As someone who's into books, movies, music, and videogames- I felt this hard. My "check this out at some point" list is now a multi-tab spreadsheet with literal hundreds of lines of things I need to check out. My new favorite movies of all time are in that list, the albums that change the way I see the world are on that list, the video game that will inspire me to create a piece of art great enough that it will land me among the greats is on that list. The urge to just speed through everything is very real but defeats the purpose of why I created the list in the first place. I love experiencing new things, and the list was only supposed to be something to keep track of what I wanted to check out, not a list of chores to tick off. So now I'm giving myself more brevity, If I want to watch something great, if I want to watch youtube for an hour and play minecraft that's also great. I'm a human being wanting to experience art at my own leisure, not a robot trying to take in as much information as possible. Which is all why I decided the first thing I should tick off my list was Click (2006) from Adam Sandler instead of A Clockwork Orange Thank you for this video! :D
I hate calling things like movies media to consume. That makes it sound like vegetables we are forced to eat. Movies, books, etc are meant to be enjoyed.
I think that is an excellent point and I completely agree! I think even my wording choices with this video are indicative of how my mindset with this stuff has altered from a enjoyer to a buyer and how I want to shift it back
Came here to say that. Personally I like the word experience so I can include everything. There is some media that is not really enjoyable but still a valuable experience
Sounds like a case of FOMO (fear of missing out). I just remind myself to curate things (books and movies) that really will warrant a re-watch or re-read. There is a library system for a reason and I have learned to treasure my library and do not feel bad about returning books or dvds that do not work out for me, instead of wasting money. I have also tried reading a book from the library first and then buying the book if I really feel it resonated with me.
I think it's safe to say that physical media and ownership is very important for cultural preservation and to not be at the mercy of the current program of streaming sites. However, you don't need to own everything that you're merely curious about. Borrow from libraries etc, and buy if it's truly important to you.
Dude, I've missed your videos! Good to see you're still kicking. I think I'll join in your goal of quality over quantity this year, I think that's great.
One thing i started doing since last year and will probably continue doing forever now is when im reading a book, i think of someone i know who’ll really vibe with this book and then when im finished i’ll give it to them and i have just meaningfully decluttered my shelves. Sometimes, the person i think of is myself! And that’s when I happily keep it 🥰 I also amassed way too many books since 2020 (+1400) and feel the burden of reading them all. I’ve also been journaling my media consumption and tracking them on a physical yearly journal so i have that to look back upon every year - it feels more intentional than just having my goodreads and letterboxd accounts. Hope this helps!
I watched around 800 movies last year, yet I feel exactly the same way. The amount of stuff I feel like I STILL have to watch is overwhelming and exhausting.
I felt this way last year (still a bit now) and I think tons of others do as well. I've started to really slow my reading pace and prioritize what I enjoy and it has helped so much! Something else that helped was to stop watching reviews and recommendations - it was too hard to focus on the books I was trying to read while I was simultaneously putting 5 books on hold, borrowing tons of ebooks (that I couldn't finish), and keeping lists of things I needed to read. My time was spent juggling media instead of actually reading. If I don't enjoy a book, I put it down and pick up another. I'm now focused on enjoying the story rather than finishing a book.
The real issue about the overabundance of media is that everyone watches/plays something different. I've been out with a few groups of people, only to realize that everyone had their own thing that they watch/play, so we didn't really have something in common to discuss.
Great to see you back. I think it's a great idea to watch and read less. I used to challenge myself to read a lot of books on Goodreads. I just couldn't do it. I have reduced the number of books to read in one year. I feel like I have given myself less pressure. I will probably enjoy the books more and remember them!
Also: all my life I have sympathised with feeling like a "jack (or jill) of all trades" because I have so many varying intrests. Over time, I have learnt that I often need to ride the balance, switching gears here and there, but I have also started think about what it is that I am passionate about as apart from what I simply find interesting. I know by now that I'll never be a master artist, but that doesn't mean I can't do watercolor in the park when the spirit takes me; however, I know sewing will be something I become an expert in because it is a skill that I consistantly practice for both hobby and practical reasons alike and that I want to pass on to my own children.
You don’t need to exchange “Jill” for “Jack” here. The saying is referring to the Jack card in a classic Western 54 card deck, considered the lowest value face card in most games, not the traditionally masculine name “Jack”.
@@gusg6197 Oh, where did you hear this and what do you think the card is named after? Because I think you made a wrong correction. The saying seems to come from "Johannes factotum" back in the 16th/17th (maybe even 14th) century, very much using a common male name as a stand in for the common man. So, in English 'Jack' is/was also used to name many different trades or objects (e.g. lumberjack, bootjack, smokejack,...). The card name was later influenced by this meaning and usage of the word 'Jack', slowly replacing 'Knave'. Anyway, it's really no big deal if somebody wants to be a Jill to trade as much as she desires. 😉 P.S.: And I know it's petty, but the standard card deck (French-suited) contains 52 cards. The Jokers (nowadays usually 2-3) are only necessary for certain game variations and therefor aren't included in the first place or clearly listed as additions to the 52 cards.
It's always better to have more books than you can read than not enough. But the space consideration is one reason I got a Kindle many years ago. They just make it easier to carry around a library. Also, I check out a lot of books from my library system for free, so I rarely buy books. It's been great for me.
Yayay you’re back! I’ve also been considering how I both consume and buy media, especially books and tv where I’m apt to just keep going and going without thinking deeply in what I’ve just experienced or researching further. Donna tarts question whether it’s better to know one book intimately than many superficially comes to mind, obviously not to that extreme as I do plan to read a good amount this year but the concept is very much in the forefront of my mind.
I'm at the same point. In 2024 I decided to try and read 10 books every month and even though I did it, I realized that it didn't let me get into anything. This next year I decided to slow it way down and to try and focus on things that I'm more interested in, not just nonfiction & philosophy, but I've been getting back into comics, and I'm going to start reading more fiction. I just think its cool that you're in a similar place and that you put out a video about it! :)
Honestly trophy buying is my methodology. Access media via streaming/subscription/library/cheaper alternatives, and then if it’s something I love-something that I want to understand, to read/watch again, that’s when I pull the trigger on a proper purchase. Similar ethos on games, demos first, purchase second if available. This way I also secure proper/special editions that I’ll know I’ll treasure.
It's true that so many films, books, albums, and other forms of art are created. We unfortunately don't have enough time to ever watch/read/listen to everything. Such is life. It doesn't mean there is "too much" though as there's always someone else enjoying some work of art someone created. We are all only human, after all. It's best to just appreciate what we can and remind ourselves its not a competition. Enjoy art and don't worry so much about the other stuff.
Firstly, lovely video. Thanks for sharing this insight. I've been mulling over something similar recently as well. I have about 100 books that I've accumulated over the last 3-4 years that I genuinly want to read, but haven't yet. I found myself in this cycle of buying (mostly used) books and media without every sitting down to enjoy what I have. The feeling of "worthlessness" you describe started coming up and I realized how silly it is. So for 2025 my goal is to exclusively read and watch physical media I already have or can rent from the library. I am motivated to stick to my goal, but I still look at media I want on my go-to second hand website almost every night. I don't buy anything but I have an extensive wishlist😅 Oh well. I recommend maybe cancling your subscriptions and focusing on or really challenging your collection to see if it's what really what you want to have in your life. The only subcription service I have is for audiobooks because that's how I realistically get most of my "reading" hours in. I trick myself into believing it's an extension of my library 😅
Always a pleasure to see a video from you even though it comes but once or twice a year. :) Nice to see a fellow Don DeLillo fan. I have only read White Noise, but am reading Underworld this year and hope to read Ratner's Star and Libra at some point in the future.
oh god, I've been there / in a similar place. that existential dread of being like so overwhelmed that you take a step back or look closely and suddenly none of it has any meaning. I have all these books and movies for what? none of it matters. but then I bounce back after some time and become obsessed with or at least immersed in something and it's all good. One of my 2025 goals is to watch and focus on the movies I own. But I also want to make sure I'm using the streaming services I completely pay for: Criterion and MUBI. referring to how you were in your big nonfiction books video- I sometimes think we have so much interest in something but there's a difference between just wanting to know what something is/entails and actually consuming the thing. I know I'm terrible at it but we should probably start being okay with just reading wiki pages of things and get to fuller texts when and if we really want to.
Martin Amis approaches a review of (I believe) one of Don DeLillo’s books with the question: what do we mean when we say we love the work of a novelist? He then says, maybe we mean we love something like 55%+ of their total output. To wit, DeLillo can in some ways be unrewarding in bulk. My advice: prioritize Underworld as it is brilliant. I’ve finished End Zone, Running Dog, White Noise, The Names, Libra, Underworld, The Body Artist, Falling Man, Point Omega and Zero K. The last four feel like variations of each other, not to say they’re bad, but any one could stand for all four. Besides those, Libra is exciting. Underworld is unparalleled, and can be read in a week, once you get past the 70 page prologue.
I spend so much of my college yrs (five) so passionately watching movies, watching vids on movies & did not give any attention to study or gaining knowledge or information about something that could help me find a job in (a very near) future
You’ve got a similar abundance of stuff as me, though I kept up the pace of acquisition for a few more years into my twenties, so have more. I was a genuine deep diver, though. My rationale with books was: a library wall is something worthwhile; with movies it was that often it takes multiple viewings to sink in. Then, I somewhat ran out of writers that inspired enough curiosity or profound response in me. With movies, I often find my DVD collection just as useless as an aborted scrolling session on a streamer. But I’m not over buying DVD’s occasionally, and plan to tomorrow. Can you get Kundun on streaming? I hear you can’t.
libraries !! for bluray and books. it scratches my buying itch going to the library and finding gems then taking home a big haul of more than i could read in the time allotted. but then i return them for another time with no money lost : )
Recommendation for 'Reading McCarthy' podcast. Well made, scholarly, in-depth analysis, and additional context. They go through all of his work in chronological order.
I’ve been debating getting that Kubrick book for a while. I’m sure it’s good and I love Kubrick but I’m not sure if I want to read a book that thick on him. What is your Letterboxd?
Just read and watch what you own and stop buying stuff! I don’t buy books anymore and just use my library. Declutter your house and you will probably feel better.
Might be a weird take, but I have a feeling that there's a lot of people watching this video because they're trying to "gamify" book reading or watching movies. I feel like its a symptom of anxiety and an act of desperation to pull yourself out of whatever phone or other technology addiction you might have. Only saying this because I feel like I was in a similar space at one time. You may actually want to read more regularly, but approaching reading in that way feels like you're doing it because you hold some sort of "shame" for yourself for spending too much time online instead. And when that's your reason for taking action, I dont feel like the new hobby will last very long. Hope that makes sense to some. Pick up some books if you want to read books, but ALSO, be nice to yourself about it. Thats all im trying to say :). You've got time.
I was in the same boat once too! At one time I wanted to read mostly because I felt bad and anxious I was in the "people who don't read ANYTHING" category, and it felt especially bad since I had a shelf of unread books. I never read enough to finish anything. It took me getting into a creative writing class in college a few months ago and reading my peers work to realize my joy of reading came from experiencing other human beings creations, and marveling in their creativity and ingenuity. I only read one book last year, but since realizing this I've already finished a book in the first week of 2025 :D (which was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillup K. Dick which was really cool)
A good starting point: stop with the "consuming" nonsense. I unironically hate that word, and how our relationship to art and culture has been systematically devalued into "consuming content", it's like we're all tech CEOs now. READ a book, WATCH a film, PLAY a videogame. This isn't a checklist and you're not gonna take any of it with you when you're gone. Might as well savor it while you can.
"the amount of stuff that i want to watch and consume has eclipsed the point of meaningfulness" this just re-wired my brain so hard
As someone who's into books, movies, music, and videogames- I felt this hard. My "check this out at some point" list is now a multi-tab spreadsheet with literal hundreds of lines of things I need to check out. My new favorite movies of all time are in that list, the albums that change the way I see the world are on that list, the video game that will inspire me to create a piece of art great enough that it will land me among the greats is on that list.
The urge to just speed through everything is very real but defeats the purpose of why I created the list in the first place. I love experiencing new things, and the list was only supposed to be something to keep track of what I wanted to check out, not a list of chores to tick off.
So now I'm giving myself more brevity, If I want to watch something great, if I want to watch youtube for an hour and play minecraft that's also great. I'm a human being wanting to experience art at my own leisure, not a robot trying to take in as much information as possible.
Which is all why I decided the first thing I should tick off my list was Click (2006) from Adam Sandler instead of A Clockwork Orange
Thank you for this video! :D
Help why is there a Minecraft iPad kid style video running in the background it’s so distracting 😭
it isss
We are all iPad kids, wanted to unite us in our ruined attention spans together
@@colorlesswonderland unironically worked. kept me from scrolling the sidebar of videos haha
@@colorlesswonderland Legit stopped watching because of it
When you're a fulltime worker the amount of time you have to consume drops dramatically.
I hate calling things like movies media to consume. That makes it sound like vegetables we are forced to eat. Movies, books, etc are meant to be enjoyed.
I think that is an excellent point and I completely agree! I think even my wording choices with this video are indicative of how my mindset with this stuff has altered from a enjoyer to a buyer and how I want to shift it back
Came here to say that. Personally I like the word experience so I can include everything. There is some media that is not really enjoyable but still a valuable experience
Sounds like a case of FOMO (fear of missing out). I just remind myself to curate things (books and movies) that really will warrant a re-watch or re-read. There is a library system for a reason and I have learned to treasure my library and do not feel bad about returning books or dvds that do not work out for me, instead of wasting money. I have also tried reading a book from the library first and then buying the book if I really feel it resonated with me.
I think it's safe to say that physical media and ownership is very important for cultural preservation and to not be at the mercy of the current program of streaming sites.
However, you don't need to own everything that you're merely curious about. Borrow from libraries etc, and buy if it's truly important to you.
Dude, I've missed your videos! Good to see you're still kicking. I think I'll join in your goal of quality over quantity this year, I think that's great.
One thing i started doing since last year and will probably continue doing forever now is when im reading a book, i think of someone i know who’ll really vibe with this book and then when im finished i’ll give it to them and i have just meaningfully decluttered my shelves. Sometimes, the person i think of is myself! And that’s when I happily keep it 🥰 I also amassed way too many books since 2020 (+1400) and feel the burden of reading them all. I’ve also been journaling my media consumption and tracking them on a physical yearly journal so i have that to look back upon every year - it feels more intentional than just having my goodreads and letterboxd accounts. Hope this helps!
I watched around 800 movies last year, yet I feel exactly the same way. The amount of stuff I feel like I STILL have to watch is overwhelming and exhausting.
I felt this way last year (still a bit now) and I think tons of others do as well. I've started to really slow my reading pace and prioritize what I enjoy and it has helped so much! Something else that helped was to stop watching reviews and recommendations - it was too hard to focus on the books I was trying to read while I was simultaneously putting 5 books on hold, borrowing tons of ebooks (that I couldn't finish), and keeping lists of things I needed to read. My time was spent juggling media instead of actually reading. If I don't enjoy a book, I put it down and pick up another. I'm now focused on enjoying the story rather than finishing a book.
I’m always so happy when you post. Thank you. You are a refreshing voice in the TH-cam space.
The real issue about the overabundance of media is that everyone watches/plays something different. I've been out with a few groups of people, only to realize that everyone had their own thing that they watch/play, so we didn't really have something in common to discuss.
Great to see you back. I think it's a great idea to watch and read less. I used to challenge myself to read a lot of books on Goodreads. I just couldn't do it. I have reduced the number of books to read in one year. I feel like I have given myself less pressure. I will probably enjoy the books more and remember them!
I have deleted the whole TBR list. The books I desperately want to read are still on my mind / on my bookshelf
Also: all my life I have sympathised with feeling like a "jack (or jill) of all trades" because I have so many varying intrests. Over time, I have learnt that I often need to ride the balance, switching gears here and there, but I have also started think about what it is that I am passionate about as apart from what I simply find interesting. I know by now that I'll never be a master artist, but that doesn't mean I can't do watercolor in the park when the spirit takes me; however, I know sewing will be something I become an expert in because it is a skill that I consistantly practice for both hobby and practical reasons alike and that I want to pass on to my own children.
You don’t need to exchange “Jill” for “Jack” here. The saying is referring to the Jack card in a classic Western 54 card deck, considered the lowest value face card in most games, not the traditionally masculine name “Jack”.
@@gusg6197 This is such a disappointing reply to receive.
@@gusg6197 Oh, where did you hear this and what do you think the card is named after?
Because I think you made a wrong correction.
The saying seems to come from "Johannes factotum" back in the 16th/17th (maybe even 14th) century, very much using a common male name as a stand in for the common man. So, in English 'Jack' is/was also used to name many different trades or objects (e.g. lumberjack, bootjack, smokejack,...). The card name was later influenced by this meaning and usage of the word 'Jack', slowly replacing 'Knave'.
Anyway, it's really no big deal if somebody wants to be a Jill to trade as much as she desires. 😉
P.S.: And I know it's petty, but the standard card deck (French-suited) contains 52 cards. The Jokers (nowadays usually 2-3) are only necessary for certain game variations and therefor aren't included in the first place or clearly listed as additions to the 52 cards.
Good to see you back posting! You were my favorite book youtuber when I started reading again 2/3 years ago.
It's always better to have more books than you can read than not enough. But the space consideration is one reason I got a Kindle many years ago. They just make it easier to carry around a library. Also, I check out a lot of books from my library system for free, so I rarely buy books. It's been great for me.
I got 11 minutes into the video before I realized I've been staring at minecraft gameplay
Great seeing you upload again! Happy new year!
From no media last video to an overwhelming amount. The world is a curious place.
Yayay you’re back! I’ve also been considering how I both consume and buy media, especially books and tv where I’m apt to just keep going and going without thinking deeply in what I’ve just experienced or researching further. Donna tarts question whether it’s better to know one book intimately than many superficially comes to mind, obviously not to that extreme as I do plan to read a good amount this year but the concept is very much in the forefront of my mind.
i felt this on sooo many levels
Drop your Letterboxd!
I'm at the same point. In 2024 I decided to try and read 10 books every month and even though I did it, I realized that it didn't let me get into anything. This next year I decided to slow it way down and to try and focus on things that I'm more interested in, not just nonfiction & philosophy, but I've been getting back into comics, and I'm going to start reading more fiction. I just think its cool that you're in a similar place and that you put out a video about it! :)
Holy shit I was literally rewatching some of your old videos yesterday cause I missed them, thanks for uploading!!
Honestly trophy buying is my methodology. Access media via streaming/subscription/library/cheaper alternatives, and then if it’s something I love-something that I want to understand, to read/watch again, that’s when I pull the trigger on a proper purchase. Similar ethos on games, demos first, purchase second if available. This way I also secure proper/special editions that I’ll know I’ll treasure.
Always a good day when a new video from you drops
Glad to see another video by you. I live that you check in with us every few months- keep it up. Look forward to your insight.
Great to see you back! Always looking forward to your book recommendations
It's true that so many films, books, albums, and other forms of art are created. We unfortunately don't have enough time to ever watch/read/listen to everything. Such is life. It doesn't mean there is "too much" though as there's always someone else enjoying some work of art someone created. We are all only human, after all. It's best to just appreciate what we can and remind ourselves its not a competition. Enjoy art and don't worry so much about the other stuff.
I like viewing art as a giant forest instead of an impossible task- I will never see all of it but what I do see is very pretty :D
When the world needed him the most!!!
broooo i missed you so much, made my day to see you appear again in my feed
Firstly, lovely video. Thanks for sharing this insight. I've been mulling over something similar recently as well. I have about 100 books that I've accumulated over the last 3-4 years that I genuinly want to read, but haven't yet. I found myself in this cycle of buying (mostly used) books and media without every sitting down to enjoy what I have. The feeling of "worthlessness" you describe started coming up and I realized how silly it is. So for 2025 my goal is to exclusively read and watch physical media I already have or can rent from the library. I am motivated to stick to my goal, but I still look at media I want on my go-to second hand website almost every night. I don't buy anything but I have an extensive wishlist😅 Oh well. I recommend maybe cancling your subscriptions and focusing on or really challenging your collection to see if it's what really what you want to have in your life. The only subcription service I have is for audiobooks because that's how I realistically get most of my "reading" hours in. I trick myself into believing it's an extension of my library 😅
Always a pleasure to see a video from you even though it comes but once or twice a year. :) Nice to see a fellow Don DeLillo fan. I have only read White Noise, but am reading Underworld this year and hope to read Ratner's Star and Libra at some point in the future.
I love the Minecraft speedrun in the back 😆
Putting Schraders “Hardcore” on the top pile in the thumbnail was a choice, and one I can get behind. Very underrated flick
Happy to hear from you again! Happy new year!
He has returned one of the literature youtuber goats! Love your recommendations bro
Intellectual iPad kid content
The best type of content
Lessss gooo! A new video! I waited for so long
I recommend everyone to find the book titled The Elite Society's Money Manifestation, It changed my life.
oh god, I've been there / in a similar place. that existential dread of being like so overwhelmed that you take a step back or look closely and suddenly none of it has any meaning. I have all these books and movies for what? none of it matters. but then I bounce back after some time and become obsessed with or at least immersed in something and it's all good. One of my 2025 goals is to watch and focus on the movies I own. But I also want to make sure I'm using the streaming services I completely pay for: Criterion and MUBI.
referring to how you were in your big nonfiction books video- I sometimes think we have so much interest in something but there's a difference between just wanting to know what something is/entails and actually consuming the thing. I know I'm terrible at it but we should probably start being okay with just reading wiki pages of things and get to fuller texts when and if we really want to.
True, but there's just enough time if you only focus on the important stories.
I would argue that you never know what the important stories are before you've heard them. But you're still right obviously
Martin Amis approaches a review of (I believe) one of Don DeLillo’s books with the question: what do we mean when we say we love the work of a novelist? He then says, maybe we mean we love something like 55%+ of their total output. To wit, DeLillo can in some ways be unrewarding in bulk. My advice: prioritize Underworld as it is brilliant.
I’ve finished End Zone, Running Dog, White Noise, The Names, Libra, Underworld, The Body Artist, Falling Man, Point Omega and Zero K. The last four feel like variations of each other, not to say they’re bad, but any one could stand for all four. Besides those, Libra is exciting. Underworld is unparalleled, and can be read in a week, once you get past the 70 page prologue.
I spend so much of my college yrs (five) so passionately watching movies, watching vids on movies & did not give any attention to study or gaining knowledge or information about something that could help me find a job in (a very near) future
You look like a military plane pilot in that outfit.
That’s a killer compliment hell yeah
I usually replace my used copies if I find better ones or a hardcover haha. I just trade the old ones back for credits
You’ve got a similar abundance of stuff as me, though I kept up the pace of acquisition for a few more years into my twenties, so have more. I was a genuine deep diver, though. My rationale with books was: a library wall is something worthwhile; with movies it was that often it takes multiple viewings to sink in.
Then, I somewhat ran out of writers that inspired enough curiosity or profound response in me. With movies, I often find my DVD collection just as useless as an aborted scrolling session on a streamer. But I’m not over buying DVD’s occasionally, and plan to tomorrow. Can you get Kundun on streaming? I hear you can’t.
libraries !! for bluray and books. it scratches my buying itch going to the library and finding gems then taking home a big haul of more than i could read in the time allotted. but then i return them for another time with no money lost : )
LOVE the minecraft parkour brainrot
I found that I'm paying more attention to your Minecraft screensaver than you
pls don’t do the minecraft thing on the tv again it's so distracting 😭😭 otherwise great video!
Would endless Subway Surfer be less distracting next time?
White Noise was such a good movie. I remember not liking the book much, but I loved the movie so much that I want to give the book a second shot.
Recommendation for 'Reading McCarthy' podcast. Well made, scholarly, in-depth analysis, and additional context. They go through all of his work in chronological order.
He’s back!
I’ve been debating getting that Kubrick book for a while. I’m sure it’s good and I love Kubrick but I’m not sure if I want to read a book that thick on him.
What is your Letterboxd?
Excellent video. How much time do you typically read per day? I also want to read more Cormac and Don.
Just read and watch what you own and stop buying stuff! I don’t buy books anymore and just use my library. Declutter your house and you will probably feel better.
Welcome back!
What's your good reads and letterbox?
I like your collection of Japanese literature.
You’re back
Great video
sorry for the odd question - since you mentioned you were a teacher, do you also play minecraft content in the background aa you teach? >-
Read All the Pretty Horses by Mccarthy when you get there, fire emoji
You could have just watched The Train on Tubi for free.
The Minecraft...stuff? In the background makes this unwatchable...
Hell yeah
Might be a weird take, but I have a feeling that there's a lot of people watching this video because they're trying to "gamify" book reading or watching movies. I feel like its a symptom of anxiety and an act of desperation to pull yourself out of whatever phone or other technology addiction you might have.
Only saying this because I feel like I was in a similar space at one time. You may actually want to read more regularly, but approaching reading in that way feels like you're doing it because you hold some sort of "shame" for yourself for spending too much time online instead. And when that's your reason for taking action, I dont feel like the new hobby will last very long.
Hope that makes sense to some. Pick up some books if you want to read books, but ALSO, be nice to yourself about it. Thats all im trying to say :).
You've got time.
I was in the same boat once too! At one time I wanted to read mostly because I felt bad and anxious I was in the "people who don't read ANYTHING" category, and it felt especially bad since I had a shelf of unread books. I never read enough to finish anything.
It took me getting into a creative writing class in college a few months ago and reading my peers work to realize my joy of reading came from experiencing other human beings creations, and marveling in their creativity and ingenuity.
I only read one book last year, but since realizing this I've already finished a book in the first week of 2025 :D (which was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillup K. Dick which was really cool)
@@doubletrouble5448 So sick! I just grabbed that book myself! Along with Man in High Castle and Scanner Darkly.
Lets goo
A good starting point: stop with the "consuming" nonsense. I unironically hate that word, and how our relationship to art and culture has been systematically devalued into "consuming content", it's like we're all tech CEOs now.
READ a book, WATCH a film, PLAY a videogame. This isn't a checklist and you're not gonna take any of it with you when you're gone. Might as well savor it while you can.
ayy please share that letterboxd @