To be young, and to feel that passion, such love for another, in the beginnings of your journey to old age, such that you are like a newborn to the art of coupling and it consumes you. This music is such an invitation to reminisce in those indulgences of youth, beauty, and desire. How I miss those years, when we were kings and queens, and wanted. Now, in age, we are forgotten, unwanted, and alone, still searching for real love. A pity I could not find a way to see love when it was standing before me then. And now, it simply passes me by, without even a glance. Only the music can bring it back, and the mind, with it's trickery, can make my heart fill with desire, for a time long past. Youth is fleeting. It's gone before you realize and on one day you will wake and not know who it is in the mirror.
Deshalb sollten wir alle im Alter Gott lieben, den Ewigen Geliebten, der uns nie verlässt und uns ewige Glückseligkeit verheißt ... weltliche Liebe (ohne Gott) ist genauso flüchtig wie die Jugend. Glücklich der, der nicht daran festhält.
Dieu vous aime....approchez-vous à le monde angélique pour ces qui ont besoin tête claire et bonne aide belle compagnie pour conduire l'entretien en apercant créer un deuxième et troisième chemin .....cette princesse du coeur me manque.. Lady Di était disparue🌈🔥😇devenante elle-même exprimée comme la b e a u t e eternelle...ici sur cette terre boule...nous nous seulement préparons pour ce que devient notre noble responsabilité à dissoudre....divulguer l'amour...
Im Deutschen heißt es "Leidenschaft (Deutsch für passion) ist eine Leidenschaft, die Leiden schafft". Wer sagt eigentlich, dass die "Alten" niemand mehr will?
It's because of pieces of this nature that one cannot talk of music without paying special tribute to the Romantic period of music history. It's just sublime...
Yes! A sensual and passionate arrangement by Liszt and so beautifully played. So glad to hear this again, it was one my father’s favorites and I attempted to learn it in my youth. However I now understand that merely playing the correct notes vastly differs from becoming one with the music and caressing it as it is played. Like love, tender moments. Stroking the hair of your child. Dear Schubert, taken from the world so young. Heartbreaking. 💔
La Serenata di Shubert è uno dei pezzi a me più cari! Sento ancora riecheggiare nella mia mente la musica che il mio tenerissimo e sensibilissimo papà, suonava quasi ogni sera divinamente, e che ho perso troppo giovane quando avevo anvora vent'anni. Ma lui, con la Serenata, è semore, per sempre, qui con me, ogni volta che l'ascolto❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sweet, sublime, soft music played very well with the heart. Everytime I listen to this Serenade, pine for my beloved whom fate snatched away five years ago and cry remembering the best moments spent with her. I shall always love you my Ritu..
LA SERENADE de SHUBERT es una obra maestra tan llena de belleza como de nostalgia. LA NOSTALGIA o "LO QUE PUDO SER Y NO FUE". Ya no hay vuelta atrás. En mi mente se repite una y otra vez esa frase que he escrito tantas veces en mis libretas íntimas y que define a la perfeccion esta fugaz y efímera vida : "QUE PRONTO SE HA HECHO TARDE". La belleza, la nostalgia y la tristeza íntimamente unidas por la memorable partitura de LA SERENADE de SHUBERT
Che Emozione inesprimibile questa Serenade. Sono senza, parole mi lascio andare fino in fondo all'anima è forse Lei che nella musica si rivela? Grazie grande Schubert eternamente 🙏🎶🌎
Beka Lagadze. Today is Nov/4/2024 the morning in Los Angeles, CA. I liked to listen again Shubert's Serenade played by you. You are playing not fast or slow; you are playing it the way it should be. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. Krikor 86 from L.A. CA.
Cette mélodie est archiconnue, mais on ne se lasse jamais de ce qui est suprêmement beau. Shubert a de ces inspirations qui lui viennent de je ne sais où. Peut-être du ciel?
Bellísima Serenata interpretada con maestria,. Las imágenes del film Ana Karenina la colman de un clima dramático Mil gracias por tu regalo,🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️🌹🌹❤️🌹
Very beautiful. I have listened this Serenade from great pianists of today, you are playing very balanced and great emotion. Bravo! Krikor from, L. A. CA.
Вспомнилось, как когда-то в юности я, ученица 10 кл. пела ее на городском смотре худ.самодеятельности. Готовясь на репетициях, я уже вступление не могла слушать без слез. Благодарю за точное сравнение!
Preciosa Interpretación , de Shubert ...Serenata . Este Pianista hace hablar al Piano .El arreglo de Liszt ...Hermoso .Gracias por Compartir .Saludos desde México.💞😃🎵🎶👏👏👏👏👏
This serenade is my first childhood relocation of hearing music. I was probably a toddler. The music was broadcasted over the radio, I remember also a light green bulb of radio indicator, it was round, and the size of a sector was changing.
I love the high taste of music of my Georgians!🇬🇪❤️ It's a great performance Beka. Thank you and wish you all the best! სულ წარმატებები, იმედია უფრო მეტად დაგაფასებენ საქართველოში.
@@samurzakanoeli მაპატიეთ, მაგრამ თქვენ მე იდიოტი ხომ არ გგონივართ? ეს ახალგაზრდა, რომელიც ვიდეოშია, რომ ბექა ლაღაძეა, ეს ჩანს არა მარტო ვიდეოს სათაურიდან, არამედ იქიდანაც, რომ თვით ეს იუტუბ-არხიც, რომელზეც ეს ვიდეოა ატვირთული, მის სახელს ატარებს, ანუ მას ეკუთვნის. ის რომ მაღალი დონის პიანისტია, ამ შესრულებიდანაც კარგად ჩანს. ვინ არის-მეთქი, რომ ვიკითხე, მე ის კი არ ვიგულისხმე, რაც ისედაც ცხადია. მე მაინტერესებს რა ხნისაა, სად დაიბადა და გაიზარდა, სად ისწავლა, რატომ არის რუსეთში და ა.შ.
Não é uma coisa simples tocar Shubert, é o grande talento dele que nos faz ouvir assim, como o orvalho de uma bella manhã, simplesmente leve e solto..A.C.
True love is love between two young and beautiful, handsome, woman and man. Hence, don't waste time and strive to keep her as happy as possible till you are fit for the same.
To be young, and to feel that passion, such love for another, in the beginnings of your journey to old age, such that you are like a newborn to the art of coupling and it consumes you. This music is such an invitation to reminisce in those indulgences of youth, beauty, and desire. How I miss those years, when we were kings and queens, and wanted. Now, in age, we are forgotten, unwanted, and alone, still searching for real love. A pity I could not find a way to see love when it was standing before me then. And now, it simply passes me by, without even a glance. Only the music can bring it back, and the mind, with it's trickery, can make my heart fill with desire, for a time long past. Youth is fleeting. It's gone before you realize and on one day you will wake and not know who it is in the mirror.
Que gran razón es la que usted tiene... Juventud, divino tesoro, que te as para no voler...
Deshalb sollten wir alle im Alter Gott lieben, den Ewigen Geliebten, der uns nie verlässt und uns ewige Glückseligkeit verheißt ... weltliche Liebe (ohne Gott) ist genauso flüchtig wie die Jugend. Glücklich der, der nicht daran festhält.
Dieu vous aime....approchez-vous à le monde angélique pour ces qui ont besoin tête claire et bonne aide belle compagnie pour conduire l'entretien en apercant créer un deuxième et troisième chemin
.....cette princesse du coeur me manque..
Lady Di était disparue🌈🔥😇devenante elle-même exprimée comme la b e a u t e eternelle...ici sur cette terre boule...nous nous seulement préparons pour ce que devient notre noble responsabilité à dissoudre....divulguer l'amour...
Im Deutschen heißt es "Leidenschaft (Deutsch für passion) ist eine Leidenschaft, die Leiden schafft".
Wer sagt eigentlich, dass die "Alten" niemand mehr will?
How true I do feel the same.
Читаю комментарии с переводом. Какие интересные и светлые люди тут собрались! Прекрасная музыка привлекает прекрасных людей. Всем мира и добра!
Ja so ist es, dabei sind wir alle großartig☺️
einfach nur unbeschreiblich schön und berührend . niemals wieder wird es solche musik geben .
Inexplicably, my nose was sour and tears were quietly dripping.
My grandmas's too! She played it on a zither!
Muy buena interpretación, gracias por algo tan hermoso... en un mundo tan difícil, la música es una caricia al alma.
It's because of pieces of this nature that one cannot talk of music without paying special tribute to the Romantic period of music history. It's just sublime...
Как прекрасен этот божий мир с такими музыкальными творениями, спасибо
Божествена музика. Няма ли как да се пусне едновременно по всички части на света и да се укроти тази жажда за власт и пари.
Прекрасное, необыкновенно нежное исполнение. Будто из родника напилась...
Серенаду любви ,легкий ветер ночной на ветвях как.на струнах,этих звуков свободу цветущей весной нежный шелест листвы навевает
Музыка -это полет души в просторах чувст и мыслей! Прекрасно!
Questo brano evoca sempre memorie antiche e nostalgiche in tempi davvero eroici.
some of the most beautiful music EVER written...
The Shubert Serenade is wonderful and this performance is very beautiful and graceful.
Yes! A sensual and passionate arrangement by Liszt and so beautifully played. So glad to hear this again, it was one my father’s favorites and I attempted to learn it in my youth. However I now understand that merely playing the correct notes vastly differs from becoming one with the music and caressing it as it is played. Like love, tender moments. Stroking the hair of your child. Dear Schubert, taken from the world so young. Heartbreaking. 💔
This is not Beka's playing. He stole the audio from Rosseau. Look at the dates of their videos.
La Serenata di Shubert è uno dei pezzi a me più cari!
Sento ancora riecheggiare nella mia mente la musica che il mio tenerissimo e sensibilissimo papà, suonava quasi ogni sera divinamente, e che ho perso troppo giovane quando avevo anvora vent'anni.
Ma lui, con la Serenata, è semore, per sempre, qui con me, ogni volta che l'ascolto❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Great daddy you have -RIP
Sweet, sublime, soft music played very well with the heart. Everytime I listen to this Serenade, pine for my beloved whom fate snatched away five years ago and cry remembering the best moments spent with her. I shall always love you my Ritu..
and my Brenda - i hear you Sushil - and thanks Schubert
If affects so many of us that way - almost gives a company of quiet smiles for our loved ones only with us in our hearts and minds. Sofya
LA SERENADE de SHUBERT es una obra maestra tan llena de belleza como de nostalgia. LA NOSTALGIA o "LO QUE PUDO SER Y NO FUE". Ya no hay vuelta atrás. En mi mente se repite una y otra vez esa frase que he escrito tantas veces en mis libretas íntimas y que define a la perfeccion esta fugaz y efímera vida : "QUE PRONTO SE HA HECHO TARDE". La belleza, la nostalgia y la tristeza íntimamente unidas por la memorable partitura de LA SERENADE de SHUBERT
Какая бережная, трепетная транскрипция Шубертовской Серенады! Ещё один шедевр Листа! Благодарю пианиста за прекрасное исполнение🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Che film è? Grazie😊
@@giovannascognamiglio9868 Anna Karenina
вообще то это Шуберт,а не Лист)
@@sarahconnor709 ещё раз прочтите первое предложение моего коммента )))
О!!! Как вы прекрасно исполнили это произведение!!! Спасибо огромное!!!!!!
Emin ol ki irina en güzel yorumu yaptın, buda senin iç dünyanın güzelliği "yüzünü göremedim"
შესანიშნავი ინტერპრეტაცია 👌👏
Божественный Шуберт! Прекрасное исполнение! Шедевр на века!!
What a lovely rendition!
The sounds of the Serenade are falling so gently, softly on my heart...❤❤❤...😉
Браво!Божественной красоты музыка и великолепное исполнение!Спасибо!!!!!
Музыка для моей души.Спасибо!,
Bravo Lagadze !!! vous êtes un vrai schuberthien. Vous avez le touché exact dont cette serenade a besoin. Merci.
Благодарю за прекрасное живое проникновенное исполнение! Браво!!! Храни Вас, Бог! С уважением из Казахстана🇰🇿💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Спасибо вам!
Wonderful piano - clear and never harsh!
Che Emozione inesprimibile questa Serenade. Sono senza, parole mi lascio andare fino in fondo all'anima è forse Lei che nella musica si rivela? Grazie grande Schubert eternamente 🙏🎶🌎
E co estivesse sonhando
Il Massimo!!!
Melody of soul for soul. It's healing power for heart is sweet and kind.
Очень выразительно и очень по-человечески. Спасибо за эти прекрасные чувства.
Мадлоба,Бека!За мен бе истинско удоволствие да Ви слушам!Бог да Ви благослови и спаси!Бог да благослови Сакартвело!Амин!
უნიკალური ინტერპრეტაცია საუკეთესოდ გადმოცემული შინაარსით.
ყოჩაღ მამულიშვო მაგარი და ულამაზესი იყო🇬🇪⭐⭐⭐🇬🇪
Beka Lagadze. Today is Nov/4/2024 the morning in Los Angeles, CA. I liked to listen again Shubert's Serenade played by you. You are playing not fast or slow; you are playing it the way it should be. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. Krikor 86 from L.A. CA.
Thank Beka. When I have the chance to see your Videos, I will enjoy listening.
Чудесно!!! Спасибо.
When one grew old, the shibboleths of the past are ever more real than the actualities of the present.
Alors là ! Je craque ! Quelle délicieuse mélodie. Bravo l’artiste 👏👏👏👏👏👏💔💔💔💔💔💔
Art makes the human soul beautiful.
What a beautiful serenade.^^
Cette mélodie est archiconnue, mais on ne se lasse jamais de ce qui est suprêmement beau. Shubert a de ces inspirations qui lui viennent de je ne sais où. Peut-être du ciel?
Oui, je le crois...
Нереально красиво и нежно 🙏🏻
Ваш образ соответствует прекрасной музыке...впрочем подобное к подобному.
Какое проникновенное исполнение ! Браво!
Красиво, грустно, прекрасно!
Beautiful, sad music. It fits perfectly with Anna Karennina
Bellísima Serenata interpretada con maestria,.
Las imágenes del film Ana Karenina la colman de un clima dramático
Mil gracias por tu regalo,🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️🌹🌹❤️🌹
Шикарно!!!!!!!!! До слёз!!!!T_TT_TT_T
Schubert's serenade is one of my favourite pieces and you did justice to that. Really mesmerizing 👏
Don't forget, we hear here the transcription for piano by Liszt ("Leise flehen meine Lieder").
Brilliantly played. Enjoyed thoroughly.
Very beautiful. I have listened this Serenade from great pianists of today, you are playing very balanced and great emotion. Bravo! Krikor from, L. A. CA.
Thank you Thank you. Krikor 86 from L. A. CA.
Даже слезы положили на ноты,,,,, шикарно,,,, спасибо!!!!!
Вспомнилось, как когда-то в юности я, ученица 10 кл. пела ее на городском смотре худ.самодеятельности. Готовясь на репетициях, я уже вступление не могла слушать без слез. Благодарю за точное сравнение!
Connaître l’état d’âme de Schubert au moment de la création de ce chef-d’œuvre ,permettrait de s’en imprégner plus encore 😊
E' sempre toccante delicatamente, e tocca il cuore
Esse composição é uma das mais belas obras musicais do mundo. É uma das minhas favoritas. Linda, perfeita, maravilhosa.
Bellosima Obra Musical.
Sinto o mesmo.
Makes me listen to my heart.
Чудесное Исполнение! Спасибо!!!
Beautiful music and a beautiful women in Mrs Knightley
Lovely touch and one needed for a piece like this
Wonderful warm tone from the piano and beautifully played.
Wundervoll, vielen Dank dafür. Es geht mir das Herz auf!
Preciosa, excelente. Un gran pianista. La esucho, y la escucho, y la vuelvo a escuchar
My heart melts with Serenade❤️🥰❤️
excellent interpretation, wonderful, congratulations
Se il cielo esiste.Eccolo!☀️🌈
@@ewapawlak6507 🎶💚🎶
Preciosa Interpretación , de Shubert ...Serenata .
Este Pianista hace hablar al Piano .El arreglo de Liszt ...Hermoso .Gracias por Compartir .Saludos desde México.💞😃🎵🎶👏👏👏👏👏
This is not Beka's playing. It's from Rosseau. Look at the dates from their videos. Its different.
Great performance of such a masterpiece by Schubert. Thanx🤝🙏👏
Gorgeous piece of music. Looks like a wonderful movie, too!
The Movie is Anna Karenina
This serenade is my first childhood relocation of hearing music. I was probably a toddler. The music was broadcasted over the radio, I remember also a light green bulb of radio indicator, it was round, and the size of a sector was changing.
Wonderful Beka... Beautiful serenade, beautiful rendition********* ))
Magnifica melodía y fantástico escucharte ♥️
Eres maravilloso te admiro muchísimo me emociono al escucharte gracias por tu música que llega al aa
Exploring with Dave, Mr you should be a Writer! What a beautiful way to describe feelings, Well Done!
I love the high taste of music of my Georgians!🇬🇪❤️ It's a great performance Beka. Thank you and wish you all the best! სულ წარმატებები, იმედია უფრო მეტად დაგაფასებენ საქართველოში.
ვინ არის ბექა ლაღაძე?
@@Herakles2412 მუსიკოსი, რომელიც ვიდეოში როიალზე უკრავს.
@@samurzakanoeli მაპატიეთ, მაგრამ თქვენ მე იდიოტი ხომ არ გგონივართ?
ეს ახალგაზრდა, რომელიც ვიდეოშია, რომ ბექა ლაღაძეა, ეს ჩანს არა მარტო ვიდეოს სათაურიდან, არამედ იქიდანაც, რომ თვით ეს იუტუბ-არხიც, რომელზეც ეს ვიდეოა ატვირთული, მის სახელს ატარებს, ანუ მას ეკუთვნის. ის რომ მაღალი დონის პიანისტია, ამ შესრულებიდანაც კარგად ჩანს.
ვინ არის-მეთქი, რომ ვიკითხე, მე ის კი არ ვიგულისხმე, რაც ისედაც ცხადია. მე მაინტერესებს რა ხნისაა, სად დაიბადა და გაიზარდა, სად ისწავლა, რატომ არის რუსეთში და ა.შ.
ყველაფერთან ერთად რა სასიამოვნოა ქართული გვარ - სახელის დანახვა!
Мое любимое произведение!
Прекрасное исполнение!
Спасибо за праздник
Для души....
So ein wunderschönes
romantisches Video zu
Schuberts Serenade, von
Beka Lagadze auch so
einfühlsam gespielt -
ich träume nur noch💖💖💖
Danke 🌹🌹🌹
Să tot asculți la infinit această muzică profundă
The piano sounds utterly perfect , truly speaking to us.
Thank you so much.Your music and the scenes background made me cried in Happiness.
Raffinatezza e delicatezza come il batter di ali di una farfalla. Sublime.🎶🎹💓
Ti tocca il cuore e l’anima come un soffio di vento!❤️🌹
Grazie di aver condiviso il mio sentimento!🎶🎹
@@dinam.4620 Grazie a te Dina…è bello sapere che ancora esistono persone come te!🌹❤️🇮🇹🇬🇧🇺🇸
Благодарю за прекрасную музыку !!!!!!
Não é uma coisa simples tocar Shubert, é o grande talento dele que nos faz ouvir assim, como o orvalho de uma bella manhã, simplesmente leve e solto..A.C.
Анна Каренина.. под поездом.... и Шубертовская Серенада ... Нет, не подходят друг другу
Музыка и исполнение - прекрасные. Благодарю!
Magnifique interprétation. Un régal ! !
Such a masterpiece in piano solo.....godly rendition. Love it.
Божественное исполнение!!!
Serenade van Shubert is prachtig, doet wel hart harder kloppen, prachtig Groeten uit Belguim Betty mijn verjaardag vandaag 18-7-1943 dus 78 jaar.
Cet air est magnifique mais d une telle nostalgie !
Nem minden a testi szerelem a lelki összetartozás fontosabb !!!❤❤😊😊❤❤
Que música más bella.!!!!!..gracias Dios nuestro por regalarnos esta delicia para el espíritu..
Чувственность, наслаждение
испытания для всех кто любил ,любит ,и будет любить
True love is love between two young and beautiful, handsome, woman and man. Hence, don't waste time and strive to keep her as happy as possible till you are fit for the same.
Traduçao ao portugues
Прекрасное исполнение! Very nice performance!
Maravilloso pianista y Serenata es una melodia soñada graciaas Sonia Guerrero desde Argentina
Amo escuchar esta serenata...sonrie mi alma un abrazo de luz a todos los corazones que sufren 🙏
Thank you
obrigado desde brasil
Wow ,awesome played🎉🎉❤
A beautiful version of this Masterpiece. Probably my favourite piece of music. 🎹🎶🎼
It’s Rousseau playing
@@elias7748 Obrigado por este momento tão especial.
@@eliascarneiro5203 sim obrigada por essa doçura de música
Adoro questo brano emozionante che trasporta in un'altra epoca, in un'altra dimensione. Complimenti al pianista!👏👏👏👍
ძალიან ლამაზია 💫👏🏻😍
Bravo. Thankyou. John (Australia)
Liszt transcriptions are always amazing.
A fantastic performance here.
Thank you.
ულამაზესი შესრულება, ბრავო 👏
Perfect music, with wonderful performance, and in the background, scenes from the beautiful film by Ana Karênina.Bravo!!!❤️
Great music, brings back old memories If only I could come back.