I always try and catchup with the Sunday morning meeting and have throughly enjoyed today, especially the songster contribution - the band played this for me when I was 're'-enrolled 2 weeks ago. Thank you so much for today and for every Sunday x
Che Dio vi benedica grandemente tutti ora e in eterno gloria eterna a Dio Padre gloria eterna a Gesù Cristo gloria eterna allo Spirito Santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen Alleluyia
Joyful Joyful is one of my favourite hymns and Here I Am To Worship is a favourite of my younger nephew and I 😊
Siete meravigliosi vi A.moooooooooooooooooo
I always try and catchup with the Sunday morning meeting and have throughly enjoyed today, especially the songster contribution - the band played this for me when I was 're'-enrolled 2 weeks ago. Thank you so much for today and for every Sunday x
Che Dio vi benedica grandemente tutti ora e in eterno gloria eterna a Dio Padre gloria eterna a Gesù Cristo gloria eterna allo Spirito Santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen Alleluyia
Vi Ampoooooooooo benedetti dal padre benedetti dal signore gesu cristo benedetti dallo spirito santo amen Alleluyia