It is extremely buggy. No sensors on the side railing. So the product has to face either forward or backward. The barcode sensors are cameras but there is an issue there too. The cameras are bulky. They take up a lot of room on the top of the cart leaving a smaller top portion open for stocking goods. Everything except the optical components (sensor, lens and basic electronics) need to be placed elsewhere (underneath the cart). Also, there need to be cameras on the sides as well.
you can also use a calculator to keep track of your spending. Also, you still have to bag the stuff before you put it in your car. What is the point of this?
how does it recalculate if I decide to putback the items? what is the extra cost? .. I see extra effort , not much extra is that AI related? does it gives suggestions (similar products per price/health risk.. etc)?
It is extremely buggy. No sensors on the side railing. So the product has to face either forward or backward. The barcode sensors are cameras but there is an issue there too. The cameras are bulky. They take up a lot of room on the top of the cart leaving a smaller top portion open for stocking goods. Everything except the optical components (sensor, lens and basic electronics) need to be placed elsewhere (underneath the cart). Also, there need to be cameras on the sides as well.
No mention of the ads that will be popping up as you try to focus on your own grocery list.
you can also use a calculator to keep track of your spending. Also, you still have to bag the stuff before you put it in your car. What is the point of this?
Supposedly will reduce theft by both customers and employees, labor and one can only guess other benefits.
Skipping the lines. And shoppers with regular carts would have shorter lines as a result.
Then you're just trading one line for another. DUMB@@Misteranderson123
how does it recalculate if I decide to putback the items? what is the extra cost? .. I see extra effort , not much extra is that AI related? does it gives suggestions (similar products per price/health risk.. etc)?