Thanks for watching. If you found this video informative, be sure to also watch our video on the real American story:
It seems like we've been living in a (old?new?)form of govt.that is and was corruptionism,which is a capitalistic economy based on a democratic principal of voting for and electing our leadership.No term limits for Senators ,and representatives,or Supreme court Judges has been prime hunting for Corporate influence and greed.Oligarchs and Plutocrats seek to buy and pay for the people you get to vote for.Unbridled Capitalism is not sustainable.Limited rescources and unlimited power to get and control more and more is on a collision course with all vital life systems.Capitalism is like the world series of poker-one overall winner,and lots of losers.Some people are just better at Capitalism.Getting more and more for a few is not new,but has created a lot of 3rd world countries ruled by corruption by the elite and hand picked ("Leaders")??
Accademia does not prepare people for industry or business (does a very poor job) especially for small business and startups/incubators. Ironically the "Rugged individualists" I know that did make it were in fact Mexican immigrants.
Yeah it simple we just need to change the tax code to incentivize employment income over investment income to make money... that would help increase the employment participation rate and help grow our economy even more. Or atleast put them both on the same taxable playing field... I feel employment income is taxed twice the rate as investment income....
Union organizer Jane McAlevey (who Robert Reich may already well know) believes Trump and Republican CONTROL is defeated through labor unionization! (All progressives should see this video..)
Robert Reich Whatever the dream was it became a nightmare in 2016 but we will wake soon if not already and we will stay that way to prevent this from continuing or happening ever again 🤞🏻
I heard this as a young child and imagined grabbing my rubber boots and pulling up. Seemed like a futile thing to do. Later I got the idea that it meant to make effort on your own behalf and you could accomplish something. It still didn't make sense, but a whole lot I observed growing up made no sense. People make no sense in general. I decided to go my own way and figure everything out myself, then see if I could make something work for me. It wasn't easy, but I managed to at least survive to retirement. Not confident about growing old and frail now.
@@UpperCaseX If you think that's what this is about, I have a bridge to sell you. I do so wish "conservatives" would stop accusing liberals of being communists. If we were communists, _we'd_ say so. We're not the dishonest ones trying to paint those who disagree with us as anything other than they are.
"It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." Just making sure the quote is done right. ;)
@@sprybug make sure to leave your guns and drugs at " home" Why the fuck should my health $$$ go to you. To paraphrase that u.s. cliche, Go back to where you came from. Fucking yankees!
You are correct; we did not choose our parents or our country of origin, but if we followed your presumption that wealth should be redistributed equally than anyone with an annual income of $32,400 is in the top 1% of the world's wealthy and redistribution to the 6 billion poor would make us equal, equally poor. Should those with greater ability or accumulated assets help the less fortunate; you bet! If your talking about the Bureaucratic Boondoggle of our Federal Government confiscating assets in an attempt to inefficiently redistribute wealth; count me out! Our Federal Government should certainly end Corporate Welfarism without getting into the Social Welfare business. If Leaders want to play class warfare; what we will have is a rich powerful leadership and a poor population. If our Leaders want the Federal Government to root out corruption, graft and deceit in order to defend Liberty; wonderful! Less government and more Liberty for me!
You've got some explaining to do then. There are plenty of alright menial jobs paying decent wages and decently priced rental spaces in alright neighborhoods with decently priced groceries, lots of people live that life and make it work
@@given-namesurname5740 What? Tell me where can I find this Shangri-la where a menial job pay (one single job only please, I'm 61 and arthritic) can afford me my own reasonably safe small apartment, plus utilities, health care and groceries too? How about a car note on something that runs? Or is that asking too much?
Corporate socialism is reason why the rich are in the position they are in. It is rare for someone to be as successful as the rich when held back by so called rugged individualism
You are correct; we did not choose our parents or our country of origin, but if we followed your presumption that wealth should be redistributed equally than anyone with an annual income of $32,400 is in the top 1% of the world's wealthy and redistribution to the 6 billion poor would make us equal, equally poor. Should those with greater ability or accumulated assets help the less fortunate; you bet! If your talking about the Bureaucratic Boondoggle of our Federal Government confiscating assets in an attempt to inefficiently redistribute wealth; count me out! Our Federal Government should certainly end Corporate Welfarism without getting into the Social Welfare business. If Leaders want to play class warfare; what we will have is a rich powerful leadership and a poor population. If our Leaders want the Federal Government to root out corruption, graft and deceit in order to defend Liberty; wonderful! Less government and more Liberty for me!
@@timmarshall7292 The "1%" figure does NOT refer to The UNITED STATES' residents making some $32,000 or so, annually. You're likely well aware of that.
@@davegreene8588 yes, much of the population of the United States is the 1% of the world and it stands to reason by the argument of this article that if it is reasonable to redistribute the wealth of those born into the upper class of this society, that all those who have been born into this society should have their wealth redistributed to the world. You understand that the Socialist Leaders ultimate goal is Globalism. The Green New Deal (it is not about climate), Open Borders and a Welfare Society are the stepping stones to the Goal. These Leaders want complete power in order to force their sense of morality onto the masses. When they achieve their goal, they will continue to be rich and the poor will remain poor with the middle class added to their ranks. Less government and more Liberty for me!
@@tequilamockingbird758 Are you a total brainbead idiot or selfish bastard that you are incapable to understand what I wrote. What are you trying to tell us? Idiot.
Grey Bar0n He inherited $400 million and still filed for bankruptcy not once, not twice, but 6 times....6 freaking times .... Yep. That’s a “successful businessman” for you.
You are correct; we did not choose our parents or our country of origin, but if we followed your presumption that wealth should be redistributed equally than anyone with an annual income of $32,400 is in the top 1% of the world's wealthy and redistribution to the 6 billion poor would make us equal, equally poor. Should those with greater ability or accumulated assets help the less fortunate; you bet! If your talking about the Bureaucratic Boondoggle of our Federal Government confiscating assets in an attempt to inefficiently redistribute wealth; count me out! Our Federal Government should certainly end Corporate Welfarism without getting into the Social Welfare business. If Leaders want to play class warfare; what we will have is a rich powerful leadership and a poor population. If our Leaders want the Federal Government to root out corruption, graft and deceit in order to defend Liberty; wonderful! Less government and more Liberty for me!
Yes, the American dream is fading as huge corporations and their highly-paid politicians keep Americans poor with limited opportunity. I've started and ran 2 businesses, worked extremely hard for 12+ hour days and both companies were put out of business by larger companies who saw me as a threat and put me out of business. Work as hard as you want, there's no guarantee you'll succeed.
neilr11: because so many Americans don't see themselves as the downtrodden masses, the proletariat, they see them selves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. I know my mother thinks of herself that way. Her ship is GOING to come in, and she feels the need to preserve her coming wealth by voting against all her real interests. It's pitiable.
That's like asking why people buy from snake oil salesman. People want to believe in the sweet, self-affirming fairy tales others sell them more than they want to honestly deal with reality.
On top of the comments already brought up, I’d add fear into the mix. If people are convinced of some boogeyman and are told by the messengers to vote for them for their own safety, they will. It’s basically like a thief trying to talk you into buying home security while their partner robs you blind, so by the time they’re done and you turn around, it’s too late.
My husband and I have done well for ourselves, despite impoverished beginnings, but I acknowledge we did not do it all on our own. Our parents stressed education as the path to a better life. We’re part of the last generation of college students to graduate without crippling debt, but we scrimped and squeezed pennies all the way through. We worked hard, lived very simply, delayed starting our family, and were given lots of opportunities from professors and employers. We have more opportunities than we ever dreamed, and we hope to help our daughter reach for her dreams.
And I believe the point is...what good does it do for America if you have to scrimp and save all of the time from the bottom. Congratulations to you and your family, and I mean it, but the odds are against actually rising above your station with the way things are now. It is definitely NOT in the best interests of the United States to have its citizenry in this predicament.
The problem though is that this is the exception and people who make it need to be aware to avoid survivorship bias. Going from a poor to a rich lifestyle and staying in that rich lifestyle is the exception, not the norm. There is also the fact that if you didn't have to suffer so much to succeed that it also a win. I think we need to stop praising people who say how hard they had it and instead start blaming the system for making it so hard on them in the first place.
Hence, the very reason why we shouldn't have any problems with not only raising taxes on the wealthy, but also on providing critical tax reforms & closing tax loopholes ensuring that they pay their share. Of course, this isn't only to regulate their buying power, but also to stave off inflation as we make life easier on the disadvantaged.
I am a retired teacher. Something about education that always bothered me was the promulgation of this myth. "You can be anything. You can achieve anything if you just try hard enough." It is and always has been bullshit. And as many here have pointed out, George Carlin nailed it; to believe the "American Dream," you have to be asleep. What also really kills me is how many people think "thoughts and prayers" are going to accomplish anything. More total bullshit. Next time some imaginary friend pays the rent, puts a meal on the table and/or pays tuition, be sure to let me know.
To those deluded into believing that "thoughts and prayers" are helpful, please read more. More history. Then go to an airport, book a ticket to any developing country, pick one. Lots have nice beaches. Walk around. It won't take long. You will find abject poverty, criminality, disease and hardship. You will see children in your brief walk about, kids who are malnourished, unsheltered, parentless, and perhaps victims of human trafficking, kids who have been sold. Give em a buck and lean in close, tell those kids they just need to try harder. Tell them, kids with easily treatable parasitic diseases, kids terrified, hungry and alone, kids that are this morning's victims of ass rape by who knows who, tell them, yeah, you just need to believe. You just need to try harder. Give them a dollar. Go back to the poolside bar. Have a pint and relax while the barby gets fired up. Fuckin kids. Why don't they just try harder? Thoughts and prayers.
Most people do not take advantage of the opportunity they have as they don't know they have it. I come from an immigrant family and my family has made the US work for us instead of us working for the US.
A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose yours. The reality is what was called "The Great Recession " was a depression for many.
There was no recession it was faked so that big companies could lower wages and benefits and rake in billions in profit. Just like they claimed Obama care didn't work said they had to raise rates by 200 percent however they made 8 to 10 billion in profits it was record breaking profits but they want more if they only make 7 bill this year they will say they are in the red by 1 bill even though they made 6 bill one bill less than the year before and guess what they don't even pay taxes on any of it But we do and we pay in taxes for when they have less profit.
Yeah those chances are someone hiring you to work in their store, or I giving you a small loan like $200, someone letting you make payments on a house or a car, etc.. Those things happen every day. When you work hard, people take chances on you. And most of us do the same for someone else at some time. We can't all be filthy rich but we all financially stable and comfortable. If you think you are a peasant you will always be one.
@@PWoods-cd6tk What planet do you live on P? What does a loan of $200 get you? The $200 is expected back, and if someone knows you to be a hard worker, tabs will be kept on you to make the payment. In reality what can the person who loaned you $200 do for you? Do you imagine a scenario of a small business owner seeing an "amazing talent" in something you can do and recommend you to someone else for a "leg up"? It's just to another small business owner that will give you the same work for virtually the same price. Wash, rinse, repeat. Let me tell you something, I have experience with that, and while some of these people are charitable and kind, they go out of their way FOR NOBODY. You're just another contractor. The only time I have seen these "amazing talents who get breaks" are usually people of the same socio-economic background, religious and ethnic group. Think of it like belonging to a business club or Masonic lodge. They only help each other because they will be given something substantial back.
Where you grew up and how much money your parents make. This is very true. Richer people can afford more oppurtunity. They can pay for better schools, better technology, more reliable cars. They will have jobs with better benefits, morr time off of work, and lower co pays and deductables. They can afford larger life insurance and disability insurance policies. They can fund their kids projects and hobbies. Their kids can afford to go into sports and hobbies to keep them out of trouble. They can afford to buy better quality and healthier food. Bootstraps can happen, however it requires a ton of sacrifice that many people cannot afford to make.
Richer parents are also better connected parents. They work those middle class, good paying jobs, so when it's time for their children to get into a union, or an internship, all they have to do is ask around the office or send their kid to the union hall. Meritocracy is a lie. Nepotism and cronyism reign supreme. Roughly 90% of all jobs are gained through connections.
Great video. I didn't realize the propaganda of the 'individual' until I joined the work force and found myself exposed to the 'training videos' that corporations force starting employees to watch. All of them had the same message, be an individual! "Be like Dave, Dave comes in early, stays late, is always up for the task! Dave doesn't bother himself with asking questions unlike Mike!" "Mike is upset, has a bad temper, wants his coworkers to be upset like him! Mike thinks that starting a Union will get him better pay, but he's wrong!" Companies regurgitate the same message, by making employees believe that the individual can make the right decisions, that the individual doesn't need a spokes person to fight for better wages and benefits, that the individual has the same power a union. This way companies can isolate a single 'troublesome' employee and find a flaw to walk them out the door. The moment you become an 'individual' is the moment you've lost power to fight these injustices. What's even more scary is this "be an individual" nonsense is ingrained in our every day lives. The message is out of control and it's sad to run into so many who are frozen in fear of losing their individuality to really understand how becoming that is essentially giving up any power we may have to fight the ones in power.
I agree. I used to have a great job I thought would last til retirement. It almost lasted 2 full years. Laid off with 2 months severance pay. Turned in my tools, and never had money to get myself tooled to work
Thank you for adding clarity and reality to the American myth about being “self-made”. Everyone should have a chance to live a respectable life. What can I do to change how we treat each other? We need to activate on a micro and macro level. What can I do to promote love and acceptance instead of the hate we’re seeing and feeling today?
ROBERT: It comes down to marketing. This is how we win: We find some charismatic, crowd-pleasing candidates who sound defiant and angry just like Charles Foster Kane / Trump, and get them to run as Republicans for Senate and Congress in key districts -- out-perform the incumbents like Mitch at their own game. Then when they get elected, support progressive policies by carefully marketing each bill to appeal to right-wing voters, the same way Rep's do (like the "death tax" branding distorts the inheritance tax laws): - Universal Healthcare now gets called "Americans Empowered" act. If taxes on corporations paid for all healthcare, then workers could get back to work sooner to earn more money! (It appeals to the (illusory) desire to work harder and earn more.) - Relief on student debt and free tuition gets called the "Real American Dream" act. Now the "little guy" can go to school and get all that knowledge that those fat cats didn't want you to have! (Play the conspiracy card, it gets votes!) - UBI gets called the "Fair Share Freedom" act. Brand it that every American should reap the rewards of their hard work, and of America's success, like a shareholder of a country. After all, it's OUR American, ain't it, gosh darnit? (Play the indignant card).. also, say that it will reduce crime and increase our children's safety! Changing policy requires getting elected, which requires appealing to the voters, which requires understanding what motivates them to vote: emotions. Mitch understands this, and that's why he keeps getting reelected. We need to do the same. Please make some videos teaching prospective candidates how to re-brand progressive legislation so it will appeal emotionally to right-wing voters.
@@markbenson5168 - Again, we got that memo. Donald Trump is a loser. He did indeed lose a sh*t ton of money while having a book written about himself "Art of the Deal" was being written. The author has stated publicly that writing that book was the greatest regret he had in his professional career.
@@markbenson5168 - I'm deeply sorry, I mistook you for an adult. I don't have conversations with kids about such topics. You really can't be expected to know anything about US politics, history, or economics at this stage in your life. Keep up your studies. Cheers!
It’s partially true. Not everyone gets a legacy slot in an Ivy like the political and economic elites. However, I don’t envy them. My parents were each fatherless and my dad was briefly homeless. However, both worked hard to get into colleges on the third tier of respectability. They got government jobs, worked hard, got promoted and saved their money. They had one child, not six. They avoided addictive substances. They joined and remained active in a Christian sect emphasizing personal responsibility. They were millionaires when they died.
The Horatio Alger fable is bogus. The silent stalwart cowpoke? John Wayne's real name is Marion, and he spent WWII in LA, not serving in battle. We need some reality, starting between our ears.
Right, on each point! One gets FED UP with false icons contantly being foisted on us; For another example: Now, we've at long last heard the tape of the Lionized Lout, Ronnie Reagan, calling Black people "monkeys", and laughing his dopey ASS off! The truth may surface slowly - but it WILL happen.
As a young man, I actually believed that upward mobility was possible. I worked hard for over 40 years, got a degree in my field, and stayed completely out of trouble. The reward for all of this? A broken down body and knowing that I will struggle even more if and when I get to retire. Let’s face it: EVERYTHING IS RIGGED FOR THE ONE PERCENT!!! Like George Carlin pointed out: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe in it!
And with Brexit you have the best chances to become even greater bootlickers of the US, you might even become the 51 state, or at least an unincorporated territory of the United States like Puerto Rico.
@@maythesciencebewithyou You know I used to care? But the boomers and X's libertarian Ys thought brexit was a wonderful ticket to the land of suddenly successful. Morons. Brought to you by the billionaire media club. Fuck em, I've not had children and I can ride out this life in mild comfort.
@@hippychikforever Hence the "I can wait this life out" And seeing as I require an injection every 8 weeks at £2000 a pop (on top of a bunch of other things), I thank my grandparents and great grandparents for at least giving Britain a chance.
Yes, I’ve slowing been learning the truth about our history and how we got to this moment. We ALL should become aware and let those that do not know- then teach them. Thanks for these educational videos.
Hopefully, you've read "A People's History of the United States", Zinn, 1980. And "Shock Doctrine," Klein, 2007. "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America," Hedges, 2004. "America at War with Itself," Giroux, 2016. And, very important: "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth about Our Racial Divide," Anderson, 2016.
YES, the American Dream has faded in my lifetime and continues to do so. The celebrated individualism we are are so familiar with is the ultimate tool of divide and conquer. We will recover when we realize that the survival of our democracy is, in fact, a team sport.
Robert, you are wrong. I am a product of pulling my self up. I started at minimum wage and went up from their. I started at the bottom and worked myself to a better life.
I totally agree. Money and the right Name is the name of the game. It`s often who you know from the Kindergarten on that helps your career in later life. There are so many factors that are playing a role on your way to success. Nowadays it is even harder.
Keep doing these presentations Mr. Reich. The presentations keep educating and informing. We need this so very much in the world today. You reinforce the facts that we should know and provide a continuing level of support for seeking that truth. Thank you.
So are we just going to ignore the fact that as our "social safety nets" and "social springboards" (whatever the heck those are) have expanded the chances to earn more than our parents has decreased? It is precisely BECAUSE we have spent the last several decades expecting others to lift us up that we have: 1) stopped trying to help ourselves and, 2) stopped noticing the "helping hand" of authority hold us down in equal, or greater, measure.
_Some_ people will inevitably make it out of poverty and become wealthy. They'll be paraded around and their books will be number one best sellers. This is on purpose. It's necessary for the status quo, the implication being, "Aha! See? It can be done." All the while they full well know the odds are tipped in favor of the rich. It's like following the strategy of someone who hit a jackpot at a slot machine. Overt wins with sounds and lights keep people in the casino playing the same game.
You missed one important aspect of the "rugged individualism" myth: self-sufficiency. Nobody can be completely self-sufficient in our modern economy; we're far too specialized, most jobs only contributing to a small part of people's total needs, and the rest contributing nothing that is really needed. (They only exist to keep money flowing.) Farming is the one occupation that is probably closest to being self-sufficient, but even they depend on infrastructure like roads, water, gas stations, and farm equipment manufacturers. The only way our economy works is by reliance on each other.
I’m sorry I ever went to college. It was a huge burden, and it did nothing to improve my professional and financial success. I regret having gone to college.
Your story is also the story of the success of modern China! I teach my students here that the American (U.S.) dream is based on the idea that "money makes you happy," but most Chinese unintentionally understand that is a myth, that instead, it is "happy makes you money." Many young rural Chinese come here in Shenzhen, the Chinese land of opportunity, hoping to make lots of money. As a consequence, there are a lot of unhappy young people here in Shenzhen. Fortunately, most Chinese are still focused on adhering to their cultural life philosophy. How is it different from that of the West? Simply stated, the West believes in "rugged individualism": you take care of yourself first, and then, when you become strong enough, you have the option of helping others, but only if you want to. China and other East Asian countries, on the other hand, believe and practice in taking care of others first, for by so doing, you are also ensured of being taken care of. It is this concept that creates the great Divide between East and West; Westerners find it difficult to accept that entire nations could actually be this selfless, yet that is the very core of the belief system in China. China's poverty went from 85% in 1979 to less than 10% today, lower per capita than in the States. This is even after China several years ago voluntarily raised the threshold of poverty, which at the time moved several million more people into the poverty class. Western media and government representations notwithstanding, with all its problems China is actually a country that is providing the lift of the bootstraps for the people.
First line is "depends largely on where you started." That's true, if you're a statistic and not a person. But you didn't say "depends completely" People of all walks of life have done it over and over and over and the rest don't have what it takes. So they complain about fairness.
We have to develop our education system. The schools are failing the lower class. Trump says he went to the best schools, I can only imagine why he doesn't want us to see his grades.
Canada is not a panacea or paradise. However, in my opinion, we are more advanced regarding some things. Women are guaranteed 6 mths of paid maternity leave and can take as long as a year and still have their job guaranteed to be held for them unless there is a restructuring or sonething like that. There are fed gov benefit programs for families with minor children. So yeah, Robert, I agree with you that inequality is a huge issue. Our healthcare is not perfect either, but citizens are NEVER asked how they will pay for an emergency room visit. We have politicians with the ideas of making us more like the US politically, socially and economically. We have to keep up the fight and be always vigilant. Never let your guard down. Keep doing what you do. You are needed.
Z A graduation, or I should say, a post-graduation party for a relative and her roommates was underway when a father settled into a lounge chair on the patio, sighed and loudly declared” I think it a disgrace that scholarships are given based on merit!” ( Many with honors were East Indian or at least DARK.) This man is reputed to be the largest landlord in NYC and his wife is a senior Vice President of a major Wall Street bank. After a second or two I went indoors to tell my wife what I had just heard and when I did one of the grads piped up: “Yes! I could have been cum laude were that not true!” “I don’t belong here and I now understand Lenin.” Passed through my head. I tell this to prefix another observation. Several times, at several jobs, I heard a first level manager talk about the crew as “the masses.” I had to restrain myself. Unless you or your family is named on The Standard And Poor's list of “Interlocking Directorates “. and certainly I... are members of “the masses.” Those same names appear on the boards of directors of nearly every major corporation. Marry well, my child. Marry well!
I’ve long understood this. Yes, some people work hard and “make it”, but others work harder, and don’t. But at the end of the day, it’s impossible for everyone to be rich in a world of limited resources. There has to be a basic standard of living so everyone has dignity. It’s one less ivory backscratcher for the trust fund baby.
Independence, like liberty, is something to strive for but knowingly never obtain. "This man was a fool because he said I and my so much he lost the capacity to say we and ours. This man talked like he could build the bombs by himself, like he could till the soil by himself. He failed to realize that wealth is always a result of the commonwealth. No friends, I don't want you to forget it. No matter where you are today, somebody helped you to get there. In a larger sense we have to see this in our world today." - Martin Luther King Jr.
The Republican Party needs to realize the fact that NOT everyone is able to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" (this includes people with one disability or another). Real Christians look out for one another.
Mr Reich I deeply respect your intellect and admire your ability to speak clearly. What I'm about to say is cynical and not true in every case but true often enough for the accusation to have weight. In America behind every great fortune there is a crime.
Great video! It's like that awful lie that goes along the lines of "you make your own luck". Sure you do, if you're born to the right start-of- life circumstances.
It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps -Dr. Martin Luther King. As a minority myself, from poor immigrant parents, the best I could do was 60k a year doing a trade job. I'm clearly more intelligent and competent than my peers but they get paid on par or more despite they went to college and their reading and people skills are atrocious in comparison to mine. However, they had the priveldge of rich parents to ensure they got that piece of paper from college that claims they know what they are doing..... Spoilers ...... they don't.
I'm sorry that the white race that I'm a member of are the most vile race of people they tend to be violent bullies. If only people could abide by the teaching of Jesus instead of using it as a way to only judge and condem others.
Quit your bullshitting. Your story isn't about race. The preference for college over competence is the fault of bullshitters like Robert Reich and Bernie Sanders that claim that college is a right and other idiocy. Also, the best you can do is a sixty grand a year job? How old are you? You're already in the wealthiest one percent of all of human history if you're earning sixty thousand US dollars a year in twenty nineteen. You've got nothing to bitch about.
@@IWLDELJ My story wasn't about my race , it was about opportunity my parents could give me based on their disinfranchisment as a minority group in the United States. Furthermore its a tale of the hard work and the American dream. It is also a tale of how far I could go due to my beginnings. I But most, importantly. It's a story of how people who can rise up are cheated by others with priveldged starts that have put into positions of power despite incompetence, nepotism, and a ridiculously bad education system that makes them unable to manage people because they can't connect with them. I am not bitching. However, despite my perceived wealth, I cannot afford to have a child with my spouse. Think about that. Furthermore , I am not willing to be destitute before I acknowledge the problems I see in our society. Your arguement is basically "be grateful for crumbs" which may be good enough for a lapdog, but I am a human being and I will be treated as such.
@@sheilahall9060 There are many white people that have fought for our rights with us. It about being a good person. Thank you for being a good hearted person.
@@aristotle736 "Don't be a schmuck" Whoa, I was NOT being you! Anyway, "his background" supports the idea, since it was a fairly advantageous one. Horatio Alger stories aren't ALL fake, but certainly are a _rarity_. That has become truer in the years since....say.... the 1950s or so.
aristotle 736 Probably but I don't know Reichs background. However, there have been numerous so-called class traitors who have found their way to the right side of history when aiding the betterment of all.
Thanks Robert, this facts well known , but some people simply ignore reality , because luck of education and as a result low self esteem , thank for you beautiful and knowledgeable lectures, all the best and I will share with everyone...... I know.
"He who pays the piper calls the tune". If the American middle and working classes want a government "Of the people, By the people and For the people " simply vote for politicians who don't take money from corporations or the wealthy. Unfortunately this excludes all republicans. It was the creation of a healthy and vibrant middle class which made the USA such great place. The death of the middle class will hurt your country terribly, and the rest of the world will suffer too. For everyone's sake please vote wisely.
Very well done and well written. You might have added, that it is a fact that the US has the least social mobility of any developed nation. So yes, this idea that anyone can rise to the top in the US, is a total and utter myth.
These videos by Inequality Media are brilliant ... all of my like- minded friends need to SHARE them on their FB pages... i plan to watch EVERY video [and hit the 'like' button], post at least one each day on my FB page and i've sent a $500 donation … we need to circulate these videos far and wide :)
@@maythesciencebewithyou Right. It seems to me that this propagation has to do with the cultural production of the United States. Mainly Cinema in the last 70 years.
I absolutely agree politically economically and even philosophically to a point. So ethically your point is perhaps the most crucial one for the American populace to asymilate , however. The single most sailent characteristic of the entire history of Western civilization is the preeminence of the individual. This is what distinguishes ancient Greece from Persia or Egypt. This deep respect for individuality is the very source of our notion of a free society. Let me prove it. Who invented paper?, Gunpowder? Both ancient Chinese inventions. Both universally central for better or worse (gunpowder) globally to history. Now who invented the moveable type printing press? The steam engine? See western history is a list of names. Not as much for say Chinese history etc. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Hubble, Einstein, Bohr, Ed Witten what subject am I talking about? See? That's the preeminenceof the individual at work. It's a template adopted by the world .
Another lie that was sold to the people of the US back during the McCarthy years was that socialism and communism are one in the same. Most Europeans have a far greater understanding of the very stark difference between these political ideologies. It would be great if the average US citizen could be better educated in regards to these differences.
Graduated in 1980 with a BFA from a public University with zero debt. I was able to work while in school and pay my debt down. In 2001, went back for teaching license at a private school and 15 years later I am half way to paying of this debt. This is fucked up!!!
I’m a baby boomer from the Bronx New York , I’m not rich or famous, but the success of my life has been based a good public school system, parents who worked hard and policies that gave me a chance to play on level field. Never can I remember placing my bets on a pie in the sky or the luck of other people. I was educated by my parents to believe that there is no happiness in having riches if you live surrounded by poverty and inequality.
These comments are not that surprising to read in today’s terms of how people view the world. Rugged individualism does work if people put in the efforts. We own a small business, always putting the customer first and treated them right (never screwed them on a bill and mostly would be lower in cost that most of our competitors). We are doing ok. Certainly not rich but have done ok. No bragging allowed from our part. Just saying vacations are rare and hard work pays off slowly. Americans can still achieve the American Dream but it takes lots of effort with blood, sweat and tears. I have friends whom recognize paths of success and ones whom work far less and are fine with that. It comes down to what the individual desires ultimately. Thanks for considering these thoughts.
He’s not a billionaire you dipshit, and his net worth doesnt make what he’s telling you any less true, why don’t you make an effort to come to terms with the fact that you are being screwed and that the flowery rugged individualist rhetoric that is regularly implemented in our popular culture was insidiously designed to make Americans docile to the defunding of social programs that would actually contribute to a healthier, actually meritocratic society? It would be more productive than venting like a child who just found out that santa isn’t real.
The more power is concentrated at the top, the less opportunities those at the bottom have for improving their lot in life. America was formed because people left the top heavy countries of Europe. Now the U.S. is top-heavy.
President Trump, of all people, should know the advantages of being born into wealth. Taking risks for the sake of earning more wealth is a lot easier to do when you have virtually endless capital with which to start.
Talk about baloney!we are born to create our lives! If people had more supporting family's things would different for them! Even animals learn from there groups or they could not survive!This video is misleading and stupid!
Thanks for watching. If you found this video informative, be sure to also watch our video on the real American story:
It seems like we've been living in a (old?new?)form of govt.that is and was corruptionism,which is a capitalistic economy based on a democratic principal of voting for and electing our leadership.No term limits for Senators ,and representatives,or Supreme court Judges has been prime hunting for Corporate influence and greed.Oligarchs and Plutocrats seek to buy and pay for the people you get to vote for.Unbridled Capitalism is not sustainable.Limited rescources and unlimited power to get and control more and more is on a collision course with all vital life systems.Capitalism is like the world series of poker-one overall winner,and lots of losers.Some people are just better at Capitalism.Getting more and more for a few is not new,but has created a lot of 3rd world countries ruled by corruption by the elite and hand picked ("Leaders")??
Accademia does not prepare people for industry or business (does a very poor job) especially for small business and startups/incubators. Ironically the "Rugged individualists" I know that did make it were in fact Mexican immigrants.
Yeah it simple we just need to change the tax code to incentivize employment income over investment income to make money... that would help increase the employment participation rate and help grow our economy even more. Or atleast put them both on the same taxable playing field...
I feel employment income is taxed twice the rate as investment income....
Union organizer Jane McAlevey (who Robert Reich may already well know) believes Trump and Republican CONTROL is defeated through labor unionization!
(All progressives should see this video..)
Robert Reich
Whatever the dream was it became a nightmare in 2016 but we will wake soon if not already and we will stay that way to prevent this from continuing or happening ever again 🤞🏻
yes in the words of George C "its a special club and your not in it" (or something close)
"It's a big club, and you ain't in it..."
I miss the words and wit of George Carlin.
I had no idea the the term "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" originated as a metaphor for an impossible task
As my mother used to say, "You learn something new every day."
I heard this as a young child and imagined grabbing my rubber boots and pulling up. Seemed like a futile thing to do. Later I got the idea that it meant to make effort on your own behalf and you could accomplish something. It still didn't make sense, but a whole lot I observed growing up made no sense. People make no sense in general. I decided to go my own way and figure everything out myself, then see if I could make something work for me. It wasn't easy, but I managed to at least survive to retirement. Not confident about growing old and frail now.
And everyone knows an ant can't move a rubber tree plant.
It's very Sisyphean.
Me either, that's kind of pathetic
It's like deja vu of George Carlin comedy routine. American dream is a dream , because you have to be asleep to be in it.
Except Carlin wasnt pushing communism ☭
@@UpperCaseX If you think that's what this is about, I have a bridge to sell you. I do so wish "conservatives" would stop accusing liberals of being communists. If we were communists, _we'd_ say so. We're not the dishonest ones trying to paint those who disagree with us as anything other than they are.
"It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."
Just making sure the quote is done right. ;)
rajan lad get a job!!!
@@markbenson5168 I have a job and it's not yelling out random things in comment section.
As a Dane I attended the university for free. As my teacher said a collegue had said to him: You want to live the american dream? Move to Denmark.
Hehe. That's why I'm moving to Canada in a few weeks. My career took me there.
@@sprybug Well enjoy and I wish you the best of luck. I have only heard positive things from them all though some parts only speak French.
@I Control My Fate Perhaps you should make your own dream come true. See if you could get a carrear there if you don't want to stay
@@sprybug make sure to leave your guns and drugs at " home"
Why the fuck should my health $$$ go to you.
To paraphrase that u.s. cliche,
Go back to where you came from.
Fucking yankees!
You are correct; we did not choose our parents or our country of origin, but if we followed your presumption that wealth should be redistributed equally than anyone with an annual income of $32,400 is in the top 1% of the world's wealthy and redistribution to the 6 billion poor would make us equal, equally poor. Should those with greater ability or accumulated assets help the less fortunate; you bet! If your talking about the Bureaucratic Boondoggle of our Federal Government confiscating assets in an attempt to inefficiently redistribute wealth; count me out! Our Federal Government should certainly end Corporate Welfarism without getting into the Social Welfare business. If Leaders want to play class warfare; what we will have is a rich powerful leadership and a poor population. If our Leaders want the Federal Government to root out corruption, graft and deceit in order to defend Liberty; wonderful! Less government and more Liberty for me!
If the American dream is trying to afford bread + peanut butter and going on walks to find loose change then yeah, I'm living it.
Bread WITH peanut butter... you fancy SOB
You've got some explaining to do then. There are plenty of alright menial jobs paying decent wages and decently priced rental spaces in alright neighborhoods with decently priced groceries, lots of people live that life and make it work
What? Tell me where can I find this Shangri-la where a menial job pay (one single job only please, I'm 61 and arthritic) can afford me my own reasonably safe small apartment, plus utilities, health care and groceries too? How about a car note on something that runs? Or is that asking too much?
The American dream is for millennials to move back in with mom and dad because they can't afford a house. I'm not even joking. It happens every day.
@@ilikeme1234 Talkin' bout boojie as hell over heah!
Corporate socialism is reason why the rich are in the position they are in. It is rare for someone to be as successful as the rich when held back by so called rugged individualism
You are correct; we did not choose our parents or our country of origin, but if we followed your presumption that wealth should be redistributed equally than anyone with an annual income of $32,400 is in the top 1% of the world's wealthy and redistribution to the 6 billion poor would make us equal, equally poor. Should those with greater ability or accumulated assets help the less fortunate; you bet! If your talking about the Bureaucratic Boondoggle of our Federal Government confiscating assets in an attempt to inefficiently redistribute wealth; count me out! Our Federal Government should certainly end Corporate Welfarism without getting into the Social Welfare business. If Leaders want to play class warfare; what we will have is a rich powerful leadership and a poor population. If our Leaders want the Federal Government to root out corruption, graft and deceit in order to defend Liberty; wonderful! Less government and more Liberty for me!
The "1%" figure does NOT refer to The UNITED STATES' residents making some $32,000 or so, annually.
You're likely well aware of that.
Winston Shih get a job!!!
@@davegreene8588 yes, much of the population of the United States is the 1% of the world and it stands to reason by the argument of this article that if it is reasonable to redistribute the wealth of those born into the upper class of this society, that all those who have been born into this society should have their wealth redistributed to the world. You understand that the Socialist Leaders ultimate goal is Globalism. The Green New Deal (it is not about climate), Open Borders and a Welfare Society are the stepping stones to the Goal. These Leaders want complete power in order to force their sense of morality onto the masses. When they achieve their goal, they will continue to be rich and the poor will remain poor with the middle class added to their ranks. Less government and more Liberty for me!
Oh please
You always hear of the one success story, but never of the hundred who have failed.
May the Science be with You *thousand
I came from nothing and now have a great family and a great job.
@@tequilamockingbird758 So you're that one success story.
@@tequilamockingbird758 Are you a total brainbead idiot or selfish bastard that you are incapable to understand what I wrote. What are you trying to tell us? Idiot.
This seems like basic logic. Not everyone can get a "small loan of a million dollars" from their father like a certain Individual 1
Lol very true and don't forget the trust this individual had setup since birth
more like 500 million, oh no he lied again
Grey Bar0n
He inherited $400 million and still filed for bankruptcy not once, not twice, but 6 times....6 freaking times ....
Yep. That’s a “successful businessman” for you.
You are correct; we did not choose our parents or our country of origin, but if we followed your presumption that wealth should be redistributed equally than anyone with an annual income of $32,400 is in the top 1% of the world's wealthy and redistribution to the 6 billion poor would make us equal, equally poor. Should those with greater ability or accumulated assets help the less fortunate; you bet! If your talking about the Bureaucratic Boondoggle of our Federal Government confiscating assets in an attempt to inefficiently redistribute wealth; count me out! Our Federal Government should certainly end Corporate Welfarism without getting into the Social Welfare business. If Leaders want to play class warfare; what we will have is a rich powerful leadership and a poor population. If our Leaders want the Federal Government to root out corruption, graft and deceit in order to defend Liberty; wonderful! Less government and more Liberty for me!
Or inherit $400 million.
We are in and have been in a "economic slavery" for some time now.
Fred Toler: "wage slaves."
"I owe, I owe,
So off to work I go..."
Fred Toler get a job!!!
Casino gulag
It started with Reagan.
timmmahhhh Reagan was a great president!!! Obama was a terrible president.
Pretty much socialism for the rich-they get all the advantages, and capitalism for everyone else.
Moreover, social Darwinism for everyone else.
@TommyMacDaddy1 you then accept that socialism is evil?
It's pure boot strap economics and harsh law and order for us, and pure socialism and more due process than you can shake a stick at for them
Yes, the American dream is fading as huge corporations and their highly-paid politicians keep Americans poor with limited opportunity. I've started and ran 2 businesses, worked extremely hard for 12+ hour days and both companies were put out of business by larger companies who saw me as a threat and put me out of business. Work as hard as you want, there's no guarantee you'll succeed.
My husband and I went through a similar situation back in the 70's and 80's lost everything.
then stay away from franchises - legalized slavery.
@Snappingturtle 267 Wrong. 90% of millionaires got the cash from someone else. Stop spreading bs here.
I'm always amazed why people vote against their best interest, Even more so now
neilr11: because so many Americans don't see themselves as the downtrodden masses, the proletariat, they see them selves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. I know my mother thinks of herself that way. Her ship is GOING to come in, and she feels the need to preserve her coming wealth by voting against all her real interests. It's pitiable.
That's like asking why people buy from snake oil salesman. People want to believe in the sweet, self-affirming fairy tales others sell them more than they want to honestly deal with reality.
On top of the comments already brought up, I’d add fear into the mix. If people are convinced of some boogeyman and are told by the messengers to vote for them for their own safety, they will. It’s basically like a thief trying to talk you into buying home security while their partner robs you blind, so by the time they’re done and you turn around, it’s too late.
@@RedZeshinX So sad, but unfortunately true. "Only the dumbest calves vote for their butchers."
because trump said its best country look at 3rd world they are waste compare to USA like brazil mexico india china
Let's just quit calling it The American Dream. And call it the American struggle as it should be. Honesty is not one of America's best trades.
b mel Especially today
you are right
Realest comment of the year so far.
American Struggle spiraling into an American Nightmare.
My husband and I have done well for ourselves, despite impoverished beginnings, but I acknowledge we did not do it all on our own. Our parents stressed education as the path to a better life. We’re part of the last generation of college students to graduate without crippling debt, but we scrimped and squeezed pennies all the way through. We worked hard, lived very simply, delayed starting our family, and were given lots of opportunities from professors and employers. We have more opportunities than we ever dreamed, and we hope to help our daughter reach for her dreams.
And I believe the point is...what good does it do for America if you have to scrimp and save all of the time from the bottom. Congratulations to you and your family, and I mean it, but the odds are against actually rising above your station with the way things are now. It is definitely NOT in the best interests of the United States to have its citizenry in this predicament.
The problem though is that this is the exception and people who make it need to be aware to avoid survivorship bias. Going from a poor to a rich lifestyle and staying in that rich lifestyle is the exception, not the norm.
There is also the fact that if you didn't have to suffer so much to succeed that it also a win. I think we need to stop praising people who say how hard they had it and instead start blaming the system for making it so hard on them in the first place.
Hence, the very reason why we shouldn't have any problems with not only raising taxes on the wealthy, but also on providing critical tax reforms & closing tax loopholes ensuring that they pay their share. Of course, this isn't only to regulate their buying power, but also to stave off inflation as we make life easier on the disadvantaged.
I am a retired teacher. Something about education that always bothered me was the promulgation of this myth. "You can be anything. You can achieve anything if you just try hard enough." It is and always has been bullshit. And as many here have pointed out, George Carlin nailed it; to believe the "American Dream," you have to be asleep. What also really kills me is how many people think "thoughts and prayers" are going to accomplish anything. More total bullshit. Next time some imaginary friend pays the rent, puts a meal on the table and/or pays tuition, be sure to let me know.
To those deluded into believing that "thoughts and prayers" are helpful, please read more. More history. Then go to an airport, book a ticket to any developing country, pick one. Lots have nice beaches. Walk around. It won't take long. You will find abject poverty, criminality, disease and hardship. You will see children in your brief walk about, kids who are malnourished, unsheltered, parentless, and perhaps victims of human trafficking, kids who have been sold. Give em a buck and lean in close, tell those kids they just need to try harder. Tell them, kids with easily treatable parasitic diseases, kids terrified, hungry and alone, kids that are this morning's victims of ass rape by who knows who, tell them, yeah, you just need to believe. You just need to try harder. Give them a dollar. Go back to the poolside bar. Have a pint and relax while the barby gets fired up. Fuckin kids. Why don't they just try harder? Thoughts and prayers.
So if you really feel bad for the kids, then you would be perfectly fine with death penalty for rapists, drug trafficking, and organized crime? I am
@@gibransaliba8801 squirrel
“It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin, standup comedian
*standup individual
His comedy routines should be taught in school
At this point I think we can safely add: American treasure, philosopher, and skilled master of human observation
Said by someone who lived it
Most people do not take advantage of the opportunity they have as they don't know they have it. I come from an immigrant family and my family has made the US work for us instead of us working for the US.
Washington threw a silver dollar across the Delaware river. But, that feat is impossible today, as a dollar does not go as far as it used to.
Ha, American dream fading? We woke up a decade ago to the American nightmare known as the great recession and it's still haunting many to this day.
A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose yours. The reality is what was called "The Great Recession " was a depression for many.
There was no recession it was faked so that big companies could lower wages and benefits and rake in billions in profit. Just like they claimed Obama care didn't work said they had to raise rates by 200 percent however they made 8 to 10 billion in profits it was record breaking profits but they want more if they only make 7 bill this year they will say they are in the red by 1 bill even though they made 6 bill one bill less than the year before and guess what they don't even pay taxes on any of it
But we do and we pay in taxes for when they have less profit.
Kyle Lovell Obama is a LOSER!!! TRUMP is truly MAGA!!!
JMB Lol.... You fool... Steal from the hard working and give to the lazy!!!! Get a job LOSER!!!
JMB Lol... I bet you'll be voting for Obama in 2020..... LOSER!!!!
It's the same thing with people who claim to be self made. Nonsense. Someone, somewhere, gave them a chance and this opened up other options.
Yeah those chances are someone hiring you to work in their store, or I giving you a small loan like $200, someone letting you make payments on a house or a car, etc.. Those things happen every day. When you work hard, people take chances on you. And most of us do the same for someone else at some time. We can't all be filthy rich but we all financially stable and comfortable. If you think you are a peasant you will always be one.
Ok, Obama, YOU DIDN'T build that! lol
@@PWoods-cd6tk What planet do you live on P? What does a loan of $200 get you? The $200 is expected back, and if someone knows you to be a hard worker, tabs will be kept on you to make the payment. In reality what can the person who loaned you $200 do for you? Do you imagine a scenario of a small business owner seeing an "amazing talent" in something you can do and recommend you to someone else for a "leg up"? It's just to another small business owner that will give you the same work for virtually the same price. Wash, rinse, repeat. Let me tell you something, I have experience with that, and while some of these people are charitable and kind, they go out of their way FOR NOBODY. You're just another contractor. The only time I have seen these "amazing talents who get breaks" are usually people of the same socio-economic background, religious and ethnic group. Think of it like belonging to a business club or Masonic lodge. They only help each other because they will be given something substantial back.
Fredrick Trump Sr.'s "Gift" to his kids?
This is spot on, As always. Keep up the great work Robert and his team.
Robert is amazing! A real honest, dedicated educator
Where you grew up and how much money your parents make.
This is very true. Richer people can afford more oppurtunity. They can pay for better schools, better technology, more reliable cars. They will have jobs with better benefits, morr time off of work, and lower co pays and deductables. They can afford larger life insurance and disability insurance policies.
They can fund their kids projects and hobbies. Their kids can afford to go into sports and hobbies to keep them out of trouble.
They can afford to buy better quality and healthier food.
Bootstraps can happen, however it requires a ton of sacrifice that many people cannot afford to make.
Richer parents are also better connected parents. They work those middle class, good paying jobs, so when it's time for their children to get into a union, or an internship, all they have to do is ask around the office or send their kid to the union hall. Meritocracy is a lie. Nepotism and cronyism reign supreme. Roughly 90% of all jobs are gained through connections.
Anthony Twohill
It’s not what you know... it’s who you know
@@truckingfun5033 I remember that idiom as "It's all who you know, who you blow and who you snow."
Great video.
I didn't realize the propaganda of the 'individual' until I joined the work force and found myself exposed to the 'training videos' that corporations force starting employees to watch.
All of them had the same message, be an individual!
"Be like Dave, Dave comes in early, stays late, is always up for the task! Dave doesn't bother himself with asking questions unlike Mike!"
"Mike is upset, has a bad temper, wants his coworkers to be upset like him! Mike thinks that starting a Union will get him better pay, but he's wrong!"
Companies regurgitate the same message, by making employees believe that the individual can make the right decisions, that the individual doesn't need a spokes person to fight for better wages and benefits, that the individual has the same power a union. This way companies can isolate a single 'troublesome' employee and find a flaw to walk them out the door.
The moment you become an 'individual' is the moment you've lost power to fight these injustices. What's even more scary is this "be an individual" nonsense is ingrained in our every day lives. The message is out of control and it's sad to run into so many who are frozen in fear of losing their individuality to really understand how becoming that is essentially giving up any power we may have to fight the ones in power.
Thank you 🙏 this was the absolute truth I’m a nurse and I have seen first hand wage stagnation and insurance cuts
I agree. I used to have a great job I thought would last til retirement. It almost lasted 2 full years. Laid off with 2 months severance pay. Turned in my tools, and never had money to get myself tooled to work
Thank you for adding clarity and reality to the American myth about being “self-made”. Everyone should have a chance to live a respectable life. What can I do to change how we treat each other? We need to activate on a micro and macro level. What can I do to promote love and acceptance instead of the hate we’re seeing and feeling today?
Some of us have forgotten to evolve. Change, even within a dream is inevitable. Wake up and create a new, better dream.
Some years ago i decided that the American dream is and has been a myth.
A myth I discovered for myself. This will bother many people, until they experience it for themselves.
It comes down to marketing.
This is how we win:
We find some charismatic, crowd-pleasing candidates who sound defiant and angry just like Charles Foster Kane / Trump, and get them to run as Republicans for Senate and Congress in key districts -- out-perform the incumbents like Mitch at their own game.
Then when they get elected, support progressive policies by carefully marketing each bill to appeal to right-wing voters, the same way Rep's do (like the "death tax" branding distorts the inheritance tax laws):
- Universal Healthcare now gets called "Americans Empowered" act. If taxes on corporations paid for all healthcare, then workers could get back to work sooner to earn more money! (It appeals to the (illusory) desire to work harder and earn more.)
- Relief on student debt and free tuition gets called the "Real American Dream" act. Now the "little guy" can go to school and get all that knowledge that those fat cats didn't want you to have! (Play the conspiracy card, it gets votes!)
- UBI gets called the "Fair Share Freedom" act. Brand it that every American should reap the rewards of their hard work, and of America's success, like a shareholder of a country. After all, it's OUR American, ain't it, gosh darnit? (Play the indignant card).. also, say that it will reduce crime and increase our children's safety!
Changing policy requires getting elected, which requires appealing to the voters, which requires understanding what motivates them to vote: emotions. Mitch understands this, and that's why he keeps getting reelected. We need to do the same.
Please make some videos teaching prospective candidates how to re-brand progressive legislation so it will appeal emotionally to right-wing voters.
Thank you Robert, you're a hero!
G Wills Robert is a LOSER!!!
@@markbenson5168 - Again, we got that memo. Donald Trump is a loser. He did indeed lose a sh*t ton of money while having a book written about himself "Art of the Deal" was being written. The author has stated publicly that writing that book was the greatest regret he had in his professional career.
Duggy Gee doggy, get a job cupcake and become something in life!!!!
@@markbenson5168 - I'm deeply sorry, I mistook you for an adult. I don't have conversations with kids about such topics. You really can't be expected to know anything about US politics, history, or economics at this stage in your life. Keep up your studies. Cheers!
I hope that it is changing to become "making it" will be blossoming within a healthy, vibrant and creative community.
As George Carlin said, “It’s the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!”
Always informative and well researched. We appreciate it!
Your videos tell us 'how it is' in an engaging nutshell - your format is so easily informative - thanks-
It’s partially true. Not everyone gets a legacy slot in an Ivy like the political and economic elites. However, I don’t envy them. My parents were each fatherless and my dad was briefly homeless. However, both worked hard to get into colleges on the third tier of respectability. They got government jobs, worked hard, got promoted and saved their money. They had one child, not six. They avoided addictive substances. They joined and remained active in a Christian sect emphasizing personal responsibility. They were millionaires when they died.
The Horatio Alger fable is bogus. The silent stalwart cowpoke? John Wayne's real name is Marion, and he spent WWII in LA, not serving in battle. We need some reality, starting between our ears.
Right, on each point!
One gets FED UP with false icons contantly being foisted on us;
For another example:
Now, we've at long last heard the tape of the Lionized Lout, Ronnie Reagan, calling Black people "monkeys", and laughing his dopey ASS off!
The truth may surface slowly - but it WILL happen.
Plus being a dreadful man.
"Slavery was never abolished, it was redesigned"
and includes plenty of white and other folks alongside black.
My family used to own slaves....
But when we factored in the depreciation.....we found it was far cheaper to rent them
As a young man, I actually believed that upward mobility was possible. I worked hard for over 40 years, got a degree in my field, and stayed completely out of trouble. The reward for all of this? A broken down body and knowing that I will struggle even more if and when I get to retire. Let’s face it: EVERYTHING IS RIGGED FOR THE ONE PERCENT!!!
Like George Carlin pointed out: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe in it!
Yeah, here in the UK we've been trying to copy America for 40 years.
Even in Canada look, 13.5% chance of being successful??
Wow, much success.
And with Brexit you have the best chances to become even greater bootlickers of the US, you might even become the 51 state, or at least an unincorporated territory of the United States like Puerto Rico.
You know I used to care?
But the boomers and X's libertarian Ys thought brexit was a wonderful ticket to the land of suddenly successful. Morons.
Brought to you by the billionaire media club.
Fuck em, I've not had children and I can ride out this life in mild comfort.
At least you don't go bankrupt if you get sick.
Hence the "I can wait this life out"
And seeing as I require an injection every 8 weeks at £2000 a pop (on top of a bunch of other things), I thank my grandparents and great grandparents for at least giving Britain a chance.
@@hippychikforever until they defund the NHS out of existence
This series is really one of the very best on whole internet. These are really tricky topics to present.
Yes, I’ve slowing been learning the truth about our history and how we got to this moment. We ALL should become aware and let those that do not know- then teach them. Thanks for these educational videos.
Hopefully, you've read "A People's History of the United States", Zinn, 1980.
And "Shock Doctrine," Klein, 2007.
"American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America," Hedges, 2004.
"America at War with Itself," Giroux, 2016.
And, very important:
"White Rage: The Unspoken Truth about Our Racial Divide," Anderson, 2016.
Julie Ann Myers Thank you. All good reads and references!
YES, the American Dream has faded in my lifetime and continues to do so. The celebrated individualism we are are so familiar with is the ultimate tool of divide and conquer. We will recover when we realize that the survival of our democracy is, in fact, a team sport.
Robert, you are wrong. I am a product of pulling my self up. I started at minimum wage and went up from their. I started at the bottom and worked myself to a better life.
There are plenty of people like you. I'm on that boat too
I totally agree. Money and the right Name is the name of the game. It`s often who you know from the Kindergarten on that helps your career in later life. There are so many factors that are playing a role on your way to success. Nowadays it is even harder.
Keep doing these presentations Mr. Reich. The presentations keep educating and informing. We need this so very much in the world today. You reinforce the facts that we should know and provide a continuing level of support for seeking that truth. Thank you.
I was born and live in Canada. What Robert said is so true.
So are we just going to ignore the fact that as our "social safety nets" and "social springboards" (whatever the heck those are) have expanded the chances to earn more than our parents has decreased? It is precisely BECAUSE we have spent the last several decades expecting others to lift us up that we have:
1) stopped trying to help ourselves and,
2) stopped noticing the "helping hand" of authority hold us down in equal, or greater, measure.
Right on the mark, Robert !!!!!!........Though it took me seventy years to learn what you are saying is true!!!!!!......
_Some_ people will inevitably make it out of poverty and become wealthy. They'll be paraded around and their books will be number one best sellers. This is on purpose. It's necessary for the status quo, the implication being, "Aha! See? It can be done." All the while they full well know the odds are tipped in favor of the rich. It's like following the strategy of someone who hit a jackpot at a slot machine. Overt wins with sounds and lights keep people in the casino playing the same game.
You missed one important aspect of the "rugged individualism" myth: self-sufficiency. Nobody can be completely self-sufficient in our modern economy; we're far too specialized, most jobs only contributing to a small part of people's total needs, and the rest contributing nothing that is really needed. (They only exist to keep money flowing.) Farming is the one occupation that is probably closest to being self-sufficient, but even they depend on infrastructure like roads, water, gas stations, and farm equipment manufacturers. The only way our economy works is by reliance on each other.
I’m sorry I ever went to college. It was a huge burden, and it did nothing to improve my professional and financial success. I regret having gone to college.
Don't blame yourself. You were misled by experts.
@@joevignolor4u949 Some positions require college whether you like it or not.
Your story is also the story of the success of modern China! I teach my students here that the American (U.S.) dream is based on the idea that "money makes you happy," but most Chinese unintentionally understand that is a myth, that instead, it is "happy makes you money." Many young rural Chinese come here in Shenzhen, the Chinese land of opportunity, hoping to make lots of money. As a consequence, there are a lot of unhappy young people here in Shenzhen. Fortunately, most Chinese are still focused on adhering to their cultural life philosophy. How is it different from that of the West? Simply stated, the West believes in "rugged individualism": you take care of yourself first, and then, when you become strong enough, you have the option of helping others, but only if you want to. China and other East Asian countries, on the other hand, believe and practice in taking care of others first, for by so doing, you are also ensured of being taken care of. It is this concept that creates the great Divide between East and West; Westerners find it difficult to accept that entire nations could actually be this selfless, yet that is the very core of the belief system in China.
China's poverty went from 85% in 1979 to less than 10% today, lower per capita than in the States. This is even after China several years ago voluntarily raised the threshold of poverty, which at the time moved several million more people into the poverty class. Western media and government representations notwithstanding, with all its problems China is actually a country that is providing the lift of the bootstraps for the people.
The American dream is becoming the American Nightmare, but a nightmare can wake you up.
Unless you're on the take.. Trash TV, opioids, junk food and poor education. Face it.
First line is "depends largely on where you started." That's true, if you're a statistic and not a person. But you didn't say "depends completely"
People of all walks of life have done it over and over and over and the rest don't have what it takes. So they complain about fairness.
We have to develop our education system. The schools are failing the lower class. Trump says he went to the best schools, I can only imagine why he doesn't want us to see his grades.
That is why we need a school choice.
Canada is not a panacea or paradise. However, in my opinion, we are more advanced regarding some things. Women are guaranteed 6 mths of paid maternity leave and can take as long as a year and still have their job guaranteed to be held for them unless there is a restructuring or sonething like that. There are fed gov benefit programs for families with minor children. So yeah, Robert, I agree with you that inequality is a huge issue. Our healthcare is not perfect either, but citizens are NEVER asked how they will pay for an emergency room visit. We have politicians with the ideas of making us more like the US politically, socially and economically. We have to keep up the fight and be always vigilant. Never let your guard down. Keep doing what you do. You are needed.
Mr. Reich, you are so right. Our system is turning against the less fortunate...
Well said. I realized the "American dream" was complete crap 30 years ago. And it saved my life.
“It’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
George Carlin
Julie Ann Myers Bingo!
Z A graduation, or I should say, a post-graduation party for a relative and her roommates was underway when a father settled into a lounge chair on the patio, sighed and loudly declared” I think it a disgrace that scholarships are given based on merit!” ( Many with honors were East Indian or at least DARK.)
This man is reputed to be the largest landlord in NYC and his wife is a senior Vice President of a major Wall Street bank.
After a second or two I went indoors to tell my wife what I had just heard and when I did one of the grads piped up: “Yes! I could have been cum laude were that not true!”
“I don’t belong here and I now understand Lenin.” Passed through my head.
I tell this to prefix another observation.
Several times, at several jobs, I heard a first level manager talk about the crew as “the masses.” I had to restrain myself.
Unless you or your family is named on The Standard And Poor's list of “Interlocking Directorates “. and certainly I... are members of “the masses.”
Those same names appear on the boards of directors of nearly every major corporation.
Marry well, my child. Marry well!
Excellent, Mr. Reich. One of your best.
This would be a great segue into explaining the social forces behind the recent 3 mass shootings, IMO.
Thank you Robert, for fighting the good fight.
I’ve long understood this. Yes, some people work hard and “make it”, but others work harder, and don’t. But at the end of the day, it’s impossible for everyone to be rich in a world of limited resources. There has to be a basic standard of living so everyone has dignity. It’s one less ivory backscratcher for the trust fund baby.
Independence, like liberty, is something to strive for but knowingly never obtain.
"This man was a fool because he said I and my so much he lost the capacity to say we and ours. This man talked like he could build the bombs by himself, like he could till the soil by himself. He failed to realize that wealth is always a result of the commonwealth. No friends, I don't want you to forget it. No matter where you are today, somebody helped you to get there. In a larger sense we have to see this in our world today." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Keep up the good work! 👍
The Republican Party needs to realize the fact that NOT everyone is able to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" (this includes people with one disability or another). Real Christians look out for one another.
Mr Reich I deeply respect your intellect and admire your ability to speak clearly. What I'm about to say is cynical and not true in every case but true often enough for the accusation to have weight. In America behind every great fortune there is a crime.
Nonsense. The only crime is unequal land.
Great video! It's like that awful lie that goes along the lines of "you make your own luck". Sure you do, if you're born to the right start-of- life circumstances.
Good analysis and resume of the situation!
i completely agree with this.
That’s why people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren need to be elected president. To give a chance at equality.
This is why we need Andrew Yang and his Freedom Dividend platform!
One of your best and most thoughtful videos. I like how you plausibly tied specific ipolicies to the larger issue of American mythology
It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps -Dr. Martin Luther King.
As a minority myself, from poor immigrant parents, the best I could do was 60k a year doing a trade job. I'm clearly more intelligent and competent than my peers but they get paid on par or more despite they went to college and their reading and people skills are atrocious in comparison to mine. However, they had the priveldge of rich parents to ensure they got that piece of paper from college that claims they know what they are doing..... Spoilers ...... they don't.
I'm sorry that the white race that I'm a member of are the most vile race of people they tend to be violent bullies. If only people could abide by the teaching of Jesus instead of using it as a way to only judge and condem others.
Quit your bullshitting. Your story isn't about race. The preference for college over competence is the fault of bullshitters like Robert Reich and Bernie Sanders that claim that college is a right and other idiocy.
Also, the best you can do is a sixty grand a year job? How old are you? You're already in the wealthiest one percent of all of human history if you're earning sixty thousand US dollars a year in twenty nineteen. You've got nothing to bitch about.
@@IWLDELJ My story wasn't about my race , it was about opportunity my parents could give me based on their disinfranchisment as a minority group in the United States. Furthermore its a tale of the hard work and the American dream. It is also a tale of how far I could go due to my beginnings. I But most, importantly. It's a story of how people who can rise up are cheated by others with priveldged starts that have put into positions of power despite incompetence, nepotism, and a ridiculously bad education system that makes them unable to manage people because they can't connect with them.
I am not bitching. However, despite my perceived wealth, I cannot afford to have a child with my spouse. Think about that. Furthermore , I am not willing to be destitute before I acknowledge the problems I see in our society. Your arguement is basically "be grateful for crumbs" which may be good enough for a lapdog, but I am a human being and I will be treated as such.
@@sheilahall9060 There are many white people that have fought for our rights with us. It about being a good person. Thank you for being a good hearted person.
Those gentlemen, Reich and Sanders, are not - and never were - bullshitters;
That's what YOU are.
So spare us your "output", Idiot!
Another video speaking the truth. I couldn't agree with you more. These are undeniable facts.
I wonder if Secretey Reich's background contributed to his highly accomplished status as a professor and s former labor secretary.
Sounds like a trolling slur.
Dave Greene Don’t be a shmuck . He’s a highly accomplished man
arguing that a person’s beginning makes a big difference. Well,
What’s his background ?
"Don't be a schmuck"
Whoa, I was NOT being you!
Anyway, "his background" supports the idea, since it was a fairly advantageous one.
Horatio Alger stories aren't ALL fake, but certainly are a _rarity_.
That has become truer in the years since....say.... the 1950s or so.
aristotle 736 Probably but I don't know Reichs background. However, there have been numerous so-called class traitors who have found their way to the right side of history when aiding the betterment of all.
A great video Robert Reich. Insightful. Our public seems to be on the naive side. Doesn't help with the media perpetuating this myth.
Never heard social springboard, let's all use this more.
Thanks Robert, this facts well known , but some people simply ignore reality , because luck of education and as a result low self esteem , thank for you beautiful and knowledgeable lectures, all the best and I will share with everyone...... I know.
"He who pays the piper calls the tune". If the American middle and working classes want a government "Of the people, By the people and For the people " simply vote for politicians who don't take money from corporations or the wealthy. Unfortunately this excludes all republicans.
It was the creation of a healthy and vibrant middle class which made the USA such great place. The death of the middle class will hurt your country terribly, and the rest of the world will suffer too. For everyone's sake please vote wisely.
Amshaz Mohammed 👍: )
Very well done and well written. You might have added, that it is a fact that the US has the least social mobility of any developed nation. So yes, this idea that anyone can rise to the top in the US, is a total and utter myth.
Absolutely Dead on the Money, Brilliant Robert 🎯
These videos by Inequality Media are brilliant ... all of my like- minded friends need to SHARE them on their FB pages...
i plan to watch EVERY video [and hit the 'like' button],
post at least one each day on my FB page
and i've sent a $500 donation … we need to circulate these videos far and wide :)
This is called the "founding myth."
And this myth is still being propagated way beyond US borders, which is why many people try to move to the US.
@@maythesciencebewithyou Right. It seems to me that this propagation has to do with the cultural production of the United States. Mainly Cinema in the last 70 years.
I absolutely agree politically economically and even philosophically to a point. So ethically your point is perhaps the most crucial one for the American populace to asymilate , however. The single most sailent characteristic of the entire history of Western civilization is the preeminence of the individual. This is what distinguishes ancient Greece from Persia or Egypt. This deep respect for individuality is the very source of our notion of a free society. Let me prove it. Who invented paper?, Gunpowder? Both ancient Chinese inventions. Both universally central for better or worse (gunpowder) globally to history. Now who invented the moveable type printing press? The steam engine? See western history is a list of names. Not as much for say Chinese history etc. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Hubble, Einstein, Bohr, Ed Witten what subject am I talking about? See? That's the preeminenceof the individual at work. It's a template adopted by the world .
Opportunities for all? What are you? A dirty dirty Commie?
Well, so am I.
::snicker:: So the radical right wants to think we are. :)
Another lie that was sold to the people of the US back during the McCarthy years was that socialism and communism are one in the same.
Most Europeans have a far greater understanding of the very stark difference between these political ideologies. It would be great if the average US citizen could be better educated in regards to these differences.
As Connie Fyushiest once said:
"Better a dirty Commie than a 'clean' Fascist."
Graduated in 1980 with a BFA from a public University with zero debt. I was able to work while in school and pay my debt down. In 2001, went back for teaching license at a private school and 15 years later I am half way to paying of this debt. This is fucked up!!!
The American Dream has always seemed to be like all the other dreams; we can only have them if we're asleep.
Just like George Carlin said.
Randall Blyler
Awake now are you? Try to wake everyone up & educate as RR is doing
I’m a baby boomer from the Bronx New York , I’m not rich or famous, but the success of my life has been based a good public school system, parents who worked hard and policies that gave me a chance to play on level field. Never can I remember placing my bets on a pie in the sky or the luck of other people. I was educated by my parents to believe that there is no happiness in having riches if you live surrounded by poverty and inequality.
Tks Robert. Here's hoping you're in the next administration.
These comments are not that surprising to read in today’s terms of how people view the world. Rugged individualism does work if people put in the efforts. We own a small business, always putting the customer first and treated them right (never screwed them on a bill and mostly would be lower in cost that most of our competitors). We are doing ok. Certainly not rich but have done ok. No bragging allowed from our part. Just saying vacations are rare and hard work pays off slowly. Americans can still achieve the American Dream but it takes lots of effort with blood, sweat and tears. I have friends whom recognize paths of success and ones whom work far less and are fine with that. It comes down to what the individual desires ultimately. Thanks for considering these thoughts.
So we have a billionaire telling us how to live....and yet he’s still a billionaire???? This guy is a liar!!!!
He’s not a billionaire you dipshit, and his net worth doesnt make what he’s telling you any less true, why don’t you make an effort to come to terms with the fact that you are being screwed and that the flowery rugged individualist rhetoric that is regularly implemented in our popular culture was insidiously designed to make Americans docile to the defunding of social programs that would actually contribute to a healthier, actually meritocratic society? It would be more productive than venting like a child who just found out that santa isn’t real.
The more power is concentrated at the top, the less opportunities those at the bottom have for improving their lot in life.
America was formed because people left the top heavy countries of Europe. Now the U.S. is top-heavy.
President Trump, of all people, should know the advantages of being born into wealth. Taking risks for the sake of earning more wealth is a lot easier to do when you have virtually endless capital with which to start.
Dude, give him a break. That poor man started out with only a small loan of 1 million dollar from his father.
Rajan Lad, A voice that is indeed missed in these most wayward times. R.I.P George Carlin
Talk about baloney!we are born to create our lives! If people had more supporting family's things would different for them! Even animals learn from there groups or they could not survive!This video is misleading and stupid!
Nothing fake about this piece. RR tells it like it really is.