Infinitive absolute-An uninflected verb form that can function as an intensifier of a cognate verb (Gen 2:16-17: “eat you will eat and die you will die”) Andersen, F. I., & Forbes, A. D. (2012). Biblical Hebrew Grammar Visualized (M. O’Connor, C. L. Miller-Naudé, & J. A. Naudé, Eds.; p. 363). Eisenbrauns.
Thank you for your video, it means a lot to me
Infinitive absolute-An uninflected verb form that can function as an intensifier of a cognate verb (Gen 2:16-17: “eat you will eat and die you will die”)
Andersen, F. I., & Forbes, A. D. (2012). Biblical Hebrew Grammar Visualized (M. O’Connor, C. L. Miller-Naudé, & J. A. Naudé, Eds.; p. 363). Eisenbrauns.
Well לשפט is an Infinitive to inseparable preposition