I've only re-posted it because I wanted to share it with more people because they might not have even heard of this song before. But I have said clearly in the description box who it belongs to and have not actually left the source of where it had come from empty.
This is
The best thing
wow, niice meenah
[[I burst into this song daily. REGRET LEVEL: ZERO.]]
The first time I watched this I was 15 and now I'm 25 😩
some of these comments
)-(: That. Was. Glubbin. Beautiful. Oh. My. Cod.
this is probably my favorite song besides plastic soul
yo th1s 1s awesome doll }:D
yo, 2ollux captor, i love RPing as mituna
)-(:that.was.Glubbin.Beautiful.Oh.My.Cod. I don't have anemone words!!!
I've only re-posted it because I wanted to share it with more people because they might not have even heard of this song before. But I have said clearly in the description box who it belongs to and have not actually left the source of where it had come from empty.
)-(: That.Was.Glubbin.Beautiful.Oh.My.Cod.I don't have anemone words.
LoL, iT dEpEnDs On My MoOd...:o)
Trigger warning: #clepto
MeEnAh, I hAtE tO aSk YoU tHiS, hOw DiD yOu CoMe Up WiTh ThE lYrIcS...?
WeLl, GoOd JoB.
Wow. Call me up 8itch. We can go prawn shopping sometime.
If you don't own it, don't repost it?
You say glub SO much