The Lord's Church has a lot of people on my side who speak to each other every year, stand up for each other, deploy a first-class community that is well harmonized, and give good influence to only good people I saw the professor's friends that I missed Please let me win 4 billion won and 12 pension lottery prizes, turn my life around, become a big rich building owner, become a good influencer, become rich and go on independence and world travel alone where I want to go
아버지함께하소서 잡은손 놓치 마소서.
나의하나님 항상 최선의 것을 주시는 하나님.
사망의 음침한 골짜기에서도 지켜주신 하나님.
엎드러저도 십자가 밑에 엎드러지오니
주는 다 아십니다.
주는 다 아십니다.
저의 억울함을 풀어주시옵소서.
주여 억울함을 풀어주시옵소서.
고아의하나님 과부의 하나님
주여..언제나 저의 기도를 들어주시는 하나님.
나의편이신 아버지.....
주여 원한을 풀어주소서..
연속 은혜찬양 감사합니다~❤
창궐케 하시는 주 아멘
The Lord's Church has a lot of people on my side who speak to each other every year, stand up for each other, deploy a first-class community that is well harmonized, and give good influence to only good people
I saw the professor's friends that I missed
Please let me win 4 billion won and 12 pension lottery prizes, turn my life around, become a big rich building owner, become a good influencer, become rich and go on independence and world travel alone where I want to go