I remember being clubbed pretty hard by Pz. 1 Cs with their autocannon just flying through the battlefield. It was pretty bad. But, from T6, the game gets pretty interesting and there are some very balanced tanks for everyone!
I remember the pz1c madness at the time the T57 tier3 td was a tier2 arty (T56) and its angelt armor and the old pen-marker (that assumed a 90° hit) made it possible too get same steel wall medals XD will clubbing the clubbers
My favorite tier 4 is the P26/40. It's an absolute beast! I decided to buy it after watching a Quickybaby video about it. I'm having a 57% win rate in it.
One of these two seal clubbers had a nickname "padalec" which has two meanings in Polish: 1. A blindworm 2. A douchebag Seams like both are quite accurate 😁😉
When I do play tier 4 I actually love taking apart Pz.B2s with the Mattie. You can sense the B2s panic when you pen the turret every 2 seconds. MM for the Mattie is awful tho lol.
Matildas & Hetzers forced me to move 1 tier up & main KV 220, instead my beloved B2. Jokes aside this game is less & less competitive. Tier 8 is basically older premium vs newer premiums and tech tree tanks are just free frags. Then at tier 9 you start to meet tier 10 often, and not just tier 10 - Ebolas & Chieftains. WG is pushing tier 9 premiums for all the players who moved to tier 9 (sweet spot with mm+1), games there will be filled with OP premiums (new Chieftain !) more & more. I know it is an apriil's fool joke, but... there is some truth behind it. Once you have some tier 10s there is no motivation to play anymore & grind tech trees. Because OP tech tree tanks will get nerfed, while premium will stay OP. Either Buy OP tank to have fun, or stay at lower tier to have fun. As for the lower tiers... Those used to be funny and not as toxic. Tanks had less HP, there were more crappy tanks in the MM (WG removed them from tech tree) and replaced with god-tier tanks that need premium ammo not fight against. Meeting a B2 was very rare. Now there is at least one or two in every game. And it is not like WG sold more B2 or something. It is simply the only players that are still playing at tier 3-4. Only sealclubbers. Finding a game at tier 4 takes ages. Players are simply not playing there, as they grind tech tree too fast. Getting to tier 8 without 6th sense used to be impossible. Now (since you grind super fast) you can actually reach tier 9 and still have crappy crew (if you dont use crew books & premium account). That is why I think it is batter to play at tier 5-7 more often, especially If you have a tank with mm+1
I usually reach 6th sense in t5. Then, tier after tier, add a skill. Sometimes I just reach 100% crew (again) before switching to the next tier(so I get them to 90% in the next tank). T8 is usually a good plateau to accrue a bit more crews kills, believe it or not
I'll be honest looking at your comment you really don't realize what the problems are with wot. Saying after you get to a few tier 10s and then stopping to grind other tech trees is completely wrong. The meta at tier 10 always changes. Right now it's fast mediums with high dpm but a few years ago it was super heavy tanks like the 60tp, type 5, maus, e100. The meta always changes which gives people incentive to play. Premium tanks its complicated. Can they be OP absolutely but most aren't because the average player plays badly like the skoda t56 it performs great but I've seen so many people Yolo or push up alone and die in them because they get over confident. If anything the main problem is the HD map changes adding too many bushes at the back of each map and dumb mm like each team having 7 tds on each side. Too many tds that get to sit in the back unspotted has slowed the game down and to compensate wg made the hulldown meta and the high dpm and fast mediums. Why? Games where its 7 tds you roll out and get destroyed instantly its dumb
@@lifeinjersey9846 too many TDs have slowed the game down? SLOWED? Bub, I think that who doesn't get a damn about the game is you. Lmao, game is slowed down now.
Now say it without crying. Lol joke. No, seriously, if you lose incentive to play with some tier 10 because you feel that chieftains make your playing impossible is that you don't take the time to get to know how to fight them. Despite having some good stats and 23K battle I don't own any tier 10 reward tanks and I don't feel like I want or need one. I love playing my regular tanks since I took the time how to fight every other tank and use the most of mine. Now, a useful advice. Don't train crew skills until you reach 100% of the skill, because when you chance tier, that percentage that is not assigned to a skill let's you train your crew to 100% immediately when you change tier. Then you can perform correctly since the first moment you get the new tank, that way is faster to have many skills when you reach higher tiers. Now, if you know you need a certain skill when you get to tier 8, play a little bit more tier 6 and 7 before going up, even if the tank is full researched.
Every now and again I dust off my Luchs and just have an absolute ball. Also, the tech tree has changed and shifted, so there are a few lower tier tanks I have never played, and have been going back and trying them out. The British light tanks at lower tiers can also be huge fun. "club together" - I see what you did there.
@@jet5456 No he's right. Originally WG wanted players to play the mid tier to earn credits so they could fund the tier 10 battles and tier 5 was the best tier to make those credits. WG even back in the day promoted this heavily. Of course WG being what they are changed up this meta. Now its buy credits and gold to fund your tier 10 battles or buy lots of tier 8 premium tanks to earn the credits to fund the tier 10 battles. Those mid tier tanks and battles used to be hella fun. Still can be. Just because you like playing the mid tier tanks doesn't make you a seal clubber.
Yup. I stayed around there for a long time. Fun games. Competitive with a variety of tanks. If your goal was fun, not stats, not "work" for coin, then that was the sweet spot.
I’m an old console now PC WoT player. The couple of tech trees I’m working my way through are at tier 4 at the moment. It can be rough. Sometimes I blow through like QB did here or I get dusted in the first couple minutes. Definitely looking forward to moving on.
My favorite teir 4 tank and tank over all is the British Queen, the Matilda...... Love it, enjoy it, just can't say enough good things about my Matilda.
YEP! I've been playing for 10 years, and I never sold my Matty. The crew has 6 skills, and I have Turbo, Binocs , and Hardening for the HP. I use it to finish daily missions as it is great for; 1. Damaging a lot of tanks. 2. Getting kills. 3. Being top of the team in Damage or Exp. 4. Getting large amounts of criticals. With 120mm penetration the Matty can pen almost any tank it faces. I carry 20 gold rounds, but rarely use them. 60% Win rate with over 1500 battles.
I agree and disagree. I have always enjoyed tier 6 the most. It has a great variety of tanks, and a good combination of skilled and new players. My Easy 8, and T-34-85 are a few of my favorite tanks in the game.
Get the 85M if that's one of your favorites. Might be one of the best tanks tier for tier in the game. Almost 2500 dpm, armor works surprisingly well, fantastic at side scraping low caliber guns. 62% wr with 450 games myself, almost 3 marked.
@@jonasrhude2325 Absolutely right, Jonas. I've got it, and love it. I was reluctant to name premium tanks in my last comment. Sadly I missed the sale on the Fury tank last month.
Same, I basically only play my Rudy, Jackson, & easy 8. You run into good players as much as you do new players & you aren’t screwed if you get stuck in a tier 8 match
For me tier VI and VII are fantastic mid range to play in the game. Not many OP premiums(expet E25, SU-122-44, T-34-85M, Type 64) but a lot of tanks from tier VI and VII are very fun to play. They are meeting higher tier tanks quite often but tank variety is fantastic and my go to tanks are American mid tier tanks like T20, T29, M6, Easy 8, T71 DA, T21, Hellcat, Jackson... And others like T-34-1, WZ-131, SU-100...
@@xulrok6565 T34-85M is better than the Fury tank. But also at that tier is the very OP Type 64. You don’t see as many Fury’s as decent players worked out they aren’t that great
You know what ? you're so right, we miss something like this at T10 to give us a reason to play ! They should adress this outrageous lack of good T10 tanks by adding a new T11 premium tank : the "Panzer B6 66", with 400 armor all around, no lower plate, spare tracks, and 4k base DPM. Now that would be enjoyable ! (Exclusive premium shop pack, sold at 666€ ATI)
I actually started playing my ol' reliable Cruiser IV more often after the techtree rework. Sure it's moved up a tier, but the top Bofors gun got a huge pen and alpha buff, meaning it now has 86mm of base pen and deals 60 damage per shot, which might not sound like much, but the gun has a four shot magazine and fires two shots every click, with a magazine reload of around 6-7 seconds. Combine that with decent mobility, stupid amounts of gun depression, and overkill gold penetration and you're guaranteed to have fun. Very helpful for those days with 15-1 loss streaks all around when you just want to blow some steam.
I feel personally attacked... im literally playing all of tier 4 tanks right now 😅 lol I recently got back into WoT and decided to grind all of the tanks simultaneously (in the past I've only gotten to tier 9 Russian heavy and never took the time to really learn the game so just yolo'd every game)... Tier 4 actually feels playable for me haha
This video was perfectly done. I absolutely refuse to start a line below tier 5 anymore 🤣 thank the lord for those daily mission random fragments so we really don't have to anymore.
Awesome video qb! Low tier might not be the best, but its fun to come back down after a few really irritating battles in 6-10, Always gotta keep up that grind! Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!
To me below tier 5 just feels like chaos to me. Players are so unpredictable, and the tanks are often too fast for the players to drive with any control at all. At those tiers it just seems like a bunch of rats running around a maze looking for a way out.
The joke is that the game is designed to play from tier VI. I have a lot of premium tier V tanks, but for 4 years or more I almost never play them, cause daily missions are for tier VI-X vehicles. Im free to play too and stopped at tier IX, cause why would I play tier X.
Best tier 4 for seal clubbing and deal with 2 tier higher in tech tree: Matilda, Luch, Stug 3 B, Sav m/43, T40, M8A1, SU-85B, and Pz4 D. Funny mention PZ 38na for having the highest top speed and spot range if you willing to spam prem on 2+ tier.
Not that I'm sure QB intended it to be this way, but this video highlights the divide between "stat driven" players/stat padders and people who just don't care. I'm nearing 54% from 37k games, but a quick look at my stats will show that while I play a good game in mid tiers, my tier 8 - 10 play leaves a lot to be desired. I have 158 games in the B2 at 59% but even if I played the next 10k games in it "stat padding", who does it fool? A quick look at my stats would still show that I'm an average high tier player and this is why the pursuit of stats is so pointless. Good players at high tiers are good, those trying to bump up their overall winrates etc trolling low tiers aren't going to fool anyone who cares about stats, and those of us who just don't care don't lose sleep over whether we get blown up by someone with 1k games @44% or 100k games at 53%.... even though 80k of them are at 60% in tier 1-5.
@@laszlopap8271 back then the cdc wasn't in the game. I don't think the cdc ever saw 3 tier matchmaking either.. Maybe he had a fail platoon on the enemy team with 2 lower tier tanks when that was still possible.
btw, I think it should be fun a "seal clubbers police" series where QB plays regular tier III/IV vehicles and exclusivey focus on deleting the seal clubbers
Hi Quickybaby. Loved the video. On the ANZ server we often have no choice but to play lower tier to find a game. Also, I recently looked at the Winrate of tier 8 tanks on the Asia server, and the top of the list is dominated exclusively by pay to win Premium tanks. I spend a fair bit on this game already, but I cannot afford to keep buying the latest OP premium tanks. Therefore, I spend most of my time enjoying lower tier games, where the play is still challenging but also fun. I notice that many other experienced players also seem to have reached the same conclusion, so the competition can be pretty fierce at around tier 5 and 6. Tier 7 is useless as you end up playing against all the OP premium tier 8s.
I normally play on the NA server. When I have to start a new line or need to train crews that are below tier 5 (such as having to play a Tier 4 premium tank) or even play a Tier 2 gift tank, I play those tanks and crews on the South American server. I usually get 7 vs 7 battles with 4 to 6 bot tanks on each side. This also allows me to develop different tactics without being run over by seal clubbers and pros. So I recommend that tier 1 and tier 2 battles start with 15 v 15 with human players on one side and bots on the other. This would help new players from not being clubbed by the pros and also get used to the game.
Agreed…the match making of the game is generally pretty horrible these days but at tier 4 you can at least contribute something to the game even being bottom tier…higher tier games really suck 😯
Mr. Quickybaby, make a video on the Su-152, it has 3.3k damager per minute with its top gun, at tier seven. If you use a good crew, premium consumables, vents and a rammer, you can go over 4k dpm
World of tanks for me based on their tiers Tier 1-4 : Seal Clubbing and actual fun Tier 5 : You'll find the veteran players who are tired of tier 8-10 BS Tier 6 : Always bottom tier Tier 7 : the "god I hate this tank and can't wait to get the tier 8" Tier 8 : its either a matchmaking with 80% of the tanks are premium tier 8s or you're trying to fight hull down tier 9-10s Tier 9-10 : Hull Down Meta, Gold Ammo Spamming, Pay to Win, and those Damn EBRs I wish Wot is like the good old days, when armor actually mattered. When the actual good players would spend times on tanks gg or similar apps to study the tank armor and their weakness. I stopped grinding heavies because, I just cant stand the fact that you're armor doesn't matter if everyone can just fire Prem rounds and use the penetration indicator or find the flattest surface.
My two favorites back many years ago were the T-18 that was removed and playing with a couple friends in PZ 1 C platoons . 3 of those little rabid chihuahuas , all firing gold ,,,, good times .
I used to play T10, then I realized I was just not having fun and wasting lots of credits and patience. Then I started playing Tier 5-8 with the tanks I like or the ones that are fun like the KV-2(used to be fun) there I found my place. I realized T8 and above you need to be competitive and I'm not that kind of player, so now I just wanna hang around and play the Tiger I or II, The Jpanther, SU-100 and many other vehicles.
I like to play the occasional tier IV game in one of the great TDs (Alecto, Marder and most of all SU-76G), and stopping sealclubbers in B2s is the best aspects of these games.
I started an account on the EU server and i find it disgusting how many players with over 60k battles are at low tiers 1-3 seal clubbing the new players. New players have no crew skills , yet these people probably have 5-6 skills. Its a wonder new players even stick around. Lower tiers are where you are supposed to learn the game, not get killed instantly by these types of people. Or are they just stat padding?
This. Main reason I quit the game. Couldn't get a single friend to join me in WoT, all because of how god awful the matchmaking is. Real fun, getting matched up vs guys with sometimes up to 100k battles, probably rocking completely decked-out crews and with map knowledge that new players like myself and friends couldn't ever hope to match.
This has always been an issue though. But even more so nowdays i think since nobody really plays lower tiers anymore. They are having to resort to filling tier 5 and 6 games with bots nowdays even. And you're always bottom tier as well because there are so few players. Everyone plays 8 to 10. Playing their prem tier 8's in order to spam gold at tier 10.
The problem is real, but hard to fix. WG is trying to funnel players faster onto higher tiers, but that doesn't really help with the skill and crew (etc) disparity. WG would need to revamp the "endgame" to make players play more there, instead of them lowering themselves into sealclubbing territory.
Yup, already started selling my high tier tanks. Free to play in high tiers is impossible to make credits, even if you have premium tanks, not to mention spending 10 minutes playing pee a boo on the crest of a hill or a rock spamming gold and bouncing every shot, its the distilled essence of madness.
I agree. Been rocking my money-making free to play Matilda and Hetzer for quite a while now but this wasn't the case when the old KV-1S was still around.
One of my most fond memories of playing low tier WOT is getting the Russian BT7 for the first time, realizing how fast it was and spending half my games suicide ramming the nearest enemy light tank so we both died. of rare occasions i could get the the enemy arty and ram them to death. Had me laughing my ass off every time.
It is an odd thing, basically a heavy called a light tank. I am not a good player and got clubbed quite a bit. The Val ii helps you get a reasonable game. It is restricted to never play in a game with higher tier tanks which is also a great help.
As someone who has over 1000 battles in the pz IC but only 51% WR on that tank, it’s not really seal clubbing if you play like an idiot and just have lots of fun Oh who am I kidding, it’s still technically seal clubbing
Wargaming need to adjust gameplay for tier 4. I think tier 4 is one of, if not the most critical stage for a new player. Because this where the grind starts to feel tough. At tier 1 you only need to play 1 game, on average tier 2 is about 3 games, for tier 3 is about 5-10 games. But at tier 4, you can go up to 100 games before unlocking the next tier. Also the fact that their stock gun can even deal with the same tier tank, it's awful it truly is. I myself almost quits when playing at tier 4. Good thing I met someone that ended to be one of my best friend, and he patiently help me grind through tier 4.
I faced a platoon in luch tanks. After the game i checked their stats as they were realy good. Turns out the one i checked had approximately 8000 in total where over 7000 was in the luchs. He had a win rate over 80%.
this video was released on 1st April.. but from my own experience and working in statistics related field, it's not worth going above tier 6 for free-2-play accounts. tier 4 to 6 is the sweet spot for cost effective grinding. I used to like tier 4 the most but not since the gun rammer is not available for tier 4s and below. Tier 6s is best for the Battle Pass missions as the maximum theoretical BP points per game is 5.75 and it gets lower after that.
_"... there's really no point in going above Tier IV in World of Tanks, and that the Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) - the Tier IV German premium heavy tank - has to be the greatest vehicle in the game. I mean, why would you go above Tier IV? All of the the - you know - new players are down at low tier: they don't really fight back; they don't really do too much."_ You're right, because they as soon as they realise how incredibly incompetent they are at lower tier game-play, they get a hold of mommy's credit card and buy premium Tier VIII and Tier IX tanks and over populate those battles queues because they can, turning those battles into a nightmare for the rest of us who've actually grinded our way up the tiers, learning the mechanics of the game and employing survival tactics along the way while they just rush forward en masse (as they did in Tier III) and suicide like the kid-idiots they are, all giddy about playing a tank game. I find the most rewarding tiers to play are Tiers VI & VII where even if my randomly selected team of scrubs all self-detonate upon first contact with with the enemy, the likelihood of the opposing team being full of uni-cum-cunt seal-clubbers is less likely than playing Tier IV. Besides, playing Tier VI+ allows you to advance through Battle Pass...
I had a smurf account I made separately just to fuck around in low tier games without ruining my stats (RE: not seal clubbing, screwing around). Petty, I know. I didn't have the PZB2 but I did have a tricked out B1 and an FCM36. I LOVED the B1! Nothing else higher than tier 5. Most of my garage were free tier 2 reward vehicles from over the years.
I like to play all of my tanks, Low and high tier, and a while ago I ran into someone who has only ever played tier one. They had over 10,000 battles in the ms1 alone.
It's true, though. Tier 4 is actually fun. Everything beyond that has been terrible matchmaking, terrible balance, not fun at all. I'd rather stick to my M8A1 and Luchs.
Some people attach great importance to their win rate so they can talk down to other players. So they seal club at low tier. Others are tired of the pay to win meta with impenetrable or auto loading tanks. So they go down to tier 5or 6 to have some fun
QB - you're good at WoT, so i wonder if you explain something to me: just played a game (AMX 13 105), & compared to another player (AMX M4 51) who was 2 above me for xp, I shot more, hit & pen'ed more, did 20x the damage, spotted more, & travelled further, & got 70 less xp. How does that work?
Used to sealclub a couple years ago on a seperate account with one of my friends, coming from a 58% and 61% winrate at tier 10 down to a 82% overall WR as a duo. Was fun, good for letting anger out after a bad serious of missed marks or when you were too broken to play with brain. Didn't play below T5 since 3 years and T5/T6 only because I marked the tanks or played Kv2 for the lulz
My heart pounded, I was curious and nervous, I didn't know why QB would commit such a World of Tanks crime... But As I was frantically looking at the description to find out more, I saw the date... Happy April Fools!
I personally love playing my T-34S/BT-2. It's just way less fun in high tier than is used to be. No weak points just hull down bull****. While in T5-6 you still have some sort of fun with wacky tanks and less smart people on both sides.
There's plenty of less than smart peeps in t8+, but there's a catch. They're either protected by OP stats(elc, progetto etc) or by OP dmg ratios (autoloader-reloaded)
I once found a team of 3 of them that had 15k+ games each in these tanks and just about 4-5k games in other tanks so their WR overall was 85-90%... All 3 of them just played together and just those tanks.
Quickybaby using April Fools to share his real opinion
Low tiers are so much fun, the randomness and craziness of the low tiers never get boring.
"When their powers combine.." Perhaps my favourite Quicky-quote of all time.
or their rather non-existent powers xd
Captain Planet intro🤣
you never saw power rangers?
I remember being clubbed pretty hard by Pz. 1 Cs with their autocannon just flying through the battlefield. It was pretty bad. But, from T6, the game gets pretty interesting and there are some very balanced tanks for everyone!
Im just gonna say NOPE this is not okay
I remember the pz1c madness at the time the T57 tier3 td was a tier2 arty (T56) and its angelt armor and the old pen-marker (that assumed a 90° hit) made it possible too get same steel wall medals XD will clubbing the clubbers
Kranvagn and chieftain disagree, tier 10 is not fun
That may have been me and my clan 😂😂😂@TommyThousandFaces
Until you reach tier 8 and 10 xD
QB, your "analysis" of the B2 platoon on the enemy team in regards to tier 10 honestly really isn't a joke. It's just the sad reality.
No, they are just bad players who now just seal club because they have no actual skill.
@@obida_pepega2145 You said no but you agreed with him. Kinda weird but okay.
@@Chromodar He agreed with him, just used improper word usage and grammar to make that agreement.
That was justice for that platoon
My favorite tier 4 is the P26/40. It's an absolute beast! I decided to buy it after watching a Quickybaby video about it. I'm having a 57% win rate in it.
That HE ammo!!
Ye that HE is a sleeper monster.
Yeah that HE caught me offguard taking almost half of my tier 5s hp.
and the armor its so trollish that even some tier 5 will ricochet if you angle it right.
My favourite 4 tier tank
One of these two seal clubbers had a nickname "padalec" which has two meanings in Polish:
1. A blindworm
2. A douchebag
Seams like both are quite accurate 😁😉
I would normally say that's savage, but he did it to himself. lol
What do you say about Jared Padalecki, professor?
@@will-ever a surname? LOL 😂
Once you get to tier 8 your wallet is your best cannon
When I do play tier 4 I actually love taking apart Pz.B2s with the Mattie. You can sense the B2s panic when you pen the turret every 2 seconds. MM for the Mattie is awful tho lol.
Mattie is the real sealclubber at Tier 4, dogshit if it isnt top tier tho
Who is mattie?
@@fra_loncar6535 Matilda
@@fra_loncar6535 Matilda. British tier 4 medium that plays like a heavy.
Tbh, it became dogshit after they took away the ability to have a Rammer & Vstabs.
Matildas & Hetzers forced me to move 1 tier up & main KV 220, instead my beloved B2.
Jokes aside this game is less & less competitive. Tier 8 is basically older premium vs newer premiums and tech tree tanks are just free frags. Then at tier 9 you start to meet tier 10 often, and not just tier 10 - Ebolas & Chieftains. WG is pushing tier 9 premiums for all the players who moved to tier 9 (sweet spot with mm+1), games there will be filled with OP premiums (new Chieftain !) more & more.
I know it is an apriil's fool joke, but... there is some truth behind it. Once you have some tier 10s there is no motivation to play anymore & grind tech trees. Because OP tech tree tanks will get nerfed, while premium will stay OP. Either Buy OP tank to have fun, or stay at lower tier to have fun.
As for the lower tiers... Those used to be funny and not as toxic. Tanks had less HP, there were more crappy tanks in the MM (WG removed them from tech tree) and replaced with god-tier tanks that need premium ammo not fight against. Meeting a B2 was very rare. Now there is at least one or two in every game. And it is not like WG sold more B2 or something. It is simply the only players that are still playing at tier 3-4. Only sealclubbers. Finding a game at tier 4 takes ages. Players are simply not playing there, as they grind tech tree too fast. Getting to tier 8 without 6th sense used to be impossible. Now (since you grind super fast) you can actually reach tier 9 and still have crappy crew (if you dont use crew books & premium account).
That is why I think it is batter to play at tier 5-7 more often, especially If you have a tank with mm+1
I think you could have gotten a b2 from the daily deals event for something like 1.5 mil silver iirc
I usually reach 6th sense in t5. Then, tier after tier, add a skill. Sometimes I just reach 100% crew (again) before switching to the next tier(so I get them to 90% in the next tank). T8 is usually a good plateau to accrue a bit more crews kills, believe it or not
I'll be honest looking at your comment you really don't realize what the problems are with wot. Saying after you get to a few tier 10s and then stopping to grind other tech trees is completely wrong. The meta at tier 10 always changes. Right now it's fast mediums with high dpm but a few years ago it was super heavy tanks like the 60tp, type 5, maus, e100. The meta always changes which gives people incentive to play.
Premium tanks its complicated. Can they be OP absolutely but most aren't because the average player plays badly like the skoda t56 it performs great but I've seen so many people Yolo or push up alone and die in them because they get over confident.
If anything the main problem is the HD map changes adding too many bushes at the back of each map and dumb mm like each team having 7 tds on each side.
Too many tds that get to sit in the back unspotted has slowed the game down and to compensate wg made the hulldown meta and the high dpm and fast mediums. Why? Games where its 7 tds you roll out and get destroyed instantly its dumb
@@lifeinjersey9846 too many TDs have slowed the game down? SLOWED? Bub, I think that who doesn't get a damn about the game is you. Lmao, game is slowed down now.
Now say it without crying. Lol joke.
No, seriously, if you lose incentive to play with some tier 10 because you feel that chieftains make your playing impossible is that you don't take the time to get to know how to fight them. Despite having some good stats and 23K battle I don't own any tier 10 reward tanks and I don't feel like I want or need one. I love playing my regular tanks since I took the time how to fight every other tank and use the most of mine.
Now, a useful advice. Don't train crew skills until you reach 100% of the skill, because when you chance tier, that percentage that is not assigned to a skill let's you train your crew to 100% immediately when you change tier. Then you can perform correctly since the first moment you get the new tank, that way is faster to have many skills when you reach higher tiers. Now, if you know you need a certain skill when you get to tier 8, play a little bit more tier 6 and 7 before going up, even if the tank is full researched.
Every now and again I dust off my Luchs and just have an absolute ball. Also, the tech tree has changed and shifted, so there are a few lower tier tanks I have never played, and have been going back and trying them out. The British light tanks at lower tiers can also be huge fun.
"club together" - I see what you did there.
Same I love the Luchs but when everything got an HP boost it definitely lost a lot of power
the Luchs used to have better stats, specifically the gun handling. Takes a lot longer to fire off all ten rounds now. Such a shame.
Hetzer is really jsut king though
@@wolfd89 yeah stopped playing my luchs after that I still run it here and there but use the 5cm now
True though, tier 4-6 is the most fun.
Bro I only play the Jumbo and HE is useless now, I'm the one getting clubbed
@@denikec 😞
@@jet5456 No he's right. Originally WG wanted players to play the mid tier to earn credits so they could fund the tier 10 battles and tier 5 was the best tier to make those credits. WG even back in the day promoted this heavily. Of course WG being what they are changed up this meta. Now its buy credits and gold to fund your tier 10 battles or buy lots of tier 8 premium tanks to earn the credits to fund the tier 10 battles. Those mid tier tanks and battles used to be hella fun. Still can be. Just because you like playing the mid tier tanks doesn't make you a seal clubber.
Yup. I stayed around there for a long time. Fun games. Competitive with a variety of tanks. If your goal was fun, not stats, not "work" for coin, then that was the sweet spot.
I love my M4 Improved and Turan 3. Great little tanks.
I’m an old console now PC WoT player. The couple of tech trees I’m working my way through are at tier 4 at the moment. It can be rough. Sometimes I blow through like QB did here or I get dusted in the first couple minutes. Definitely looking forward to moving on.
My favorite teir 4 tank and tank over all is the British Queen, the Matilda...... Love it, enjoy it, just can't say enough good things about my Matilda.
matilda is op asffffff
YEP! I've been playing for 10 years, and I never sold my Matty. The crew has 6 skills, and I have Turbo, Binocs , and Hardening for the HP. I use it to finish daily missions as it is great for;
1. Damaging a lot of tanks.
2. Getting kills.
3. Being top of the team in Damage or Exp.
4. Getting large amounts of criticals.
With 120mm penetration the Matty can pen almost any tank it faces. I carry 20 gold rounds, but rarely use them.
60% Win rate with over 1500 battles.
I love the pz3j ,its like a leopard 1 in tier 4 with turbo.
I absolutely love the Matilda
@@lifeisfairitkillseveryone536 it is so much fun and such a stress relief
I agree and disagree. I have always enjoyed tier 6 the most. It has a great variety of tanks, and a good combination of skilled and new players. My Easy 8, and T-34-85 are a few of my favorite tanks in the game.
Get the 85M if that's one of your favorites. Might be one of the best tanks tier for tier in the game. Almost 2500 dpm, armor works surprisingly well, fantastic at side scraping low caliber guns. 62% wr with 450 games myself, almost 3 marked.
@@jonasrhude2325 Absolutely right, Jonas. I've got it, and love it. I was reluctant to name premium tanks in my last comment. Sadly I missed the sale on the Fury tank last month.
Same, I basically only play my Rudy, Jackson, & easy 8. You run into good players as much as you do new players & you aren’t screwed if you get stuck in a tier 8 match
For me tier VI and VII are fantastic mid range to play in the game. Not many OP premiums(expet E25, SU-122-44, T-34-85M, Type 64) but a lot of tanks from tier VI and VII are very fun to play. They are meeting higher tier tanks quite often but tank variety is fantastic and my go to tanks are American mid tier tanks like T20, T29, M6, Easy 8, T71 DA, T21, Hellcat, Jackson... And others like T-34-1, WZ-131, SU-100...
@@xulrok6565 T34-85M is better than the Fury tank. But also at that tier is the very OP Type 64. You don’t see as many Fury’s as decent players worked out they aren’t that great
You know what ? you're so right, we miss something like this at T10 to give us a reason to play ! They should adress this outrageous lack of good T10 tanks by adding a new T11 premium tank : the "Panzer B6 66", with 400 armor all around, no lower plate, spare tracks, and 4k base DPM. Now that would be enjoyable !
(Exclusive premium shop pack, sold at 666€ ATI)
T11 would be awesome! I crank my stereo up to 11 as well, and I never hear the neighbours complain.
@James Sunny Crockett Oh yes you're absolutely right ! Plus, it should weight 200 tons and go forward at 40km/h minimum x)
@@diatonicdelirium1743 they can´t shout loud enough for you to hear it ;)
@@lucasfrankermann1063 It didn´t need a canon. Just ramming everything
I actually started playing my ol' reliable Cruiser IV more often after the techtree rework. Sure it's moved up a tier, but the top Bofors gun got a huge pen and alpha buff, meaning it now has 86mm of base pen and deals 60 damage per shot, which might not sound like much, but the gun has a four shot magazine and fires two shots every click, with a magazine reload of around 6-7 seconds. Combine that with decent mobility, stupid amounts of gun depression, and overkill gold penetration and you're guaranteed to have fun. Very helpful for those days with 15-1 loss streaks all around when you just want to blow some steam.
And it looks good too
I feel personally attacked... im literally playing all of tier 4 tanks right now 😅
lol I recently got back into WoT and decided to grind all of the tanks simultaneously (in the past I've only gotten to tier 9 Russian heavy and never took the time to really learn the game so just yolo'd every game)...
Tier 4 actually feels playable for me haha
This video was perfectly done. I absolutely refuse to start a line below tier 5 anymore 🤣 thank the lord for those daily mission random fragments so we really don't have to anymore.
Awesome video qb! Low tier might not be the best, but its fun to come back down after a few really irritating battles in 6-10, Always gotta keep up that grind! Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!
I loved Tier 9 and 10. Nowadays, Tier 4 is just a more fun and entertaining way to pass the time. Guess that's the point of the game, for me at least.
D.W. 2 is the only truly superior tank at tier 4 imo
dw2 is a bad tank
Easiest ace tanker in my life. Lmfao
Good armor, bad gun
Mostly true, its gun pen is bad unless you use premium rounds.
I used to love hunting that premium german tank with the standard French version. Alot more fun, imo.
A 3 man platoon with this tank can easily get 80%-90% winrate, its beyond stupid
it was like that tier 2 premium German tank that was in the game. We would seal club with 4 of us and never loose.
To me below tier 5 just feels like chaos to me. Players are so unpredictable, and the tanks are often too fast for the players to drive with any control at all. At those tiers it just seems like a bunch of rats running around a maze looking for a way out.
What i wasn't expecting was the huge callout on the two stat padders. Always a wonderful feeling seeing those taken out
I don't get the April fools joke, everything was perfectly accurate..
The joke is that the game is designed to play from tier VI. I have a lot of premium tier V tanks, but for 4 years or more I almost never play them, cause daily missions are for tier VI-X vehicles. Im free to play too and stopped at tier IX, cause why would I play tier X.
Best tier 4 for seal clubbing and deal with 2 tier higher in tech tree: Matilda, Luch, Stug 3 B, Sav m/43, T40, M8A1, SU-85B, and Pz4 D. Funny mention PZ 38na for having the highest top speed and spot range if you willing to spam prem on 2+ tier.
Not that I'm sure QB intended it to be this way, but this video highlights the divide between "stat driven" players/stat padders and people who just don't care. I'm nearing 54% from 37k games, but a quick look at my stats will show that while I play a good game in mid tiers, my tier 8 - 10 play leaves a lot to be desired. I have 158 games in the B2 at 59% but even if I played the next 10k games in it "stat padding", who does it fool? A quick look at my stats would still show that I'm an average high tier player and this is why the pursuit of stats is so pointless. Good players at high tiers are good, those trying to bump up their overall winrates etc trolling low tiers aren't going to fool anyone who cares about stats, and those of us who just don't care don't lose sleep over whether we get blown up by someone with 1k games @44% or 100k games at 53%.... even though 80k of them are at 60% in tier 1-5.
Once i end up with my tier VIII CDC vs tiers 3 and 4, and i dominate them.
Still my favorite Kolobanov to this day
Like how was that possible? Super-fail MM from the starting years or wtf ???
@@laszlopap8271 back then the cdc wasn't in the game.
I don't think the cdc ever saw 3 tier matchmaking either..
Maybe he had a fail platoon on the enemy team with 2 lower tier tanks when that was still possible.
btw, I think it should be fun a "seal clubbers police" series where QB plays regular tier III/IV vehicles and exclusivey focus on deleting the seal clubbers
Hi Quickybaby. Loved the video. On the ANZ server we often have no choice but to play lower tier to find a game. Also, I recently looked at the Winrate of tier 8 tanks on the Asia server, and the top of the list is dominated exclusively by pay to win Premium tanks. I spend a fair bit on this game already, but I cannot afford to keep buying the latest OP premium tanks. Therefore, I spend most of my time enjoying lower tier games, where the play is still challenging but also fun. I notice that many other experienced players also seem to have reached the same conclusion, so the competition can be pretty fierce at around tier 5 and 6. Tier 7 is useless as you end up playing against all the OP premium tier 8s.
M8A1 is my tier IV happy place. SU-76G-FT can be pretty filthy fun too.
I normally play on the NA server. When I have to start a new line or need to train crews that are below tier 5 (such as having to play a Tier 4 premium tank) or even play a Tier 2 gift tank, I play those tanks and crews on the South American server. I usually get 7 vs 7 battles with 4 to 6 bot tanks on each side. This also allows me to develop different tactics without being run over by seal clubbers and pros. So I recommend that tier 1 and tier 2 battles start with 15 v 15 with human players on one side and bots on the other. This would help new players from not being clubbed by the pros and also get used to the game.
Agreed…the match making of the game is generally pretty horrible these days but at tier 4 you can at least contribute something to the game even being bottom tier…higher tier games really suck 😯
The PS 26/40 and the M5A1 Stuart are probably the most overpowered tier 4 tanks that I've come across- for different reasons.
Mr. Quickybaby, make a video on the Su-152, it has 3.3k damager per minute with its top gun, at tier seven. If you use a good crew, premium consumables, vents and a rammer, you can go over 4k dpm
World of tanks for me based on their tiers
Tier 1-4 : Seal Clubbing and actual fun
Tier 5 : You'll find the veteran players who are tired of tier 8-10 BS
Tier 6 : Always bottom tier
Tier 7 : the "god I hate this tank and can't wait to get the tier 8"
Tier 8 : its either a matchmaking with 80% of the tanks are premium tier 8s or you're trying to fight hull down tier 9-10s
Tier 9-10 : Hull Down Meta, Gold Ammo Spamming, Pay to Win, and those Damn EBRs
I wish Wot is like the good old days, when armor actually mattered. When the actual good players would spend times on tanks gg or similar apps to study the tank armor and their weakness. I stopped grinding heavies because, I just cant stand the fact that you're armor doesn't matter if everyone can just fire Prem rounds and use the penetration indicator or find the flattest surface.
E25 has joined the chat @ tier 7.
@@wolfd89 hahah yes, I love getting rammed by E25s in my lower tiers
My two favorites back many years ago were the T-18 that was removed and playing with a couple friends in PZ 1 C platoons . 3 of those little rabid chihuahuas , all firing gold ,,,, good times .
That pesky T-18 years ago was tought nut to crack
Haven't played in years but I used to love playing my Ke-Ho at T4, so chilled
What about the SU76i. Now I anted one but they never did sell it again. Pak40 with armor
Qb doing a little trolling, I see
Quickybaby: "Why would you ever go above tier IV?"
KV-2: "Ahem!?"
I used to play T10, then I realized I was just not having fun and wasting lots of credits and patience. Then I started playing Tier 5-8 with the tanks I like or the ones that are fun like the KV-2(used to be fun) there I found my place.
I realized T8 and above you need to be competitive and I'm not that kind of player, so now I just wanna hang around and play the Tiger I or II, The Jpanther, SU-100 and many other vehicles.
I like to play the occasional tier IV game in one of the great TDs (Alecto, Marder and most of all SU-76G), and stopping sealclubbers in B2s is the best aspects of these games.
Try playing the SU-76. Great tier 4 TD. I play T-40 in addition to the Alecto. No Derp guns.
As someone who prefers the madness that is WoT Console over PC I can say that the Pz. V/IV is by far the most op tank on console
There is a tier war panzer 3 looking tank that's called the hk 20.00 I think it's broken op
I started an account on the EU server and i find it disgusting how many players with over 60k battles are at low tiers 1-3 seal clubbing the new players. New players have no crew skills , yet these people probably have 5-6 skills. Its a wonder new players even stick around. Lower tiers are where you are supposed to learn the game, not get killed instantly by these types of people. Or are they just stat padding?
This. Main reason I quit the game. Couldn't get a single friend to join me in WoT, all because of how god awful the matchmaking is. Real fun, getting matched up vs guys with sometimes up to 100k battles, probably rocking completely decked-out crews and with map knowledge that new players like myself and friends couldn't ever hope to match.
This has always been an issue though. But even more so nowdays i think since nobody really plays lower tiers anymore.
They are having to resort to filling tier 5 and 6 games with bots nowdays even.
And you're always bottom tier as well because there are so few players. Everyone plays 8 to 10.
Playing their prem tier 8's in order to spam gold at tier 10.
The problem is real, but hard to fix. WG is trying to funnel players faster onto higher tiers, but that doesn't really help with the skill and crew (etc) disparity. WG would need to revamp the "endgame" to make players play more there, instead of them lowering themselves into sealclubbing territory.
its always a good day when quickybaby uploads
Yup, already started selling my high tier tanks. Free to play in high tiers is impossible to make credits, even if you have premium tanks, not to mention spending 10 minutes playing pee a boo on the crest of a hill or a rock spamming gold and bouncing every shot, its the distilled essence of madness.
You should do a video talking about the most fun non-meta tanks.
Covenanter, pz 4 h, leopard, cruiser mk 4
I agree. Been rocking my money-making free to play Matilda and Hetzer for quite a while now but this wasn't the case when the old KV-1S was still around.
Gotta love it when you slap everyone with T6 Medium's derp gun HEAT lmao
I bought it when it was on sale for like $6. Super fun to take out every once in awhile when I have been on a losing streak.
I've been called a bots a few times I just blacklist them I really don't have time for children.
One of my most fond memories of playing low tier WOT is getting the Russian BT7 for the first time, realizing how fast it was and spending half my games suicide ramming the nearest enemy light tank so we both died. of rare occasions i could get the the enemy arty and ram them to death. Had me laughing my ass off every time.
Even you don't have gold still can use the tech tree version B1, but have to facing higher tier tanks.
The Russian Valentine II is similarly good at seal-clubbing for the same reasons
The regular Valentine is also a great tank, but the next tank in line is a real beast, the Matilda
It is an odd thing, basically a heavy called a light tank. I am not a good player and got clubbed quite a bit. The Val ii helps you get a reasonable game. It is restricted to never play in a game with higher tier tanks which is also a great help.
Disclaimer everyone see the date of the video. :)
2:00 Actually, Pz S35 and Pz b2 have exactly the same gun characteristics
Proud owner of 36pak40 and B2 here. Man spitting facts.
Nice QB. It's my Birthday today. I never miss April Fools day.
As someone who has over 1000 battles in the pz IC but only 51% WR on that tank, it’s not really seal clubbing if you play like an idiot and just have lots of fun
Oh who am I kidding, it’s still technically seal clubbing
I love my little Alecto, rocketing around the battlefield and destroying people with the top gun
Have you ever played the LTP?
I'd rather suck in tier 10 than be the best sub tier 5 player on the planet, personally I don't really care much about win rate
Wargaming need to adjust gameplay for tier 4. I think tier 4 is one of, if not the most critical stage for a new player. Because this where the grind starts to feel tough. At tier 1 you only need to play 1 game, on average tier 2 is about 3 games, for tier 3 is about 5-10 games. But at tier 4, you can go up to 100 games before unlocking the next tier. Also the fact that their stock gun can even deal with the same tier tank, it's awful it truly is. I myself almost quits when playing at tier 4. Good thing I met someone that ended to be one of my best friend, and he patiently help me grind through tier 4.
I faced a platoon in luch tanks. After the game i checked their stats as they were realy good. Turns out the one i checked had approximately 8000 in total where over 7000 was in the luchs. He had a win rate over 80%.
this video was released on 1st April.. but from my own experience and working in statistics related field, it's not worth going above tier 6 for free-2-play accounts. tier 4 to 6 is the sweet spot for cost effective grinding. I used to like tier 4 the most but not since the gun rammer is not available for tier 4s and below. Tier 6s is best for the Battle Pass missions as the maximum theoretical BP points per game is 5.75 and it gets lower after that.
I’m a new player of wot, what tek tree should I grind?
_"... there's really no point in going above Tier IV in World of Tanks, and that the Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) - the Tier IV German premium heavy tank - has to be the greatest vehicle in the game. I mean, why would you go above Tier IV? All of the the - you know - new players are down at low tier: they don't really fight back; they don't really do too much."_
You're right, because they as soon as they realise how incredibly incompetent they are at lower tier game-play, they get a hold of mommy's credit card and buy premium Tier VIII and Tier IX tanks and over populate those battles queues because they can, turning those battles into a nightmare for the rest of us who've actually grinded our way up the tiers, learning the mechanics of the game and employing survival tactics along the way while they just rush forward en masse (as they did in Tier III) and suicide like the kid-idiots they are, all giddy about playing a tank game.
I find the most rewarding tiers to play are Tiers VI & VII where even if my randomly selected team of scrubs all self-detonate upon first contact with with the enemy, the likelihood of the opposing team being full of uni-cum-cunt seal-clubbers is less likely than playing Tier IV. Besides, playing Tier VI+ allows you to advance through Battle Pass...
I had a smurf account I made separately just to fuck around in low tier games without ruining my stats (RE: not seal clubbing, screwing around). Petty, I know. I didn't have the PZB2 but I did have a tricked out B1 and an FCM36. I LOVED the B1! Nothing else higher than tier 5. Most of my garage were free tier 2 reward vehicles from over the years.
We do 3 man Churchill platoons just for a few laughs on occasion, the enemy teams hate it! We just chainsaw right through everything.
Great April 1st video. Show us some Matilda gameplay next!
Hello Quickybaby, hello everyone!
Serious question about 0:42 ''Do not use bots'' parts, what do you mean by that? I didnt understand at all.
Playing pz3j with Turbo ,feels like a better leopard 1.
I like to play all of my tanks, Low and high tier, and a while ago I ran into someone who has only ever played tier one. They had over 10,000 battles in the ms1 alone.
Forgot that German heavy was in my garage. Will take it out tomorrow to zap out my dailies. Do appreciate the tip!
Thanks Quickybaby, I was going to start playing soon. I appreciate the pro tips.
Quickybaby you still haven't made any video for the hwk 12
Worst part about this April Fool's joke is that its not even a joke with the state of higher tiers rn
I have one of these in my garage but only dust it off when I get frustrated with the daily missions after playing a while and not getting anywhere.
The problem with lower tiers is getting a game after midnight. Try tier 1-3 at 01:00 and the wait is terrible.
This was my first premium tank! Loved it back in the days.
It's true, though. Tier 4 is actually fun. Everything beyond that has been terrible matchmaking, terrible balance, not fun at all.
I'd rather stick to my M8A1 and Luchs.
Some people attach great importance to their win rate so they can talk down to other players. So they seal club at low tier. Others are tired of the pay to win meta with impenetrable or auto loading tanks. So they go down to tier 5or 6 to have some fun
Have you even tried the T28 E F-30, it recks pz B2s and has a gun close to the t 34 85m
I wasn’t fooled but was entertaining. I really think the last day of the month should be sheriff qb and the anti seal clubber ground task force day.
Not so long ago one B2 tried to bully my T6 Medium Howitzer Beast in Ensk. Now he's dead.
Thanks QB! My friends and I are going to sell our E100s so that we can afford to run B2s with full gold for a few games!
Great advice thanks. I didn't have time to watch the end of the video, just the battle. :)
QB - you're good at WoT, so i wonder if you explain something to me: just played a game (AMX 13 105), & compared to another player (AMX M4 51) who was 2 above me for xp, I shot more, hit & pen'ed more, did 20x the damage, spotted more, & travelled further, & got 70 less xp. How does that work?
For those who are budget minded, valentine ll is easily available for just 1000 gold, and has same always top tier mm...
Don't see this for sale in tech tree or store...where do I get it?
Used to sealclub a couple years ago on a seperate account with one of my friends, coming from a 58% and 61% winrate at tier 10 down to a 82% overall WR as a duo. Was fun, good for letting anger out after a bad serious of missed marks or when you were too broken to play with brain. Didn't play below T5 since 3 years and T5/T6 only because I marked the tanks or played Kv2 for the lulz
My heart pounded, I was curious and nervous, I didn't know why QB would commit such a World of Tanks crime... But As I was frantically looking at the description to find out more, I saw the date...
Happy April Fools!
I play PzII, M2 Light when I try to finish daily missions. I can never get many missions done in anything higher than tiger 5 so low tiers is awesome.
Damn not going to lie this was a fun and educational video at the same time.Nice video ,I really enjoyed it!
I personally love playing my T-34S/BT-2.
It's just way less fun in high tier than is used to be. No weak points just hull down bull****. While in T5-6 you still have some sort of fun with wacky tanks and less smart people on both sides.
There's plenty of less than smart peeps in t8+, but there's a catch. They're either protected by OP stats(elc, progetto etc) or by OP dmg ratios (autoloader-reloaded)
I once found a team of 3 of them that had 15k+ games each in these tanks and just about 4-5k games in other tanks so their WR overall was 85-90%... All 3 of them just played together and just those tanks.