I served for 10 years, i don't like someone taking a knee during the Anthem how ever that is his right. Just as it is my right to turn my back on football.
Brother thank you for your service . I served also . I think we have lost focus on what’s really important in life and in this country . We can’t even protect our own children from pedophiles in our own government . No powerful person goes to jail for anything . The cops in this country are not as educated as they should be and are completely out of control . How many wars have we fought for money and resources ? How many wars have we fought that are based on a lie while our infrastructure crumbles and schools are inadequate across the country ? We have much to be proud of but we also have much to be not proud of and we need to have those conversations and not bury them . We can create nationalism later but let’s deal with the real issues affecting our country and not a flag or some song .
@Louisiana What does bye Felicia mean? I dont mean the Friday reference. I know what it is...but how does it apply as you are using it here? What are you trying to say with that reference?
@@kristenwhite2701 Why during the anthem? To point out how he is oppressed by the country that made him a millionaire. Now their honoring violent thugs, and burning communities. Violence is not a right.
I am a veteran. We fought for Kapernick to have the right to protest. Our oath is to defend the Constitution...period...all of it, not just parts we like.
@Peter Stifler Where you and I differ...I will never be offended by someone exercising their constitutional rights. Their constitutional right trumps my discomfort and I am OK with that. AND I will ALWAYS defend their right to do so.
Exactly, we’ll said Brother and it ok to disagree with what they are doing but understand that it was never intended to Disrespect The Military past or present. I too took the Oath and still believe in our Constitution. There are plenty of issues I may never agree with but I will always defend a persons right to peacefully protest and express their opinion if I agree with it or not.
Not a vet and never will be. But to me kneeling is less offensive then every one joking, talking or laughing during the National anthem. If you can be silent during it i dont have an issue.
@@arizonatea3734 I'm a veteran the problem for me is the platform he used to protest. I don't watch the NFL to see anyone's personl opinions, I tune in to watch a game. To me it's not about his constitutional rights, it's about how and where he chose to cram his personal opinion down people's throats.
As a veteran I see it as disrespectful and rude. It’s his right but I don’t have to like it. Now the NFL does have a clause that prevents political speech and action while their at work. At least to my understanding. They should have held him to the contract.
The Mystic Ruler I personally agree. But that’s my personal feeling that I still don’t have the right to force on others, and part of fighting for freedom of speech is that it applies to all speech. Even what we don’t like, otherwise what’s the point? Saying I’ll fight but only for speech I like is the same thing their doing, it’s beneath me to go that low. I don’t have to like what someone is saying, but they have the right to say it none the less is exactly the point.
I, stupidly, didn't serve, but I will stand, fight, and die, for the nation my ancestors built, for the country my ancestors fought for in the Civil War and won the war for, and for the country that has time and again, stood for liberty!
My ancestors fought the British in 1776, in 1812, the south in 1860, in WWI, WWII, in Korea and Vietnam. I am more than "mighty proud" of Old Glory, I will give my life to defend what she stands for, and if that is required, I will meet my ancestors at the Pearly Gates, proud to have died to water the Tree Of Liberty, only saddened that more tyrants didn't water it before me.
I'm a disabled vet and it pisses me off that so many politicians use this issue simply to divide us. I love my country and I love the fact that we have the ability to speak our mind and protest issues that we see as injustice. Vets have varying opinions on this issue as demonstrated by this video. I was willing to fight to protect those freedoms and it had nothing to do with a flag that flag is but a symbol and if you want it to represent the good then it has to represent the bad like injustice and racism and the inequality of of the wealth. I see the flag as the symbol of an ideal, of a promise that all men are created equal and that all are treated justly and fairly and we haven't reach that point yet.
As another Army Retiree/Disabled Soldier, I agree. If soldiers were upset about the kneeling, they sure haven't shown it in Ft. Campbell, KY. I've been watching NFL Football there for the last several years.
@@autonomousfree-man1058 So I can say that I am not showing disrespect for something while I disrespect it. That's very convenient, I didn't know it worked that way. That's cool. Can I call someone a name if I first say that I am not showing any disrespect for them before I say it?
kc bh I can be pro human and anti what the military is used for. To answer your question, yes. Two things which seem opposite do not need to be mutually exclusive. I am pro empowerment of people of color; I am anti racial pride.
From a vet, I dont like it but I protected the constitution. That's a freedom, I dont have to like what they do so I choose to not watch sports. Carry on.
@Yoni Abebe What is an Innocnet? Is that a rare bird or some endangered species. So much hate based off emotion and not rational critical thinking. Order Out of Chaos 222
If you're a veteren and you're not for freedom of expression and speech, then what the hell did you fight for, or does it only apply to certain groups within America?
then why not kneel during a military memorial or change of command or retirement ceremony, right? In uniform or out, right? If it's ultimately freedom of expression and speech then why not be consistent and set the standard in the Services? Why not? You and apparently the majority of others on this thread who served know it symbolizes the sacrifice and price of freedom and should be respected by all Americans. We used to believe that but these last few generations have decided it's not but for the life of me I still don't see any Busters, Millennials or Gen Zs taking a knee during a memorial or change of command.
@Lisa Shetler NFL had one of their best years... sinking? lmao NFL has 3 of the 7 days in a week on TV. #1 ratings... LMAO yeah they're not going anywhere. get over yourself snowflake.
@George Ybarra Simple. 1.) It magnified the point that he was calling attenuation to. 2.)The fact that the symbolism of standing with your hand over your heart as an display of unity does not reflect reality. It's like a pastor holding up a bible preaching against committing adultery, but runs 5 whorehouses, and his members are telling you that he's beyond all reproach. 3.) FFS! He told you point blank why he was doing it! The most difficult part of this to understand is that from the very first time he was asked until the very last time he was asked, he's spoken of nothing but police brutality and of systematic injustices. You never heard him say one thing about the military. Not once. He took the advice of Nate Boyer, a green beret and a veteran, and kneeled to show respect for the flag as he stood right besides Collin. Why do you not call Nate Boyer out for telling him to do it? Is he not a worst son of a bitch than Collin. Isn't he the real traitor in all of this since he actually fought for the flag, then abetted the enemy? Or is it possible that when he talked to Collin and heard what Collin had to say, maybe he was convinced that what Collin had to say was accurate and that his kneeling had nothing to do with the military?
@@cmd6939 nothing bitter about it,just an opinion. My Advan was many years ago, so I don't remember my score. What was yours? Or are you part of the don't ask don't tell crowd.
@cdm 116 with a 103 fever and 132 later in my service. I support their right to kneel and absolutely think they’re worthless pieces of shot for kneeling. Any questions?
I’m a 31 year veteran of the Marine Corps and an immigrant. The flag and anthem mean so much more to me than being associated with the military. It represents a country filled with opportunities inhabited by imperfect people, the vast majority of whom want to make this country greater with each generation. My opposition to kneeling at the anthem is that those who kneel are kneeling in protest to a country who gave them more opportunities than they would ever have imagined in any other country in the world. Can they use their voice in another way, platform, or venue that does not represent the totality of what this nation represents?
Chez C. If you’re really a veteran then you know there are countries that give their citizens as much or more opportunities as American. Protesting isn’t about convenience and comfort. It’s about pushing a message out there whether you want to hear it or not. It worked before during the civil rights movement and it’s working now.
Tony, I’m all for protesting for a specific cause; equal rights, social injustices, abuses of power Etc even if I don’t agree with the ideas of the protestors. It’s our constitutional right to do so. What I disagree with is protesting in a manner that is directed to symbols that represent the totality of this country, that is, our flag and our anthem as examples. As an American, There is a lot more to be grateful for than to legitimately protest. Thank you for your thoughts.
Chez C. That’s called getting someone’s attention. You make it uncomfortable inconvenient and you Challenge peoples ideas. What you’re saying is the same thing they said about MLK, and Jesse Owens.
@@tonygarza7685 And it sounds like Chez C has pushed you to the point of feeling uncomfortable by expressing love of country. This country doesn't need more anarchy (riots by Antifa) or black supremist protests (i,e.,the Black Lives Matter thugs)......It needs a ground swell of pro-Constitution rallies by the Americans from all backgrounds that believe in its words. Chez C is no doubt a Vetetan btw......Why would an intelligent Veteran who has seen so much of the world think for a minute that there are any other countries that provide as much opportunity than the United States?........ That is of course except in the US cities whose leaders are allowing freedom to be destroyed by anarchists and thugs.
As a vet I know he has and all do have a right to free speech. I personally have a huge issues with people kneeling during the national anthem and burning the flag. If it didn't have anything to do with the flag or what it represents then do it at an other time. He said many times that the country and the flag represents racist notes. If there is such an issue take your millions and help those communities..There are other ways to bring light to issues you have with the system. You should stand as respect. One way to show support or attention to an issues is to wear a band, patch or sticker on your uniform in some way. Heck stand in locked arms is acceptable way. We all know change can be good, and in some cases we need it. Doing it during the national anthem is a huge disrespect in my opinion and may others I have talked too feel the same way. Some say they don't care, but sure ok.. Your rights and freedoms come from sacrifices many have indured and they deserve our respect. Semper Fi
burning the flag is NEVER okay. Here in the Philippines, we can be imprisoned if we ever burn our national flag and that's how serious we take it over here when it comes to respecting our flag because it represents our country's sovereignty and independence.
M A E U E L L E Bruh who are you to talk, y’all live in a dictatorship, of course you get in trouble for expressing free speech or protest. “Independence” my ass, enjoy that next martial law period.
Thank you for your service! I concur 100%. These millionaires should not protest on the job, but on their own time. The rest of us sure would be fired if we pulled that on the job instead of working.
@@maranathaacts1327 You got that right, be out on our butts real quick. Seems wearing BLM logos, defund the police, and other hate is ok but try to wear back the blue or american flag hate or shirt and you'll get kicked out of school or fired form a job. This better get cleared up soon before it blows up and too late to turn back..
As a veteran, I see nonviolent protestors who care about issues in their country & feel that that is the right way to speak up & I agree that they should, especially when the problems are real. What really offends me is politicians who often have done everything they could to get out of putting themselves in jeopardy for their country, wrapping themselves in the flag for political gain, while looting us & working to divide the country, instead of helping to bring citizens together & build us up into a strong, cohesive community. We have too many politicians who say that they care about the citizens, but act only for themselves, their reputations, their careers, wealth & power, to the negligence & often in opposition to, what they are hired by the American people to do: see to OUR best interests. The flag and the anthem, no matter how they make us feel, are only symbols. The citizens ARE the country.
Bull......as a Veteran myself....its disrespectful. They could kneel any other time during the 2 hour plus game and make their statement. They choose to do so why the flag is being raised and the Anthem sung. In a land where they have prospered and signed million dollar contracts...they kneel. I quit watching every sport that does...NFL, MLB,NHL NASCAR and now Hockey. They did it to them selves. That flag they are protesting is covering every soldiers coffin coming home. It is sacred.
dw hunter your last two sentences says it all. I know twenty five homes who have folded flags in their homes and their boy's names on the wall. I have one in my home.
dw hunter I will never watch any sport that brings disrespect to our flag. I hope boxing doesn’t drink the cool aid. People are sheep and followers, nobody has a thought of their own! Cowards!
@@pandorabryant1907 hmm..I'm pretty sure he cares that he can lose his job for standing up for what he believes in. Would you care if you lost your job for standing up or kneeling. for what you believe in? It goes both ways. But you only care when it's your belief that is protested against. It goes against everything that is America. And people need to learn there is a time and place. Sometimes it is inappropriate timing.
Smudge Evans Sure! Criticism is fine, as long as the critics don’t put words in Kap’s mouth that he never said, such as “He hates America” or “He has no respect for those who died in war”. That’s going to be called out as a lie. If the critics, condemn the current protests, but also condemned kneeling, wearing shirts that say “I can’t breathe”, or “Hands up, don’t shoot”, then they’ll be called out as hypocrites, because then it’s not that they condemn the means or timing of the protest, but that they either condemn any form of protest by that group, or that they deny the the importance/ existence of the racism & violence that are being protested.
As a veteran myself I support athletes protesting. I probably wouldn't kneel myself but I don't criticize those that do. I know other veterans that fell for that lie about athletes being anti-american and anti-military.Thats the most ridiculous thing ever spoken.
I thank vets like yourself who defend our rights regardless of their own personal views. We can agree to disagree if we do but respect doesn’t have to be lost in the process!
@Lisa Shetler You do know the US came about through protest, correct? Do you see the irony of your statement?What are your feelings on the Confederate flag? Does that disrespect the American flag? I'm very interested as many who believe that Kaepernick is wrong also have zero problem or love their Confederate flag.
I as a retired military person respect the flag as a symbol of my country. When I fought for my country, I fought for that flag that represent her as well. When people disrespect the flag, they disrespect my country and therefore disrespect those who fought for and defended her.. Many of my friends paid the ultimate sacrifice, and all their families have is a book of memories and that Flag that represent their service to the country that they love so dearly to die for. Respect the Flag and what it stands for.. God Bless the United States of America. Stay Safe Everyone.
@Noneya Business Thank You For Your Service 💝💝I Think It Is The Biggest Slap In The Face Of All Military Personal,Past & Present!!!!They Are Paid To Play A Game The Athletes, Need To Keep Their Politics Out Of The Game& Protest On Their Own Time!!!!Can You Imagine Going To Work& Making It Political??!!I'm All For Freedom Of Speech,On Your Own Time!!!!Thank You To All Of The Vets For Their Service PrayersNLuv WWG1WGA 😇😇💝💝
You seem to think politics is only for politicians. Then why even vote them in just have lifetime appointments and leave it all to them. You want protests to be in shadows where you don’t have to be bothered. Because if people Calais yeah we are having a townhall to discuss issues please come or watch participate you wouldn’t
@Noneya Business You are insulted because you were a government lackey? Seriously? You weren't protecting us, you were securing resources for the government, and fighting some phantom evil for the government. Both of my grandfathers were there, and I respect them as they don't play that they were anything more than the governments physical force. I also have 4 cops in my family, and there's way more than a handful of bad cops. There's damn near daily jokes about traffic stops that were bogus or "seizing" property when in fact they are simply stealing it. lol
@Noneya Business LOL My bro is a total computer nerd. Of course the police are needed in their respective communities, but the idea that it;s so hard to hold them accountable just has to go. Higher standards. That's why so often it's local cops getting in trouble. It's far rarer to see state police misbehaving because they know they're expect to be more professional or be disciplined.
Well, gee, that team didn’t sacrifice, bleed, suffer, be tortured, or die for you to be free to be there (and not at work at some sweatshop of their choice) and be able to do that to their pennant (or be shot on sight for doing so). So no. But the ones who did earn you those rights have something more than just a “pennant.” Maybe you should grow some gratitude, and consider some respect.
It depends on where you wiped. Hopefully not in the public, and I wouldn’t care what you wiped with, just take your business to a private area. Now if you wanna disrespect a team, there are lots of ways to do that and it happens every day. Just part of the game.
Scanning through the comments from other vets gives me hope that those of us who actually care about the idea of America won't fall into the trap of jingoistic false patriotism. Mindless flag wavers who want to ban free speech they disagree with are one of the main obstacles to moving America toward a just and equitable society. I fly a flag in my front yard. It is at half mast for all the people who died needlessly, and all the people to whom justice has been denied due to the systematic racism in our culture. I hope someday in my lifetime the leadership of this country will do something to lift that burden of sorrow that my flag is forced to carry, and it can once again ascend to the position of pride.
@@margerymorris7827 Considering there is a wealth of research and information that demonstrates your point as ignorant it might be good to do some non partisan research on the meaning of systemic racism. I say this as your sentence does not make coherent sense if you are talking about systemic racism. I'm not trying to bash or insult you. I want to help you not come across as uninformed. It is about over coming ignorance, not deeming stupidity.
Excuse me, but they have the right to free speech ON THEIR OWN TIME. Try going to your work and having a kneeling protest at the beginning of your staff meeting and see how that flies. When they are on the field, they are at work and for them to disrespect the country and the flag means that the NFL is being disrespectful to the flag and the country. Plus supporting a group, BLM, that marches shouting "What do we want?", "Dead cops!", "When do we want them?", "Now!", is not going to get my support ever, ever, never! I will take my money elsewhere, like I have already stopped watching network television and Hollywood movies because they insult my beliefs and values. They can protest all they want. More power to them, but I also have the freedom to disagree and boycott them if I so chose. Freedom works like that.
For self, its a time of showing unity under one flag, paying respect for those who gave their lives. This country needs to show unity, during National Anthem is most appropiate time.
Some people don’t feel like the country accepts them for who they are. I respect the military but I am not going to stand for a flag that does not stand for me.
@thegeorgezila are you mad bro I love my Country I will always respect it and the people that fought and died for our Country. As I see it kneeling is selling out or surrending.
@@waynehand6067 You have some nerve telling someone to move, considering your ancestors stole the USA's land, I'm not even American and I know the history. Before telling someone to pack their bags and leave, pack yours up first and be on your way back home to Europe. Only native Americans can tell someone to pack their stuff and leave 😅
I have a Spinal Cord Injury n every step I manage is a miracle, I stand and think of the bravery of every combat service member and what they give or lost ! Sometimes (often) It brings me to tears.. The only time I kneel is after I fall and need to stand back up OR when I pray to the True God in Heaven... The Father or The Son Jesus Christ.. I see BURNING OUR GREAT FLAG the KNEELING as another step and that leads to something else next and so forth... My grandfather cane from Italy and fought in WW1, My dad fought in Korea, I have 10 years military service, my daughter is a police officer now... To see these “HIGHLY PRIVILEGED” sports members TAKE A KNEE and divide even more this greatest nation that offers more freedoms and opportunities to every single American person regardless of anything & everything IS A SELFISH ACTION THAT WILL ONLY CONTINUE TO FOSTER MORE DIVISIONS. MORE SHOULD BE AS “LIBERAL WITH THEIR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS” AND REACH OUT AND CREATE SOMETHING GOOD THAT CAN CHANGE SOMEONE ELSES LIFE AND HELP THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY NEED ❤️ & 💪 THAT NEED TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE “NOW THAT TAKES REAL GUTS THAT SO FEW HAVE”. Thank you LEBRON !! I have much more to say but said enough
I am. I.did two tours and permanently disabled from 6 bullet holes to my right hip. Yeah, I don't like the kneeling during the National Anthem. They can do it any other time and I may even suppoe them. But during the playing of the National Anthem is WRONG. Semper Fidelis. Captain T, Ret. U.S.M.C.
Worse yet, our own government treats vets like shit. Our own government could care less about vets once the government is done with them. Just look at the VA.
retired/disabled vet, I dont give a shit what joe on the street thinks about me. I dont need anyone else's respect to have SELF respect. I DO care about the fact all these people who thank vets vote in office people who take from us.. nothing is more hollow to me than a fool to thank me for my service, and elect anyone whod take funding from DOD to repair housing for military posts or play the director of the VA chair as a political tool to be gifted to whomever kisses ass the most.
They kneel to pray... kneel to pay respect to kings and queens... and men kneel many times when they ask the woman of their dreams to marry them! So, yes... kneeling is a sign of respect!
@reverse flash 15 not a racist. Anything but a racist. Louis Farakan is a racist if you'd like an example. I fought for our country. Friends died so others can call us racists because we feel offended when someone kneels during our anthem. I fought for all Americans, white, black, you pick the color. By the way, color never mattered to me, seems to matter most to fat, white, lesbians. God only knows why, its actually quite puzzling. Not a racist, never have been. Stand up, show some respect.
@reverse flash 15 you are welcome. Do not apologize for peacefully protesting, it's your right! I would ask that you focus some attention at our black leaders. They should stop bitching about George Floyd and start yelling at our black youth on gangs, robbing liquor stores, selling drugs. Sad to see young people with so much potential cut short in life. If only someone, even someone with a different skin pigmentation, would have stepped up and helped them get on a better path. So many take a knee, when it would be far better to stand, stand up and lead, stand up and show the way. Be a role model. I can't, I'm white. I want to help, be a leader, just be there to help, but until our black leaders tell Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, until they tell Kapernic to go home and not come back, until they point out how corrupt CNN & MSNBC are, I will be viewed as something I am not. The ball is in your court. You can kneel, or you can stand.
@reverse flash 15 my bad! Apology accepted, my point was that no one should ever apologize for peacefully protesting. It is a CONSTITUTIONALLY guaranteed right! We should exercise our rights every day and never let anyone take them away. You may not agree with all of our rights, but we have ALL of them for a reason. I have plenty of bad days too. Wish I had more time off, economy has been so great business is booming. 50+ hour weeks makes for a great paycheck, but less time at home.
@Scott F The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress ... Punctuation is important here my friend, pay very close attention to where the semi-colons, commas, etc are located. The constitution was very cleverly crafted, and for damn good reason. Our founders lived through what we might just be getting ready to go through again. We have taken this piece of paper for granted, and it might just bite is in the ass.
@Scott FI don't know very many lawyers. I do however, know a lot of lawyer jokes. I spent a lifetime defending the document you spent a few years in college learning about. I'm trying to ignore the "little fella" comment. Anyone who holds their hand up and swears to defend the constitution is anything but a little fella, some of them even have tits. I take the words literally, I enjoy the federalist papers, understanding their mindset is intriguing, can't imagine what they went through. I agree Kapernic is wrong for kneeling during ant an, he does have a right to go across the street and kneel after the game.
All of that is well and good; however, these athletes are “on the job” so they should protest on their own time not while working. You all forget that even in the military you are not allowed to participate in activism while in uniform. Keep everything in the right box instead of trying to commingle everything. It’s just as simple as that!!!
on the job is on the field. the national anthem isn't part of the game. it's a stadium tradition and legally It's political speech to stand just as much as it is to kneel. Federal employment law protects private sector employees from being required to engage in political speech. Unless it was expressly written into their contract that engaging in political speech was a requirement for employment (zero chance that would be upheld in an DOL EEOC hearing, much less in a district court) then Kaepernick has every right to tell the NFL to pound sand for not standing. They knew this which is why they resorted to colluding with each other to blackball him.
@@porscheoscar I could care less if you stand our sit on your disrespectful ass because when you chose not to stand your showing where your loyalties lie and it is not for your country now go pound your sand to your harts content
@@jonhaynes1577 Its ironic how the anthem's last line is "The home of the brave" when the coward anti-BLM people, like you, won't defend their black brothers against systemic racism. Clearly, you disrespect the anthem more than anyone.
Each star represents a state, each red stripe represents the blood lost from the 13 colonies that fought the revolution and afforded us the opportunity to be a nation. Disrespecting the the flag should not be seen as trivial. Spend some time in some other countries and you'll soon appreciate what we've got.
Disrespecting - like standing on a stage, rubbing it and hugging it and pulling ugly grimacing faces. Disrespecting - like dancing on the spot, waving your arms, looking round at other people around you, clicking your fingers, singing something. That certainly isn't appreciating, but then, it's your president.
@Sergio Rosales Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
@Jeff Goodman I don't believe in God either. But as an American, freedom of religion is supported given by the constitution. And supporting the amendments which gives us our rights is what makes a real American.
As has been previously explained, freedom of speech is something veterans fought for! Any veteran who does not know this ought to be quickly informed by someone in the know and hopefully before they are ordered to clear a path for any politicians photo op!
samuel moore - first of all, thank you for your service. I have no doubts about the jeopardy you and any other service member have put their lives in during their military service. This is about first amendment rights and while you may not agree with what Kapernick was protesting, his right to do it is part of what our military fights for whether you think so or not! I don't like the fact that he and others take a knee for the national anthem but I support their right to do it!
Muay Thai - look, I'm a veteran who supports his right to take a knee. I find it comical that you feel the need to threaten other people for possibly disrespecting a country that is far from innocent in racial matters!
Boycott the NFL. I have my rights also. How many of my Veteran Brothers have they witnessed in a casket covered with the honor of our beautiful meaningful Flag? Any who believes in traditional acknowledgement of the passing of the colors to a family member after a military funeral should be offended. That is an honor! I served 21 years an Infantryman and proudly hold 2 of those beautiful pieces of honor. One from a young man with no family.
I’m a veteran and POC, and my issue with this debate is the disregard for all of the vets and service members whom outside of their uniform are just as equally susceptible to these acts of violence and injustice. Many of whom are also white. Because the way excessive policing is treated and protected in America, it creates a dangerous environment for many veterans dealing with severe PTSD when police become involved mental health situations they are not equipped to handle, and respond with excessive force and brutality - which historically when combined with the added factor of a persons race, results in an escalated (dangerous) response. The irony of it all, is the false idea that people who are opposed to this form of protest are in some way ‘defending the troops.’ When in reality it not only goes against what they (we) fought for. But, it is an also an issue that we as well are dually vulnerable to, and should be protected from as well. Kap’s stance centers upon the injustice of police brutality and lack of accountability. For anyone who is or has ever been in the military we all know accountability of criminal activity is something we not only pay for as citizens, but are also punished for as service members on top it. We lose pay, rank, and even have our own legal and prison system that we can (on top of any federal or state sentencing) also be given additional sentencing for punishment. So I feel it is completely hypocritical and unfair to use the military as a method of protection against these calls for action to silence a movement that in essence would serve to protect the military from police brutality as well.
Agreed. Another population disproportionately effected by police violence and murder are those with mental illnesses. And God, don't be a person having a crisis and be Black/POC as well.
Why is this not being shown on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram? People should see this. My father served in the military and he just passed away on June 4th this year. He fought for our family and friends and our country. He did his best to make things great for everyone in Canada.
If I were a fan of the NFL and I attended a game or watched one on television, my first thought would be, I didn't come here to see a political statement I simply don't want to know about your political values, that's not what fans are paying for . . . . I'd be there to watch professional athletes play a high quality game, not a side show. As a veteran, we took an oath to defend the constitution of the US, I get it . . . . But if I'm a paying customer and having to have this political stunt stuffed down my throat, then no I'm not in support of it
Unlike my country and other countries I know in Europe, why do you play the anthem and fly your flag before an ordinary game? For an international match, yes, but only then. And as long as you don't dance about and wave your arms as we've seen Trump doing, stand, kneel, even (!) sit, but respectfully.
+Peter Arsenault It's not a "political statement" but it's a "human rights" issue. Drumpf made it political and racial. People don't pay to see the "National Anthem" either for that matter!
If you felt it necessary, I sincerely hope so. What's the worst that could happen? They're court martialed, dishonorably discharged, humiliated in front of their fellow soldiers? Doesn't that sound like someone standing up to oppression? Maybe, risking their asses for the freedoms and rights of their people is kinda what the military is for. Don't soldiers love saying, "I defended your rights"? Well, here they go. The freedom and right of speech. The freedom and right to peaceful protest. Well boys, get defending!
@@DrVein Isnt having a "dishonorable discharge" like having a felony? If you can get dishonorable discharge for kneeling during a military ceromony, I sure as hell would not risk it.
@@anthonygreico9735 that’s not a thing... you’ll most definitely won’t get a dishonorable discharge, depending upon leadership. Could be a article 15, but a discharge lmao no...
The kneeling thing became an issue and politicized by Trump and his sheep like base. I appreciate and respect the flag and the military. Collin's protest has nothing to do with either. It's about fighting for justice and against rogue police who use (dishonor their badge, gun and uniform) as immunity to cause harm.
Uh, no disrespect to you ..... but you are a hypocrite ..... but no disrespect intended. So we are ok right? See how I changed it so you shouldn't be offended? I still got to call you a hypocrite but you can't be offended because I said, 'no disrespect to you'. I hope this helps you to understand how other people feel about it.
Trump didn't like the kneeling because Kaepernick is black. You see white folks waving confederate flags in Trump's rallies and during anti-lockdown protests and he calls them "good people". Allowing rebel flags to be raised is more disrespectful to the American Flag (Stars and Stripes of the Union -> United States) than anyone kneeling in front of the flag. Here's the flag code (www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html), why isn't Trump tweeting about others who are violating the codes? Because most of them are white.
See how that works? I hope they never have to play another nfl football game! All of the players will try to get their way while the league goes down the toilet! I know I’ll be celebrating!
Apply that logic to your own life. "If I really want to protest, tell my boss I won't work until changes are made." How would that work out for you and your family in your own current life...? And who might "they" be...?
I served in the ARMY I don"t like the kneeling it is their right, however there are other ways to protest other than disrespecting the flag. I personally stopped watching all sports that kneel during the National Anthem.
@@csjr9 Kneeling During the National has not been successful they have lost a lot of fans. How about taking a knee or a moment of silence after the Anthem.
@@dantheman4137 Does not make sense. Because there is a commercial break after the anthem. They don´t disrespect it, they just do it while the anthem is on because they want awareness. Let´s face it. The country has the same social problems for 230 years, nothing has changed other than the ending of slavery. So you have to make a statement.
I am a 10 year vet. This could be solved in any other way, than kneeling at the anthem, I would gladly be there to help. But because the flag is a symbol of our nation! I hate it, and feel disrespected!
Just because you are a vet doesn’t give you moral authority over me! I thank you for your service But I’ll decide whether to oppose kneeling which I do
Hell Rell No excuses needed.... It’s disrespectful to the country as a whole including the NFL. I can’t protest with my work uniform on. Why does the league tolerate it? The fans are the ultimate authority here.Piss them off and none of these spoiled athletes will get paid
@@williamstorms3262 hey you don't protest with your work uniform on because your work doesn't make you stand with your hand over your heart and make you say the pledge before each shift either do they??? Imagine if your job made you stand and recite the black national anthem every day before work and if you didn't you would get in trouble 🤔
Hell Rell Who is recited anything? I respect my country enough to stand on or off the clock. The biggest problem these guys have is They have no problems That’s their F#@king problem.. Spoiled ass millionaires with a guilty concussion. By the way there is only one Anthem. The left is the modern day confederacy Traitors!
Everyone in America has the right to deside for themselves. God gave them that right , the Constitution affirms it and that is part of why we served. With all the bs going on in today's world, we need to remember that we have the same rights as everyone else, not more or less but equal rights. Forcing others to comply is not heroism but an act of terrorism.
I did 2 tours, I agree with Kapernick. He doesn’t offend me in any way. I’d do it again just to make sure me have that freedom. Let’s face it, we as a country really don’t have the freedom we think we have.
@@DetroitSummers you go on any United states military base and any military personnel is around that flag and national anthem is played all the military personnel would stand at attention.
Andrew Villanueva I have been in the military since 2007 and I go on many bases. Trust me I know numerous service members who would openly kneel during the anthem and who did until the Supreme Court said we couldn’t. The reason why the justices had to make that decision is because servicemembers were kneeling and exercising their rights.
Andrew Villanueva it’s okay if you don’t believe me. I remember the entire process. Being in DEP, leaving for boot camp, A school, C School, school of infantry etc. It’s evident you don’t or haven’t served because what I’m saying seems so strange to you. But even recently the CNO encouraged leaders to sit down with their Sailors and Marines and have discussions on topics in this area. I assure you that if it wasn’t illegal for us to do it there are many servicemembers who would kneel. Further you can see this by the amount of veteran who kneel in solidarity. One veteran group is #VetsforBLM I know this because some of my friends who I served with separated and became members of this groups. They openly protest in DC and other areas and we servicemembers are counseled routinely on how or when we can exercise our constitutional rights to protest etc. I’m a real warrior, battle tested and approved. I have the scars and ptsd to prove it.
It takes a solemn moment of national unity and turns it into debate platform and commercial instead of a moment of unity it's a moment of division. Where does it stop?
I don't think the problem is a figment of a black person's imagination. You don't take a knee on TV unless you believe. Kaep Believes. Very gutsy move.
Nope, you have the freedom to express yourselves individually and independently of other soldiers as well as the military itself. You even have the freedom to think for yourself, in spite of what your training tried to accomplish.
"...against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." is included in the Sheriff's oath. Is a criminal imposing his will on an unwilling victim not a domestic enemy? What is a foreign enemy besides a foreign criminal imposing his will on an unwilling American citizen? Does the federal military not see the police as a internal military? Does the federal military think the whole platoon should be punished and called pigs because one of it's members is corrupt? Have these veterans seen the vicious reception the Vietnam veterans returned to after Jane Fonda and the Weather Underground twisted the mind of many Americans? This is the same thing!!!! If you are inciting a riot, you are a enemy of the people and these peoples end goal is to abolish the constitution.
Amen, like the people who want to fly the confederate flag alongside the flag of the United States of America. How could they possibly want to fly the flag of a literal enemy to the USA?
Exactly how I feel about it. Kaepernick had such a huge platform and just chose the wrong time to do. He could’ve walked to the middle of the field and took a knee right after the national anthem and would’ve got his message across a lot better. I personally think it’s disrespectful to the men and women who have served and died for our country.
@Felix Stotts the point is that he's refusing to be proud or stand for a flag that represents centuries of racism, division, and hatred. y'all seem to love your freedom of speech until people use it for something you don't like
How exactly is it a slap in the face? It’s a form of protest and a condemnation of the issues we see in our country and it’s harmless, it’s not saying “we hate the military” or “we hate veterans,” it’s just them saying “we hate the systems in place used to oppress us and we stand in solidarity with those who were killed because of this violence”
It’s a shame my uncle being a black man went to war in Vietnam did not receive a parade or a welcome home But was called the N-word and spit on when he came home he is psychologically messed up in the head from the war. And you want to talk about respect my uncle did not receive no respect when he came back home only disrespect
Yes, as did very vet coming home from that war. He wasn't JUST singled out as a black. Just because of his color. You think the other races got a welcome home parade?
And what happened to the Pledge of Allegiance my kids don’t even remember zero about the Pledge of Allegiance nobody’s even talking about how they just cancel that out of the school curriculum
Eveready C the pledge of allegiance was a complete waste of time. None of us really meant it and said it with zero enthusiasm. That should be said if you are in the military or a government official not bu children who do not understand the weight of the words.
I love the environment where people can talk and be real to each other and not be accused of being something they are not and still respect differences and show love with understanding. Wish we all had that kind of safe place.
Some are, some aren't. I for one am highly offended. I remember myself, my friends and family fought, bled and died for our country, it's flag and it's anthem. Kneel before God, stand up for the anthem and flag.
@reverse flash 15 Please stop. That's about as lame as "racism". That isn't a very good rationale for disrespectful behavior. Besides, ole Kaeperdick was doing this crap to save his job. It was a convenient BS reason. The low IQ people who have no life signed on.
@reverse flash 15 How does not supporting disrespecting the flag automatically make somebody okay with police brutality? I personally don't agree with what they're protesting or the way that they're going about doing it. Racially-charged police brutality is not nearly as big of a problem as some would lead you to believe.
@reverse flash 15 That's fair. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I think police brutality due to racism never happens. I just don't think it's to the extremes that some people claim. However, I am 100% against ANY police brutality regardless of their motives.
@reverse flash 15 No problem. Thanks for being a reasonable person. I wish more conversations could go like this. I feel like we'd all get a lot further if people were willing to talk & listen to each other.
reverse flash 15 ok, I will not stand, but this statement is out of line. Because somebody chooses to stand, does not keen they are ok with police brutality.
Angering thousands of fans and losing thousands, if not millions of dollars, is the exact opposite of selling out. Smh. People hear stupid ideas from their friends and repeat them thinking they sound profound. Don't be so obtuse and actually google the terms you use before you use them.
"It's not about the flag"? Then why do it during the national anthem? That's a crock of ****. These are professional athletes playing a game for a ton of money. They belong to a union, the union could organize a protest and advertise it anytime they want, why don't they? I'm sorry if anyone disagrees but most people know someone that died fighting for that flag and I think that there must be a better way. Think about the flag that was raised at ground zero after 9/11 and how most of us felt seeing that video or photo. Our flag deserves our respect, God Bless Us All
alexis wallen LOLLLL more of these people. if you don’t like something only losers give up instead of trying to change it to become a better thing overall.
I am a veteran and I kneel every time regardless of the event.... ain't got nothing to do with the military .... Here's a question.... Am I as a Black Man represented by that flag...or that anthem.....my answer...no...the Constitution wasn't written for me...but I fought for that flag and in doing so stood for the Constitution...now...I kneel...the flag hasn't stood for me....the Constitution hasn't stood for me.....as a Black Man...a Vet...
Yet you gladly receive the benefits of that constitution and flag. Hypocrite. Read a book, the constitution was written for you it just took time for those in power to let those ideals actually be practiced. Took a civil war where alot of white men died to give black people liberty and freedom. Instead of whining about it get off your ass and do something to make it better. Disrespecting the flag just makes you look like a whiny baby.
This quote also shows it WAS about the flag, Colin Kaepernick: I won't stand 'to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people'. Here's the link ftw.usatoday.com/2016/08/colin-kaepernick-49ers-national-anthem-sit-explains
@Muay Thai I'm sorry you don't understand what you fought for. Then again, you could just be some cowardly racist POS who likes to talk tough on the internet.
Do any of you idiots even know that an ex green beret contacted Kap about his protesting and came up with the kneeling thing?? Obviously not. Kap started protesting by sitting on the bench, away from his teammates. If you clowns bothered to watch this video, the reporter even mentions this ex green beret at the very end!
I am also a veteran and yes, we fought to defend the constitution, but we also fought to defend the flag. If you were a combat soldier, you should know that. It’s freedom of speech, but as a veteran I wish they would pick a different platform to protest a legitimate issue. I think a better way to do it is to hold a US flag 🇺🇸 and wave it during the national anthem. This way you are saying that you are an American too and want to be looked at and treated just like any other American and not as the color of your skin. The flag is the symbol of freedom many die to defend, rather than a tangible emblem to specifically honor those who gave their lives. ... - The statement below is from Military.com: *** Conduct during hoisting, lowering or passing of flag During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes. So as a veteran, yes! I am offended, but it is your choice and your right. Just remember that you are offending the people that fought for you and not against you. Can’t wait for the day we can all be Americans and not just colors.
Anti-fascist America.. I am so glad I helped to give you the freedom to speak freely and be and anti-fascist, whatever that means, without repercussions. You see, without those great soldiers and marines, you would never be able to do or believe on whatever it is that you believe in. I see many of you complaining about this great nation, but I don’t see any of you moving to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea or any of those fabulous countries. My question to you is... what have you done for this great country of ours lately? So in the meantime, you’re very welcome.... 🇺🇸
Here is my point on it.. just mine... I watch Sports to get away from such issues. They should start a show or off the field ,track, or other sport events. I understand why they are protesting but I wont watch be cause my get away has been taken away. So I found other ways to get away from work and news. That's my point. You do you I'll do me. God Bless America.
This is a very honest and real answer. As a non-athlete (although I did play terrible baseball for my 6th grade team thankyouverymuch) I also look to sports as an escape. I'm having a tough time understanding why a brief period of reflection and protest ruins this experience for you, though. It's important for us to be uncomfortable sometimes to grow. I don't know. Curious to know your response.
@@stevej.7926 most of us dont need to grow though. Most of us arent police brutalizing anyone. Even most of the police arent brutalizing anyone. Some people might need to see it. But for those of us that it has no sway on, normal americans who work hard and want a little release after a long week. We dont care to see political stuff at all.
@@plack_benis382 I hear what you're saying but I fundamentally disagree with your point of most of us not needing to grow. I think the ability and desire to grow every day, no matter age, background, affiliation, is crucial to becoming a better citizen and fellow-human. This a specific issue that DOES hold sway on many people, so there is obviously something to it. If citizens of ours are concerned, it behooves us to learn why, in my opinion. There is an infinite number of ways to grow every single day. That is what makes life so complicated and beautiful.
If protest doesn't intrude on anyone there's literally no point to it. Black people in this country don't have the luxury of getting away from it and we all have an obligation as citizens to try and correct the problem of systemic racism and the policing policies which brutalize our fellow Americans. The riots that have occurred are a consequence of people ignoring the peaceful protests.
@@plack_benis382 "Not caring to see political stuff at all" is how this country has found itself still having the same problems it did in the 60s. If nobody wants to see anything, nobody also wants to do anything. If nobody does anything, nothing gets better. And when someone wants to do something to say "things need to change to be better", they're demonized and told to be quiet because people "don't care to see political stuff at all". America deserves the horrible state it's in.
There's a time and place for everything. When it's time to pledge alligence it's to be done in manner of how forefathers did it, period. Go ahead a kneel at a police, military, or fireman's funeral and watch what happens!
We kneel for our fallen at their battlecross. So tell me... What in your insane mind is going to happen? What will your role be in your imaginary war? Below is a statue of kneeling soldier in front of a battlecross and marines kneeling in front of a fellow marine's battlecross memorial service. www.wctrib.com/news/4300826-small-town-remembers-fallen-soldiers-kyle-miller-ryane-clark-center-brewsters-memorial www.usapatriotism.org/articles/hp/fallen_marines01.htm
@@tonygarza7685 Just because your mom was always kneeling doesn't make it right idiot. No it didn't work stupid. It just opened up the faucet America is already struggling to close of Communist idiologies. Disrespecting our heritage goes along with refusal to say pledge, with tearing down statues, etc.
@@newhorizon1355 Your heritage is being related to traitors of the United States of America. That's right, traitors. You dont even know what communism is. If the protest didnt work, why are you talking about it years later? At least you tried.
I don't care whether a veteran is offended or not. I am offended and I don't need anyone else to tell me how to feel whether they are a veteran or not.
Im a combat vet, I'm black, I've been porfiled riding a bicycle at night without a headlight, that turned into a antagonistic led conversation by police if i was a drug dealer. So i do understand that the knee was a protest to help me... (Am I the next George Floyd)...
I'm white and I have been pulled over and taken to jail for outstanding traffic warrants. Big deal. Did you smart off to the cop? Or did you show him respect?
@@kcbroncohater i wanted to get my lunch ready for work the next day... Realized i didnt have enough to make 3 sandwiches. Decided to ride bicycle the few blocks to grocery store(didnt want to lose my parking place)...not really a avid rider so i didn't know about regs to have headlight on bike. This was at dusk. By the time i got to store and out it was after dark. I get about two blocks from store cops get behind me hit the siren and lights.. I get off bike, as cops aproach me.i ask whats wrong. The driver side cop says let me see your ID...as i pull out my wallet, again i ask what did i do.. The second cop says "just get your damn ID out and i will tell you" sternly. I hand my ID to driver side cop he takes it walks back to car.. So now i look at officer standing with and say. What the hell is wrong??? He answers you got any drugs on you i say. .no.. Im coming from grocery store going home.. And point to plastic grocery bag hanging from handelbars.. He steps closer to me, with a frown he says your one of those drug dealers that rides around saleing drugs. I respond with im 55yrs old coming from grocery store what the fuck is wrong with you.. Now the second one comes back with my ID, soon as he gets close enough to hear me i said give me my ID back with me hand reaching out. He hands it to me and say why don't you have a headlight on front of back... I say.. Oh didn't know that was a regulation, i dont really ride bikes at night. Again i say going home from grocery store point at my grocery bag, saying you want to check the reciept. Again the cop ask what kind of drugs you have.. I can tell hes trying to get me mad enough to say something stupid to him... "None" i say im going home. The second one says are you dealing drugs.. Now i know their up to something. I say with fustration "no" if i was dealing drugs i wouldn't be stupid enough to do it without a headlight on my bike. Now the second one starts asking question angrily, are you on probation, have you ever used drugs, are you drinking, by now i know the are looking to start.. I say either write me a ticket or call your supervisor. Now he shouts i will tell you what were doing, i say calm down I'm someone riding a bike at night not robbing the bank.
George Ybarra - How did you read his account and NOT see how the officers were profiling and harassing this man? It’s stunning how people just gloss over that.
@@mjs6157 Let's face it, to some white people, regardless of what you do or say, whether you're polite of surly, armed or unarmed, innocent or not, they will blame you. They will assume you fit their stereotype, harass, arrest and maybe take your life. Don't expect some people on this threat to understand that. They're really invested in not understanding.
1. No one gets to decide if it’s disrespectful or not. That’s up to the individual. 2. You can’t kneel when the flag is being presented and then claim it’s not about the flag. It would be like me defaming a holy cross to protest child abuse, people getting upset, and then me saying it’s not about the cross. Kaep chose to protest during what a lot of people think is a sacred time for the flag, so he needs to own that. 3. If he were really smart he would’ve picked something that doesn’t create division. Because while doing that does attract eyes and create noise, it can derail what people are protesting. If you want to change something, you need to make sure the message isn’t lost. He could’ve easily gotten up on the podium after every practice/game and voiced his concerns. Problem is that people like Kaep aren’t about taking the best route to solving the problems. They are tunnel visioned, they ignore the facts, and if you aren’t 100% with both the protest and the avenue of the protest - they label you as an enemy.
@Runningwolf Carson really?drew breeze was.mike tomlin was yelling and screaming at one his players because he decided to stand for the national anthem while tomlin and the team stayed in the locker room
I would never in a million years kneel for the playing of the National Anthem. But as a veteran--like these veterans said, I fought for my country to preserve freedom. ALL freedom. So if some knucklehead wants to kneel for the anthem, he as that freedom to do do. Same goes for religion. I grew up Christian...and still follow the word of God. But if people don't want to follow Him, then that's their right not to. I'm not going to judge them. I'm probably not going to associate/be friends with them. Yet I certainly won't try to rule them or impose my Christian views on them. America is the land of the free.
Ben Dejo - Why would someone’s religious leaning keep you from associating or being friends with them? That seems incredibly close-minded. Christianity (or any other religion or lack of) isn’t what makes a decent person.
Trevor Fluck its funny how this issue comes up during the NFL season and then after the season is over you don’t hear shit out of any of the players should be organizing and taking their concerns to governors and members of Congress to facilitate change but you don’t hear nothing !!!!
As a Veteran and a 30 year Police Officer, I disagree with kneeling during the Anthem and believe it is very disrespectful. I also agree that I served for his right to do it, but don't then tell me that it's not disrespectful and you support me. You want to support Veterans, DO SOMETHING REAL!! Put on a REAL uniform of a Cop or the Military and go make a REAL difference.
The Star Spangled banner's lyrics were written by an amateur poet [Francis Scott Key]. ... IT WAS NOT WRITTEN FOR THE MILITARY... the tune was taken from a popular British song called "To Anacreon in Heaven." It did not even become the National Anthem until March of 1931.
Yes, just like the rest of the world. Good point! Americans are blinded by nationalism draped in patriotism. “Beware the military industrial complex...” Ike was so right. Now, we’ve got people who don’t know that quote, don’t even know who Ike was. I love my country too, but damn we have a lot of fuckin’ ignorant people here. I say kneel away! Great video... Randy Couture-love that dude!
@@memesupport2102 I bet you hold press conferences when you get bullied by your sister. I hope it works well for you, but the best way is to get the attention of your parents
I live in a military town and most veterans ive talked to agree that a person has a right to kneel and I agree. My only thing is creates a divide. If i get up to stand for the anthem and the person next to me kneels than they might think i agree with police brutality. I think there could be a better time and place to protest the cause. I want to be able express that i am opposed to police brutality and also express my respect to my country. How can i do both?
Take a knee but also place your hand over your heart. Shows you agree police brutality is an issue BUT you also love your country.🤷🏿♂️ Just a suggestion brother.
@@raymac5235 I appreciate the suggestion. I I was taught to stand with my hand over my heart. So now i will just say (as im standing) that my hand over my heart is for equality. I hope that helps. I like when the teams stand together and lock arms. Its a good show of unity.
@George Ybarra Thats a good idea. Thanks for your service. Im not a veteran myself. I just happen to be fortunate enough to live near an Air Force base and have the pleasure of knowing several veterans.
He can kneel on his own time no of us are watching football to see politics on the field. Period. If it continues I’ll do exactly what I did last season turn it off.
“No of us are watching football to see politics on the on the field” Then how about we get rid of the National Anthem for football events altogether? Y’know, since we’re not watching to see politics on the field.
I'm a vet and I believe that if you're willing to be antiamerican, burn the flag, kneel during the National Anthem, ect ect, you should go find you another place to live. You can be protesting against Police brutality a different way than to kneel for our Anthem. I fought for people's freedoms, but I didn't fight for people to be against our country.
How does kneeling during a song written to be racist make you anti American? I literally see people wear the flag as under wear and biking bottoms (which is against the flag code) but when someone kneels quietly you mark them anti American!
Kyle DeVille You seem upset over a statement I made. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Google exist. Look up the Star Bangled Banner the full version by Francis Scott Key. Here is a Wikipedia link you can read the full lyrics there also. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star-Spangled_Banner
@@DetroitSummers See, this is the problem with you kids today. You don't know or understand shit. I don't even understand how you equate The Star Spangled Banner with racism, that's such a stupid idea... We can look back on our history and agree slavery is wrong, but back in the day, nobody really felt that way. It was just the way of life. You do realize that every country on Earth held slaves, right? You know that some countries still have human slaves? We are the youngest country in the world and among the first to end our countries slavery. You need to get yourself educated and quit listening to terrorist organizations like BLM.
alowz18 puukalot That’s not my question but maybe you’re not comfortable with truth or integrity. I am a Latina veteran and I see that police are not perfect but they are definitely better then when I was young. I also don’t believe CK had the right motives and still doesn’t. I believe you have the right to kneel for a flag but young people don’t know or care about their history. I believe kneeling is like spitting in Sgt William Carneys face..
In certain religious groups kneeling is just a higher form of reverence. And standing is also a form of showing reverence but kneeling is actually one of the most humbling forms.
In 10 yrs when it’s brought to light that Kaepernick didn’t really kneel for what you think he did, you’ll see it differently. The timing was horrible to many that love this country. The timing was perfect to divide this country as it HAS done. But when you are enlightened as to who is truly behind it you’ll shake your head and be amazed!
@Noneya Business like i said keep bitching i like it when people like you get triggered and start to complain cry about everything it makes me happy.😂😂
If enough people stop watching it will. That's how the nfl and all the other sports get their money is through TV contracts. Then the TV network sales advertising slots to different companies for commercial ads. If the sport brings in low ratings the ads will be less if the sport brings in big ratings the ads cost more. We will see how bad the nba will suffer when the next TV deals are up.
@@alberteinstein8546 reverse flash is right 🤣 that’s not gonna happen … there are wayyy to many meme accounts on social media that like getting clips from these sports to use … and there are television shows talking about them and promoting them to make people wanna watch them 💯
I will never agree with kneeling before the flag, Has to be another platform you can take instead of disrespecting something so sacred to so many people
I served for 10 years, i don't like someone taking a knee during the Anthem how ever that is his right. Just as it is my right to turn my back on football.
Brother thank you for your service . I served also . I think we have lost focus on what’s really important in life and in this country . We can’t even protect our own children from pedophiles in our own government . No powerful person goes to jail for anything . The cops in this country are not as educated as they should be and are completely out of control . How many wars have we fought for money and resources ? How many wars have we fought that are based on a lie while our infrastructure crumbles and schools are inadequate across the country ? We have much to be proud of but we also have much to be not proud of and we need to have those conversations and not bury them . We can create nationalism later but let’s deal with the real issues affecting our country and not a flag or some song .
@Louisiana What does bye Felicia mean? I dont mean the Friday reference. I know what it is...but how does it apply as you are using it here? What are you trying to say with that reference?
@@williamgullett5911 hes basically saying its not an airplane flight...you dont need to announce your departure. aka no one cares nor miss him
@Louisiana keyboard warrior.
@@kristenwhite2701 Why during the anthem? To point out how he is oppressed by the country that made him a millionaire. Now their honoring
violent thugs, and burning communities. Violence is not a right.
I am a veteran. We fought for Kapernick to have the right to protest. Our oath is to defend the Constitution...period...all of it, not just parts we like.
@Peter Stifler Where you and I differ...I will never be offended by someone exercising their constitutional rights. Their constitutional right trumps my discomfort and I am OK with that. AND I will ALWAYS defend their right to do so.
Thank you.
@Peter StiflerThat's cool, Peter. I hope all is well with you, Brother
So I can say that I am not showing disrespect for something while I disrespect it. That's very convenient, I didn't know it worked that way.
Exactly, we’ll said Brother and it ok to disagree with what they are doing but understand that it was never intended to Disrespect The Military past or present. I too took the Oath and still believe in our Constitution. There are plenty of issues I may never agree with but I will always defend a persons right to peacefully protest and express their opinion if I agree with it or not.
“I disagree but that’s what I fought for” absolutely. For some reason people think you can’t have this opinion.
Not a vet and never will be. But to me kneeling is less offensive then every one joking, talking or laughing during the National anthem. If you can be silent during it i dont have an issue.
@@arizonatea3734 I'm a veteran the problem for me is the platform he used to protest. I don't watch the NFL to see anyone's personl opinions, I tune in to watch a game. To me it's not about his constitutional rights, it's about how and where he chose to cram his personal opinion down people's throats.
As a veteran I see it as disrespectful and rude. It’s his right but I don’t have to like it.
Now the NFL does have a clause that prevents political speech and action while their at work. At least to my understanding. They should have held him to the contract.
The Mystic Ruler I personally agree. But that’s my personal feeling that I still don’t have the right to force on others, and part of fighting for freedom of speech is that it applies to all speech. Even what we don’t like, otherwise what’s the point? Saying I’ll fight but only for speech I like is the same thing their doing, it’s beneath me to go that low. I don’t have to like what someone is saying, but they have the right to say it none the less is exactly the point.
The corrupt dems(loony left) don't want anyone to say anything they disagree with!!! They are a trying to tear down the constitution and our country!
Johnny Cash said it best "We are mighty proud of that ragged old flag.".
@Virus world he was yes sir.
world alot of the older performers served in the military. Johnny, Elvis, it's a long list.
I, stupidly, didn't serve, but I will stand, fight, and die, for the nation my ancestors built, for the country my ancestors fought for in the Civil War and won the war for, and for the country that has time and again, stood for liberty!
My ancestors fought the British in 1776, in 1812, the south in 1860, in WWI, WWII, in Korea and Vietnam. I am more than "mighty proud" of Old Glory, I will give my life to defend what she stands for, and if that is required, I will meet my ancestors at the Pearly Gates, proud to have died to water the Tree Of Liberty, only saddened that more tyrants didn't water it before me.
@@SheepdogSmokey 👍👊🍻🦅🇺🇸
I'm a disabled vet and it pisses me off that so many politicians use this issue simply to divide us. I love my country and I love the fact that we have the ability to speak our mind and protest issues that we see as injustice. Vets have varying opinions on this issue as demonstrated by this video. I was willing to fight to protect those freedoms and it had nothing to do with a flag that flag is but a symbol and if you want it to represent the good then it has to represent the bad like injustice and racism and the inequality of of the wealth. I see the flag as the symbol of an ideal, of a promise that all men are created equal and that all are treated justly and fairly and we haven't reach that point yet.
Dean I could not agree with you more, as a Retired Soldier myself I thank you for your response.
As another Army Retiree/Disabled Soldier, I agree. If soldiers were upset about the kneeling, they sure haven't shown it in Ft. Campbell, KY. I've been watching NFL Football there for the last several years.
Thank you.
@@autonomousfree-man1058 So I can say that I am not showing disrespect for something while I disrespect it. That's very convenient, I didn't know it worked that way. That's cool. Can I call someone a name if I first say that I am not showing any disrespect for them before I say it?
kc bh I can be pro human and anti what the military is used for. To answer your question, yes. Two things which seem opposite do not need to be mutually exclusive. I am pro empowerment of people of color; I am anti racial pride.
From a vet, I dont like it but I protected the constitution. That's a freedom, I dont have to like what they do so I choose to not watch sports. Carry on.
Thank you for defending the constitution rather than just patriotic displays
“I agree with your right to protest, but you should only protest in ways that I approve.” -Loyal patriot who supports the troops but never served
@Joseph Shuck the time and place is wherever and whenever the most people see it. thats the point of doing it then
Well said.
You’re a true patriot and someone who deserves all the respect, you’re better than most, you should be proud of that
I am a veteran and get offended when people are talking, eating, laughing and walking during.
and kneeling ?
@@markme4 I can not kneel I am a paraplegic, but I am ok with it, why I fought for this.
@@joemendiola7345 Amen!
@ Who me? NO! I am a Proud Mexican. (BROWN)
@@radioactiveman4657 THANKS
So kneeling for the flag is a freedom of speech but you can’t say all lives matter without losing your job
That’s right man. Those liberals have their heads so far up their butts that they can watch their food digest
Uh, when cops start shooting white 12 year-olds I'm pretty sure the outrage will be immense.
Exactly it doesn't fit the narrative.
@Yoni Abebe What is an Innocnet? Is that a rare bird or some endangered species. So much hate based off emotion and not rational critical thinking. Order Out of Chaos 222
Alexi7666 it does happen but the news doesn’t report on it so shut the fuck up
If you're a veteren and you're not for freedom of expression and speech, then what the hell did you fight for, or does it only apply to certain groups within America?
@Peter Stifler Well said, but there are Patriots on both sides... I quit following pro sports years ago when the salaries became so ridiculously high!
then why not kneel during a military memorial or change of command or retirement ceremony, right? In uniform or out, right? If it's ultimately freedom of expression and speech then why not be consistent and set the standard in the Services? Why not? You and apparently the majority of others on this thread who served know it symbolizes the sacrifice and price of freedom and should be respected by all Americans. We used to believe that but these last few generations have decided it's not but for the life of me I still don't see any Busters, Millennials or Gen Zs taking a knee during a memorial or change of command.
@Lisa Shetler NFL had one of their best years... sinking? lmao NFL has 3 of the 7 days in a week on TV. #1 ratings... LMAO yeah they're not going anywhere. get over yourself snowflake.
@George Ybarra Simple. 1.) It magnified the point that he was calling attenuation to. 2.)The fact that the symbolism of standing with your hand over your heart as an display of unity does not reflect reality. It's like a pastor holding up a bible preaching against committing adultery, but runs 5 whorehouses, and his members are telling you that he's beyond all reproach. 3.) FFS! He told you point blank why he was doing it! The most difficult part of this to understand is that from the very first time he was asked until the very last time he was asked, he's spoken of nothing but police brutality and of systematic injustices. You never heard him say one thing about the military. Not once. He took the advice of Nate Boyer, a green beret and a veteran, and kneeled to show respect for the flag as he stood right besides Collin. Why do you not call Nate Boyer out for telling him to do it? Is he not a worst son of a bitch than Collin. Isn't he the real traitor in all of this since he actually fought for the flag, then abetted the enemy? Or is it possible that when he talked to Collin and heard what Collin had to say, maybe he was convinced that what Collin had to say was accurate and that his kneeling had nothing to do with the military?
@George Ybarra Here's the real traitor:
As a vet I believe they have a right to kneel, I have a right to think an overpaid whiner is akin to what I scrape off my boots
What was your asvab score? I'm pretty sure that answer will explain why you're the bitter one who took the road most traveled.
@@cmd6939 nothing bitter about it,just an opinion. My Advan was many years ago, so I don't remember my score. What was yours? Or are you part of the don't ask don't tell crowd.
@@billycooper9279 99 kiddo
Billy Cooper
So what if he is or was part of the “don’t ask don’t tell crowd”? And before you ask, So what if I am?
@cdm 116 with a 103 fever and 132 later in my service. I support their right to kneel and absolutely think they’re worthless pieces of shot for kneeling. Any questions?
I’m a 31 year veteran of the Marine Corps and an immigrant. The flag and anthem mean so much more to me than being associated with the military. It represents a country filled with opportunities inhabited by imperfect people, the vast majority of whom want to make this country greater with each generation. My opposition to kneeling at the anthem is that those who kneel are kneeling in protest to a country who gave them more opportunities than they would ever have imagined in any other country in the world. Can they use their voice in another way, platform, or venue that does not represent the totality of what this nation represents?
Chez C.
If you’re really a veteran then you know there are countries that give their citizens as much or more opportunities as American. Protesting isn’t about convenience and comfort. It’s about pushing a message out there whether you want to hear it or not. It worked before during the civil rights movement and it’s working now.
Tony, I’m all for protesting for a specific cause; equal rights, social injustices, abuses of power Etc even if I don’t agree with the ideas of the protestors. It’s our constitutional right to do so. What I disagree with is protesting in a manner that is directed to symbols that represent the totality of this country, that is, our flag and our anthem as examples. As an American, There is a lot more to be grateful for than to legitimately protest. Thank you for your thoughts.
Chez C.
That’s called getting someone’s attention. You make it uncomfortable inconvenient and you Challenge peoples ideas. What you’re saying is the same thing they said about MLK, and Jesse Owens.
What about the evil side we are not supposed to talk about it?
@@tonygarza7685 And it sounds like Chez C has pushed you to the point of feeling uncomfortable by expressing love of country.
This country doesn't need more anarchy (riots by Antifa) or black supremist protests (i,e.,the Black Lives Matter thugs)......It needs a ground swell of pro-Constitution rallies by the Americans from all backgrounds that believe in its words.
Chez C is no doubt a Vetetan btw......Why would an intelligent Veteran who has seen so much of the world think for a minute that there are any other countries that provide as much opportunity than the United States?........ That is of course except in the US cities whose leaders are allowing freedom to be destroyed by anarchists and thugs.
As a vet I know he has and all do have a right to free speech. I personally have a huge issues with people kneeling during the national anthem and burning the flag. If it didn't have anything to do with the flag or what it represents then do it at an other time. He said many times that the country and the flag represents racist notes. If there is such an issue take your millions and help those communities..There are other ways to bring light to issues you have with the system. You should stand as respect. One way to show support or attention to an issues is to wear a band, patch or sticker on your uniform in some way. Heck stand in locked arms is acceptable way. We all know change can be good, and in some cases we need it. Doing it during the national anthem is a huge disrespect in my opinion and may others I have talked too feel the same way. Some say they don't care, but sure ok.. Your rights and freedoms come from sacrifices many have indured and they deserve our respect. Semper Fi
You hit the nail on the head with every sentence! You're exactly right. Thank you.
burning the flag is NEVER okay. Here in the Philippines, we can be imprisoned if we ever burn our national flag and that's how serious we take it over here when it comes to respecting our flag because it represents our country's sovereignty and independence.
M A E U E L L E Bruh who are you to talk, y’all live in a dictatorship, of course you get in trouble for expressing free speech or protest. “Independence” my ass, enjoy that next martial law period.
Thank you for your service! I concur 100%. These millionaires should not protest on the job, but on their own time. The rest of us sure would be fired if we pulled that on the job instead of working.
You got that right, be out on our butts real quick. Seems wearing BLM logos, defund the police, and other hate is ok but try to wear back the blue or american flag hate or shirt and you'll get kicked out of school or fired form a job. This better get cleared up soon before it blows up and too late to turn back..
As a veteran, I see nonviolent protestors who care about issues in their country & feel that that is the right way to speak up & I agree that they should, especially when the problems are real.
What really offends me is politicians who often have done everything they could to get out of putting themselves in jeopardy for their country, wrapping themselves in the flag for political gain, while looting us & working to divide the country, instead of helping to bring citizens together & build us up into a strong, cohesive community.
We have too many politicians who say that they care about the citizens, but act only for themselves, their reputations, their careers, wealth & power, to the negligence & often in opposition to, what they are hired by the American people to do: see to OUR best interests.
The flag and the anthem, no matter how they make us feel, are only symbols. The citizens ARE the country.
Well said!!! ❤️
I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for your service from a fellow veteran.
Gopher Baroque Thank you both for your service! ❤️
thanks for your opinion,I do not share it. yes it is a right to kneel like waiting for the money shot
Did our founders wage 'non-violent protests' against the British? How dumb does that sound...
The veterans know the real reason.
Damn sure do!
And still watch the NFL!
the real reason is racism
@@Junkman2008 That's been tried before and failed.
@@Junkman2008 ⚓⚓⚓
I get offended by people who get offended all the time.
Ursirius you need to try to offend less and be less offended son
Then definitely don’t go to Twitter
That's like saying, "I hate it when I procrastinate. That's why I always put it off til tomorrow..."
Doesn't that make you a hypocrite? Of course that would make me one, then you one again, them me, then so on forever and ever.
Bull......as a Veteran myself....its disrespectful. They could kneel any other time during the 2 hour plus game and make their statement. They choose to do so why the flag is being raised and the Anthem sung. In a land where they have prospered and signed million dollar contracts...they kneel. I quit watching every sport that does...NFL, MLB,NHL NASCAR and now Hockey. They did it to them selves. That flag they are protesting is covering every soldiers coffin coming home. It is sacred.
Exactly, wish like hell people would understand this.
I agree!
dw hunter your last two sentences says it all. I know twenty five homes who have folded flags in their homes and their boy's names on the wall. I have one in my home.
dw hunter I will never watch any sport that brings disrespect to our flag. I hope boxing doesn’t drink the cool aid. People are sheep and followers, nobody has a thought of their own! Cowards!
Juan Garcia Know that you and your family have a place in our hearts. 🙏🏻
If I protest anything at work, I get fired!!
Who cares???
Do they play the national anthem prior to your shift?
Jack Swanson fr😂😂 acting like they have millions that look up to them
Most jobs do not force you to stand for the national anthem
@@pandorabryant1907 hmm..I'm pretty sure he cares that he can lose his job for standing up for what he believes in. Would you care if you lost your job for standing up or kneeling. for what you believe in? It goes both ways. But you only care when it's your belief that is protested against. It goes against everything that is America. And people need to learn there is a time and place. Sometimes it is inappropriate timing.
Surely the point is that Koepernick is free to kneel and we are free to criticise him for doing it?
Smudge Evans Sure! Criticism is fine, as long as the critics don’t put words in Kap’s mouth that he never said, such as “He hates America” or “He has no respect for those who died in war”. That’s going to be called out as a lie. If the critics, condemn the current protests, but also condemned kneeling, wearing shirts that say “I can’t breathe”, or “Hands up, don’t shoot”, then they’ll be called out as hypocrites, because then it’s not that they condemn the means or timing of the protest, but that they either condemn any form of protest by that group, or that they deny the the importance/ existence of the racism & violence that are being protested.
@daAnder71 The irony, it is you who have fallen for the nonsense.
@@hks2377 I haven't put words in his mouth, he is just a entitled hypocrite.
By the way, Antifa are scum.
@@smudgeevans2693 By the way Antifa is a made up boogeyman
As a veteran myself I support athletes protesting. I probably wouldn't kneel myself but I don't criticize those that do. I know other veterans that fell for that lie about athletes being anti-american and anti-military.Thats the most ridiculous thing ever spoken.
Thank you.
True. Also, the ulterior motive is to portray the NFL; a predominantly black league in a negative light.
@ Wait, what?
I thank vets like yourself who defend our rights regardless of their own personal views. We can agree to disagree if we do but respect doesn’t have to be lost in the process!
@Lisa Shetler You do know the US came about through protest, correct? Do you see the irony of your statement?What are your feelings on the Confederate flag? Does that disrespect the American flag? I'm very interested as many who believe that Kaepernick is wrong also have zero problem or love their Confederate flag.
I as a retired military person respect the flag as a symbol of my country. When I fought for my country, I fought for that flag that represent her as well. When people disrespect the flag, they disrespect my country and therefore disrespect those who fought for and defended her.. Many of my friends paid the ultimate sacrifice, and all their families have is a book of memories and that Flag that represent their service to the country that they love so dearly to die for. Respect the Flag and what it stands for.. God Bless the United States of America. Stay Safe Everyone.
@Noneya Business Thank You For Your Service 💝💝I Think It Is The Biggest Slap In The Face Of All Military Personal,Past & Present!!!!They Are Paid To Play A Game The Athletes, Need To Keep Their Politics Out Of The Game& Protest On Their Own Time!!!!Can You Imagine Going To Work& Making It Political??!!I'm All For Freedom Of Speech,On Your Own Time!!!!Thank You To All Of The Vets For Their Service PrayersNLuv WWG1WGA 😇😇💝💝
You seem to think politics is only for politicians. Then why even vote them in just have lifetime appointments and leave it all to them. You want protests to be in shadows where you don’t have to be bothered. Because if people Calais yeah we are having a townhall to discuss issues please come or watch participate you wouldn’t
@Noneya Business You are insulted because you were a government lackey? Seriously? You weren't protecting us, you were securing resources for the government, and fighting some phantom evil for the government. Both of my grandfathers were there, and I respect them as they don't play that they were anything more than the governments physical force. I also have 4 cops in my family, and there's way more than a handful of bad cops. There's damn near daily jokes about traffic stops that were bogus or "seizing" property when in fact they are simply stealing it. lol
@Noneya Business LOL My bro is a total computer nerd.
Of course the police are needed in their respective communities, but the idea that it;s so hard to hold them accountable just has to go. Higher standards. That's why so often it's local cops getting in trouble. It's far rarer to see state police misbehaving because they know they're expect to be more professional or be disciplined.
@reverse flash 15 good grief another moron
I’m offended! That’s what matters! I love America! 🇺🇸
Veterans dont like the kneeling but they have fought for their right to do it! Period!!
That’s ok. I do t watch football anymore which is my version of free speech. I also boycott any advertisers that are ok with it.
Totally agree!! Screw the nfl
@thegeorgezila actually it sounds alot like they did
@@toddcook2016 Hmm it doesn't show in their profits? LMAO
@thegeorgezila Hahah let's see your bank account versus there's toolboy. Oh how funny.
I’m a vet, after seeing the world this American with any problems is way better than what I’ve seen. I loved this country much more after serving.
America is a great country and thank you for serving
Gee, I wonder if I wiped my ass with a penant from a sports team if anyone on the team would be offended???
Well, gee, that team didn’t sacrifice, bleed, suffer, be tortured, or die for you to be free to be there (and not at work at some sweatshop of their choice) and be able to do that to their pennant (or be shot on sight for doing so). So no. But the ones who did earn you those rights have something more than just a “pennant.” Maybe you should grow some gratitude, and consider some respect.
You taking offense to something doesn't mean it should be illegal.
I wonder how much these vets were paid for that speech?
Probably not since they make millions and vets make a meer fraction of what these athletes make.
It depends on where you wiped. Hopefully not in the public, and I wouldn’t care what you wiped with, just take your business to a private area. Now if you wanna disrespect a team, there are lots of ways to do that and it happens every day. Just part of the game.
Scanning through the comments from other vets gives me hope that those of us who actually care about the idea of America won't fall into the trap of jingoistic false patriotism. Mindless flag wavers who want to ban free speech they disagree with are one of the main obstacles to moving America toward a just and equitable society. I fly a flag in my front yard. It is at half mast for all the people who died needlessly, and all the people to whom justice has been denied due to the systematic racism in our culture. I hope someday in my lifetime the leadership of this country will do something to lift that burden of sorrow that my flag is forced to carry, and it can once again ascend to the position of pride.
Hopefully, that problem will be taken care of this November...
You suck. "Systematic Racism" is a free pass that will let people do crime with no consequences.
@@margerymorris7827 Considering there is a wealth of research and information that demonstrates your point as ignorant it might be good to do some non partisan research on the meaning of systemic racism. I say this as your sentence does not make coherent sense if you are talking about systemic racism. I'm not trying to bash or insult you. I want to help you not come across as uninformed. It is about over coming ignorance, not deeming stupidity.
@bert tomlinson Is your name really Bert?
Excuse me, but they have the right to free speech ON THEIR OWN TIME. Try going to your work and having a kneeling protest at the beginning of your staff meeting and see how that flies. When they are on the field, they are at work and for them to disrespect the country and the flag means that the NFL is being disrespectful to the flag and the country. Plus supporting a group, BLM, that marches shouting "What do we want?", "Dead cops!", "When do we want them?", "Now!", is not going to get my support ever, ever, never! I will take my money elsewhere, like I have already stopped watching network television and Hollywood movies because they insult my beliefs and values. They can protest all they want. More power to them, but I also have the freedom to disagree and boycott them if I so chose. Freedom works like that.
For self, its a time of showing unity under one flag, paying respect for those who gave their lives. This country needs to show unity, during National Anthem is most appropiate time.
How about no more anthem before sporting events. It is not like it has always been done. Makes no sense
Some people don’t feel like the country accepts them for who they are. I respect the military but I am not going to stand for a flag that does not stand for me.
If yaw don't like the 🇺🇸 American flag so much why don't you pack your bags and move
@thegeorgezila are you mad bro I love my Country I will always respect it and the people that fought and died for our Country. As I see it kneeling is selling out or surrending.
@@waynehand6067 You have some nerve telling someone to move, considering your ancestors stole the USA's land, I'm not even American and I know the history. Before telling someone to pack their bags and leave, pack yours up first and be on your way back home to Europe. Only native Americans can tell someone to pack their stuff and leave 😅
I have a Spinal Cord Injury n every step I manage is a miracle, I stand and think of the bravery of every combat service member and what they give or lost ! Sometimes (often) It brings me to tears..
The only time I kneel is after I fall and need to stand back up OR when I pray to the True God in Heaven... The Father or The Son Jesus Christ..
I see BURNING OUR GREAT FLAG the KNEELING as another step and that leads to something else next and so forth... My grandfather cane from Italy and fought in WW1, My dad fought in Korea, I have 10 years military service, my daughter is a police officer now...
To see these “HIGHLY PRIVILEGED” sports members TAKE A KNEE and divide even more this greatest nation that offers more freedoms and opportunities to every single American person regardless of anything & everything IS A SELFISH ACTION THAT WILL ONLY CONTINUE TO FOSTER MORE DIVISIONS.
I have much more to say but said enough
God Bless,,, Stay Strong,,,
@Clark WILLIAMS did you have a stroke while writing this or are you just a bot trying to spew blatant nationalist bullshit?
@@toyotatruckmonth4155 wow you must be a piece of shit to everyone you know
we can kneel if we want #takeaknee
I am. I.did two tours and permanently disabled from 6 bullet holes to my right hip. Yeah, I don't like the kneeling during the National Anthem. They can do it any other time and I may even suppoe them. But during the playing of the National Anthem is WRONG. Semper Fidelis.
Captain T, Ret. U.S.M.C.
There are so many vets out here on the streets that are still being disrespected. This country has been disrespecting vets for quite some time.
Worse yet, our own government treats vets like shit. Our own government could care less about vets once the government is done with them.
Just look at the VA.
retired/disabled vet, I dont give a shit what joe on the street thinks about me. I dont need anyone else's respect to have SELF respect. I DO care about the fact all these people who thank vets vote in office people who take from us.. nothing is more hollow to me than a fool to thank me for my service, and elect anyone whod take funding from DOD to repair housing for military posts or play the director of the VA chair as a political tool to be gifted to whomever kisses ass the most.
@@scottbc31h22 Exactly. Vet's should be kneeling and protesting too. They get chewed up, spat out.
Never quite understood why kneeling is regarded as disrespectful. Don't folks often kneel to pray?
First thing every morning sir!
@@Michael65429 Excellent. Allah loves an early morning chat.
They kneel to pray... kneel to pay respect to kings and queens... and men kneel many times when they ask the woman of their dreams to marry them! So, yes... kneeling is a sign of respect!
@@vonsuthoff I believe so.
Yet, when Tebow bowed to his Maker, the MSM crucified him!
They hate religion
Have to make it about hate eh? Hate...we all seem to hold a lot hate...I hate it.
@ Bacon Burger is full of hate I suppose. Maybe he can join a hate group.
who is the dreaded "MSM" [shudder]? everyone who watches.
Nope. Never happened. He was clowned because he couldn't throw for shit 🤣
I feel disrespected by kneeling during anthem.
However, it's their right.
I exercise MY right to no longer watch NFL.
@reverse flash 15 not a racist. Anything but a racist. Louis Farakan is a racist if you'd like an example.
I fought for our country. Friends died so others can call us racists because we feel offended when someone kneels during our anthem.
I fought for all Americans, white, black, you pick the color. By the way, color never mattered to me, seems to matter most to fat, white, lesbians. God only knows why, its actually quite puzzling.
Not a racist, never have been.
Stand up, show some respect.
@reverse flash 15
you are welcome.
Do not apologize for peacefully protesting, it's your right!
I would ask that you focus some attention at our black leaders. They should stop bitching about George Floyd and start yelling at our black youth on gangs, robbing liquor stores, selling drugs. Sad to see young people with so much potential cut short in life. If only someone, even someone with a different skin pigmentation, would have stepped up and helped them get on a better path.
So many take a knee, when it would be far better to stand, stand up and lead, stand up and show the way. Be a role model.
I can't, I'm white.
I want to help, be a leader, just be there to help, but until our black leaders tell Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, until they tell Kapernic to go home and not come back, until they point out how corrupt CNN & MSNBC are, I will be viewed as something I am not.
The ball is in your court. You can kneel, or you can stand.
@reverse flash 15 my bad! Apology accepted, my point was that no one should ever apologize for peacefully protesting. It is a CONSTITUTIONALLY guaranteed right! We should exercise our rights every day and never let anyone take them away. You may not agree with all of our rights, but we have ALL of them for a reason.
I have plenty of bad days too. Wish I had more time off, economy has been so great business is booming. 50+ hour weeks makes for a great paycheck, but less time at home.
@Scott F
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress ...
Punctuation is important here my friend, pay very close attention to where the semi-colons, commas, etc are located.
The constitution was very cleverly crafted, and for damn good reason.
Our founders lived through what we might just be getting ready to go through again.
We have taken this piece of paper for granted, and it might just bite is in the ass.
@Scott FI don't know very many lawyers. I do however, know a lot of lawyer jokes. I spent a lifetime defending the document you spent a few years in college learning about.
I'm trying to ignore the "little fella" comment.
Anyone who holds their hand up and swears to defend the constitution is anything but a little fella, some of them even have tits.
I take the words literally, I enjoy the federalist papers, understanding their mindset is intriguing, can't imagine what they went through.
I agree Kapernic is wrong for kneeling during ant an, he does have a right to go across the street and kneel after the game.
All of that is well and good; however, these athletes are “on the job” so they should protest on their own time not while working. You all forget that even in the military you are not allowed to participate in activism while in uniform. Keep everything in the right box instead of trying to commingle everything. It’s just as simple as that!!!
on the job is on the field. the national anthem isn't part of the game. it's a stadium tradition and legally It's political speech to stand just as much as it is to kneel. Federal employment law protects private sector employees from being required to engage in political speech. Unless it was expressly written into their contract that engaging in political speech was a requirement for employment (zero chance that would be upheld in an DOL EEOC hearing, much less in a district court) then Kaepernick has every right to tell the NFL to pound sand for not standing. They knew this which is why they resorted to colluding with each other to blackball him.
@@porscheoscar I could care less if you stand our sit on your disrespectful ass because when you chose not to stand your showing where your loyalties lie and it is not for your country now go pound your sand to your harts content
@@jonhaynes1577 Its ironic how the anthem's last line is "The home of the brave" when the coward anti-BLM people, like you, won't defend their black brothers against systemic racism. Clearly, you disrespect the anthem more than anyone.
It is the only way to express their message.
Each star represents a state, each red stripe represents the blood lost from the 13 colonies that fought the revolution and afforded us the opportunity to be a nation. Disrespecting the the flag should not be seen as trivial. Spend some time in some other countries and you'll soon appreciate what we've got.
It's just a flag. Spend some time in other countries and you'll see they feel the same way about theirs.
You are a fucking idiot
These puzzies will only go to a different country on vacation....and most of the time end up embarrassing us being idiots.
That's the real problem, the Marxist agitators will not leave, they are too scared to do so.
Disrespecting - like standing on a stage, rubbing it and hugging it and pulling ugly grimacing faces. Disrespecting - like dancing on the spot, waving your arms, looking round at other people around you, clicking your fingers, singing something. That certainly isn't appreciating, but then, it's your president.
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
@Sergio Rosales Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
Just because you can , doesn"t mean you should
And I have a right to call all of them fools.
They believe in something, something very important. So, they absolutely should.
@Felix Stotts the government and the police....that are part of the country. 🤦♂️
My brother's a Veteran and he does NOT approve this message. He said " The only one you kneel to is GOD!"
You got that Right 👍👊🦅🇺🇸
That impresses you? Apparently you're as fucking stupid as he is. God is optional in this country.
Then you don’t support the first amendment
Nope, you are wrong, this is about the first amendment rights to protest. Why would you kneel to God that is not real?
@Jeff Goodman
I don't believe in God either. But as an American, freedom of religion is supported given by the constitution. And supporting the amendments which gives us our rights is what makes a real American.
As has been previously explained, freedom of speech is something veterans fought for! Any veteran who does not know this ought to be quickly informed by someone in the know and hopefully before they are ordered to clear a path for any politicians photo op!
@samuel moore you make sense
samuel moore - first of all, thank you for your service. I have no doubts about the jeopardy you and any other service member have put their lives in during their military service. This is about first amendment rights and while you may not agree with what Kapernick was protesting, his right to do it is part of what our military fights for whether you think so or not! I don't like the fact that he and others take a knee for the national anthem but I support their right to do it!
Muay Thai - look, I'm a veteran who supports his right to take a knee. I find it comical that you feel the need to threaten other people for possibly disrespecting a country that is far from innocent in racial matters!
For me burning the flag means hope is lost. Kneeling symbolizes a hopeful future.
Boycott the NFL. I have my rights also. How many of my Veteran Brothers have they witnessed in a casket covered with the honor of our beautiful meaningful Flag? Any who believes in traditional acknowledgement of the passing of the colors to a family member after a military funeral should be offended.
That is an honor! I served 21 years an Infantryman and proudly hold 2 of those beautiful pieces of honor. One from a young man with no family.
Amen! Thank you for your service
You served as an infantryman for 21 years but the maximum age is 35?
I’m a veteran and POC, and my issue with this debate is the disregard for all of the vets and service members whom outside of their uniform are just as equally susceptible to these acts of violence and injustice. Many of whom are also white. Because the way excessive policing is treated and protected in America, it creates a dangerous environment for many veterans dealing with severe PTSD when police become involved mental health situations they are not equipped to handle, and respond with excessive force and brutality - which historically when combined with the added factor of a persons race, results in an escalated (dangerous) response. The irony of it all, is the false idea that people who are opposed to this form of protest are in some way ‘defending the troops.’ When in reality it not only goes against what they (we) fought for. But, it is an also an issue that we as well are dually vulnerable to, and should be protected from as well.
Kap’s stance centers upon the injustice of police brutality and lack of accountability. For anyone who is or has ever been in the military we all know accountability of criminal activity is something we not only pay for as citizens, but are also punished for as service members on top it. We lose pay, rank, and even have our own legal and prison system that we can (on top of any federal or state sentencing) also be given additional sentencing for punishment.
So I feel it is completely hypocritical and unfair to use the military as a method of protection against these calls for action to silence a movement that in essence would serve to protect the military from police brutality as well.
Agreed. Another population disproportionately effected by police violence and murder are those with mental illnesses. And God, don't be a person having a crisis and be Black/POC as well.
Why is this not being shown on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram?
People should see this.
My father served in the military and he just passed away on June 4th this year. He fought for our family and friends and our country. He did his best to make things great for everyone in Canada.
nah i think he might've done it just for the easy money , don't think he fought for family or friends or country tbh
If I were a fan of the NFL and I attended a game or watched one on television, my first thought would be, I didn't come here to see a political statement I simply don't want to know about your political values, that's not what fans are paying for . . . . I'd be there to watch professional athletes play a high quality game, not a side show.
As a veteran, we took an oath to defend the constitution of the US, I get it . . . . But if I'm a paying customer and having to have this political stunt stuffed down my throat, then no I'm not in support of it
Unlike my country and other countries I know in Europe, why do you play the anthem and fly your flag before an ordinary game? For an international match, yes, but only then. And as long as you don't dance about and wave your arms as we've seen Trump doing, stand, kneel, even (!) sit, but respectfully.
@Clark WILLIAMS I 100% agree !!
+Peter Arsenault
It's not a "political statement" but it's a "human rights" issue. Drumpf made it political and racial. People don't pay to see the "National Anthem" either for that matter!
Im sure youre only saying that because what theyre doing doesnt align with your political views 😂
@@ferguson-factor7107 ...another troll...
as a soldier, would u kneel in a military ceremony during the national anthem?
If you felt it necessary, I sincerely hope so. What's the worst that could happen? They're court martialed, dishonorably discharged, humiliated in front of their fellow soldiers? Doesn't that sound like someone standing up to oppression? Maybe, risking their asses for the freedoms and rights of their people is kinda what the military is for.
Don't soldiers love saying, "I defended your rights"? Well, here they go. The freedom and right of speech. The freedom and right to peaceful protest.
Well boys, get defending!
@@DrVein Isnt having a "dishonorable discharge" like having a felony? If you can get dishonorable discharge for kneeling during a military ceromony, I sure as hell would not risk it.
@@anthonygreico9735 that’s not a thing... you’ll most definitely won’t get a dishonorable discharge, depending upon leadership. Could be a article 15, but a discharge lmao no...
I’d kneel in prayer to my God anywhere but never a flag
I would 100% take a knee
The kneeling thing became an issue and politicized by Trump and his sheep like base. I appreciate and respect the flag and the military. Collin's protest has nothing to do with either. It's about fighting for justice and against rogue police who use (dishonor their badge, gun and uniform) as immunity to cause harm.
Uh, no disrespect to you ..... but you are a hypocrite ..... but no disrespect intended. So we are ok right? See how I changed it so you shouldn't be offended? I still got to call you a hypocrite but you can't be offended because I said, 'no disrespect to you'.
I hope this helps you to understand how other people feel about it.
Trump didn't like the kneeling because Kaepernick is black. You see white folks waving confederate flags in Trump's rallies and during anti-lockdown protests and he calls them "good people". Allowing rebel flags to be raised is more disrespectful to the American Flag (Stars and Stripes of the Union -> United States) than anyone kneeling in front of the flag. Here's the flag code (www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html), why isn't Trump tweeting about others who are violating the codes? Because most of them are white.
@samuel moore www.cbsnews.com/news/nfl-roger-goodell-video-apology-colin-kaepernick-protests-george-floyd-2020-06-06/
What a crock of shit!
@dan winright Not the festivus..that's for the rest of us!
If they really want to protest, tell their bosses they won’t play another game until changes are made.
And more important not take any wages until there's changes
That is one approach, but their right to choose their form of protest is their prerogative.
See how that works? I hope they never have to play another nfl football game! All of the players will try to get their way while the league goes down the toilet! I know I’ll be celebrating!
Apply that logic to your own life. "If I really want to protest, tell my boss I won't work until changes are made." How would that work out for you and your family in your own current life...? And who might "they" be...?
@Rich Seven "Their" crap. And who are you referring to when you state "there/their"...?
I served in the ARMY I don"t like the kneeling it is their right, however there are other ways to protest other than disrespecting the flag. I personally stopped watching all sports that kneel during the National Anthem.
That's your choice. Just as it was Kaep's choice to kneel.
Please "personally" provide others ways that haven't already been tried and remedied unsuccessful...?
@@csjr9 Kneeling During the National has not been successful they have lost a lot of fans. How about taking a knee or a moment of silence after the Anthem.
Same here.
@@dantheman4137 Does not make sense. Because there is a commercial break after the anthem. They don´t disrespect it, they just do it while the anthem is on because they want awareness. Let´s face it. The country has the same social problems for 230 years, nothing has changed other than the ending of slavery. So you have to make a statement.
I am a 10 year vet. This could be solved in any other way, than kneeling at the anthem, I would gladly be there to help. But because the flag is a symbol of our nation! I hate it, and feel disrespected!
Just because you are a vet doesn’t give you moral authority over me! I thank you for your service But I’ll decide whether to oppose kneeling which I do
That's absolutely your choice but don't use the excuse of it disrespecting veterans
Hell Rell No excuses needed.... It’s disrespectful to the country as a whole including the NFL. I can’t protest with my work uniform on. Why does the league tolerate it? The fans are the ultimate authority here.Piss them off and none of these spoiled athletes will get paid
@@williamstorms3262 hey you don't protest with your work uniform on because your work doesn't make you stand with your hand over your heart and make you say the pledge before each shift either do they???
Imagine if your job made you stand and recite the black national anthem every day before work and if you didn't you would get in trouble 🤔
Hell Rell Who is recited anything? I respect my country enough to stand on or off the clock. The biggest problem these guys have is They have no problems That’s their F#@king problem.. Spoiled ass millionaires with a guilty concussion. By the way there is only one Anthem. The left is the modern day confederacy Traitors!
Everyone in America has the right to deside for themselves. God gave them that right , the Constitution affirms it and that is part of why we served. With all the bs going on in today's world, we need to remember that we have the same rights as everyone else, not more or less but equal rights. Forcing others to comply is not heroism but an act of terrorism.
About America "if we were all the same it would be a horrible place to live". Well said brother.
I did 2 tours, I agree with Kapernick. He doesn’t offend me in any way. I’d do it again just to make sure me have that freedom. Let’s face it, we as a country really don’t have the freedom we think we have.
Str8 fax.
@samuel moore Stop with the fucking lies already. You've copied and pasted this same bullshit several times. You're just making shit up.
No military personnel would never kneel during national anthem and flag.
That’s not true a lot of us would. However the Supreme Court stated that we cannot
@@DetroitSummers you go on any United states military base and any military personnel is around that flag and national anthem is played all the military personnel would stand at attention.
Andrew Villanueva I have been in the military since 2007 and I go on many bases. Trust me I know numerous service members who would openly kneel during the anthem and who did until the Supreme Court said we couldn’t. The reason why the justices had to make that decision is because servicemembers were kneeling and exercising their rights.
@@DetroitSummers l don't believe you at all. You are probably another keyboard warrior.
Andrew Villanueva it’s okay if you don’t believe me. I remember the entire process. Being in DEP, leaving for boot camp, A school, C School, school of infantry etc. It’s evident you don’t or haven’t served because what I’m saying seems so strange to you. But even recently the CNO encouraged leaders to sit down with their Sailors and Marines and have discussions on topics in this area. I assure you that if it wasn’t illegal for us to do it there are many servicemembers who would kneel. Further you can see this by the amount of veteran who kneel in solidarity. One veteran group is #VetsforBLM
I know this because some of my friends who I served with separated and became members of this groups. They openly protest in DC and other areas and we servicemembers are counseled routinely on how or when we can exercise our constitutional rights to protest etc.
I’m a real warrior, battle tested and approved. I have the scars and ptsd to prove it.
It takes a solemn moment of national unity and turns it into debate platform and commercial instead of a moment of unity it's a moment of division. Where does it stop?
I don't think the problem is a figment of a black person's imagination. You don't take a knee on TV unless you believe. Kaep Believes. Very gutsy move.
They don’t speak for all of us veterans
What's your stance on this?
Nope, you have the freedom to express yourselves individually and independently of other soldiers as well as the military itself. You even have the freedom to think for yourself, in spite of what your training tried to accomplish.
"...against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." is included in the Sheriff's oath. Is a criminal imposing his will on an unwilling victim not a domestic enemy? What is a foreign enemy besides a foreign criminal imposing his will on an unwilling American citizen? Does the federal military not see the police as a internal military? Does the federal military think the whole platoon should be punished and called pigs because one of it's members is corrupt? Have these veterans seen the vicious reception the Vietnam veterans returned to after Jane Fonda and the Weather Underground twisted the mind of many Americans? This is the same thing!!!! If you are inciting a riot, you are a enemy of the people and these peoples end goal is to abolish the constitution.
Amen, like the people who want to fly the confederate flag alongside the flag of the United States of America. How could they possibly want to fly the flag of a literal enemy to the USA?
Wait, wait. Then why do it during the national anthem? It's a slap in the face.
Exactly how I feel about it. Kaepernick had such a huge platform and just chose the wrong time to do. He could’ve walked to the middle of the field and took a knee right after the national anthem and would’ve got his message across a lot better. I personally think it’s disrespectful to the men and women who have served and died for our country.
you do it where the most people see it. protests arent supposed to make people comfortable thats the point
@Felix Stotts the point is that he's refusing to be proud or stand for a flag that represents centuries of racism, division, and hatred. y'all seem to love your freedom of speech until people use it for something you don't like
How exactly is it a slap in the face? It’s a form of protest and a condemnation of the issues we see in our country and it’s harmless, it’s not saying “we hate the military” or “we hate veterans,” it’s just them saying “we hate the systems in place used to oppress us and we stand in solidarity with those who were killed because of this violence”
@@MrWasurfer86 I agree with you
It’s a shame my uncle being a black man went to war in Vietnam did not receive a parade or a welcome home But was called the N-word and spit on when he came home he is psychologically messed up in the head from the war. And you want to talk about respect my uncle did not receive no respect when he came back home only disrespect
He was called the N-word, spit on and probably called a baby killer by all the lefty loons like Hanoi Jane and others. That still pisses me off.
I thank your uncle for his service.
@Ron Smith yep and you can too in fact, you should exercise your freedom that we veterans helped provide you and post them online.
Yes, as did very vet coming home from that war. He wasn't JUST singled out as a black. Just because of his color. You think the other races got a welcome home parade?
@Muay Thai Chip on the shoulders for MANY .... and how was I not PC?
Star-spangled Banner was a slavery song There’s a third verse missing
Then we should get rid of it, right?
@Curtis Martin What should we replace it with?
And what happened to the Pledge of Allegiance my kids don’t even remember zero about the Pledge of Allegiance nobody’s even talking about how they just cancel that out of the school curriculum
Eveready C the pledge of allegiance was a complete waste of time. None of us really meant it and said it with zero enthusiasm. That should be said if you are in the military or a government official not bu children who do not understand the weight of the words.
I'm a veteran and I'm not offended
Because you know it’s petty and have good sense we appreciate you’re service
Thank you for your service
@@KobeBean0824-f2o Not really. My dad just says that's what he fought for. They're Americans as well
I love the environment where people can talk and be real to each other and not be accused of being something they are not and still respect differences and show love with understanding. Wish we all had that kind of safe place.
Some are, some aren't. I for one am highly offended. I remember myself, my friends and family fought, bled and died for our country, it's flag and it's anthem. Kneel before God, stand up for the anthem and flag.
@reverse flash 15 Please stop. That's about as lame as "racism". That isn't a very good rationale for disrespectful behavior. Besides, ole Kaeperdick was doing this crap to save his job. It was a convenient BS reason. The low IQ people who have no life signed on.
@reverse flash 15 How does not supporting disrespecting the flag automatically make somebody okay with police brutality? I personally don't agree with what they're protesting or the way that they're going about doing it. Racially-charged police brutality is not nearly as big of a problem as some would lead you to believe.
@reverse flash 15 That's fair. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I think police brutality due to racism never happens. I just don't think it's to the extremes that some people claim. However, I am 100% against ANY police brutality regardless of their motives.
@reverse flash 15 No problem. Thanks for being a reasonable person. I wish more conversations could go like this. I feel like we'd all get a lot further if people were willing to talk & listen to each other.
reverse flash 15 ok, I will not stand, but this statement is out of line. Because somebody chooses to stand, does not keen they are ok with police brutality.
Nobody supports sellout sports teams and thier owner's.
Ummmmm.......plenty of people support them, that’s why it’s a multi billion business.
@@rasheedjeffries5754 Exactly
Angering thousands of fans and losing thousands, if not millions of dollars, is the exact opposite of selling out.
Smh. People hear stupid ideas from their friends and repeat them thinking they sound profound. Don't be so obtuse and actually google the terms you use before you use them.
"It's not about the flag"? Then why do it during the national anthem? That's a crock of ****. These are professional athletes playing a game for a ton of money. They belong to a union, the union could organize a protest and advertise it anytime they want, why don't they? I'm sorry if anyone disagrees but most people know someone that died fighting for that flag and I think that there must be a better way. Think about the flag that was raised at ground zero after 9/11 and how most of us felt seeing that video or photo. Our flag deserves our respect, God Bless Us All
they can do what but i’ll never respect it or them
Exactly, one of the great things about this country is you can protest. However I also disagree with the kneeling.
Same here
Wow. If you don’t like the flag or this country, THEN GET OUT.
alexis wallen LOLLLL more of these people. if you don’t like something only losers give up instead of trying to change it to become a better thing overall.
It is the power structure itself that has sodomized all semblance of legitimacy and the respect of it's own people.
I am a veteran and I kneel every time regardless of the event.... ain't got nothing to do with the military .... Here's a question.... Am I as a Black Man represented by that flag...or that anthem.....my answer...no...the Constitution wasn't written for me...but I fought for that flag and in doing so stood for the Constitution...now...I kneel...the flag hasn't stood for me....the Constitution hasn't stood for me.....as a Black Man...a Vet...
Thank you for your service, I am sorry that our society has not lived up to its oath. May CHRIST be with you brother.
From a caucasian veteran.
Yet you gladly receive the benefits of that constitution and flag. Hypocrite. Read a book, the constitution was written for you it just took time for those in power to let those ideals actually be practiced. Took a civil war where alot of white men died to give black people liberty and freedom. Instead of whining about it get off your ass and do something to make it better. Disrespecting the flag just makes you look like a whiny baby.
I believe that the Kaepernick, Nike, Betsy Ross flag shoe incident does show IT IS about the flag!
This quote also shows it WAS about the flag, Colin Kaepernick: I won't stand 'to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people'. Here's the link ftw.usatoday.com/2016/08/colin-kaepernick-49ers-national-anthem-sit-explains
@Muay Thai I'm sorry you don't understand what you fought for.
Then again, you could just be some cowardly racist POS who likes to talk tough on the internet.
@Meelad Elias He can talk tough all he wants. But if he resorts to violence as he has threatened here, then he goes to prison where he belongs.
@Meelad Elias Threatened, Meelad. He threatened violence.
Do any of you idiots even know that an ex green beret contacted Kap about his protesting and came up with the kneeling thing?? Obviously not.
Kap started protesting by sitting on the bench, away from his teammates.
If you clowns bothered to watch this video, the reporter even mentions this ex green beret at the very end!
I hear you.
I am also a veteran and yes, we fought to defend the constitution, but we also fought to defend the flag. If you were a combat soldier, you should know that. It’s freedom of speech, but as a veteran I wish they would pick a different platform to protest a legitimate issue. I think a better way to do it is to hold a US flag 🇺🇸 and wave it during the national anthem. This way you are saying that you are an American too and want to be looked at and treated just like any other American and not as the color of your skin.
The flag is the symbol of freedom many die to defend, rather than a tangible emblem to specifically honor those who gave their lives. ...
- The statement below is from Military.com:
*** Conduct during hoisting, lowering or passing of flag
During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.
So as a veteran, yes! I am offended, but it is your choice and your right. Just remember that you are offending the people that fought for you and not against you. Can’t wait for the day we can all be Americans and not just colors.
Thank you for your service may God bless you 🇺🇸
Speaking of oil I got to check the oil In my truck
Anti-fascist America.. I am so glad I helped to give you the freedom to speak freely and be and anti-fascist, whatever that means, without repercussions. You see, without those great soldiers and marines, you would never be able to do or believe on whatever it is that you believe in. I see many of you complaining about this great nation, but I don’t see any of you moving to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea or any of those fabulous countries. My question to you is... what have you done for this great country of ours lately? So in the meantime, you’re very welcome.... 🇺🇸
Agolf Twittler says it's disrespectful so the cult must comply.
fuck that guy.... hes just another mouth piece shitting out words for ratings..
Here is my point on it.. just mine... I watch Sports to get away from such issues. They should start a show or off the field ,track, or other sport events. I understand why they are protesting but I wont watch be cause my get away has been taken away. So I found other ways to get away from work and news. That's my point. You do you I'll do me. God Bless America.
This is a very honest and real answer. As a non-athlete (although I did play terrible baseball for my 6th grade team thankyouverymuch) I also look to sports as an escape. I'm having a tough time understanding why a brief period of reflection and protest ruins this experience for you, though. It's important for us to be uncomfortable sometimes to grow. I don't know. Curious to know your response.
@@stevej.7926 most of us dont need to grow though. Most of us arent police brutalizing anyone. Even most of the police arent brutalizing anyone. Some people might need to see it. But for those of us that it has no sway on, normal americans who work hard and want a little release after a long week. We dont care to see political stuff at all.
@@plack_benis382 I hear what you're saying but I fundamentally disagree with your point of most of us not needing to grow. I think the ability and desire to grow every day, no matter age, background, affiliation, is crucial to becoming a better citizen and fellow-human. This a specific issue that DOES hold sway on many people, so there is obviously something to it. If citizens of ours are concerned, it behooves us to learn why, in my opinion. There is an infinite number of ways to grow every single day. That is what makes life so complicated and beautiful.
If protest doesn't intrude on anyone there's literally no point to it. Black people in this country don't have the luxury of getting away from it and we all have an obligation as citizens to try and correct the problem of systemic racism and the policing policies which brutalize our fellow Americans. The riots that have occurred are a consequence of people ignoring the peaceful protests.
@@plack_benis382 "Not caring to see political stuff at all" is how this country has found itself still having the same problems it did in the 60s. If nobody wants to see anything, nobody also wants to do anything. If nobody does anything, nothing gets better. And when someone wants to do something to say "things need to change to be better", they're demonized and told to be quiet because people "don't care to see political stuff at all". America deserves the horrible state it's in.
There's a time and place for everything. When it's time to pledge alligence it's to be done in manner of how forefathers did it, period. Go ahead a kneel at a police, military, or fireman's funeral and watch what happens!
We kneel for our fallen at their battlecross. So tell me... What in your insane mind is going to happen? What will your role be in your imaginary war? Below is a statue of kneeling soldier in front of a battlecross and marines kneeling in front of a fellow marine's battlecross memorial service.
New Horizon
Protest isn’t meant to be convenient for you. Dumbass. His kneeling worked. That’s why everyone talks about it.
@@tonygarza7685 Just because your mom was always kneeling doesn't make it right idiot.
No it didn't work stupid. It just opened up the faucet America is already struggling to close of Communist idiologies. Disrespecting our heritage goes along with refusal to say pledge, with tearing down statues, etc.
@@newhorizon1355 Your heritage is being related to traitors of the United States of America. That's right, traitors. You dont even know what communism is. If the protest didnt work, why are you talking about it years later? At least you tried.
@@newhorizon1355 I agree with the idiology. That is the noun for the thinking of idiots, isn't it?
I don't care whether a veteran is offended or not. I am offended and I don't need anyone else to tell me how to feel whether they are a veteran or not.
Im a combat vet, I'm black, I've been porfiled riding a bicycle at night without a headlight, that turned into a antagonistic led conversation by police if i was a drug dealer. So i do understand that the knee was a protest to help me... (Am I the next George Floyd)...
Thanks for your service. No you're the next George Floyd that is why things are changing and we're protesting.
I'm white and I have been pulled over and taken to jail for outstanding traffic warrants.
Big deal. Did you smart off to the cop? Or did you show him respect?
@@kcbroncohater i wanted to get my lunch ready for work the next day... Realized i didnt have enough to make 3 sandwiches. Decided to ride bicycle the few blocks to grocery store(didnt want to lose my parking place)...not really a avid rider so i didn't know about regs to have headlight on bike. This was at dusk. By the time i got to store and out it was after dark. I get about two blocks from store cops get behind me hit the siren and lights.. I get off bike, as cops aproach me.i ask whats wrong. The driver side cop says let me see your ID...as i pull out my wallet, again i ask what did i do.. The second cop says "just get your damn ID out and i will tell you" sternly. I hand my ID to driver side cop he takes it walks back to car.. So now i look at officer standing with and say. What the hell is wrong??? He answers you got any drugs on you i say. .no.. Im coming from grocery store going home.. And point to plastic grocery bag hanging from handelbars.. He steps closer to me, with a frown he says your one of those drug dealers that rides around saleing drugs. I respond with im 55yrs old coming from grocery store what the fuck is wrong with you.. Now the second one comes back with my ID, soon as he gets close enough to hear me i said give me my ID back with me hand reaching out. He hands it to me and say why don't you have a headlight on front of back... I say.. Oh didn't know that was a regulation, i dont really ride bikes at night. Again i say going home from grocery store point at my grocery bag, saying you want to check the reciept. Again the cop ask what kind of drugs you have.. I can tell hes trying to get me mad enough to say something stupid to him... "None" i say im going home. The second one says are you dealing drugs.. Now i know their up to something. I say with fustration "no" if i was dealing drugs i wouldn't be stupid enough to do it without a headlight on my bike. Now the second one starts asking question angrily, are you on probation, have you ever used drugs, are you drinking, by now i know the are looking to start.. I say either write me a ticket or call your supervisor. Now he shouts i will tell you what were doing, i say calm down I'm someone riding a bike at night not robbing the bank.
George Ybarra - How did you read his account and NOT see how the officers were profiling and harassing this man? It’s stunning how people just gloss over that.
@@mjs6157 Let's face it, to some white people, regardless of what you do or say, whether you're polite of surly, armed or unarmed, innocent or not, they will blame you. They will assume you fit their stereotype, harass, arrest and maybe take your life. Don't expect some people on this threat to understand that. They're really invested in not understanding.
Literally none of them said WHY it's disrespectful to kneel to the flag.
I have a 70% disability from the VA. I support freedom of speech. Big Red One Quan Loi Vietnam.
1. No one gets to decide if it’s disrespectful or not. That’s up to the individual.
2. You can’t kneel when the flag is being presented and then claim it’s not about the flag. It would be like me defaming a holy cross to protest child abuse, people getting upset, and then me saying it’s not about the cross. Kaep chose to protest during what a lot of people think is a sacred time for the flag, so he needs to own that.
3. If he were really smart he would’ve picked something that doesn’t create division. Because while doing that does attract eyes and create noise, it can derail what people are protesting. If you want to change something, you need to make sure the message isn’t lost. He could’ve easily gotten up on the podium after every practice/game and voiced his concerns.
Problem is that people like Kaep aren’t about taking the best route to solving the problems. They are tunnel visioned, they ignore the facts, and if you aren’t 100% with both the protest and the avenue of the protest - they label you as an enemy.
I served also if u want to kneel go ahead.but the media and other people tend to call out those whom dont kneel.dont expect me to kneel anytime soon.
@Runningwolf Carson really?drew breeze was.mike tomlin was yelling and screaming at one his players because he decided to stand for the national anthem while tomlin and the team stayed in the locker room
@Runningwolf Carson I'm not talking about myself,I'm referring to the head coach of the p.Steelers,mike tomlin.
I would never in a million years kneel for the playing of the National Anthem.
But as a veteran--like these veterans said, I fought for my country to preserve freedom. ALL freedom. So if some knucklehead wants to kneel for the anthem, he as that freedom to do do.
Same goes for religion. I grew up Christian...and still follow the word of God. But if people don't want to follow Him, then that's their right not to. I'm not going to judge them. I'm probably not going to associate/be friends with them. Yet I certainly won't try to rule them or impose my Christian views on them.
America is the land of the free.
Ben Dejo - Why would someone’s religious leaning keep you from associating or being friends with them? That seems incredibly close-minded. Christianity (or any other religion or lack of) isn’t what makes a decent person.
Remember Jesus associated with all people . Not just the righteous. In fact he loath those who were righteous in their acts not their faith.
@Trevor Fluck Fluck off Trevor
Trevor Fluck its funny how this issue comes up during the NFL season and then after the season is over you don’t hear shit out of any of the players should be organizing and taking their concerns to governors and members of Congress to facilitate change but you don’t hear nothing !!!!
I’m going to assume veterans are too mature to be offended.
A great bunch of lads having a good work out then discuss matters
If you kneel for the flag and national anthem, what do you stand for?
Divided we will fall. Wake up both sides
They can kneel but we dont have to watch. HEY HEY HEY GOODBYE NFL.
Don’t let the door hit ur ass on the way out
As a Veteran and a 30 year Police Officer, I disagree with kneeling during the Anthem and believe it is very disrespectful. I also agree that I served for his right to do it, but don't then tell me that it's not disrespectful and you support me. You want to support Veterans, DO SOMETHING REAL!! Put on a REAL uniform of a Cop or the Military and go make a REAL difference.
The anthem was created for Military ceremonies. Take it out of sporting events.
The Star Spangled banner's lyrics were written by an amateur poet [Francis Scott Key]. ... IT WAS NOT WRITTEN FOR THE MILITARY... the tune was taken from a popular British song called "To Anacreon in Heaven." It did not even become the National Anthem until March of 1931.
Yes, just like the rest of the world. Good point! Americans are blinded by nationalism draped in patriotism. “Beware the military industrial complex...” Ike was so right. Now, we’ve got people who don’t know that quote, don’t even know who Ike was. I love my country too, but damn we have a lot of fuckin’ ignorant people here. I say kneel away! Great video... Randy Couture-love that dude!
@@jonothandoeser Recognised for use by the NAVY in 1889. Check ur history. WTF.
@@goast6120 "RECOGNIZED for use" is not the same as "CREATED FOR'.... you do understand that don't you?
@@jonothandoeser good facts... knowing that, should they take it out of sporting events?
You know they just need to find a better way to say it. Than during the anthem.
@@AlchemyCAWS press conference
@@memesupport2102 I bet you hold press conferences when you get bullied by your sister. I hope it works well for you, but the best way is to get the attention of your parents
I live in a military town and most veterans ive talked to agree that a person has a right to kneel and I agree. My only thing is creates a divide. If i get up to stand for the anthem and the person next to me kneels than they might think i agree with police brutality. I think there could be a better time and place to protest the cause. I want to be able express that i am opposed to police brutality and also express my respect to my country. How can i do both?
Take a knee but also place your hand over your heart. Shows you agree police brutality is an issue BUT you also love your country.🤷🏿♂️ Just a suggestion brother.
@@raymac5235 I appreciate the suggestion. I I was taught to stand with my hand over my heart. So now i will just say (as im standing) that my hand over my heart is for equality. I hope that helps. I like when the teams stand together and lock arms. Its a good show of unity.
@@Cpsteg That works too man. It's not about the kneeling really, it's about uniting for change. Standing or kneeling, I'm glad you're with us brother.
@@raymac5235 Yes sir. Its United States not the Divided States.
@George Ybarra Thats a good idea. Thanks for your service. Im not a veteran myself. I just happen to be fortunate enough to live near an Air Force base and have the pleasure of knowing several veterans.
This should be on the news! Great and fair interview with unbiased interviewers and whom the issues matters. Thank you.
He can kneel on his own time no of us are watching football to see politics on the field. Period. If it continues I’ll do exactly what I did last season turn it off.
“No of us are watching football to see politics on the on the field”
Then how about we get rid of the National Anthem for football events altogether? Y’know, since we’re not watching to see politics on the field.
I'm a vet and I believe that if you're willing to be antiamerican, burn the flag, kneel during the National Anthem, ect ect, you should go find you another place to live. You can be protesting against Police brutality a different way than to kneel for our Anthem. I fought for people's freedoms, but I didn't fight for people to be against our country.
How does kneeling during a song written to be racist make you anti American? I literally see people wear the flag as under wear and biking bottoms (which is against the flag code) but when someone kneels quietly you mark them anti American!
The anthem is not racist and if so tell me what's ur proof jackass
Kyle DeVille You seem upset over a statement I made. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Google exist. Look up the Star Bangled Banner the full version by Francis Scott Key. Here is a Wikipedia link you can read the full lyrics there also. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star-Spangled_Banner
@@DetroitSummers See, this is the problem with you kids today. You don't know or understand shit. I don't even understand how you equate The Star Spangled Banner with racism, that's such a stupid idea... We can look back on our history and agree slavery is wrong, but back in the day, nobody really felt that way. It was just the way of life. You do realize that every country on Earth held slaves, right? You know that some countries still have human slaves? We are the youngest country in the world and among the first to end our countries slavery. You need to get yourself educated and quit listening to terrorist organizations like BLM.
@@DetroitSummers Another thing, if you're going to have people look up factual information, Wikipedia isn't the place where you look jackass...
I kneel for the cross, I stand for the flag
Wonder what would happen if we all knelled and said The Lord's Prayer¿???
congratulations you wanna cookie?
@@cypher787 yeah I'll take yours....dont come at me with that bullshyt. Take that shyt outta here
What cross? For what? What does this mean?
@@DrVein the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified on.
If I was 12 years old I'd be pissed at these punks not standing up for the flag!!!!
Collin wearing communism shirt and being a police hater makes him the right spokesperson ?
alowz18 puukalot That’s not my question but maybe you’re not comfortable with truth or integrity. I am a Latina veteran and I see that police are not perfect but they are definitely better then when I was young.
I also don’t believe CK had the right motives and still doesn’t.
I believe you have the right to kneel for a flag but young people don’t know or care about their history. I believe kneeling is like spitting in Sgt William Carneys face..
In certain religious groups kneeling is just a higher form of reverence. And standing is also a form of showing reverence but kneeling is actually one of the most humbling forms.
So much combat vets living on the streets cuz there’s no help for them.
In 10 yrs when it’s brought to light that Kaepernick didn’t really kneel for what you think he did, you’ll see it differently. The timing was horrible to many that love this country. The timing was perfect to divide this country as it HAS done. But when you are enlightened as to who is truly behind it you’ll shake your head and be amazed!
Imagine forcing someone to stand to a symbol of freedom 😳
Imagine living here if you don't like it, leave
@@richardnoggin99 lol 😂 that was a good one
why does he only kneel when the anthem comes on and the flag goes up.. dont see him kneeling any other time
That's why is call kneeling during the national anthem because he is kneeling when the anthem is being played.
@Noneya Business cry me a river
@Noneya Business keep bitching love them tears
@Noneya Business like i said keep bitching i like it when people like you get triggered and start to complain cry about everything it makes me happy.😂😂
I guess you have no idea as to what was taken out of that song.
Veterans act like them stopping to watch sports is going to affect the athletes pay 🤣
If enough people stop watching it will. That's how the nfl and all the other sports get their money is through TV contracts. Then the TV network sales advertising slots to different companies for commercial ads. If the sport brings in low ratings the ads will be less if the sport brings in big ratings the ads cost more. We will see how bad the nba will suffer when the next TV deals are up.
@@alberteinstein8546 😂😂that’s not gonna happen conservitard 🤫🤡🤦♂️
@@alberteinstein8546 reverse flash is right 🤣 that’s not gonna happen … there are wayyy to many meme accounts on social media that like getting clips from these sports to use … and there are television shows talking about them and promoting them to make people wanna watch them 💯
@@reverseflash882 ok libtard we will see how it goes when they have to redo their contracts.
@@lonewolfislit getting sports clips does not account for views on the sports when they are live. But we will see when the contract is up.
I will never agree with kneeling before the flag, Has to be another platform you can take instead of disrespecting something so sacred to so many people