EDHRECast 101: EDHREC Essentials
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- The podcast is new and improved, which means it's time to go back to basics! Joey, Matt, and Dana tackle some fundamentals for EDHREC, covering core concepts and specific tips that will help enhance your experience when using the site and give the data more context.
Special thanks to @commandcast for bringing the cast to a whole new level!
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Music: "Crunk Knight" by Kevin Macleod licensed via Creative Commons:
• Kevin MacLeod ~ Crunk ...
Who else is here because of The Command Zone? Yeah me too. Personally, glad I found this channel. I was not very informed on how EDHREC worked until now. Thank you.
That opening sequence looks amazing. This entire podcast has grown so much and I'm happy to see where we go from now.
Thanks Command Zone for sending me here and also to EDHREC for all that you do. I have been using EDHREC as a tool to build all of my decks for years with out understanding what the statistics actually mean. This episode was super informative and helpful.
Love the new post production! It looks so good!
Command Zone sent me! Great job to the editing staff at Command Zone!
My friends and I did not know what 'Synergy' meant on the website. In commander, the word 'synergy' means something different. In fact, in this podcast you kept calling it "Uniqueness" rather than "Synergy". I think you should change the wording on the website to uniqueness or something along those lines to avoid future confusion.
For example, a new commander player asked me a month ago why Eternal Witness had -20% synergy with his Slimefoot EDH deck. He truly believed Eternal Witness synergized with his deck due to all of the sacrificing. No one at the store could answer him. So, we all looked at the website and got confused why so many graveyard cards had such low synergy scores for most of the BG commanders.
I love the challenges you have in the podcast! Probably my most favorite part! I'll look forward to the next challenge.
Love love love the new production! Great job to you wonderful people at the Command Zone for this upgrade.
Great choice of editing outsourcing. Love the quality
That introduction was sweet! The new production supports the awesome content you always produce
Oh wow! This is a beautiful presentation! Super stoked for all of you, this is top notch stuff! Congrats! ---wallyd
Yes, love the bars and arrow creating the logo so cool and unique
The first time we saw the intro we all message each other saying "yea this is gonna be good..."
Very helpful for using edhrec thanks for the info
I forgot that this podcast existed but today I learned that it's watchable and good!
The Command Zone recommended to come watch. Keep it up!
i've used your site so often and somehow didn't even know about your podcast. can't wait for the next episode
Looks great. Fantastic.
Great job guys. It's never a bad idea to remind everyone that EDHRec is meant to be an information gathering tool, not some royal decree that has to be followed to the letter.
That intro is FANTASTIC
Going to my first commander night tomorrow and I want to give the deck I built a once over! I’ve learned so much in the last month but I still have so much more to learn!
Woah that's lit! This is such a huge improvement!
I played against Donald Miner a couple years back at my LGS. he rocked a really cool Colorless deck. Can confirm, he likes decks that use unique cards and strategies.
Love the intro!
Heard that edhrec had a podcast from Command Zone. Loved the podcast also Joey is so
Ooh, I love the intro
LOVE the new look!
the bevy of quality jokes within the first minute = snap subscribe
Looks wonderful!
Totally agree on the thunder herd migration challenge. I ended up trimming it from my Gishath deck pretty quickly since nearly every other land ramp card is just better even though it has cool flavor in the deck
Wowwww!!! It's not just the dad jokes that improved significantly! :-D I love it, guys.
I somewhat agree with you about Merkadia's Downfall (Except the notion that it's better than Triumph, that's just silly.) except that it doesn't give trample like a typical overrun effect would give, which is huge. It also is worse the fewer creatures you have, since it increases the chance that people will be able to block your couple of big, non-trampling stuff. This certainly can have a home in decks like Krenko that want to go so wide with tokens that there's no way to block them all, but it does have some glaring issues as well.
Doesn't the existence of EDHREC always create a feedback loop, independent of the precon effect? The fact that people use the site to look at other decks automatically makes decks more alike, doesn't it?
This is a real game changer for the production level 🔥🔥🔥
Command Zone sent me, loving it so far
Thank you for the salt scores.. now I can play all the fun cards (all the salt cards! )
Man dope af! You guys have come far. Keep up the good work 💪
I LOVE the new look. Got sent here from the Command Zone (they commanded me) and I watched a few older ones before coming here. You've got a new sub though :)
Downloaded all Podcasts today on Spotify. Amazing.
Looks good guys!
26:40 Great to see a shoutout to my all-time favorite MTG card / commander, Taniwha.
Really great video. The one thing that I partially disagree with is the swords to plowshares vs path to exile discussion. I agree that price has some part to play, but in edh I find that giving someone ramp is a lot more powerful than giving someone life, which would also explain why swords is more played than path.
Nice work!
Do you have a "Exclude if in precon" button? Then we can just remove cards from the list if they are in a precon with that commander in it.
Also - do you guys take job applications?
Wow, what an introduction
In which I learned some things about EDHRec (*cough*synergy scores*cough*). Great episode 👍🏻
On the swords vs path debate:
i personally run sword in every white commander deck, but path only occasionally, when I need more removal, because i think swords is just the better card in EDH. Ramping an opponent, especially in the early game can be really dangerous. Giving them 2-10 life is not
agreed 100%|👍
why is the synergy called so, if it is actually uniquness? for me as not native english speaker at least it is confusing
If the synergy KPI is not about synergy but uniqueness, why not renaming the KPI to uniqueness?
New viewer courtesy of The Command Zone.
Whoa! I'm surprised you were able to get the CZ production team to work on your podcast! That's awesome!
I think the term "Synergy" is misleading. It's so easy to misunderstand what the rating means. Perhaps "Uniqueness score" or something like that would be better.
Thanks for an interesting discussion!
Taniwa was my first ever legendary and buying cheap packs of homelands gave me Rashka the slayer as my second. I really pulled some powerful legendary creatures when i was playing in the 90's.
My Zada deck thanks you for the Red recommendation.
Basic deck building is to let a commander's card text dominate your creation. Advanced deck building is to use them as stepping stones.
"Synergy" could maybe be renamed "uniqueness"?
path to exile is worse than swords to plowshares.
They are close to the same, but i will *always* play swords before path. (if i don't play both)
Woohooou that quality.... Yummy
Dana's shelf is either super crooked or he has so much commander product on it that the shelf is caving in
Dana, it’s awesome to see you succeeding so well.
If you close your eyes while Matt is talking you can see George Lucas
So Strange actually watching you guess... but the video is great! And many thanks for a great podcast
I would challenge the challenge of Thunderherd Migration, those other ramp spells are better, sure, which is why you should be playing them ALSO. Gishath is a huge mana sink and you need lots of ramp, if you're not running all three of those and a bunch of other ramp besides then I don't know what you're doing with your life.
Love u matt
against half my decks Maercadia's Downfall will be max +2/+3 because I just dont have enough non basics to put into most of my decks FeelsOkayMan :D
Thunderhurd for the flavor though
Love the video guys. When it was just audio I found this show to be hard to navigate. Now I actually know what you talk about when I skip ahead a bit.
On the topic of 'the Precon effect': I understand that people upload a precon with only a few upgrades, but the 'Precon feedback effect' sound moronic. I understand that EDHrec suggestions seem like the best way to go, but playing Temple of the False Gods for a year?! I loved how EDHrec added the 'precon upgrade button' to help these people.
On the Thunderherd Migration evaluation: cards don't have to be the best card for the deck to be played a lot. If a card has a thematic word on it, it might be played a lot.
Jump to challenge the stats! 14:00
Giving life > ramping opponent is another reason for swords to plowshare.
Matt matches the background!!
path to exile is worst when compared to swords to plowshares.
One gives life to the opponent, the other gives ramp
17:12 i think it's also because Mercadian Masks was a super weak set too. Like, I played back then and only experienced disappointment. Which was as shame because that set should have had a real political card style.
I think you’d be hard pressed to find a Gishath deck running Thunderheard Migration that’s not also running Rampant Growth and Farseek. I think better 2-CMCs should’ve been given, or at least more explanation given, like are you saying that two cmc mana rocks should take its place?
How many basics though? 15? 20?
"did you hear about the semicolon that broke the law" is almost too good a joke on its own without the punch line.
Yeah another thing that ive noticed is that utubers basically recommend all the same cards
usally straight off of edhrec trostani for example all the videos on her are all the dame deck basically just coped an pasted from edhrec
cardkingdom shipping isn't so legendary right now. Nearing 3 weeks.
ok im gonna say it. path to exile fucking sucks in 90% of cases and dispatch is normally better. "b-b-but sometimes its fails" yeah only in cedh or if your running some anti artifact deck like Ruric Thar, the Unbowed. in MOST decks your gonna have a signet. your gonna have that artifact land. your gonna have 2 or 3 servos your gonna have a swords of swag and cash. the are so few times you dont have 3 artifacts I would class it as a none factor in most decks. play dispatch more and path to exile less.
What’s with the fake eyerolling lol pls stop
I hate to say it but I was not entertained...