又好奇一問,點解税例 Interest income 100% income ? 而 Capital gain not fully taxable ?因為有 Risk involved, GIC income 是實收,但 Mutual Fund 投資 income with uncertainty, 可能只得 3萬?而且 Mutual Fund income only on T3, to get the cash to live , you need to sell the mutual fund ? 咁 Income might 又大左囉, am I right ? 通常 No risk 的 IA investment, return on investment 大概幾多,歷史話買 S & P 500 ETF 大概應該有9% .又 How about 我直接投資入 IA , 回報率又幾多?我昨日入左股。🙏
又好奇一問,點解税例 Interest income 100% income ? 而 Capital gain not fully taxable ?因為有 Risk involved, GIC income 是實收,但 Mutual Fund 投資 income with uncertainty, 可能只得 3萬?而且 Mutual Fund income only on T3, to get the cash to live , you need to sell the mutual fund ? 咁 Income might 又大左囉, am I right ? 通常 No risk 的 IA investment, return on investment 大概幾多,歷史話買 S & P 500 ETF 大概應該有9% .又 How about 我直接投資入 IA , 回報率又幾多?我昨日入左股。🙏
请问叫什么plan?同GIC 比较它有什么不好的地方?会不会本金有可能亏?为什么政府允许交1/5税?
條片內容嚴重delay 😅