T. Colin Campbell | The Future of Nutrition | Talks at Google

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 54

  • @robertmorgan5467
    @robertmorgan5467 2 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I am SO GRATEFUL to Drs. Cambell, Esselstyn, Barnard, Mcdougall, Fuhrman, Campbell, Klapper, Goldhammer, et. al., (and anyone else I failed to mention) for all of your work, HONESTY, willingness to stick your neck out and share the truth with the world. You have all changed my life for the better.

    • @gettingnew500
      @gettingnew500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dear Robert Morgan, congratulations. You are right, there are people for whom Campbells diet is good. Maybe many people, 1 of 500. They just have hypercholesterolemia. Genetic, family- related. But for everyone else, Campbell's diet plan is not good, and maybe even harmful.
      Please do not force this low-cholesterol diet on anyone.

    • @gettingnew500
      @gettingnew500 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sherril.562 but with a low cholesterol people suffer, the cell membrane changes, and with this the permeability. the nutrients dont reach the cells.
      for example. low cholesterol is deadly. in plants are statins.
      and legumes kill with their protein as well. we need phosphate and calcium in a ratio of about 2:1. you can't do that with plants. not enough calcium. 🤷🏼 because of the oxalic acid. in every plant.

    • @gettingnew500
      @gettingnew500 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sherril.562 and we need the good cholesterol in milk, dairy.. eggs, all fresh. because only with cholesterol in the diet, our body reach the cholesterol ceiling.
      but if you have hyper.. cholesterol.. emia. than it is good for you, to be plant based, because of the statins in plants, and because of all the cholesterol lowering effects by plants, saponines, all kinds of fiber, beta glucan, phytosterins..

    • @cherij7000
      @cherij7000 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Me too Robert Morgan. I'll just add Ornish to that list. The number of younger doctors like Drs. Bulsiewicz, Goldner, Agarwahl and soooooo many others is growing. They are standing on the shoulders of the folks you mentioned and helping to reach younger people.

    • @destiaptah2197
      @destiaptah2197 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gettingnew500 YOU ARE REALY BRAINWASHED BY THE MEAT AND POULTRY PROPAGANDA ...nothing really scientific in your comment!

  • @mariohashiba1500
    @mariohashiba1500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    People like Dr. Colin Campbell are modern medicine heroes. It's very frustrating how underappreciated their work is, but for us that do appreciate them, we will be forever grateful. There's nothing more empowering, nutritionally speaking than evidence-based lifestyle medicine. A whole-food plant-based diet made my dad lose weight, reverse his type 2 diabetes (which his doctor said was impossible), and will probably save me and my family from other "family diseases" that run in my family, like cardiovascular diseases and prostate cancer.

    • @claumj8428
      @claumj8428 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this amazing results!

    • @ken198100
      @ken198100 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      you really have no idea.. do some reseach and evaluate everything his saying and then study.... u might be suprised that plant base is not the way to go.. not saying it doesnt have benefits but to stay on a plant base diet you gotta have a rock in ur head

  • @kevinhogan2909
    @kevinhogan2909 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    From the perspective of a lay person who spent many years living on the "wrong side of the tracks" with regards to my personal health, I finally began to feel the consequences of my poor lifestyle choices when I hit my early 60's. Fortunately for me, I was able to jump over to the other side of the tracks and now reap the benefits of proper nutrition combined with other healthy lifestyle choices. Here is my story.
    I grew up in the 1950's and early 60's when food was real food. I didn't really begin to offend my body until I was able to purchase my own snacks and sodas as a teenager. Of course, there were no adverse repercussions from that (other than acne) so I continued with those foolish choices and piled on with the introduction of smoking and alcohol as I grew older. By the time the 1970's rolled around, fast food restaurants were abundant, processed and ultra-processed foods and snacks were all the rage, and microwave ovens made food prep convenient. The traditional family dinner eventually faded into the past.
    In 1990, I was 40 years old and a tavern owner who smoked 2 - 3 packs of cigs per day when smoking in bars was still allowed, abused alcohol, fed myself meat-laced sandwiches with gobs of condiments (true 5 napkin sandwiches), tons of deep-fried foods, ate more than a normal share of dairy products on a daily basis, and experienced extremely poor sleep. And yes, I was overweight (BMI @ 30.1). I finally came to my senses and quit smoking. I sold the tavern when I was in my mid-40's, moved into a single family home in a quiet neighborhood and began to slowly make lifestyle changes in an effort to "step on the brakes" to (hopefully) avoid illness and disease. After a mini-retirement period, I began an energy consulting business and ran that until my official retirement at age 64. From the time I sold my tavern until my retirement, I continued to make poor food choices and I continued to consume alcohol, but at a reduced pace.
    In 2015, I watched a TED Talk that featured Bert Herring, M.D. who was promoting health benefits of intermittent fasting (IF). It sounded too good to be true, but giving it a try didn't cost me anything, so I jumped in with both feet. Shortly after beginning IF, I stopped eating meat and began to eat more plant-based foods, eliminated dairy products, stopped drinking alcohol, reduced my sugar intake, and began a simple, daily exercise routine. I was so amazed with the impact these changes had on my body and mind that within six months I decided to open a local business featuring products and protocols promoting natural health and wellness. Over the course of the past six years that I've been in business, I've watched numerous videos and documentaries, read books and articles promoting the benefits of whole food, plant-based diets in combination with a multitude of lifestyle choices that together have the potential to prevent or treat most illnesses and diseases. I have not been sick since experiencing a three day cold in 2011 and I am not on any prescription meds. My annual blood tests indicate my vitals all to be in the normal range. I consider myself a walking, talking senior example of a health transformation. BTW, my BMI is now 20.8 and has remained steady for more than five years.
    With every book and article I read and every video and documentary I watch, I feel more empowered (and enlightened) to parrot the overall message regarding this "paradigm shift" that I sense is beginning to emerge onto mainstream information pathways. Thank you Dr. Campbell for being one of those scientists willing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about health. I'm a believer in this long-term "battle" to eventually win the war after being ignored, laughed at, and fought tooth 'n nail by the money-grubbing industries that profit from creating and managing illnesses and diseases rather than investigating root causes and discovering ultimate cures.

    • @DVines-sz4nn
      @DVines-sz4nn 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ty for caring enough to share and wow what a story you have...glad you're still here and making healthier choices! ✨🙋

    • @tybrady1935
      @tybrady1935 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cool story!

  • @yuruchen5075
    @yuruchen5075 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I am big fan. Dr cambell sure can talk. His brain is very sharp

  • @nancysueleske7819
    @nancysueleske7819 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This wonderful man and his family is so appreciated!

  • @alvarosalazardegurendez4557
    @alvarosalazardegurendez4557 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    World is a great place. It's amazing that google shares the possibility to hear great scientist and communicators. Thanks!

  • @jinwoohere
    @jinwoohere ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The wisdom from his brain is so needed in our times.

    • @KenWang2
      @KenWang2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He made up his own make believe world

  • @silviacas11
    @silviacas11 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dr. Campbell is my Hero!!!!!!

  • @AnnaSzabo
    @AnnaSzabo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Finally, Dr. Campbell is at Google

  • @alexnuno
    @alexnuno 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Precious document for present and future generations. It is inevitable the move to plant based, and if is delayed it's not for lack of information.

  • @pauloviteritte117
    @pauloviteritte117 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a Class (capital letter !!!) It reiterates the importance and responsibility of my professional practice as a clinical Nutritionist and University Professor. Realy grateful.

  • @simplyemily8251
    @simplyemily8251 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you google for this wonderful and educational talk with the wonderful sir Campbell

  • @patriciathomas3731
    @patriciathomas3731 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thank God for your work on nutrition & plant base studies!! My first introduction of you came through the China study! You had me on page one!
    This is Dr matt brown'sWhowas your student at the Forum

  • @Silvertestrun
    @Silvertestrun 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you!

  • @summer911ca
    @summer911ca 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    WPF Doctors need to be covered by our healthcare like they cover medicins.

  • @Takingchances99
    @Takingchances99 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I truly admire your work. Thank you

  • @jinwoohere
    @jinwoohere ปีที่แล้ว

    The world needs him.

  • @paularad4754
    @paularad4754 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fac dializa de 19 ani,am 63ani și cam de opt ani incerc sa fiu disciplinata si mă simt foarte slăbită cu dieta Dvs .,domnule CollinC...Romania 💋🙋❤️

  • @mrinvestor2627
    @mrinvestor2627 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is utterly stupid from google to promote china study when a simple "google" search can show inconsistencies and cherry-picking

  • @nowhereman9463
    @nowhereman9463 ปีที่แล้ว

    No money in health. Until WE change, IT won't change. Take charge, change ourselves and others will follow.

  • @roustabout4fun
    @roustabout4fun 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Note to self....47 min Will need to learn more in regards to protein and sports nutrition but the educated host and great guest- a gem are appreciated.

  • @BethShearon
    @BethShearon 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you ❤

  • @XinhLe
    @XinhLe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's good to let him speak out and share his "Science"

  • @alexiavandercruyssen1354
    @alexiavandercruyssen1354 ปีที่แล้ว

    Après de nombreuses recherches physiologiques et cliniques, Ishizuka Sagen découvrit que ce rapport K/Na était de 5/1 et ne devait pas être supérieur à 5.
    Quelle découverte ! Au-delà de cinq, un déséquilibre nutritionnel se produisait lequel provoquerait des dysfonctionnements dans l’organisme jusqu’à la pathologie, un défaut d’homéostasie.
    La médecine millénaire d’Extrême-Orient redécouverte par le Dr Ishizuka
    Dans le même temps, il explorait les bienfaits physiologiques et la thérapeutique de l’alimentation dans la médecine millénaire d’Extrême-Orient. Et dans le cours de son exercice thérapeutique, il remit en question en grande partie le système médical occidental et fut persuadé progressivement de la supériorité de la médecine traditionnelle orientale.
    Au sein des pays d’Orient, la nourriture dans l’antiquité, était une nutrition de la Santé et du Bonheur pour TOUS avant d’être une consommation gastronomique. Il découvrit alors progressivement qu’elle était en fait une matrice thérapeutique « invisible » subtilement infiltrée dans les habitudes et les conventions de la société depuis les temps anciens.
    Ainsi dans la pratique de tous les jours, elle générait une guérison spontanée du corps et de l’esprit à chaque instant, à chaque repas ou consommation. Manger assouvissait le besoin tandis qu'en réalité elle régénérait le corps et apportait la "paix" au mental.
    Même dans les fêtes, qui étaient prétexte à des rites ou des célébrations de saints, les repas gastronomiques n’omettaient pas cet équilibre atavique et diététique dans les ingrédients. Les traditions alimentaires dans l’Ancien Orient étaient des modes subtils et systématisés de la prophylaxie (qui prévient le bien-être ou la guérison). Ils étaient induits dans la nature intime même des comportements et chacun, au jour le jour, assimilait et suivait ce principe sanitaire nutritionnel intrinsèque et démocratique.
    Ishizuka Sagen le compris profondément, il fit donc le retour à cette saine alimentation antique et sacrée dans sa méthode qui intégrait des apports de la biochimie clinique ; il lui a donné le concept de Shokuyô.
    Dans la médecine nutritionnelle orientale, manger était donc autant aussi agréable d’assouvir son besoin organique et autant que de se « guérir spontanément » à chaque consommation, à chaque bouchée, à chaque déjeuner (dé-jeûner…).
    Le Shokuyô avait donc pour but de revenir à cette culture thaumaturgique mais de façon compréhensible et consciente pour le patient : voilà l'éducation alimentaire du remarquable Dr Ishizuka ! Il donnait des consultations didactiques par le recouvrement de la Mémoire ancestrale sur la santé par soi-même.
    Cette clinique de la nutrition évitait tout d'abord tout déséquilibre biochimique donc physiologique, et même d’éviter tous les troubles nerveux ou mentaux. Le Dr Ishizuka comprit aussi que cette saine alimentation antique était devenue « invisible » tant elle avait épousé intimement les mœurs au sein des sociétés orientales mais elle était toujours là dans la mémoire subconsciente. Et le côté négatif de cette intimité subconsciente a généré son discrédit, sa dévalorisation. L’exemple est le même avec cette déconsidération des prouesses quotidienne de notre corps jugées « routinières » … Le vrai sens, la sagesse, du « Shokuyô antique », étaient donc tombés dans la mémoire de l’oubli.
    Les orientaux, couvés par une culture ancestrale performante et optimale, ont négligé son essence véritable : une thérapeutique naturelle sans effort pour une vie saine, longue et une joie quotidienne. Parce qu’elle était devenue commune, intégrée, dans la consommation quotidienne, les orientaux modernes en avaient oublié les bienfaits sanitaires générés par la matrice profonde YIN.
    Ce « régime » de la saine alimentation antique était entré dans le subconscient collectif de l’Homme oriental. Il était devenu inhérent au moindre instant, à ses états de pensée intime, dans la vie quotidienne. C’était une seconde nature mais trop enfouie dans le subconscient.
    Il fallait donc faire remémorer aux patients cette médecine subconsciente extemporanée (agissant à chaque instant sur mesure) et efficiente, générée par les découvertes et les prouesses de leurs ancêtres.

  • @mpbrodrigues
    @mpbrodrigues ปีที่แล้ว

    🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thanks Dr. Campbell

  • @praveensanap
    @praveensanap 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh wow

  • @januarioferiado
    @januarioferiado 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    She is so pretty

  • @user-cz6gm4dd2h
    @user-cz6gm4dd2h 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    woman of great beauty

  • @YungTommi
    @YungTommi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for deafness induced by the intro music

  • @kardste8114
    @kardste8114 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like his whole food- plants approach. But what about the elderly needing additional protein after age 65-70? Some plant based scientists recommend perhaps adding a couple eggs per week, or more fish for the elder vegans. I wonder how Dr. Campbell feels about that?

  • @alexten71
    @alexten71 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Okay... I'm a passionate about this subject. I think most of us are... But here's the thing I discovered... Professionals just recite what they've been taught.
    I tell you: I studied this seriously, and there's 3 main things to know: 1- there's no "magic pill". The more diverse your diet, the better health. The reason for this is each system of your body needs specific vitamins/minerals. 2- So, can you survive on 1 food only? And if yes, what is it? Actually, believe it or not, but there is a superfood. Just 1 food that you can survive on, and it's underrated: it's seaweed (kelp capsules or liquid form). The body has different metabolisms depending on your activity, but 1 metabolism that is crucial for the body to survive/adapt, that is basal metabolism. Iodine and not in trace amounts, you need to take a healthy dose (try and see what amount works for you). You can survive on iodine only, and you can prevent a looot of diseases, including the common cold, if you give your body this mineral. It is literally the most important nutrient the body needs, but doctors don't want you to know this, because they'll be out of business. 3- this is obvious.. but it's nice to remind why diets work: It's because of calorie deficit compared to the calories you burn.

    • @Liliquan
      @Liliquan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      First of all, Campbell as he made clear in the video, doesn’t teach what he was taught. After decades of research, he discovered that what he was taught was completely wrong. Secondly, it’s been over 60 years since he was taught, since then he has done tons of research. So how the hell is he just regurgitating what he was taught?
      Furthermore, you just criticized other professionals of just regurgitating and then just regurgitated what you had been taught whilst providing no evidence and making quite a ridiculous claim about seaweed. Get over yourself loser.

    • @alexten71
      @alexten71 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Liliquan lmao you're mad because i know the truth...

  • @markmcclane-xi1zv
    @markmcclane-xi1zv ปีที่แล้ว

    Picture of suicides

  • @patriciathomas3731
    @patriciathomas3731 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thank God for your work on nutrition & plant base studies!! My first introduction of you came through the China study! You had me on page one!
    This is Dr matt brown'sWhowas your student at the Forum

  • @patriciathomas3731
    @patriciathomas3731 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thank God for your work on nutrition & plant base studies!! My first introduction of you came through the China study! You had me on page one!
    This is Dr matt brown'sWhowas your student at the Forum

  • @patriciathomas3731
    @patriciathomas3731 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thank God for your work on nutrition & plant base studies!! My first introduction of you came through the China study! You had me on page one!
    This is Dr matt brown'sWhowas your student at the Forum