I consider it almost a crime against humanity that you are stopping this series. You are an important voice, and your commentary has lifted, and educated more people than you understand. My life has been enriched by hearing your thoughts,, but it will seem much poorer with you out of it. I wish you success in your future endeavors, but I will always be wishing that you had kept this important window open. I'll hope that someday you return.
Hopefully, their final video will be the best one out there. And when that gives closure to us and a lesson for what the future can be for media and the world.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Please read at least three books of the Bible. The first book of each testament and one you chose yourself. As you do practice forgiveness. It is an important key most miss. To be forgiven we must forgive. Read and Do. That’s what makes it works. Faith isn’t belief alone, it’s actions based on belief”
The irony that the second to last video in the Out of Frame series is about optimism when the prospect of said series ending is dour and bittersweet; I do not wish to stifle or impede the growth of career and pursuit of happiness of Mr. Malone but I am adament in my assertion that this series does a grand amount of good in terms of explaining, discussing morals, values and positivity in a wonderfully secular manner. Losing yet another sane, sound and beautiful voice is a massive disservice overall to encouraging and promoting the growth of rational thinking and civility all without the use of god, religion, or organisations. My intention isn't to pedastal but to express my disappointment that the series is ending and even more importantly, the departure of Mr. Malone as a whole, who does so much good and is an exceptional ally in providing optimism and that much needed calm, objective voice. An absolute shame he felt unable to continue even in a part-time or limited capacity.
I love how Frodo calls him “Samwise the Brave.” Bravery is fully understanding the despair all around, feeling the fear that it elicits and stubbornly choosing to press on toward the goal in spite of it. And THAT is absolutely who Sam is from the very beginning.
I think that is true bravery inn a sense, to press on despite knowing the impossible odds yet fighting with every ounce of your being when you know what you're doing is good
A quote from Uncle Iroh came to mind from The Legend of Korra: "If you look for the light, you may often find it, but if you look for the dark, that is all you'll ever see."
It's about balance. You need both cynicism and optimism Cynicism because you need to look at some situations for what they are. Optimism because you can look at other situations for what they could be
Our of Frame is something that has really spoken to me. As I have watched each episode I’m always impressed and amazed at the depth/effort that goes into this series. I’ll be sad to see it end, but in the meantime. Thanks for the uplifting message!
@@FEEonline I can’t talk about the story of the USS Enterprise without tearing up. No, not THAT Enterprise. Her namesake, the WWII aircraft carrier CV-6. At one point was alone in the Pacific with a banner that said, “Enterprise vs. Japan” hung above her deck. Went out and got the shit kicked out of her, with only heroic efforts of the men who cooperated, fought, and *thought* their way through the problems. Came back to Pearl Harbor with women literally fainting at the sight of her hull rended open. Repaired and refitted in record time, with an Admiral looking out his window and declaring, “If Enterprise is ready to fight, SO AM I!” More battle stars than any other ship in history, earning the nickname, “The fighten’est ship in the fleet!” Their story is so incredibly epic and amazing that I literally choke up every time I try to tell it.
@@thewiirocks it is hardly unique for the war. during D-Day it was thought that if the tanks did not make it to the beach that everyone would be wiped out. 1 beach had only 1 tank make it ashore, and it was a blood bath, but in that darkest moment the men that survived getting to the beach pressed forward and figured out how to overcome the fortresses guarding the beach. they won the day and even managed to keep their time table. the UK beaches had full tanks, had a standing army before the war with a big budget to ensure they had the best and brightest, but they failed to meet the timetable. the big take away is that bureaucracy is the killer, and showing that if you as an individual can succeed if you overcome the obstacles in front of you that you can have a nation in which even the lowliest can rise to the occasion when things turn to shit. when the UK were late the US pressed ahead and took up the vanguard. in this way the US were the liberators of France. when the USS Cole was kamikazied the sailors kept the ship afloat and got their long range communications back online, then called for help. the ship was taken back to the US and scrapped. had the people went ashore and used the embassy to call for help the ship would have still been scrapped, but things would have been much easier on the sailors. the terrorists would have seen this as a massive win however. the sailors stepped up and did what was considered impossible, but it was economically expedient to just scrap the ship. maybe if they told the shipyard that they weren't going to pay extra to get the ship up and going the shipyard might have decided to show their pride and skill by getting the ship up and going anyway, and any shortfalls would have been seen as a challenge by those stationed on her after to fix. the terrorists would have had an utter defeat and a complete waste of lives that they really didn't care about in the first place, but it would have shamed them. we are in the process of losing something, we know what it is, and have a rough idea of what we need to do get it back, the only question we have today is if we care enough to figure out a clear path forward to actually get it back, or if we are going to take the easy way out.
This weekend, I rewatched Shaun of the Dead for about the millionth time. It was the part as they're all evacuating in the Jag, Ed is driving recklessly and so on, and Philip makes it clear to Shaun that he's not being an old crank right now, he's slipping off this mortal coil and he wants Shaun to understand that, whether Philip failed at it or not, he had tried to make being a stepfather a role model as well. I've been thinking about the next generation a bit more recently, so that was where I choked up.
@@jamoecw Never said it was unique. There are a ton of stories from WWII that make me choke up. The Big-E just happens to be a story that deeply interests me and yet I have the damnest time telling the story. Hell, I was in tears writing the short post I wrote, and that’s barely brushing on the story.
Honestly I’m also getting tired of seeing pessimism and just making everything dark and depressing. It’s just the opposite extreme of believing things will only be good; pure optimism or pessimism isn’t good. IMO it’s finding a balance; use pessimism to find what’s wrong and use optimism to find a solution.
Precisely, my best achievements have been achieved when I was going through the worst times and kept going through it all. Looking forward to a better future. Sacrificing a short duration of comfort so that I and my family can live in comfort for our lifetime.
I've thought myself a lifelong pessimist and even I find myself telling others to lighten up. So I guess, despite my best efforts, my pessimism was never pure. Good saying at the end there, by the way.
I think we should weigh things toward optimism though. Humans have a nasty habit of letting negative things overshadow positivity. So balance in this case would not be consuming 50/50 optimistic/pessimistic material. It should probably be closer to 70/30.
BuT iTs MoRe AuThEnTiC aNd OrIgInAl Sorry, thats the bs I get from my friends when saying similar things. Of course, it gets awkward when I point out just how unoriginal it is and how saturated we are with the pessimistic angry villains masquerading as heroes, and no, Im not confusing anti-heroes for straight up villains.
I’ve always said “if you can’t laugh at yourself, you’re taking yourself too seriously”. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a world where people can’t laugh at themselves, but that’s what I’m seeing a lot of in the world today.
Speaking of optimism, these videos are some of the best ones I've seen in they way of giving hope. The format, logic, and always ending on a cheerful and well thought out ending. It sucks that you're done doing the show soon, but it has been a fantastic watch. Cheers!
Jesus Christ is Lord. Please read at least three books of the Bible. The first book of each testament and one you chose yourself. As you do practice forgiveness. It is an important key most miss. To be forgiven we must forgive. Read and Do. That’s what makes it works. Faith isn’t belief alone, it’s actions based on belief”
"When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naïve. It is strategic and necessary. It's how I've learned to survive through everything." That was from "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once." I was surprised the video didn't mention that quote.
They are called "Dreams" because you have to be ASLEEP to believe them. George Carlin aka "Mr Conductor" One of my favorite guilty pleasure shows growing up was Supernanny, one of the episodes has a family with 10 kids, the older ones were being used as babysitters, the kids themselves weren't even "Bad" they were just being little. The oldest boy had a panic attack while he was babysitting. Joe confronts the parents and we find out that mom wants 2 more kids. Dad finally just admits he can't do it anymore, that the stress is causing him to self medicate with alcohol and with his job as a pilot, that could get him killed. Mom gets upset saying that it's not fair that no one wants her to have her dream of being a mother of 12. That she feels like no one cares about her. Jo tries telling her that everyone has dreams, but you have to be realistic about them. Hate to break it to you. But according to many sources *the oldest kids social media accounts* mom and dad got divorced, mom had 3 more kids, and the older ones don't have a relationship with mom anymore. So did mom get her dream? Yes, but it came at a cost. Maybe some people need to stop looking up at the clouds about what they want and FOCUS on what/who is around them and maybe they'll see what they have is better than anything they're dream could've offered.
I remember not liking The Return of the King when it first came out as I was young, cynical and immature. I recently got the 4K box set and now I see the genius in it. It might be the best of the trilogy, at least the most emotionally satisfying. Something I couldn’t recognize in my youth, I could only complain how long it was
I really do think that the LOTR trilogy is the best trilogy ever created, and that return of the king is the best movie ever created. The dialog is rich, the scenes are beautiful, the CGI is balanced and tasteful, and the story is just so good.
Personally, I find FOTR to be the best movie purely in terms of watching it. I love the WHOLE trilogy obviously (And I consider it one movie), but I do get a bit tired of Treebeard in Two Towers and I'm not the biggest fan of how they handled the Army of the Dead plot in ROTK and I believe by the third movie PJ had a small case of Unnecessary Cool Stuff Syndrome. That being said, I believe it is one of the most inspired and faithful book-to-movie adaptations of all time and I adore it all. The ending makes me cry for like the last hopur of the movie and then the next tweo weeks is just listening to Annie Lennox on repeat.
@@ohifonlyx33 The Army of the Dead is really my only problem with Return of the King. I think the way Peter Jackson used the army made the ride of the Rohirrim nearly meaningless and I don't like that.
I'm really sad this series has come to a close. I've followed it since it started, you have really helped to make me more optimistic for the future, thank you.
I really think Out of Frame should definitely be released as some type of DVD with all episodes. Truly remarkable work. Thank you for the content throughout the years!!
As a young christian writer coming from Kenya, I am grateful you have changed my perspective regarding how I need to view life and people. Constantly I am told to mature I need to see the world as dark and Kenya as bad. Thanks to your series I am now doubling down on my hopeful view things will change for the better in my country.
That’s one of the great things about Tolkien. Sam is a hero in his great capacity for hope, but heroism has many different attributes, and Frodo is a hero in his great fortitude, that even then, was only just enough to get to the end. Aragorn was heroic by virtue of his courage and willingness to face darkness. Gandalf was heroic in his piercing wisdom. Every member of the fellowship was a character of great heroism, but all in their different ways.
I'm going to miss this series. On a more optimistic note, I expect you to do more of something even better the future. I also love Second Hand Lions, thank you for confirming that it was not, in fact, a fever dream. Now I'm going to see if I can track it down and give it a rewatch. God bless.
I very much needed this today. Thank you so much for this series. I’m sad it’s coming to an end, but really, thank you so much for the work you’ve put into it. If anything, you’ve at least helped me avoid becoming the nihilist it feels like I’m hard-wired to be
This is all very true. I have found that many people grow to mistake maturity for complacency. Complacency in negativity. It can seem naive to be optimistic, but for the practical among us, it is a determination. Determination to be good, to hope, and that things will be better or we'll make them better. It's having this determination along with integrity that makes heroes like Superman so beloved and great. One quote I thought would be right at home in this video: "If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, it is all you will ever see." - Uncle Iroh - Legend of Korra
“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!” Proverbs 11:27 NLT This has always been my favorite Bible verse. I especially like the word search (diligently seek in other versions) as it expresses essentially optimism vs pessimism. You have to look and it won’t always be easy but there is good to find in people, in the world, and in life.
I've always believed that Samwise was the true hero of LotR. He was brave, optimistic, loyal, merciful, and fiercely protective of his friend. He knew he couldn't carry the ring, so he carried Frodo in his arms. In the end, Frodo failed. He failed in his mission and succumbed to corruption of the ring. But Sam never failed. Without him Frodo wouldn't have even made it to Mount Doom. He speech at the end of The Two Towers always gets me. "There's some good in this world...and it's worth fighting for."
I've always laughed at how when I watch sad scenes in movies I've never cried, even as a kid watching Old Yeller. But I get very blubbery when it comes to scenes of people talking about hope or goodness for some reason. Sam carrying Frodo turned me into a mess. But the worst series for this because it is all about undying optimism in a world of evil is One Piece. There is one character where even as it is dying off it starts thanking everyone for the journey they've been on together I almost had to call in sick to work I was so worked up over it.
I love all these movies,but one of the best films I’ve ever seen when it comes to never giving up hope is the Shawshank Redemption.You feel all the emotions and despair that Andy goes through.And he never gives up hope.It’s truly one of the best examples of being optimistic in the worse condition.And has one of the best endings I’ve ever seen.”Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies”.
Agreed, pessimism in excess is just renouncing any agency you may have. A healthy optimism is to face "whatever the weather" and remain confident in your ability to keep yourself in control of your own actions and thoughts.
I've always really appreciated the optimism at the end of your videos, no matter the content matter. I've always left your videos feeling more hopeful, feeling a sense of relief, feeling content...feeling like I'm looking at the world around me differently each time. Re-evaluating what I think and feel and believe about current issues in the world, about certain people, and about myself. I have had my mind changed on occasion. I look forward to the last OOF video, and I can't wait to go back to the start and rewatch all the videos after 🙂
I wish this series was kept going somehow, but I understand it may be better to end, rather than change drastically with someone else at the helm. Thank you for the fantastically produced content!
It's interesting how Sean Astin and Ke Huy Quan, who play Sam Gamgee and Waymond respectively, were both the most optimistic characters in The Goonies as well. Mike (Sean Astin) kept the whole party from giving up earlier because he believed they would find a treasure that would solve all their problems. And Data (Ke Huy Quan) being an inventor shows his readiness in the face of any situation and his belief that he would have the right tool at the moment he and his friends would need it the most. I just watched The Goonies (a film from almost 40 years ago) for the first time yesterday, and I came across your channel and this video (from 2 years ago) today. I don't believe in coincidences; I think everything happens for a reason, and God is trying to tell me something. Thank you for this, and to anyone reading this, never lose hope.
I'm going to miss this series so much!!! Thank you for taking the time to impart all this wisdom thru these videos, guiding people to a better outlook on life, and a deeper appreciation of the media, messages, and art.
Nihilism misses the point. Yes everything matters equally, that means everything matters unless you place yourself high than you should. That means there is no wrong choice in saying one thing matters more than another.
Out of frame has got to be my favourite series on TH-cam. I'm sad to see it go, and salute you for the inspiration you've given me and many others. I'm looking forward to the last episode
I have always found it important to be kind to strangers. It costs me only a little effort, and can make the world feel significantly brighter. it starts mall, but often kindness is infectious, if you help it spread.
I gotta say I'm going to miss this channel... and I'm a pessimist. An inspiring channel that has pushed me to the side of good. Best wishes on your future endeavors
This video is everything I needed right now... I've recently been having a lot of self-doubt about my own personality, I feel like I'm often TOO optimistic and whimsical, and I'm embarrassed because I feel like I SHOULD be more serious and realistic. It's kinda hard to have conversations with other men who are so plain and cut-and-dry, and that has fueled my self--doubt. But understanding this, that optimism is arguably MORE mature than pessimism or even realism, has given me a lot more confidence. So thank you :)
Your vocal demeanor is a massive part of what really makes these videos shine. When you can hear that the person speaking truly believes in what they say, then it's much easier to give it a shot and believe along with them. That's hard to do with a voice, and you pull it off beautifully. Looking forward to your final piece with FEE, and curious about what you'll do in the future. 😄👀
Been awhile since my eyes welled up quite this hard. This was a slap on the face I really needed. I don't know how hard it's going to be trying to get back to the optimistic mindset, it feels very alien to me by now, even dedicating my life to being kind and supportive to as many people as I interact with as I can. I'm going to try though. I fell into the trap of seeing people who "ignore the issues of the world today" as lesser matured mentally. thank you.
Without a doubt one of your best essays and yet another reason why I am so glad I came across FEE and encourage many to watch so I can carry the discussion further. God bless.
I'll miss you mate, Out of frame was and is remarkable. One of the regular comforts I've been able to enjoy. Looking forward to having one last shot at these.
These kinds of videos and how well they have been put together are amazing. I wish they didn't have to end. You certainly have a way with how you present each video. I haven't had much motivation with my work, but these kinds of videos are important, and I could use them as inspiration. I hope one day you may end up returning. I want to point out that in the extended edition of Return of the King, while in Mordor Sam sees stars shinning through the clouds, and urges Frodo to see, saying "there was a light and beauty up there that no darkness can touch". It is a great but small moment. I'm not sure how many people would consider that moment when thinking about trying to stay optimistic. Last I heard, Tolkien considered Sam the chief hero. Frodo would have failed if not for Sam.
"Pessimist by policy, optimist by temperament- it is possible to be both. How? By never taking an unnecessary chance and by minimizing the risks you can't avoid. This permits you to play out the game untroubled by the certainty of the outcome." -Robert A. Heinlein, _Time Enough for Love_
I don't know if you'll see this Out Of Frame, but tysm for making these videos, each and every other one is very informative and cheerful of positive out comes if taken and how to rewrite the bad in our lives, thank you for this adventure!
I love this series so much. I'm sharing this video with my brothers in the hope that they will watch it. I hate seeing so much despair and pessimism in the world. I really rely on my belief that people are basically good, and I believe that it has helped more good to come into my life.
Thank you all my life I have been a very optimistic person but lately I've been turning cynical because everything that has been going on around me but thanks you have rekindled my optimism thank you.
A excellent video once again!! I want to say that your stopping this video series is a massive blow to sanity you are a prominent and powerful voice for many good things a rare gem in a sea of garbage I ask of you to reconsider your decision 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This series is not just my favorite from this channel, it’s also one of the important and necessary series I show my son to help him sanely navigate the world (and online content, mostly).
This series made pivotal difference in my outlook on life. Thanks for helping me grow to become happier and kinder while also opening my mind to a wider variety of entertainment. I’ve learnt a lot from the series and have gained the tools I need to keep pushing forward with a genuine positive outlook on the future, both mine and ours collectively as humanity. God bless.
"We all know the world is full of chance and anarchy so yes it's true to life for characters to die randomly but news flash, the genre's called fantasy It's meant to be unrealistic" -Tolkien probably
Now I know I say this on every single video, but I have a feeling I will until y'all break my heart and end the series. Out of Frame is BY FAR the best thing on TH-cam. This is the highest and best use of the internet. I have loved this series and use it regularly to help connect difficult concepts of everything from economics, to morality, to even optimism in the mind of my kiddo. This show will be greatly missed in my household.
I love Second Hand Lions. Also, I have always considered myself to be a "Realistic Optimist". Sure, things may be tough and there are trials, but through hard work, and hope, everything will turn out alright.
Sad to see you go. You have been such a great show. Your work has so helped show the power of culture and the archetype stories that are important. To help me put into words that make my arguments concise. I understand moving on to better things but know you matter. Much love
I know it's oft-repeated, but this quote from Berserk is one I love, and feel like it resonates with so many: "You're going to be alright. You just stumbled on the side of the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this, doesn't it? You'll walk again soon." -Guts
This series has helped me grow and think more about the world. I'm sad its going but I'm happy your heading on to new things. May God keep you in your endeavors.
Thank you for this great video, couldn't agree with you more. There is nothing I love more than seeing someone refusing to let go of hope and overcoming impossible odds.
I'm sorry to hear that you're stopping, but I'm so glad you touched on two of my favorite movies here (well. Four since one is lord of the rings) and to hear this. May your next project be even more fruitful
I’m currently watching the series Eureka. It’s chock full of hope and optimism. Even as some of the main characters through the series die. Sometimes more than once. The characters lean on each other. The series ran from 2006-2012. Dark and gritty was popular. But Eureka and it’s partner show “Warehouse 13” were not.
The Return of the King was such a masterpiece. I’m gonna miss this series when it’s over. I always enjoyed your content. Can’t wait to see the last video.
Entertainment is rarely interesting without conflict. But it’s gotten out of hand. Villains are now heroes and vice versa. The industry, like society in many ways, is upside down.
Hey thanks for making this, I just tested positive for the coof this morning, which means I’ll be missing work. I kind of needed something to remind me that things get better and it’s on me to determine how this affects my out look. Anyways thank you, I will miss out of frame when it’s gone but I hope that you are moving on to bigger and better things!
And may I add my voice to so many others in offering a heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful videos but also a dup sadness at your approaching exodus. May God most graciously watch over you and keep you.
To know this series is ending is saddening and a shame. I am sorry to hear this and will miss it greatly. It has always been something I look forward to, with its informative and well thought out lessons.
I really appreciate the succinct and articulate nature of these videos, the quality actually astonishes me, and they always seem to drop at just the right moments in my life, when I haven't been able to find the right words to express certain ideas. I really can't thank you enough for what you have given us. Please pass the torch and teach someone else to do this.
It's hard to hold on to optimism, especially when one has experienced such sorrow and such loss, especially a loss of purpose and reason for being/living
Because their worldview is the "humans are a disease" type of mentality. Depopulate the Earth to save the Earth foolishness, but won't off themselves to fix the problem. Other people have to do it. Ironically, the entertainment industry and the media talking heads are filthy rich and have zero reason to really complain about life while many people are literally starving to death or dying of treatable illness. I find them very distasteful especially considering the amount of sexual abuse and scandal that surrounds the media, yet they have the chutzpah to push all this crap when they are an example of darkness of humanity they claim makes them pessimistic.
Out of Frame has been so great. I love watching your videos, my wife and I often would watch them together. My own videos were influenced by your series (and econpop). I am sad to hear this is the second to last video in 'out of frame', but super grateful for your voice and viewpoint. Truly inspiring and enlightening.
I consider it almost a crime against humanity that you are stopping this series. You are an important voice, and your commentary has lifted, and educated more people than you understand. My life has been enriched by hearing your thoughts,, but it will seem much poorer with you out of it. I wish you success in your future endeavors, but I will always be wishing that you had kept this important window open. I'll hope that someday you return.
Hopefully, their final video will be the best one out there. And when that gives closure to us and a lesson for what the future can be for media and the world.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Please read at least three books of the Bible. The first book of each testament and one you chose yourself. As you do practice forgiveness. It is an important key most miss. To be forgiven we must forgive. Read and Do. That’s what makes it works. Faith isn’t belief alone, it’s actions based on belief”
well said, 💯 agree
The irony that the second to last video in the Out of Frame series is about optimism when the prospect of said series ending is dour and bittersweet; I do not wish to stifle or impede the growth of career and pursuit of happiness of Mr. Malone but I am adament in my assertion that this series does a grand amount of good in terms of explaining, discussing morals, values and positivity in a wonderfully secular manner.
Losing yet another sane, sound and beautiful voice is a massive disservice overall to encouraging and promoting the growth of rational thinking and civility all without the use of god, religion, or organisations.
My intention isn't to pedastal but to express my disappointment that the series is ending and even more importantly, the departure of Mr. Malone as a whole, who does so much good and is an exceptional ally in providing optimism and that much needed calm, objective voice.
An absolute shame he felt unable to continue even in a part-time or limited capacity.
I hope for a return too
I love how Frodo calls him “Samwise the Brave.” Bravery is fully understanding the despair all around, feeling the fear that it elicits and stubbornly choosing to press on toward the goal in spite of it. And THAT is absolutely who Sam is from the very beginning.
I think that is true bravery inn a sense, to press on despite knowing the impossible odds yet fighting with every ounce of your being when you know what you're doing is good
A quote from Uncle Iroh came to mind from The Legend of Korra:
"If you look for the light, you may often find it, but if you look for the dark, that is all you'll ever see."
That's a good quote. Dunno if he said it, as I haven't watched it, but I'm gonna start using it.
I love you
It's about balance. You need both cynicism and optimism
Cynicism because you need to look at some situations for what they are.
Optimism because you can look at other situations for what they could be
Our of Frame is something that has really spoken to me. As I have watched each episode I’m always impressed and amazed at the depth/effort that goes into this series. I’ll be sad to see it end, but in the meantime. Thanks for the uplifting message!
Thank you for watching :)
@@FEEonline Wait why are you stopping? Are you not uploading anymore?
Same here. These are deeply impactful life lessons.
@@abandonedstuff4930 the guy that makes out of frame is leaving FEE unfortunately
@@FEEonline I want to continue the series! Where do I sign up?
Honestly the only thing that ever ends up bringing me to tears is hope and optimism.
Me too. I don't cry at sad scenes in movies. But show me someone overcoming immense obstacles and expressing a heroic worldview and I'm dead.
@@FEEonline I can’t talk about the story of the USS Enterprise without tearing up. No, not THAT Enterprise. Her namesake, the WWII aircraft carrier CV-6. At one point was alone in the Pacific with a banner that said, “Enterprise vs. Japan” hung above her deck. Went out and got the shit kicked out of her, with only heroic efforts of the men who cooperated, fought, and *thought* their way through the problems. Came back to Pearl Harbor with women literally fainting at the sight of her hull rended open. Repaired and refitted in record time, with an Admiral looking out his window and declaring, “If Enterprise is ready to fight, SO AM I!” More battle stars than any other ship in history, earning the nickname, “The fighten’est ship in the fleet!” Their story is so incredibly epic and amazing that I literally choke up every time I try to tell it.
@@thewiirocks it is hardly unique for the war. during D-Day it was thought that if the tanks did not make it to the beach that everyone would be wiped out. 1 beach had only 1 tank make it ashore, and it was a blood bath, but in that darkest moment the men that survived getting to the beach pressed forward and figured out how to overcome the fortresses guarding the beach. they won the day and even managed to keep their time table. the UK beaches had full tanks, had a standing army before the war with a big budget to ensure they had the best and brightest, but they failed to meet the timetable. the big take away is that bureaucracy is the killer, and showing that if you as an individual can succeed if you overcome the obstacles in front of you that you can have a nation in which even the lowliest can rise to the occasion when things turn to shit. when the UK were late the US pressed ahead and took up the vanguard. in this way the US were the liberators of France. when the USS Cole was kamikazied the sailors kept the ship afloat and got their long range communications back online, then called for help. the ship was taken back to the US and scrapped. had the people went ashore and used the embassy to call for help the ship would have still been scrapped, but things would have been much easier on the sailors. the terrorists would have seen this as a massive win however. the sailors stepped up and did what was considered impossible, but it was economically expedient to just scrap the ship. maybe if they told the shipyard that they weren't going to pay extra to get the ship up and going the shipyard might have decided to show their pride and skill by getting the ship up and going anyway, and any shortfalls would have been seen as a challenge by those stationed on her after to fix. the terrorists would have had an utter defeat and a complete waste of lives that they really didn't care about in the first place, but it would have shamed them. we are in the process of losing something, we know what it is, and have a rough idea of what we need to do get it back, the only question we have today is if we care enough to figure out a clear path forward to actually get it back, or if we are going to take the easy way out.
This weekend, I rewatched Shaun of the Dead for about the millionth time. It was the part as they're all evacuating in the Jag, Ed is driving recklessly and so on, and Philip makes it clear to Shaun that he's not being an old crank right now, he's slipping off this mortal coil and he wants Shaun to understand that, whether Philip failed at it or not, he had tried to make being a stepfather a role model as well.
I've been thinking about the next generation a bit more recently, so that was where I choked up.
@@jamoecw Never said it was unique. There are a ton of stories from WWII that make me choke up. The Big-E just happens to be a story that deeply interests me and yet I have the damnest time telling the story. Hell, I was in tears writing the short post I wrote, and that’s barely brushing on the story.
FEE: "You should be optimistic."
Also FEE: "The next episode of 'Out of Frame' is going to be the last."
Frodo leaving Middle Earth didn't mean that Sam didn't have anything left to live for.
@@Zeero3846 Precisely. In fact he married and started a family and presumably finally finished There And Back Again.
A certain irony in that alright 😅
Passing the baton to your followers 🙂
Honestly I’m also getting tired of seeing pessimism and just making everything dark and depressing. It’s just the opposite extreme of believing things will only be good; pure optimism or pessimism isn’t good. IMO it’s finding a balance; use pessimism to find what’s wrong and use optimism to find a solution.
Precisely, my best achievements have been achieved when I was going through the worst times and kept going through it all. Looking forward to a better future. Sacrificing a short duration of comfort so that I and my family can live in comfort for our lifetime.
I've thought myself a lifelong pessimist and even I find myself telling others to lighten up. So I guess, despite my best efforts, my pessimism was never pure. Good saying at the end there, by the way.
Because people often buy the lie that’s it’s edgy and realistic, but it’s not. Not a one of us can stand anyone with a pure pessimistic worldview
I think we should weigh things toward optimism though. Humans have a nasty habit of letting negative things overshadow positivity. So balance in this case would not be consuming 50/50 optimistic/pessimistic material. It should probably be closer to 70/30.
BuT iTs MoRe AuThEnTiC aNd OrIgInAl
Sorry, thats the bs I get from my friends when saying similar things. Of course, it gets awkward when I point out just how unoriginal it is and how saturated we are with the pessimistic angry villains masquerading as heroes, and no, Im not confusing anti-heroes for straight up villains.
I’ve always said “if you can’t laugh at yourself, you’re taking yourself too seriously”. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a world where people can’t laugh at themselves, but that’s what I’m seeing a lot of in the world today.
Speaking of optimism, these videos are some of the best ones I've seen in they way of giving hope. The format, logic, and always ending on a cheerful and well thought out ending. It sucks that you're done doing the show soon, but it has been a fantastic watch. Cheers!
Thank you!
Jesus Christ is Lord. Please read at least three books of the Bible. The first book of each testament and one you chose yourself. As you do practice forgiveness. It is an important key most miss. To be forgiven we must forgive. Read and Do. That’s what makes it works. Faith isn’t belief alone, it’s actions based on belief”
“Second to last episode”
You had one hell of a run, good sir. I don’t think I’d be the same without your channel.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
"When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naïve. It is strategic and necessary. It's how I've learned to survive through everything."
That was from "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once." I was surprised the video didn't mention that quote.
They are called "Dreams" because you have to be ASLEEP to believe them.
George Carlin aka "Mr Conductor"
One of my favorite guilty pleasure shows growing up was Supernanny, one of the episodes has a family with 10 kids, the older ones were being used as babysitters, the kids themselves weren't even "Bad" they were just being little. The oldest boy had a panic attack while he was babysitting. Joe confronts the parents and we find out that mom wants 2 more kids. Dad finally just admits he can't do it anymore, that the stress is causing him to self medicate with alcohol and with his job as a pilot, that could get him killed.
Mom gets upset saying that it's not fair that no one wants her to have her dream of being a mother of 12. That she feels like no one cares about her.
Jo tries telling her that everyone has dreams, but you have to be realistic about them.
Hate to break it to you. But according to many sources *the oldest kids social media accounts* mom and dad got divorced, mom had 3 more kids, and the older ones don't have a relationship with mom anymore.
So did mom get her dream? Yes, but it came at a cost.
Maybe some people need to stop looking up at the clouds about what they want and FOCUS on what/who is around them and maybe they'll see what they have is better than anything they're dream could've offered.
I remember not liking The Return of the King when it first came out as I was young, cynical and immature. I recently got the 4K box set and now I see the genius in it. It might be the best of the trilogy, at least the most emotionally satisfying. Something I couldn’t recognize in my youth, I could only complain how long it was
I really do think that the LOTR trilogy is the best trilogy ever created, and that return of the king is the best movie ever created. The dialog is rich, the scenes are beautiful, the CGI is balanced and tasteful, and the story is just so good.
@@OtherDalfite yes!!
Personally, I find FOTR to be the best movie purely in terms of watching it. I love the WHOLE trilogy obviously (And I consider it one movie), but I do get a bit tired of Treebeard in Two Towers and I'm not the biggest fan of how they handled the Army of the Dead plot in ROTK and I believe by the third movie PJ had a small case of Unnecessary Cool Stuff Syndrome. That being said, I believe it is one of the most inspired and faithful book-to-movie adaptations of all time and I adore it all. The ending makes me cry for like the last hopur of the movie and then the next tweo weeks is just listening to Annie Lennox on repeat.
@@ohifonlyx33 The Army of the Dead is really my only problem with Return of the King. I think the way Peter Jackson used the army made the ride of the Rohirrim nearly meaningless and I don't like that.
"My friends, you bow to no one."
Makes me cry everytime. 🥲
I’m Russian, I left my home because of repression and war, and I strongly affirm that this is absolutely true!
Thank you Sean, I really mean it
Another Russian here who left home almost 3 years ago now, so true.
Where did you move bro?
@@alisatoniian9718 Ecuador, in 1-2 years plan to move to Argentina
All i can remember is this from LOTR
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for". - Samwise Gamgee
Perhaps all that needs to be remembered.
I'm really sad this series has come to a close. I've followed it since it started, you have really helped to make me more optimistic for the future, thank you.
I find myself returning again and again to this video. Well done capturing these thoughts about optimism with this video!
I really think Out of Frame should definitely be released as some type of DVD with all episodes. Truly remarkable work. Thank you for the content throughout the years!!
As a young christian writer coming from Kenya, I am grateful you have changed my perspective regarding how I need to view life and people.
Constantly I am told to mature I need to see the world as dark and Kenya as bad. Thanks to your series I am now doubling down on my hopeful view things will change for the better in my country.
Honestly, I wish this would never stop.
This channel has been important to me for many reasons, but I understand about going forward to a new horizon.
That’s one of the great things about Tolkien. Sam is a hero in his great capacity for hope, but heroism has many different attributes, and Frodo is a hero in his great fortitude, that even then, was only just enough to get to the end. Aragorn was heroic by virtue of his courage and willingness to face darkness. Gandalf was heroic in his piercing wisdom. Every member of the fellowship was a character of great heroism, but all in their different ways.
I'm going to miss this series.
On a more optimistic note, I expect you to do more of something even better the future.
I also love Second Hand Lions, thank you for confirming that it was not, in fact, a fever dream. Now I'm going to see if I can track it down and give it a rewatch.
God bless.
The out of frame series help me see a different perspective in much of the media I consumed. That I could not be more grateful thank you.
Optimism is not seeing the silver lining in every cloud, it is knowing that the cloud will be life sustenance for millions of plants and animals.
I very much needed this today. Thank you so much for this series. I’m sad it’s coming to an end, but really, thank you so much for the work you’ve put into it. If anything, you’ve at least helped me avoid becoming the nihilist it feels like I’m hard-wired to be
Ditto exactly
This is all very true. I have found that many people grow to mistake maturity for complacency. Complacency in negativity. It can seem naive to be optimistic, but for the practical among us, it is a determination. Determination to be good, to hope, and that things will be better or we'll make them better. It's having this determination along with integrity that makes heroes like Superman so beloved and great.
One quote I thought would be right at home in this video: "If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, it is all you will ever see." - Uncle Iroh - Legend of Korra
“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!” Proverbs 11:27 NLT This has always been my favorite Bible verse. I especially like the word search (diligently seek in other versions) as it expresses essentially optimism vs pessimism. You have to look and it won’t always be easy but there is good to find in people, in the world, and in life.
I've always believed that Samwise was the true hero of LotR. He was brave, optimistic, loyal, merciful, and fiercely protective of his friend. He knew he couldn't carry the ring, so he carried Frodo in his arms.
In the end, Frodo failed. He failed in his mission and succumbed to corruption of the ring. But Sam never failed. Without him Frodo wouldn't have even made it to Mount Doom.
He speech at the end of The Two Towers always gets me.
"There's some good in this world...and it's worth fighting for."
I've always laughed at how when I watch sad scenes in movies I've never cried, even as a kid watching Old Yeller. But I get very blubbery when it comes to scenes of people talking about hope or goodness for some reason. Sam carrying Frodo turned me into a mess. But the worst series for this because it is all about undying optimism in a world of evil is One Piece. There is one character where even as it is dying off it starts thanking everyone for the journey they've been on together I almost had to call in sick to work I was so worked up over it.
That was a great message. I feel kind of sad cause I like this series. Out of frame has lots of powerful and really helpful practical ideas.
I love all these movies,but one of the best films I’ve ever seen when it comes to never giving up hope is the Shawshank Redemption.You feel all the emotions and despair that Andy goes through.And he never gives up hope.It’s truly one of the best examples of being optimistic in the worse condition.And has one of the best endings I’ve ever seen.”Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies”.
Agreed, pessimism in excess is just renouncing any agency you may have.
A healthy optimism is to face "whatever the weather" and remain confident in your ability to keep yourself in control of your own actions and thoughts.
15:16 That was so powerful that I heard the pause in his voice cuz he really felt what he was saying. Great acting
I've always really appreciated the optimism at the end of your videos, no matter the content matter. I've always left your videos feeling more hopeful, feeling a sense of relief, feeling content...feeling like I'm looking at the world around me differently each time. Re-evaluating what I think and feel and believe about current issues in the world, about certain people, and about myself. I have had my mind changed on occasion. I look forward to the last OOF video, and I can't wait to go back to the start and rewatch all the videos after 🙂
I wish this series was kept going somehow, but I understand it may be better to end, rather than change drastically with someone else at the helm. Thank you for the fantastically produced content!
Thank you for reminding me of Secondhand Lions! I completely forgot about that movie but I loved it as a kid. I'm definitely going to watch it again.
The night is dark, and full of terrors. Time to bring and extra torch!
I keep thinking Out of Frame has hit on the best themes and movies, and then you just keep one up-ing yourself. 11/10!
It's interesting how Sean Astin and Ke Huy Quan, who play Sam Gamgee and Waymond respectively, were both the most optimistic characters in The Goonies as well. Mike (Sean Astin) kept the whole party from giving up earlier because he believed they would find a treasure that would solve all their problems. And Data (Ke Huy Quan) being an inventor shows his readiness in the face of any situation and his belief that he would have the right tool at the moment he and his friends would need it the most.
I just watched The Goonies (a film from almost 40 years ago) for the first time yesterday, and I came across your channel and this video (from 2 years ago) today. I don't believe in coincidences; I think everything happens for a reason, and God is trying to tell me something. Thank you for this, and to anyone reading this, never lose hope.
I'm going to miss this series so much!!! Thank you for taking the time to impart all this wisdom thru these videos, guiding people to a better outlook on life, and a deeper appreciation of the media, messages, and art.
I am very, very grateful you're pushing back against nihilism and the cult of "It's all bad" and calling it out for what it is.
Nihilism misses the point. Yes everything matters equally, that means everything matters unless you place yourself high than you should. That means there is no wrong choice in saying one thing matters more than another.
Out of frame has got to be my favourite series on TH-cam. I'm sad to see it go, and salute you for the inspiration you've given me and many others. I'm looking forward to the last episode
I have always found it important to be kind to strangers. It costs me only a little effort, and can make the world feel significantly brighter. it starts mall, but often kindness is infectious, if you help it spread.
I gotta say I'm going to miss this channel... and I'm a pessimist. An inspiring channel that has pushed me to the side of good. Best wishes on your future endeavors
There is so much beautiful truth to this video. Thank you for this
Every time, I watch one of your video, I have some chills. I will miss your show. Love for your next journey :)
This video is everything I needed right now... I've recently been having a lot of self-doubt about my own personality, I feel like I'm often TOO optimistic and whimsical, and I'm embarrassed because I feel like I SHOULD be more serious and realistic. It's kinda hard to have conversations with other men who are so plain and cut-and-dry, and that has fueled my self--doubt. But understanding this, that optimism is arguably MORE mature than pessimism or even realism, has given me a lot more confidence. So thank you :)
Your vocal demeanor is a massive part of what really makes these videos shine. When you can hear that the person speaking truly believes in what they say, then it's much easier to give it a shot and believe along with them.
That's hard to do with a voice, and you pull it off beautifully. Looking forward to your final piece with FEE, and curious about what you'll do in the future. 😄👀
Been awhile since my eyes welled up quite this hard. This was a slap on the face I really needed.
I don't know how hard it's going to be trying to get back to the optimistic mindset, it feels very alien to me by now, even dedicating my life to being kind and supportive to as many people as I interact with as I can. I'm going to try though. I fell into the trap of seeing people who "ignore the issues of the world today" as lesser matured mentally.
thank you.
Without a doubt one of your best essays and yet another reason why I am so glad I came across FEE and encourage many to watch so I can carry the discussion further. God bless.
You're one of the few that can be called wise, thank you
I'll miss you mate, Out of frame was and is remarkable. One of the regular comforts I've been able to enjoy. Looking forward to having one last shot at these.
It's like picking at a wound, realizing how tragically rare hope is in media these days and why one gets absolutely starved for those stories.
These kinds of videos and how well they have been put together are amazing. I wish they didn't have to end. You certainly have a way with how you present each video. I haven't had much motivation with my work, but these kinds of videos are important, and I could use them as inspiration. I hope one day you may end up returning.
I want to point out that in the extended edition of Return of the King, while in Mordor Sam sees stars shinning through the clouds, and urges Frodo to see, saying "there was a light and beauty up there that no darkness can touch". It is a great but small moment. I'm not sure how many people would consider that moment when thinking about trying to stay optimistic.
Last I heard, Tolkien considered Sam the chief hero. Frodo would have failed if not for Sam.
"Pessimist by policy, optimist by temperament- it is possible to be both. How? By never taking an unnecessary chance and by minimizing the risks you can't avoid. This permits you to play out the game untroubled by the certainty of the outcome."
-Robert A. Heinlein, _Time Enough for Love_
This was absolutely fantastic. Couldn't look away. Thank you for your time and talent in sharing such a needful message. More people need to see this!
I don't know if you'll see this Out Of Frame, but tysm for making these videos, each and every other one is very informative and cheerful of positive out comes if taken and how to rewrite the bad in our lives, thank you for this adventure!
I love this series so much. I'm sharing this video with my brothers in the hope that they will watch it. I hate seeing so much despair and pessimism in the world. I really rely on my belief that people are basically good, and I believe that it has helped more good to come into my life.
Thank you all my life I have been a very optimistic person but lately I've been turning cynical because everything that has been going on around me but thanks you have rekindled my optimism thank you.
"..second to last episode.."
Me, in despair..
Out of Frame? Last video?? Man best series ever made, you helped me out so much.
A excellent video once again!! I want to say that your stopping this video series is a massive blow to sanity you are a prominent and powerful voice for many good things a rare gem in a sea of garbage I ask of you to reconsider your decision 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This series is not just my favorite from this channel, it’s also one of the important and necessary series I show my son to help him sanely navigate the world (and online content, mostly).
Excellent video as always. Have truly enjoyed this series. It will be greatly missed when it comes to a close. Good luck in your future endeavors.
".. I'd argue that the most important hero if the Lord of the Rings is Sam.."
*Micheal Scott "THANK YOU!" gif*
He's the main reason Frodo was able to keep going a genuine friend that stuck by him up until the end.
This series made pivotal difference in my outlook on life. Thanks for helping me grow to become happier and kinder while also opening my mind to a wider variety of entertainment. I’ve learnt a lot from the series and have gained the tools I need to keep pushing forward with a genuine positive outlook on the future, both mine and ours collectively as humanity. God bless.
"We all know the world is full of chance and anarchy
so yes it's true to life for characters to die randomly
but news flash, the genre's called fantasy
It's meant to be unrealistic" -Tolkien probably
I'm always shocked how much impact your words can have on change of my mind. I'm truly grateful for your work and this video.
All things must come to an end. I’m grateful to have my favorite Out Of Frames saved to always reference.
Thank you for all of your hard work.
Now I know I say this on every single video, but I have a feeling I will until y'all break my heart and end the series. Out of Frame is BY FAR the best thing on TH-cam. This is the highest and best use of the internet. I have loved this series and use it regularly to help connect difficult concepts of everything from economics, to morality, to even optimism in the mind of my kiddo. This show will be greatly missed in my household.
It will be an sad day when this series ends. As you have done an amazing job with it, but sadly to all good things must come to an end.
This video brought me to tears. Focusing on the good is a superior lifestyle!
I love Second Hand Lions. Also, I have always considered myself to be a "Realistic Optimist". Sure, things may be tough and there are trials, but through hard work, and hope, everything will turn out alright.
Sad to see you go. You have been such a great show. Your work has so helped show the power of culture and the archetype stories that are important. To help me put into words that make my arguments concise. I understand moving on to better things but know you matter. Much love
I know it's oft-repeated, but this quote from Berserk is one I love, and feel like it resonates with so many:
"You're going to be alright. You just stumbled on the side of the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this, doesn't it? You'll walk again soon." -Guts
It takes someone really special to go from movie analysis to unlocking the deeper secrets of life. Thank you for this.
This series has helped me grow and think more about the world. I'm sad its going but I'm happy your heading on to new things. May God keep you in your endeavors.
Nooo we can't lose these out of frame please don't let it end
I will miss your videos, your insight makes me more hopeful and to be a better person.
Thank you for this great video, couldn't agree with you more. There is nothing I love more than seeing someone refusing to let go of hope and overcoming impossible odds.
I'm sorry to hear that you're stopping, but I'm so glad you touched on two of my favorite movies here (well. Four since one is lord of the rings) and to hear this. May your next project be even more fruitful
That upon which we lay our focus is that which we strenghten through our thoughts. No matter if it is good or bad, positive or negative.
Second to last episode???? I'm sad if your ending the series, these are really enjoyable
I’m currently watching the series Eureka. It’s chock full of hope and optimism. Even as some of the main characters through the series die. Sometimes more than once. The characters lean on each other. The series ran from 2006-2012. Dark and gritty was popular. But Eureka and it’s partner show “Warehouse 13” were not.
The Return of the King was such a masterpiece. I’m gonna miss this series when it’s over. I always enjoyed your content. Can’t wait to see the last video.
Entertainment is rarely interesting without conflict. But it’s gotten out of hand. Villains are now heroes and vice versa. The industry, like society in many ways, is upside down.
It's so edgy I need to wear my cut proof gloves when I watch tv
@@Hearty1100 edgy I can take. Anti-life not so much
Im glad you did Second hand lions. It isn't well known but it's always been one of my favorites. I will miss you. Thanks!
Hey thanks for making this, I just tested positive for the coof this morning, which means I’ll be missing work. I kind of needed something to remind me that things get better and it’s on me to determine how this affects my out look. Anyways thank you, I will miss out of frame when it’s gone but I hope that you are moving on to bigger and better things!
I come across these occasionally and have watched over the years here and there. Shame to hear it's going to end.
Thank you, I needed to hear this today. I will truly miss this show.
And may I add my voice to so many others in offering a heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful videos but also a dup sadness at your approaching exodus. May God most graciously watch over you and keep you.
To know this series is ending is saddening and a shame. I am sorry to hear this and will miss it greatly. It has always been something I look forward to, with its informative and well thought out lessons.
Thank you so much for the video!
It's been ages since I've thought of Secondhand Lion! I need to watch it again.
I really appreciate the succinct and articulate nature of these videos, the quality actually astonishes me, and they always seem to drop at just the right moments in my life, when I haven't been able to find the right words to express certain ideas. I really can't thank you enough for what you have given us. Please pass the torch and teach someone else to do this.
It's hard to hold on to optimism, especially when one has experienced such sorrow and such loss, especially a loss of purpose and reason for being/living
The media is one of the many main culprits of the reason for the pessimism and depression in the world IMO.
Because their worldview is the "humans are a disease" type of mentality. Depopulate the Earth to save the Earth foolishness, but won't off themselves to fix the problem. Other people have to do it.
Ironically, the entertainment industry and the media talking heads are filthy rich and have zero reason to really complain about life while many people are literally starving to death or dying of treatable illness.
I find them very distasteful especially considering the amount of sexual abuse and scandal that surrounds the media, yet they have the chutzpah to push all this crap when they are an example of darkness of humanity they claim makes them pessimistic.
Have you ever opened a history book? Fiction pales compared to reality...
You are absolutely right.
Out of Frame has been so great. I love watching your videos, my wife and I often would watch them together. My own videos were influenced by your series (and econpop). I am sad to hear this is the second to last video in 'out of frame', but super grateful for your voice and viewpoint. Truly inspiring and enlightening.
You should release these on a DVD collection! I love this series
This is the second to last video? Why?!? These videos make my day and set things in perspective. I have enjoyed EVERY one of them. Thank you.
Truly an amazing series, thank you for your hard work, looking forward to see future projects of yours.