Sacred Rhythms Group Bible Study by Ruth Haley Barton

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • The DVD and guide are available here: - - -
    Sacred Rhythms Group Bible Study by Ruth Haley Barton.
    The spiritual life begins with the willingness to name our desire in Jesus' presence. In this first of six sessions from the Sacred Rhythms Group Bible Study, Ruth Haley Barton teaches participants that your desire for God and your capacity to reach for more of God than you have right now is the deepest essence of who you are. It is one of the most powerful motivators for a life lived with intentionality and focus.
    Drawing on the imagery of the natural rhythms of the created order, Sacred Rhythms explores the practices that spiritual seekers and growing disciples have used throughout history to grow closer to God. In a similar way, the disciplines of the spiritual life are the basic components of the rhythm of intimacy that feeds the soul, keeping Christians open and available to God's surprising initiative in their lives.
    In this six session DVD curriculum, designed for use with the Sacred Rhythms Participant's Guide, Ruth Haley Barton provides guidance for you and your group in a way that links the disciplines of the Christian faith to the most compelling desires of the human soul. Each of the following sessions offers video teaching as well as specific practices that allow you to experience each discipline and incorporate it into your life.
    Sacred Rhythms session titles include:
    1. Desire: Longing for More in the Spiritual Life
    2. Solitude and Silence: Creating Space for God
    3. Lectio Divina: Encountering God in the Scriptures
    4. Honoring the Body: Flesh and Blood Spirituality
    5. The Examen: Bringing My Whole Self to God
    6. A Rule of Life: Cultivating Your Own Sacred Rhythms
    Ruth Haley Barton is founder of The Transforming Center (, a ministry dedicated to strengthening the souls of pastors and Christian leaders. A teacher, spiritual director, and retreat leader, she has served on the pastoral staff of several churches including Willow Creek Community Church and is the author of numerous books and resources on the spiritual life including Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership, Sacred Rhythms, and Invitation to Solitude and Silence.

ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @ginabrock
    @ginabrock 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you, Dr. Barton, for calling us to ancient, Christian practices that lead us to being and living more like Jesus.

  • @wilrogan2563
    @wilrogan2563 10 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    It saddens me that people in the comments here reject this material out of hand as "satanic," relativistic, or pagan. As another commenter mentioned, Christians throughout the ages have practiced the spiritual disciplines as a way to grow in Christian virtue and better reflect the image of Christ. Breath prayers, for example, have been practiced by pious, faithful Christians in the Eastern Orthodox tradition for centuries, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner." It is, at the very least, unwise to so quickly dismiss a tradition practiced by what amounts to a third of the Christians in the world. Furthermore--it is astonishing to me that you would call such a prayer, repeated throughout the day to orient the worshipper's whole being towards the Lord Jesus to receive mercy from him, pagan. A prayer--no less--that comes from the Bible!
    In my estimation, this is excellent curriculum that can enrich the spiritual lives of contemporary Christians by bringing them into an encounter with Jesus through the Bible and prayer.

    • @chukeyful
      @chukeyful 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Wil Rogan Hi Will, there is a very good reason why this approach has been rejected by Christians posting on here. You mention the Eastern Orthodox church. This is, at best, a dead church with empty traditions. Eastern Orthodox Christians are nominal only, not born again, therefore their repetitive prayer, "God have mercy upon me" does not proceed from faith, but from emptiness. A born-again Christian does not need to plea for mercy, as mercy has already been shown by Christ to that sinner, and received by him when he believed. The faith of a true convert is a true faith, based on what Jesus Christ has already accomplished on the cross. There are SO many wolves around today; I would say the majority of church leaders are leading their flock astray in some way, and nearly all high profile leaders are false teachers. This teaching is clearly New Age. A glance at the Transforming Centre website (her HQ) will convince you that this is not the direction a church should be going in. Her influences comprise a 'who's who' of dodgy characters. The fact that she is a woman, yet takes authority over men is disobedience to scripture, for a start. 'The Transforming Church' sounds to me like the next step along from 'The Emerging Church'.

    • @jangregory356
      @jangregory356 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anyone who can dismiss an entire, ancient stream of Christ's Church, out of hand, knowing nothing about it, but willing to completely discard it, cannot be be a Christ-centered Christian.

    • @chukeyful
      @chukeyful 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No Jan, a Christ-centered Christian is a mature Christian who has trained himself to distinguish good from evil by feeding on solid food (Hebrews 5:14). He can tell at a glance by certain unmistakable traits or clues that something is false, therefore he CAN dismiss an 'entire stream' of whatever (I deny that this New-Age nonsense has anything to do with CHRIST'S Church), out of hand, and he is not only willing to completely discard it, he MUST completely discard it because we are to "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them" (Eph 5:11)

  • @georgian6239
    @georgian6239 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Where in the Bible does it say to sit with our feet on the ground, uncrossed legs, and concentrate on our breathing? When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray he responded with when you pray " say". He did not tell them to concentrate on their breathing . you tell us in the introduction that the keyword here is experience . That was my first alarm bell with this teaching .

    • @Glimer85
      @Glimer85 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @_TW199
      @_TW199 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That is the first time I saw someone take a stance against breathing. I have seen people consider many things evil. But breathing; this is unchartered territory.

    • @paulgreth2579
      @paulgreth2579 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well it is not written anywhere that we should close our eyes, band our heads and join hands together… does it make it evil?
      Should we stop using phones because the Bible doesn’t talk about phone?
      I mean the Bible gives us guiding principles and then, the rest is left to discernment, which the Holy Spirit can provide when asked.
      I find disturbing all the finger wagging for every little details … so now we’re not allowed to breath while praying?!?!!!

  • @JoshuaPatrickGarrett
    @JoshuaPatrickGarrett 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The Bible speaks of meditating on Gods' Word and deeds, using your mind in a way of examination and reflection. We are not to adopt sensual ritual practices in order to "see what God is telling us". That's a different kind of meditation- one that is not in the Bible, therefore not real meditation. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in faith in Christ alone, not by engaging the flesh that leads to death. I am surprised that Zondervan is pushing this stuff, but this may be nothing new for them. Be wise as serpents and live according to the Word of the LORD.

  • @TheExastrologer
    @TheExastrologer 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Spiritual disciplines are based on esoteric monastic teachings that are no supported in scripture. I started looking into this in the 1990s and read books advocating it. Whether other Christians in the past did it or not is not the standard for what we should do. God's word should support this but it doesn't. The Bible models verbal prayer in numerous cases. Jesus taught his disciples a prayer that is the pattern for prayer. We should not go within and we don't need to look into "our deeper longings" and "name them."
    I've listened to Barton giving this message in a church which totally takes away the meaning of the passage. There is nothing in the text to support her statements such as the blind man getting in touch with his deepest desires and the crowd being "uncomfortable" for the reasons she gives. She switches it so that it supports her ideas about being vulnerable and "healthy and whole" and other contemporary concepts, which are not based on Scripture.
    In actuality, this passage affirms Jesus as the Messiah, not just because he healed the blind man but because no blind person is healed in the Old Testament and there are passages prophesying that the Messiah would make the blind see. The passage showcases Jesus as the prophesied Messiah, not the blind man. Although some things can be said about the blind man, there is very little about him in the passage. Barton reads a lot of her ideas into the passage. Barton was trained at the Interfaith and I believe, Perenniailst, Shalem Institute.

    • @techrider2088
      @techrider2088 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes. Her teaching is a dangerous New Age approach delivered falsely as Christian practice.

  • @Daughtersofmercy
    @Daughtersofmercy 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This is Not Biblically sound. it is opening yourself up to a different spirit if you practice this well known practice among pagans and the Mystics of the Roman Catholic church - who learned these things from pagans.

  • @Jordmannnn
    @Jordmannnn 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    This stuff is so good... :)

  • @DavidElCid300
    @DavidElCid300 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Definitely not scriptural.

  • @JoshuaPatrickGarrett
    @JoshuaPatrickGarrett 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is affiliation with Willow Creek, so...

  • @RonJones_eVisibleMarketing
    @RonJones_eVisibleMarketing 11 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "Breath prayers" are vain repetition, as the heathens (pagans) do.
    See also Deuteronomy 18:9-12 and 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 in your king james Bible.
    What you are "conjuring" is not the real Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God... but "another jesus," via another spirit. Rooted in another gospel.