anthony w. Well said i came across Lloyd Jones years ago because out of all the books i was reading, most of the writers had made some reference to his works. Im convinced that John MacArthur got his preaching style directly from this guy.
Oh, how refreshing to hear truth without wavering. Have we dug ourselves so deeply into the muck and mire of modern thought that we cannot separate fact from fiction and when you hear a man with such biblical conviction; we can't help but sigh with relief?
Jennifer Bynum I will agree with you ...God led me to his page and I have not stop his sermons...In his sermon Narrow Way he spoke of today’s church trimming and clipping the message of God Word.
What a joy and a treat to hear and watch the Doctor defend and explain biblical doctrine. Thank you to the MLJ Trust and Dame Joan Bakewell for making this video available to the masses.
Apostle Paul formerly Saul. Didn't He Do Well. Emmanuel. 'Scum Of The Earth. World Health Organisation. City Of London Company Limited. The Good Doctor once made it clear that he had no truck with Roman Catholic Doctrine. Surely he did this with understanding of man's propensity to be deceived by the heart:conscience also known as. Super Ego. I wouldn't have touched me with a barge-pole vaulter. How do you know My Name? Graven on the palms of His hands.
This was back in the seventies, spoken by a man born in 1800s. Pastors today do not speak this way anymore, and those who do are not out in the open. There is a famine of the Word of God as Amos said.
This is such a blessing to see and hear the man of whom I have read so much the past 30 years. When I became a Christian at age 20, his sermons on Romans 6 was the first Christian book outside the Bible I read. I was in the Marine Corps at the time and preached Romans 6 to a group of Marines, one of which came to Christ. The whole company was a buzz about Jesus. Unbeknownst to me, the Spirit of God was preparing me as I read Lloyd-Jones sermons on Romans 6 to be a witness. I was powerfully moved in reading his sermons. Though dead, he still speaks! Thank you for sharing this!!
The book, "Spiritual Depression," a collection of his sermons recorded by his secretary, was a staple on book tables at Campus Crusade for Christ gatherings. Had great positive impact on students.
The "Reformation" of the PROTESTANT movement is still ongoing and its worship of money has been the "elephant" in the room that has been led us to where we are today!
This was so refreshing to see an actual civil dialogue between two people. No yelling or extreme emotion. Just respect, courtesy, and intelligent dialogue. So much different than public debates nowadays.
It is of course a master class by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, profoundly refreshing. But we must also admire those times when interviewers actually listened to the answers given, allowing enough time for response. Greetings from a french fellow believer.
Much like the host, I could not stop smiling as I listened to Dr. Lloyd Jones. He was just a brilliant, gifted preacher of the Gospel. Thank you for this amazing interview.
Such an encouraging interview and yet let us Christians never forget that it is not the Doctor but the God of the Doctor that deserves praise and was working through Him. Therefore if He did it before He can (and will) do it again. Be encouraged!
My goodness! The whole world, and particularly the Christian world, needs to hear this. This is most edifying to believers and needs to find an audience among all Christians.
Dame Joan was very gracious in her interviewing. How wonderful it would be if as a result of the interview she committed her life to Christ. We need more preachers like ‘the doctor’ as he was affectionally known.
Wow you can see the radiance of God on Martyn Lloyd Jones. The reporter couldn't stop smiling at him because of how much the Holy Spirit was speaking right through this powerful man of God.. you can sense the warmth and love on Martyn Lloyd Jones.. 🙏🤗💙
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd Jones to me was a blessing an a spiritual asset in my own ministry of over 30 years. I only wish our gracious Lord would have given me half of his spiritual and mental mantel. I recommend every preacher of the gospel read his books, and listen to several of his sermonic messages on various subject. I believe the Holy Spirit literally poured himself into Jones. Whenever I read his sermons I'm griped in a vice and feel as if I can't get out. God bless his memory... Rev. R. L. Addison Hampton Va., What a great man of God!
Such a precious man of God. Love listening to his sermons which to me are more relevant to todays condition than most of today's preachers. If we had preachers like him today, perhaps the Church would be in a healthier condition.
Like the Queen of Sheba before the wisdom of Solomon, the interviewer of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones finds all of her questions answered and more besides by the wisdom of God's Word through the ready responses of Dr. Lloyd-Jones. He clearly states the reality of Christianity to the pressing objections of the world system.
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is a hero of the faith. He would roll over in his grave if he saw what is going on with America’s evangelicalism. When preaching, you won’t hear Jones deploying comedy, jokes, stories, or cool clichés, in attempt to arouse the crowd.
His delivery reminded me of 1 Corinthians 2:5 "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power":
This was so good! the man can off the cuff, articulate deep faith better then those who have the time to write entire books. God is good in raising up such men.
***** The entire audio sermons are here: Although he did not finish Romans. Very meticulous, very careful, great interpretations of the text.
In the midst of the Coronavirus Crisis around the world. I looked any interview with such a Wonderful Preacher and Expositor of The The Gospel!! What a wonderful message. No wonder this man had such a spiritual influence on men like J. I. Packer, R. C. Sproul and My Pastor at GCC John MacArthur. We need more Teachers- Pastors Like him.
This is far and away my favorite interview. There was only one Martin Lloyd Jones, and he was arguably the Greatest Expositor of the Gospel who ever lived! He always tells the WHOLE Truth of man.
"Christ we claim is unique, you musnt put anybody near Him...because He is the only begotten Son of God. This isn't my theory, this is Christianity'. Glory to God. This is what Paul must have meant when he says the word came with much 'assurance'. This is what the world needs men who believe the truths they preach.
This was the best 19 minutes and 14 seconds I have spent in quite a while! :) Glad to see he summed it up well with the law as our schoolmaster and our failure to the law and our need of a Savior. The Biblical way, not mans. Thank you. :)
Truly amazing thank you Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones . Father God , Raise up more more men like this to reach the lost in this day in our Nation . This interview so blessed and encouraged and challenged me also.
What a wonderful thing to hear M.L.Jones speak off the cuff, while filled with the Holy Spirit. In this interview we have the glory, truth and power of the Gospel demonstrated by an "able minister"; 2 Cor.3:6-12. O, that we could hear such men of God today!
Poetry in motion? I wouldn't have touched me with a barge-pole vaulter. How do you! Know My Name? Graven on the palms of His hands. Raven- haired beauty? After His resurrection His hair was white!
Here is vivid proof of Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones' greatness in witnessing to the truth of the power of God in Christ - so patient, so kind, so honest upon every point, with kindness, not wavering from the truth of God as revealed in Scripture. Here we are, 2014, and this discussion couldn't be more relevant to the problems of our day. I take away many points raised by the Doctor from this interview, but especially this one: "Man is not autonomous". God made man perfect with a full capacity to love his Creator and love his wife. But man, in sinning against God, became a hopeless rebel with no future but death. Man must be reconciled to God in the atoning blood of the Lamb of God, This is his greatest need and it precludes all others. Ah, but what about poverty, sickness, man's need for self-expression? Dr. Lloyd Jones closes the loopholes by saying that man was designed by God, belongs to God and can by grace alone, attain to his highest office, which is love to God and hatred of his sinful self. Yes, the years have rolled by and Dr. Lloyd Jones is in heaven with the LORD Jesus Christ. He has left a rich legacy of teaching and preaching behind and we remember him for his love and submission to his Creator. He will continue to encourage millions of people in the faith of Christ. Sadly, Dame Bakewell is rather well-baked, one might say, after years of "expressing herself". Please, "be ye reconciled to God". Come to the LORD Jesus, Dame Bakewell, and know the glory of eternal life which God freely gives in the blood of His Dear Son. Not the righteous, but sinners, Jesus came to save.
Whoever posted this should receive a strong handshake and a brotherly kiss on the cheek for publishing a very tight and convincing summary of our Mess by a razor-sharp evangelical heart. He does not lose any momentum in responding to the challenges of intolerance and dogmatics. He presents very clearly the "authoritative message" of the New Testament (John chapters 10 and 14). (I think that the interviewer may have been rejoicing inside as she watched this Expositor knock down the pins of liberalism, one by one.) Bravo!
As a Welsh descendant myself, I admire his firm, calm responses that are offered in humility and conviction. This is more applicable bow, than it was at the time it was recorded.
How amazing to hear MLJ answering these questions, 1970, and yet still being asked today! The answers are there, whether we accept them or not - MLJ answered these questions so well, and it was refreshing to hear the interviewer be silent long enough for him to properly and clearly answer her questions without her constantly trying to "drive" or "steer" the interview or cut him off mid-answer. You won't see that very often these days.
incredible, Sadly Dame Joan hasn't yet felt able to accept Christ in her heart despite visiting various churches and falling in Love with a Quaker. She was eventually unable to say the good old creed because it didn't sit right. For many the idea of believing requires some kind of persuasive feeling and I've learned that believing is simply a fact and an act..feelings follow. If only our modern preachers had the conviction and clarity of Dr Martins exposition. Thanks Dame Joan for putting this up, you have taken me back to my childhood, I use to listen to tapes of the Dr, growing up in Devon.
Thanks God because he makes possible for us to hear Dr. Lloyd_Jones thru modern technology. I wish there were many Pastors like him that do not count the heads when speaking the Biblical truth.
I love this interview. M.L.J. as always filled with the Spirit, he might as well have had Jesus sitting in the next chair. People opt to live in utter chaos & confusion, cause that's what they're into. There's not excuse for it what-so-ever. As Mr. Jones says they're REBELS. PRICELESS!!!!!!
Great interview and timeless in its truth! What a bold yet humble man of God. John MacArthur called him “the greatest expositor of the 20th century.” Very grateful to hear - and see - one of the greatest physicians of the soul that the church has ever had. Soli Deo Gloria!
Only a few preachers today teach and preach like Dr Martin Lloyd Jones, we have strayed to far from the true gospel, we have been so self and man centered in our preaching and teaching.
This is marvellous...Amen and Amen! The greatest preacher of the twentieth century. Many churches tried to blend in with the wider society, so we are at this point. This man of God held the line. The line can be held both firmly and winsomely if the Christian is unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the power of salvation. Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones must have been a joy to interview despite any preconceptions his interviewer may have had... oh for his kind again...thankful there are a few. The compromisers, winsome religionists who won't present sin squarely and thus cut corners with the truth as they waffle on about love are joining in with a lie and harming the cause of Christ in ways this dear,faithful servant of God never went along with. It is such an encouragement to find this interview again. ❤
What a great joy to see and hear this brilliant man and preacher/theologian. I have read all he has left us in print, re-read much of the books...passed copies on to others and when recently a bible teacher had only a few of MLJ' writings, a family man with children, etc...and he was so thrilled when I was able to save and get him the series on "Romans." I was happy to hear when the professor wrote me and said he plowed instantly into these volumes. Having read them as they came out, I knew his joy. I was blessed early on in my conversion when I discovered this man's messages on cassette tapes, also Albert Martin's...soon they led me to Charles Spurgeon's great volumes and such fine, sound, solid books. I like the video's of MLJ, not many keeps my mind on the message for one thing when I see the speaker. How I wish I could have been at Westminster when he preached there. God bless this man's sermons and life to us always...being dead, he yet speaks.Thank you for posting this.
A master class in the truth. Will a man seek treatment for an illness he does not know he has. The answer is no. He needs to see the test results or at a minimum experience symptoms. Thank you Sir. No doubt that you heard these words " you and good and faithful servant.." when you completed your mission in 1981.
What a powerful witness Dr Jones was and so good to hear that he was immovable on the truth of the Word of God. The trouble with the church today is that it has become tolerant towards other explanations of the Bible in the hope of attracting the lost. However, we must share the ‘whole’ counsel of God and not just the bits we feel comfortable with. We must be intolerant towards anything that seeks to water down the truth of the Word of God or anything that is ungodly of unbiblical. This is what Dr Jones stood for. It’s what the church today needs to stand for.
Such a pleasure to listen to and watch this man of God. The conviction and clarity are compelling. May the Lord raise up like minded and like hearted men to preach his word in these dark and darkening times.
His beauty in articulating the gospel is immensely edifying.
Yeah, great point. It really is!
18 and Inspired to be like this man.
+22burst2020ddsspec . you have no greater model except jesus . go on my friend . the Lord bless you
anthony w. Well said i came across Lloyd Jones years ago because out of all the books i was reading, most of the writers had made some reference to his works. Im convinced that John MacArthur got his preaching style directly from this guy.
28 and Inspired to be like this man.
Oh, how refreshing to hear truth without wavering. Have we dug ourselves so deeply into the muck and mire of modern thought that we cannot separate fact from fiction and when you hear a man with such biblical conviction; we can't help but sigh with relief?
Jennifer Bynum I will agree with you ...God led me to his page and I have not stop his sermons...In his sermon Narrow Way he spoke of today’s church trimming and clipping the message of God Word.
Simply answered.....YES!!!
I have never seen a better example of speaking the truth in love. The Doctor is immoveable and gracious. Great interview!
What a joy and a treat to hear and watch the Doctor defend and explain biblical doctrine. Thank you to the MLJ Trust and Dame Joan Bakewell for making this video available to the masses.
Apostle Paul formerly Saul.
Didn't He Do Well. Emmanuel.
'Scum Of The Earth. World Health Organisation. City Of London Company Limited.
The Good Doctor once made it clear that he had no truck with Roman Catholic Doctrine. Surely he did this with understanding of man's propensity to be deceived by the heart:conscience also known as. Super Ego.
I wouldn't have touched me with a barge-pole vaulter.
How do you know My Name?
Graven on the palms of His hands.
This was back in the seventies, spoken by a man born in 1800s. Pastors today do not speak this way anymore, and those who do are not out in the open. There is a famine of the Word of God as Amos said.
Some of us pastors do aspire to! But the Doctor was especially anointed by God.
There is a few nowadays.. John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer etc.
@@TheDavidBarraza You are 100% right. In Poland as well.... God bless you Brother 🙋♀️🇵🇱
1900's not 1800's!
@@MarcosJ-mq4lkhe was born in 1899
This is such a blessing to see and hear the man of whom I have read so much the past 30 years. When I became a Christian at age 20, his sermons on Romans 6 was the first Christian book outside the Bible I read. I was in the Marine Corps at the time and preached Romans 6 to a group of Marines, one of which came to Christ. The whole company was a buzz about Jesus. Unbeknownst to me, the Spirit of God was preparing me as I read Lloyd-Jones sermons on Romans 6 to be a witness. I was powerfully moved in reading his sermons. Though dead, he still speaks! Thank you for sharing this!!
Wow! That is so fantastic. Praise the Lord!
The book, "Spiritual Depression," a collection of his sermons recorded by his secretary, was a staple on book tables at Campus Crusade for Christ gatherings. Had great positive impact on students.
The "Reformation" of the PROTESTANT movement is still ongoing and its worship of money has been the "elephant" in the room that has been led us to where we are today!
This was so refreshing to see an actual civil dialogue between two people. No yelling or extreme emotion. Just respect, courtesy, and intelligent dialogue. So much different than public debates nowadays.
It is of course a master class by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, profoundly refreshing.
But we must also admire those times when interviewers actually listened to the answers given, allowing enough time for response.
Greetings from a french fellow believer.
Hearing this man is like drinking fresh water in a desert. What he said in 1970 is just as relevant today!
I love the quote, “ I preached to 2,100 in Glasgow and politicians cannot get 50 to listen to them.” How true. Great interview!
He never waivered. A true man of God.
Much like the host, I could not stop smiling as I listened to Dr. Lloyd Jones. He was just a brilliant, gifted preacher of the Gospel. Thank you for this amazing interview.
May God raise up more faithful men like "the Doctor" in this generation.
This message should be preached today from every pulpit in the land. It is profound truth and eloquently delivered.
Here we are 50 years later and what he is saying applies today as if I turned on TV from last night! How applicable for today!
Such an encouraging interview and yet let us Christians never forget that it is not the Doctor but the God of the Doctor that deserves praise and was working through Him. Therefore if He did it before He can (and will) do it again. Be encouraged!
well said
This never gets old. I love it!
Hercules mac The Truth never get old.
The gospel, as it should be preached today, but rarely is. We need more preachers like Dr Lloyd Jones.
My goodness! The whole world, and particularly the Christian world, needs to hear this. This is most edifying to believers and needs to find an audience among all Christians.
"This is not the first time a minority has been right." -Martin Lloyd Jones.
That's perfect!
Makes me wish we had men like this being interviewed today; what confidence and conviction
Amen, this is amazing. Thanks Paul Washer for leading me to this man. Glory be his.
Dame Joan was very gracious in her interviewing. How wonderful it would be if as a result of the interview she committed her life to Christ. We need more preachers like ‘the doctor’ as he was affectionally known.
The clarity of this man is astounding. I thank God that I have been able to access his work through these messages.
Wow you can see the radiance of God on Martyn Lloyd Jones. The reporter couldn't stop smiling at him because of how much the Holy Spirit was speaking right through this powerful man of God.. you can sense the warmth and love on Martyn Lloyd Jones.. 🙏🤗💙
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd Jones to me was a blessing an a spiritual asset in my own ministry of over 30 years. I only wish our gracious Lord would have given me half of his spiritual and mental mantel. I recommend every preacher of the gospel read his books, and listen to several of his sermonic messages on various subject. I believe the Holy Spirit literally poured himself into Jones. Whenever I read his sermons I'm griped in a vice and feel as if I can't get out. God bless his memory... Rev. R. L. Addison Hampton Va., What a great man of God!
Such a precious man of God. Love listening to his sermons which to me are more relevant to todays condition than most of today's preachers. If we had preachers like him today, perhaps the Church would be in a healthier condition.
Absolutely brilliant. A true man of God
Like the Queen of Sheba before the wisdom of Solomon, the interviewer of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones finds all of her questions answered and more besides by the wisdom of God's Word through the ready responses of Dr. Lloyd-Jones. He clearly states the reality of Christianity to the pressing objections of the world system.
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is a hero of the faith. He would roll over in his grave if he saw what is going on with America’s evangelicalism. When preaching, you won’t hear Jones deploying comedy, jokes, stories, or cool clichés, in attempt to arouse the crowd.
His delivery reminded me of
1 Corinthians 2:5
"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power":
Praise God for men of God as Lloyd Jones was. We desperately need more men as Martyn in this age.
This was so good! the man can off the cuff, articulate deep faith better then those who have the time to write entire books. God is good in raising up such men.
me too
***** The entire audio sermons are here:
Although he did not finish Romans. Very meticulous, very careful, great interpretations of the text.
Superb! He shows such godly strength yet at the same time such godly humility!
In the midst of the Coronavirus
Crisis around the world.
I looked any interview with such a Wonderful Preacher and Expositor of The The Gospel!!
What a wonderful message.
No wonder this man had such a spiritual influence on men like
J. I. Packer, R. C. Sproul and
My Pastor at GCC John MacArthur.
We need more Teachers- Pastors
Like him.
His sermon on the battle for the mind from 1959 is astoundingly relevant to today. Almost prophetic .
Love this godly brother so much. Thankyou Lord
What a legend , now enjoying life in eternity with his Lord & saviour .
This is far and away my favorite interview. There was only one Martin Lloyd Jones, and he was arguably the Greatest Expositor of the Gospel who ever lived! He always tells the WHOLE Truth of man.
The best 19 minutes on TH-cam. What a champion.
Martyn Lloyd Jones is one of my heroes of the faith.
This interview is based on biblical truth and therefore will always be relevant.
"Christ we claim is unique, you musnt put anybody near Him...because He is the only begotten Son of God. This isn't my theory, this is Christianity'.
Glory to God. This is what Paul must have meant when he says the word came with much 'assurance'. This is what the world needs men who believe the truths they preach.
This was the best 19 minutes and 14 seconds I have spent in quite a while! :) Glad to see he summed it up well with the law as our schoolmaster and our failure to the law and our need of a Savior. The Biblical way, not mans. Thank you. :)
That is the greatest interview on the conclusion of mans greatest need I've ever heard in my life.
So glad that I have been introduced to MLJ. Absolutely brilliant!
Uncompromising and bold. Thank God for The Doctor.
Truly amazing thank you Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones . Father God , Raise up more more men like this to reach the lost in this day in our Nation .
This interview so blessed and encouraged and challenged me also.
What a wonderful thing to hear M.L.Jones speak off the cuff, while filled with the Holy Spirit.
In this interview we have the glory, truth and power of the Gospel demonstrated by an "able minister"; 2 Cor.3:6-12.
O, that we could hear such men of God today!
Incredible and most relevant message, way ahead of his time.
This man is a gold mine. He breathes scripture and truth...what a model of the Gospel!
By far and beyond the greatest and most accurate preacher and teacher I've ever listen to.
What an amazing man of God. Thanks Dr. Lloyd-Jones for being such a great example to me.
Wow, what a wonderful, precious interview. Lloyd Jones really shines.
This is too beautiful GOD BE GLORIFIED!!!
Joan Bakewell looking beautiful and DMLJ sharp, penetrating and brilliant. Magnificent!
Poetry in motion? I wouldn't have touched me with a barge-pole vaulter.
How do you! Know My Name?
Graven on the palms of His hands. Raven- haired beauty? After His resurrection His hair was white!
Here is vivid proof of Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones' greatness in witnessing to the truth of the power of God in Christ - so patient, so kind, so honest upon every point, with kindness, not wavering from the truth of God as revealed in Scripture. Here we are, 2014, and this discussion couldn't be more relevant to the problems of our day. I take away many points raised by the Doctor from this interview, but especially this one: "Man is not autonomous". God made man perfect with a full capacity to love his Creator and love his wife. But man, in sinning against God, became a hopeless rebel with no future but death. Man must be reconciled to God in the atoning blood of the Lamb of God, This is his greatest need and it precludes all others. Ah, but what about poverty, sickness, man's need for self-expression? Dr. Lloyd Jones closes the loopholes by saying that man was designed by God, belongs to God and can by grace alone, attain to his highest office, which is love to God and hatred of his sinful self. Yes, the years have rolled by and Dr. Lloyd Jones is in heaven with the LORD Jesus Christ. He has left a rich legacy of teaching and preaching behind and we remember him for his love and submission to his Creator. He will continue to encourage millions of people in the faith of Christ. Sadly, Dame Bakewell is rather well-baked, one might say, after years of "expressing herself". Please, "be ye reconciled to God". Come to the LORD Jesus, Dame Bakewell, and know the glory of eternal life which God freely gives in the blood of His Dear Son. Not the righteous, but sinners, Jesus came to save.
This is a Good Man and one we should all listen very carefully to.
Glory Be To God.
The Doctor's books sell well in the 21st century. He was one of the greatest preachers of all time in Welsh and English.
Thank you, MLJ Trust! It is a blessing!
Such a humble and Godly man.
Whoever posted this should receive a strong handshake and a brotherly kiss on the cheek for publishing a very tight and convincing summary of our Mess by a razor-sharp evangelical heart. He does not lose any momentum in responding to the challenges of intolerance and dogmatics. He presents very clearly the "authoritative message" of the New Testament (John chapters 10 and 14). (I think that the interviewer may have been rejoicing inside as she watched this Expositor knock down the pins of liberalism, one by one.) Bravo!
What a stalwart of the faith! I was introduced to him only this year and now I listen to his messages, as much as I can.
really good to hear and see Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on a video, discussing the gospel for today's world.
The Doctor at his best. O God, raise up men like MLJ today.
God is an Artist!
Being a Welshman myself I have to say Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones is one of our greatest ever Welshman.
Americans love him too:)
Us Welsh descendants are proud of him too!
As a Welsh descendant myself, I admire his firm, calm responses that are offered in humility and conviction. This is more applicable bow, than it was at the time it was recorded.
what a brilliant person , which is what is possible if the Holy Spirit and the Bible is your teacher
How amazing to hear MLJ answering these questions, 1970, and yet still being asked today! The answers are there, whether we accept them or not - MLJ answered these questions so well, and it was refreshing to hear the interviewer be silent long enough for him to properly and clearly answer her questions without her constantly trying to "drive" or "steer" the interview or cut him off mid-answer. You won't see that very often these days.
Just listened to this by chance, the most incredible thing I've heard for years
A message that was timely then and still timely today. An uncompromising stance on the truth that is encouraging to see.
Brilliant. Powerful. Winsome. Relevant
I love this man! I want to thank him one day.
I love this so son brought me to listen to him..I never heard it put this way and makes perfect sense...
Brilliant man. Christians everywhere could gain a lot from MLJ.
incredible, Sadly Dame Joan hasn't yet felt able to accept Christ in her heart despite visiting various churches and falling in Love with a Quaker. She was eventually unable to say the good old creed because it didn't sit right. For many the idea of believing requires some kind of persuasive feeling and I've learned that believing is simply a fact and an act..feelings follow. If only our modern preachers had the conviction and clarity of Dr Martins exposition. Thanks Dame Joan for putting this up, you have taken me back to my childhood, I use to listen to tapes of the Dr, growing up in Devon.
Thanks God because he makes possible for us to hear Dr. Lloyd_Jones thru modern technology. I wish there were many Pastors like him that do not count the heads when speaking the Biblical truth.
Thank you for sharing this. He truly was a man of God.
I love this interview. M.L.J. as always filled with the Spirit, he might as well have had Jesus sitting in the next chair.
People opt to live in utter chaos & confusion, cause that's what they're into. There's not excuse for it what-so-ever. As Mr. Jones says they're REBELS. PRICELESS!!!!!!
What a wonderful man of God.
Great interview and timeless in its truth! What a bold yet humble man of God. John MacArthur called him “the greatest expositor of the 20th century.” Very grateful to hear - and see - one of the greatest physicians of the soul that the church has ever had. Soli Deo Gloria!
Only a few preachers today teach and preach like Dr Martin Lloyd Jones, we have strayed to far from the true gospel, we have been so self and man centered in our preaching and teaching.
Thank God for Dr Lloyd Jones. I have spent many a good hour reading various books wrought by him.
A man to be admired and emulated! Courage, grace and truth under pressure.
This is marvellous...Amen and Amen! The greatest preacher of the twentieth century. Many churches tried to blend in with the wider society, so we are at this point. This man of God held the line. The line can be held both firmly and winsomely if the Christian is unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the power of salvation. Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones must have been a joy to interview despite any preconceptions his interviewer may have had... oh for his kind again...thankful there are a few. The compromisers, winsome religionists who won't present sin squarely and thus cut corners with the truth as they waffle on about love are joining in with a lie and harming the cause of Christ in ways this dear,faithful servant of God never went along with. It is such an encouragement to find this interview again. ❤
Dr MLJ is untouchable, thanks be to God
Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones is an example of a real Man of God.
Amazing. How good to hear this healthy speech, indeed bringing people back to the reality and understanding what's happening.
Great to see this. How thoroughly Biblical this man was.
Great interview, so glad to have this on TH-cam.
What a great joy to see and hear this brilliant man and preacher/theologian. I have read all he has left us in print, re-read much of the books...passed copies on to others and when recently a bible teacher had only a few of MLJ' writings, a family man with children, etc...and he was so thrilled when I was able to save and get him the series on "Romans." I was happy to hear when the professor wrote me and said he plowed instantly into these volumes. Having read them as they came out, I knew his joy. I was blessed early on in my conversion when I discovered this man's messages on cassette tapes, also Albert Martin's...soon they led me to Charles Spurgeon's great volumes and such fine, sound, solid books. I like the video's of MLJ, not many keeps my mind on the message for one thing when I see the speaker. How I wish I could have been at Westminster when he preached there. God bless this man's sermons and life to us always...being dead, he yet speaks.Thank you for posting this.
great interview! Love the doctor's perspectives
A master class in the truth. Will a man seek treatment for an illness he does not know he has. The answer is no. He needs to see the test results or at a minimum experience symptoms. Thank you Sir. No doubt that you heard these words " you and good and faithful servant.." when you completed your mission in 1981.
That was so refreshing, and wonderful to listen to! Thank you so much!
What a powerful witness Dr Jones was and so good to hear that he was immovable on the truth of the Word of God. The trouble with the church today is that it has become tolerant towards other explanations of the Bible in the hope of attracting the lost. However, we must share the ‘whole’ counsel of God and not just the bits we feel comfortable with. We must be intolerant towards anything that seeks to water down the truth of the Word of God or anything that is ungodly of unbiblical. This is what Dr Jones stood for. It’s what the church today needs to stand for.
So love Lloyd-Jones. One of the greatest bible teachers of all time.
Truly it was so great to listen to it. Thank you
I’d recommend watching the documentary on Pastor MLJ’s life and ministry, “Logic on Fire”; it’s very good!
Great documentary that 🔥🙏🏿
@@kingz2119 Amen
I'm so glad and happy to this interview. Thank you so much.
Mlj is my forever teacher.
this was great to hear! beautiful stuff from Dr. Lloyd-Jones.
Such a pleasure to listen to and watch this man of God. The conviction and clarity are compelling. May the Lord raise up like minded and like hearted men to preach his word in these dark and darkening times.