As a child psych professional, it’s AMAZING to be there for your child. It makes them feel safe and will help build a secure attachment between you and baby. Babies do NOT understand “self soothing” or “weening” is. They just understand, “oh my caregiver isn’t here when I need them.” Self soothing does work but in studies it shows that those babies have higher levels of cortisol (stress hormone). YOURE DOING A GREAT JOB. You’re an amazing mom. We all make mistakes, it’s completely okay. Babies who are loved are resilient so it’s okay to make mistakes.
Aw Leena! Don't say you gave up. You did not give up on being a loving mother who cares for her baby and wants to keep her happy and comfort her the natural way anyone should. This is absolutely nothing to be shy or ashamed about. You're doing a fantastic job mama!
Babies need us and can’t self-soothe as they need our emotional support to feel safe and loved 🥺 so don’t feel bad for not going through with it because babies stop crying when they feel neglected it just makes them more internally stressed. Eventually they’ll be old enough to sleep without too much physical attachment!
Yes I'm the same with my wee son Zayn he's 1and he loves my own milk he cries until he's beside me, it makes him so happy, so I feel wen he's happy I'm happy too😊🎍♑
Leena as a psychologist I am so relieved to hear that you stopped with the cry it out method! Your baby NEEDS you when it cries as long as it can't express its needs by words so please do always listen to your Intuition. All the best for you and alaina
Yesss! Thank you for commenting this because a lot of people think that cry out method is ok because our parents used to do that way. For a healthy attachment it’s important to sooth your baby because he or she can’t do it self. Babies stop crying because they give up and push down their needs and feelings. This is sooo harmful for relationships in childhood and adulthood!
I rocked my babies to sleep they are now 4.5 and 6.5 and they go to bed on their own. So hold your baby as long and as much as you want. It is NOT forever that they need you to sleep!
Leena I think you’re doing the right thing honestly. I don’t think any mother ever regretted giving too much love and care to her baby and I’m sure Alaina is going to grow up more secure because you did this. My parents tried the cry it out method on me as a baby and I’ve had trouble sleeping all my life. It simply didn’t work and going to bed has felt traumatic to me my entire life. You’re the person who loves Alaina most and understands her the best in the whole world so whatever you choose to do for her is PERFECT and no one else can tell you otherwise!
I kept breastfeeding my kids until 2 years old and With million times feeding at night 😅 then they are ready to move to their separate room and sleep all night ❤️ love your vlogs MashAllah , May Allah bless your family
I hate when doctors say things like that. It makes mothers feel like they are doing something wrong or the baby is not developing according to their timeline. Every baby and family is different. I personally waited until both babies just stopped waking up by themselves. I rocked them to sleep sometimes, fed them to sleep, let my second suck her thumb because it let me sleep longer. None of these things matter, they won't be feeding at night forever. The most important thing is that baby is fed and everyone is able to sleep. That's it!
once teething was over, all my kids slept through the night. during teething (literally 2 years for each kid) nothing could fix it. Best not to care what others think and do what is right for you.
It’s ok to feed your baby in the middle of the night and rocking her to sleep, You are the best mom for your baby and you know exactly what’s your baby need😊if it doesn’t bother you and your family ,everything is fine
YES YES YES I NEEDED TO HEAR THAT🤍 it’s the “anytime we’d get somewhere all of a sudden she’s teething...her sleep schedule interrupted and it wasn’t working for us as a family” for me thanks for sharing Leena keep doing you girl
Sleep training just didn’t feel right. It went against my natural instincts as a mother. I nursed to comfort and nursed until my daughter was 3 and wouldn’t change a thing. I still snuggle her until she falls asleep and she is five. 🥰💕
I am totally with you on the sleep training. We chose to co-sleep and do attachment parenting, partly because that is how my mother did things but mostly because I couldn't stand to be away for my baby girl for a minute. While some may have judged us for having out little one in the bed until she was roughly 2 years old, I will never forget the day when she made the decision to transition to her own bed in her room, without a single tear or stress. I literally cried myself to sleep and woke up every other hour for the first week after she transitioned, very selfishly because it was a sign she was growing up. Our daughter is graduating from high school next year and I just can't tell you how much I treasure the time she slept next to me(She still asks me to lay in bed with her when she isn't feeling well).
I absolutely fell in love with your entire family. You are such lovely people who transmit positivity and productivity. You brighten my day every time! God bless you all 🧡
Definitely, “whatever that’s right for your family, do what you feel is right and dont be ashamed of anything” TOTALLY AGREE. I sleep-trained my son when he was 4 months old, totally cut off the single night feed that he always had. The best decision we’ve ever made. He took 2/3 days to learn to self-soothe and get used to the naptime and bedtime routine. So so happy with our decision alhamdulillah
Thank you for that Leena, the thought of sleep training terrified me. I never did it and thought I was making a mistake. If my baby needs me, I could never leave!
I envy parents who can sleep train. I never had the will power. I breastfed my daughter to sleep for basically two years. And I thought it helped us all get more sleep. Sleep is definitely a trigger for me
My daughter is 1 and I also felt pressured to sleep train. But eventually gave up because hearing her cry for me was too stressful. I love being her safe place she can go to when she's not well or just cranky. She has her whole life to be independent, although its tiring for me to also feed her to sleep, I will only have this time with her once.
Thank you so much for talking about your sleep training experience. I have literally been in the same boat debating about what to do to avoid feeding to sleep but you're so right - we just have to do what's best for our babies and what works for us! Xx
Please don’t feel bad about rocking and nursing to sleep. I have done that with my daughter for 8 months. Our pediatrician also told us that babies shouldn’t be waking enough to food and also told us to sleep train. We transitioned to the crib at 9 months and she sleeps a lot better alhamdillilah. The first year is very challenging with sleep. Babies learn on their own, my daughter knows it’s bedtime now and will fall asleep on her own. She will be a year at the end of the month and she still has her nights, where she will wake up 1-2 times. I just want you to know that it’s okay if things didn’t work out. You do what’s best for your family snd don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Being a mom is challenging enough and I know how it is with all the pressure. Girl, so glad you got your hair done. I finally got my hair done too and went lighter with highlights too. It feels amazing now because the last time I got it done was a year. Mom life lolol 😂
Leena, I know it’s hard being a mother and giving your all. I had my son similar time to you and I’m also a first time mum. I am breastfeeding too & I don’t even want to think about sleep training. I will admit, it’s tempting. The thought of a couple of rough nights for longer stretches of sleep, baby sleeping as soon as I put them in their room etc however the research shows that it’s really not healthy. Baby’s cortisol levels rise during CIO and even when they do end up falling asleep, their cortisol levels are the same due to the stress they’re enduring. However, I completely understand why parents do it. The pressure for starters. The exhaustion. Needing to go back to work, etc. There’s NOTHING wrong with rocking your baby, babies don’t only need food, clean clothes and water. They need love.
Being a new mum is so overwhelming and we put so much pressure on ourselves. You’re absolutely right what works for you is the path you should pursue. My daughter is 10months and she wakes up at least 4 times at night to feed and I’m just rolling with it. I also rock her to sleep. There should be no judgement in that other than it can get abit exhausting. So glad to hear another mama bring this to light 😘
Leena, please don't feel pressured to sleep train. Hold your baby when she needs it. She will be fine and not "spoiled". Just like you said: if she needs to eat, she needs to eat. You are doing great! ❤️
Leena, you are an amazing mommy! I’m so glad that you are going with what feels best to you. I absolutely can relate to the pressure to make our babies sleep a certain way by a certain age. It is natural (and beautiful) to respond to our babies day and night, whenever they need us. Just like we can’t train our children to walk before they are ready we can’t train them to sleep a certain way before they are ready. Don’t worry about it. She will sleep through the night without nursing or rocking eventually. I nursed to sleep all 4 of my babies, and they all sleep through the night now. Even Dove sleeps through the night most nights, especially now that she gets so tired from crawling all over the house. Like you mentioned, there are so many changes like teething, growth spurts, mental leaps and everything in between that it’s not even fair for us to try to make our babies cry it out. You’re doing amazing!
Salaam Leena! Your right in saying that not all ways work out the same as for others. Every child and a new mum adjusts to ways in their own ways. Insha'Allah you are doing great! Stay calm and stay positive, all shall work out like a breeze. Xx
I'm so happy to hear not sleep training is being normalised and more accepted now. Four years ago when I had my first baby I felt I was the only one who did not sleep train. But now I am so happy I listened to my mom instinct and that I never did. It is all just temporary the time we have with our little ones, they will eventually fall asleep on their own anyway whenever they are ready. There is actually a whole online community called peaceful parenting with thousands of moms all over the world who are against sleep training. Good job for following your mom instinct!
Oh wow my son is 18 now, I sleep trained him way back then. Lol. He did so well. Now my second son he's 13, it didn't work so well with him, he always wanted to eat like every 30 minutes lol. Oldest baby never cried and youngest one cried non stop. Each baby is very different .
Hey Leena, good for you to do what you want for your family. I went through the same thing and it also broke my heart so i still have cuddles with my son until he sleeps and we love it. I dont feel guilty and it works for us. Xx
Thank you for being so open and honest about sleep training because im on the exact same situation and it feels good to hear from other moms as well. 🤗
Omg I’m the same way with shopping. I find the store so overwhelming. It’s so much more comfortable to shop online while dressed comfortably in my lounge wear and sipping on my tea!
I Needed To Hear That, Thank You. My Baby Is Also 8 Months, Alhamdulilah, I Try Doing Whats Best For Me, Rather Whats Right For Her Age, Every Child Has Different Milestones, So As A Mother It Feels Great To Know I’m Not A Failure And Certainly Not The Only One Going Through This. x
The part where you talked about sleep training and feeding at night was so real and honest! There is nothing wrong with sleep training, but it‘s also okay to feed your baby at night. Social Media makes it look like if your baby doesn’t sleep through the night by 6 months old you have failed.
we didn’t sleep train until 1 years old we felt at the time she was ready and so we did a gentle form of crying out method never let her cry more than 3-5 min without comforting or checking on her and after 3 hard nights she got it and now at two years old after her bedtime routine she says goodnight and goes to bed on her own which is amazing ! she still wakes up 4am every day but i don’t feel the need to fix it I enjoy all the cuddles these moments won’t last forever 💕 love your vlogs!
also your not alone im in the worst mood and stressed when my baby girl isn’t happy and it ruins the whole day! i hate it but it’s getting better ! you got this ❤️
Salam Leena! I gave birth one month before you (just so you remember me lol) sleep training isn't necessary and I found that it made my baby even more clingy but if you hug her and rock her and soothe her every night she actually becomes reassured by you being consistent in rocking her. There are many times I put my baby in her crib after a couple rocks she will wake and fall right asleep again. She doesn't get up at night maybe once a week but I can normal shush her back to sleep (me laying in bed and just saying shhh) she will fall asleep on her own. Babies need love and as a person who suffered from severe insomnia postpartum sometimes what made me sleep was a good snuggle with my husband I feel like babies are the same
I agree 100% subhanallah I was going to tell you with experience from my first daughter: do what’s best for HER and you guys. I also learned that forcing doesn’t really help, at least with my kids. I let everything happen in its own time, you will see so will Alaina. My daughter Mariam began to sleep through the night on her own, not through force or training. Same with pacifier, bottles, and now diapers, Alhamdulillah.
Lol 😂 “I used alainas aquaphor” “how many things have I forgotten” #momlife Omar - “the shirt that I’ve had for 3 years and the pants that I’ve had for 3 years” 🤣 #dadlife
I have four children, ages 11-3 years. I rocked and sang to each of them as toddlers. I still do with my youngest. I also nursed them through the night until they were much older. Then, we introduced a cup of water instead of nursing at night. It worked for us. Do what's best for you and your family.
I did sleep training for my eldest because everyone said it was the right thing to do,thinking about it now I feel so bad I put my son though that.With my second I did non of it and did what's best for him and worked out so much better. You do what feels right for you and your baby. xxxx
As first time mums we definitely go into it thinking about schedules and following routines and patterns but the truth is all children are different and you have to do what works for you and your child. There’s no perfect scenario. Your routine will always be personal to you and that’s fine. Xx
OH MY GOODNESS!! It’s like you’re speaking for ME! EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I listened to my pediatrician when she told me the same thing around the time when he was 6 months. I tried sleep training, he would be teething. He’s almost 9 months and still wakes up 2-3 times. Soothing at night didn’t help either and I feel like I was more stressed out doing all that! I was fine with putting him the sleep after a feed, by rocking him and waking up at night. The doctors advice just stressed me out more. Wow glad to know I’m not the only one. Thank you so much for sharing this!
There is nothing wrong with feeding your child in the middle of the night at that age...they will gradually ween themselves. I did this my son just gradually stopped wanting milk in the middle of the night...but he did it on his own time. He was completely weened at 2.5 years old. That was right for our family. Some toddlers want to keep going until they are 3 or 4...every child is different.
Every baby is different and what you choose to do is more than okay! I tried to sleep train my oldest for a long time and it didn’t work. She’s two now and STILL rarely sleeps through the night. My 10 month old, on the other hand, has slept through the night almost every night since she was one month old, Alhamdulillah. At the end of the day, YOU are her AMAZING mother and you will do what’s best for her. Inshallah, she will fall asleep on her own and sleepy all night eventually and there isn’t much point in stressing about it, in my opinion.
Who else loves Leena's satin top!! Mashallah the picture you took with Alaina's outfit was so adorable, she can look back at this when she grows up inshallah!! ❤😍❤
I definitely needed to hear that about sleep training! I have a 4 months old baby girl and I would get so stressed when she would only sleep on me at night for the first 2 months. Then eventually she just started to get a bit older and not mind when I would put her next to me on the bed at night. Eventually I started putting her in the next to me crib at night and now she sleeps in that which is sooo much more comfortable for me alhamdulillah. She wakes up at night for a feed and goes back to sleep. A few months ago she would wake up and stay up for ages. Anyone reading this, babies eventually grow and learn things themselves! Be patient and nice! Xxx
Just do whatever keeps you and your family calm and happy. Dont worry! I did the same. There isn’t a right way. Just do what is natural for you and your baby xx
I remember when my son (now 17 years old) was little, I read all the professional books, took all the advice (and new families get ALOT)... But tuns out my son didn’t read the books😉. For instance when he found out to get out of bed by himself, we were told to just take him by the hand, and follow him back and say good night. It would take 2-3 attempts then he would give up the book said. Well in our case it took 76 attempts in one night then we skipped it. And instead of what the books suggested us to do with our kid, I thought I’d go with my feeling of what was right and what he told me, expressed, even when he was little and had no words. That worked perfectly!!! Am sure that advice, programs, lists etc. can be helpful to some, but our kids don’t read all this. So always do what works for you and your baby, get inspiration from others, but at the end, do what works for you💐.
The pressure pediatricians and pro sleep training puts on us is overwhelming. When I tried to do it for my baby, my ppa and depression went through the roof. I was in the worst version of myself, feeling like a failure because I couldn’t get my baby to self soothe. It didn’t feel right. Here in this western culture, sleep training it’s something that is basically imposed to us but if we look at other cultures, this is not the norm. My baby is 13 months old, I still feed her at night and I even bedshare some part of the night. Thank you for spreading this message, cuz I know it will help moms out there struggling with this. 💗💗💗💗
I love your house and clothing style. I was wondering if you could do a video where you show others how to find their style. Mine is all over the place and I wish it felt more refined
I sleep trained my son at 4 months. Just to get him acclimated to sleeping in the crib, in his room. He still needed to be fed 2-3 times per night until about 6 months, then 1-2 times until about 9 months. He didn’t stop eating in the night fully, until around 9 months. Don’t stress, you got this, Mama!! Just keep doing what you feel is best!😊😍
Hi Leena, hope you're doing well. I really love and enjoy watching your content. Just want to let you know that you're doing your best for you and your baby. I'm not married and don't have kids but my friends do and I understand how mom life is. You do you. Also, you're so beautiful. Sending lots of love to you and Alaina from India. ❤️
Our baby is almost 8 months old and she still wakes up for bottle feeding at least 1-2 times each night. I also have to shake her to sleep. She sleeps so well in her own room however still needs the above. My husband and I couldn’t care less about what people say/think, i do whatever it takes that makes my baby happy. Babies are only little for a short period of time and I have so many people telling me how much they miss the baby stage and wish to have it back. You do you mumma with no worry, you are the only one who knows what her baby needs ♥️
We read a book called the Informed Parent, and they quoted several studies that show long term sleep habits will be exactly the same whether you sleep train or not, so we haven't sleep trained either. I think the most important piece of advice I have is to just listen and pay attention to your baby-you know them best and they will tell you what they want, whether that's food or cuddles or sleep.
My sister just started sleep training her daughter she is 9 months old. What helped a lot they put her now to sleep in her own room and it is going so well.
Hi Leena , Thank you for sharing this vlog. Really love everything you post here . Can you please make a video about what motivation you to keep eating healthy and how to keep fit . I try to eat healthy but can't stay motivated for a long time . I look forward seeing more new videos ❤
Parenting is hard especially with the first child , each mile stone/development seems hard especially when you are trying your hardest and listing to different inputs from family, friends, and Dr.. it gets easier once, just keep doing what you doing
I breastfed my daughter for almost 3 and a half years!😅 I know I know that it’s a long time but neither I nor my daughter was ready! So I waited.. (and as you can guess, most of the people around me were like OMG🤯😅) and I would also like to say here in Turkey mothers generally breastfeed their children for at least 2 years (in accordance with the doctors’ advice).. And I think that sleep training is all about the “learned helplessness” for kids.. So Leena please do what makes you and your daughter happy without feeling under pressure by the other people🥰 You are a loving and caring mom💗
I have 3 kids, none of them were sleep trained and I breast fed each one for a year and a half my youngest is a year and 6 months. We recently moved him to a toddler bed and he’s been starting to sleep all night so it’ll eventually happen I can’t stand to let my babies cry especially at night. 🥺
My son turned two recently and I never sleep trained him. He started sleeping through the night on his own when he turned 1 alhumdulillah. He could get better at falling asleep now lol but inshAllah whenever he’s ready, I let him go at his own pace and never try to force him.
I can’t imagine how hard the cry it out method must have been. I feel like we have a natural instinct to respond to our child’s cry. Baby’s work off instinct too. I just don’t personally understand going against nature. But, then again, everyone’s situation is different and not everyone can have that luxury.
My baby was born on Aug 4, just a difference of a day with Alaina🥰 I rock and feed her to sleep. She wakes up twice or thrice and I feed her to sleep everytime. I know people say that this makes them used to it but I really don't care. I often bring her to my bed during the night. Definitely not judging anyone who sleep trains but for me, they are this small just once. And I CANNOT leave my baby to cry alone AT ALL. There's this instagram page that talks about the ill effects of CIO. But I know there are parents who are really sleep deprived and they have no other option. So to each his own. Good luck to you🤗
As a new mom my baby was a good sleeper at night but wakes up for feeding I rock her to sleep then she started to sleep on her at night without me training her she got sick a week ago and now she doesn’t want sleep on her own it never crossed my mind to sleep train her even though my husband says it I am against it she would sleep on her own when she is ready you’re doing great do what works best for you and your little one 💕
I have PCOS like you. I became a first time mother 6 months ago, just a few weeks after you. To a daughter, just like you. And I will say this: it's all temporary! And a time will come where we will sorely miss rocking and holding our daughters. So it's ok! And everything will soon fall into place. I heard a quote: Motherhood is the scariest 'hood to go through
Your an amazing mom Leena, you keep on doing what's best for your family and whatever feels right. Lol I'm the exact same way with shopping, I get way to overwhelmed. I prefer online
My son is just about to turn 11 months and he wakes up minimum 4 times during the night. I tried sleep training and that’s what made it worse! He’s teething atm so I’m just hoping once he gets through that his sleep will get better naturally!
I don’t know if you’ll see this but responding to your babies needs (comfort is a need) is nothing to be ashamed of! For thousands of years parents have responded to their babies, even animals respond to their babies. It’s sad that you feel like you have to justify yourself when being a responsive parent should be normal!! There’s an amazing support group on fb called The beyond sleep training group and it gave me the support I needed to not sleep train my baby and we’re soooo much happier for it.
Don't feel pressure to follow what other people do , I understand the struggle because my daughter actually went through the same night time feeding until she was about 9 to 10 months then she slowly stopped on her own and started sleeping through the night , don't worry everything will fall into place when baby is ready ❤💖♥ I definitely agree with feeling like you have to follow certain guidelines and the pressure at times but let's be real not all babies are the same so don't worry you do what you got to do , no judgment here ❤
Our son’s pediatrician told us to leave him in the room and at that point it’s tough luck. I was so annoyed and couldn’t believe she said that. I did what was in my instinct and when I felt my son was ready. He didn’t want to self soothe until 9 months old. And that’s okay! I wanted to wait longer honestly lol! So proud of you mama!
Alaina have her own personal photographers🤣❤❤ I love ittt I'm not a muslim but I think you could do a mix of casual and dressy so it gives everyone something to choose to recreate.
I suggest the Gordon sleep technique when she is one. It's not easy but very gentle for the baby because you stay with her when she cries. I was able to sleep wean my 18 months girl thanks to it. I just could not do the cry out method 😥.
Hey Leena. Every week every time you post I get soooo exited and alaina Mashallah she grows every week now compared to when she was born omg Mashallah such a big difference.
The same happened with me, I do that I feed my daughter twice in the middle of the night and it makes her sleep and we can sleep so well. So that is great. All babies have different development stages. she’s almost 7months now mashaAllah. She needs her mum now, later she’d be running away. So we only have this much time. Don’t want to take this away from either of us.
Bless you. Not all babies are same and they dont really sleep all night 12 hrs straight without human touch or without feed. They will need one thing or another for sure until they are 3/4 years old. Dont try to force your baby into following routines given in books. Find what works for you and stay happy. Sanity and happiness is more important. X
FINALLY... someone who behaves normal and has her life compromised around a kid.. RELATABLE.. yes yes yes.. Love ur content.. Love your little girl.. Eee.. So want one but already dead tired nurturing Two Little boys.. Stay blessed
Where I ended up is this: I want my kid to feel like he can always come to his mom and dad when he's scared or wants to be comforted or whatever. We did cosleeping until he was like 2 and a half, and even now most nights he will sleepwalk into our bed and spend at least half the night with us. I think it's fine and that he'll grow out of it eventually.
I feel you! As a new mom myself I hear so many advices and opinions about what I should do with baby's sleep. My little girl sleeps through the night and doesn't really feed at night but, she always sleeps with me! She used to sleep on her own bed from 0-3 months after I fed her and put her in there, but since she slept with me for a few nights she got used to it. She's almost 11 months and still sleeps with me. I wanna try the cry it out method but I am too sensitive to her crying :( anyways we need to do whatever feels right in our heart and eventually they will grow up and learn to sleep by themselves. ❤️ you're a great mom MashAllah ❤️
“Shirt that I’ve had for 3 years and pants I’ve had for 3 years” 😂
Something that my husband will say it out loud too😆 u need to pin this 👆👆leena😁🤣😂
that was GOLD 😂😂
That’s exactly what my husband would say too....
As a child psych professional, it’s AMAZING to be there for your child. It makes them feel safe and will help build a secure attachment between you and baby. Babies do NOT understand “self soothing” or “weening” is. They just understand, “oh my caregiver isn’t here when I need them.” Self soothing does work but in studies it shows that those babies have higher levels of cortisol (stress hormone). YOURE DOING A GREAT JOB. You’re an amazing mom. We all make mistakes, it’s completely okay. Babies who are loved are resilient so it’s okay to make mistakes.
Aw Leena! Don't say you gave up. You did not give up on being a loving mother who cares for her baby and wants to keep her happy and comfort her the natural way anyone should.
This is absolutely nothing to be shy or ashamed about.
You're doing a fantastic job mama!
Babies need us and can’t self-soothe as they need our emotional support to feel safe and loved 🥺 so don’t feel bad for not going through with it because babies stop crying when they feel neglected it just makes them more internally stressed. Eventually they’ll be old enough to sleep without too much physical attachment!
Yes true
Yes I'm the same with my wee son Zayn he's 1and he loves my own milk he cries until he's beside me, it makes him so happy, so I feel wen he's happy I'm happy too😊🎍♑
Exactly! They need soothing for healthy attachment!
Leena as a psychologist I am so relieved to hear that you stopped with the cry it out method! Your baby NEEDS you when it cries as long as it can't express its needs by words so please do always listen to your Intuition. All the best for you and alaina
Yesss! Thank you for commenting this because a lot of people think that cry out method is ok because our parents used to do that way. For a healthy attachment it’s important to sooth your baby because he or she can’t do it self. Babies stop crying because they give up and push down their needs and feelings. This is sooo harmful for relationships in childhood and adulthood!
It’s Funny How Your A Psychologist, Yet Referring To The Baby As A ‘It’
Omar seems like a very patient husband and dad. Bless you dear. My son is Omar, i hope he grows up to be as amazing as yours
I rocked my babies to sleep they are now 4.5 and 6.5 and they go to bed on their own. So hold your baby as long and as much as you want. It is NOT forever that they need you to sleep!
Leena I think you’re doing the right thing honestly. I don’t think any mother ever regretted giving too much love and care to her baby and I’m sure Alaina is going to grow up more secure because you did this.
My parents tried the cry it out method on me as a baby and I’ve had trouble sleeping all my life. It simply didn’t work and going to bed has felt traumatic to me my entire life.
You’re the person who loves Alaina most and understands her the best in the whole world so whatever you choose to do for her is PERFECT and no one else can tell you otherwise!
I kept breastfeeding my kids until 2 years old and With million times feeding at night 😅 then they are ready to move to their separate room and sleep all night ❤️ love your vlogs MashAllah , May Allah bless your family
Ameen 🤍
I needed to see this thanks
My son is 15 months and everyone is pressuring me to wean him. I always wanted to breastfeed until 2 years. I feel so lost 😞
@@debbopoulo2816 listen to your mommy instinct
I hate when doctors say things like that. It makes mothers feel like they are doing something wrong or the baby is not developing according to their timeline. Every baby and family is different. I personally waited until both babies just stopped waking up by themselves. I rocked them to sleep sometimes, fed them to sleep, let my second suck her thumb because it let me sleep longer. None of these things matter, they won't be feeding at night forever. The most important thing is that baby is fed and everyone is able to sleep. That's it!
Maybe you should express yourself more respectful
once teething was over, all my kids slept through the night. during teething (literally 2 years for each kid) nothing could fix it. Best not to care what others think and do what is right for you.
It’s ok to feed your baby in the middle of the night and rocking her to sleep, You are the best mom for your baby and you know exactly what’s your baby need😊if it doesn’t bother you and your family ,everything is fine
I rock my baby to sleep too and feed her twice or 3 times a night and she's an august baby too. I definitely needed to hear that😅❤
I'm also a August baby. 8th August
HEAR THAT🤍 it’s the “anytime we’d get somewhere all of a sudden she’s teething...her sleep schedule interrupted and it wasn’t working for us as a family” for me thanks for sharing Leena keep doing you girl
Sleep training just didn’t feel right. It went against my natural instincts as a mother. I nursed to comfort and nursed until my daughter was 3 and wouldn’t change a thing. I still snuggle her until she falls asleep and she is five. 🥰💕
Times flies so fast just do what makes you happy and enjoy everything about being mom! God bless you and your family. ❤️
I am totally with you on the sleep training. We chose to co-sleep and do attachment parenting, partly because that is how my mother did things but mostly because I couldn't stand to be away for my baby girl for a minute. While some may have judged us for having out little one in the bed until she was roughly 2 years old, I will never forget the day when she made the decision to transition to her own bed in her room, without a single tear or stress. I literally cried myself to sleep and woke up every other hour for the first week after she transitioned, very selfishly because it was a sign she was growing up. Our daughter is graduating from high school next year and I just can't tell you how much I treasure the time she slept next to me(She still asks me to lay in bed with her when she isn't feeling well).
Thank you for this 😭😭💗💗 God bless you and your family
I absolutely fell in love with your entire family. You are such lovely people who transmit positivity and productivity. You brighten my day every time! God bless you all 🧡
Definitely, “whatever that’s right for your family, do what you feel is right and dont be ashamed of anything” TOTALLY AGREE. I sleep-trained my son when he was 4 months old, totally cut off the single night feed that he always had. The best decision we’ve ever made. He took 2/3 days to learn to self-soothe and get used to the naptime and bedtime routine. So so happy with our decision alhamdulillah
Thank you for that Leena, the thought of sleep training terrified me. I never did it and thought I was making a mistake. If my baby needs me, I could never leave!
I envy parents who can sleep train. I never had the will power. I breastfed my daughter to sleep for basically two years. And I thought it helped us all get more sleep. Sleep is definitely a trigger for me
My daughter is 1 and I also felt pressured to sleep train. But eventually gave up because hearing her cry for me was too stressful. I love being her safe place she can go to when she's not well or just cranky. She has her whole life to be independent, although its tiring for me to also feed her to sleep, I will only have this time with her once.
Thank you so much for talking about your sleep training experience. I have literally been in the same boat debating about what to do to avoid feeding to sleep but you're so right - we just have to do what's best for our babies and what works for us! Xx
Please don’t feel bad about rocking and nursing to sleep. I have done that with my daughter for 8 months. Our pediatrician also told us that babies shouldn’t be waking enough to food and also told us to sleep train. We transitioned to the crib at 9 months and she sleeps a lot better alhamdillilah. The first year is very challenging with sleep. Babies learn on their own, my daughter knows it’s bedtime now and will fall asleep on her own. She will be a year at the end of the month and she still has her nights, where she will wake up 1-2 times. I just want you to know that it’s okay if things didn’t work out. You do what’s best for your family snd don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Being a mom is challenging enough and I know how it is with all the pressure.
Girl, so glad you got your hair done. I finally got my hair done too and went lighter with highlights too. It feels amazing now because the last time I got it done was a year. Mom life lolol 😂
Leena, I know it’s hard being a mother and giving your all. I had my son similar time to you and I’m also a first time mum. I am breastfeeding too & I don’t even want to think about sleep training. I will admit, it’s tempting. The thought of a couple of rough nights for longer stretches of sleep, baby sleeping as soon as I put them in their room etc however the research shows that it’s really not healthy. Baby’s cortisol levels rise during CIO and even when they do end up falling asleep, their cortisol levels are the same due to the stress they’re enduring. However, I completely understand why parents do it. The pressure for starters. The exhaustion. Needing to go back to work, etc. There’s NOTHING wrong with rocking your baby, babies don’t only need food, clean clothes and water. They need love.
Being a new mum is so overwhelming and we put so much pressure on ourselves. You’re absolutely right what works for you is the path you should pursue. My daughter is 10months and she wakes up at least 4 times at night to feed and I’m just rolling with it. I also rock her to sleep. There should be no judgement in that other than it can get abit exhausting. So glad to hear another mama bring this to light 😘
Leena, please don't feel pressured to sleep train. Hold your baby when she needs it. She will be fine and not "spoiled". Just like you said: if she needs to eat, she needs to eat. You are doing great! ❤️
Leena, you are an amazing mommy! I’m so glad that you are going with what feels best to you. I absolutely can relate to the pressure to make our babies sleep a certain way by a certain age. It is natural (and beautiful) to respond to our babies day and night, whenever they need us. Just like we can’t train our children to walk before they are ready we can’t train them to sleep a certain way before they are ready. Don’t worry about it. She will sleep through the night without nursing or rocking eventually. I nursed to sleep all 4 of my babies, and they all sleep through the night now. Even Dove sleeps through the night most nights, especially now that she gets so tired from crawling all over the house. Like you mentioned, there are so many changes like teething, growth spurts, mental leaps and everything in between that it’s not even fair for us to try to make our babies cry it out. You’re doing amazing!
Salaam Leena!
Your right in saying that not all ways work out the same as for others.
Every child and a new mum adjusts to ways in their own ways.
Insha'Allah you are doing great!
Stay calm and stay positive, all shall work out like a breeze.
I'm so happy to hear not sleep training is being normalised and more accepted now.
Four years ago when I had my first baby I felt I was the only one who did not sleep train.
But now I am so happy I listened to my mom instinct and that I never did. It is all just temporary the time we have with our little ones, they will eventually fall asleep on their own anyway whenever they are ready.
There is actually a whole online community called peaceful parenting with thousands of moms all over the world who are against sleep training.
Good job for following your mom instinct!
Oh wow my son is 18 now, I sleep trained him way back then. Lol. He did so well. Now my second son he's 13, it didn't work so well with him, he always wanted to eat like every 30 minutes lol. Oldest baby never cried and youngest one cried non stop. Each baby is very different .
LOL loved Omar’s outfit description. I love his personality. God bless you both😘
Hey Leena, good for you to do what you want for your family. I went through the same thing and it also broke my heart so i still have cuddles with my son until he sleeps and we love it. I dont feel guilty and it works for us. Xx
Thank you for being so open and honest about sleep training because im on the exact same situation and it feels good to hear from other moms as well. 🤗
Omg I’m the same way with shopping. I find the store so overwhelming. It’s so much more comfortable to shop online while dressed comfortably in my lounge wear and sipping on my tea!
Hey Leena could you do a day in the life of Alaina or baby morning and evening routine xx
Omg yes plz!
Omg yyyssssssdddssssss
yes please
I Needed To Hear That, Thank You. My Baby Is Also 8 Months, Alhamdulilah, I Try Doing Whats Best For Me, Rather Whats Right For Her Age, Every Child Has Different Milestones, So As A Mother It Feels Great To Know I’m Not A Failure And Certainly Not The Only One Going Through This.
The part where you talked about sleep training and feeding at night was so real and honest!
There is nothing wrong with sleep training, but it‘s also okay to feed your baby at night. Social Media makes it look like if your baby doesn’t sleep through the night by 6 months old you have failed.
we didn’t sleep train until 1 years old we felt at the time she was ready and so we did a gentle form of crying out method never let her cry more than 3-5 min without comforting or checking on her and after 3 hard nights she got it and now at two years old after her bedtime routine she says goodnight and goes to bed on her own which is amazing ! she still wakes up 4am every day but i don’t feel the need to fix it I enjoy all the cuddles these moments won’t last forever 💕 love your vlogs!
also your not alone im in the worst mood and stressed when my baby girl isn’t happy and it ruins the whole day! i hate it but it’s getting better ! you got this ❤️
Salam Leena! I gave birth one month before you (just so you remember me lol) sleep training isn't necessary and I found that it made my baby even more clingy but if you hug her and rock her and soothe her every night she actually becomes reassured by you being consistent in rocking her. There are many times I put my baby in her crib after a couple rocks she will wake and fall right asleep again. She doesn't get up at night maybe once a week but I can normal shush her back to sleep (me laying in bed and just saying shhh) she will fall asleep on her own. Babies need love and as a person who suffered from severe insomnia postpartum sometimes what made me sleep was a good snuggle with my husband I feel like babies are the same
I agree 100% subhanallah I was going to tell you with experience from my first daughter: do what’s best for HER and you guys. I also learned that forcing doesn’t really help, at least with my kids. I let everything happen in its own time, you will see so will Alaina. My daughter Mariam began to sleep through the night on her own, not through force or training. Same with pacifier, bottles, and now diapers, Alhamdulillah.
Lol 😂 “I used alainas aquaphor” “how many things have I forgotten” #momlife Omar - “the shirt that I’ve had for 3 years and the pants that I’ve had for 3 years” 🤣 #dadlife
@@Withloveleenaofficial I love how after he said that u were like “love it ok now let’s go eat” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I have four children, ages 11-3 years. I rocked and sang to each of them as toddlers. I still do with my youngest. I also nursed them through the night until they were much older. Then, we introduced a cup of water instead of nursing at night. It worked for us. Do what's best for you and your family.
I did sleep training for my eldest because everyone said it was the right thing to do,thinking about it now I feel so bad I put my son though that.With my second I did non of it and did what's best for him and worked out so much better. You do what feels right for you and your baby. xxxx
As first time mums we definitely go into it thinking about schedules and following routines and patterns but the truth is all children are different and you have to do what works for you and your child. There’s no perfect scenario. Your routine will always be personal to you and that’s fine. Xx
OH MY GOODNESS!! It’s like you’re speaking for ME! EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I listened to my pediatrician when she told me the same thing around the time when he was 6 months. I tried sleep training, he would be teething. He’s almost 9 months and still wakes up 2-3 times. Soothing at night didn’t help either and I feel like I was more stressed out doing all that! I was fine with putting him the sleep after a feed, by rocking him and waking up at night. The doctors advice just stressed me out more. Wow glad to know I’m not the only one. Thank you so much for sharing this!
There is nothing wrong with feeding your child in the middle of the night at that age...they will gradually ween themselves. I did this my son just gradually stopped wanting milk in the middle of the night...but he did it on his own time. He was completely weened at 2.5 years old. That was right for our family. Some toddlers want to keep going until they are 3 or 4...every child is different.
The best piece of parenting advice I learned was 'do what works best for your family's. As long as your baby is healthy and happy then go for it.
Always ask your heart and follow your have a mum’s heart who knows the best , trust your heart more
Every baby is different and what you choose to do is more than okay! I tried to sleep train my oldest for a long time and it didn’t work. She’s two now and STILL rarely sleeps through the night. My 10 month old, on the other hand, has slept through the night almost every night since she was one month old, Alhamdulillah.
At the end of the day, YOU are her AMAZING mother and you will do what’s best for her. Inshallah, she will fall asleep on her own and sleepy all night eventually and there isn’t much point in stressing about it, in my opinion.
Who else loves Leena's satin top!! Mashallah the picture you took with Alaina's outfit was so adorable, she can look back at this when she grows up inshallah!! ❤😍❤
thank you so much!! 😍💗
@@Withloveleenaofficial Your welcome Leena!! ❤🦋❤
I definitely needed to hear that about sleep training! I have a 4 months old baby girl and I would get so stressed when she would only sleep on me at night for the first 2 months. Then eventually she just started to get a bit older and not mind when I would put her next to me on the bed at night. Eventually I started putting her in the next to me crib at night and now she sleeps in that which is sooo much more comfortable for me alhamdulillah. She wakes up at night for a feed and goes back to sleep. A few months ago she would wake up and stay up for ages. Anyone reading this, babies eventually grow and learn things themselves! Be patient and nice! Xxx
Just do whatever keeps you and your family calm and happy. Dont worry! I did the same. There isn’t a right way. Just do what is natural for you and your baby xx
I remember when my son (now 17 years old) was little, I read all the professional books, took all the advice (and new families get ALOT)... But tuns out my son didn’t read the books😉. For instance when he found out to get out of bed by himself, we were told to just take him by the hand, and follow him back and say good night. It would take 2-3 attempts then he would give up the book said. Well in our case it took 76 attempts in one night then we skipped it. And instead of what the books suggested us to do with our kid, I thought I’d go with my feeling of what was right and what he told me, expressed, even when he was little and had no words. That worked perfectly!!! Am sure that advice, programs, lists etc. can be helpful to some, but our kids don’t read all this. So always do what works for you and your baby, get inspiration from others, but at the end, do what works for you💐.
The pressure pediatricians and pro sleep training puts on us is overwhelming. When I tried to do it for my baby, my ppa and depression went through the roof. I was in the worst version of myself, feeling like a failure because I couldn’t get my baby to self soothe. It didn’t feel right. Here in this western culture, sleep training it’s something that is basically imposed to us but if we look at other cultures, this is not the norm. My baby is 13 months old, I still feed her at night and I even bedshare some part of the night. Thank you for spreading this message, cuz I know it will help moms out there struggling with this. 💗💗💗💗
I love your house and clothing style. I was wondering if you could do a video where you show others how to find their style. Mine is all over the place and I wish it felt more refined
I sleep trained my son at 4 months. Just to get him acclimated to sleeping in the crib, in his room. He still needed to be fed 2-3 times per night until about 6 months, then 1-2 times until about 9 months. He didn’t stop eating in the night fully, until around 9 months. Don’t stress, you got this, Mama!! Just keep doing what you feel is best!😊😍
Hi Leena, hope you're doing well. I really love and enjoy watching your content. Just want to let you know that you're doing your best for you and your baby. I'm not married and don't have kids but my friends do and I understand how mom life is. You do you. Also, you're so beautiful. Sending lots of love to you and Alaina from India. ❤️
Our baby is almost 8 months old and she still wakes up for bottle feeding at least 1-2 times each night. I also have to shake her to sleep. She sleeps so well in her own room however still needs the above. My husband and I couldn’t care less about what people say/think, i do whatever it takes that makes my baby happy. Babies are only little for a short period of time and I have so many people telling me how much they miss the baby stage and wish to have it back. You do you mumma with no worry, you are the only one who knows what her baby needs ♥️
We read a book called the Informed Parent, and they quoted several studies that show long term sleep habits will be exactly the same whether you sleep train or not, so we haven't sleep trained either. I think the most important piece of advice I have is to just listen and pay attention to your baby-you know them best and they will tell you what they want, whether that's food or cuddles or sleep.
I hope Leo comes back Insha'Allah!!
where is leo actually? 🥺
My sister just started sleep training her daughter she is 9 months old. What helped a lot they put her now to sleep in her own room and it is going so well.
Hi Leena ,
Thank you for sharing this vlog.
Really love everything you post here .
Can you please make a video about what motivation you to keep eating healthy and how to keep fit .
I try to eat healthy but can't stay motivated for a long time .
I look forward seeing more new videos ❤
Parenting is hard especially with the first child , each mile stone/development seems hard especially when you are trying your hardest and listing to different inputs from family, friends, and Dr.. it gets easier once, just keep doing what you doing
I breastfed my daughter for almost 3 and a half years!😅 I know I know that it’s a long time but neither I nor my daughter was ready! So I waited.. (and as you can guess, most of the people around me were like OMG🤯😅) and I would also like to say here in Turkey mothers generally breastfeed their children for at least 2 years (in accordance with the doctors’ advice).. And I think that sleep training is all about the “learned helplessness” for kids.. So Leena please do what makes you and your daughter happy without feeling under pressure by the other people🥰 You are a loving and caring mom💗
I have 3 kids, none of them were sleep trained and I breast fed each one for a year and a half my youngest is a year and 6 months. We recently moved him to a toddler bed and he’s been starting to sleep all night so it’ll eventually happen I can’t stand to let my babies cry especially at night. 🥺
Alhamdulilah your a great mother and you know your baby! 💜🎉 be proud of the fact that you can feed your baby and she is healthy mashallah 🥰🌸
You are just so hardworking and passionate. May Allah bless you and your family. Such a great inspiration, I get from you!
omg she's like a little mini-me with the pinks and neutral colours in her wardrobe x
My son turned two recently and I never sleep trained him. He started sleeping through the night on his own when he turned 1 alhumdulillah. He could get better at falling asleep now lol but inshAllah whenever he’s ready, I let him go at his own pace and never try to force him.
I can’t imagine how hard the cry it out method must have been. I feel like we have a natural instinct to respond to our child’s cry. Baby’s work off instinct too. I just don’t personally understand going against nature. But, then again, everyone’s situation is different and not everyone can have that luxury.
My baby was born on Aug 4, just a difference of a day with Alaina🥰 I rock and feed her to sleep. She wakes up twice or thrice and I feed her to sleep everytime. I know people say that this makes them used to it but I really don't care. I often bring her to my bed during the night. Definitely not judging anyone who sleep trains but for me, they are this small just once. And I CANNOT leave my baby to cry alone AT ALL. There's this instagram page that talks about the ill effects of CIO. But I know there are parents who are really sleep deprived and they have no other option. So to each his own. Good luck to you🤗
Your nude asthetic is so lovely with your skin tone! Love how u style your clothes. Inspiration for hijabis
Sweet video!! How do you like the YSL Loulou crossbody?
فيه كمامات قماشيه في ماركس آند وسنبسر.
وفي سنتر بوينت.....روعه
As a new mom my baby was a good sleeper at night but wakes up for feeding I rock her to sleep then she started to sleep on her at night without me training her she got sick a week ago and now she doesn’t want sleep on her own it never crossed my mind to sleep train her even though my husband says it I am against it she would sleep on her own when she is ready you’re doing great do what works best for you and your little one 💕
I have PCOS like you. I became a first time mother 6 months ago, just a few weeks after you. To a daughter, just like you. And I will say this: it's all temporary! And a time will come where we will sorely miss rocking and holding our daughters. So it's ok! And everything will soon fall into place.
I heard a quote: Motherhood is the scariest 'hood to go through
Your an amazing mom Leena, you keep on doing what's best for your family and whatever feels right.
Lol I'm the exact same way with shopping, I get way to overwhelmed. I prefer online
My son is just about to turn 11 months and he wakes up minimum 4 times during the night. I tried sleep training and that’s what made it worse! He’s teething atm so I’m just hoping once he gets through that his sleep will get better naturally!
I don’t know if you’ll see this but responding to your babies needs (comfort is a need) is nothing to be ashamed of! For thousands of years parents have responded to their babies, even animals respond to their babies. It’s sad that you feel like you have to justify yourself when being a responsive parent should be normal!! There’s an amazing support group on fb called The beyond sleep training group and it gave me the support I needed to not sleep train my baby and we’re soooo much happier for it.
Don't feel pressure to follow what other people do , I understand the struggle because my daughter actually went through the same night time feeding until she was about 9 to 10 months then she slowly stopped on her own and started sleeping through the night , don't worry everything will fall into place when baby is ready ❤💖♥ I definitely agree with feeling like you have to follow certain guidelines and the pressure at times but let's be real not all babies are the same so don't worry you do what you got to do , no judgment here ❤
Our son’s pediatrician told us to leave him in the room and at that point it’s tough luck. I was so annoyed and couldn’t believe she said that. I did what was in my instinct and when I felt my son was ready. He didn’t want to self soothe until 9 months old. And that’s okay! I wanted to wait longer honestly lol! So proud of you mama!
Alaina have her own personal photographers🤣❤❤ I love ittt
I'm not a muslim but I think you could do a mix of casual and dressy so it gives everyone something to choose to recreate.
الزينه الرمضانيه.....متى تضعونها بالبيت....
Love it when you post a vlog 🥰
I suggest the Gordon sleep technique when she is one. It's not easy but very gentle for the baby because you stay with her when she cries. I was able to sleep wean my 18 months girl thanks to it. I just could not do the cry out method 😥.
I'm the same way, I don't like in person shopping that much!! I prefer online!!
Alaina 👀 eyeing that avocado 🥑 toast like she wants some just like her aunties Amanda and Loren lol 😆
Hey Leena. Every week every time you post I get soooo exited and alaina Mashallah she grows every week now compared to when she was born omg Mashallah such a big difference.
Leena what u use to edit your TH-cam channel or any apps to edit TH-cam and whats best camera to record TH-cam please?
I thought I was the only one 🤍 no shame in that my daughter is almost 6 months and I still nurse at least 3 times a night ! Thank you
The same happened with me, I do that I feed my daughter twice in the middle of the night and it makes her sleep and we can sleep so well. So that is great. All babies have different development stages. she’s almost 7months now mashaAllah. She needs her mum now, later she’d be running away. So we only have this much time. Don’t want to take this away from either of us.
I noticed that you didn't mention where you get your scarves from ?
Could you please leave the website or the brands in the description .
Alaina makes me happy مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ 😍
I feeel youuuu ❤️ i put also so much pressure on myself but im like accepting that my baby needs to be fed middle in the night
Bless you. Not all babies are same and they dont really sleep all night 12 hrs straight without human touch or without feed. They will need one thing or another for sure until they are 3/4 years old.
Dont try to force your baby into following routines given in books. Find what works for you and stay happy. Sanity and happiness is more important. X
17:52 awww 😍😍😍☺️
FINALLY... someone who behaves normal and has her life compromised around a kid.. RELATABLE.. yes yes yes.. Love ur content.. Love your little girl.. Eee.. So want one but already dead tired nurturing Two Little boys.. Stay blessed
Who all love all the asad sisters especially leena
Where I ended up is this: I want my kid to feel like he can always come to his mom and dad when he's scared or wants to be comforted or whatever. We did cosleeping until he was like 2 and a half, and even now most nights he will sleepwalk into our bed and spend at least half the night with us. I think it's fine and that he'll grow out of it eventually.
I feel you! As a new mom myself I hear so many advices and opinions about what I should do with baby's sleep. My little girl sleeps through the night and doesn't really feed at night but, she always sleeps with me! She used to sleep on her own bed from 0-3 months after I fed her and put her in there, but since she slept with me for a few nights she got used to it. She's almost 11 months and still sleeps with me. I wanna try the cry it out method but I am too sensitive to her crying :( anyways we need to do whatever feels right in our heart and eventually they will grow up and learn to sleep by themselves. ❤️ you're a great mom MashAllah ❤️