Together it’s OK! (R U OK?)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ส.ค. 2017
  • It's lighter when we share the load! That's why R U OK? is encouraging young people everywhere to take the time to comfort their friends when they're feeling blue.
    Together it's OK Song Lyrics:
    Sometimes when I feel down
    I call my friends around
    They tell me it’s OK
    Sometimes to feel that way
    Every time we meet
    They get me off my seat
    They bring that happy beat
    And together we find our dancing feet
    Ask the question, yeah don’t delay
    Hey there friend are you OK?
    Remember it’s OK sometimes if you’re feeling blue
    You’re not alone you have friends who can comfort you
    They’ll be the ones by your side and they’ll get you through
    Soon it’ll be OK Verse
    Sure it’s a heavy thing
    That baggage we all bring
    But we all have our own
    and it’s lighter when we share the load
    Together we will find a way
    Tomorrow is a brand new day
    Together we will be OK
    Find out more at

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