I have fibromyalgia and was suffering from sever brain fog and all over inflammation. I went WFPB 2 years ago and it made a big difference in just a few weeks. So not only am I thinking better I'm feeling better. I look forward to getting older because I know I am getting healthier every day.
My eye sight improved after a couple years of switching from a meat centered to a plant based diet. I can read small print at work that was not possible 10 uears ago. Other personal imperical benefits of a plant based diet continue surprises me.
Cooked kale and spinach top the list, every day i have my 'greens and beans' soup, broccoli soup with beans, kale and spinach added. Best way to get the vitamins in but steam the veg rather than boil like normal soup, lots to be said for low-temperature cooking as an alternative to raw.
Having a rare retinal disease for the past 20 yrs. has me shaking right now...my biggest fear was blindness now it is alzheimers... I’m plant based and eat all the foods described here but know my macular is pretty diseased and there is atrophy and blind spots in my central vision... My beloved mom died of alzheimers after 8 torturous years...not much could frighten me then this news of brain health being determined by the macular ... love and trust Dr. Greger and this is why this video has me so shaken up.. what can I do? Maryanne
Great video! 5:40 How does cooking spinach increase the lutein content? You would think the high heat would have the opposite effect. Thank you so much for sharing this vid Dr. Greger, this is very helpful.
My optometrist was big on doing his own research. One of the projects he worked on was application of plant-based diet on the progress of macular degeneration. No surprise, but greater consumption of veggies equated with retardation of the progress of degenerative changes to the macula. Eat your veggies, people!
What about astaxanthin supplementation? You recommend algae-produced omega 3 and another strain of algae produce the red pigment astaxanthin that is eaten by krill and turn salmon and flamingos pink. I’ve been taking 12mg of astaxanthin for a few years and recommended it to my mom who was complaining about age related brain issues. We both think it has helped.
Are organic lentil and chickpea pasta a good way to get beans? Are they very processed? I’m not crazy about regular beans and lentils, but I could eat the lentil pasta every day!
There is a study out this week discussing Lutein and spinach and the latest results say a Smoothie is the best way to benefit from Lutein as cooking will nullify much of the Lutein. Conclusion is it is better to get Lutein in the unclooked state if possible.
There seems to be conflicting data on how much available lutein is in cooked vs. raw if the leaves are left whole (1). But blending is apparently the best way to prepare it (2). 2 - www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/12/181221123810.htm 1 - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5331551/ see Table 4, spinach
This video is the best! Inspires me to eat at least a half pound of kale and spinach almost every day. My eyes look great (my eye doctor told me my eyes are so great I don't have to have a yearly check up if I don't want, my skin never looked better, and the puffy look I used to have is gone (maybe less inflammation).
Orange peppers and goji berries are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, but are not as inexpensive or as easy to find as Kale. Good to take foods high in carotenoids with a bit of healthy fat so as to increase bioavailability.
According to this article (see Table 1, data are reported of as mole% of total carotenoids) bjo.bmj.com/content/82/8/907 red bell peppers mostly provide alpha-carotene. Orange bell peppers are high in zeaxanthin.
What do herbivore animals eat mostly? Green leafy plants. What should people eat a lot of? Green leafy plants. They are full of all the best nutrients.
japanluv In India, Ashwagandha is used for energy and other purposes. But it is most famous as an aphrodisiac for men (I guess the nitrate-rich leaves work as a vasodilator)! You can grow the leafy plant in a pot.
japanluv Japan's macha is just powdered tea leaves minus the fermentation (that's why it's green, not black). It's great and much better than regular tea, but Moringa beats it hands down when it comes to antioxidants and amino acids. I read somewhere that it also has anti-cancer properties. The leaves come from a tree. Hope people start growing it in the western world, too. Cheers! (But I must confess, macha tastes better. Moringa in tea form tastes like a mix of macha and spinach soup.)
Fats improve the absorption of lutein and zeaxanthin. So including them in your diet such as olive oil in a salad or GF butter or coconut oil with you're lightly cooked greens is a good idea. Kale, spinach, broccoli and brussel sprouts are good sources and provide one to four mg per serving of lutein and zeaxanthin . Most studies show 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin for the best health benefits.
Wow this is very interesting, the whole time i was thinking ok how do we know there is a direct link between lutein and brain function and right at the end he teased us. Keep it up doc
''Lutein and zeaxanthin (L/Z) are the predominant carotenoids which accumulate in the retina of the eye.' The available research investigating the impact of cooking on carotenoids in plant sources suggests that although the heat decreases the carotenoid content, it may nonetheless enhance the bioavailability of the carotenoids compared with uncooked sources Source www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5331551/
Avatar Lurvdjur it also helps to take carotenoids with a bit of healthy fat ... like a couple of nuts, an oily seed like pumpkin or sunflower, a slice of avocado... to increase absorption. Apparently the increased fat in the meal stimulates the gall bladder to release bile, which emulsifies fat into smaller particles, thereby exposing more surface area to enzymes able to prepare them for absorption. Dr G has also said that turmeric stimulates the gall bladder, so a sprinkle of turmeric may be helpful as well.
Have an eye exam with the retina photos taken. After adopting a mostly whole food plant based (in a week I usually eat 2 meals on average that contain small portions of meat or dairy) diet my optometrist commented that my pigment levels had increased significantly since the prior photos and this was a very good thing.
Great holiday gift to get a vid from Dr. G.....and, on brain health. Greens in smoothies (delish) gently cooked (fabulous) and I just juiced a ton with cuke, celery, apply, ginger and lime (sublime). Hope my brain is smiling.
Guess this explains at least in part why my eye sight improved so much(amongst many other things) after only a few months of not eating meat dairy or eggs. Last year was my first year without any of that poison. I was eating about a half pound to a pound and a half of kale per day. Stopped for a while since it gets a bit boring switched to Romain butter lettuce etc... but yeah definitely getting that kale in after this vid haha. 50 egg omelet 😂
@@Emile-philia Every dermatologist. The sun is apparently the single most harmful thing to our skin in our everyday lives, tanning is stress to the skin and uv light leads to oxidation that destroys your cells. You can see this especially in people that tan a lot or in uv beds in those salons, but check out Dr Dray for all of that sun damage content and maybe others. Uv light is present all year round of course, not just in summer.
Would raw kale in smoothies help? I love to put kale in my 2 daily smoothies. I put 1c of frozen raw kale+1 frozen banana+1tbs oil free nut butter+1ts instant coffee+water in my morning smoothie & another cup w/ 1c bokchoy+frozen strawberry+1 pitted date+1tbs of misutgaru (ground roasted mixed grain)+water. I also love to drink goji berry tea then eat them when they’re all fat & rehydrated😁😁😁. I kinda do it for my eyes since i got both myopia & aged eyes (my glasses rx remain -3 &+2 for the past 4 yrs)
Lots relating to fish consumption, e.g, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29269884 - higher IQs associated with fish consumption (despite the possibility of increased exposure to mercury and other contaminants). Most assume any health benefits are due to omega-3 content, though clinical trials of omega-3 supplementation, regardless of source, have so far not shown much benefit. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24885361 There is some evidence that beta-parvalbumin, a protein from fish, may inhibit the formation of protein aggregates involved in some neurodegenerative disease: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29615738 Fish tends to be rich in selenium, so that may be the reason for health benefits: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2705224/ I've also come across the suggestion by some nutrition nerds that the taurine content of fish is important to consider. Fish is also rich source of niacin.
Thank you for doing all of the work required to provide so much scientific evidence. Is it possible there is some official scientific research concerning the new celery juice craze? The attached article makes a lot of claims while saying “science has not discovered” so how believable is it?
With all the hype about ecoli in the romaine n just watched another news article about 1 in 5 of avocados testing positive for listeria. I wonder what the likelihood of Contracting a food born illness on a vegan diet is And how the body deals with it. How do we identify illnesses and When it is appropriate to seek medical attention?
I avoided eating raw vegetables for many years because of unfounded fears of food borne illnesses from raw veg. After having a bad case of GERD I changed my diet to a more plant-based, whole foods diet with plenty of raw veg (as in kale & other veg smoothies) and got better. I did get listeriosis one summer - one of the worst illnesses I've ever had (fever of 105F); I got it from a sample of unpasteurized cheese at Whole Foods (I had been getting my 'cheese fix' by just having a sample or two when shopping). No problem identifying the illness, I just googled my symptoms and of course I went to the dr because with a fever of 105, that's what you do... In short, I don't think being vegan puts you at greater risk. My advice is to wash all veg, keep apprised of recalls, and demand better farming and food handling practices.
Millions of pounds of meat and fish are recalled annually due to bacterial contamination. The problem isn’t a vegan diet, it is a factory food system that puts profits above health that is the problem.
Reclaimed water is treated to a higher level than the usual sewage treatment. It is generally treated with chemicals and ultraviolet light to kill bacteria like E. coli. Reclaimed water is also tested extensively. Sludge from manure ponds does not receive the same level of oversight. I toured the facility at www.lottcleanwater.org it is very impressive. @@fairwood100
I looked at the references cited and one study said corn is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Corn tortillas and corn chips are high in the phytonutrients but you need fat for your body to absorb it since they are fat-soluble.
Any green vegetable should have some (peas, broccolli, cabbage). Root vegetables like beets, carrots etc. Pistachios even have some. You can google it and see if your local stores have any high luetin foods.
Organic kale is kind of expensive in my state to eat a cup of kale a day. I wish kale wasn't so superior nutritionally and that there were more dark leafy green choices besides kale and spinach I feed my tortoise collards and I'll rip off a piece for myself, but I don't know if that smaller amount is doing much. It would be great if it was found eating one large salad a week would meet your needs on some of the nutrition aspects.
5:46 might be better to cook it based on those results, but cooking takes time I'll probably do the same as you since it's FASTER & I'm not crazy about the texture of kale.
I heard that raw kale might actually be bad for you . I know this stuff is usually carnist nonsense but I feel this one might actually have some truth to it. . Someone told me kale was too high in a certain nutrient and should be avoided by pregnant women . Anyone know anything about this ? There are so many plant foods, that there are doubtless, countless, seemingly unlikely ways of doing yourself harm by improper ingestion (under-cooked kidney beans and such). I experiment with a lot of new foods that I find at my local Asian market . I'm guessing a lot of whole food vegans do . It would be good to be aware of any pitfalls ,not least so we don't end up giving the carnists fuel for their nonsense.
Artur K I assume you bought it frozen, in that case it's been blanched, so yes, it actually matters a lot, lutein content is almost doubled when cooked, and since it's frozen as early as possible, it has more nutrients in it, so it's perfect. The only drawback is that Zeaxanthin (not that high in kale anyway) and vitamin C content is reduced, but you can get that from Corn or Yellow Bell Pepper (dont cook the bell pepper). I always cook spinach/kale.
I just had my macular pigment test two weeks ago. My eye Dr. was impressed At 58, vegan plant based 4 years on Jan 1st, my score was 0.67. Apparently that’s a good number at my age. She said I must eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables. I laughed and said “ Yep, Plant Based Vegan here”. I eat them every day.
Is a special test needed to observe this? Or, does a regular eye exam, where they see the spot and it is much darker than the rest of the area, tell us what we need to know?
Eating kale and any vegetable should be done in the way YOU like better! I would recommend to eat in a variaty of ways, so you are sure to get enough. ''Lutein and zeaxanthin (L/Z) are the predominant carotenoids which accumulate in the retina of the eye.' The available research investigating the impact of cooking on carotenoids in plant sources suggests that although the heat decreases the carotenoid content, it may nonetheless enhance the bioavailability of the carotenoids compared with uncooked sources '
Most stuff seems to be better for you raw (broccoli, garlic, onions, etc.) But not everything is: carrots, mushrooms, and tomatoes are better cooked. Which is a long way of saying that I don't know if kale is better raw or cooked. My guess is that it's better raw.
Ladies and gents, I just had the most amazing store bought Falafel ever. Hurry up to Sainsburrys ( if youre in the UK) and buy their own brand Loveyourveg with 8 beetroot, quinoa &kale falafel. Soft inside and bit moist, crispy outside, I havent even put them in the oven 10 min as suggested, just quick in a pan with no oil for 2-3 min. Go Grab It! I accept donations in the shape of these Falafel:)) Happy Holidays!
I will never get my 16 yr old to eat a cup of kale a day 😕, what if I steam the kale to cook it (like it says on the list 'cooked'), and I juice it? Will the juice without the fiber have the same benefits? I believe I can get him to drink that. 😉
Dr greger! We are waiting for the video on cyanide in flax seeds where you clear up the confusion created by the swedish government recommending people not to consume ANY ground flax seeds.
And there my kale is! Waiting in my garden! I have not been eating it for weeks due to freezing temperatures outside but it was holding strong! I'm sorry,my kale! Forgive me!
In the next video, Dr Gregor will discuss what kinds of food to eat to improve X. Spoiler alert... it's plants. He will explain why we should eat plants.
I have fibromyalgia and was suffering from sever brain fog and all over inflammation. I went WFPB 2 years ago and it made a big difference in just a few weeks. So not only am I thinking better I'm feeling better. I look forward to getting older because I know I am getting healthier every day.
My eye sight improved after a couple years of switching from a meat centered to a plant based diet. I can read small print at work that was not possible 10 uears ago. Other personal imperical benefits of a plant based diet continue surprises me.
Lifelong needing glasses for distance until starting green leafy every day now perfect distance vision. fwiw. I now need reading glasses.
То то . ...
Had some kale and Brussel sprouts yesterday, probably why my brain feels so healthy.
Its probably the high Placebo content
@@VinylUnboxings Knowing it's good for you when you eat it, for sure has its own bonus effect.
I love having control over old age, man I want to be sharp when I'm old!
We have absolutely no control over aging. We do have some control over the effects of aging.
@@JeremiahAlphonsus additional words, but we share the same idea
You will!
Cooked kale and spinach top the list, every day i have my 'greens and beans' soup, broccoli soup with beans, kale and spinach added. Best way to get the vitamins in but steam the veg rather than boil like normal soup, lots to be said for low-temperature cooking as an alternative to raw.
Having a rare retinal disease for the past 20 yrs. has me shaking right now...my biggest fear was blindness now it is alzheimers...
I’m plant based and eat all the foods described here but know my macular is pretty diseased and there is atrophy and blind spots in my central vision...
My beloved mom died of alzheimers after 8 torturous years...not much could frighten me then this news of brain health being determined by the macular ... love and trust Dr. Greger and this is why this video has me so shaken up.. what can I do? Maryanne
Great video!
5:40 How does cooking spinach increase the lutein content? You would think the high heat would have the opposite effect.
Thank you so much for sharing this vid Dr. Greger, this is very helpful.
Cell breakdown releases the lutein for bioavailability, cell walls are tough lil' buggers
My optometrist was big on doing his own research. One of the projects he worked on was application of plant-based diet on the progress of macular degeneration. No surprise, but greater consumption of veggies equated with retardation of the progress of degenerative changes to the macula. Eat your veggies, people!
I really Love to See your Vids.
Thanks for The book and the Vids Dr. Greger and your faboulus Team !!!😎😍
What about astaxanthin supplementation? You recommend algae-produced omega 3 and another strain of algae produce the red pigment astaxanthin that is eaten by krill and turn salmon and flamingos pink. I’ve been taking 12mg of astaxanthin for a few years and recommended it to my mom who was complaining about age related brain issues. We both think it has helped.
Are organic lentil and chickpea pasta a good way to get beans? Are they very processed? I’m not crazy about regular beans and lentils, but I could eat the lentil pasta every day!
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing
There is a study out this week discussing Lutein and spinach and the latest results say a Smoothie is the best way to benefit from Lutein as cooking will nullify much of the Lutein. Conclusion is it is better to get Lutein in the unclooked state if possible.
There seems to be conflicting data on how much available lutein is in cooked vs. raw if the leaves are left whole (1). But blending is apparently the best way to prepare it (2).
2 - www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/12/181221123810.htm
1 - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5331551/ see Table 4, spinach
Thanks Doc Greger
Where can we find this information? There is so much to learn. It is impossible to take notes listening to videos.
thank you for what you do!
This video is the best! Inspires me to eat at least a half pound of kale and spinach almost every day. My eyes look great (my eye doctor told me my eyes are so great I don't have to have a yearly check up if I don't want, my skin never looked better, and the puffy look I used to have is gone (maybe less inflammation).
And marigold flowers have around two to three times as much lutein than green, leafy vegetables.
Could you please address hydrocephalus in adults and how plant based can help?
Orange peppers and goji berries are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, but are not as inexpensive or as easy to find as Kale. Good to take foods high in carotenoids with a bit of healthy fat so as to increase bioavailability.
According to this article (see Table 1, data are reported of as mole% of total carotenoids)
red bell peppers mostly provide alpha-carotene. Orange bell peppers are high in zeaxanthin.
Fantastic job once again, Dr. Greger!
Kale chips are delicious, with a bit of nutritional yeast. Yummy!!
What do herbivore animals eat mostly? Green leafy plants. What should people eat a lot of? Green leafy plants. They are full of all the best nutrients.
So basically, the answer to everything is eat Kale.
And beans 🙌🌱
All HAIL the mighty KALE! awesome!
Cooked* Kale. I wonder what the mg for raw kale are?
I read somewhere that Moringa is one of the best sources of lutein, perhaps better than kale as well. Please do some research on it. Thanks.
I bought some during last VegFest in London. I like it so far. I also bought Ashwaganda ( correct me if Im wrong) and love it, too.
japanluv In India, Ashwagandha is used for energy and other purposes. But it is most famous as an aphrodisiac for men (I guess the nitrate-rich leaves work as a vasodilator)! You can grow the leafy plant in a pot.
Ashwa = horse in Hindi, connoting strength like a horse's.
@@faezal2 Thank you. I guess similar to Maca powder:D
japanluv Japan's macha is just powdered tea leaves minus the fermentation (that's why it's green, not black). It's great and much better than regular tea, but Moringa beats it hands down when it comes to antioxidants and amino acids. I read somewhere that it also has anti-cancer properties. The leaves come from a tree. Hope people start growing it in the western world, too. Cheers! (But I must confess, macha tastes better. Moringa in tea form tastes like a mix of macha and spinach soup.)
FANTASTIC and VERY interesting video, Tks!! 👍👍😃
Many many thanks for your video!
Fats improve the absorption of lutein and zeaxanthin. So including them in your diet such as olive oil in a salad or GF butter or coconut oil with you're lightly cooked greens is a good idea. Kale, spinach, broccoli and brussel sprouts are good sources and provide one to four mg per serving of lutein and zeaxanthin . Most studies show 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin for the best health benefits.
Good point about the fats helping us absorb them. I would normally use nuts, seeds or avocados rather than the refined fats though.
Nuts n seeds
The amount of fat your body would need for antioxidant uptake is the equivalent of three walnut halves
Good one! Love it. I will put extra kale in my smoothie this morning!
I love this channel!
Wow mind blowing. How can I get my doctor to check for this???
Screw your doctor.
Wow this is very interesting, the whole time i was thinking ok how do we know there is a direct link between lutein and brain function and right at the end he teased us. Keep it up doc
Anyone know how cooking affects lutein? In the list cooked spinach has more than raw but it also has a lot more mass in the same volume.
Well, one just has to do the math. I did. It almost cuts it in half, at least with spinach, if you take the same amount of cooked and raw spinach.
''Lutein and zeaxanthin (L/Z) are the predominant carotenoids which accumulate in the retina of the eye.'
The available research investigating the impact of cooking on carotenoids in plant sources suggests that although the heat decreases the carotenoid content, it may nonetheless enhance the bioavailability of the carotenoids compared with uncooked sources
Thank you
Cooking doubles lutein, but greatly reduces Zeaxanthin, so cook leafy greens, but dont cook Yellow Bell Pepper.
Avatar Lurvdjur it also helps to take carotenoids with a bit of healthy fat ... like a couple of nuts, an oily seed like pumpkin or sunflower, a slice of avocado... to increase absorption. Apparently the increased fat in the meal stimulates the gall bladder to release bile, which emulsifies fat into smaller particles, thereby exposing more surface area to enzymes able to prepare them for absorption. Dr G has also said that turmeric stimulates the gall bladder, so a sprinkle of turmeric may be helpful as well.
great job
This is so interesting! Where can we check our macular pigment doc?
Have an eye exam with the retina photos taken. After adopting a mostly whole food plant based (in a week I usually eat 2 meals on average that contain small portions of meat or dairy) diet my optometrist commented that my pigment levels had increased significantly since the prior photos and this was a very good thing.
Great info and eager to hear the next part!!! Thanks.
Thanks for another informative video! Dark leafy greens for the win!
Great holiday gift to get a vid from Dr. G.....and, on brain health. Greens in smoothies (delish) gently cooked (fabulous) and I just juiced a ton with cuke, celery, apply, ginger and lime (sublime). Hope my brain is smiling.
This is great information ℹ️
Great information!!
Thanks doc! Happy holidays!!!
This was fascinating; TFP!
Another fantastic video!!
In Spain we don´t get much kale, but we eat plenty of dark green vegetables. Thanks Dr. Greger.
Is it ok if I cook them?
New year’s resolution: more leafy greens.
so, spinach and kale should be cooked or in smoothies????
You can eat it raw in a salad also if you don't like it cooked.
Guess this explains at least in part why my eye sight improved so much(amongst many other things) after only a few months of not eating meat dairy or eggs. Last year was my first year without any of that poison. I was eating about a half pound to a pound and a half of kale per day. Stopped for a while since it gets a bit boring switched to Romain butter lettuce etc... but yeah definitely getting that kale in after this vid haha.
50 egg omelet 😂
Just add some kale and spinach to your romaine salad. Make a mix. It adds more flavor to.
I get severely excited ad your videos. They are amazing
Great stuff..!
Do you agree with anti aging recommendations of: wearing spf sunscream all year round, of fasting 2 1/3 days a week, of hiit exercises 3 times a week?
What, who recommends wearing sunscreen year-round?
@@Emile-philia Every dermatologist. The sun is apparently the single most harmful thing to our skin in our everyday lives, tanning is stress to the skin and uv light leads to oxidation that destroys your cells.
You can see this especially in people that tan a lot or in uv beds in those salons, but check out Dr Dray for all of that sun damage content and maybe others.
Uv light is present all year round of course, not just in summer.
And I personally would not fast, but do the exercise and sunscreen part, that has measurable effects tested in many studies.
@@Nina-cd6uw Probably a bad thing to put chemicals on your skin year-round.
@@Emile-philia Everything is a chemical.
Would raw kale in smoothies help? I love to put kale in my 2 daily smoothies. I put 1c of frozen raw kale+1 frozen banana+1tbs oil free nut butter+1ts instant coffee+water in my morning smoothie & another cup w/ 1c bokchoy+frozen strawberry+1 pitted date+1tbs of misutgaru (ground roasted mixed grain)+water. I also love to drink goji berry tea then eat them when they’re all fat & rehydrated😁😁😁. I kinda do it for my eyes since i got both myopia & aged eyes (my glasses rx remain -3 &+2 for the past 4 yrs)
Keep up the good work.
Is there even a study showing that any animal based food improves the mind or body? Very interested.
Lots relating to fish consumption, e.g,
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29269884 - higher IQs associated with fish consumption (despite the possibility of increased exposure to mercury and other contaminants).
Most assume any health benefits are due to omega-3 content, though clinical trials of omega-3 supplementation, regardless of source, have so far not shown much benefit.
There is some evidence that beta-parvalbumin, a protein from fish, may inhibit the formation of protein aggregates involved in some neurodegenerative disease:
Fish tends to be rich in selenium, so that may be the reason for health benefits:
I've also come across the suggestion by some nutrition nerds that the taurine content of fish is important to consider. Fish is also rich source of niacin.
Thank you for doing all of the work required to provide so much scientific evidence. Is it possible there is some official scientific research concerning the new celery juice craze? The attached article makes a lot of claims while saying “science has not discovered” so how believable is it?
wait, you are saying that kale is good for you? ;)
Eggs are awesome
With all the hype about ecoli in the romaine n just watched another news article about 1 in 5 of avocados testing positive for listeria. I wonder what the likelihood of Contracting a food born illness on a vegan diet is And how the body deals with it. How do we identify illnesses and When it is appropriate to seek medical attention?
I avoided eating raw vegetables for many years because of unfounded fears of food borne illnesses from raw veg. After having a bad case of GERD I changed my diet to a more plant-based, whole foods diet with plenty of raw veg (as in kale & other veg smoothies) and got better. I did get listeriosis one summer - one of the worst illnesses I've ever had (fever of 105F); I got it from a sample of unpasteurized cheese at Whole Foods (I had been getting my 'cheese fix' by just having a sample or two when shopping). No problem identifying the illness, I just googled my symptoms and of course I went to the dr because with a fever of 105, that's what you do...
In short, I don't think being vegan puts you at greater risk. My advice is to wash all veg, keep apprised of recalls, and demand better farming and food handling practices.
Millions of pounds of meat and fish are recalled annually due to bacterial contamination. The problem isn’t a vegan diet, it is a factory food system that puts profits above health that is the problem.
The problem is that each state/locality allows x amount of human waste-reclaimed water to be spread on agricultural fields!!!@@shaalijones3484
Reclaimed water is treated to a higher level than the usual sewage treatment. It is generally treated with chemicals and ultraviolet light to kill bacteria like E. coli. Reclaimed water is also tested extensively. Sludge from manure ponds does not receive the same level of oversight. I toured the facility at www.lottcleanwater.org it is very impressive. @@fairwood100
I looked at the references cited and one study said corn is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Corn tortillas and corn chips are high in the phytonutrients but you need fat for your body to absorb it since they are fat-soluble.
So are kale and broccoli sprouts high in lutein? :)
What other substitutes for kale for those who’s living in a country where kale is not easily available???
Any green vegetable should have some (peas, broccolli, cabbage). Root vegetables like beets, carrots etc. Pistachios even have some. You can google it and see if your local stores have any high luetin foods.
@@Skweepathank you so much!
spinach is number two, with much more than broccoli.
Need to eat more kale!!! :D
Organic kale is kind of expensive in my state to eat a cup of kale a day. I wish kale wasn't so superior nutritionally and that there were more dark leafy green choices besides kale and spinach I feed my tortoise collards and I'll rip off a piece for myself, but I don't know if that smaller amount is doing much. It would be great if it was found eating one large salad a week would meet your needs on some of the nutrition aspects.
Does chinese kale (kailan) has equal nutrition to kale? I cannot stand the waxy kale and very expensive in my area.
Kale smoothie incoming
lit, thank you
I add frozen kale to my smoothie every day, does it matter if it's cooked or frozen?
I am not sure what the answer is, however, my guess is you are on the right track anyway! Keep up the good work!
5:46 might be better to cook it based on those results, but cooking takes time I'll probably do the same as you since it's FASTER & I'm not crazy about the texture of kale.
Artur K it’s more powerful when it’s raw
I heard that raw kale might actually be bad for you . I know this stuff is usually carnist nonsense but I feel this one might actually have some truth to it. . Someone told me kale was too high in a certain nutrient and should be avoided by pregnant women . Anyone know anything about this ?
There are so many plant foods, that there are doubtless, countless, seemingly unlikely ways of doing yourself harm by improper ingestion (under-cooked kidney beans and such). I experiment with a lot of new foods that I find at my local Asian market . I'm guessing a lot of whole food vegans do . It would be good to be aware of any pitfalls ,not least so we don't end up giving the carnists fuel for their nonsense.
Artur K
I assume you bought it frozen, in that case it's been blanched, so yes, it actually matters a lot, lutein content is almost doubled when cooked, and since it's frozen as early as possible, it has more nutrients in it, so it's perfect. The only drawback is that Zeaxanthin (not that high in kale anyway) and vitamin C content is reduced, but you can get that from Corn or Yellow Bell Pepper (dont cook the bell pepper).
I always cook spinach/kale.
I just had my macular pigment test two weeks ago. My eye Dr. was impressed At 58, vegan plant based 4 years on Jan 1st, my score was 0.67. Apparently that’s a good number at my age. She said I must eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables. I laughed and said “ Yep, Plant Based Vegan here”. I eat them every day.
Nancy McCutcheon me too! Same age/same result. And super health looking blood flow in my eyes. No signs of blockage.
What about that study that was saying our body can't absorb the nutrients in Kale?
i take lutein for eye health
Por favor en español
Add a little spinach to tomato sauce ....paste ....then on top of starch for the win
Ok then what should be eaten to avoid these diseases
I love you so much
wow, that's a great video!
Irodology? Not sure if i spelled it right, if its based on patterns could there be some truth to it.
Is a special test needed to observe this? Or, does a regular eye exam, where they see the spot and it is much darker than the rest of the area, tell us what we need to know?
Is unfiltered coffee really unhealthy? Are beans from a tin dangerous (high in alluminium, processed, low in nutrients etc)?
i consume kale daily, but it's always cooked from frozen.. does the lutein content decline significantly by cooking?
Eating kale and any vegetable should be done in the way YOU like better!
I would recommend to eat in a variaty of ways, so you are sure to get enough.
''Lutein and zeaxanthin (L/Z) are the predominant carotenoids which accumulate in the retina of the eye.'
The available research investigating the impact of cooking on carotenoids in plant sources suggests that although the heat decreases the carotenoid content, it may nonetheless enhance the bioavailability of the carotenoids compared with uncooked sources '
Most stuff seems to be better for you raw (broccoli, garlic, onions, etc.) But not everything is: carrots, mushrooms, and tomatoes are better cooked.
Which is a long way of saying that I don't know if kale is better raw or cooked. My guess is that it's better raw.
Dr. G said that it doesn’t really matter, prepare it however you like to consume more!
Is it kale? Is it kale? Spoiler alert, it is kale.
Kale is goitrogenic AF.
@@atilacorreia Add to kale some kelp, nori, dulse.....problem solved.
kelp, nori, dulse are sea vegetables or seaweed. @@Crepitom
@@atilacorreia Just cook them.
@@atilacorreia , really? I'm interested. Would you be able to provide a link to your info, please?
Ladies and gents, I just had the most amazing store bought Falafel ever. Hurry up to Sainsburrys ( if youre in the UK) and buy their own brand Loveyourveg with 8 beetroot, quinoa &kale falafel. Soft inside and bit moist, crispy outside, I havent even put them in the oven 10 min as suggested, just quick in a pan with no oil for 2-3 min. Go Grab It! I accept donations in the shape of these Falafel:)) Happy Holidays!
they are evil
I will never get my 16 yr old to eat a cup of kale a day 😕, what if I steam the kale to cook it (like it says on the list 'cooked'), and I juice it?
Will the juice without the fiber have the same benefits?
I believe I can get him to drink that. 😉
Home made Kale chips----our kids eat them.
Jump to 5:40 for lutein foods
A side order of fries with your burger Sir? No thanks -- I'll have a bucket of kale ...
Yeah, people that eat buckets of kale usually eat a lot of fast food too :)
Laughed out loud. Wish I could thumbs up a dozen times! 😂
Would you like some laxatives as a side to your anti nutrients? you'll need them.
How about fries and kale? Win Win :-P
“Bet it’s meat, bet it’s meat!”- silly carnivore dieters
Both are important no one says veggies are bad for you unlike vegans who say animal products are bad for you when it clearly not the case...
ut bo Have you watched any other of Dr. Gregory’s videos? Meat is CLEARLY unhealthy for the human body
Meat fights aging? *LOL*
@Genji Gadgeto
It is meat that fights aging? What are you smoking? *LOL*
The only thing you can get from meat that you can't get from a whole foods plant based diet is HEART DISEASE!
I'm pretty sure all nutritional advice could be boiled down to "eat your veggies"
Dr greger! We are waiting for the video on cyanide in flax seeds where you clear up the confusion created by the swedish government recommending people not to consume ANY ground flax seeds.
And blueberries? They contain concentrated pigment. Aren’t they high up there?
Not this specific pigment (luetin), but blueberries do improve cognitive function (and protect the brain) as well!
Ranin Zadviylet Amla powder
Are you suggesting Amla powder?
And there my kale is! Waiting in my garden! I have not been eating it for weeks due to freezing temperatures outside but it was holding strong! I'm sorry,my kale! Forgive me!
noice keep it up
In the next video, Dr Gregor will discuss what kinds of food to eat to improve X. Spoiler alert... it's plants. He will explain why we should eat plants.
Which plants though ????
"Cooked Kale!!" OMG!!!
check out Chef AJ's Mediterranean Kale here on FB...OMG...I;'ve made it like 6 times now!
my dad told me he started eating a potation of spinach everyday to help his eyes, he swears it has cleared up his vision :D
there is no such thing as kale in india. what else can i eat?
Bacon and eggs
Kale is actually a particular variety/cultivar of cabbage. Eat other cabbage varieties instead, preferably the dark greener ones.
is spinach available to you? It's number two.
Kale, baby; kale!
OH, COME ON ... not another cliff hanger :-)