These stray characters are very annoying. Could it be better to add some more decoupling near to RAM chip? It seems like noise. Excellent progress anyway, well done!
They are down to the very fast static RAM 10-15ns, the write signal is a little early before all the address lines have settled so ends up randomly writing to various addresses. Have delayed write by 1/2 CPU clock cycle 115ns and seems to have fixed it. Will publish early next week. Dave
These stray characters are very annoying. Could it be better to add some more decoupling near to RAM chip? It seems like noise. Excellent progress anyway, well done!
They are down to the very fast static RAM 10-15ns, the write signal is a little early before all the address lines have settled so ends up randomly writing to various addresses. Have delayed write by 1/2 CPU clock cycle 115ns and seems to have fixed it. Will publish early next week. Dave