I have tried to compile the symptoms which Shaikh described. It might help someone to act as a checklist Headache - Back Complete headache Pulpating heart stomach issue, burning while Quran lower back pain Knees pain constipation Unbalanced period Bruise Hot or cold for no reason tired sleepy during Quran sleepy during khutbah, salah Yawning during salah with tears Heavy during salah Anxiety during Maghreb - No reason Bad relationship with people (Husband, wife), brother Take a long time to sleepy Twitch during sleep for no reason Snakes or dogs in your dreams (2-3 times in a month) Falling down, someone chasing you, flying like a bird, sometimes on the mountain, diving Seeing naked people in your dream You like to sleep on the right side. For sunnah, you start from the right side, but straight away go to the left or stomach Something next to you during sleep. Something next to you. Numbness while reciting the Quran, especially on the left side Sometimes stomach is big and bloated Forgetfulness Falling hair
Jazakallahu khairan sheikh my brother in Islam, may Allah subhanahu wa taala grant you and your family and me and my family too janatul ferdaws inshaAllah.. Ameen
Conclusion : Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatiha and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer . And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can. And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
What you said shaiek is absolutely true hundred percent no doubt 👍👌👍👌🙏 excellent job amazing explanation 👍👌👍 may Almighty Allah bless you and your family's and your team always and protect all of you always all the best 🤲🤲🤲👍👌👍♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you Sheikh Abu Mujahid for the work that you do. May Allah bless you, you have helped me personally. I saw him for 2 sessions in Chicago and I learned so much about Spiritual sicknesses. I went to doctors and they didn’t know what was wrong with me but after seeing the power of the Quran, I got all my questions answered Walhamdulillah. May Allah cure all those who are sick and may he expand our minds to the truth and reality of this dunya. Ameen
It’s sometimes difficult to know if our problems are health issues or sihr and evil eyes. Doctors don’t do the necessary tests and we sometimes have to live with a health problem for years before being diagnosed. In my opinion the best way to know is to see if we get any reaction when doing Ruqya. Evil eyes are so common, so to protect ourselves we must recite verses of the Quran for Ruqya after fajr and Maghrib everyday.
Eggs were broken on two sides of my house and one of them is fresh from probably 2days or so right my back door as I saw it yesterday and I’m really scared to touch it and it’s still there and I don’t know what to do😢
@@rochwilliams3029 Yeah we need to do Raqi but sadly we cannot find the Sheikhs who does .In non Muslim countries you can find Sheikhs but in Arab Muslim country no, . Ameen! we are holding Allah and Quran strongly
Sister Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatima and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer . And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can. And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
@@jasmineabdulla5719 Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatima and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer . And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can. And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatiha and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer . And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can. And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
Assalam walekum uncle I want to talk to you pls help me out I have lot's of simtumse that all you told about Black magic I am suffering from 2019 pls reply me you are great mashallah ❤
One of my relatives did black magic on our land so that we can't sell it. And we have been trying to sell it for about 1.5 years but still couldn't. Everytime we final words with the buyer, someone dies or gets into an accident and it remains unsold. So,what should we do to remove the magic from the land?
I may be late but here you go: * Nigella sativa (a.k.a the black seed) infamous for its healing powers. * Saussurea costus (potent detox and laxative to cleanse your body). * Senna plant (another potant detox, preferably consumed in form of herbal infusion/tisane). and here's another one I know: Ziziphus spina-christi (Sidr). It can be infused into water you bathe with, and it's very effective against evil eye, InSha'Allah! Hope this helps ❤️
I have many of these symptoms I listen to surah baqrah daily it helps but whenever i listen to it it makes me sleepy and yawning.... I'm having a very difficult time offering namaz ... And specially doing ablution I just can't i don't know what's happening with ne couldn't find the reason .. my skin and complexion is getting dark .. too dark, my health is declining
@@haifakhan7815 nothing to worry. But do precautions. Bcz my mom is a victm of sihr. I onew how bad it effect it and family. If u can find someone tp help u it would be better (a good one who is doing ruqyah ) or take wudu. And revite fathiha. Ikhlas naas. Falaq. Ayathul qursi. Ayah of sihr. (U can find from google ). Recite continuse fr 30-45 min. And in between u do azan and in between u can split on cup of water and always that water to drink whenever u need it. In all day. Nothing to worry. May be its a doubt in ur mind. Eventhough u do ruqyah. Its better
@@haifakhan7815 and becarful its a matter of thowhed. Dont go in anyother source. Only talk with good ruqya person. And have good tawakhul. Its a better to find someone. If u feel something is wrong. And tru to clean ur stomach by sunna maki fr 3 days. .
I am suffering from jinn possession my health is getting better alhamdulillah here is some tips please follow it wil be very helpful for u people Honey Black seed Olive oil Ruqyah ,zam zam and rain water Sidr leaves 🍃 Basil leaves eat it Saffron Black musk for ashiq jin or lover jin
Please I have these symptoms if a man ask my hand he later reject me for no reason. Anywhere I get a job later after 2 or 3 months my will just fire me for no reason . Please help me I need a solution to it
do these remedies and you will get solution of your problem 1: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday 2: feed double colour dogs on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday if possible 3: Take half meter yellow cloth + 7 Turmeric roots + 7 pieces brown sugar + little bit saffron + Yellow lentils put all the stuff in yellow cloth touch it with your Forehead for a second and then put all the stuff under the Banana Tree do not turn around or go back
Honestly i have so many questions to ask and this answered a lot of them.. I feel like some of these syptoms were there when i was a kid but now its not as bad... So does it get better with time or how does it work?
Salamu alaykum brothers and sisters , increase your worship especially the remembrance of allah. This will weaken any jinn or shaytaan. The brothers and sisters doing ruqyah ( spiritual healing) are too busy to keep up with issues.. stay away from posting pictures of yourself and close family members on social media.. this will decrease chances of being affected by the evil eye
True, ibada will weaken jinn or shaytan and heal ayn. Dhikr if morning and evening and ruqya everyday. Eventually whatever is there will either leave or die. Bi idhn Allah
Yes mashallah, true except with sihr... it must be destroyed otherwise another jinn will be sent to fulfil the task. Problem will continue until sihr is broken
Hadith on ‘Ayn: Many Muslims die by the evil eye Abu Amina Elias Death الموتEnvy الحسدEvil Eye العينHatred البغضةProvidence القضاء و القدرUmmah الأمةWarning النذر Jabir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A great many from my nation who die, after the judgment, decree, and providence of Allah, die by the evil eye.” Source: Musnad Abī Dāwūd al-Ṭayālisī 1868 Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani عَنْ جَابِرٍ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ جُلُّ مَنْ يَمُوتُ مِنْ أُمَّتِي بَعْدَ قَضَاءِ اللَّهِ وَكِتَابِهِ وَقَدَرِهِ بِالْأَنْفُسِ يَعْنِي بِالْعَيْنِ 1868 مسند أبي داود الطيالسي 1206 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث حسن في صحيح الجامع www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2021/04/20/death-by-nazar/
spray bottle , 3 tablespoon of sea salt or salt , apple vinegar and recite al kursi and adhan loud but how can i spray the bathroom with it ?? isnt this bad?
Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim Masyaa Allah Allahumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad really you are a good and Sholeh Muslim can you release the magic knots on us and my brother
Assalamu Alaikum Shaikh, I really would like to talk to you but I am from Bangladesh and I dont know anyone in my country who can answer my questions regarding this sensitive issue. If only I could get a way be in touch with you digitally, I would share everything with you.
Assalam alayikum warahmatullah wabarakatu, sheikh which reason can make you to curse people is it evil eyes or black magic. For example I know someone when he pass in the industry, alarm make noise! what he can do
Iam having severe headache.confused what is happening.when i do ruqya my face getting dark too dark.i asked many isthigfar but headache comes back.when i do ruqya iam feeling restless cant bear headche.i dont know what is the reason .dont know why face getting dark when i do isthigfar dhikr or reciting quran.pls reply if someone having this type of issue.if i do ruqya my symptom getting worse and my face like evil face ..and dark
Be aware of this she5! My friend saw him for ruqya here in Chicago, he charged her a lot of money! It’s crazy how they take advantage of sick people! No ra7ma what’s so ever! every session he charges five to seven hundred dollars! So if you need more than one session ! You’ll end up paying thousands! Do your own or have a family member help you! It’s all on TH-cam
Whoever reads La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shay in qadeer Will be protected In Sahih Bukhari hadith 3293 and Sahih Muslim 2691 this is what was Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) tries to relay. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “If one says one-hundred times in one day: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone Who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the Praises, and He has power over all things (i.e. Omnipotent)”, one will get the reward of manumitting ten slaves, and one-hundred good deeds will be written in his account, and one-hundred bad deeds will be wiped off or erased from his account, and on that day he will be protected from the morning till evening from Satan, and nobody will be superior to him except one who has done more than that which he has done.”
Your treatment is known. Continue reading Surat Al-Baqarah daily with the Qiyam prayer and maintain daily al'adhkar after prayers, entering the bathroom, traveling, sleeping, etc. Keep reading two parts of the Qur’an. Worship for a Muslim is one that weakens the devils, such as fasting, charity, and Dua. Ignore the whispers and words of the devils and continue reading the Qur’an
Does toys of children with pictures on it or dolls also belong to categorie of statues, cause i have toys of my kids. And i have a question i sprayed my house multiple times with ruqiya water and i found couple of times feathers of birds randomly in different areas of my house, what does that mean ?
1: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday 2: Feed Double colour dogs on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday it will help you and your family by the way there is no such things that protect from evil eye These remedies will help you
if you guess you have black magic between you and your husband just before Maghrib take some Honey and give it your husband to eat if possible 2: buy a new lock on Thursday without checking without opening it and put it under your pillow after Esha prayer and sleep over the next morning Friday morning get the lock put it slowly in a Masjid or in the middle of a cross road do not turn around or go back 3: Cut all your 20 nails on Friday fry them on fire little bit make powder of it and put it in a drink give it to your husband
1: Add black salt and black pepper in Your daily foods 2: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday 3: feed double colour dogs on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday the easiest way to heal yourself is take shower between two close fountains if possible
Walakumasalam wa rahmath ullahi wa barkatuhu brother I can help u to cure black magic in the light of Quran and sunnah .I have 12 years of experience in treatment cure al hum dulilah u can whatsup online also can solve in sha Allah
nothing to worry 1: Add black salt and black pepper in Your foods daily 2: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday 3: feed dogs if possible on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday
Wasalaam, try zeolite, vitamin d3 with k2, b vitamin complex, eliminate gluten and sugar from his diet. Do this for 6 months then get back to me. Keep Quran on, make dua and try to read Surah Al Baqarah once every 3 days minimum, in one sitting.
As salaam alaykum, Imam Saeed Rana (he is Moroccan)does ruqya. He was in Florida the last time I heard so google him, inshaAllah. I only just saw this video, and it's been 9 months since you posted so I hope this helps you, inshaAllah.
nothing to worry he make this problem very bigger 1: Sit on a wooden chair in the middle of the two 10 years old girls and ask them to kiss you on Your cheek but your intentions must be that you are reversing your curse 2: Add black salt and black pepper to your daily food 3: Feed Double colour dogs on Tuesday , Wednesday and Saturday 4: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday 5: Donate 5 almonds to 5 kids including baby girls note: not everybody has been cursed and having evil eye the world is full of jealousy some times we get bad energy from someone else
I have tried to compile the symptoms which Shaikh described. It might help someone to act as a checklist
Headache - Back
Complete headache
Pulpating heart
stomach issue, burning while Quran
lower back pain
Knees pain
Unbalanced period
Hot or cold for no reason
sleepy during Quran
sleepy during khutbah, salah
Yawning during salah with tears
Heavy during salah
Anxiety during Maghreb - No reason
Bad relationship with people (Husband, wife), brother
Take a long time to sleepy
Twitch during sleep for no reason
Snakes or dogs in your dreams (2-3 times in a month)
Falling down, someone chasing you, flying like a bird, sometimes on the mountain, diving
Seeing naked people in your dream
You like to sleep on the right side. For sunnah, you start from the right side, but straight away go to the left or stomach
Something next to you during sleep. Something next to you.
Numbness while reciting the Quran, especially on the left side
Sometimes stomach is big and bloated
Falling hair
May Allah bless and reward you
Thank you for sure it will help some people
May allah bless and reward you
me too have same problems
What can i do..... Form release it
Very true, jinns are afraid of us even shaytan is afraid of us. Alhamdulillah for the power that Allah gave us 😊
Symptoms start here 5:00 to 12:25 ; evil eye 12:40 to 18:29 ; Black magic(Sihr) 18:30 to 20:35
Thank you so much !
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ صَلاَةً كَامِلَةًر وَسَلِّمْ سَلاَماً تَامًّا عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدِن ِالّّذِى تَنْحَلُّ بِهِ الْعُقَدُ وَتَنْفَرِجُ بِهِ الْكُرَبُ وَتُقْضَى بِهِ الْحَوَائِجُ وَتُنَالُ بِهِ الْرَّغَائِبُ وَحُسْن الْخَوَاتِم وَيُسْتَسْقَى الْغَمَامُ بِوَجْهِهِ الْكَرِيمِ وَعَلى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ فِي كُلِّ لَمْحَةٍ وَنَفَسٍَ بِعَدَدِ كُلِّ مَعْلُومٍ لَكَ
Jazakallahu khairan sheikh my brother in Islam, may Allah subhanahu wa taala grant you and your family and me and my family too janatul ferdaws inshaAllah.. Ameen
Conclusion :
Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatiha and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer .
And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can.
And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
قَالَ: "اللَّهُمَّ اصْرِفْ عَنْهُ حَرَّهَا وَبَرْدَهَا وَوَصَبَهَا". قَالَ: فَقَامَ. فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ: "إِذَا رَأَى أَحَدُكُمْ مِنْ أَخِيهِ، أَوْ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ أَوْ مِنْ مَالِهِ، مَا يُعْجِبُهُ، فَليُبَرِّك، فَإِنَّ الْعَيْنَ حَقٌّ"
Mashallah sheikh, I like how you say "Yani" 😊
May Allah reward you greatly
MashaAllah sheikh jazakallahu khairan❤
Sheikh described all my symptoms and alhamdullilah for first time in my life I have felt relief just from ruqyah
Assalamualaikum, you can also watch Tim Humble's self ruqyah guide... It is very good!
What you said shaiek is absolutely true hundred percent no doubt 👍👌👍👌🙏 excellent job amazing explanation 👍👌👍 may Almighty Allah bless you and your family's and your team always and protect all of you always all the best 🤲🤲🤲👍👌👍♥️♥️♥️♥️
May Allah protect us all ameen and bless us all ameen
Thank you Sheikh Abu Mujahid for the work that you do. May Allah bless you, you have helped me personally.
I saw him for 2 sessions in Chicago and I learned so much about Spiritual sicknesses. I went to doctors and they didn’t know what was wrong with me but after seeing the power of the Quran, I got all my questions answered Walhamdulillah.
May Allah cure all those who are sick and may he expand our minds to the truth and reality of this dunya.
Do you have his number?please let me know,I don’t know how to get hold of him, god bless
امين يارب العالمين
@@Khadija-ge8es English please dear
@@Khadija-ge8es please what does this sysptoms mean
It’s sometimes difficult to know if our problems are health issues or sihr and evil eyes. Doctors don’t do the necessary tests and we sometimes have to live with a health problem for years before being diagnosed.
In my opinion the best way to know is to see if we get any reaction when doing Ruqya. Evil eyes are so common, so to protect ourselves we must recite verses of the Quran for Ruqya after fajr and Maghrib everyday.
Mash Allah mash Allah
there is noor on his face
Thank you so much alhamdiliallah
JazakAllah Shiek
Mashallah very interesting May Allah SWT bless all of yours
Sheik may Allah reward janatul firdaws.Aameen.
MashAllah he helped me do a ruqyah for me, may Allah increase him and bless him more InshiAllah.
Do you know where his clinic is?
Chicago Illinois I believe
How to contact him… plz guide
@@DSGK786how can I contact you?
Where is he located?
Mashaallah be blessed
13:00 evil eye solution
25:10 How to kick out Jinn of House
30:50 Q&A
A lot of Falaq
and Nas
Eggs were broken on two sides of my house and one of them is fresh from probably 2days or so right my back door as I saw it yesterday and I’m really scared to touch it and it’s still there and I don’t know what to do😢
As long as you do your salah read athkar for protection morning and evening trust in Allah you will be okay
We have all these issues but couldn't find any Sheikh who does Raki in UAE we pray to Allah and follow Sheikh Abu Mujahid's ruqiya..
I am surprised no raqi in UAE....may Allah & HIS quran heal you, Ameen
@@rochwilliams3029 Yeah we need to do Raqi but sadly we cannot find the Sheikhs who does .In non Muslim countries you can find Sheikhs but in Arab Muslim country no, . Ameen! we are holding Allah and Quran strongly
Sister Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatima and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer .
And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can.
And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
@@jasmineabdulla5719 Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatima and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer .
And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can.
And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
Recite Last 3 Quls of Quran and Surah Fatiha and with them Read Aayatul Kursi Do Every Morning You Wake And Before You Sleep. And You Offer 5 Times Prayer .
And In Free Time Try To Recite Quran. NO Matter How Much You Can.
And Keep Tawakkul On Allah Then InshaAllah You Will Be Fine Very Soon.
I love tired sheikh❤
Assalam walekum uncle I want to talk to you pls help me out I have lot's of simtumse that all you told about Black magic I am suffering from 2019 pls reply me you are great mashallah ❤
Allahumma azhib anni harraha..wa bardaha.. wa wasabaha
JazakALLAHU Khairun
Ma shaa allah . Alhamdolillah
MashaAllah wa Al Hamdulillah
Assalaamu alaikum
Thank you for this information
Ya sheikh I am tired for a long time I lost almost everything
What do I do.
One of my relatives did black magic on our land so that we can't sell it.
And we have been trying to sell it for about 1.5 years but still couldn't. Everytime we final words with the buyer, someone dies or gets into an accident and it remains unsold. So,what should we do to remove the magic from the land?
MasyaAllah.. it’s true what he said.. I am an alternative practioner ( spiritual & clinical )
Sunnah -- hindi
Qist al hindi 1tsp --16 ounce water... 3wks... Before salah 37:05
Masha Allah❤
Can somebody please write the powders, leaves in English, that helps for the cures on the commants, please...
Qust al hindi or costus
the leaves is called senna leaves
@@inaa5396JazakALLAHU Khairun
@@kenmaster1091JazakALLAHU Khairun
I may be late but here you go:
* Nigella sativa (a.k.a the black seed) infamous for its healing powers.
* Saussurea costus (potent detox and laxative to cleanse your body).
* Senna plant (another potant detox, preferably consumed in form of herbal infusion/tisane).
and here's another one I know: Ziziphus spina-christi (Sidr). It can be infused into water you bathe with, and it's very effective against evil eye, InSha'Allah!
Hope this helps ❤️
Salamu Alaikum
My son always feel headech and neck pain and also feeling heavy in my shoulder.
Is that also the sintom too
He always listens to Surah Al-Baqarah or tries to read it himself and continues to do so
I have many of these symptoms I listen to surah baqrah daily it helps but whenever i listen to it it makes me sleepy and yawning.... I'm having a very difficult time offering namaz ... And specially doing ablution I just can't i don't know what's happening with ne couldn't find the reason .. my skin and complexion is getting dark .. too dark, my health is declining
Dont wait fr long. Do ruqyah by urself
@@quranandhadees2693 how can I do it? And also I'm not able to offer prayers or zikr .. I faint whenever I try to do it
@@haifakhan7815 nothing to worry. But do precautions. Bcz my mom is a victm of sihr. I onew how bad it effect it and family. If u can find someone tp help u it would be better (a good one who is doing ruqyah ) or take wudu. And revite fathiha. Ikhlas naas. Falaq. Ayathul qursi. Ayah of sihr. (U can find from google ). Recite continuse fr 30-45 min. And in between u do azan and in between u can split on cup of water and always that water to drink whenever u need it. In all day.
Nothing to worry. May be its a doubt in ur mind. Eventhough u do ruqyah. Its better
@@haifakhan7815 and becarful its a matter of thowhed. Dont go in anyother source. Only talk with good ruqya person. And have good tawakhul. Its a better to find someone. If u feel something is wrong. And tru to clean ur stomach by sunna maki fr 3 days. .
@Haifa Khan Try to force yourself, you have to an I will only get better by praying and remembering Allah (SWT).
I have some of these symptoms please let me know what should I do 😢
Pray for me I’m from Pakistan 🇵🇰 😢
Mashaallah Dear
How to contact this sheikh?
I am suffering from jinn possession my health is getting better alhamdulillah here is some tips please follow it wil be very helpful for u people
Black seed
Olive oil
Ruqyah ,zam zam and rain water
Sidr leaves 🍃
Basil leaves eat it
Black musk for ashiq jin or lover jin
Allah grant you ease , Ameen
Jazakallah , can you please elaborate the way . Asking for my wife
Salamo aliekom jazak Allah Kul khair where do you live shiek which state
Please I have these symptoms
if a man ask my hand he later reject me for no reason.
Anywhere I get a job later after 2 or 3 months my will just fire me for no reason .
Please help me
I need a solution to it
Read quran on yourself , pray tahajjud at night , and in sujood ask allah to solve everything for you
May Allah be merciful to you
do these remedies and you will get solution of your problem
1: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday
2: feed double colour dogs on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday if possible
3: Take half meter yellow cloth + 7 Turmeric roots + 7 pieces brown sugar + little bit saffron + Yellow lentils put all the stuff in yellow cloth touch it with your Forehead for a second and then put all the stuff under the Banana Tree
do not turn around or go back
@@Sheikh1984-oq9xl stop giving bad advise now you're Shaitan advocate or real Shaitan
@@Sheikh1984-oq9xlwat nonsense
Is there’s anyway to talk to him?
Honestly i have so many questions to ask and this answered a lot of them..
I feel like some of these syptoms were there when i was a kid but now its not as bad... So does it get better with time or how does it work?
Yes when you keep on with your adhkar
Mine is actually getting worst as I grow older
You need to listen to Qur’an more and do dhikr . You’re probably not doing enough .
Salamu alaykum brothers and sisters , increase your worship especially the remembrance of allah. This will weaken any jinn or shaytaan. The brothers and sisters doing ruqyah ( spiritual healing) are too busy to keep up with issues.. stay away from posting pictures of yourself and close family members on social media.. this will decrease chances of being affected by the evil eye
Pls spell "Assalamu Alaikum"
@@mahichefI don’t known Arabic dear
My husband got black magic .. is mother did this for him many times …
True, ibada will weaken jinn or shaytan and heal ayn. Dhikr if morning and evening and ruqya everyday. Eventually whatever is there will either leave or die. Bi idhn Allah
Yes mashallah, true except with sihr... it must be destroyed otherwise another jinn will be sent to fulfil the task. Problem will continue until sihr is broken
Hadith on ‘Ayn: Many Muslims die by the evil eye
Abu Amina Elias Death الموتEnvy الحسدEvil Eye العينHatred البغضةProvidence القضاء و القدرUmmah الأمةWarning النذر
Jabir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A great many from my nation who die, after the judgment, decree, and providence of Allah, die by the evil eye.”
Source: Musnad Abī Dāwūd al-Ṭayālisī 1868
Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Albani
عَنْ جَابِرٍ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ جُلُّ مَنْ يَمُوتُ مِنْ أُمَّتِي بَعْدَ قَضَاءِ اللَّهِ وَكِتَابِهِ وَقَدَرِهِ بِالْأَنْفُسِ يَعْنِي بِالْعَيْنِ
1868 مسند أبي داود الطيالسي
1206 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث حسن في صحيح الجامع
thank you😊😊
Mashallah mashallah ❤
Please shaikh my wife posse
Plz kindly tell hw to protect oneself. Frmmagic in prds. Anther days. I feel. Protected. Bt in prds I feel so mch symptoms..
Continue the treatment he said everyday. You’re not alone😞
spray bottle , 3 tablespoon of sea salt or salt , apple vinegar and recite al kursi and adhan loud but how can i spray the bathroom with it ?? isnt this bad?
Yeah I think same but if we don't spray they may hide in bathroom
Play recitation of Azan while spraying. (It’s ok to spray in bathroom because the spray water has not been recited upon)
,Sura Nass ,sura falac ,ayathul kurshi ,sura zillzala?
how to write
@@mariamanjie8501search on google, surah Nas, Surah Falaq, ayatul kursi, surah al fatiha, read all 4x on water and drink water
Surah Al Fatiha 3x
Surah Al Kursi 3x
Last Aayah of Surah Al baqarah ( Aamanar Rasulu…) 3x
Surah Al Falaq 3x
Surah An Naas 3x
Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim Masyaa Allah Allahumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad really you are a good and Sholeh Muslim can you release the magic knots on us and my brother
how to contact the sheikh and where is he located?
Omg abu Majaud I saw him two years ago I Rember him
Can you please share his contact or details so I can take appointment. Its urgent for me. Thanks
Assalamu Alaikum Shaikh, I really would like to talk to you but I am from Bangladesh and I dont know anyone in my country who can answer my questions regarding this sensitive issue.
If only I could get a way be in touch with you digitally, I would share everything with you.
❤ 3:10
How can i contact the Sheik and tell the complete issue happening, any advice is appreciated.
Assalam alayikum warahmatullah wabarakatu, sheikh which reason can make you to curse people is it evil eyes or black magic. For example I know someone when he pass in the industry, alarm make noise! what he can do
Iam having severe headache.confused what is happening.when i do ruqya my face getting dark too dark.i asked many isthigfar but headache comes back.when i do ruqya iam feeling restless cant bear headche.i dont know what is the reason .dont know why face getting dark when i do isthigfar dhikr or reciting quran.pls reply if someone having this type of issue.if i do ruqya my symptom getting worse and my face like evil face ..and dark
Allah os generious.
I don't know why am facing these kind of issue's you described..ALLAH will help me and Allah will help you too
Can some one help us to contact sheikh Abu mujahid plz we are suffering so much may Allah reward anyone who help us contact sheikh Abu mujahid
Asslamu Alaikum, how to destroy a taweez graved on copper plate?
Destroy the plate
Contact information for sheikh abu Mujahid please
check description
Be aware of this she5! My friend saw him for ruqya here in Chicago, he charged her a lot of money! It’s crazy how they take advantage of sick people! No ra7ma what’s so ever! every session he charges five to seven hundred dollars! So if you need more than one session ! You’ll end up paying thousands! Do your own or have a family member help you! It’s all on TH-cam
No response
based on personal experience, I do not recommend it to you
Why bro @@angeldark9721
How can I contact Shaikh Abu Mujahid, please from Australia?
Do we have to recite the whole surah baqarah?
Whoever reads La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shay in qadeer
Will be protected
In Sahih Bukhari hadith 3293 and Sahih Muslim 2691 this is what was Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) tries to relay.
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “If one says one-hundred times in one day: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone Who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the Praises, and He has power over all things (i.e. Omnipotent)”, one will get the reward of manumitting ten slaves, and one-hundred good deeds will be written in his account, and one-hundred bad deeds will be wiped off or erased from his account, and on that day he will be protected from the morning till evening from Satan, and nobody will be superior to him except one who has done more than that which he has done.”
How can you burn black seed
Hi I got some problem with black magic on my husband. Can you help me dear … been already to many fake people and still have some problem
Your treatment is known. Continue reading Surat Al-Baqarah daily with the Qiyam prayer and maintain daily al'adhkar after prayers, entering the bathroom, traveling, sleeping, etc.
Keep reading two parts of the Qur’an.
Worship for a Muslim is one that weakens the devils, such as fasting, charity, and Dua.
Ignore the whispers and words of the devils and continue reading the Qur’an
Can someone show picture of crystal handy
Asalam aleikum sheikh what if I see a Jin s face behind u ? And everything u said I believe and it will help me the best
Does toys of children with pictures on it or dolls also belong to categorie of statues, cause i have toys of my kids.
And i have a question i sprayed my house multiple times with ruqiya water and i found couple of times feathers of birds randomly in different areas of my house, what does that mean ?
What’s crystal he is talking about? Please. Anyone
Qust Al-Hindi, otherwise known as Costus root. I thought he mentioned crystal too before Googling 😂
@@misslia5829 haha
How can I protect a family member from evil's eye, if the person it is not yet muslim?
write the name of power please
1: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday
2: Feed Double colour dogs on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday
it will help you and your family
by the way there is no such things that protect from evil eye
These remedies will help you
@@Sheikh1984-oq9xlwhat is mustard oil
@@Sheikh1984-oq9xl what's your daleel on these?
@@zahamedic1779 why do you believe in this?
Asalamualaikum would anyone happen to have a genuine email address for Shiekh Abu Mujahid? Jzkla
Help me 🤲🙏
Where can I get the cinematti leaves?
Can you please repeat
How do you no if a jinn is in your house?
What is to do ..if any one black magic of husband and wife
if you guess you have black magic between you and your husband
just before Maghrib take some Honey and give it your husband to eat if possible
2: buy a new lock on Thursday without checking without opening it and put it under your pillow after Esha prayer and sleep over
the next morning Friday morning get the lock put it slowly in a Masjid or in the middle of a cross road do not turn around or go back
3: Cut all your 20 nails on Friday fry them on fire little bit make powder of it and put it in a drink give it to your husband
What can I do if I am possessed
1: Add black salt and black pepper in Your daily foods
2: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday
3: feed double colour dogs on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday
the easiest way to heal yourself is take shower between two close fountains if possible
Pray 5 times a day, a lot of dhikr, avoid sins, recite quran every day
Don't listen to that person sound like a magician or making fun
Recite ayatul kursi❤❤
What are the ingredients he is talking about? In english
Aoa I'm from Pakistan how can I reach him
Walakumasalam wa rahmath ullahi wa barkatuhu brother I can help u to cure black magic in the light of Quran and sunnah .I have 12 years of experience in treatment cure al hum dulilah u can whatsup online also can solve in sha Allah
How to contact you @@shaikabdullahraqi4521
What is black seed 😢please explain what kind
I think habbatus sauda. Try Googling it
It also call Nigella/ black cumin/ or black caraway
How can contact you.
based on personal experience, I do not recommend it to you
@@angeldark9721what's wrong
Assalamu Alaikum...
How to contact maulana???
Pls help me
see the desription. his number is given. @Roushaan
How I can contact with him.
How can I contact him or contact true raqi in Pakistan plzzz help if you know someone
based on personal experience, I do not recommend it to you
How can I contact him please?
How do I contact sheikh ?
@@htmoh8115 There are things i wanna talk about with him.
strange when ive listen to you i got vision for long time when i was think what to looklike myself ..about shoes and hair .
nothing to worry
1: Add black salt and black pepper in Your foods daily
2: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday
3: feed dogs if possible on Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday
@@Sheikh1984-oq9xldont spread false information, we are not in hogwards
wrong advice @@Sheikh1984-oq9xl
how can i contact him
What is the name of this Sheikh?
Abu Mujahed
As salamu Alaikumus salam. My son 24 yrs autistic. Is there any solution for him? Please guide me. Thanks
Keep praying for him, nothing is impossible for Allah
Yes in sha Allah
A lot of dua and you can try to give him oxytocin. Some studies have shown that it may help for autistic kids or make ruqyah on him
Wasalaam, try zeolite, vitamin d3 with k2, b vitamin complex, eliminate gluten and sugar from his diet. Do this for 6 months then get back to me. Keep Quran on, make dua and try to read Surah Al Baqarah once every 3 days minimum, in one sitting.
Where can I get a raqi in usa
Ask around your mashid
As salaam alaykum, Imam Saeed Rana (he is Moroccan)does ruqya. He was in Florida the last time I heard so google him, inshaAllah. I only just saw this video, and it's been 9 months since you posted so I hope this helps you, inshaAllah.
@@melmoore815 , walaikum as salam, thank you so much. i will try to find him , thank for the info.
Where is the shaykh located
Chicago IL
Who can one reach or get the contract of the Sheikh please help ?
Any contact details of the Shaykh?
Where is Abu Mujahid wech State? Please 🙏
What is Quran water?
Water on which quran is read.... Like read a verse and blow or spit on the water 3 times
@@yasminhabib300 dry spit
It is ordinary water which you recite Qur'an verses over it and blow on water.
Allahu akbarr😢😢😢right now am experiencing all these signs. Please you all pray for me. I need this Sheikh's number how can i talk to him
try to recite Suras morning and evening 3x each of them
Al Fatiha..Ayatul Kursi..An Naas.. Falaq and Ikhlas..
May Allah be with you
What’s ur symptoms and how long?
nothing to worry he make this problem very bigger
1: Sit on a wooden chair in the middle of the two 10 years old girls and ask them to kiss you on Your cheek but your intentions must be that you are reversing your curse
2: Add black salt and black pepper to your daily food
3: Feed Double colour dogs on Tuesday , Wednesday and Saturday
4: Donate Mustard oil on Saturday
5: Donate 5 almonds to 5 kids including baby girls
note: not everybody has been cursed and having evil eye
the world is full of jealousy some times we get bad energy from someone else
Drink complan.