More than 5 years I saw this video, it humbled me to my knees that same night. And it was that same night I met my Creator. I haven’t been the same ever since. I met Jesus and I was changed forever. I had lost this video and now I’m brought to tears to find it
A fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom- I too have been to this place and I know how she felt about not telling anyone about it. I was dehydrated from fentanyl withdrawal and I smoked a joint that I got from my son and I knew that God was not pleased with my decision and I was smoking and I just felt bad in my chest and everything slowed down and I told my wife I was sorry and she called the EMTS and I sat down because I could feel my heart beat stopping and I fell Back on to my bed and I felt my son was crying and shaking me and I fell down in these rings of fire and then I lifted my eyes and I saw my body spinning but my head was still and I said “oh no I caught the Death,,I’m in hell “ and I knew I was in a place where I would never feel the love of God again and I said that over and over and I felt like a wicked tree like I had become a part of the landscape of this sulfuric world and I was to never feel anything good again it was horrible because the more I thought about how I couldn’t go back and repent caused a heartbreak that got worse every time I would twist I was always afraid of going crazy and I was spinning and spiraling into madness and I kept saying I caught the death, I’m in Hell , And this was my Hell I created and then I woke up in the hospital and I kept this to myself for weeks I didn’t tell anybody because it scared me I blocked it out of my mind and then one day I was off work and It just came rushing back to my mind and I told my family what I saw , and I hope they never get to find out. This isn’t a place for you and I. If you are reading this and you don’t have a relationship with the Father PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR OWN SOUL will be lost if you don’t get saved by the Lord Jesus!!
Jesus clearly says in more places than one, that he who Loves Him WILL KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. What we do does matter. JOHN 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. 1 Timothy 6:14 that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. James 1:22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.
When I was 21 I had horrible demonic intrusive thoughts. I prayed and prayed because I couldn’t control it and I thought I was going to go to hell. About a month later Jesus came through my window early and laid his hand on my forehead and it felt as a house fell on my body I was instantly paralyzed but I wasn’t scared. I then spoke through my mind with him and it was the first time I spoke a different language in my head to him and I later learned that it was called tongues. I felt the Holy Spirit for a few moments and I just can’t explain the love. I couldn’t see his face but I was able to see the body it was see through. It was amazing I will never forget this day that God saved me. ❤
Hey, I’m struggling with sin I tried getting closer to God but I let God down everytime im ashamed I’m so guilty I’m afraid to talk and pray again. Lust has been so tough on me I don’t know what to do. My temper shorten and get angry so easily now what do I do
@@vissukg102 Hey, I know you are not talking to me, but my best friend also struggles with lust. What I told him to do is to think of the consequences of lusting every time he lusts, for it will be dire. Also, I told him to read the word; for it is written in Matthew 5:28 (NIV): “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Finally, I tell him to pray to the Heavenly Father and to talk to friends (other Christians) about it if possible.
God gave me a message once. It doesn't matter. What does it matter what youve been through and what you are going through? The Bible says only He knows your heart, and the Bible also says the heart deceives us. The heart deceives us so that even you dont know your own heart. The Bible says when He led Moses and His people out of Egypt, they were traveling through the wilderness for forty years. God said He shall humble them that they may know their own hearts, whether they would follow His statutes and commandments. He even hungered them that they may learn man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out the mouth of God. Guess what happened? They desired to go back into slavery because they felt it was too hard for them. He showed them their hearts, as he has shown you yours. So what will you do now? Because the Bible says the righteous stumble, but get back up seven times. The Bible also says God knows the future, He knew you since you were born. My point is, prove who you are, and don't quit. Wake up brother, it's as easy as reading the Bible and living it. Don't let anything pull you in a different direction. I love you brother, I know this is difficult, but He's got us.
God is amazing. Thank you Father for your unfailing love! I love when she says "We're in a war for our souls" That is so true. Every day we must choose Jesus, even after we're saved.
weird because i was rescued by Jesus he unlocked my cell but i didnt know were i was i didnt know who God was but God had mercy and he charged into hell argued for my soul and he unlocked my cell
this is one of my favorite NDEs you can't really describe in words the feelings of hopelessness, etc. i wasn't given the full brunt of it, but it was enough
all the things she is saying is exactly what happened in Lazarus and the rich man he saw heaven while he was in hell he told Lazarus to warn his brothers not to go to hell this is the TRUTH!
Only our merciful Father Almighty can do this ! Praise God !🙌 I remember last year as I prayed to our Holy Father and asked HIM if there was any mercy for those in hell if I prayed for them …that surely by now after all the torment they have learned . GOD spoke to me immediately and with firmness and authority and HE said these words to me …“ Angie , they leave me with no choice …you have met people like this ! My word has been around for centuries!” I’ll never forget what HE said and never asked again . You can only pray for all of us who are alive , that none of us end up there . But the ones who are in hell now …there’s no hope for them . Jesus WAS their hope when they were alive and had every opportunity. It’s not like God doesn’t try to reach people all through their lives . HE sends signs and wonders , dreams, visits and encounters and HIS servants to reach all of HIS children. But they have free will and most people choose sin over Jesus Christ who is the ONLY WAY , YHE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. God loves every single one of HIS children…including the ones in hell . 🙏🙌❤️ HE is absolutely right I’ll never forget
oh Jesus help me i wish i had gone with my King but i was saved soon after that but the suffering and loss of my family i went through aweful suffering but God healed me in end
Father God, thank you for our friend's life. You have known them before You even laid down the foundation of the earth. Thank You for the revelation of Jesus Christ in their life. Reveal more of Him and the blessed hope they have in Him. Fix their eyes on Your Son, Jesus, and help them to keep running the race You set for them. May they remain in Your Son no matter what. Do a new thing that would heal their hope deferred heart. In Jesus' name, amen. Friend, feel welcome read our online article about hope here:
I am raised Catholic, and they argue that suicide is the one unforgivable sin, because once we’re gone, we have no way to repent and ask for forgiveness. I’m glad you made it. Your testimony gave me the chills. Protect your life, protect your soul. ❤
She was there because she didn't receive God as her Lord and savior. No religion will let you into heaven only when you surrender your life your heart and give your life to Jesus is when your name will be written in the book of life. Accept Jesus in your heart and you will go to heaven.
@@ireneaguilar3735 Jesus is a prophet like the rest of God's prophets. What is the fate of the nations that were before Christ was born and know Him will go to hell? There were prophets other than Christ from Adam to the prophet Muhammad
The miracles of God and the grace of God is never ending. The love of God there are no words. The power of God and the wisdom in the mind of God would make a human lose thier mind. Our minds are the key.
There are lots of channels that cover these kinds of stories- heaven is described slightly differently each time, but hell, hell is the same for all who encounter it.
Seems sometimes people go to heaven or what they think is, and really it's demons playing with them. I'd say if Jesus isn't there, there is a problem. That should be the red flag.
It is like a City so I would assume if one visits a city like London or New York one cannot cover the whole city in a day or even years but wherever that one covers still part of London or New York. Others they visit a certain part of heaven and they describe their experiences based on their visits. I have heard about hell being described differently because people would have visited different parts of hell but it is still hell.
The Apostle Paul didn't boast about being taken up into the 3rd Heaven. Hebrew 9:27 is more than clear: "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment." (NKJV)
That's Amazing just like when the rich man called over to father Abraham asked him to send Lazarus to tell his brothers so they won't come there this is totally amazing i honestly believe her story because she didn't say anything outside of scripture!!! I hope and pray that many see this testimony and repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ today is the day of salvation!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This life in our body on earth is like a vapour! The years fly by so quick, Our aim is to bring many people into a relationship with the lord Jesus Christ in 2023☝️
Heaven and Hell exist outside of our reality it can not be completely described but it's there and Hell is truly terrifying. There is a Christ and he alone is our way.
I appreciate this guest and her story. I'm rereading Bill Wiese's book, 23 Minutes in Hell, for the 2nd time. Their personal live's are different but their stories compliment eachother. Their stories need to be shared.
Unlock your destiny! Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead and you will be saved! (Romans 10:9) Christ makes life INCREDIBLE!
No one will force you to choose Christ. But if you ever change your mind, now u know how to receive the only one who can guarantee your eternal salvation 😇
I don't doubt thats how hell is.. But her describing the part when she entered her body again and how the paramedics told the mother, " do you even want to bother sending her to the hospital, she doesn't look like she's gonna make it" and her feeling like "gosh this situation is so embarrassing" and then the paramedics were making sexual innuendos towards her 🙄 and there's no pictures of her in the hospital, no picture of her scar, her mother never heard the gunshot, but she heard her call for help once she was back in her body? I'm not buying it.
The Apostle Paul didn't boast about being taken up into the 3rd Heaven. Hebrew 9:27 is more than clear: "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment." (NKJV)
@@DeepCoolBlue II Corinthians 12 - Glory needs to be to GOD alone like Paul did, and he didn't boast. Wow, what a man of God. Multiple people now a days have boasted for profit in 'saying' they have had these experiences. II Peter 2 is a good warning of false prophets ;)
it would seem like confusion, but we are all offered the choice to accept or reject Christ, even if you heard the gospel walking by a street preacher for 5 seconds. you heard the gospel and in that moment decided “yeah I like this” or “why wont they shut up, all this Jesus Jesus Jesus.” same thing you still heard the Truth and made a choice
No I believe the ppl in hell know or have this supernatural knowing once they get there why they’re there and that Jesus is Lord and that He is real, they’ve made the wrong choice.. etc.
It doesn't make sense that she said that she heard a voice saying put it to your chest. God wouldn't say that. Then she is saying that her attempt of suicide is not a sin. Killing yourself is a sin.
Praise Jesus, please god & Jesus forgive all the people in these comments as well as myself for their sins & may you save and bless us with your love & light & lead us to live a life full of your love & wisdom amen 🙏 🤍
Did She just say the paramedics said to her mom are you even going to bother to take her to the emergency room? First off why would her mom be taking her to the ER? 2nd why would you ask that question to a mother of a little daughter that just shot herself? I'm sorry but I find that a little hard to believe that the paramedics said that your mother! All she left out was seeing the pearly Gates....🤷
Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
Exactly what I imagined the Bible meant about hell & burning and fire…she said “my formeless being began to feel torment and this sulfuric burn” Also makes sense heaven and hell both being above the clouds as I've heard in a different nde…Also how she says everything was at its max including sense including intelligence its like a harvard degree immediately & she knows about everyone she looks at from there wills to secrets to true nature lol…Dont mind this comment just album notes & tech
See she says you can look across and see heaven they both are up…Why when people grieve and they say things in the sky are signs they made it into heaven I keep quiet but is that what it really means if both are up do we humans know people lifestyle that well ? But also why it’s supposed to be a mystery and we have the “Basic Instustructions Before Leaving Earth” God bless and get right folks lol
Other near death experiencer Jane Smith says there is no sin… who to believe? Is it all lies? many goes to a good place not hell…. Where is the truth? It’s mind boggling as everybody has different experience. Not that much in common as you might think. And I’ve seen so many nde videos… heaven and hell videos. Nothing makes sence to me no more…
So only way is Jesus and Christianity. So1.7 billion muslims, 1 billion hindus and 1 billion non believers will go to hell just because they dont follow jesus. Well every religion claim the exact same thing. Believe me or you will be dammed and all other ways are wrong.
You are right. Jesus said "I am the truth and the way, and the life." Essentially there is no other way to eternal life but through Him. So you really have to ask yourself one question then, 'do you believe what Jesus said or not.' It really is that simple. Many people overcomplicate it when it really is very simple. So don't complicate this issue, and simply ask yourself that question. And then answer it for yourself. Just know that based on what conclusion you reach, you are literally deciding what happens to you after you die for eternity.
@@williessandwhich9725 I think the truth is despite the fact that last couple hundred years science has been accelerating and discover a lot of things we still know so little. That make people so afraid. I can understand that but only by admiting ourselfs that we don't know we have a chance to discover new things. More things we learn more we see religion is out of date. Because every new thing contradict with religios facts. Universe is amazingly big and we are just getting started. Stick with science.
I'm sorry I just don't believe it 🤷 I think she's explaining a little bit of everything she's heard over her life of what heaven and hell is. Yet she's so knowledgeable about the Bible why is it never happened to someone like me that knows nothing about the Bible.
How can death, be the absence of God, when your Soul is eternal, and your connected to the Source of all things.. if anything you would be more connected to God when you die.
Becaus death means separation from God. We just understand it to mean “when our flesh expires” but that’s not the true definition of death. In the garden God told Adam and Eve if you eat from this tree you will surely die. Eve ate the apple, but did she die? As we humans know death to mean ? No they didn’t die. But what they experienced was far worse separation from God which is the truest form of what death actually means. God is life and anything good is because of him. Death is separation from God and anything good can no longer be without his prescience. Otherwise known as hell.
Everyone is an atheist: I want to end my life JESUS: HOLD MY BEER 🍻 Person goes to hell and come back: Now I'm filled with love. JESUS IS SO GOOD TO ME. IMA BE OKAY 😭❗💯🙏🏾
She was definitely wrong when she said she wasn't in hell because of her actions but because she hadn't received Jesus as Lord. No person will ever go to hell for not receiving Jesus, we go to hell because of SIN. Death and eternal damnation is the wages for SIN. Repent of your sins and believe the gospel : That Christ died on a cross to take the wages of sin upon himself (who was sinless) and rose from the grave 3 days later, defeating death. Any person who places their trust in Him and His work on the cross to be saved from the wrath of Almighty God - the just judge of the universe - will receive mercy and eternal life.
Romans 10: 9-10 (NIV) 9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
actually yes dead is dead his breath(soul) will be taken by god when he(Jesus) returns we will risen in a eternal body, this women got the experience bcuz of gods love to her.
This guy has every right to believe whatever he believes.. in the end well never know until it happens right .. I think there has to be some form of an afterlife.. something incredible brought us all here so why wouldn't there be an afterlife.
@@700club I'm 46..severe spiritual depression fr 31 years.. Searched all paths.. Jesus delivered me... I invited him into my conscious n subconscious... It's very important tht jesus is in ur me the moment I invited him in subconscious my depression of 3 decades melted away... I wish I could elaborate my born again experience... I live it!i repeat when we say body is the temple of holy Spirit... Do we know tht body is our subconscious mind... I can swear on my blood I m not saying jesus is the only way intellectualy i ve felt it realized it... Unexplainable... Don't ve words
@@700clubi say this after 32 years of suicidal depression. I'm 46 from India... Tried all religuons before jesus came in my life ... I beg to be born again as 32 years of depression has crippled me but i know jesus is the only way amen
All these out -of -body experiences have one thing in common that is missing: JOY in the Lord's presence. They all forgot that their hearts were overfilled with joy...? They all talk of love and peace and some kind of bright light. Some are lying. Some are deceived by satan, who comes as an angel of light. Yet Satan cannot reproduce the joy of the Lord. She said several times that she wants people to make Jesus their Lord, as if that is the gospel. Peculiar. Repentance and belief on Christ's death as the atonement for our sin is the gospel. Jesus said Himself that many will stand before Him, saying Lord, Lord. But He will not accept them because He never knew them. And WHY is she sane? There is not a single person I have ever seen testifying they went to hades that is out-of-their-minds looney. Anyone who would experience hades would come back unable to function. Well, the gospel is real. The gospel can save you. This woman's dubious experience is not necessary to have God-granted faith in the Word of God, and she may even be leading people down the wrong road.
Something about her yeah.. Idk It's certainly strange the message being conveyed, because she asked for forgiveness her suicide to hell was rejected ? Where is the warning ? Dont do what I did etc.. Shes very alluring.
Jesus is real and so is heaven and hell. Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life and the only way to the father is through him. You can act like you don’t know but you don’t want to stand in judgment before the Lord without the advocacy of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord!
Not necessarily.. But certainly more chance than someone who had not accepted Jesus. Murder is a sin..and you're murdering yourself. If you're still feeling suicidal hon, it's a demonic attack. Plead the blood of Jesus over your spirit, mind, body, heart and soul daily for protection, and bind and rebuke the spirits of suicide and depression in Jesus name. 🤍
Ps) I think I might know how you've given a demonic spirit authority over you.. Had a look at some of your subscriptions just to see - and you're following a couple of 'new age gurus'. Such as Teal Swan. Teal is deceived. Spirituality is a lie. It's darkness disguised as light. Have you practiced law of attraction/manifestation? That is literally *witchcraft.* (I'm an ex occultist btw). You need to repent and renounce it if so. And unfollow Teal and other 'spiritual teachers', trust me! You cannot mix light with darkness Jesus said.
More than 5 years I saw this video, it humbled me to my knees that same night. And it was that same night I met my Creator. I haven’t been the same ever since. I met Jesus and I was changed forever. I had lost this video and now I’m brought to tears to find it
God bless you 💌
She said you can’t describe hell just like you can’t describe His love. Totally transformed my life. He loves us so much.
A fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom- I too have been to this place and I know how she felt about not telling anyone about it. I was dehydrated from fentanyl withdrawal and I smoked a joint that I got from my son and I knew that God was not pleased with my decision and I was smoking and I just felt bad in my chest and everything slowed down and I told my wife I was sorry and she called the EMTS and I sat down because I could feel my heart beat stopping and I fell
Back on to my bed and I felt my son was crying and shaking me and I fell down in these rings of fire and then I lifted my eyes and I saw my body spinning but my head was still and I said “oh no I caught the Death,,I’m in hell “ and I knew I was in a place where I would never feel the love of God again and I said that over and over and I felt like a wicked tree like I had become a part of the landscape of this sulfuric world and I was to never feel anything good again it was horrible because the more I thought about how I couldn’t go back and repent caused a heartbreak that got worse every time I would twist I was always afraid of going crazy and I was spinning and spiraling into madness and I kept saying I caught the death, I’m in Hell , And this was my Hell I created and then I woke up in the hospital and I kept this to myself for weeks I didn’t tell anybody because it scared me I blocked it out of my mind and then one day I was off work and It just came rushing back to my mind and I told my family what I saw , and I hope they never get to find out. This isn’t a place for you and I. If you are reading this and you don’t have a relationship with the Father PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR OWN SOUL will be lost if you don’t get saved by the Lord Jesus!!
Thank you for sharing your testimony!
Amazing testimony. Thank you!
9:24 I like that quote, “ No act can take you to hell just as no act can take you to heaven because we’re saved by faith”
Where is Adolph Hitler? Your belief has him in heaven!
That is just not so...sin takes us to hell.
Hitler is in hell
We are saved by grace
Jesus clearly says in more places than one, that he who Loves Him WILL KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. What we do does matter. JOHN 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
1 Timothy 6:14 that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. James 1:22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.
When I was 21 I had horrible demonic intrusive thoughts. I prayed and prayed because I couldn’t control it and I thought I was going to go to hell. About a month later Jesus came through my window early and laid his hand on my forehead and it felt as a house fell on my body I was instantly paralyzed but I wasn’t scared. I then spoke through my mind with him and it was the first time I spoke a different language in my head to him and I later learned that it was called tongues. I felt the Holy Spirit for a few moments and I just can’t explain the love. I couldn’t see his face but I was able to see the body it was see through. It was amazing I will never forget this day that God saved me. ❤
Hey, I’m struggling with sin I tried getting closer to God but I let God down everytime im ashamed I’m so guilty I’m afraid to talk and pray again. Lust has been so tough on me I don’t know what to do. My temper shorten and get angry so easily now what do I do
@@vissukg102 Hey, I know you are not talking to me, but my best friend also struggles with lust. What I told him to do is to think of the consequences of lusting every time he lusts, for it will be dire. Also, I told him to read the word; for it is written in Matthew 5:28 (NIV): “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Finally, I tell him to pray to the Heavenly Father and to talk to friends (other Christians) about it if possible.
@@vissukg102 Keep striving, it's very hard, I'm in the same boat.
God gave me a message once. It doesn't matter. What does it matter what youve been through and what you are going through? The Bible says only He knows your heart, and the Bible also says the heart deceives us. The heart deceives us so that even you dont know your own heart. The Bible says when He led Moses and His people out of Egypt, they were traveling through the wilderness for forty years. God said He shall humble them that they may know their own hearts, whether they would follow His statutes and commandments. He even hungered them that they may learn man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out the mouth of God. Guess what happened? They desired to go back into slavery because they felt it was too hard for them. He showed them their hearts, as he has shown you yours. So what will you do now? Because the Bible says the righteous stumble, but get back up seven times. The Bible also says God knows the future, He knew you since you were born. My point is, prove who you are, and don't quit. Wake up brother, it's as easy as reading the Bible and living it. Don't let anything pull you in a different direction. I love you brother, I know this is difficult, but He's got us.
Tamara thank you for your testimony! Beautiful! Thank you Father for saving her life! Jesus said “I died so that you may live”
i love this😭 ive been thinking about not killing myself but not feelin loved at all and i learned tht God loves me and he always will
God is amazing. Thank you Father for your unfailing love! I love when she says "We're in a war for our souls" That is so true. Every day we must choose Jesus, even after we're saved.
weird because i was rescued by Jesus he unlocked my cell but i didnt know were i was i didnt know who God was but God had mercy and he charged into hell argued for my soul and he unlocked my cell
I'd love to hear your full story too! Jesus is the real Superman
What cell? Where was this? Or do You mean like him breaking our chains of addiction abuse etc?
If you were truly in hell you would know where you were!!!
this is one of my favorite NDEs
you can't really describe in words the feelings of hopelessness, etc.
i wasn't given the full brunt of it, but it was enough
i don't think she is a mason, i think she is legit
I got goosebumps!
Hell is not for mans soul that was made for satan and his falling angelsJ.L. the Seagull
The human mind cannot understand Spiritual things. ❤❤ which is why I could only take in the word of God with The Holy Spirit. God Bless you guys🌹🕊
all the things she is saying is exactly what happened in Lazarus and the rich man he saw heaven while he was in hell he told Lazarus to warn his brothers not to go to hell this is the TRUTH!
I have studied body language and dialog and to me, her mannerisms point to her telling the truth
Why would she even lie in the first place? Hell is in the bible.
@@madj7152 lie about God, Jesus n hell. U might go there for lying. There so many people saying the same thing
You studied nothing and your opinion is worthless. Her acting is good tho.
@@mystpop1050 One day you will regret those words. John 3:16
Thank you for sharing your testimony Tamara!
Only our merciful Father Almighty can do this ! Praise God !🙌
I remember last year as I prayed to our Holy Father and asked HIM if there was any mercy for those in hell if I prayed for them …that surely by now after all the torment they have learned .
GOD spoke to me immediately and with firmness and authority and HE said these words to me …“ Angie , they leave me with no choice …you have met people like this ! My word has been around for centuries!”
I’ll never forget what HE said and never asked again . You can only pray for all of us who are alive , that none of us end up there . But the ones who are in hell now …there’s no hope for them . Jesus WAS their hope when they were alive and had every opportunity.
It’s not like God doesn’t try to reach people all through their lives . HE sends signs and wonders , dreams, visits and encounters and HIS servants to reach all of HIS children. But they have free will and most people choose sin over Jesus Christ who is the ONLY WAY , YHE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. God loves every single one of HIS children…including the ones in hell . 🙏🙌❤️
HE is absolutely right
I’ll never forget
oh Jesus help me i wish i had gone with my King but i was saved soon after that but the suffering and loss of my family i went through aweful suffering but God healed me in end
I believe this is such a powerful testimony 🙏
I am suffering greatly and wanting to die, same as Tamara. Would you PLEASE pray for the Lord to deliver me from hopelessness 🙏? I want to live ❤️❤️
Father God, thank you for our friend's life. You have known them before You even laid down the foundation of the earth. Thank You for the revelation of Jesus Christ in their life. Reveal more of Him and the blessed hope they have in Him. Fix their eyes on Your Son, Jesus, and help them to keep running the race You set for them. May they remain in Your Son no matter what. Do a new thing that would heal their hope deferred heart. In Jesus' name, amen.
Friend, feel welcome read our online article about hope here:
I am raised Catholic, and they argue that suicide is the one unforgivable sin, because once we’re gone, we have no way to repent and ask for forgiveness. I’m glad you made it. Your testimony gave me the chills. Protect your life, protect your soul. ❤
She was there because she didn't receive God as her Lord and savior. No religion will let you into heaven only when you surrender your life your heart and give your life to Jesus is when your name will be written in the book of life. Accept Jesus in your heart and you will go to heaven.
@@ireneaguilar3735 Jesus is a prophet like the rest of God's prophets. What is the fate of the nations that were before Christ was born and know Him will go to hell? There were prophets other than Christ from Adam to the prophet Muhammad
I am sorry you believe that way!! But Jesus is the only way to heaven . I hope you accept him before you die then it will be to late.
Denying the Holy Ghost is the only unforgivable sin.
Who is your ultimate authority, the pope or the bible?
The miracles of God and the grace of God is never ending. The love of God there are no words. The power of God and the wisdom in the mind of God would make a human lose thier mind. Our minds are the key.
My son jimmy is diagnosed with schizophrenia could you please put him on your prayer list
He needs deliverance
“THe human mind in our state cannot experience spiritual things” lol that bar just opened even more creativity space for this album
There are lots of channels that cover these kinds of stories- heaven is described slightly differently each time, but hell, hell is the same for all who encounter it.
Seems sometimes people go to heaven or what they think is, and really it's demons playing with them. I'd say if Jesus isn't there, there is a problem. That should be the red flag.
It is like a City so I would assume if one visits a city like London or New York one cannot cover the whole city in a day or even years but wherever that one covers still part of London or New York. Others they visit a certain part of heaven and they describe their experiences based on their visits. I have heard about hell being described differently because people would have visited different parts of hell but it is still hell.
"No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor has it dawned on man what God has in store for those who love Him."
All praise to God! Thank you JESUS!
Thank you for your testimony ❤ Shalom
I'm scared. Seriously, this is one of the few subjects in/of reality, that actually scares me.
*Yahshua (Jesus) The Messiah Saves.*
Peace and love,
Yes! HE really do.
The Apostle Paul didn't boast about being taken up into the 3rd Heaven.
Hebrew 9:27 is more than clear: "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment."
That's Amazing just like when the rich man called over to father Abraham asked him to send Lazarus to tell his brothers so they won't come there this is totally amazing i honestly believe her story because she didn't say anything outside of scripture!!! I hope and pray that many see this testimony and repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ today is the day of salvation!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen! This is beautiful
This life in our body on earth is like a vapour! The years fly by so quick,
Our aim is to bring many people into a relationship with the lord Jesus Christ in 2023☝️
“The only knowledge that mattered is Jesus Christ is Lord” whew a word! 🔥 Thank you Lord🙏🏾
A reverent fear of Him. That was a good statement.
Thank you, tamara, for your testimony ❤ Jesus saves, Amen 🙏
He is mighty to save! }
Powerful testimony ❤
Thankyou Tamara Laroux you are indeed one powerful testimony and witness of life and death. God bless you abundantly dear lady xoxoxk
Thank you for engaging in our comments section, Rebecca.'
Heaven and Hell exist outside of our reality it can not be completely described but it's there and Hell is truly terrifying. There is a Christ and he alone is our way.
Even now out of earth there is no time. It is eternity.
God and Jesus doesn’t like a sinner, but still forgives because of Jesus’s sacrifice millions of years ago 🤝✋
*1976 years ago
Millions?????!!! Not quite
God is Jesus
He loves the sinner what he doesn't like is the sin. Not the sinner.
Faith makes all things possible❤❤❤
Thanks for this. I need closer relationship with Jesus
Wow this is amazing God is great indeed🌅🛐🙏🏾👌🏾
I am terrified now and feel upset 😭
Don't be. Just confess your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be your Savior. Blessings to you and your family.
I appreciate this guest and her story. I'm rereading Bill Wiese's book, 23 Minutes in Hell, for the 2nd time. Their personal live's are different but their stories compliment eachother.
Their stories need to be shared.
Hell's Dominion: A Land Unknown by B. Melvin is also excellent, highly recommend.
pat acts like he's never heard or read about hell,
His doing that for the viewers sake
Unlock your destiny!
Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead and you will be saved!
(Romans 10:9)
Christ makes life INCREDIBLE!
No one will force you to choose Christ. But if you ever change your mind, now u know how to receive the only one who can guarantee your eternal salvation 😇
I don't doubt thats how hell is..
But her describing the part when she entered her body again and how the paramedics told the mother, " do you even want to bother sending her to the hospital, she doesn't look like she's gonna make it" and her feeling like "gosh this situation is so embarrassing" and then the paramedics were making sexual innuendos towards her 🙄 and there's no pictures of her in the hospital, no picture of her scar, her mother never heard the gunshot, but she heard her call for help once she was back in her body?
I'm not buying it.
2:30 what did the voice mean place it at your heart???
Awesome testimony 🙌🙌🙌
The Apostle Paul didn't boast about being taken up into the 3rd Heaven.
Hebrew 9:27 is more than clear: "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment."
She didn’t die. She’s on TH-cam talking about how she ALMOST died, but was given a second chance.
@@DeepCoolBlue II Corinthians 12 - Glory needs to be to GOD alone like Paul did, and he didn't boast. Wow, what a man of God. Multiple people now a days have boasted for profit in 'saying' they have had these experiences. II Peter 2 is a good warning of false prophets ;)
Crazy for the people going there and not knowing about Jesus or rejecting him ever will burn for eternity in confusion.
it would seem like confusion, but we are all offered the choice to accept or reject Christ, even if you heard the gospel walking by a street preacher for 5 seconds. you heard the gospel and in that moment decided “yeah I like this” or “why wont they shut up, all this Jesus Jesus Jesus.” same thing you still heard the Truth and made a choice
@@Hey_Im_Tre_ i strongly disagree with that
No I believe the ppl in hell know or have this supernatural knowing once they get there why they’re there and that Jesus is Lord and that He is real, they’ve made the wrong choice.. etc.
i couldnt remember who i was that i had a family
black cells in rows down walls of hell
It doesn't make sense that she said that she heard a voice saying put it to your chest. God wouldn't say that. Then she is saying that her attempt of suicide is not a sin. Killing yourself is a sin.
Proverbs 15:6
In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble.
Traveling at the speed of light is a common thing nde experience.
when i died all thought of them will perish
Amen!! God bless you. Jesus is the truth the way and life!
Thank you for stopping by and viewing the page today.
the devils ripped the skin of my arms
I hear her story and I think of Lazarus and his best friend in hell yelling to him over the gulf
Praise Jesus, please god & Jesus forgive all the people in these comments as well as myself for their sins & may you save and bless us with your love & light & lead us to live a life full of your love & wisdom amen 🙏 🤍
Did She just say the paramedics said to her mom are you even going to bother to take her to the emergency room? First off why would her mom be taking her to the ER? 2nd why would you ask that question to a mother of a little daughter that just shot herself? I'm sorry but I find that a little hard to believe that the paramedics said that your mother! All she left out was seeing the pearly Gates....🤷
Maybe when you die, you experience
What you believe in, that why they say be careful of what you believe in, because it becomes a reality for you ..
So a lot of people are having the same experience?
@@edwinabotha2276 yes if those people all believe in the same thing.
It’s the in denial for me, don’t underestimate God 🤗
Matthew 13:30
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
Oh my gosh...
She said the same Marino says, children of God both
Exactly what I imagined the Bible meant about hell & burning and fire…she said “my formeless being began to feel torment and this sulfuric burn” Also makes sense heaven and hell both being above the clouds as I've heard in a different nde…Also how she says everything was at its max including sense including intelligence its like a harvard degree immediately & she knows about everyone she looks at from there wills to secrets to true nature lol…Dont mind this comment just album notes & tech
See she says you can look across and see heaven they both are up…Why when people grieve and they say things in the sky are signs they made it into heaven I keep quiet but is that what it really means if both are up do we humans know people lifestyle that well ? But also why it’s supposed to be a mystery and we have the “Basic Instustructions Before Leaving Earth” God bless and get right folks lol
Why did GOD come for her with HIS hand and remove her from hell and leave the others in hell?? I don't understand.
not everyone is meant to be saved
She wasn’t 100% dead. If you have had been warned, then right now is a chance to be saved.
She wasn’t dead
The Bible clearly states that god alone can hear our thoughts and no one else. She says several things here that don’t add up
We become like God when we die.
After someone goes through this experience, I don’t think they will be psychologically healthy. I don’t believe her.
It happened at 15 and God can obviously restore much and everything about a person.
Nothing is impossible to God. He can restore everyone. God is Love.
Other near death experiencer Jane Smith says there is no sin… who to believe? Is it all lies? many goes to a good place not hell…. Where is the truth? It’s mind boggling as everybody has different experience. Not that much in common as you might think. And I’ve seen so many nde videos… heaven and hell videos. Nothing makes sence to me no more…
That sulfuric acid she was feeling wasn't acid, 🔥🔥🔥
god bless you
How is it that her mother didn't hear the gunshot?
She was outside gardening
Jesus is Lord alone
So only way is Jesus and Christianity. So1.7 billion muslims, 1 billion hindus and 1 billion non believers will go to hell just because they dont follow jesus. Well every religion claim the exact same thing. Believe me or you will be dammed and all other ways are wrong.
You are right. Jesus said "I am the truth and the way, and the life." Essentially there is no other way to eternal life but through Him. So you really have to ask yourself one question then, 'do you believe what Jesus said or not.' It really is that simple. Many people overcomplicate it when it really is very simple. So don't complicate this issue, and simply ask yourself that question. And then answer it for yourself. Just know that based on what conclusion you reach, you are literally deciding what happens to you after you die for eternity.
@@williessandwhich9725 I think the truth is despite the fact that last couple hundred years science has been accelerating and discover a lot of things we still know so little. That make people so afraid. I can understand that but only by admiting ourselfs that we don't know we have a chance to discover new things. More things we learn more we see religion is out of date. Because every new thing contradict with religios facts. Universe is amazingly big and we are just getting started. Stick with science.
I thought the opposite of God is fear so why would you live your life following something that doesn't make sense out of fear of going to Hell
@@kutaytezcan-v4h Yes, follow science. Listen to people like Dr James Tour.
Faith. Free will…choose wisely. Heaven with God…eternally LOVED!! Forever. In peace. With loved ones. Jesus is our hope! 🎁 ❤…CROSS. Grace!
i was unsaved
i believe ..
I'm sorry I just don't believe it 🤷 I think she's explaining a little bit of everything she's heard over her life of what heaven and hell is. Yet she's so knowledgeable about the Bible why is it never happened to someone like me that knows nothing about the Bible.
Glory to god 🙏🏽
How can death, be the absence of God, when your Soul is eternal, and your connected to the Source of all things.. if anything you would be more connected to God when you die.
because god is life
@@jeremiahbrown9365 because God is the all.
The soul that sinneth it shall surely die
Becaus death means separation from God. We just understand it to mean “when our flesh expires” but that’s not the true definition of death. In the garden God told Adam and Eve if you eat from this tree you will surely die. Eve ate the apple, but did she die? As we humans know death to mean ? No they didn’t die. But what they experienced was far worse separation from God which is the truest form of what death actually means. God is life and anything good is because of him. Death is separation from God and anything good can no longer be without his prescience. Otherwise known as hell.
Death is different from being asleep. Those with Jesus only sleep…..
Jesus is our Lord❤
Everyone is an atheist: I want to end my life
Person goes to hell and come back: Now I'm filled with love. JESUS IS SO GOOD TO ME. IMA BE OKAY 😭❗💯🙏🏾
And leave McDonald's hamburgers? Never!!!!
She was definitely wrong when she said she wasn't in hell because of her actions but because she hadn't received Jesus as Lord. No person will ever go to hell for not receiving Jesus, we go to hell because of SIN. Death and eternal damnation is the wages for SIN. Repent of your sins and believe the gospel : That Christ died on a cross to take the wages of sin upon himself (who was sinless) and rose from the grave 3 days later, defeating death. Any person who places their trust in Him and His work on the cross to be saved from the wrath of Almighty God - the just judge of the universe - will receive mercy and eternal life.
Romans 10: 9-10 (NIV)
9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
I do not believe in these things when people say they died and went to heaven or hell. Dead is dead and the dead know nothing the Word says.
You are dismissing very important life lessons due to your own ignorance. You have two eyes, two ears and one mouth.
@@unapprovedtruth7116 I see SPIRITUALLY not PHYSICALLY. What is flesh is FLESH, Spirit is SPIRIT.
actually yes dead is dead his breath(soul) will be taken by god when he(Jesus) returns we will risen in a eternal body, this women got the experience bcuz of gods love to her.
This guy has every right to believe whatever he believes.. in the end well never know until it happens right .. I think there has to be some form of an afterlife.. something incredible brought us all here so why wouldn't there be an afterlife.
by saying that your lying yourself with ignorance just read bible in your lifetime.thank you
I don’t believe you can go to heaven then back on earth again. Nothing like that is in the Bible.
Jesus Christ loves you.
lady u got to the opening of hell first u c the smoke then the horrific heat
Allah guide me please
Jesus is the only way ❤
Indeed, He is! He is the way, the truth, and the life.
@@700club I'm 46..severe spiritual depression fr 31 years.. Searched all paths.. Jesus delivered me... I invited him into my conscious n subconscious... It's very important tht jesus is in ur me the moment I invited him in subconscious my depression of 3 decades melted away... I wish I could elaborate my born again experience... I live it!i repeat when we say body is the temple of holy Spirit... Do we know tht body is our subconscious mind... I can swear on my blood I m not saying jesus is the only way intellectualy i ve felt it realized it... Unexplainable... Don't ve words
@@700clubi say this after 32 years of suicidal depression. I'm 46 from India... Tried all religuons before jesus came in my life ... I beg to be born again as 32 years of depression has crippled me but i know jesus is the only way amen
All these out -of -body experiences have one thing in common that is missing: JOY in the Lord's presence. They all forgot that their hearts were overfilled with joy...? They all talk of love and peace and some kind of bright light. Some are lying. Some are deceived by satan, who comes as an angel of light. Yet Satan cannot reproduce the joy of the Lord.
She said several times that she wants people to make Jesus their Lord, as if that is the gospel. Peculiar. Repentance and belief on Christ's death as the atonement for our sin is the gospel. Jesus said Himself that many will stand before Him, saying Lord, Lord. But He will not accept them because He never knew them.
And WHY is she sane? There is not a single person I have ever seen testifying they went to hades that is out-of-their-minds looney. Anyone who would experience hades would come back unable to function.
Well, the gospel is real. The gospel can save you. This woman's dubious experience is not necessary to have God-granted faith in the Word of God, and she may even be leading people down the wrong road.
Sa trainer, amen, amen!
Something about her yeah.. Idk
It's certainly strange the message being conveyed, because she asked for forgiveness her suicide to hell was rejected ? Where is the warning ? Dont do what I did etc.. Shes very alluring.
Jesus is real and so is heaven and hell. Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life and the only way to the father is through him. You can act like you don’t know but you don’t want to stand in judgment before the Lord without the advocacy of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord!
Well I accepted Jesus - per what she said, if no act could take me to hell, then I can end my life and make it to heaven?
Not necessarily.. But certainly more chance than someone who had not accepted Jesus. Murder is a sin..and you're murdering yourself.
If you're still feeling suicidal hon, it's a demonic attack. Plead the blood of Jesus over your spirit, mind, body, heart and soul daily for protection, and bind and rebuke the spirits of suicide and depression in Jesus name. 🤍
Ps) I think I might know how you've given a demonic spirit authority over you.. Had a look at some of your subscriptions just to see - and you're following a couple of 'new age gurus'.
Such as Teal Swan. Teal is deceived. Spirituality is a lie. It's darkness disguised as light.
Have you practiced law of attraction/manifestation? That is literally *witchcraft.* (I'm an ex occultist btw). You need to repent and renounce it if so. And unfollow Teal and other 'spiritual teachers', trust me! You cannot mix light with darkness Jesus said.
Jesus is Lord