Being mixed race is a complex existence. Some mixed race people struggle to identify with either side, can be alienated by other side, or judged by either side. Parents having mixed race children need to think about the challenges it comes with and be prepared to support their children through these. Mixed race babies are a trend for some at the moment, but this is not right. They are people, NOT ACCESSORIES
@@plainenglish1774 The term 'race' is a little vague and problematic as it's not about skin colour nor country of origin, but certain visual and genetic characteristics that are associated as belonging to a certain group of people. It's like dog breeds. What is classed as a purebred is rather arbitrary. But generally, skin colour is only an aspect of what we consider race. Take your example of peoples from the British Isles. They have the same skin colour as Slavs, but if you spend enough time with Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, etc, you can often tell them apart visually from Brits. It's the same with Scandinavians, except they often have slightly lighter skin and tend to be taller. Southern Europeans around the Mediterranean (Spanish, Italians, Croatians, Greeks) tend to have slightly darker skin and black hair. Most people would class all these groups as white, but there are enough visual distinctions to identify distinct races.
Never mind the cultural significance of a mixed race royal, how about doing a piece on the insignificance of royalty in general. Un-elected sponges on society.
Multiculturalism creates racism. The differences between the races are genuine, and trying to force people to ignore this reality only creates resentment.
@Waffen SS Daniel is nearly there in terms of racial reality , he knows we are right but is reluctant to admit it even though he is a decent man and has made some decent funny material from a conservative view .He needs to see race matters though and he will because nothing educates like reality and time .
Lexi Porshe Hampton are you assuming my identity? That's incredibly offensive and non inclusive, do better. Besides, you aren't the moral authority on what people can talk about. The creator gave me free will.
Why is it such a great, wonderful thing to have mixed races? There's genetics, not races. If people want to marry and reproduce with people of desirable traits, then they should. Propaganda such as this merely propagates that erroneous idea that "white" people need to "diversify" (that is go extinct). Keeping certain genetic (see dominant and recessive genes) within a lineage is up to two consenting adults, end of story. In short, people are tired of seeing this thrown in their faces, along with "transgender" and "choose your sexuality at age 4". It is sickening, deceitful, and I look forward to the day that all of these people that get paid to peddle this nonsense no longer have jobs.
I don't think that's quite the point here. Of course nobody should be forced to marry and/or reproduce with someone they don't want to. People who find a partner with a background similar to their own, or even prefer to look for someone like that, are fine. The point is that there have been people who have found partners, and had children, who look different from them and have not had the same freedom to live in peace because people around them in the first category thought everyone should think and behave the way they do and tried to impose that.
How is it any worse than banning/censoring/demonising interracial couples? People are free to choose who they marry and have children with. Who are we, or who is anyone, to tell them they have to stick to their own race? And what does any of this have to do with transgenderism?
@Infernal Moondance your comment indicates that facing racism should be some natural consequence of choosing your own reproductive partner, whereas it's actually a choice of perpetrators who are themselves responsible for their own behaviour. A mixed race couple is responsible for bringing up their child, as is any couple, but any individual has a responsibility to be reasonable in their dealings with others, and any witness to racism is responsible for their reaction to it or lack thereof.
@Infernal Moondance you have a right to decide with whom you spend your personal time. You don't have a right to victimise. Re racism, it isn't too complicated: arbitrary distinctions of race are invented by racists. When there are enough of them, or they hold sufficient power, they render the fiction a lived reality for its targets.
@Infernal Moondance I didn't call you racist. I also didn't deny your right to hang out with whomever. What I deplore is the abandonment of family (especially innocent children) by family, and the forming and imposition of policy that disadvantages based on circumstances of birth. My beef is with abuses of power. On racism, again, it is very simple. People can exist with different distributions of heights, builds, nose sizes and shapes, hair colours, eye colours without there needing to be boundaries where this sort of physical attribute places you here and that one there. Skin colour I don't see as any different. Therefore, I do not see that there are natural race distinctions, and certainly not those predominantly drawn in discourse today. However, I do acknowledge *artificial* race distinctions, which, once they achieve critical mass, then acquire material meaning when used as a basis on which to allocate resources and power. When they are realised in this manner, artificial race distinctions become a lived reality. See Jim Crow laws and redlining for some examples.
@Naughty internet person because they are shitty and weak they project that onto others and assume everyone is as pathetic and undeserving of life as they are . The Op should really lead by example and neck himself
@TheCausation Damn! There I was thinking I could go through life not hating any race or skin colour, and now you're telling me I have to choose. If I don't hate people with dark skin, I have to automatically hate people with light skin. What a moral quandary you've given me! I jest of course. Life isn't that black-and-white (excuse the pun). It's quite possible to like or dislike people, as I like to think most people do, based on their personality; what they do and say, rather than what they look like or where they or their ancestors were from. Most people aren't that shallow.
Oh please.......more appeasement to our coloured case it slipped C4’s notice, white is a minority colour globally, by a very big margin!
To guilt white people into silence and not speaking out against continued mass-immigration of cheap 3rd world immigration which makes business rich, wins politicians votes and makes life harder for the working class.
My alcoholic mother attempted to drown me as a baby, my dad & stepmother abused me, disowned my mixed race daughter at birth, had me jailed & my material banned for five years courtesy of Crown court. All of my belongings were then stolen by my family of toxic Narcs & my daughter’s silence bought in exchange for disowning her dad. My Jehovah’s Witness aunt was also found to be abusing her young son & is still a Witness to this very day whereas I’ve been shunned & have had absolutely every single belonging stripped or stolen from me including my whole entire music collection. All except my dog, my one & only true friend. This world is a wicked place! 😥
@Mr Dunne Poetry #Real Life TVUK I feel for you. My mum abused me too and took drugs when she was pregnant with me so i was born 25 weeks premature. She used to molest me and told me I was a failed abortion My younger sister was the golden child while I was gnored. She is 3 years younger than me and hasn't spoken to me since I stopped seeing my mum at 15.I'm 24 now. when she outed me for being gay. And yeah a friend of mine is now an ex jehovah witness but I fucking hate those swine.
best way to stop race being an issue is to stop making it an issue yourself. Too many people define themselves by their race these days, it doesn't matter in the slightest
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 I'm the cretin? for not wanting black people to be living with a perpetual victim mentality? how can you ever expect to take control of your life if you always think someone else is responsible for your current circumstances? Are you implying that people of colour cannot better themselves without special treatment, that's pretty condescending. The subtle racism of low expectations.
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 To you maybe because you want black people to stay with the mentality that they are victims while i would rather treat them as equals
(Mixed Race) mean, 2 different race made baby. Which mean the 'black' race and another race made a baby in this case, what it mean is that the 'black' race is a race of it's own and not a mixture.
I used to think, along with Dr King, that a person should be judged not on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character. However, given that the media harp on about race incessantly I've now been forced to the conclusion that race is actually very, very important. If it isn't then why don't they ever shut up about it?
Because people who do not look like the majority have had their race been made an issue by those who do. It's really that simple. If people who look different hadn't faced hardship solely on the basis of their appearance or that of a parent, there would be nothing to talk about.
No offense but mixing races is against human nature! Just look to all those sad faces! Im not here to offend them as they are just victims! Most of those mixed race have suffered during thier lives. Its SAD
Matty Jones I have never had an identity crisis from being mixed race. I know I am half English and half Thai. I am white and Asian and I happy about it. Growing up with 2 cultures has been a blessing.
@@dfhgh-bz2xh half thai that is the ultimate curse! You mom from Issan, met your father in pattaya, your father supported your grandparents. Your mother is half your father age. You go to Thailand they pretend to be accepting you when in reality they know it all started in pattaya!
The heart of the matter is that YOU must feel good about YOURSELF and, if necessary, get counseling in order to figure out what is in the way. No matter what skin color or weight or sexual orientation you have, insecurities are all in your mind and can be dealt with. It's not because of a mixed race "Royal" that, suddenly, all mixed race people will start feeling so good about themselves. Lots of mixed race people feel great about who they are, anyway, and don't need celebrities to tell them it's ok to have their colour of skin.
Do racists find it really hard to discuss anything without bringing race into the discussion? Do progressives find it hard to avoid conflating race with culture? Race is not the same thing as culture since one references genetics integral to the living being in question and the other refers the behaviour of that living being in relation to other living beings. None of us can purposefully alter our genes but we can alter our behaviour, except it seems when we come to the Democratic party, the regressive left and those who cheerlead and cover up for them, as it was the Democratic Party that both wartime US Presidents were members and supporters of. Do not smear all Americans with the charge of bigoted behaviour and attitudes depending on racial characteristics.. it was DEMOCRATS, and it was the Democrat controlled White House and institutions that attempted to infect Britain with its racist attitudes and warnings when American troops were stationed in Britain. As was demonstrated by the interest in male US soldiers from British women, regardless of race, Britain could not fairly be characterised as a racist society, or the Democrat controlled institutions would not have felt the need to comment or issue warnings. Lets also remember that the Democratic Party's "One drop (of blood)" rule used in determining which racial collective to assign any individual to, was too racist even for the party in charge of Austria and Germany. Mr Harrison gets it correct when he says "look deeper than a person's skin.. its whats inside that matters.". If only those controlling our institutions and pretending to have moral justification for the unprincipled actions they promote, would take heed. The correct response to racism is not more racism.
You shouldn't use the term 'racists' learn where the word comes from and why they invented the term. Learn how it's used today. And why they've made you say it.
We’ve had mixed race royals for a long time depending on how one defines mixed race. Our current royal family have ancestors who were royalty from from other countries such as Normandy now France, Germany Denmark Greece Spain the Netherlands etc Megan isn’t even the first American to marry into the British royal family. You had Wallace Simpson Duchess of Windsor
@travis9052856 No they haven't it is a well known fact that all the european royal families have inbred and have all be related for centurites. Why else do you think that Prince edward and the czar looked so much alike?
Given this piece is literally framed around the birth of the new royal baby I think your surprise at this being released now shows you to be rather stupid.
I'm not sure what you're getting at as tone can be difficult to interpret from text. Am I wrong in assuming you were being sarcastic and insinuating it was more than coincidence? I'm agreeing with you and saying that the timing is not coincidental and that this fact is both obvious and not concealed in the video. If you were actually marvelling at the coincidence, we're just saying we don't think it was one.
If their good enough to put their life on the line , their good enough to be treated as equals, Bet if They Knew what American 2 FACED Generals thought of Them They wouldn,t have signed up to Join American Armed Forces.
The government didnt want to annoy US G.Is hende why they said keep their distance but Brits made black-only venues to go to with white women free from white G.I hassle.
Please join me in my struggle to dismantle the paradigm and remove the word “race” from our vernacular. In some European countries, “race” is a non-existent category, and even saying or using the word “race” or racial statistics is offensive and racist, due to the term’s association with Nazi Germany. Do you remember the Nuremberg Laws? These laws embodied many of the racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology. If you must label or describe a person, use the word “phenotype”, not race. Phenotype refers to a person’s observable physical characteristics or appearance. Alternatively, using the phrase “genetic ancestry” acknowledges DNA or overwhelming scientific (anthropological, archaeological, genetic) evidence. Phenotype: human variation, observable physical characteristics, truth, physical traits, outward appearance, genetic skin colour, hue, pigment, shape of nose, shape of lips, height, hair texture, facial details
Race: scientific racism, fallacy, arbitrary, substitute for science, archaic mindset, harmful, surrogate for biology, lie, non-existent, fiction, illusion, erroneous, unscientific, social construct, political construct, oppressive, divisive, inaccurate, biased, justifies slavery, upholds discrimination, legitimizes segregation, validates supremacy, reinforces stereotypes, human invention, Hitler’s goal, eugenic fantasy, myth, false reality, arbitrary, upholds the bastion of privilege, cancer, mental illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, harmful, denies and contradicts equality, science fiction, manmade, delusion, medieval, detriment, exclusivity, used as a proxy for inequality and oppression In 1950, UNESCO issued a statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that "race" is not a biological reality but a myth. Substantial research from anthropologists, biologists, geneticists, and other scientists have proven over and over that there is no such thing as human biological races. Some Resources in Support of Race Being a Myth Is Race Science Making a Comeback? Superior: The Return of Race Science - by Angela Saini Ms. Saini discusses a general, scientific analysis of historical racism. Alternatively, you might want to listen to an NPR podcast related to the same topic. Everyone is African -How Science Explodes the Myth of Race by Daniel Fairbanks The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea by Robert W. Sussman (Harvard University Press)
Race - The Power of an Illusion at
Living Color: The Biological and Social Meaning of Skin Color, by Nina G. Jablonski (she also does a Ted Talk) Ted Talk by Dr. Dorothy Roberts: The Problem with Race-Based Medicine Angélica Dass's photography challenges how we think about skin colour and ethnic identity. In this personal talk, hear about the inspiration behind her portrait project, Humanæ, and her pursuit to document humanity's true colours rather than the untrue white, red, black and yellow associated with race. A study of diverse African groups by geneticists has identified new genetic variants associated with skin pigmentation. The findings help explain the vast range of skin colour on the African continent, shed light on human evolution and inform an understanding of the genetic risk factors for conditions such as skin cancer. There is no such thing as the 'white race' - or any other race, says historian Race Is Real, but not in the way Many People Think Busting the myth of biological race Working Toward Whiteness - How America’s Immigrants became White - David R. Roediger Working Toward Whiteness is about the Southern and Eastern European migration that brought 13 million people to the United States between 1886 and 1925 - and how this population, which definitely arrived as “non-White,” became White within the span of few decades. I Am NOT Black, You Are Not White In this video, spoken word artist Prince Ea challenges us to ask ourselves the question, “Who would you be if the world never gave you a label?” "Race medicine promotes the false belief not only that human beings are naturally divided into races but also that racial inequality is caused by innate racial differences we must accept rather than social inequities we must change. Race is not a biological category that produces health disparities because of genetic differences, but racism has negative biological effects on people's bodies." The Problem with Race-Based Medicine An evidence-based discussion of the controversial topic of race, as science sees it. "It would seem better to define everyone as simply human beings, not with non-scientific or socially-constructed labels of superiority and inferiority, and accord them rights, duties and freedoms based solely upon their existence, rather than upon their state of pigmentation, genetic makeup, or presumed continental origin of their ancestors." (Author Unknown)
@@algernonrose 1. If more mixed people donated blood, they could give transplants, and diversify the bone marrow market. 2. If the bone marrow argument, something that only concerns 0.004% of the population, is your best argument to facts, then good luck convincing people in real life, not just a bunch of keyboard warriors
Race is real. Anthropologists can determine the race of an skeleton by just looking at the cranium. Types of blood are related to races too, and a type of blood prevalent in a race is in fact a poison when transfused into some of another race. So much so that blood banks are now organising blood types and races and discriminating accordingly for blood transfusion. This was the case before 1940s, then it was stopped for marxism, PC reasons.
@@Pining_for_the_fjords The only funny thing is how many people are on the side of racial realists and how people like you think you are still the majority
@@Pining_for_the_fjords Was Muhammed Ali a disgusting clown for arguing against race mixing ?Or does he get a pass ? Or Nelson Mandela , I bet you were taught he was only imprisoned by terrible racists because he was black .Do you know what he was in prison for ? Do you call him a racist murderer or a hero ? I want you to think outside your conditioning
and not all black people are good looking, and not all white people are good looking, and not all middle eastern, asian, idian, etc. are good looking. all races have people that arent good looking, so idk why you are bringing this up
Do you know what makes the subject of race harder for everyone? Talking about it! Race shouldn't even be a thing. We're all human beings, we all share the same genome. Can we stop obsessing about it, please? Treat people as PEOPLE and we'll all get along much better! We're taught from childhood to treat others as we'd like to be treated. If people could simply follow that very good piece of simple advice, life would be better for everyone. :) Peace to all you brothers and sisters of mine, no matter where you come from or who you are! Take care.
To the people who have commented so far... even if we're unequal, what is wrong with just being kind to others? That's all I was trying to suggest. I am not saying that people aren't different. We're all unique and have our differences. I am simply saying that kindness and compassion are good things. If everyone lead their lives with kindness and compassion at the forefront of their minds, we'd live in a nicer world.
@@jezzermeii A man goes to the zoo ..He sees the lions are thin and hungry so he returns with some meat .He feeds them and feels the warm glow of a kind act .He returns a while later and sees again they are hungry and now some cubs have been born so he feeds them again . When he next returns they are hungrier that ever and there are even more to feed .He cannot really afford it but he finds the money and feeds them again .The final time he goes back there are many more lions and he cannot feed them all .The lions are killing each other over the food he throws and finally one lion manages to claw his arm and pull him in to be eaten .This is what kindness and compassion will lead to .
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 If I was one of your kids I'd marry a black woman just to spite you. Actually the disgusting racism I read online makes me appreciate interracial couples even more. I don't really imagine the abuse they must get from closed minded idiots like you, until I find someone like you online.
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 If my gender isn't clear from my avatar, I have no reason to tell you. But here's a clue. I said in my previous reply I would marry a woman. Also I'm not a lesbian. But what makes you think I would 'screw my life up'?
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 Racism and insults aside - Roman salute? Are you teaching your children that the Roman Empire still exists and that they're living in it? I knew racists lived in the past, but I think you're taking it a bit far. 😂
@@Pining_for_the_fjords What's wrong with a timeless tradition of a European greeting and salute ? Would you tell a Masai that their jumping up to greet visitors is old fashioned and they should stop living in the past ?
@Waffen SS Robert Fletcher fluffs his wife's bull no doubt between soy based drinks and crying over how guilty he feels for all the bad things he has done by existing as a white male .Channel 4 told him so .
@Al Bundy for President "You’ve still not made a constructive comment on the videos I’ve linked for you." That's because I don't see these links. Try signing out and looking at the thread. By the way, I tend not to watch links posted by racists or extremists because I don't want their sort of "content" being recommended to me.
Being mixed race is a complex existence. Some mixed race people struggle to identify with either side, can be alienated by other side, or judged by either side. Parents having mixed race children need to think about the challenges it comes with and be prepared to support their children through these. Mixed race babies are a trend for some at the moment, but this is not right. They are people, NOT ACCESSORIES
I totally agree
so true. very well said
race mixing is dumb 100%
That's why race mixing should be avoided or even outlawed. Is not natural.
It's an unnatural trend socially engineered its a criminal and selfish act.
Every race has a right to exist in peace and have a future and that includes the white race.
Since when? History since 1492 - and hundreds of years before that - shows that "right" is imaginary.
White isn't a race, it's a colour.
@@Pining_for_the_fjords And white people then ?
@@plainenglish1774 "ULSTERS ?" Heh heh. I keep saying you're not British!
@@plainenglish1774 The term 'race' is a little vague and problematic as it's not about skin colour nor country of origin, but certain visual and genetic characteristics that are associated as belonging to a certain group of people. It's like dog breeds. What is classed as a purebred is rather arbitrary. But generally, skin colour is only an aspect of what we consider race.
Take your example of peoples from the British Isles. They have the same skin colour as Slavs, but if you spend enough time with Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, etc, you can often tell them apart visually from Brits. It's the same with Scandinavians, except they often have slightly lighter skin and tend to be taller. Southern Europeans around the Mediterranean (Spanish, Italians, Croatians, Greeks) tend to have slightly darker skin and black hair. Most people would class all these groups as white, but there are enough visual distinctions to identify distinct races.
Never mind the cultural significance of a mixed race royal,
how about doing a piece on the insignificance of royalty in general.
Un-elected sponges on society.
@@FanofWords Ye, it does.
@Al Bundy for President
Unrelated but you reminded me.
Peggy arrives home: "Did you miss me Al?"
Al Bundy: "Only with every bullet so far..."
Wow there’s a lot of racist in this comment section.
Miscegenation is worse than the holocaust - Golda Meir, fourth prime minister of Israel.
@@mangaman6833 so bigots agree with Israel only when it suits them, huh?
Multiculturalism creates racism. The differences between the races are genuine, and trying to force people to ignore this reality only creates resentment.
@@leunamreyo3663 An hominem.
Race obsession is taking us backwards. Stop it
Demographics matter.
@Waffen SS Daniel is nearly there in terms of racial reality , he knows we are right but is reluctant to admit it even though he is a decent man and has made some decent funny material from a conservative view .He needs to see race matters though and he will because nothing educates like reality and time .
SharpOB we should've closed the borders decades ago
Al Bundy for President thanks mate
Lexi Porshe Hampton are you assuming my identity?
That's incredibly offensive and non inclusive, do better.
Besides, you aren't the moral authority on what people can talk about.
The creator gave me free will.
Why is it such a great, wonderful thing to have mixed races? There's genetics, not races. If people want to marry and reproduce with people of desirable traits, then they should. Propaganda such as this merely propagates that erroneous idea that "white" people need to "diversify" (that is go extinct). Keeping certain genetic (see dominant and recessive genes) within a lineage is up to two consenting adults, end of story. In short, people are tired of seeing this thrown in their faces, along with "transgender" and "choose your sexuality at age 4". It is sickening, deceitful, and I look forward to the day that all of these people that get paid to peddle this nonsense no longer have jobs.
I don't think that's quite the point here. Of course nobody should be forced to marry and/or reproduce with someone they don't want to. People who find a partner with a background similar to their own, or even prefer to look for someone like that, are fine. The point is that there have been people who have found partners, and had children, who look different from them and have not had the same freedom to live in peace because people around them in the first category thought everyone should think and behave the way they do and tried to impose that.
How is it any worse than banning/censoring/demonising interracial couples? People are free to choose who they marry and have children with. Who are we, or who is anyone, to tell them they have to stick to their own race? And what does any of this have to do with transgenderism?
@Infernal Moondance your comment indicates that facing racism should be some natural consequence of choosing your own reproductive partner, whereas it's actually a choice of perpetrators who are themselves responsible for their own behaviour. A mixed race couple is responsible for bringing up their child, as is any couple, but any individual has a responsibility to be reasonable in their dealings with others, and any witness to racism is responsible for their reaction to it or lack thereof.
@Infernal Moondance you have a right to decide with whom you spend your personal time. You don't have a right to victimise. Re racism, it isn't too complicated: arbitrary distinctions of race are invented by racists. When there are enough of them, or they hold sufficient power, they render the fiction a lived reality for its targets.
@Infernal Moondance I didn't call you racist. I also didn't deny your right to hang out with whomever. What I deplore is the abandonment of family (especially innocent children) by family, and the forming and imposition of policy that disadvantages based on circumstances of birth. My beef is with abuses of power.
On racism, again, it is very simple. People can exist with different distributions of heights, builds, nose sizes and shapes, hair colours, eye colours without there needing to be boundaries where this sort of physical attribute places you here and that one there. Skin colour I don't see as any different. Therefore, I do not see that there are natural race distinctions, and certainly not those predominantly drawn in discourse today.
However, I do acknowledge *artificial* race distinctions, which, once they achieve critical mass, then acquire material meaning when used as a basis on which to allocate resources and power. When they are realised in this manner, artificial race distinctions become a lived reality.
See Jim Crow laws and redlining for some examples.
some of the comments on this article are disgusting shame on you .
Gwan ya snowflake white knighting for colonisers and our replacements .Shame on racial traitors who put others above their own
@Naughty internet person because they are shitty and weak they project that onto others and assume everyone is as pathetic and undeserving of life as they are . The Op should really lead by example and neck himself
@Naughty internet person I do love my own. "My own" is all other non-racists in the world.
@TheCausation Damn! There I was thinking I could go through life not hating any race or skin colour, and now you're telling me I have to choose. If I don't hate people with dark skin, I have to automatically hate people with light skin. What a moral quandary you've given me!
I jest of course. Life isn't that black-and-white (excuse the pun). It's quite possible to like or dislike people, as I like to think most people do, based on their personality; what they do and say, rather than what they look like or where they or their ancestors were from. Most people aren't that shallow.
@Ava Cockslave Dorado Why thank you mam.
Oh please.......more appeasement to our coloured case it slipped C4’s notice, white is a minority colour globally, by a very big margin!
What's the point of the video?
Social engineering by guilting white folks for not accepting becoming a minority in their own lands
To guilt white people into silence and not speaking out against continued mass-immigration of cheap 3rd world immigration which makes business rich, wins politicians votes and makes life harder for the working class.
Alex Aliaga what is the point of you being alive and commenting on this video?
To promote miscegenation and the weakening of English identity. It must be noted down and rejected.
@Al Bundy for President have a guess, only 13% of black fathers stay with the mother of their child. Any none African who dates a black man is a fool.
No matter how hard you try channel 4 miscegenation will never be normal.
My alcoholic mother attempted to drown me as a baby, my dad & stepmother abused me, disowned my mixed race daughter at birth, had me jailed & my material banned for five years courtesy of Crown court. All of my belongings were then stolen by my family of toxic Narcs & my daughter’s silence bought in exchange for disowning her dad. My Jehovah’s Witness aunt was also found to be abusing her young son & is still a Witness to this very day whereas I’ve been shunned & have had absolutely every single belonging stripped or stolen from me including my whole entire music collection. All except my dog, my one & only true friend. This world is a wicked place! 😥
@Mr Dunne Poetry #Real Life TVUK I feel for you. My mum abused me too and took drugs when she was pregnant with me so i was born 25 weeks premature. She used to molest me and told me I was a failed abortion My younger sister was the golden child while I was gnored. She is 3 years younger than me and hasn't spoken to me since I stopped seeing my mum at 15.I'm 24 now. when she outed me for being gay. And yeah a friend of mine is now an ex jehovah witness but I fucking hate those swine.
it's ok to be white
It’s also okay to be mixed race
@@Lycanthroperage95 no such thing all white/black mixed race kids look like lighter skin Africans. the Caucasian features are non-existent.
@@Lycanthroperage95 He wasn't talking about mixed race people
@@thcdavies8479 I am. It's okay to be mixed race.
It's not okay to be a tribalist.
@@accountreality1988u do realise mixed comes in all shades and any fetures not gonna be copy & pasted
Wow lot of triggered hateful racists in the comment section. So disappointing
best way to stop race being an issue is to stop making it an issue yourself. Too many people define themselves by their race these days, it doesn't matter in the slightest
Spoken like a true cretin
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 I'm the cretin? for not wanting black people to be living with a perpetual victim mentality? how can you ever expect to take control of your life if you always think someone else is responsible for your current circumstances? Are you implying that people of colour cannot better themselves without special treatment, that's pretty condescending. The subtle racism of low expectations.
@@joet8862 " race does not matter in the slightest " ...wrong
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 To you maybe because you want black people to stay with the mentality that they are victims while i would rather treat them as equals
@@joet8862 I would rather they stayed in Africa and made it how they want while we have Europe fit for us .
(Mixed Race) mean, 2 different race made baby. Which mean the 'black' race and another race made a baby in this case, what it mean is that the 'black' race is a race of it's own and not a mixture.
Still unnatural
I used to think, along with Dr King, that a person should be judged not on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character. However, given that the media harp on about race incessantly I've now been forced to the conclusion that race is actually very, very important. If it isn't then why don't they ever shut up about it?
Because people who do not look like the majority have had their race been made an issue by those who do. It's really that simple. If people who look different hadn't faced hardship solely on the basis of their appearance or that of a parent, there would be nothing to talk about.
@@noorabd10 - can you give a specific example of people who don't look like the majority having their race made an issue by those who do?
@@benbow7 you talk about Dr King. Ask what he was fighting for and why he was killed.
@@noorabd10 - have you got any that are from this country and not from decades ago?
Malcolm x had the right idea, CIA had him killed though for promoting black separatism and sitting down with George Lincoln Rockwell.
We need to protect the culture
Culture won’t die if people are mixed. They can just split into their own groups.
@@theworthysoul Tell that to native americans
@@aurothelarperNot the same.
@@is17a985 It is. Nobody enjoys the company of the mongrel except the mongrel itself
Pathetic. Is this Channel 4 or Vice News?
I will accept anyone ANYONE regardless of their skin colour because we r all human beings wanting to be accepted into this world
thank you for this. poignant sad story about their experience in the 40s and 50s
Mother sounds like a game bird!
I blame the parents
i blame non-white mass immigration forced onto native whites in thier homelands and race mixing propaganda pushed by the elites in the media.
Actually the colours of the black peoples in-fact not black it’s brawn the black is colour of the coal
Some are black like literally
South Sudanese, the nilotes and the jarawas have actual black skin they are real pure black people
it is closer to looking like poo.
No offense but mixing races is against human nature!
Just look to all those sad faces!
Im not here to offend them as they are just victims! Most of those mixed race have suffered during thier lives. Its SAD
I'm mixed race and have never had a sad face! I'm not confused either as most of you one race people assume.
Matty Jones I have never had an identity crisis from being mixed race. I know I am half English and half Thai. I am white and Asian and I happy about it. Growing up with 2 cultures has been a blessing.
@@dfhgh-bz2xh half thai that is the ultimate curse!
You mom from Issan,
met your father in pattaya,
your father supported your grandparents.
Your mother is half your father age.
You go to Thailand they pretend to be accepting you when in reality they know it all started in pattaya!
Sjffhfj Cntgj All wrong and they have been happily married for over 20 years now
@@dfhgh-bz2xh still, Im pretty sure they met in pattaya walking street.
All farang love stories starts that!
Mixing human ethnicities is a bad idea.
No such thing as racial purity.
@@damianmatras8568 He did not. He was a genocidal weirdo. And so are you.
@@damianmatras8568 I did say you were a weirdo!
@Al Bundy for President You'll be telling us that's relevant next. Make your mind up as to whether you support or oppose racism.
@@emm_arr Racism does not exist.
Think Piece, for those with an attention span longer than that of a brick:
'The Ethnic Genetic Interests of Europeans'. (YT)
The heart of the matter is that YOU must feel good about YOURSELF and, if necessary, get counseling in order to figure out what is in the way. No matter what skin color or weight or sexual orientation you have, insecurities are all in your mind and can be dealt with.
It's not because of a mixed race "Royal" that, suddenly, all mixed race people will start feeling so good about themselves.
Lots of mixed race people feel great about who they are, anyway, and don't need celebrities to tell them it's ok to have their colour of skin.
You just have to push ahead in life because people are going to see you the way they want to see you anyway.
Total BS
Do racists find it really hard to discuss anything without bringing race into the discussion? Do progressives find it hard to avoid conflating race with culture? Race is not the same thing as culture since one references genetics integral to the living being in question and the other refers the behaviour of that living being in relation to other living beings. None of us can purposefully alter our genes but we can alter our behaviour, except it seems when we come to the Democratic party, the regressive left and those who cheerlead and cover up for them, as it was the Democratic Party that both wartime US Presidents were members and supporters of. Do not smear all Americans with the charge of bigoted behaviour and attitudes depending on racial characteristics.. it was DEMOCRATS, and it was the Democrat controlled White House and institutions that attempted to infect Britain with its racist attitudes and warnings when American troops were stationed in Britain. As was demonstrated by the interest in male US soldiers from British women, regardless of race, Britain could not fairly be characterised as a racist society, or the Democrat controlled institutions would not have felt the need to comment or issue warnings. Lets also remember that the Democratic Party's "One drop (of blood)" rule used in determining which racial collective to assign any individual to, was too racist even for the party in charge of Austria and Germany.
Mr Harrison gets it correct when he says "look deeper than a person's skin.. its whats inside that matters.". If only those controlling our institutions and pretending to have moral justification for the unprincipled actions they promote, would take heed. The correct response to racism is not more racism.
You shouldn't use the term 'racists' learn where the word comes from and why they invented the term. Learn how it's used today. And why they've made you say it.
if that thumbnail is our future then i don't want it
Because no other race has unattractive people in it. Straw man arguments, just like bigots do
@@leunamreyo3663 Europeans have the most beautiful features gtfo also race mixing dumbs down the population
We’ve had mixed race royals for a long time depending on how one defines mixed race. Our current royal family have ancestors who were royalty from from other countries such as Normandy now France, Germany Denmark Greece Spain the Netherlands etc Megan isn’t even the first American to marry into the British royal family. You had Wallace Simpson Duchess of Windsor
@travis9052856 No they haven't it is a well known fact that all the european royal families have inbred and have all be related for centurites. Why else do you think that Prince edward and the czar looked so much alike?
Mixed race or mixed ethnicity? Europeans are the same race: white
I feel incredibly sad for all of the racists that are infesting this comments section.
@hater gater That's why they should be tackled head on - so people don't end up like you.
Wow talk about timing. This and the mixed baby. What are the odds?
Pretty high given it's likely the imminent arrival of the baby that had them think of, produce and save up this piece.
Given this piece is literally framed around the birth of the new royal baby I think your surprise at this being released now shows you to be rather stupid.
@@noorabd10 Yeah such a complex piece. Could take at least two days to make
@@BlaizeV Want a tissue?
I'm not sure what you're getting at as tone can be difficult to interpret from text. Am I wrong in assuming you were being sarcastic and insinuating it was more than coincidence? I'm agreeing with you and saying that the timing is not coincidental and that this fact is both obvious and not concealed in the video. If you were actually marvelling at the coincidence, we're just saying we don't think it was one.
If their good enough to put their life on the line , their good enough to be treated as equals, Bet if They Knew what American 2 FACED Generals thought of Them They wouldn,t have signed up to Join American Armed Forces.
@Al Bundy for President The Nazis "[t]reated Jesse Owens very well, much better than the yanks"?
That's a dimwitted claim.
@Al Bundy for President I knew that and probably a lot more than you do. That's why I don't use BNP lingo.
@Al Bundy for PresidentAm I supposed to take you seriously?
The government didnt want to annoy US G.Is hende why they said keep their distance but Brits made black-only venues to go to with white women free from white G.I hassle.
My Husband is mixed race he has no issues he is light skin tho he’s hair grows so fast. Are children are different skin types tones.
harry potter and the half black chick.
Harry Hewitt ..
CH4,sky,BBC, hate britain
Please join me in my struggle to dismantle the paradigm and remove the word “race” from our vernacular. In some European countries, “race” is a non-existent category, and even saying or using the word “race” or racial statistics is offensive and racist, due to the term’s association with Nazi Germany. Do you remember the Nuremberg Laws? These laws embodied many of the racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology.
If you must label or describe a person, use the word “phenotype”, not race. Phenotype refers to a person’s observable physical characteristics or appearance. Alternatively, using the phrase “genetic ancestry” acknowledges DNA or overwhelming scientific (anthropological, archaeological, genetic) evidence.
Phenotype: human variation, observable physical characteristics, truth, physical traits, outward appearance, genetic skin colour, hue, pigment, shape of nose, shape of lips, height, hair texture, facial details
Race: scientific racism, fallacy, arbitrary, substitute for science, archaic mindset, harmful, surrogate for biology, lie, non-existent, fiction, illusion, erroneous, unscientific, social construct, political construct, oppressive, divisive, inaccurate, biased, justifies slavery, upholds discrimination, legitimizes segregation, validates supremacy, reinforces stereotypes, human invention, Hitler’s goal, eugenic fantasy, myth, false reality, arbitrary, upholds the bastion of privilege, cancer, mental illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, harmful, denies and contradicts equality, science fiction, manmade, delusion, medieval, detriment, exclusivity, used as a proxy for inequality and oppression
In 1950, UNESCO issued a statement asserting that all humans belong to the same species and that "race" is not a biological reality but a myth. Substantial research from anthropologists, biologists, geneticists, and other scientists have proven over and over that there is no such thing as human biological races.
Some Resources in Support of
Race Being a Myth
Is Race Science Making a Comeback?
Superior: The Return of Race Science - by Angela Saini
Ms. Saini discusses a general, scientific analysis of historical racism. Alternatively, you might want to listen to an NPR podcast related to the same topic.
Everyone is African -How Science Explodes the Myth of Race by Daniel Fairbanks
The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea by Robert W. Sussman (Harvard University Press)
Race - The Power of an Illusion at
Living Color: The Biological and Social Meaning of Skin Color, by Nina G. Jablonski (she also does a Ted Talk)
Ted Talk by Dr. Dorothy Roberts: The Problem with Race-Based Medicine
Angélica Dass's photography challenges how we think about skin colour and ethnic identity. In this personal talk, hear about the inspiration behind her portrait project, Humanæ, and her pursuit to document humanity's true colours rather than the untrue white, red, black and yellow associated with race.
A study of diverse African groups by geneticists has identified new genetic variants associated with skin pigmentation. The findings help explain the vast range of skin colour on the African continent, shed light on human evolution and inform an understanding of the genetic risk factors for conditions such as skin cancer.
There is no such thing as the 'white race' - or any other race, says historian
Race Is Real, but not in the way Many People Think
Busting the myth of biological race
Working Toward Whiteness - How America’s Immigrants became White - David R. Roediger
Working Toward Whiteness is about the Southern and Eastern European migration that brought 13 million people to the United States between 1886 and 1925 - and how this population, which definitely arrived as “non-White,” became White within the span of few decades.
I Am NOT Black, You Are Not White
In this video, spoken word artist Prince Ea challenges us to ask ourselves the question, “Who would you be if the world never gave you a label?”
"Race medicine promotes the false belief not only that human beings are naturally divided into races but also that racial inequality is caused by innate racial differences we must accept rather than social inequities we must change. Race is not a biological category that produces health disparities because of genetic differences, but racism has negative biological effects on people's bodies."
The Problem with Race-Based Medicine
An evidence-based discussion of the controversial topic of race, as science sees it.
"It would seem better to define everyone as simply human beings, not with non-scientific or socially-constructed labels of superiority and inferiority, and accord them rights, duties and freedoms based solely upon their existence, rather than upon their state of pigmentation, genetic makeup, or presumed continental origin of their ancestors." (Author Unknown)
Get an organ or bone marrow transplant and then you can see that the science of race is real.
1. If more mixed people donated blood, they could give transplants, and diversify the bone marrow market.
2. If the bone marrow argument, something that only concerns 0.004% of the population, is your best argument to facts, then good luck convincing people in real life, not just a bunch of keyboard warriors
Race is real. Anthropologists can determine the race of an skeleton by just looking at the cranium. Types of blood are related to races too, and a type of blood prevalent in a race is in fact a poison when transfused into some of another race. So much so that blood banks are now organising blood types and races and discriminating accordingly for blood transfusion. This was the case before 1940s, then it was stopped for marxism, PC reasons.
@@Darradog I tend to focus on science and facts. Nonetheless, thank you for your opinion.
thank you for the well written comment
Jackie has a proper Derby accent!
Great video. Don’t get the hate.
Yeah I do not get why only whites are being pushed to hate themselves
@Naughty internet person The only clowns are the far-right conspiracy theorists, and this comment section is an absolute circus. Very entertaining.
@@Pining_for_the_fjords Don't lie are crying gender fluid tears
@@Pining_for_the_fjords The only funny thing is how many people are on the side of racial realists and how people like you think you are still the majority
@@Pining_for_the_fjords Was Muhammed Ali a disgusting clown for arguing against race mixing ?Or does he get a pass ? Or Nelson Mandela , I bet you were taught he was only imprisoned by terrible racists because he was black .Do you know what he was in prison for ? Do you call him a racist murderer or a hero ? I want you to think outside your conditioning
Not all biracial people are good looking. Her for an instance!
Angry Poodle I’m mixed I’m blasian and I think I’m good looking 😂😂 I’m sure you are too
Lei Lo looool what ever helps you sleep at night , your clearly insecure, jealous even - even race is beautiful , grow tf up
and not all black people are good looking, and not all white people are good looking, and not all middle eastern, asian, idian, etc. are good looking. all races have people that arent good looking, so idk why you are bringing this up
3:43 mutt meme
Do you know what makes the subject of race harder for everyone? Talking about it! Race shouldn't even be a thing. We're all human beings, we all share the same genome. Can we stop obsessing about it, please? Treat people as PEOPLE and we'll all get along much better! We're taught from childhood to treat others as we'd like to be treated. If people could simply follow that very good piece of simple advice, life would be better for everyone. :) Peace to all you brothers and sisters of mine, no matter where you come from or who you are! Take care.
I am not equal to most black men at sprinting anymore than they are my equal at building a civilised society
Yet mixed-race people are very difficult to treat if they require a blood transfusion...
To the people who have commented so far... even if we're unequal, what is wrong with just being kind to others? That's all I was trying to suggest. I am not saying that people aren't different. We're all unique and have our differences. I am simply saying that kindness and compassion are good things. If everyone lead their lives with kindness and compassion at the forefront of their minds, we'd live in a nicer world.
@@jezzermeii A man goes to the zoo ..He sees the lions are thin and hungry so he returns with some meat .He feeds them and feels the warm glow of a kind act .He returns a while later and sees again they are hungry and now some cubs have been born so he feeds them again . When he next returns they are hungrier that ever and there are even more to feed .He cannot really afford it but he finds the money and feeds them again .The final time he goes back there are many more lions and he cannot feed them all .The lions are killing each other over the food he throws and finally one lion manages to claw his arm and pull him in to be eaten .This is what kindness and compassion will lead to .
"Can we stop obsessing about it, please?" That means you, Shiteley.
Makes a change from the inbreeding
TheCausation thank you internet professor
@Sean David we must do 🙄
3:43 It was a beautiful day...
Growing up white in UK
Could you go back to doing the daily Brexit updates? I found those a lot more interesting than this stuff.
Skip to 2.30 mins for some timeless advice
@Waffen SS I have 4 kids all know that race mixing is disgusting .
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 If I was one of your kids I'd marry a black woman just to spite you. Actually the disgusting racism I read online makes me appreciate interracial couples even more. I don't really imagine the abuse they must get from closed minded idiots like you, until I find someone like you online.
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 If my gender isn't clear from my avatar, I have no reason to tell you. But here's a clue. I said in my previous reply I would marry a woman. Also I'm not a lesbian.
But what makes you think I would 'screw my life up'?
@@shlomoweinbergstein3960 Racism and insults aside - Roman salute? Are you teaching your children that the Roman Empire still exists and that they're living in it? I knew racists lived in the past, but I think you're taking it a bit far. 😂
@@Pining_for_the_fjords What's wrong with a timeless tradition of a European greeting and salute ? Would you tell a Masai that their jumping up to greet visitors is old fashioned and they should stop living in the past ?
Vote ukip
Randy Marsh No thanks. You are finished. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Terry is a boss
@@memesquad2774 I said no mixed race are bad I can not let my race get existing
Panda xox thanks for insulting my race :)
Big up all my mixed race brothers and sisters
Who cares. The real prince was born . Jesus is the real prince.
So then miz race then
Is Albert Pike madder than usual here? I don't think even he really believes what he's posted.
@@BobBob-cn1yy "🤡" Good shitpost, Bob! Masterful.
@Albert Pike Good shitpost, Al! Poo out another racist one.
Well done Channel 4.
I bet your wife's black son agrees
@Waffen SS Robert Fletcher fluffs his wife's bull no doubt between soy based drinks and crying over how guilty he feels for all the bad things he has done by existing as a white male .Channel 4 told him so .
Ehhh... Okay...
Is Albert Pike madder than usual here? I don't think even he really believes what he's posted.
@@BobBob-cn1yy "🤡" Good shitpost, Bob! Masterful.
@Al Bundy for President "You’ve still not made a constructive comment on the videos I’ve linked for you." That's because I don't see these links. Try signing out and looking at the thread.
By the way, I tend not to watch links posted by racists or extremists because I don't want their sort of "content" being recommended to me.