So Suisei, who comes from the countryside, describes Higurashi as a "countryside slice-of-life" anime. I guess the Suicopath thing goes back a lot farther than we thought... 草
Humu humu. Sui-chan's talent for music has been nurtured from young age, plus the help from her father. And Higurashi is a country side slice of life anime. Humu humu...
Maannnn, the only reason I stuck with piano for so long was because my piano teacher allowed me to play game music and the occasional anisongs almost exclusively, casually. Sadly, that also meant the only skllls I got were the most basic of music theory and the (now lost) ability to memorise pieces through brute force. I hate to say it, but classical background is important y'all.
That trumpet suisei fanart from kiel back then.... ITS CANON NOW
Jazz for your soul
So Suisei, who comes from the countryside, describes Higurashi as a "countryside slice-of-life" anime. I guess the Suicopath thing goes back a lot farther than we thought... 草
I'm waiting for the piano and singing live, sui chan
I would lose my mind if Suisei randomly started playing a trumpet in one of her lives....
Humu humu. Sui-chan's talent for music has been nurtured from young age, plus the help from her father.
And Higurashi is a country side slice of life anime. Humu humu...
Suisei Jazz for your soul is official now. That explains the jazziness of Still Still Stellar, thanks for clipping this.
I will look forward to Suisei's jazz solo on a trumpet in future lives.
Maannnn, the only reason I stuck with piano for so long was because my piano teacher allowed me to play game music and the occasional anisongs almost exclusively, casually. Sadly, that also meant the only skllls I got were the most basic of music theory and the (now lost) ability to memorise pieces through brute force.
I hate to say it, but classical background is important y'all.
0:28 弦楽器 it’s string instruments instead of keyboards
LOL 1:39 anime loving Sui xD
Higurashi is Suichan's idea of Slice-of-Life... It all makes sense now...
4:34 pain sui
Sui-chan's dad a musician?