Что ни Летучая мышь (зарубежная или отечественная) --роль СТУДЕНТА АЛЬФРЕДА играют закалённые судьбой бойцы с седою головой , Неужели нет молодого исполнителя , способного спеть одну - единственную песенку - серенаду ,?
Dear David, this is a persistent problem. Frosch's comments are often confined to regional or local developments,, often they can only be understood by people who know the region or the ruling polticians. Don't worry that has nothing to do with your linguistic competence. You know the feeling, there is a party, the guests laugh at jokes but one does not know the reason as the context is not clear. Some say you are in control of a foreign language if you understand its jokes, at least, I think this must slightly be seen in a different way.
Do you mean "does anyone get Frosch's jokes" or are you looking for a translation (possibly explanation)? If it is the latter, I'm Austrian, I could translate it for you?
der csardasz wurde von strauss komponiert und ist fester bestandteil der orerette. nur einige theater lassen das weg, weil die sopranistinnen die hohen, besonders den letzten ton nicht erreichen und/oder nicht halten können. das ist sehr schade.
un spectacol foarte bun sub conducerea lui HARNONCOURT.. nimic nu intrece insa punerea in scena a operetei LILIACUL realizata la PARIS-opera BASTILIA in 2000 in sare apar si doi artisti romani dar si ,voit sau nu ,stema NAZISMULUI , constituita de dansatori spre finalul actului 2. in rest ,jos palaria pentru opereta LILIACUL a lui J. STRAUSS
The whole is a bad joke, bad conception, bad costumes, bad faces, Mr. Eisenstein and Mrs Eisenstein are fatter than it would be tolerable, moderate performance. There are two nearly perfect performances: the Bayerische version with Cleiber, and the one in the Covent Garden with Kiri Te Kanawa (conductor: Domingo).
Eine großartige Aufführung! Wiener Charme einfach! ❤️ Herzlichen Dank für die Veröffentlichung!
Danke fürs Hochladen!!!
War heuer meine Silvester-Fledermaus!!!:-D
Danke tausendmal! ganz toll von Ihnen!! :)
Yeah!!! Finally found the whole performance...thanks!
bella interpretación de hermosa melodía, gracias.
Wiener Schmääh...im positivsten aller Sinne
It would really help if you wrote out the cast for us
Bühnenbild , Maske , Garderobe - nicht mein Ding ....und Agnes Baltsa , na ja
J. Strauss first edition version.
Bella, ma resta insuperabile l'esecuzione di Carlos Kleiber!
Что ни Летучая мышь (зарубежная или отечественная) --роль СТУДЕНТА АЛЬФРЕДА играют закалённые судьбой бойцы с седою головой , Неужели нет молодого исполнителя , способного спеть одну - единственную песенку - серенаду ,?
Does anybody understand Frosch’s jokes?
Dear David, this is a persistent problem. Frosch's comments are often confined to regional or local developments,, often they can only be understood by people who know the region or the ruling polticians. Don't worry that has nothing to do with your linguistic competence. You know the feeling, there is a party, the guests laugh at jokes but one does not know the reason as the context is not clear.
Some say you are in control of a foreign language if you understand its jokes, at least, I think this must slightly be seen in a different way.
Do you mean "does anyone get Frosch's jokes" or are you looking for a translation (possibly explanation)? If it is the latter, I'm Austrian, I could translate it for you?
die Stelle im Csardasz bei 1:29:10 habe ich noch nie gehört... wir sonst wohl immer gestrichen??
der csardasz wurde von strauss komponiert und ist fester bestandteil der orerette. nur einige theater lassen das weg, weil die sopranistinnen die hohen, besonders den letzten ton nicht erreichen und/oder nicht halten können. das ist sehr schade.
ich denke eher, dass alle Theater das weg lassen und auch bei den Aufnahmen im Studio..;-)
Auf der Harnoncourt Aufnahme singt Edita Gruberova den ganzen Csardas!!
un spectacol foarte bun sub conducerea lui HARNONCOURT..
nimic nu intrece insa punerea in scena a operetei LILIACUL realizata la PARIS-opera BASTILIA in 2000
in sare apar si doi artisti romani dar si ,voit sau nu ,stema NAZISMULUI , constituita de dansatori spre finalul actului 2.
in rest ,jos palaria pentru opereta LILIACUL a lui J. STRAUSS
Die Ganze Welt liebt Wiener Musik;nur unser versoffene Häople nicht
Die dauernden Werbeunterbrechungen sind eine Katastrophe, was soll das?
Why must all Regietheatre be humourless bullshit. Directors love to reduce everything to a second rate melodrama.
Not the best performance… what a shame…
The whole is a bad joke, bad conception, bad costumes, bad faces, Mr. Eisenstein and Mrs Eisenstein are fatter than it would be tolerable, moderate performance. There are two nearly perfect performances: the Bayerische version with Cleiber, and the one in the Covent Garden with Kiri Te Kanawa (conductor: Domingo).
Nur ein wenig rein-gescrollt ... Danke, reicht!
nice performance but bats were not funny in 2020; maybe different 2021, Happy New Year