Nice video, and also love the no bs uncensored straight talk, classic Eastern Euro style, very refreshing after all the PC youtube content - keep it up bro! :) Regarding all the trash, when I see it, I try to believe that at least some of it is not thrown into the sea but washed in by floods or taken by the wind from the shore but I'm sure there are idiots who throw it in too. Just a few weeks ago when I was on holiday in Croatia I couldn't help myself and asked a local kid why he casually leaves his red bull can on the jetty after drinking it, 1 meter from the sea and 20 meters from the trashcan - he looked at me as if I was the idiot, but at least threw it out. I felt like some old grandpa yelling at kids but damn, having such a wonderful country and not appreciating it at all is just really sad and frustrating to see.
Lipo je vidit da ima zdravih ljudi još koji pokupe smeće kad rone svaka čast : video je uvik zanimljiv i dobro napravljen i poučan samo nastavi tako )))
Hvala! 😎 Morali bi svi podvodni ribolovci kupit smeče a država bi morala napravit neke bonitete recimo jeftinija godišnja dozvola za x količinu izvađenog smeča.
You have lots of patience my friend,I gave up collecting trash unfortunatly, besides that this is a great video really special,thank you for the english narration and subs.
nice video bro! i was lucky to shoot a leerfish yesterday. it was 122cm and had 12kg without the organs. it can absolutely happen that the mono rips with these fish 😊
Its Salvimar One Plus it's pretty cheap amd works very well! It has so many functions that i don't even use 😅 Dive mode for surface intervals is what i need 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W I hope I can go to Croatia this fall, I have high hopes of a leer fish or in worst case scenario many mullet... I caught a 2.4kg mullet on my last day there! As big as my fins lol was a really tasty one too
@vidbobanec8384 Its very possible to catch a leerfish but i figured it's most likely you'll saw one when you don't care 🤣 2.4kg mullet? W.T.F 💀 Was this mullet from Chernobyl? ☢️
Vrlo moguče jer sam uvjek sreo druge podvodnjake tamo 😎 Iz Silbe znam samo onog bivšeg velikog lukobrana Mirka 😅 On je uvjek čekao na rivi da naplati vez 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W ahaha znam ga on je dobar sa mojim tatom meni je od tate prijatelj prestao sa podvodnim ribolovom pa mi je dao prosle god svoje stvari neke pa sam se i ja poceo baviti sa time ide mi polako samo moram jos te neke taktike i to naucit ali
I will be there in croatia since next Saturday for 3 weeks in the kvarner by looks like the water is still warm 7:38 i still dont know how that happened did the spear bounced of the rock like a trampoline
Brate, interesuje me jesi li ikad ronio u Crnoj Gori i mislis li da ima razlike u kolicini ribe u moru s obzirom da ja cesto ronim a mogu ti reci da ni Cipole mrtve ne vidim a ne ovoliko prve klase😅
Nisam nikad tamo ronio 😎 Od pošte do pošte je sigurno razlika samo moraš nači prave mikrolokacije 😅 Ako nikad ništa ne vidiš na tom određenom mjestu promjeni ga obavezno! 😎
Prastaj sto te smaram ali ipak mislim da je problem kod nas dinamit jer ga non stop bacaju i ribe su previse prestravljene posebno u plitkom. Inace pozdrav iz Cg top su ti klipovi, samo jos jedno brzo pitanje koju kameru koristis?
Dinamit je oduvijek bio problem i ovdje u HR jer su ga nekad bacali češče nego danas ovi udicu 😅 Normalno da če se riba prilagodit i pobječ u dubine gdje je sigurnije 😎 Koristim GoPro 7 Black!
Ja skoro ronio nekih 10 dana u okolini Herceg Novog (safari, ne lov), isao sam na sve lokacije koje su mi rekli da probam ali nisam bio rano ujutro. Cipala i salpi ima, ima i pic, fratar, sarag, sve mali primjerci, vidio sam po neku malu oradu i brancina i to je to.
Nice video, and also love the no bs uncensored straight talk, classic Eastern Euro style, very refreshing after all the PC youtube content - keep it up bro! :) Regarding all the trash, when I see it, I try to believe that at least some of it is not thrown into the sea but washed in by floods or taken by the wind from the shore but I'm sure there are idiots who throw it in too. Just a few weeks ago when I was on holiday in Croatia I couldn't help myself and asked a local kid why he casually leaves his red bull can on the jetty after drinking it, 1 meter from the sea and 20 meters from the trashcan - he looked at me as if I was the idiot, but at least threw it out. I felt like some old grandpa yelling at kids but damn, having such a wonderful country and not appreciating it at all is just really sad and frustrating to see.
Nisam pogledao, ali brate BRAVO na zubcu, još ću se malo raspisat kad pogledam!
Hvala! Samo ti daj! 😎
Lipo je vidit da ima zdravih ljudi još koji pokupe smeće kad rone svaka čast : video je uvik zanimljiv i dobro napravljen i poučan samo nastavi tako )))
Hvala! 😎 Morali bi svi podvodni ribolovci kupit smeče a država bi morala napravit neke bonitete recimo jeftinija godišnja dozvola za x količinu izvađenog smeča.
Svaka čast kakav zubonja i drugi komadi su lijepi. E sad kad nema turista velika je razlika. Vrijeme da se bacim u more🎉
Hvala! Tako je čim odu furešti odma se riba vrati! 😎
Nice catch bro and thanks for cleaning and respecting the sea
Thanks! We have protect the sea! 😎
You have lots of patience my friend,I gave up collecting trash unfortunatly, besides that this is a great video really special,thank you for the english narration and subs.
Thanks man! There is so much trash recently i'd almost need a small boat and i'd probably fill it up too 😅
Pogledao do kraja, lajkao i komentirao 😄 Sveto trojstvo za algoritam. Svaka cast na zubatcu!!
Hvala puno to se cijeni! 😎 Nadam se da još nešto lijepo padne do kraja ljeta 😉
Nice video and beautiful action over the dentex !
I'm still badly surprised by all the garbage people can throw away the see...
Its getting worse every year! The most painful fact is that majority of those trash get thrown in by rod fishing locals 🤐
Nice going and kudos for keeping the sea bottom clean
Doing my best! 💪🏼
Šarag,moja omiljena riba😋svaka cast
Hvala! I meni je jako ukusan! 😎
@@vanjazd1 Sarag i meni odlican, sočan.. samo da je veći .
Amazing Denci my friend!
Thanks man! 😎
Bravo legendo, krasan zubonja! 🦈
Hvala brate! 😎
super ti je video odlicnooo
Hvala lijepo! 😎
Hey thx for the Update
Sure thing! 😎
Thanks! 🔥
nice video bro!
i was lucky to shoot a leerfish yesterday. it was 122cm and had 12kg without the organs. it can absolutely happen that the mono rips with these fish 😊
Good job bro! I saw a couple like this but they never passed close enough 😭
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W yea i was damn lucky thats for sure! anyways congrats on the zubatac what a lovely fish. also on my bucket list!
Thanks! I've lost 20kg leerfish once because the flopper closed 💀 Video is on the channel somewhere 😅
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W maaan that sucks ass i can only imagine how you mustve felt. but shit happens and nothing in the sea goes to waste
Exactly! I atleast had a camera otherwise everybody would say i'm full of shit 🤣
Good vidéo 👍
Thank you! 😎
W video
Thanks man! 😎
Bravo, ljep zubo
Hvala! 😎
svaka cast
Hvala puno! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W zaslužen ulov😁
Hvala! Slažem se! Samo neka oni još po koji put dođu! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W vrijeme je onda za posebnu pušku zs njih😁
Pa vidiš da se sa klasikom može 😎 Nek oni imaju one deseteroduple paranke 🤣
Brate baš dobar video, tvoj trud za ove vide-e je čudo, ja sam bio 2 jutra, po 3 sata, dubine od 1m do 20m, 0 riba, vidjenih, za pucat, haos....
Hvala što cijeniš moju muku brate! 😎 I meni se često desi da ne vidim ništa pa onda zamisli koliko moram provest u moru za toliko materiala snimit 😅
where was this. i lost my shaft in krk omisalj at the lighthouse. it tear off.
Not even close 😅
Beautifull Dentex! Can you tell me do i need "dozvola" on paper or i can have it on phone if i will cant print it on my camp.
Thanks! You need a permit and ID on you at all times! 😎 Most spearos have photocopy in dry packs so when cops show up you can show it to them 😎
Super video,zubatac ko stvoren za gradele😊.koliko ti traje zaron i na kojim dubinama loviš najčešće. Pozdrav
Hvala! Tako je zubo je stvoren za gradele! Najčešče ronim do 10m i 2min ako sam zbig sigurnosti 😁 Ako imam partnera onda do 30m 😎
You could make a simple Hawaiin sling for that shaft you found ! ide watch you hunting with it .
This simply wouldn't cut it for Adriatic 🤣
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W maybe you could sneak on some salpas 😁👌
That would be the only possibility 🤣
Btw which model of watch you are using , i am looking to buy my first freediving watch and cant deside which one , any advice please?
Its Salvimar One Plus it's pretty cheap amd works very well! It has so many functions that i don't even use 😅 Dive mode for surface intervals is what i need 😎
Bravo! Osjetno pocela riba bolje raditi od kad je promjena vremena. Kako ti se pokazala ta klasika, preciznost, balans, rucka?
Hvala! Tako je! Ova klasika je bomba! 😎 Preciznost je kod klasike uvjek problem ali ostalo je odlicno! 😎
Bro got a zuboooooooo impressive man
And with a 90cm classic! As soon as the people left they came! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W I hope I can go to Croatia this fall, I have high hopes of a leer fish or in worst case scenario many mullet... I caught a 2.4kg mullet on my last day there! As big as my fins lol was a really tasty one too
@vidbobanec8384 Its very possible to catch a leerfish but i figured it's most likely you'll saw one when you don't care 🤣 2.4kg mullet? W.T.F 💀 Was this mullet from Chernobyl? ☢️
Jel planiras dolaziti na Otok Silbu
Bio sam tamo bar jedno 10ak puta 😎 Jako mi se sviđa ali ipak je daleko 😅
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W a mozda smo se vidili cak jel znas mozda vlatka nekoga?
Vrlo moguče jer sam uvjek sreo druge podvodnjake tamo 😎 Iz Silbe znam samo onog bivšeg velikog lukobrana Mirka 😅 On je uvjek čekao na rivi da naplati vez 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W ahaha znam ga on je dobar sa mojim tatom meni je od tate prijatelj prestao sa podvodnim ribolovom pa mi je dao prosle god svoje stvari neke pa sam se i ja poceo baviti sa time ide mi polako samo moram jos te neke taktike i to naucit ali
@MidoMacolic Dobar čovjek da! Silba ti je raj za podvodni ribolov! Tamo stvarno imaš svega za ulovit! 😎
Koliko je kila imala zubic vila?🙌🔱 svaka cast jos jednom!
Hvala! Aj pogodi 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W 3,63kg!😎
Svaka čast! 😎
Bro when will the season of octopus be started and find a lot of it?
Probably in like a month or so 😎
Nice dentex! Where did you find that? Asking for a friend.
Thanks! North Adriatic Region! 😎
I will be there in croatia since next Saturday for 3 weeks in the kvarner by looks like the water is still warm
7:38 i still dont know how that happened did the spear bounced of the rock like a trampoline
If the rock is right behind the fish and the spear does not penetrate the fish enough so that the floppers have enough room to open this happens 😅
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.Wright behind i am either blind or the camera doesn’t work
To me it looks like the fish was 60-70 cm away from the rock 😅🤔
No idea 😅 Either way the shaft bounced off and the fish escaped! 😎
Kolko je težak bio zub?
Pogodi 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W baš ne znam zbog ugla, al ajde 3 ipo
Super oko! 😎
Brate, interesuje me jesi li ikad ronio u Crnoj Gori i mislis li da ima razlike u kolicini ribe u moru s obzirom da ja cesto ronim a mogu ti reci da ni Cipole mrtve ne vidim a ne ovoliko prve klase😅
Nisam nikad tamo ronio 😎 Od pošte do pošte je sigurno razlika samo moraš nači prave mikrolokacije 😅 Ako nikad ništa ne vidiš na tom određenom mjestu promjeni ga obavezno! 😎
Prastaj sto te smaram ali ipak mislim da je problem kod nas dinamit jer ga non stop bacaju i ribe su previse prestravljene posebno u plitkom. Inace pozdrav iz Cg top su ti klipovi, samo jos jedno brzo pitanje koju kameru koristis?
Dinamit je oduvijek bio problem i ovdje u HR jer su ga nekad bacali češče nego danas ovi udicu 😅 Normalno da če se riba prilagodit i pobječ u dubine gdje je sigurnije 😎 Koristim GoPro 7 Black!
Ja skoro ronio nekih 10 dana u okolini Herceg Novog (safari, ne lov), isao sam na sve lokacije koje su mi rekli da probam ali nisam bio rano ujutro. Cipala i salpi ima, ima i pic, fratar, sarag, sve mali primjerci, vidio sam po neku malu oradu i brancina i to je to.
@@arekkusub6877 to je to, nista specijalno. Ako hoces nesto vece kod nas da uhvatis moraces da zaronis na skromnih 25-30m dubine😅
koji grad je to
Istra i Kvarner! Sve između 😎
Kakva je salpa , nikada je nisam lovio a sretao sam lepe komade??
Salpa ako se odma očisti i frišna ispeče na gradelama je meni bolja od orade 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W dakle samo na gradele, nista u rerni ?
To ti neznam jer uvijek na gradele bacam sve 🤣 Salpa ti je sparid i fina je kako god 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W hvala n'a odgovoru druze
@orcaazur06 I drugi put! 😎
Bro how much shit u finding is crazy😭😭
U see all that? 😅 People are straight bastards! 🐷🐖🐽