[Eng Sub] 须弥 Xu Mi- Governor's Illness / Du Zhu You Bing Audio Drama Theme 2 - 督主有病 广播剧

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2022
  • 须弥 Sumeru
    [Verse 1&2]
    If my memories had not been fractured and broken
    How will I know of longing that cuts to the bone
    If stains of rust had not seeped into moonlight
    How will it know that time had long flown past
    If the blades and rain of arrows are unavoidable on the path ahead
    I wish to face it standing alongside you
    The lantern flames of Jinling shine over the old city and its willows*
    Burning speckles like a river of stars pour into the back of my eyes
    [Chorus 1]
    幾曾披霜瀝雪 奔襲千萬里
    The times when I braved the frost and snow, racing and leaping over thousands of miles
    You’re the light and shadow I’ve been chasing after all my life
    人世圖窮見匕 散聚如游萍
    In life, truths are only revealed at the end,* Parting and coming together like swimming weeds
    Among those who enter, only few will stay sane
    [Repeat verses 1&2]
    [Chorus 2]
    墮深淵攀荊棘 奔赴千萬里
    Falling into the abyss, climbing up the thorns, racing onwards thousands of miles*
    The storms loom over the land; the mortal world like a prison
    縱我飄泊浮沉 仍諾許歸期
    As I drift and anchor, float and sink, my promise to return remains
    We long for and watch over each other, restore me my name
    [Chorus 3]
    叩問天道有情 輾轉愛別離
    Inquire whether the will of heavens are kindly to the unstable loves and partings
    How many encounters and reunions will we have in this mortal life?
    恍然十年大夢 匆匆復歸去
    Suddenly, a lofty dream of ten years comes rushing back
    In the three thousand universes, you’re the one Sumeru in my existence*
    *I do not own anything, the music belongs to 督主有病 广播剧. Please contact if needed to be taken down.

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  • @plato8781
    @plato8781  2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Translation Notes:
    -The Governor is Sick is a novel filled with allusions to Buddhism, this song is no exception.
    -Jinling is another name for Nanjing that was used prior to the Ming Dynasty.
    -“圖窮見匕” is an idiom derived from the records “Strategies of the Warring States”. During the Warring States era, the Yan state sent an assassin to the Qin emperor by hiding a dagger inside a scroll, which is unveiled as the assassin unravels the scroll in front of the emperor. Henceforth, this idiom was used to describe truth or true intentions that are only revealed at the end.
    -The “racing…thousands of miles” lines are very slightly different in the first chorus and the second. The first chorus uses “奔襲”, while second chorus uses 奔赴 as a verb, which is quite similar but connotes more sense of direction, so I used “onwards” to imply Xiahou Lian is racing towards his destination (Shen Jue).
    -Sumeru, or Mount Meru is a mountain of Buddhism that is considered the centre of all “physical, metaphysical and spiritual universes”. The line also references the Buddhist concepts “The three thousand realms in a single moment of life”, which represent the potential of infinite possibilities in a single moment.

    • @miriamceraman4932
      @miriamceraman4932 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Really appreciate your hard work to give us this gorgeous translation!!!