I have emailed complaints twice - this finisher is NOT capturing the score for multiplying at e0 seconds as advertised, but at TWENTY SECONDS! This problem started at the same tims you LOWERED the rates of multiplication! This is as worthless finisher now! FIX THIS!
For the first couple weeks this finisher used to take ur count at 30 seconds n cost $80,000. n ever since it cost $75,000. it takes ur score at 20 seconds! Why did u change it? it’s friggin worthless if u don’t have a higher score
If you go to Tournaments you will see players scoring up to 20,000,000 points with Lucky Spin alone. The Lucky Spin DOES require some degree of skill to use. That multiplier is worthless if you don't get a high enough score during the first 30 seconds of play.
Ule The Alicorn that’s so true, I used it one time with 6m points in the end, and i ended up getting only 1.5 m extra -_-. I had a slow start so it was a waste. So yes it does also require some skill in order to really get a pay out better than supernova
Peter Boghard Não se esforce, porque ganhei com bilhetes blitz e quando o utilizei ele não multiplicou minha pontuação nas 3x que usei,apenas me deu as moedas ...bugs
There's bullshittery afoot... lucky spin no longer multiplies your 30 second score by 50-70, but your 20 second score by up to 40??
Actually there is still a 50, so its 40 to 50.
I hit it for 20 million a week ago .
I have emailed complaints twice - this finisher is NOT capturing the score for multiplying at e0 seconds as advertised, but at TWENTY SECONDS! This problem started at the same tims you LOWERED the rates of multiplication! This is as worthless finisher now! FIX THIS!
For the first couple weeks this finisher used to take ur count at 30 seconds n cost $80,000. n ever since it cost $75,000. it takes ur score at 20 seconds! Why did u change it? it’s friggin worthless if u don’t have a higher score
Thats WAAY to overpowered
That multiplier seems a bit extreme, though this is tetris and anything can happen in tetris.
TheNitroMelon // NightSlinger25 Official yeah it's a little too extreme. No way in hell you can beat someone who's using this.
upload2014 yes it has changed the game from a skill game to a game of luck.
If you go to Tournaments you will see players scoring up to 20,000,000 points with Lucky Spin alone. The Lucky Spin DOES require some degree of skill to use. That multiplier is worthless if you don't get a high enough score during the first 30 seconds of play.
Ule The Alicorn that’s so true, I used it one time with 6m points in the end, and i ended up getting only 1.5 m extra -_-. I had a slow start so it was a waste. So yes it does also require some skill in order to really get a pay out better than supernova
rolled this finisher at least 100 times. 0 time i got 70x or 67x for that matter. 90% x50 x52 and x55. maybe a few 57 and one or two 60
They changed it in the last update, less time(20 secs) multiplies max for 50 but same price. Terrible!
Essa merda de Supergiro não soma os pontos no final, tah bugado. Já reclamei e n fizeram nada. 😠😡
This finisher is kinda iffy imo
que dificil va ser conseguir ese finalizador
Peter Boghard
Não se esforce, porque ganhei com bilhetes blitz e quando o utilizei ele não multiplicou minha pontuação nas 3x que usei,apenas me deu as moedas ...bugs
Nonsense, it's 20 seconds.
Finalizador bugadão. Só meu deu moedas até agora ...Ridiculous
This finisher is not like the video shows!! 😡😒👎