Don't be fooled. If these teachers had any chance of getting a better job in a better area, they would not be in Detroit. The number of teachers who chose Detroit over a better opportunity: 0
@@TheAlison1456 yes, but thats IF, assuming they do. We don't know if all of them have the same opprortunity. But in such a low income area we can possibly say most dont.
Wow.. I just noticed how Fortunate I am... My school has access to Chromebooks and IPads for all grades. They have working bells and a big gym. Wow and I hated school😮 not anymore...
I wish I had a teacher who cared about their students. When I was in 8th grade 2013? Both my parents lost their jobs and I went to school with very little materials to succeed in class. My grades were low that year because I was so scared of my next meal or if I would still have a home the next day. The one thing that angered me of my 8th grade math teacher got angry at me because I didn’t use a clean piece of paper to do my homework. I would literally erase everything for my first homework assignment to reuse the paper. She was one of the worst teachers I was faced with during my childhood because she generally didn’t care of her students. Now that I’m adult I don’t want any student to feel so small while trying to learn in school.
Neryssa111 I had a teacher who was mean too: she kept yelling at me because I was struggling at 3rd grade. My parents told the principal and she was fired. Also she was an alcoholic. Why would they hire her in the first place?
@@WilliamTravisIto It's not white people . Detroit is majority black and so is the local government including the school board . The problem is corruption. LOTS of money is set aside for the schools but the adults in the bureacracy take it / misuse it.
You're right. I'm sure these parents were also under-educated and many are work 2 or more jobs just to survive. So maybe they don't have the ability to help like other parents do.
When parents were educated in public schools, they need to have their public schooled children learn off of academia TH-cam channels and read books at home. Unless they also want their children to work two or three jobs as well.
Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they are not invested in their child's education but theres only so much you can do if you can't afford anything
That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that Detroit schools are dirty, poor, and lacking basic resources. These kids need clean schools that have books, computers, and materials, plus heating and cooling system, markers and dry erase boards, and clean restrooms.
@ Doesn't change the fact that students are being denied basic rights. Did you know that the funds that should go to school are being misused? At the end of the day, problems are problems.
@@curtcrossley6847 Not true, the schools in Appalaicha are crap too and they are majority white. It's not a race thing. But I will agree that there are some populations of people that just aren't cared about. The children in Detroit and the children in Appalachia don't have any political pull. People see a poor black kid from detroit and see a future felon or gang member, a poor white kid from the mountains and see a future deadbeat meth addict. It's sad because these kids have worth and they have potential bigger than what society places on them!
@Ramen Lover Detroit has a horrible economy as it's main industries left along time ago taking the jobs and tax revenue with it. It is starting to try to get on its feet but it filed for bankruptcy not too long ago and is famously filled with delapedation and urban decay due to mismanagement and government curroption.
I've attended a DPS school, so I've seen first-hand how the classes were. Feel free to ask me anything relating to the school; I'll try to answer the questions the best I can.
Wanting change without resources and a plan is like wishing to hit the lottery. We home schooled our kids because of the failing schools in our area and we sacrificed the 2nd salary along with me working twice as hard to make ends meet. You can want all day but until you control what you can control and stop thinking "group" and start doing what is best for yours then don't expect different. I cannot be in the classroom and control whether or not today will be productive or whether my kid's classmates will be disruptive. I can't control whether the teacher can keep order or whether she can truly educate the collective. I can only control the environment my kid is subject to. Control what u can control.
@@Defy_Convention Yeah you're right man. They should forget all about being in the poorest least educated city in the country and abolish the money system. Switch to Barter only. Get every man Woman and child out there tearing down houses and cleaning up old schools. Maybe they can succeed entirely from the united states and form their own providence. They'll have to start flying in educators which will be hard bc to buy plane tickets they need money and at that point they wouldnt have any concept of it. Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Youre acting as if you have the answer to a city that has been in decline for the last 60 or so years. "The people have to want to change" Do you seriously think that extremely poor people can just want to not be poor and uneducated and that will fix all their problems?
I use to attend Detroit public schools for several yrs in the early 90s days. After a while Im starting to believe that it’s not just a problem of corruption, fraud, or weak infrastructure of Detroit public schools. Nor is it the teachers. It’s a by product of unemployment and poverty in Detroit. Parents just doesn’t attend to their children and how can u do so when your uneducated and can’t even put food on the table.
I was born and raised in Detroit.. Everyone knew the school board back in the 70's, 80's and 90's was corrupt. All my schools I grew up attending are gone. My daughter was born in Detroit but I moved her away. We returned to the suburbs years later and a friend had me pick up her son at a school in Detroit. It was so dark with barely any lights. Kids can't learn in that environment. I took her son to my daughter's school to pick her up and he was surprised. It was bright and colorful and literally in a city right next to Detroit. We moved back out of Michigan. But, the charter schools did serious damage in Detroit. Remember Betsy DeVos was in control of that. The rest was neglect and corruption. I don't know what the solution would be.
My school gave us iPads. A nearby school gave MacBook Air’s to their students. This is so sad to see, how other kids don’t get the same technology and tools to succeed that we do.
This is a video about Detroit public schools and they show only one Detroit public school they didn't show any of Detroits higher preforming schools like bates academy, Chrysler elementary, burton international, cass tech or rennisance high school. Also a large problem in Detroit schools period is ignorant uneducated parents. Parents that fight in the school parking lot (yeah I've seen it) and parents who can't read themselves or do math. But I believe there is hope for Detroit and its schools
Schools need to be a very good environment for the students, no matter what grade. Great leadership and teachers grouped together with involved parents will make a tremendous difference, i hope this district can reach its full potential. Great work getting to this point, working through a struggle like this makes some really strong and powerful people, if they can get through it.
Public schools depend on a tax-paying base for funding. If you have a community that doesn't pay much in taxes then the community cannot sustain the same level of public services as a productive community.
Brad Ruszala blame on the black community that doesn’t pay tax to help fund the school. It’s not the rest of country’s problem when their own parents doesn’t want to invest in their own children.
These teachers are saints, these youth are so important to the process of rebuilding the Detroit economy. These kids are the future and they need the right resources to make life better for future generations.
People never want to blame themselves for these problems. They never want to blame their poor decision making. More money solves nothing if you don't know how to use the resources to begin with.
These people have experienced uneven distribution of resources and misuse of funding. The government is very corrupt and steals the money. The system was set up to trap people into poverty.
It a black school board and a black teacher with mostly black student what do you expect? In Asia we walk miles and miles rain or shine we go to learn. These students have everything yet they don't learn anything. Put an Asian teacher and kids in there I guarantee it would be a different story. It sound racist but it not I'm just stating fact. Every inner city in the US is like this
marcos gonga marcos Blacks can’t do anything but Asians can there’s a reason that more Asians go to college then blacks there’s a reason more Asians and whites and just about every other race makes more money than blacks more successful in life feed their children better have better marriages their kids actually have parents
How come no one is holding the mothers/ parents accountable? No one should have to buy your child clothes. If you can’t afford children have one until you can.
Gaming So Spectacular hold those father’s accountable for brats on welfare. Force these men to go under vasectomy if they have even one brat on welfare.
I grew up in Detroit public schools but my child will NEVER go to DPS. Sad cuz it use to be a decent system somewhat, at least when I was little 20+ years ago
I really learn a lot from these documentaries. They help me to get a better understanding of the problems our children face in our world. That's why I started investment accounts for my kids at a young age so they will have money later without living broke their whole life. I want to not only help them do well in school but prepare for their financial future as well. I highly recommend all parents do the same for their children. Prepare now so later you can help them pay cash for a future purchase without drowning in debt.
As of 2014 (outdated I know) the Untied States of America spent 43.10 Billion in Military & Economic aid to other Countries. Now Ladies and Gentlemen, I have now doubt these Countries are in dire need of Assistance, but not more than our own people and our own schools! If in the next year we cut that by 20%, then another 10% and so on we could fund Schools and roads and Tech schools in this Country. Just my thoughts.
Dr. Martin Luther King once said that getting racial equality would be the easy part, but social equality would be far harder because that meant the people in power needed to give up something. After reading some of these comments, I'm afraid he was painfully correct. The resources needed will never come to a populous whose median income is just above the poverty line. That would require taxes across the state to be equal for all school districts and the people in the higher brackets like Bloomfield Hills or Rochester or the highly republican Macomb county would never EVER want to give an inch to those kids. It's almost as if the system leverages education against the poor, otherwise everybody would be educated equally.
It's sad that there are school districts with this much under-funding. It's even sadder to know the education budget was cut substantially with the Trump administration.
Just a product of their environment. I bet if these kids had stable lives/homes like most middle-class public schools, there wouldn't be nearly as many problems.
@@mikebetts2046 I mean, yes, it absolutely can. If Democrats have always been in charge, and the schools are now turning around, then clearly Democrats have had something (or everything) to do with it. You've also missed the point. You've taken exactly one of two descriptors for the Mayor of Detroit and focused on it. The Mayor is also new, and that is probably the most important descriptor.
Ok, you have a point when getting into the semantics of it; as in "new". But perhaps the emphasis should be "new mayor" and drop the democrat part. Democrats have run the city for decades, so clearly that title has nothing to do with things as it has been a common thread through all the hard times. This is what I said in my first comment. The mayor? maybe. The party? not so much.
This is what happens when the state allows suburban schools to symphony of funding from Detroit. As for proficiency, if the students in DPS pass the proficiency test they are immediately accused of cheating.
The school is students are underperformed due to the lack of resources and conditions. Let's be real, these schools aren't given proper funding and a chance. If they rebuild the schools, fix them, and make more usage, it'll be better.
Instead of just praising affirmative action and giving out special treatment, why isn't the problem being addressed from the ground-up? The structure of the American education system is the oppressor, not the white man.
The true root of the problem is in the homes: poverty-stricken people producing children they cannot afford because the government gives them money when they do. Only in America is baby-making a career choice.
And I thought my school was the worst, we have art, a amazing library, Band and Music, a very nice gym and playground health class, and One to one chrome books.
At least make it affordable. Isn't it kinda sad how some schools have more than enough funding, yet some schools lack basic stuff, unclean water, no books, limited stuff.
I think the best choose is, not to put more funding into public schools, and not reopen older/closed schools... but rather that put more funding, close down smaller and older/outdated schools and centralize schools so that more funding is to fewer public schools; *that way thier is more funding and better/more modern to make a greater impact in the students. Also why so much hatred against charter and private schools? ... I think that, they do a better job and manage funds MUCH better... why not let privatization in some schools.. and fund the education with public(which most of it is mismanaged and has so much corruption) and/or partial private tuition funding....*
The reason why charter and private schools do better is that they take the money from public schools to fund their schools. It's easy to manage money better than public schools when your schools have access to more money then they know what to do with it.
A wonder example of Democrat leadership and control for over 40 years. And this is what voters voted for in 2020. I give the teachers and principals a thumbs up for teaching there.
we were taught 3 rs when i went to school along with hist. sci. bio. typing and graded on each. we had good caring teachers most of time ---that was back in the 40-50s
Okay so I go to a Detroit public school so ima give a little update now, so we now have chrome books and iPads and my school has accelerated classes and it’s not as bad as it was like 4 years ago.
There there they just dont have money to be at school with their kids because they are working. But some parents actually dont care. Once these kids get to middle school and high school, MOST of them will stop caring, unless they truly have a love for school. Some of them do.
@@davidlafleche1142 Essays are definitely helpful although you have students with multiple intelligences that should also be considered when developing your assessments. These state tests that they use to label students are faulty and the CEO's of these testing companies earn upwards of a half million dollars a year to create this unhealthy sense of competition that is not effective in all learning environments. The tests that work best are not the tests that take hours. The tests that work are the ones in which the teacher is able to pretest the students, teach them, post-test them, provide enrichment and continue with that process. Testing should inform teaching and learning. It should never be high stakes testing used to shut down schools and label students.
@@wakingupdailywithhailstorm4714 This is why homeschooling is vastly superior to Public Schools. There is more opportunity for one-on-one tutoring. Public Schools would be better if classes were limited to 12 students, but that would be cost-prohibitive.
@@davidlafleche1142 I believe that a hybrid leveraging an online curriculum with volunteers would help reduce the class sizes within the public school model. Homeschooling is effective for parents who do not have to work, have the skill set and patience though. I agree with you there.
These teachers featured are some amazing people. Where there are folks like them, there will be hope for the world.
Can't pass background checks
Don't be fooled. If these teachers had any chance of getting a better job in a better area, they would not be in Detroit. The number of teachers who chose Detroit over a better opportunity: 0
J L N some can’t afford the luxury of moving
@@C00kies1 Yeap that's why they said "if they had the opportunity" which includes "being able to move" (whether they're paying for it or not)
@@TheAlison1456 yes, but thats IF, assuming they do. We don't know if all of them have the same opprortunity. But in such a low income area we can possibly say most dont.
I just noticed how Fortunate I am... My school has access to Chromebooks and IPads for all grades. They have working bells and a big gym. Wow and I hated school😮 not anymore...
You can notice how fortunate you are and still dislike school. Those things can be mutually exclusive.
Wait Cps?
And wow
JoE mAmA my schools were ok and school still wasn’t for me, but it was a decent experience overall.
I wish I had a teacher who cared about their students. When I was in 8th grade 2013? Both my parents lost their jobs and I went to school with very little materials to succeed in class. My grades were low that year because I was so scared of my next meal or if I would still have a home the next day. The one thing that angered me of my 8th grade math teacher got angry at me because I didn’t use a clean piece of paper to do my homework. I would literally erase everything for my first homework assignment to reuse the paper. She was one of the worst teachers I was faced with during my childhood because she generally didn’t care of her students. Now that I’m adult I don’t want any student to feel so small while trying to learn in school.
in Detroit? or the suburbs of Detroit
sorry to hear, I hope you're doing better now
i salute you.. i hope the teacher fixes her issues as well
Neryssa111 I had a teacher who was mean too: she kept yelling at me because I was struggling at 3rd grade. My parents told the principal and she was fired. Also she was an alcoholic. Why would they hire her in the first place?
That's your own fault for using paper, 1 sheet literally costs 1 cent, don't be so cheap
I don't think any of my schools ever thought that I needed to feel that I was loved!
Exactly! That's a parent's job.
@@Malignus68 Excuse me? Some people in public schools don’t have parents. And either way, why only from parents?
What happened to all the money from Lottery sales that supposedly went to the schools?!
That money never made it to the schools
MissaRosa they steal money from the school
white people embellished them
The Lottery money goes to schools throughout the state. They don't balance it out so that poorer schools get more than the wealthy schools.
@@WilliamTravisIto It's not white people . Detroit is majority black and so is the local government including the school board . The problem is corruption. LOTS of money is set aside for the schools but the adults in the bureacracy take it / misuse it.
Detroit is very very slowly rebounding from the near total abyss it found itself in. There is nowhere to go but up. Slowly.
Recession is overdue and when it arrives it will destroy the little progress Detroit has made.
No, it would probably go even lower.
"near total abyss" ha!
Amazon should have picked Detroit
I'm sad because we think things can never get worse. Things can always get worse.
It starts at home before the school. If you can’t fix the family you can’t fix the people.
just let these kids play sports.. detroit will be rich and full of star athletes
It actually starts with the policies. What policies have been put in place that is harming the families and the schools?
Yes, how much does that child's home life value education? Look at Asians for example.
Rusty Detroit has a staff that does not care they steal money from the school
First thing first would be the parents' attitude towards education and life itself.
You're right. I'm sure these parents were also under-educated and many are work 2 or more jobs just to survive. So maybe they don't have the ability to help like other parents do.
When parents were educated in public schools, they need to have their public schooled children learn off of academia TH-cam channels and read books at home. Unless they also want their children to work two or three jobs as well.
Joe T Or they just don’t care which happens alot
Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they are not invested in their child's education but theres only so much you can do if you can't afford anything
Danielle Gray that’s why they need to work for it. These kids are literally products of single mothers households.
If only you guys see schools in trinidad and tobago. They are literally a room with walls and a black board. no air condition no heat, no frills.
Mich Ramgoolam It’s a whole different country we need to worry about our schools more than other countries
That’s what other 3rd world schools are like, not just Trinidad.
Ok but i live in America not Trinidad and Tobago
That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that Detroit schools are dirty, poor, and lacking basic resources. These kids need clean schools that have books, computers, and materials, plus heating and cooling system, markers and dry erase boards, and clean restrooms.
@ Doesn't change the fact that students are being denied basic rights. Did you know that the funds that should go to school are being misused? At the end of the day, problems are problems.
we have these schools across the nation.
Every day no only in the black neighborhoods never in white neighborhoods 🙄
@@curtcrossley6847 Not true, the schools in Appalaicha are crap too and they are majority white. It's not a race thing. But I will agree that there are some populations of people that just aren't cared about. The children in Detroit and the children in Appalachia don't have any political pull. People see a poor black kid from detroit and see a future felon or gang member, a poor white kid from the mountains and see a future deadbeat meth addict. It's sad because these kids have worth and they have potential bigger than what society places on them!
@Ramen Lover Detroit has a horrible economy as it's main industries left along time ago taking the jobs and tax revenue with it. It is starting to try to get on its feet but it filed for bankruptcy not too long ago and is famously filled with delapedation and urban decay due to mismanagement and government curroption.
@@curtcrossley6847 not true
I live in one of the poorest areas in Scotland. The school, College and University look like fancy office buildings. It makes such a difference.
Where do you live? Is it orkney??
I've attended a DPS school, so I've seen first-hand how the classes were. Feel free to ask me anything relating to the school; I'll try to answer the questions the best I can.
Tarry T horrible
What do you think of the solutions proposed in the comment section here?
Where do white kids go to school? I don't see any in the video.
Are blacks students really that disruptive and violent? I heard some teachers being attacked by throwing chairs and books by them.
That's Life I go to a DPS high school and there are some kids that misbehave in class but overall it isn’t like what people say it is
@@TheAlison1456 watch Dan rather 2010 video on detroit schools
It's. The. Culture. The. People. Have. To. Want. To. Change.
YES!!! Stop depending on the government, take control
Wanting change without resources and a plan is like wishing to hit the lottery. We home schooled our kids because of the failing schools in our area and we sacrificed the 2nd salary along with me working twice as hard to make ends meet. You can want all day but until you control what you can control and stop thinking "group" and start doing what is best for yours then don't expect different.
I cannot be in the classroom and control whether or not today will be productive or whether my kid's classmates will be disruptive. I can't control whether the teacher can keep order or whether she can truly educate the collective. I can only control the environment my kid is subject to. Control what u can control.
@Nathan S don't make that excuse, Obama didn't/couldn't help them, he knows it's the culture in poor areas
@@Defy_Convention Yeah you're right man. They should forget all about being in the poorest least educated city in the country and abolish the money system. Switch to Barter only. Get every man Woman and child out there tearing down houses and cleaning up old schools. Maybe they can succeed entirely from the united states and form their own providence. They'll have to start flying in educators which will be hard bc to buy plane tickets they need money and at that point they wouldnt have any concept of it. Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Youre acting as if you have the answer to a city that has been in decline for the last 60 or so years. "The people have to want to change" Do you seriously think that extremely poor people can just want to not be poor and uneducated and that will fix all their problems?
That’s racist
I use to attend Detroit public schools for several yrs in the early 90s days. After a while Im starting to believe that it’s not just a problem of corruption, fraud, or weak infrastructure of Detroit public schools. Nor is it the teachers. It’s a by product of unemployment and poverty in Detroit. Parents just doesn’t attend to their children and how can u do so when your uneducated and can’t even put food on the table.
I was born and raised in Detroit.. Everyone knew the school board back in the 70's, 80's and 90's was corrupt. All my schools I grew up attending are gone. My daughter was born in Detroit but I moved her away. We returned to the suburbs years later and a friend had me pick up her son at a school in Detroit. It was so dark with barely any lights. Kids can't learn in that environment. I took her son to my daughter's school to pick her up and he was surprised. It was bright and colorful and literally in a city right next to Detroit. We moved back out of Michigan. But, the charter schools did serious damage in Detroit. Remember Betsy DeVos was in control of that. The rest was neglect and corruption. I don't know what the solution would be.
My school gave us iPads. A nearby school gave MacBook Air’s to their students. This is so sad to see, how other kids don’t get the same technology and tools to succeed that we do.
This is a video about Detroit public schools and they show only one Detroit public school they didn't show any of Detroits higher preforming schools like bates academy, Chrysler elementary, burton international, cass tech or rennisance high school. Also a large problem in Detroit schools period is ignorant uneducated parents. Parents that fight in the school parking lot (yeah I've seen it) and parents who can't read themselves or do math. But I believe there is hope for Detroit and its schools
All the schools you mention fall in the same boat. Especially burton
Two largest funded school systems (per student): Detroit, and Camden NJ. Let that sink in.
Schools need to be a very good environment for the students, no matter what grade. Great leadership and teachers grouped together with involved parents will make a tremendous difference, i hope this district can reach its full potential. Great work getting to this point, working through a struggle like this makes some really strong and powerful people, if they can get through it.
Meanwhile just across the river in Ontario some of the highest paid teachers and best funded schools in the western world
@@HelplessTeno were laughing in ontario we dont have problems compared to detroit .
@@whodat9890 Why would you laugh?
Public schools depend on a tax-paying base for funding. If you have a community that doesn't pay much in taxes then the community cannot sustain the same level of public services as a productive community.
Brad Ruszala blame on the black community that doesn’t pay tax to help fund the school. It’s not the rest of country’s problem when their own parents doesn’t want to invest in their own children.
The funding is just fine, one of the worlds highest. Funding is not the problem unless maybe it is too high.
They steal to much. But hey look what we’re dealing with.
These teachers are saints, these youth are so important to the process of rebuilding the Detroit economy. These kids are the future and they need the right resources to make life better for future generations.
People never want to blame themselves for these problems. They never want to blame their poor decision making. More money solves nothing if you don't know how to use the resources to begin with.
The new people in charge have nothing to do with the downfall of DPS and understand the amount of corruption that has happened in the past.
These people have experienced uneven distribution of resources and misuse of funding. The government is very corrupt and steals the money. The system was set up to trap people into poverty.
Man they really need to disable the comments on this video...
Right, we would not want to hear from people that live in or around Detroit that might be able to offer a second opinion.
No one wants to hear how it got this way ...
@@mikebetts2046 not in an ocean of trolls. Anybody taking this seriously is not welcome here.
Taking what seriously? Your comments? Also, I did not realize that you were captain of the welcoming committee.
Yeah, the solution to TRUTH is CENSORSHIP. Typical Liberal.
Good to see something positive coming out of Detroit. This Australian loved the Motown sound, especially Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross.
They named an elementary school to glorify Coleman Young?
No, there is no hope for Detroit public schools.
Coleman Young was Detroit first Black Mayor. Mayor Young was a man of the people! We in Detroit love Coleman Young! He was mayor for 20 years!
We’ll see but Norman Shy and school principals stole millions and got kickbacks at the same time.
It a black school board and a black teacher with mostly black student what do you expect? In Asia we walk miles and miles rain or shine we go to learn. These students have everything yet they don't learn anything. Put an Asian teacher and kids in there I guarantee it would be a different story. It sound racist but it not I'm just stating fact. Every inner city in the US is like this
"Black run school board and teacher with mostly black student what do you expect?"
Can you explain?
marcos gonga marcos Blacks can’t do anything but Asians can there’s a reason that more Asians go to college then blacks there’s a reason more Asians and whites and just about every other race makes more money than blacks more successful in life feed their children better have better marriages their kids actually have parents
@@davidlafleche1142 is this because they are corrupt or because their school desperately needs funds?
The ignorance on this thread is sickening. More in depth research on the history of systemic racism will help with that.
@@wakingupdailywithhailstorm4714 Yeah, they're just racist. I went to a good school, have both parents, and live a good life. Nothing can get me down.
In a word: no.
The family units are in shambles. That is the foundation of the breakdown of the schools.
I used to go to Detroit schools until I was 5 and moved..this is sad😪
How come no one is holding the mothers/ parents accountable? No one should have to buy your child clothes. If you can’t afford children have one until you can.
Gaming So Spectacular hold those father’s accountable for brats on welfare. Force these men to go under vasectomy if they have even one brat on welfare.
I grew up in Detroit public schools but my child will NEVER go to DPS. Sad cuz it use to be a decent system somewhat, at least when I was little 20+ years ago
I really learn a lot from these documentaries. They help me to get a better understanding of the problems our children face in our world. That's why I started investment accounts for my kids at a young age so they will have money later without living broke their whole life. I want to not only help them do well in school but prepare for their financial future as well. I highly recommend all parents do the same for their children. Prepare now so later you can help them pay cash for a future purchase without drowning in debt.
I live in Detroit I am lucky enough to go to a praivte school but I know the reality of the public schools in my city
This is sad God Bless them all 🙏🙏🙏
Which god?
Say god bless means you want no change, since god will not come
What are the reading and math test scores after the improvements? This story seems to be full of diversion.
So glad I went to school in the suburbs
As of 2014 (outdated I know) the Untied States of America spent 43.10 Billion in Military & Economic aid to other Countries. Now Ladies and Gentlemen, I have now doubt these Countries are in dire need of Assistance, but not more than our own people and our own schools! If in the next year we cut that by 20%, then another 10% and so on we could fund Schools and roads and Tech schools in this Country. Just my thoughts.
And i complained about the specs on the chromebooks and the quality of school lunch while these kids didnt have access to them, i feel bad
as a resident of michigan and someone at one of the nicest district, this is most definitely a reality for the detroit and redford schools.
If they rename the school they should all it george floyd high (as a kite)
What concerns me the most is the fact that kids are required to wear school uniforms here in the "Land of the free"
Detroit school videos make me appreciate my school district
Dr. Martin Luther King once said that getting racial equality would be the easy part, but social equality would be far harder because that meant the people in power needed to give up something. After reading some of these comments, I'm afraid he was painfully correct. The resources needed will never come to a populous whose median income is just above the poverty line. That would require taxes across the state to be equal for all school districts and the people in the higher brackets like Bloomfield Hills or Rochester or the highly republican Macomb county would never EVER want to give an inch to those kids. It's almost as if the system leverages education against the poor, otherwise everybody would be educated equally.
7% english proficiency... 4% math proficiency... these kids are doomed.
It's sad that there are school districts with this much under-funding. It's even sadder to know the education budget was cut substantially with the Trump administration.
Just a product of their environment. I bet if these kids had stable lives/homes like most middle-class public schools, there wouldn't be nearly as many problems.
Blame racism and Trump...pfffft
Realy? Because during Bush and And Obama Detroit children were flooding into the surrounding districts areas as well.
Blame a president that wasn't even presidents when Detroit started to decline logic.
@@technologyproductions-ye3px More like
"Blame a president who reduced school funding for making it harder for schools to be funded"
Why not keep lowering standards? Let everyone pass.
The New Democratic mayor of Detroit is the reason Detroit is getting better
Detroit has had democrat leadership for decades. Any recent change can therefore not be attributed to the democrat party specifically.
@@mikebetts2046 I mean, yes, it absolutely can. If Democrats have always been in charge, and the schools are now turning around, then clearly Democrats have had something (or everything) to do with it.
You've also missed the point. You've taken exactly one of two descriptors for the Mayor of Detroit and focused on it. The Mayor is also new, and that is probably the most important descriptor.
Ok, you have a point when getting into the semantics of it; as in "new". But perhaps the emphasis should be "new mayor" and drop the democrat part. Democrats have run the city for decades, so clearly that title has nothing to do with things as it has been a common thread through all the hard times. This is what I said in my first comment. The mayor? maybe. The party? not so much.
there is hope for any school if the funds would be released in order to provide the resources needed for children to feel valued.
Great staff
Just pass the students and receive federal funding to share with your relatives
there is No hope for anybody who Lives in the City Detroit.
worst city in the world
Have the problems been solved with the school boards? Superintendents etc.? If not, this won't last.
MO' $$$!
das racis
1:24 How does ZZ Tops drummer get a school named after him?
I’m grateful for my school it’s a private school we have all apple products
Ya’ll have apple products at school?
forcing people to wear uniforms that they can't afford will only prepare them for incarceration not the community
How do you figure that 🤨🤨, that's quite the jump
The comments here are disgusting
How much money does it cost to cut some grass?
It's the same with the American Indian. it's not that the government can't figure it out... It's that they don't care.
The reason is because government creates problems. Let capitalism work and you'll be better off
the auditoriums in the Detroit schools where bigger then my hole school
This is what happens when the state allows suburban schools to symphony of funding from Detroit. As for proficiency, if the students in DPS pass the proficiency test they are immediately accused of cheating.
It's bad when ebonics isn't even working.
But nothing beats parental involvement...just sayin'...
The school is students are underperformed due to the lack of resources and conditions. Let's be real, these schools aren't given proper funding and a chance. If they rebuild the schools, fix them, and make more usage, it'll be better.
they had more support then the rest of the nations schools did at that time
Instead of just praising affirmative action and giving out special treatment, why isn't the problem being addressed from the ground-up? The structure of the American education system is the oppressor, not the white man.
The true root of the problem is in the homes: poverty-stricken people producing children they cannot afford because the government gives them money when they do. Only in America is baby-making a career choice.
And what color is the government body that runs the education system in America?...
@@sandman516 White, brown, blue, black, green, indigo, purple etc.... all colors of rainbow
Always hope ✌
And I thought my school was the worst, we have art, a amazing library, Band and Music, a very nice gym and playground health class, and One to one chrome books.
public school: there's a entire class, not taught inside the class room.
And I thought my school was bad...
I wish luck for them ❤️
How are the schools in Rochester Michigan
0:48 , 3:04 , 4:35 - 5:39 , 6:07 , 8:00
No, unfortunately and sadly to say, there’s no hope. The whole public education system is to messed up, beyond repairable.
Why can't we make everything free so that people won't have to go through that? #makeeverythingfree.
At least make it affordable. Isn't it kinda sad how some schools have more than enough funding, yet some schools lack basic stuff, unclean water, no books, limited stuff.
My dream was to attend a public school, but was NOT allowed 👎🏻
( many misconceptions Abt the system)
Why can’t Black kids have a proper education #blacklivesmattet
This gives hope that’s things can be fixed
I think the best choose is, not to put more funding into public schools, and not reopen older/closed schools... but rather that put more funding, close down smaller and older/outdated schools and centralize schools so that more funding is to fewer public schools; *that way thier is more funding and better/more modern to make a greater impact in the students.
Also why so much hatred against charter and private schools? ... I think that, they do a better job and manage funds MUCH better...
why not let privatization in some schools.. and fund the education with public(which most of it is mismanaged and has so much corruption) and/or partial private tuition funding....*
The reason why charter and private schools do better is that they take the money from public schools to fund their schools. It's easy to manage money better than public schools when your schools have access to more money then they know what to do with it.
But, how will they be able to indoctrinate the kids with socialist propaganda, if a private institute is teaching them?
Too many abandoned schools in
A wonder example of Democrat leadership and control for over 40 years. And this is what voters voted for in 2020.
I give the teachers and principals a thumbs up for teaching there.
i feel bad, i live in a good school that is very old, and there are schools that have only lived for a couple of years
we were taught 3 rs when i went to school along with hist. sci. bio. typing and graded on each. we had good caring teachers most of time ---that was back in the 40-50s
very good. Thanks heaps for sharing.
Because this is beyond horrible, While nobody cares anymore about this report or our children, Then, We'll make our way around that too.
Okay so I go to a Detroit public school so ima give a little update now, so we now have chrome books and iPads and my school has accelerated classes and it’s not as bad as it was like 4 years ago.
single mothers are really doing a wonderful job with mate selection.
Bat Turgidson haha
BLM where are you? Hope some of those funds went here
Pay your property taxes and the schools won’t close!
It’s really that simple.
While you’re at it, PAY your water bills and stop worrying about JLA
If everyone leaves the city and only the poorest are left, it's not that easy 😑
Dude this going on in alot places
C A Y alumni here class of 96
No, there is not.
Government and funding has abandon public education
Where are the parents?
There there they just dont have money to be at school with their kids because they are working. But some parents actually dont care. Once these kids get to middle school and high school, MOST of them will stop caring, unless they truly have a love for school. Some of them do.
Start by abolishing "standardized" testing.
Finally an informed comment. Thank you!
@@wakingupdailywithhailstorm4714 If I were a teacher, I'd give nothing but essay questions.
@@davidlafleche1142 Essays are definitely helpful although you have students with multiple intelligences that should also be considered when developing your assessments. These state tests that they use to label students are faulty and the CEO's of these testing companies earn upwards of a half million dollars a year to create this unhealthy sense of competition that is not effective in all learning environments. The tests that work best are not the tests that take hours. The tests that work are the ones in which the teacher is able to pretest the students, teach them, post-test them, provide enrichment and continue with that process. Testing should inform teaching and learning. It should never be high stakes testing used to shut down schools and label students.
@@wakingupdailywithhailstorm4714 This is why homeschooling is vastly superior to Public Schools. There is more opportunity for one-on-one tutoring. Public Schools would be better if classes were limited to 12 students, but that would be cost-prohibitive.
@@davidlafleche1142 I believe that a hybrid leveraging an online curriculum with volunteers would help reduce the class sizes within the public school model. Homeschooling is effective for parents who do not have to work, have the skill set and patience though. I agree with you there.
y’all should’ve shown chandler park academy...worst school i ever went to.