I don't know, "beasts" are just skills by a different name. I mean they're a nice enough justification for the art, and I guess it's an okay marketing angle, but I can't see how this "beast" gameplay will improve on the many, many other games in the genre. It just seems like another uninspired Vampire Survivor adjacent game with a new (asset-y looking) coat of paint. Looking at their past title, Lioncode Games appear to be repeating the same flawed formula they used for Mech Armada, an unambitious, barely-there mashup of a few other successful genres. It's lazy and I think they could do better. As is, I'm sure it'll sell a few copies to a handful of people before being forgotten within a few months. Sergio and Lyle, aim higher!
I don't know, "beasts" are just skills by a different name. I mean they're a nice enough justification for the art, and I guess it's an okay marketing angle, but I can't see how this "beast" gameplay will improve on the many, many other games in the genre. It just seems like another uninspired Vampire Survivor adjacent game with a new (asset-y looking) coat of paint. Looking at their past title, Lioncode Games appear to be repeating the same flawed formula they used for Mech Armada, an unambitious, barely-there mashup of a few other successful genres. It's lazy and I think they could do better. As is, I'm sure it'll sell a few copies to a handful of people before being forgotten within a few months. Sergio and Lyle, aim higher!
Haha it's two people, i think it's fine. Yes it's like skills, but it's a nice disguise for them.