CORRECTIONS (thanks to those who pointed these out to me) - Omni-steriliser is better on the Manipulus' Transonic Cannon due to devastating wounds - would average around 10MW to infantry within range which is pretty huge! Also not bad on a dominus Volkite either. - Skitarii squads were also usable in 5 man squads last edition (I did know that, just a mental blank at the time).
When AdMech DO gets a buff, you bright sunshines will say "It'll going to be nerfed anyway" like what your kind say about the Aeldari right now. Why even bother playing this game then? when you're afraid of being hopeful.
@@AnEnormousNerd Its fun but the damage is a little too low for them to reliably challenge other walkers. I had a trio of dragoons really struggle with a single Armiger Helverin. 2 Damage doesn't go far against a 12 wound model.
As an Ad Mech player 1) The biggest damage combo in the index is Manipulus with transonic Canon and the steralizer, then put it in a unit to shoot three times a round with strats. Each time it's putting out like 10 mortals. That and Breachers are the only damage in the entire list right now. 2) The battleline units are just a tax we have to pay to make our only good unit (breachers) have re-rolls. Quite often we don't even bother to roll for shooting with battleline units, just use them for actions and buffing Breachers. 3) The real problem is a lot of units can't deal any damage. Ruststalkers for example when you do the maths on it, deal half a wound per turn per model on average, this gets worse versus elite infantry etc. They are assassins that can't kill anything lol. The Serberys guys do nothing and are squishy. Due to our army going from hitting on 2's to hitting on 4's AND getting more expensive, we just can't do any damage outside of Breachers. We do have some tough units, but they do no damage (vehicles). So essentially we have to run a lot of breachers, then just fill the rest of the list with tough units that do nothing to get in the way. 4) The chickens are passable units, but not for dealing damage, they are tie-up units and do more in melee than range. Due to the nerfs in the army, Ironstriders are actually the best melee unit in the index because it's tough and cheap lol. 5) The Dunecrawler doesn't do any damage either, we've taken to calling them "casino crawlers" because the only effective way to use them is to try and roll well with Eradication beamer. Icarus Array doesn't do anything when you do the maths on it. Another case of having no ability to hit anything with our terrible BS. When you factor in enemy saves and stuff, all your stuff pings off, if you are trying to be lucky, at least go big with the laser or beamer. 4) The Marshal is a good character, but can only go into really bad units so becomes a waste of points sadly. 5) The issue is that Ad Mech are supposed to be an army with all kinds of powerful tools specialized for different jobs, with mechanical improvements over regular humans, but they are worse than regular humans in Imperial Guard. All those bionics seem to make them hit worse lol. Also GW have this idea that they are a "premier shooting army", then make them hit on 4's haha. The army has a whole lot of different stuff and many melee options, it's supposed to be pretty balanced between lots of options. It's funny if you read the unit descriptions in the index then look at the actual datasheets, tech priests don't heal stuff anymore despite that being a core description in their datasheets! Just feels like the whole index was hastily made and nobody really cared what they put down. 6) The army used to have OKish to bad units that you would layer multiple buffs on to make them great for a turn to do what it needed. Now they've made the units far weaker and gotten rid of most of our buffs whilst making them more expensive. 7) Lastly, the only way to play Ad Mech and not lose is the Breacher spam (which has some good match ups like Knights). But the issue with this playstyle is also that it's very boring. You just sit your units in the mid and spam shots with the strats to fire 3 times per round, sometimes conga lining your unit so it just touches the deployment zone for more defence.. However some terrain makes this not viable. A few people played Kastelan robot lists, but this was due to a rules error where they thought the robots got the 4+ FNP rather than the datasmith, and also that Master Annihilator worked on melee.
@@DarrinSKor guard. Kasrkin and Scions are cheaper then rangers and 20pts more then vanguard. Get: Orders (usually +1 to hit/+1 rapid fire) +1 bs +1 save More special weapons Better special weapons Deepstrike Bigger Units w/ command squads Better support from the rest of the roster Lethal hits if you dont move
I hate the army rule cause it means we’ve had heavy and assault stripped away from every gun that should have already had it. Vanguard should automatically be assault, and there’s no reason for a “heavy” arc rifle to not be heavy. We were supposed to be the most accurate shooting in the imperium besides the custodes Not to mention our army rule shouldn’t ignore the melee third of our army
@@Rothana76 Space marines are defined around being able to do anything pretty well, but nothing great, and sisters are defined by "poor datasheets with amazing rules" and their shooting is limited to bolters, flamers and meltas. Admech is the shooting army for the imperium and this edition just doesn't feel like it
so few people mention this, but its such an insane thing if you go through the 9th ed codex nearly EVERY unit has heavy or assault built into the unit, now practically NOTHING does becasue it got stripped away to go on the doctrinas built in abilities on units got stripped away purely to make the absolutly AWFULL army rule actually remotly useable its an astonishingly bad rule that doesnt affect a whole host of our units, and the ones it DOES affect were directly nerfed purely so it can affect them.....its actually a joke whoever made the admech index phoned it in ahrder then anyone has ever phoned something in, its shocking
@@samadams8533 then how is Custodes supposed to be one of the "most accurate shooting in the Imperium" when they've A) Always done their best work on melee B) have extremely limited fire support options outside of Forge World? Both in 9th and 10th. The number of options Marines have that are either reliable shooting on its own, Eradicators and the Lancer for just two examples, or to buff their shooting e. g. Incursors and Storm Speeders. Their shooting is/was fantastic.
@@Rothana76 Why would Sisters be more accurate? They have neither the genetic manipulation of the space marines nor the extensive augmentation of the Adeptus Mechanicus. About a third of them use flamers anyway so hardly markswomen. It's literally just spray and pray :p
I absolutely hate the direction they have taken admech in. I want elite skitarii hitting on 3+ with a 4+save. I didn't grab admech to have another flavor of guard, I already have imperial guard.
My first game was my AdMech versus Sisters of Battle, and seeing the Imperium's 'Premiere Gunline army' being 2BS worse than their opponents for the entire game was as depressing as it was laughable.
@@Turai12 It happened to scions, daemonkin, and now harlequins. Think about it: Why would they change the Skitarii profile to that of a guardsman? Take counsel of yours fears. Let your doubts consume you. Tzeentch runs GW. Yeah, I also doubt it. It's just how it feels.
My hope is that the index was made to clear some unsold stuff (Kataphron, Kastellans, Ironstriders and Electro-priests) before a release wave this winter. The Codex Release seem to coincide with "a new army" for Horus Heresy .... the possibility of it being Legio Cybernetica's automatas and it having 40K rules is not null (Please GW give us the Thanatar !) .... though it could also be Solar Auxillia .... One thing for sure : It's an opportunity to reduce my pile of shame, 'cause no way in hell I'm buying admech stuff with the army in THAT state.
I really hope the army rule gets a rewrite with the codex, even though I doubt it will. Mont'ka and Kauyun is a very powerful rule for the army, but it really doesn't feel like an AdMech rule at all. Not sure why they kept it locked to skitarii for the lore but not have it do doctrina imperative things. Also, I have yet to encounter a reason to ever use Protector so it's kind of a non-choice. Standing still in your deployment zone isn't how you win games of 40k, so Conqueror is always the way to go
@@samuelansin8307 You should probably run. Move speed is the strongest stat in most tactics games and Warhammer is no exception. Now that assault doesn't carry a penalty it's just free movement
@TheNotreally18 I stopped playing tau mainly for two reasons. 1. I was tired of being a 4+ shooting army. 2. I was tired of not being able to kill things before they got to melee and then losing once they reached me. Admech now seems to have both problems. Granted I don't use electropriests because their models are too ugly and I don't have enough infiltrators, fistbots or other good melee units so the second issue might be fixable by me buying more stuff.
I'm... a bit mixed after watching the video On one hand, I'm very impressed by the work Auspex puts by himself But on the other, he clearly hasn't read or seen anything from any AdMech community, with some clear oversight on things that have been widely discussed (ex: having a pretty wrong commentary on the Omnisterilizer + Manipulus which is BY FAR the greatest damage output in the AdMech index, or having the minimum unit size of skitarii for 9th ed wrong at 10 instead of 5 which is what we truly miss right now more than the 20 mans blobs) which really undermine the overall quality of the video... I guess that ends up with a point of view less pessimistic than that of 95% of the players of the faction at least Please take more time to research Mr Auspex, you deserve it
When you realize the nerd is still a 8-foot tall genehanced demi-god of war as competent at destroying you as any of his brothers and that you've probably made a mistake.
My suggested fixes: - Have the +1/-1 AP from Doctrina Imperatives apply also to units within objectives - Allow Battleline units to be taken in groups of 20, allow skitarii units to select both Omnispex and Broad Spectrum Data Tether - Clarify ambiguous/useless abilities such as 4+ FNP on Kastelans and disembarking on Transvectors, or do away with them entirely - Increase AP on certain weapons (Phosphor torches, Galvanic rifles, Arc batons) - Remove arbitrary checks and conditions (stratagems that require dice rolls to activate, units without access to main army rule..) If some or all of these were implemented, we could keep WS 4 and even the crazy expensive point costs and still manage to be somewhat competitive
IMO there's a lot of work needed to fix admech, but rad bombardment can be fixed by making it proc every turn and letting you chose either your deployment zone, the enemy deployment zone, and the middle for the bombardment.
the admech index has to be GWs biggest blunder with an army ever imo the other bad indicies of 10th (dg and votan) are bad, but not badly designed, just weak while the admech one fundementally doesnt function, the army rules dont affect half your army, and of the half they do affect they give no bonus cos they have LITERALLY no effect on melee, the detachment rule helps your enemy more often then it helps you, the datasheets are incredibly weak AND overcosted AND making them cheaper is an insult because they are already shocking expensive as an army, and there is just a total lack of any sort of synergy or cohesion in the entire index, it was marketed on being this smooth functioning "cogs in the machine" army of units buffing each other and its just......not, nothing is good, and nothing actually works together then we get the fixed squad sizes and compulsory wargear which is just......awfull.....why the HELL do i have to pay the points for a sniper on my vanguard unit that will be marching up into the midfield and you know......not sniping... the whole thing is jsut a travesty, and i genuinly unironically hope whoever pawned this off on a random intern gets fired becuase he should NOT be working in designing the game the whole index needs to be completely reworked, with most everything getting stat buffs because as they are they are horrificaly weak, and as i said, points costs reductions are not the way to go as its already expensive as hell to collect them its just a joke
Votann are definitely badly designed, having an army rule that is pretty much in the hands of you adversary while making you rely on your units dying, but that goes against the lore and how much the units cost and statted. on one side you have an army made of resilient units that cost a pretty penny and on the other side a rule that relies on them dying, tugging the army in two completely opposite directions.
Notice how all of the units (besides characters) that were amazing in 9th are all terrible now. Chickens, rangers, vanguard, gatling space robots, the bomber...
Cab you explain further? I never played aemech but was cobsidering it after i felt this happened to Tau (weird rules, lack synergy, heavy weapons Arent heavy or Anti tank etc making everything weird and u clear what do actually do with Anti tank weapons)
Rangers and Vanguard used to be able to take 5 with 1 special weapon. Used to be nice and thematic for a snipers nest. Would be nice in 10th like our titan guard can to help have cheap objective holders and battleline buffs... sadly stuck at 10.
rangers and vangaurd used to be able to take 5 with 2 OF THE SAME special weapon every edition has actually nerfed them, with this being the biggest nerf yet
@@jaimayy At least one of them definitely had their girlfriend stolen by an AdMech player, and is now a salty cuck. That same salty cuck was likely a Necron player as well, considering their balancing atm.
My biggest problem with the detachment rule is that as the player actually bringing it you have NO agency. Your opponent makes all the decisions and can minimize its impact as best they can. You don't get to pick a unit or area of the board or anything like every other detachment rule
and its just bad even if they dont assuming they have no fnp, and never leave their deployment zone, its 4 mortal wounds per unit over the full 5 turns most other armies detachment abilities will do more damage then that in a single turn.....and ours can also be made weaker by just not standing still
@@danielbarter7872 That's the best use for it actually. Manipulus is a waste of points, imo. Dominus is awesome when paired with Kataphons, and Kataphons are pretty good in 10th. I've wiped out entire squads of T'au with a blast of 10 mortals from the sterilizor in the hands of my dominus :)
@@HeroesBosses Advantage of the transonic cannon is that it auto-hits so is insanely deadly in overwatch too. If you can get the manipulus up the board quickly enough, he can create a 12" zone of death where anything that enters it gets overwatched with D6+3 auto-hitting, shots wounding on a 2+ and each wound does 2 mortal wounds (assuming infantry). If you shoot at him too you could potentially also use the strat for a third round of shooting. While the volkite dominus is a good choice, he doesn't have anything like the same impact in overwatch.
Great video as always! One niche use for the leadership reroll from Cawl is to reroll the test for the datasmith on the Kastelan Robots. My plan is to do this first turn before much shooting/combat is occuring to give a better guarantee to get into the melee or ranged protocol. Also sending in an enginseer with 4 punchy Kastelans seems fun to me. I think overall AdMech's damage dealing units are a bit underwhelming atm after removing the skitarii 20-man blobs + combos, something needs to fill that gap for them to be competitive, and whilst not terrible the current options are lacking
I haven't played it yet, but it seems like Doctrina Imperatives at the start of battle round gives severe disadvantage if you're going second. By the time your turn rolls around, enemy units will be in a completely different place and it can really screw you over depending on where your opponent moved all of their units. Going first and picking right before you have to move seems like a severe oversight in how lopsided this rule can be.
My army is mostly robots and priests. I don't even bother using the doctrinas because it has almost no impact on my army. just the 100pts i had to dump into a throwaway unit of vanguard.
It's a bit feast and famine. If you play 2nd. Getting protector will save you from the worst of the AP fire coming your way. And with Heavy on all guns you typically don't want to move to get into better positions either to benefit from the +1 to hit. Meaning you're on the back foot. Swapping OUT OF protector happens at the start of a battle round. Meaning your opponent shoots first again but this time without a -1 ap umbrella to deal with. If you get first though you can do some terrifying blitzkrieg moves with conqueror, ramming transports forwards with all sorts of anti chaff. Unload all your shots with transports (also assault because they get the faction keyword) and soften the enemy chaff while they are battleshocked (asuming they don't want to eat the mortal wounds from the preliminary bombardment). Against armies that rely on volume of fire this can be particularly devastating.
Breachers can't move that well and can't be transported, and since the rest of the army hits like a wet noodle... alpha strikes are just us asking to get melted down on the next turn
It’s funny how they advertise 30k releases to 40k players to get them to buy them, but then remove the 40k FW stuff as “it’s uncommon in the Lore” (as a cover for wanting to write rules)
I heard that the guy working on adapting the rules from 30k to 40k died. Aparently every other rules writer that gives a shit about admech died too because this index was definitely written by the interns.
@@darko-man8549 "HEY GUYS, WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY IF I MOVED ALL THE HERESY DREADNOUGHTS INTO LEGENDS RULES?" -Tzeentch, discussing what he'll do to screw us over next with the other Chaos Gods
Every game I've played felt awful, everybody either had better shooting or better options than I did. And having tanks die in one shot from any other tank didn't help and the Kastalen robots dying to anti-inf just made me give up ever using them, the Datasmith always gets shafted in every edition.
10th is kind of fucked for Admech right now, but my Infantry at least could mow down a few Space Wolves no problem, and the Dune Crawler (Neutron Cannon) killed that named Dreadnought the Wolves have, but the HQ units were hit especially hard. The Dominus used to be a troop buffing badass, used to let troops reroll ones with canticles that hit on twos. Or you could attach him to a vehicle unit and regain wounds. Then they stripped him of all that, made him useful to one type of model, one that I don’t have and isn’t particularly useful anyway. Now, instead of my Warlord, it’s like toting around a senile old man. Why GW, why can’t you balance for shit?
17:21 small correction, previously they could be taken in 5-20, MSU going up makes shitarii rangers even less appealing this edition. They had 5 man squads in 7th 8th AND 9th...but hey fuck admech in 10th right?
Cool tip for admech players: If you give the manipulus omni-steriliser with transonic cannon you have a D6+3 Damage 2 flamer with [dev wounds], [anti-inf 2+] and [anti-monster 4+] which is quite spicy, do with that information as you will Also great video, always love your content style
dont be so positive the codex is likely already written, and almost certainly wont be changing any units most likely what you will see is the new detachments (which wont solve the issue of the units being atrocious and the army rule being dogshit) and some points changes there will almost certainly be NO actualy datasheet changes
Unfortunately, my friends and I agreed that Ad-Mech has been nerfed to the point of Losing-By-Default. So, my entire army roster for Ad-Mech is now pointless to put on the tabletop. And yes, we tried a few dozen games of every point value, Ad-Mech only won about 21% overall. Sorry fellow Ad-Mech players, but it seems like this a losing battle in 10th edition for us.
Maybe play with a 500 pt advantage with your friends to make it an even fight? Like if you were really struggling and you played in my game store I'd flat out say hey, ill take 1500 points of my eldar and you can play 2000.
@@PhthaloGreenskin Tried and failed. Even with a higher points value, Ad-Mech still lost a good majority of games due to lower Victory Points. Even the Death Guard, Astra Militarum, and Eldar did far better. I hate to say this as an Ad-Mech player, but the term Losing-By-Default is the rank Ad-Mech fell to.
Admech being overcosted aside, I don't really like these rules in general, particularly how skitarii seem to be a necessary inclusion in every roster, unless you want to take advantage of all the abilities on your datasheets, not to mention how disappointing it is that kataphrons aren't battleline, and lackluster army rules. Even if Admech get buffed back to a reasonable state this edition, I just feel pretty whelmed by their rules in general.
Same, it's not necessarily that their rules are under powered that makes me not want to play them. it's more that i just don't like their rules to begin with. Even if Rad bombardment had more of an affect i wouldn't like it because i would not like starting off a game by saying" alright you now need to either take damage or become battle shocked." Imo it makes people not want to play against you knowing that first turn is either unavoidable damage or losing out on stratagems and things. P.s okay i know it's not "unavoidable" but still seems like a unfriendly thing to look forward to every game with them.
@@maxraschke1718 I think part of the problem is that thats our ONLY play. Breachers are genuinely good and so is a dominus or manipulus with the omni-sterilisor (preferably the manipulus with the transonic cannon). But thats it. We don't really have anything else that we can build a list around successfully. And even our "Strong" list is getting absolutely wrecked at tournaments.
I love skitarii but still have how they’re a tax they cost too much do nothing themselves and just feel sad like my army was skitarii and kastellan heavy and now it’s just like auto losing because my infantry die too fast as do the robots and I deal next to no damage
The issue with admech, as always, isn't points costs. They can't be fixed with points adjustments. It's that their datasheets are fundamentally bland, uninteresting while also being bad. They need a rework from the ground up. We knew this back in 9th and we thought that's what they'd get in 10th... But nope... edit: I felt the need to address the issue with the doctrinas too. Doctrina Imperatives are not a bad army rule. It's just that: With an Imperative active, the army becomes just "OK" in a specific area, due to the abysmal base-stats. Without the Imperative. They're just downright bad. (BS4lol) - That's not how an army rule should work. The various armies should have a baseline powerlevel that is more or less equal --> Their respective army rules then bump them up in a certain area. That's how it works for most other armies in 10th. But for some reason GW has tried to "balance" Admech AFTER the application of the army rule. So they are now bad without it, and "more or less equal" to other armies WITH it... And seeing how the doctrina imperatives have a bunch of stipulations relating to zoning, only affects certain aspects depending on which you choose etc. It becomes a real shitshow. It's again similar to what happened towards the end of 9th. Where Admech was balanced around AFTER they had their myriad of arcane and esoteric buffs applied to a unit.
i agree on your first part, i disagree on you saying "doctrina imperatives re not a bad army rule" no, it is, its astonishly bad, it literally has no affect on melee units which are almost half our roster, half the buffs they apply are conditional on units being in deployment zones meaning they will barely ever happen, and the other buff will only ever at any time affect maybe half the shooting units in your army because you either A want to move at least some units, or B never want to move ALL your units there is literally no situation where the doctrinas are actually a good rule that affects your whole army, its just.....bad, astonishingly so if EVERY buff of the doctrinas was applied at ALL times, it would STILL be bad because of how conditional the buffs are and how they dont affect a host of our units and our units would still be nerfed compared to their 9th ed counterparts without any buffs
New ad mech player here, just asking befor i make a mistake, can the rangers take 1 of each special weapons? Or they just have to choose one of them for squad?
A couple of nice things but mostly nerf after nerf. Skitarii infantry are on life support lamo. Shame that some of the unique Admech weapons like Cognis weapons are now basically nerfed into just being normal versions. Kind of feels like the gap between fluff and gameplay has increased for no discernible reason.
Something to keep in mind is that while the tech units do not have Doctrina Imperative rules, they do gain the benefits of it while leading units with it, as rule effects the unit, and not the model
So many of these indexes seem like they were written by people who had no communication with eachother during the writing process. Like how do you design an ARMY rule that is the ONLY thing this faction will have access to for possibly a year ahead and simply exclude a significant portion of your model range?
It does appear to be possible to give Kastelans 2 enhancements, since you can attach multiple Datasmiths. In theory a unit of 4 could have both stealth and sustained hits 1 from excoriating emanation and master annihilator. Is that good? Probably not for 560pts, but could be entertaining for the surprise value. 2 datasmiths also gives you a much better chance of actually getting the robots into a protocol. Not sure who at GW thought it was a good idea that they don't start in a protocol - it's like the datasmiths are sleeping and only get woken up to program the robots once people starting shooting.
Master Annihilator doesn't work in melee and their shooting is some of the worst per point in an army that is already comically bad at it Simply put, our best units are Armiger Warglaives and they don't even have army rules here
Am considering building an admech army for my second army in 40k(death guard is 1st). Even tho they seem to be the worst right now i love their lore and aesthetic.
Why can't the transvector drop units after it deepstrikes? Is there some rule about coming out of a deepstriking transport t1? Sounds pretty reasonable but I can't find it in the rules.
There is nothing in the disembarkation rules that says it needs to happen in the 'move unite' part of the movement phase. RAW, you can disembark after coming in from reserves.
Its missing the line any units embarked within this unit can disembark after it has been setup on the battlefield, and if they do they must be setup more than 9" away from all enemy models.
That’s probably one of the fairer matchups lol I don’t know how they thought this edition was balanced. How do eldar exist along side same j. And it isn’t just the wraith knight they just as good without him
Walk forward, pop shadow in the warp on their command phase the turn before you intend to do your big charge into them and hope you battleshock their best overwatching units.
They have a bad time dealing with monsters outside of their Omnispex(I think that's it's name) equipped character and once you clear that out they can't do much to you.
Deploy close together to ensure every unit is in Synaptic Link range. That way, when Rad Bombardment goes off, all of your units will easily pass battleshock and make his detachment ability useless. If he's smart, he'll pick Protector Imperative first and bunker down to let you come to him and pick off your units he catches out of position. You'll have to play it safe and utilize cover. If you have ways to utilize Stealth and -1 to hit debuffs, use them. Making Admech hit on 5s is painful. If he slips up, get in melee as quickly as you can and target his battleline units (skitarii rangers and vanguards).
The Admech are underwhelming now, but look on the bright side, If you want to start Agency army start *NOW!* before the army get pricier due to new codex buff
A common mistake I keep seeing is people thinking if a unit that has +1 Sv is in cover it gets +2 to it’s save, but you can’t improve a save by more than 1. Same with affecting wounds and hits by more than 1
Ok hear me out *snorts martian copium* we can have any number of servitors added to a unit lead by a techpriest engineseer. We make a 6 toaster squad of kataphrons lead by an enginseer with stealth wargear and 3 units of servitors all equipped with either bolters or plasma. Sure they die to anti infantry or a slight breeze but it would be funny to fire 6 heavy bolters with re-rolls or 12 plasmas with the ability to heal some wounds. The whole unit uses the highest toughness so it would be a blob of T7 scrapmetal Push this blob into the center of the field and use the return fire stratagem at the first enemy attacking it
"At the start of the Declare Battle Formations step, this unit can join one other unit from your army that is being led by a Tech-Priest Enginseer model (a unit cannot have more than one Servitors unit joined to it)"
He didn't notice that manipules have a flamer with dev wounds and damage 2, he just melt infantry with the omni-sterilizer d6+3 attacks, dealing 2 mortals for each 2+ to wound vs infantry. Is just brutal... and yes overwatch with a flamer and the revenge strat
It just.. it really hurts having the skitarii turn in to guardsmen with an invulnerable. Why do they shoot on 4+. why do they have a 5+ save. why are they 100 points???
I'm looking to get into 40k and just feel such an affinity for the Mechanicum! I don't care they seem to be underpowered or people rank them low, I'll make it work. I will not fail the Omnisiah!
Same, just entered into the hobby after having plunged into the lore and books. Admech was always super cool to me alongside the Orcs and Adeptus Sororitas. So I got the Toasterboi Combat Patrol.
The stripping of options and simplification of the game hurts this faction a lot more than most as it is built around synergy. Without being able to choose your synergies it's just a blob of not much.
Love your videos, I have a question! Are you thinking about making a chaos daemons video like this soon? I’d like to hear your thoughts before I make my list
Playing admech reminds me a lot of playing gloomspite in aos last year. You wont win unless your opponent gets wrecked by dice luck. Played agaisnt genestealer cult, got wiped, managed to kill 1 unit total, that came back to life behind my lines and shot one of my tanks to death. Not the most fun ive had in warhammer haha. When you miss 5th edition...
@@elpokitolama - Ouch! I called it a few days after the indexes were released, but this is the LEAST balanced 40K has been in a long time, and I have played off and on since 2nd.
What i would change : -Skitarii marshal *doesn't take a "character slot"* in a ranger/vanguard squad ,so a tech priest can be added to the marshals squad.(maybe up the price to *50pts* instead of 45) -Skitarii rangers/vanguard can now take up to *two identical special weapons* instead of one of each (ex: 2 plasma caliver and 1 transuranic arquebus) -Conqueror imperative *-1 ap* now works on *melee weapons* too. -Datasmith up to *45 pts* (instead of 35) but gives the *doctrina imperative* when leading kastelan robot and no longer give the *"infantry"* keywork to the robots.(it give a reason to the enemy to use precision weapons on the datasmith to get rid of the buffs.) -electro priest squad gain *doctrina imperative*. -Since tech priest character don't have doctrina imperative, give them a rule that give them *1 wound regen* on themself at the start of the command phase on a *4+*.(not on Cawl) -Cawl gain the ability to heal *D3 wounds to a vehicle at 6"* if he *doesn't heal* himself this turn. -Serberys raiders carbine gain an extra attack (from 3 to 4) (maybe add -1ap too ,but maybe too strong) -Serbery sulphurhounds can now *reroll pistol hits* at *engagement range* and up the price to 70pts (instead of 65) -Scorpius Desintegrator go up to *toughness* *11* (instead of 10) and up to *200 pts* instead of 195 . If none of the rules i proposed around skitarii are changed ,i would return the armor save to *4+* instead on skitarii (currently 5+) but *keep the BS 4+*. I don't have any solutions to make admech flyers more balance ,so maybe some points tweak. All of this changes would make the Ad mech more in line with the other factions while adding more combos and army diversity. PoV about the video: -the Omni sterilizer is way better on the transonic cannon on the manipulus, it trigger the 2+ infantry and devastating wound ,auto-hit with torrent with D6+3 attack ,dmg 2. You can wiped and entire squad of infantry with no problem and almost annihilate an entire SM squad if you're a little bit lucky. (good combo if delivered with a skitarii squad by archeopter). -Tech priest enginseer can stay behind and follow kastelan robots ,he can repair them ,gain the lone operative, offer to buff a 4+ invu buff that allow more often the opportunity to use the repulsor grid (give back mortal wounds to the enemy on 6 invu save.) and he can go berserk if a kastelan go down.
As someone who got excited by Ad Mech through Kill Team and purchased quite a few models in anticipation of 10ed: F*ck. Thankfully won't be playing anything more substantial than basement games or non-competitive LGS games. Still pretty cool fluff wise.
The only time i had an opponent pick mortal wounds was my first ever 10 ed game, and only because the guy literally didn't want to bother with "What the fuck is battle-shock?" The only good thing about our detachment/army rules is what it says "within", not "wholy within", so the effects goes even if you barely touch a deployment zone The other thing what bugs me - two stratagems require your ARMY to be in a certain doctrina, not a unit you actually want to use it on. Because otherwise you could use Marshal's enchancement to switch one unit to aggressor, advance&charge them and attack. And even though it sounds strong, most of our units are terrible in melee regardless, but at least that way yoy could theoretically turn 1 charge someone while they are battle-shocked to force desperate escape test. But oh well
when i look at those ...destroying a great product ((same investor than disney and sw)) it is like they don t even know english anymore (((how can a vanguard unit not have scout )))...f 10th just waiting to see what other model they ll remove ...
The datasheets are the worst part of the faction, followed closely by its rules... No care was given whatsoever during the redaction of the index, everything is random and filled with anti synergies or straight up errors (ex: the Dunecrawler having weapon profiles it cannot equip lmao) We only have one overly broken combo (the Omnipulus as we call it), one good unit, and need to hope that the opponent doesn't play around overwatch to have a shot a at winning a game It's bad, but worst thing off all... It's just so boring that pretty much all of our top players straight up deciding to shelve them and not play the game anymore
Pteraxii sky's talkers aren't looking too bad tbf. 24" threat range, 50 S3 shots with access to +1 to wound strats and their 12" move, as well as the pistol rule for 140pts. It's not too reliable, but they can take down a 5 man unit of space marines with a turn of shooting followed by a charge. Against guard though, they absolutely shred, averaging over 10 wounds with the +1 to wound.
They hit on a 4+. so those 50 shots become 25 hits. They wound on a 4+ (with the strategy), so those 25 hits become 12.5 wounds. They have no AP, so marines save 2/3 of those. So on average that's 4 wounds. Or two dead marines. And that's with the strategem. They are really quite bad.
I know you've been working really hard with a lot of new information, so sometimes things fall through the cracks, but the Cybersmith *DOES NOT GIVE KEYWORDS TO THE ROBOTS.* If thats how it worked then *every* character would work like that, meaning that Precision would do nothing at all since all the models in the unit would gain the Character Keyword. The Cybersmith does not make the Kastellans count as Infantry, it does not make them count as Characters. The Cybersmith's Keywords only affect that one single model and not the Kastellans. I don't know where the idea that the Cybersmith is some exception to the rule came from, but thats not how the Leader interaction works.
Page 39 of the rulebook says " _With the exception of rules that are triggered when units are destroyed, it is treated as a single unit for all rules purposes_ ". I think that's where all the confusion starts ,this "*all rules purposes*" is complex to understand since the keywords fusion rule existed before. But i can't find anything about it at the exception of this portion. So we i don't know if treated as a single unit means keyword fusion in V10. To PLEASE my opponents i currently consider my kastelan robots as "infantry" with datasmith. But i wait for more answer from GW.
Well you're just flat wrong. Read the rules commentary entry on keywords. Some units can contain models that have different keywords. While this is the case, such a unit is considered to have all of the keywords of all of its models, and so is affected by any rule that applies to units with any of those keywords. Remember that attacks are made against units, not models .Example: An Attached unit contains a Leader model with the Psyker keyword. While that Leader is part of that unit, the entire unit is considered to have the Psyker keyword. If that unit is attacked by a weapon with the [ANTI-PSYKER 4+] ability, any unmodified Wound roll of 4+ made against that unit scores a Critical Wound, even if the attack itself is not allocated to that Leader model.
@@Dantevonlocke a friends sent me the link to the commentary ,and you're right (page 7) . Too bad it's not directly explain in the core rule book. thanks ;)
@@Dantevonlocke That can’t possibility be the case because if it was Precision would do nothing and rules that affect Characters like Space Wolf Sagas Detachment rule would be completely broken. It also wouldn’t explain why some units, like the Imperial Guard’s Command Squads, clearly define which model does and does not have certain keywords. Even if the commentary entry states that it is clearly a mistake and certainly will be FAQ’ed to match the actual rulebook.
Curious. I cannot help but think of Admech players as essentially imperial T'au players with how much they tend to whine about everything. ; / There does seem to be some cause for concern with the overall army, though.
CORRECTIONS (thanks to those who pointed these out to me)
- Omni-steriliser is better on the Manipulus' Transonic Cannon due to devastating wounds - would average around 10MW to infantry within range which is pretty huge! Also not bad on a dominus Volkite either.
- Skitarii squads were also usable in 5 man squads last edition (I did know that, just a mental blank at the time).
For everyone expecting buffs when we get our codex, remember: “Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.”
Buffs will be coming after Fires of Cyraxus!
I mean, it'll happen, but just don't expect it to last more than a week after release.
When AdMech DO gets a buff, you bright sunshines will say "It'll going to be nerfed anyway" like what your kind say about the Aeldari right now.
Why even bother playing this game then? when you're afraid of being hopeful.
But they will half the points so u can buy twice as many models to get a 45% winrate lol
The fact the dragoons have anti-walker 2+ is so funny to me, made specifically so you can have them jousting against other funny legged vehicles.
Had a squad of them charge into a brutalis and rip it to pieces.
It's a handful of genuinely fun rules like this that give me hope for Admech.
They are also 8m tall walkers getting stealth...
@@AnEnormousNerd Its fun but the damage is a little too low for them to reliably challenge other walkers. I had a trio of dragoons really struggle with a single Armiger Helverin. 2 Damage doesn't go far against a 12 wound model.
I had a trio of Dragoons absolutely wreck a Warglaive on the charge, they are surprisingly strong
As an Ad Mech player
1) The biggest damage combo in the index is Manipulus with transonic Canon and the steralizer, then put it in a unit to shoot three times a round with strats. Each time it's putting out like 10 mortals. That and Breachers are the only damage in the entire list right now.
2) The battleline units are just a tax we have to pay to make our only good unit (breachers) have re-rolls. Quite often we don't even bother to roll for shooting with battleline units, just use them for actions and buffing Breachers.
3) The real problem is a lot of units can't deal any damage. Ruststalkers for example when you do the maths on it, deal half a wound per turn per model on average, this gets worse versus elite infantry etc. They are assassins that can't kill anything lol. The Serberys guys do nothing and are squishy. Due to our army going from hitting on 2's to hitting on 4's AND getting more expensive, we just can't do any damage outside of Breachers. We do have some tough units, but they do no damage (vehicles). So essentially we have to run a lot of breachers, then just fill the rest of the list with tough units that do nothing to get in the way.
4) The chickens are passable units, but not for dealing damage, they are tie-up units and do more in melee than range. Due to the nerfs in the army, Ironstriders are actually the best melee unit in the index because it's tough and cheap lol.
5) The Dunecrawler doesn't do any damage either, we've taken to calling them "casino crawlers" because the only effective way to use them is to try and roll well with Eradication beamer. Icarus Array doesn't do anything when you do the maths on it. Another case of having no ability to hit anything with our terrible BS. When you factor in enemy saves and stuff, all your stuff pings off, if you are trying to be lucky, at least go big with the laser or beamer.
4) The Marshal is a good character, but can only go into really bad units so becomes a waste of points sadly.
5) The issue is that Ad Mech are supposed to be an army with all kinds of powerful tools specialized for different jobs, with mechanical improvements over regular humans, but they are worse than regular humans in Imperial Guard. All those bionics seem to make them hit worse lol. Also GW have this idea that they are a "premier shooting army", then make them hit on 4's haha. The army has a whole lot of different stuff and many melee options, it's supposed to be pretty balanced between lots of options. It's funny if you read the unit descriptions in the index then look at the actual datasheets, tech priests don't heal stuff anymore despite that being a core description in their datasheets! Just feels like the whole index was hastily made and nobody really cared what they put down.
6) The army used to have OKish to bad units that you would layer multiple buffs on to make them great for a turn to do what it needed. Now they've made the units far weaker and gotten rid of most of our buffs whilst making them more expensive.
7) Lastly, the only way to play Ad Mech and not lose is the Breacher spam (which has some good match ups like Knights). But the issue with this playstyle is also that it's very boring. You just sit your units in the mid and spam shots with the strats to fire 3 times per round, sometimes conga lining your unit so it just touches the deployment zone for more defence.. However some terrain makes this not viable. A few people played Kastelan robot lists, but this was due to a rules error where they thought the robots got the 4+ FNP rather than the datasmith, and also that Master Annihilator worked on melee.
Yeah but breachers look like ass
@@DarrinSKor guard. Kasrkin and Scions are cheaper then rangers and 20pts more then vanguard.
Orders (usually +1 to hit/+1 rapid fire)
+1 bs
+1 save
More special weapons
Better special weapons
Bigger Units w/ command squads
Better support from the rest of the roster
Lethal hits if you dont move
I hate the army rule cause it means we’ve had heavy and assault stripped away from every gun that should have already had it. Vanguard should automatically be assault, and there’s no reason for a “heavy” arc rifle to not be heavy. We were supposed to be the most accurate shooting in the imperium besides the custodes
Not to mention our army rule shouldn’t ignore the melee third of our army
Forgetting marines. And Sisters.
@@Rothana76 Space marines are defined around being able to do anything pretty well, but nothing great, and sisters are defined by "poor datasheets with amazing rules" and their shooting is limited to bolters, flamers and meltas. Admech is the shooting army for the imperium and this edition just doesn't feel like it
so few people mention this, but its such an insane thing
if you go through the 9th ed codex nearly EVERY unit has heavy or assault built into the unit, now practically NOTHING does becasue it got stripped away to go on the doctrinas
built in abilities on units got stripped away purely to make the absolutly AWFULL army rule actually remotly useable
its an astonishingly bad rule that doesnt affect a whole host of our units, and the ones it DOES affect were directly nerfed purely so it can affect them.....its actually a joke
whoever made the admech index phoned it in ahrder then anyone has ever phoned something in, its shocking
@@samadams8533 then how is Custodes supposed to be one of the "most accurate shooting in the Imperium" when they've
A) Always done their best work on melee
B) have extremely limited fire support options outside of Forge World?
Both in 9th and 10th. The number of options Marines have that are either reliable shooting on its own, Eradicators and the Lancer for just two examples, or to buff their shooting e. g. Incursors and Storm Speeders. Their shooting is/was fantastic.
@@Rothana76 Why would Sisters be more accurate? They have neither the genetic manipulation of the space marines nor the extensive augmentation of the Adeptus Mechanicus. About a third of them use flamers anyway so hardly markswomen. It's literally just spray and pray :p
I absolutely hate the direction they have taken admech in. I want elite skitarii hitting on 3+ with a 4+save. I didn't grab admech to have another flavor of guard, I already have imperial guard.
exactly, if anything they should be mirroring Sisters
@@AliceLycorisThey should get better every turn as their techpriest masters analyze the combat data and devise more efficient ways of extermination.
My first game was my AdMech versus Sisters of Battle, and seeing the Imperium's 'Premiere Gunline army' being 2BS worse than their opponents for the entire game was as depressing as it was laughable.
There's so much anti-synergy in this index it feels like they're hoping to make admech feel relief when we're rolled into guard.
I doubt that would ever happen.
@@Turai12harlequin players would like a word with you
@@piersmundyharlequins never felt like much more than goofy aeldari to me.
@@piersmundy Harlequins have like 3 models
@@Turai12 It happened to scions, daemonkin, and now harlequins. Think about it: Why would they change the Skitarii profile to that of a guardsman? Take counsel of yours fears. Let your doubts consume you. Tzeentch runs GW.
Yeah, I also doubt it. It's just how it feels.
In a vacuum hitting on 4s is bad but tolerable. The problem really comes in when other armies use strats to make you shoot worse.
My hope is that the index was made to clear some unsold stuff (Kataphron, Kastellans, Ironstriders and Electro-priests) before a release wave this winter.
The Codex Release seem to coincide with "a new army" for Horus Heresy .... the possibility of it being Legio Cybernetica's automatas and it having 40K rules is not null (Please GW give us the Thanatar !) .... though it could also be Solar Auxillia ....
One thing for sure : It's an opportunity to reduce my pile of shame, 'cause no way in hell I'm buying admech stuff with the army in THAT state.
I really hope the army rule gets a rewrite with the codex, even though I doubt it will. Mont'ka and Kauyun is a very powerful rule for the army, but it really doesn't feel like an AdMech rule at all. Not sure why they kept it locked to skitarii for the lore but not have it do doctrina imperative things. Also, I have yet to encounter a reason to ever use Protector so it's kind of a non-choice. Standing still in your deployment zone isn't how you win games of 40k, so Conqueror is always the way to go
I am the opposite. I would never pick the Conqueror. I don't care about having assault on my guns. I never run so it would never get used.
@@samuelansin8307 You should probably run. Move speed is the strongest stat in most tactics games and Warhammer is no exception. Now that assault doesn't carry a penalty it's just free movement
@@TheRealElThang Cant change a guys fluff idk wtf
@@TheRealElThang movement would be good if admech battelline units could take more than a stiff breeze to the face
@TheNotreally18 I stopped playing tau mainly for two reasons.
1. I was tired of being a 4+ shooting army.
2. I was tired of not being able to kill things before they got to melee and then losing once they reached me.
Admech now seems to have both problems. Granted I don't use electropriests because their models are too ugly and I don't have enough infiltrators, fistbots or other good melee units so the second issue might be fixable by me buying more stuff.
I find it super ironic the admech have no Forgeworld models now
That is hilarious, I guess they are too busy producing all the other forge world units to produce their own
I'm... a bit mixed after watching the video
On one hand, I'm very impressed by the work Auspex puts by himself
But on the other, he clearly hasn't read or seen anything from any AdMech community, with some clear oversight on things that have been widely discussed (ex: having a pretty wrong commentary on the Omnisterilizer + Manipulus which is BY FAR the greatest damage output in the AdMech index, or having the minimum unit size of skitarii for 9th ed wrong at 10 instead of 5 which is what we truly miss right now more than the 20 mans blobs) which really undermine the overall quality of the video...
I guess that ends up with a point of view less pessimistic than that of 95% of the players of the faction at least
Please take more time to research Mr Auspex, you deserve it
The Nerd Rage rule for Techmarines and Enginseers is my favorite rule in 10e. It's funny, fluffy, and meaningful.
When you realize the nerd is still a 8-foot tall genehanced demi-god of war as competent at destroying you as any of his brothers and that you've probably made a mistake.
My suggested fixes:
- Have the +1/-1 AP from Doctrina Imperatives apply also to units within objectives
- Allow Battleline units to be taken in groups of 20, allow skitarii units to select both Omnispex and Broad Spectrum Data Tether
- Clarify ambiguous/useless abilities such as 4+ FNP on Kastelans and disembarking on Transvectors, or do away with them entirely
- Increase AP on certain weapons (Phosphor torches, Galvanic rifles, Arc batons)
- Remove arbitrary checks and conditions (stratagems that require dice rolls to activate, units without access to main army rule..)
If some or all of these were implemented, we could keep WS 4 and even the crazy expensive point costs and still manage to be somewhat competitive
In the end it'll never fix the flavor cancer that is
Been waiting on this for weeks!
IMO there's a lot of work needed to fix admech, but rad bombardment can be fixed by making it proc every turn and letting you chose either your deployment zone, the enemy deployment zone, and the middle for the bombardment.
Yeah, i think being able to pick one obj for it would be so nice.
the admech index has to be GWs biggest blunder with an army ever imo
the other bad indicies of 10th (dg and votan) are bad, but not badly designed, just weak
while the admech one fundementally doesnt function, the army rules dont affect half your army, and of the half they do affect they give no bonus cos they have LITERALLY no effect on melee, the detachment rule helps your enemy more often then it helps you, the datasheets are incredibly weak AND overcosted AND making them cheaper is an insult because they are already shocking expensive as an army, and there is just a total lack of any sort of synergy or cohesion in the entire index, it was marketed on being this smooth functioning "cogs in the machine" army of units buffing each other and its just......not, nothing is good, and nothing actually works together
then we get the fixed squad sizes and compulsory wargear which is just......awfull.....why the HELL do i have to pay the points for a sniper on my vanguard unit that will be marching up into the midfield and you know......not sniping...
the whole thing is jsut a travesty, and i genuinly unironically hope whoever pawned this off on a random intern gets fired becuase he should NOT be working in designing the game
the whole index needs to be completely reworked, with most everything getting stat buffs because as they are they are horrificaly weak, and as i said, points costs reductions are not the way to go as its already expensive as hell to collect them
its just a joke
Votann are definitely badly designed, having an army rule that is pretty much in the hands of you adversary while making you rely on your units dying, but that goes against the lore and how much the units cost and statted. on one side you have an army made of resilient units that cost a pretty penny and on the other side a rule that relies on them dying, tugging the army in two completely opposite directions.
Notice how all of the units (besides characters) that were amazing in 9th are all terrible now. Chickens, rangers, vanguard, gatling space robots, the bomber...
Cab you explain further? I never played aemech but was cobsidering it after i felt this happened to Tau (weird rules, lack synergy, heavy weapons Arent heavy or Anti tank etc making everything weird and u clear what do actually do with Anti tank weapons)
Rangers and Vanguard used to be able to take 5 with 1 special weapon. Used to be nice and thematic for a snipers nest. Would be nice in 10th like our titan guard can to help have cheap objective holders and battleline buffs... sadly stuck at 10.
rangers and vangaurd used to be able to take 5 with 2 OF THE SAME special weapon
every edition has actually nerfed them, with this being the biggest nerf yet
I am in the camp that thinks the game designers just weren't very enthusiastic about Death Guard and Admech.
It feels like one of them got creamed by skitarii vet maniple and has had a grudge on admech ever since
@@jaimayy At least one of them definitely had their girlfriend stolen by an AdMech player, and is now a salty cuck. That same salty cuck was likely a Necron player as well, considering their balancing atm.
My biggest problem with the detachment rule is that as the player actually bringing it you have NO agency. Your opponent makes all the decisions and can minimize its impact as best they can. You don't get to pick a unit or area of the board or anything like every other detachment rule
and its just bad even if they dont
assuming they have no fnp, and never leave their deployment zone, its 4 mortal wounds per unit over the full 5 turns
most other armies detachment abilities will do more damage then that in a single turn.....and ours can also be made weaker by just not standing still
The common use for Omni-Steriliser I’ve found is with the Manipulus Transonic Cannon due to it having Dev Wounds on a flamer type weapon.
Also the volkite on the dominus is a good pick for it.
@@danielbarter7872 That's the best use for it actually. Manipulus is a waste of points, imo. Dominus is awesome when paired with Kataphons, and Kataphons are pretty good in 10th. I've wiped out entire squads of T'au with a blast of 10 mortals from the sterilizor in the hands of my dominus :)
@@HeroesBosses Advantage of the transonic cannon is that it auto-hits so is insanely deadly in overwatch too. If you can get the manipulus up the board quickly enough, he can create a 12" zone of death where anything that enters it gets overwatched with D6+3 auto-hitting, shots wounding on a 2+ and each wound does 2 mortal wounds (assuming infantry). If you shoot at him too you could potentially also use the strat for a third round of shooting. While the volkite dominus is a good choice, he doesn't have anything like the same impact in overwatch.
Omni works best on dominus with breachers unit,
A minute of silence for the omnissiah's most faithful ;_;7
Great video as always!
One niche use for the leadership reroll from Cawl is to reroll the test for the datasmith on the Kastelan Robots. My plan is to do this first turn before much shooting/combat is occuring to give a better guarantee to get into the melee or ranged protocol. Also sending in an enginseer with 4 punchy Kastelans seems fun to me.
I think overall AdMech's damage dealing units are a bit underwhelming atm after removing the skitarii 20-man blobs + combos, something needs to fill that gap for them to be competitive, and whilst not terrible the current options are lacking
Skitarii definately need to be able to be taken in groups of 20 😊
Maybe, I think they're still overcosted and there's not enough buffs either
Admech and votann in 4+ hell. At least the Cawl ball can give every other untouched shooting army "the GW experience"
Votann deserve to be there, tbh. They are no better than humans or tau
I haven't played it yet, but it seems like Doctrina Imperatives at the start of battle round gives severe disadvantage if you're going second. By the time your turn rolls around, enemy units will be in a completely different place and it can really screw you over depending on where your opponent moved all of their units. Going first and picking right before you have to move seems like a severe oversight in how lopsided this rule can be.
But you can get the -1 to enemy AP before the enemy shoots you in turn 1. So your stuff can survive better.
My army is mostly robots and priests. I don't even bother using the doctrinas because it has almost no impact on my army. just the 100pts i had to dump into a throwaway unit of vanguard.
everything in the index is just badly designed
It's a bit feast and famine.
If you play 2nd. Getting protector will save you from the worst of the AP fire coming your way. And with Heavy on all guns you typically don't want to move to get into better positions either to benefit from the +1 to hit. Meaning you're on the back foot.
Swapping OUT OF protector happens at the start of a battle round. Meaning your opponent shoots first again but this time without a -1 ap umbrella to deal with.
If you get first though you can do some terrifying blitzkrieg moves with conqueror, ramming transports forwards with all sorts of anti chaff. Unload all your shots with transports (also assault because they get the faction keyword) and soften the enemy chaff while they are battleshocked (asuming they don't want to eat the mortal wounds from the preliminary bombardment). Against armies that rely on volume of fire this can be particularly devastating.
Breachers can't move that well and can't be transported, and since the rest of the army hits like a wet noodle... alpha strikes are just us asking to get melted down on the next turn
Our Codex is so badly needed. We'll be snapping our mechadendrites off if we don't get some decent detachments rules!
How big is your mechadendrite
45:39 ahhh, the roofless transport without firing deck and an assault ramp without assault ramp. Love it.
Plus they screwed yall out of a stubber.
Man I wish they were transferring the 30k units to 40k, imagine way more Legio Cybernetoca units
GW missed a trick there. I'm staggered there have been no new robots besides Kastellans.
It’s funny how they advertise 30k releases to 40k players to get them to buy them, but then remove the 40k FW stuff as “it’s uncommon in the Lore” (as a cover for wanting to write rules)
I heard that the guy working on adapting the rules from 30k to 40k died. Aparently every other rules writer that gives a shit about admech died too because this index was definitely written by the interns.
@@darko-man8549 "HEY GUYS, WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY IF I MOVED ALL THE HERESY DREADNOUGHTS INTO LEGENDS RULES?" -Tzeentch, discussing what he'll do to screw us over next with the other Chaos Gods
Every game I've played felt awful, everybody either had better shooting or better options than I did. And having tanks die in one shot from any other tank didn't help and the Kastalen robots dying to anti-inf just made me give up ever using them, the Datasmith always gets shafted in every edition.
10th is kind of fucked for Admech right now, but my Infantry at least could mow down a few Space Wolves no problem, and the Dune Crawler (Neutron Cannon) killed that named Dreadnought the Wolves have, but the HQ units were hit especially hard.
The Dominus used to be a troop buffing badass, used to let troops reroll ones with canticles that hit on twos. Or you could attach him to a vehicle unit and regain wounds. Then they stripped him of all that, made him useful to one type of model, one that I don’t have and isn’t particularly useful anyway. Now, instead of my Warlord, it’s like toting around a senile old man. Why GW, why can’t you balance for shit?
Honestly, at this point being an ad mech players is more like being a drukhari fan, since we enjoy pain and suffering that is play this faction
17:21 small correction, previously they could be taken in 5-20, MSU going up makes shitarii rangers even less appealing this edition. They had 5 man squads in 7th 8th AND 9th...but hey fuck admech in 10th right?
Praise be to the Omnissiah!
Bricky put it best. AdMech has been put into a grave.
Harlequins being dropped in tenth makes me think AdMech is next on the chopping bloc for 11th...
Cool tip for admech players: If you give the manipulus omni-steriliser with transonic cannon you have a D6+3 Damage 2 flamer with [dev wounds], [anti-inf 2+] and [anti-monster 4+] which is quite spicy, do with that information as you will
Also great video, always love your content style
Nevermind auspex says this at 53:50 and I feel silly
Glance aside their datasheet, many units are heavily nerfed. But expect heavy buff in upcoming winter codex update
dont be so positive
the codex is likely already written, and almost certainly wont be changing any units
most likely what you will see is the new detachments (which wont solve the issue of the units being atrocious and the army rule being dogshit) and some points changes
there will almost certainly be NO actualy datasheet changes
@@gregsmwother than the addition of the new models.
This is another index where GW’s mass protection against leaks has led to an massively anti-synergistic set of rules
Unfortunately, my friends and I agreed that Ad-Mech has been nerfed to the point of Losing-By-Default. So, my entire army roster for Ad-Mech is now pointless to put on the tabletop. And yes, we tried a few dozen games of every point value, Ad-Mech only won about 21% overall.
Sorry fellow Ad-Mech players, but it seems like this a losing battle in 10th edition for us.
Maybe play with a 500 pt advantage with your friends to make it an even fight? Like if you were really struggling and you played in my game store I'd flat out say hey, ill take 1500 points of my eldar and you can play 2000.
I think eldar fucks admech even at a 500 point deficit
@@PhthaloGreenskin Tried and failed. Even with a higher points value, Ad-Mech still lost a good majority of games due to lower Victory Points. Even the Death Guard, Astra Militarum, and Eldar did far better. I hate to say this as an Ad-Mech player, but the term Losing-By-Default is the rank Ad-Mech fell to.
@@edwardbryan9501 "Even Eldar did far better"
Bruh you mean *the broken faction* did better? Now I know you've not even played a single game.
@@wyatttyson7737 Let me clear myself. 1500 pts Eldar vs 2000 pts Ad-Mech. Eldar won.
Admech being overcosted aside, I don't really like these rules in general, particularly how skitarii seem to be a necessary inclusion in every roster, unless you want to take advantage of all the abilities on your datasheets, not to mention how disappointing it is that kataphrons aren't battleline, and lackluster army rules. Even if Admech get buffed back to a reasonable state this edition, I just feel pretty whelmed by their rules in general.
Same, it's not necessarily that their rules are under powered that makes me not want to play them. it's more that i just don't like their rules to begin with. Even if Rad bombardment had more of an affect i wouldn't like it because i would not like starting off a game by saying" alright you now need to either take damage or become battle shocked." Imo it makes people not want to play against you knowing that first turn is either unavoidable damage or losing out on stratagems and things.
P.s okay i know it's not "unavoidable" but still seems like a unfriendly thing to look forward to every game with them.
Its not so bad you should try and play with them get like 12 kataphron breachers and go to town on some fools shooting 3 times a turn is mega fun
I agree. The buffs should be when near tech priests not skitarii.......
@@maxraschke1718 I think part of the problem is that thats our ONLY play. Breachers are genuinely good and so is a dominus or manipulus with the omni-sterilisor (preferably the manipulus with the transonic cannon). But thats it. We don't really have anything else that we can build a list around successfully. And even our "Strong" list is getting absolutely wrecked at tournaments.
I love skitarii but still have how they’re a tax they cost too much do nothing themselves and just feel sad like my army was skitarii and kastellan heavy and now it’s just like auto losing because my infantry die too fast as do the robots and I deal next to no damage
Let me ask you, magos. DO YOU LIKE KATAPHRONS?
Because the omnisiah certainly does.
The issue with admech, as always, isn't points costs. They can't be fixed with points adjustments.
It's that their datasheets are fundamentally bland, uninteresting while also being bad.
They need a rework from the ground up. We knew this back in 9th and we thought that's what they'd get in 10th... But nope...
edit: I felt the need to address the issue with the doctrinas too.
Doctrina Imperatives are not a bad army rule. It's just that: With an Imperative active, the army becomes just "OK" in a specific area, due to the abysmal base-stats.
Without the Imperative. They're just downright bad. (BS4lol)
- That's not how an army rule should work.
The various armies should have a baseline powerlevel that is more or less equal --> Their respective army rules then bump them up in a certain area. That's how it works for most other armies in 10th.
But for some reason GW has tried to "balance" Admech AFTER the application of the army rule. So they are now bad without it, and "more or less equal" to other armies WITH it... And seeing how the doctrina imperatives have a bunch of stipulations relating to zoning, only affects certain aspects depending on which you choose etc. It becomes a real shitshow. It's again similar to what happened towards the end of 9th. Where Admech was balanced around AFTER they had their myriad of arcane and esoteric buffs applied to a unit.
That's true you shouldn't rely on the army rule or strats to make them less shite.
i agree on your first part, i disagree on you saying "doctrina imperatives re not a bad army rule"
no, it is, its astonishly bad, it literally has no affect on melee units which are almost half our roster, half the buffs they apply are conditional on units being in deployment zones meaning they will barely ever happen, and the other buff will only ever at any time affect maybe half the shooting units in your army because you either A want to move at least some units, or B never want to move ALL your units
there is literally no situation where the doctrinas are actually a good rule that affects your whole army, its just.....bad, astonishingly so
if EVERY buff of the doctrinas was applied at ALL times, it would STILL be bad because of how conditional the buffs are and how they dont affect a host of our units
and our units would still be nerfed compared to their 9th ed counterparts without any buffs
New ad mech player here, just asking befor i make a mistake, can the rangers take 1 of each special weapons? Or they just have to choose one of them for squad?
A couple of nice things but mostly nerf after nerf. Skitarii infantry are on life support lamo. Shame that some of the unique Admech weapons like Cognis weapons are now basically nerfed into just being normal versions. Kind of feels like the gap between fluff and gameplay has increased for no discernible reason.
Keep in mind knight stubbers are ap-1 and can be made ap 2 damage 2 with a one CP strat
Something to keep in mind is that while the tech units do not have Doctrina Imperative rules, they do gain the benefits of it while leading units with it, as rule effects the unit, and not the model
So many of these indexes seem like they were written by people who had no communication with eachother during the writing process. Like how do you design an ARMY rule that is the ONLY thing this faction will have access to for possibly a year ahead and simply exclude a significant portion of your model range?
It does appear to be possible to give Kastelans 2 enhancements, since you can attach multiple Datasmiths. In theory a unit of 4 could have both stealth and sustained hits 1 from excoriating emanation and master annihilator.
Is that good? Probably not for 560pts, but could be entertaining for the surprise value. 2 datasmiths also gives you a much better chance of actually getting the robots into a protocol.
Not sure who at GW thought it was a good idea that they don't start in a protocol - it's like the datasmiths are sleeping and only get woken up to program the robots once people starting shooting.
Master Annihilator doesn't work in melee and their shooting is some of the worst per point in an army that is already comically bad at it
Simply put, our best units are Armiger Warglaives and they don't even have army rules here
Am considering building an admech army for my second army in 40k(death guard is 1st). Even tho they seem to be the worst right now i love their lore and aesthetic.
Praise the Omnissaiah! Thank you for covering this augmented faction.
Kastelans get a very nice use of the Tank Shock stratagem.
Why can't the transvector drop units after it deepstrikes? Is there some rule about coming out of a deepstriking transport t1?
Sounds pretty reasonable but I can't find it in the rules.
disembarking happens in the movement phase, but deepstriking happens after the movement phase in the reinforcements step
There is nothing in the disembarkation rules that says it needs to happen in the 'move unite' part of the movement phase. RAW, you can disembark after coming in from reserves.
"why" is pretty much the tale of the whole index
dont try understand it, its written by a moron
Its missing the line
any units embarked within this unit can disembark after it has been setup on the battlefield, and if they do they must be setup more than 9" away from all enemy models.
The onagers eradication beamer while not good does deserve a mention as a really funny casino cannon
Don't know if anyone else has said yet but slight correction in the doctrina imperatives bit kataphrons also don't get these
They have Faction: Doctrina Imperatives. So no, Katahprons get doctrinas
Honestly I had a good first game of 10th with Admech against Votann, found out that Kastelan robots in a 4 man unit with data smith works really well.
Haven't played this ed, but was enjoying running them at the end of 9th
That’s probably one of the fairer matchups lol I don’t know how they thought this edition was balanced. How do eldar exist along side same j. And it isn’t just the wraith knight they just as good without him
I've got an upcoming game to play as the Tyranids vs these guys. It will be mine and a buddy's first game ever. Any tips on how to destroy him? lol
Walk forward, pop shadow in the warp on their command phase the turn before you intend to do your big charge into them and hope you battleshock their best overwatching units.
Show up? AdMech is in a really bad spot right now
They have a bad time dealing with monsters outside of their Omnispex(I think that's it's name) equipped character and once you clear that out they can't do much to you.
Deploy close together to ensure every unit is in Synaptic Link range. That way, when Rad Bombardment goes off, all of your units will easily pass battleshock and make his detachment ability useless. If he's smart, he'll pick Protector Imperative first and bunker down to let you come to him and pick off your units he catches out of position. You'll have to play it safe and utilize cover. If you have ways to utilize Stealth and -1 to hit debuffs, use them. Making Admech hit on 5s is painful. If he slips up, get in melee as quickly as you can and target his battleline units (skitarii rangers and vanguards).
@@kylek1119 am I incorrect in assuming the battle shock from the rad bombardment is automatic and can’t be rolled against?
The fact right now that indexes are very bad for admech is making me sad. The difference with top tier armies is really insane.
The Admech are underwhelming now, but look on the bright side, If you want to start Agency army start *NOW!* before the army get pricier due to new codex buff
A common mistake I keep seeing is people thinking if a unit that has +1 Sv is in cover it gets +2 to it’s save, but you can’t improve a save by more than 1.
Same with affecting wounds and hits by more than 1
Ok hear me out *snorts martian copium* we can have any number of servitors added to a unit lead by a techpriest engineseer. We make a 6 toaster squad of kataphrons lead by an enginseer with stealth wargear and 3 units of servitors all equipped with either bolters or plasma.
Sure they die to anti infantry or a slight breeze but it would be funny to fire 6 heavy bolters with re-rolls or 12 plasmas with the ability to heal some wounds. The whole unit uses the highest toughness so it would be a blob of T7 scrapmetal
Push this blob into the center of the field and use the return fire stratagem at the first enemy attacking it
"At the start of the Declare Battle Formations step, this unit
can join one other unit from your army that is being led by a
Tech-Priest Enginseer model (a unit cannot have more than
one Servitors unit joined to it)"
@@ZachDeloe this feels like some major mandela effect bs, yeah you're right... Idk how I missed that lol
Why you have to hurt us that way Ayspex?
So cool that all my melee units hit on a 4+ and dont have any buffs to help them out, WHOOOO
He didn't notice that manipules have a flamer with dev wounds and damage 2, he just melt infantry with the omni-sterilizer d6+3 attacks, dealing 2 mortals for each 2+ to wound vs infantry. Is just brutal... and yes overwatch with a flamer and the revenge strat
I would love to see a tier list with a few deck lists that are good
It just.. it really hurts having the skitarii turn in to guardsmen with an invulnerable. Why do they shoot on 4+. why do they have a 5+ save. why are they 100 points???
I'm looking to get into 40k and just feel such an affinity for the Mechanicum! I don't care they seem to be underpowered or people rank them low, I'll make it work. I will not fail the Omnisiah!
Same, just entered into the hobby after having plunged into the lore and books. Admech was always super cool to me alongside the Orcs and Adeptus Sororitas. So I got the Toasterboi Combat Patrol.
The stripping of options and simplification of the game hurts this faction a lot more than most as it is built around synergy. Without being able to choose your synergies it's just a blob of not much.
Love your videos, I have a question! Are you thinking about making a chaos daemons video like this soon? I’d like to hear your thoughts before I make my list
Playing admech reminds me a lot of playing gloomspite in aos last year. You wont win unless your opponent gets wrecked by dice luck. Played agaisnt genestealer cult, got wiped, managed to kill 1 unit total, that came back to life behind my lines and shot one of my tanks to death. Not the most fun ive had in warhammer haha. When you miss 5th edition...
Interestingly, the wargear ability on the marshall is on the datacard but not the 40k app.
"What were they thinking?! - AVGN
@auspex the annialator goes on a dominus attached to kataphrans
Dunerider ... obvious open top but no firing deck 🤔
Caaaaaawling in my skiiiiin, these wounds, they do not healllll
Going against my friend who has admech so this video is helpful
After Tacoma, aren't AdMech the losingest faction?
We're the first faction in recorded history to reach 0% winrate across all GTs in the world for a week
@@elpokitolama - Ouch! I called it a few days after the indexes were released, but this is the LEAST balanced 40K has been in a long time, and I have played off and on since 2nd.
What i would change :
-Skitarii marshal *doesn't take a "character slot"* in a ranger/vanguard squad ,so a tech priest can be added to the marshals squad.(maybe up the price to *50pts* instead of 45)
-Skitarii rangers/vanguard can now take up to *two identical special weapons* instead of one of each (ex: 2 plasma caliver and 1 transuranic arquebus)
-Conqueror imperative *-1 ap* now works on *melee weapons* too.
-Datasmith up to *45 pts* (instead of 35) but gives the *doctrina imperative* when leading kastelan robot and no longer give the *"infantry"* keywork to the robots.(it give a reason to the enemy to use precision weapons on the datasmith to get rid of the buffs.)
-electro priest squad gain *doctrina imperative*.
-Since tech priest character don't have doctrina imperative, give them a rule that give them *1 wound regen* on themself at the start of the command phase on a *4+*.(not on Cawl)
-Cawl gain the ability to heal *D3 wounds to a vehicle at 6"* if he *doesn't heal* himself this turn.
-Serberys raiders carbine gain an extra attack (from 3 to 4) (maybe add -1ap too ,but maybe too strong)
-Serbery sulphurhounds can now *reroll pistol hits* at *engagement range* and up the price to 70pts (instead of 65)
-Scorpius Desintegrator go up to *toughness* *11* (instead of 10) and up to *200 pts* instead of 195 .
If none of the rules i proposed around skitarii are changed ,i would return the armor save to *4+* instead on skitarii (currently 5+) but *keep the BS 4+*.
I don't have any solutions to make admech flyers more balance ,so maybe some points tweak.
All of this changes would make the Ad mech more in line with the other factions while adding more combos and army diversity.
PoV about the video:
-the Omni sterilizer is way better on the transonic cannon on the manipulus, it trigger the 2+ infantry and devastating wound ,auto-hit with torrent with D6+3 attack ,dmg 2. You can wiped and entire squad of infantry with no problem and almost annihilate an entire SM squad if you're a little bit lucky. (good combo if delivered with a skitarii squad by archeopter).
-Tech priest enginseer can stay behind and follow kastelan robots ,he can repair them ,gain the lone operative, offer to buff a 4+ invu buff that allow more often the opportunity to use the repulsor grid (give back mortal wounds to the enemy on 6 invu save.) and he can go berserk if a kastelan go down.
You no longer need to make an invuln save of a 6 to bounce mortal wounds back on a kastellan btw. It's just make an unmodified save of a 6.
@@micahworwood7684 good to know ,thanks
As someone who got excited by Ad Mech through Kill Team and purchased quite a few models in anticipation of 10ed: F*ck. Thankfully won't be playing anything more substantial than basement games or non-competitive LGS games. Still pretty cool fluff wise.
Love it :)
The rad bomabardment detachtment rule simple needs reworking
The only time i had an opponent pick mortal wounds was my first ever 10 ed game, and only because the guy literally didn't want to bother with "What the fuck is battle-shock?"
The only good thing about our detachment/army rules is what it says "within", not "wholy within", so the effects goes even if you barely touch a deployment zone
The other thing what bugs me - two stratagems require your ARMY to be in a certain doctrina, not a unit you actually want to use it on. Because otherwise you could use Marshal's enchancement to switch one unit to aggressor, advance&charge them and attack. And even though it sounds strong, most of our units are terrible in melee regardless, but at least that way yoy could theoretically turn 1 charge someone while they are battle-shocked to force desperate escape test. But oh well
Terrible rules. Have shelved my Admech army until things improve. Don't find them fun to play, just frustratingly bad.
when i look at those ...destroying a great product ((same investor than disney and sw)) it is like they don t even know english anymore (((how can a vanguard unit not have scout )))...f 10th just waiting to see what other model they ll remove ...
Really hope that the fool who wrote the rules for admech is watching carefully... 😒
Too much Radiation and not enough sacred OOOOOOOIIIIIILLLLLLL!
Ok... Lets get this over with...
i find it so difficult to keep following you for prolonged periods of time, i dont know what it is.
Screw GW. They broke my army.
I'm sad that the Admech are apparently low tier. Their rules look fun and characterful on the surface, and the army a stylish range of units.
The datasheets are the worst part of the faction, followed closely by its rules... No care was given whatsoever during the redaction of the index, everything is random and filled with anti synergies or straight up errors (ex: the Dunecrawler having weapon profiles it cannot equip lmao)
We only have one overly broken combo (the Omnipulus as we call it), one good unit, and need to hope that the opponent doesn't play around overwatch to have a shot a at winning a game
It's bad, but worst thing off all... It's just so boring that pretty much all of our top players straight up deciding to shelve them and not play the game anymore
Why are we hear?
Just to suffer?
Can you do the chaos knights next?
Sad boop beep boooooop
Pteraxii sky's talkers aren't looking too bad tbf. 24" threat range, 50 S3 shots with access to +1 to wound strats and their 12" move, as well as the pistol rule for 140pts. It's not too reliable, but they can take down a 5 man unit of space marines with a turn of shooting followed by a charge. Against guard though, they absolutely shred, averaging over 10 wounds with the +1 to wound.
They hit on a 4+. so those 50 shots become 25 hits. They wound on a 4+ (with the strategy), so those 25 hits become 12.5 wounds. They have no AP, so marines save 2/3 of those. So on average that's 4 wounds. Or two dead marines. And that's with the strategem. They are really quite bad.
I wish I liked the design of this army, there are so many deals to get alot of points for VERY cheap atm. But I just can't stand how the models look.
I meed the Copium
Finally my favourite most retared and useless faction : )
I know you've been working really hard with a lot of new information, so sometimes things fall through the cracks, but the Cybersmith *DOES NOT GIVE KEYWORDS TO THE ROBOTS.* If thats how it worked then *every* character would work like that, meaning that Precision would do nothing at all since all the models in the unit would gain the Character Keyword. The Cybersmith does not make the Kastellans count as Infantry, it does not make them count as Characters. The Cybersmith's Keywords only affect that one single model and not the Kastellans. I don't know where the idea that the Cybersmith is some exception to the rule came from, but thats not how the Leader interaction works.
Page 39 of the rulebook says " _With the exception of rules that are triggered when units are destroyed, it is treated as a single unit for all rules purposes_ ".
I think that's where all the confusion starts ,this "*all rules purposes*" is complex to understand since the keywords fusion rule existed before. But i can't find anything about it at the exception of this portion. So we i don't know if treated as a single unit means keyword fusion in V10.
To PLEASE my opponents i currently consider my kastelan robots as "infantry" with datasmith. But i wait for more answer from GW.
Well you're just flat wrong. Read the rules commentary entry on keywords.
Some units can contain models that have different keywords. While this is the case, such a unit is considered to have all of the keywords of all of its models, and so is affected by any rule that applies to units with any of those keywords. Remember that attacks are made against units, not models
.Example: An Attached unit contains a Leader model with the Psyker keyword. While that Leader is part of that unit, the entire unit is considered to have the Psyker keyword. If that unit is attacked by a weapon with the [ANTI-PSYKER 4+] ability, any unmodified Wound roll of 4+ made against that unit scores a Critical Wound, even if the attack itself is not allocated to that Leader model.
@@Dantevonlocke do you have the specific page ?I checked again and cannot find it in the v10 corebook. Sorry to bother you with that.
@@Dantevonlocke a friends sent me the link to the commentary ,and you're right (page 7) . Too bad it's not directly explain in the core rule book. thanks ;)
@@Dantevonlocke That can’t possibility be the case because if it was Precision would do nothing and rules that affect Characters like Space Wolf Sagas Detachment rule would be completely broken.
It also wouldn’t explain why some units, like the Imperial Guard’s Command Squads, clearly define which model does and does not have certain keywords.
Even if the commentary entry states that it is clearly a mistake and certainly will be FAQ’ed to match the actual rulebook.
adeptus craptanicus
sad mech
Curious. I cannot help but think of Admech players as essentially imperial T'au players with how much they tend to whine about everything. ; /
There does seem to be some cause for concern with the overall army, though.
They've had more than enough cause to whine about things, both in tenth and late ninth.