be on pad.