This song was back staged sung by Wei Siew Sen in those yrs. The song of 60s, had been popular for easily half a century.Others, particular the young singers would like to enmulate but because of the high key notes, it was difficult to match Wei's voice. TQ
For nearly all of these Chinese songs of the era, I find the original performances tends to be the best. Subsequent ones tend to ruined by excessive embellishments, or outright hijacked by the instrumentations. It is the same as why there are few listenable pieces of newer jazz. The song lyrics were so well written in those days by well educated writers.
This song was back staged sung by Wei Siew Sen in those yrs. The song of 60s, had been popular for easily half a century.Others, particular the young singers would like to enmulate but because of the high key notes, it was difficult to match Wei's voice. TQ
For nearly all of these Chinese songs of the era, I find the original performances tends to be the best. Subsequent ones tend to ruined by excessive embellishments, or outright hijacked by the instrumentations. It is the same as why there are few listenable pieces of newer jazz.
The song lyrics were so well written in those days by well educated writers.
幕後代唱、韋秀孄老師!韋老師、家學淵源、其母當年粵劇名伶-李雪芳/ 至於李少芳的藝術造藝、當年有一說- 南李北梅、梅是梅蘭芳、此說𠕇待各位大哥大姐指正🙏🏽
苗不是唱家班,但郤是一位不錯演員,腰細而高挑,在當年眾女星群中,外形相當突岀,演这一場唱歌片段時,那舞姿優美而充滿女性 魅力,相信都會令每位觀看的公子哥兒心動而開始展開追求。