Sequel coming next Wednesday! This time, I'm taking my time and making just a few maps to my greatest ability. Will the effort pay off? Will I make the perfect Doom map? You'll find out then, but now, I've ought to ask y'all for any suggestions. Give em!
You commented a lot of how you kept making linear levels of rooms connected by doors, which is understandable for giving yourself only 15 minutes to block out a map, so... Whatever theme you decide to make your next map(s), try sketching it out first on a piece of paper before even opening doom builder. If you have even a rough idea of how you want the whole map to look like before you start, you can make more interconnected levels, that are less linear, and have less dead areas between the rooms. You will also rely less on doors and find ways to separate the sections of the level naturally with walls, and height variations.
Yo. I've played an absolute ton of Doom mods - old and new, by beginners and experienced mappers - and worked on a fair number of them myself. You have very legitimate potential. First of all, I see someone else has already said this, but when most people say they're "speedmapping", they're taking much more time to create their maps than you are. The 32-in-24 series (from which I imagine you took inspiration) is a collaborative effort where mappers pick out a limited number of map-slots and just focus on making those, so in that 24-hour period where the wad is created, any given mapper will only be responsible for creating one or two levels. Even the famous Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series traditionally gives participants 8 hours to make a single map, and that's quite tight! But if we're talking about single-person, multi-map projects, forget about it. NaNoWADMo is a yearly event where mappers try to put together a wad in an entire month, and for it to result in a 32-level megawad being made takes almost the whole month's worth of work and then plenty of time afterwards to fix bugs and tighten things up. If you actually manage to make a full megawad in 30 days, it's worthy of a lot of respect. Jimmy Paddock made 27 maps in 9 days to create Deathless, and that was considered a stunning achievement. Frankly, the idea of a single person making an entire 32-map megawad in 24 hours is complete insanity. For you to have made 16 maps in a single day, especially as someone with so little experience, is a _mind-boggling_ feat. The gameplay is undeniably basic throughout most of these levels, no getting around it - sorry to say there are at least 4 examples I can think of right off the top of my head that are tighter than your tightest Cyberdemon boss fight in Doom wad history, and in one of them you fight _two_ Cyberdemons - but hell, in just 30 minutes even a lot of seasoned mappers would struggle to think of compelling action. The visual quality, though, is actually something else. Your use of border and trim textures to add nuance to otherwise flat walls, the abundant lighting and decoration in some of these maps, and the commitment to fine height adjustments in your architecture are all very impressive. Most new mappers gloss right over this stuff. The Sewer Level looks legitimately quite good! The fact that the sewage canals are deeper than the surrounding bricks, the room with the boxes actually having fully sculpted-out boxes of varying sizes instead of just having boxes for walls, and the computer terminal area having a higher floor and lower ceiling than the surrounding bits while being lit up - it's a nuanced and varied use of vanilla Doom's limited texture set. You're really good at what you're doing here. If you haven't already, you should play some more community work to get further inspiration for aesthetic details and combat structure. Plutonia is good, but it's just the beginning. Nostalgia, Ultimate Doom in Name Only, Going Down, Machete, Alien Vendetta, Valiant, 1000 Lines Community Project 3, etc etc., there's so much good stuff out there. I'm eagerly awaiting your next Doom video. :)
@@Razumen "A megawad is a PWAD that, according to the idgames archive definition, contains 15 or more levels." while sigil does not fall under the traditionally accepted definition of a megawad as it only has 9 maps, it would count if you also counted the dm arenas as maps (which romero did in order to advertise it as a megawad)
I played through it, and it was honestly a pretty fun time! It only took about 30 minutes to complete, but still a surprisingly decent set of levels :D
I choked when you said you were gonna go off speedmapping rules and make 16 maps each in 30 min! Typically those 32 in 24 speedmapping events are a bunch of people all grabbing 1 or 2 maps slots and then everyone combining their maps together at the end to get a total of 32, not each person making 32 by themselves. Hey though, forcing yourself to these rules probably taught you a lot and allowed you to iterate on your mapping process, starting from scratch every half-hour.
I didn't know that teams were allowed! It sounds kinda cheap, since a team of 32 mappers would have more than enough time to make 32 great maps. No disrespect to the doom community, though.
Underhalls is a sewer level? Idk.. seems like the start of the map is subway thats been flooded... after that idk what they were thinking really lol tho it does seem like a failed subway station cause it certainly doesnt seem very, sewer like at the start.
I really liked it, UV-maxed it in little more than an hour. 🤟 I noticed some minor things, such as the missing sky in multiple levels, the typo in Map 8's name and the fact that I chould cheese the cybie by not going into the room, but jumping down the stairs in the room before, where he couldn't hurt me at all. But, to end this comment on a positive note, I think the design and the fights were pretty cool, not so difficult, but I felt it rising steadily, especially when getting new weapons. It was really fun, looking forward to the next one! 🙂
15:07 except the hardware to run them… ugh exclusivity, “why isn’t it possible (to run the software on an xbox),” “it’s just not possible,” “but why,” “it’s just not,” “but why? Why not, you stup-eid bass…”
It will. I think everyone's first map sucks. My first few maps are downright vomit inducing. But they slowly got better. Nothing I would release, but better.
This is actually really interesting conspiracy theory, I've learnt it recently. Tf2 players and dataminers suspect there is a secret 10th class (alongside with scout, soldier, pyro, madcap, demo, heavy, engi, medic and sniper) called "the Spy" which is not available to pick for most players. Spy was supposed to enter the game, but didn't made it into release version. It is speculated however, that developers haven't scrapped the concept and even made it fully playable. Image you're asking about is an attempt to recreate spy's appearance in tf2 released artstyle. According to leaks, on isolated dev servers people (mostly Valve devs themselves) can play it. Now it is going even more crazy. If dataminers and leaks are truthful, spy possesses some INSANE gameplay mechanics and items, such as a sapper of some kind, which reverses upgrades of engi's buildings, a revolver, that "stores crits" whatever it is, InvisWatch which, yes, turns him absolutely INVISIBLE for enemy team, another watch, the "Ringing Death", which allows to FEIGN YOUR OWN DEATH, EVEN SHOWS IT IN THE KILLFEED, even his melee can INSTAKILL ANY CLASS if hitting in the back and most importantly the Disguise PDA which allows spy to CHANGE PLAYER MODEL to any enemy or allie AT WILL LIKE A GODDAMN SHAPESHIFTING SKINWALKER! And now the conspiracy thing really plays out, some people say that they encountered such things on public servers, like being melee instakilled by a scout, that got behind their back, or being killed in an empty room, or having your buildings' health drained, while nobody was attacking them. You might think, that's probably cheaters, or valve spaghetti code but isn't it interesting, how those actions align perfectly with spy's unique mechanics?! We cannot see the spy's model because he is ALWAYS DISGUISED OR INVISIBLE! But on the level of subconscious you know they are there. Like seeing two exact copies of your teammate heading different directions, noticing how players appear from an apparent deadend, hearing footsteps and not seeing anyone. VALVE SHAPESHIFTING DEMONS ARE ALREADY AMONG US (like in the hit game amongus) YOU NEED TO RUN!!!
Yo this is crazy I can't believe there was almost a 10th class. Honestly this spy class sounds kind of stupid and unbalanced, glad he was never in the game.
I'm also working on a megawad myself which is going to be called "doom's inferno" as of now and it will have a total of 45 maps 9 of which are secret levels. The megawad is based off of dante's inferno, which is basically instead of the normal fiery lava filled hell it's instead split into 9 different layers or circles, which all have a corresponding sin and a punishment for those who commited the sin for that layer. I'm not going to go more into detail about it but you can google it up if you want to know more. Anyway as of right now I have finished one whole map and I am almost done with the second one but just before I did finish the second I kinda just took a bit of a long break from the whole project and the reason was that each level so far has taken maybe like a couple of days or even a week to finish. This is a passion project of mine and I don't really have a deadline either. Once it is done someday in the future I will probably upload it somewhere.
That sounds like a great idea! Just now as I was making a hell map for my next video, I thought of Dante's Inferno, but it doesn't really have much to do with my level.
i hope you would be able to make a successful finish! good luck! i hope you realise how amazing it is to pursue such a challenge, it's inspiring! thanks!!
I can't remember if you said that it was meant to be or not, so this isn't a complaint, I just thought that you ought to know (as a new mapper and all).
I want to make my own DOOM mod, but at the same time want to remake the sprites. My idea was a more fantasy based setting, and the monsters are traditional fantasy monsters. Doomguy is replaced by a witch girl. If this sounds interesting, cool, I might make it if I'm bored.
@@Bananoker I've actually thought about what I'd replace. Pinky would be replaced by a lesser dragon Cacodemon would be a Beholder Zombieman and Shotgun Guy would be either kobolds or goblins, not sure which. And Cyberdemon would be a Demogorgon (the DND one)
16 maps is not "half of a megawad", it's still a megawad. Anything with 15 or more maps is considered a megawad. Some even consider anything above 9 maps to be a megawad, after John Romero released the first Sigil and called it a megawad.
Part of the beauty of doom wads is realizing how long it took to bloody make them. Make a simple map 1 hour Make a decent map 1 day Make a good map 1 week Make an amazing map, 1 month Adjust for how simple or complicated your map is, because if it's complicated and highly detailed a player can beat you massive month long work in 5 minutes and that feels sorta like a waste to me.
Doom mapping? Yeah, yeah... Cool. Anyhoo... I locked my Grandma in the freezer and forced her to listen to the Jet Set Radio soundtrack, while she watched me dance on the outside. She thought it was a pretty chill time. She kept cheering me on! Banging on the window yelling and everything! My last dance brought her to tears... It was a very heartwarming and a memorable experience... A bit sad too. I miss ya Grandma...
You can give enemies "actions" which are performed upon death, which means you can perform an "Open door" or "lower wall". Connect this action to a sector through a sector tag, and you can lower walls when an enemy dies. I probably explained that poorly so go find more help elsewhere.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
I sit down, think about a theme, make the map's basic layout, add textures and details (to the map's theme), add enemies and ammo, and then finally review and reiterate until it's good enough. You'll be seeing more of this soon... stay tuned!
What I'm curious about is why limit the wad's compatibility to a single source port when there's nothing at display that you couldn't have done in vanilla format? Seems kind of arbitrary to me.
@@isidrotorrescamacho9113my brother in christ for a total conversion hed have to: code new weapons, code new enemies, make new textures, make new weapon sprites and enemy sprites, make a story, its just too much work m9, making one good map takes time, making alot of good maps with all of these changes would take forever
@@Bananoker Then it's not a game. It is a mod for Doom II. You may want to change the video title. It is misleading. I thought this was a fan-game when I read it.
Sequel coming next Wednesday! This time, I'm taking my time and making just a few maps to my greatest ability. Will the effort pay off? Will I make the perfect Doom map? You'll find out then, but now, I've ought to ask y'all for any suggestions. Give em!
Give yourself some credit! For the time constraints, the levels ain't too bad!
You commented a lot of how you kept making linear levels of rooms connected by doors, which is understandable for giving yourself only 15 minutes to block out a map, so...
Whatever theme you decide to make your next map(s), try sketching it out first on a piece of paper before even opening doom builder. If you have even a rough idea of how you want the whole map to look like before you start, you can make more interconnected levels, that are less linear, and have less dead areas between the rooms. You will also rely less on doors and find ways to separate the sections of the level naturally with walls, and height variations.
Needs a few more sewer levels next time.
In the middle of our house. Our house. In the middle of our house.
@caslucksopson3232 Our house, in the middle of Our house
Wonder if the Caco Demon ever attacks w/ Chocolate????
@@worsethanhitlerpt.2539 *OUR HOUSE, IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR HOUSE*
7:32 Six gimps in an elevator sounds like mandatory level design, and should be the title of the wad. Nice video bro
Yo. I've played an absolute ton of Doom mods - old and new, by beginners and experienced mappers - and worked on a fair number of them myself. You have very legitimate potential.
First of all, I see someone else has already said this, but when most people say they're "speedmapping", they're taking much more time to create their maps than you are. The 32-in-24 series (from which I imagine you took inspiration) is a collaborative effort where mappers pick out a limited number of map-slots and just focus on making those, so in that 24-hour period where the wad is created, any given mapper will only be responsible for creating one or two levels. Even the famous Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series traditionally gives participants 8 hours to make a single map, and that's quite tight!
But if we're talking about single-person, multi-map projects, forget about it. NaNoWADMo is a yearly event where mappers try to put together a wad in an entire month, and for it to result in a 32-level megawad being made takes almost the whole month's worth of work and then plenty of time afterwards to fix bugs and tighten things up. If you actually manage to make a full megawad in 30 days, it's worthy of a lot of respect. Jimmy Paddock made 27 maps in 9 days to create Deathless, and that was considered a stunning achievement.
Frankly, the idea of a single person making an entire 32-map megawad in 24 hours is complete insanity. For you to have made 16 maps in a single day, especially as someone with so little experience, is a _mind-boggling_ feat. The gameplay is undeniably basic throughout most of these levels, no getting around it - sorry to say there are at least 4 examples I can think of right off the top of my head that are tighter than your tightest Cyberdemon boss fight in Doom wad history, and in one of them you fight _two_ Cyberdemons - but hell, in just 30 minutes even a lot of seasoned mappers would struggle to think of compelling action.
The visual quality, though, is actually something else. Your use of border and trim textures to add nuance to otherwise flat walls, the abundant lighting and decoration in some of these maps, and the commitment to fine height adjustments in your architecture are all very impressive. Most new mappers gloss right over this stuff. The Sewer Level looks legitimately quite good! The fact that the sewage canals are deeper than the surrounding bricks, the room with the boxes actually having fully sculpted-out boxes of varying sizes instead of just having boxes for walls, and the computer terminal area having a higher floor and lower ceiling than the surrounding bits while being lit up - it's a nuanced and varied use of vanilla Doom's limited texture set. You're really good at what you're doing here.
If you haven't already, you should play some more community work to get further inspiration for aesthetic details and combat structure. Plutonia is good, but it's just the beginning. Nostalgia, Ultimate Doom in Name Only, Going Down, Machete, Alien Vendetta, Valiant, 1000 Lines Community Project 3, etc etc., there's so much good stuff out there. I'm eagerly awaiting your next Doom video. :)
@Bananoker I think You should pin this. 🙂
Wad? More like Dad.
... I miss him
damn u good bro?
considering wad is pronounced like "wod", do you pronounce dad like "dod"?
@@upriver7292 no cause it's not called a dad of gum. Unless you're larry the cable guy.
I wish you showed more of the actual map making process, it's very satisfying to watch sped up
Yeah I agree I think it looks cool too, but it does take a lot of time to render.
> “Just you wait to see just how epic this boss fight is!”
Could be worse. It could have been yet another Icon of Sin level. :)
Icon of bin
Icon of lean
My bones hurt 😢
me too buddy... me too
my blood hurts
Get well soon
I'm confuse
All this taught me is that speed mapping is a bad idea if you don't know what you're doing.
"So there's six imps in an elevator..."
megawads generally consist of at least 15 maps, so sigil would count as one (if you counted the dm arenas as maps) and so would btsx
I though a megawad was a full 32 maps to match with DOOM 2s level count, so that's what I meant
A megawad doesn't have a mix of DM and SP. It's one or the other, or a full 32.
"A megawad is a PWAD that, according to the idgames archive definition, contains 15 or more levels."
while sigil does not fall under the traditionally accepted definition of a megawad as it only has 9 maps, it would count if you also counted the dm arenas as maps (which romero did in order to advertise it as a megawad)
@@kellymountainmegawads have 15 maps of the same SP or MP modes, they're only mixed if they're 32.
This looks like it could be turned into a fun little competition amongst friends to see who can make the best 16 maps in a day/weekend.
Yeah, though, as shown in the video, my friends are incompetent at doing things like this 👍
If you create 15 maps, it is considered a Megawad, according to id software
I played through it, and it was honestly a pretty fun time! It only took about 30 minutes to complete, but still a surprisingly decent set of levels :D
I choked when you said you were gonna go off speedmapping rules and make 16 maps each in 30 min!
Typically those 32 in 24 speedmapping events are a bunch of people all grabbing 1 or 2 maps slots and then everyone combining their maps together at the end to get a total of 32, not each person making 32 by themselves.
Hey though, forcing yourself to these rules probably taught you a lot and allowed you to iterate on your mapping process, starting from scratch every half-hour.
I didn't know that teams were allowed! It sounds kinda cheap, since a team of 32 mappers would have more than enough time to make 32 great maps. No disrespect to the doom community, though.
always love people talking about mapping, not just for doom.
Feels bad for that one random guy in the house with a bunch of demons around. Wonder how he gets his groceries..
Underhalls is a sewer level? Idk.. seems like the start of the map is subway thats been flooded... after that idk what they were thinking really lol tho it does seem like a failed subway station cause it certainly doesnt seem very, sewer like at the start.
I think it's better to make less maps with more time, just for sake of quality.
I really liked it, UV-maxed it in little more than an hour. 🤟
I noticed some minor things, such as the missing sky in multiple levels, the typo in Map 8's name and the fact that I chould cheese the cybie by not going into the room, but jumping down the stairs in the room before, where he couldn't hurt me at all.
But, to end this comment on a positive note, I think the design and the fights were pretty cool, not so difficult, but I felt it rising steadily, especially when getting new weapons.
It was really fun, looking forward to the next one! 🙂
15:07 except the hardware to run them… ugh exclusivity, “why isn’t it possible (to run the software on an xbox),” “it’s just not possible,” “but why,” “it’s just not,” “but why? Why not, you stup-eid bass…”
01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100100 01100001 01111001
Amazing video! Severely underrated.
And, it's inspiring me to make my own wad..
You literally made better maps than I do for 3 years combined, great way to feel absolutely embarrassed lmao, well done
This was actually a fun little 30 minute romp with Brutal Doom enabled! Map names cracked me up too
0:28 is so relatable
i think you have alot of talent, the maps look quite fun to me. You should do the next half at your own pace.
Maybe I will
I've wanted to make Doom maps for ages but after watching this video I realize it will probably suck
It will. I think everyone's first map sucks. My first few maps are downright vomit inducing.
But they slowly got better. Nothing I would release, but better.
So what make maps anyway
This is actually really interesting conspiracy theory, I've learnt it recently. Tf2 players and dataminers suspect there is a secret 10th class (alongside with scout, soldier, pyro, madcap, demo, heavy, engi, medic and sniper) called "the Spy" which is not available to pick for most players. Spy was supposed to enter the game, but didn't made it into release version. It is speculated however, that developers haven't scrapped the concept and even made it fully playable. Image you're asking about is an attempt to recreate spy's appearance in tf2 released artstyle. According to leaks, on isolated dev servers people (mostly Valve devs themselves) can play it. Now it is going even more crazy. If dataminers and leaks are truthful, spy possesses some INSANE gameplay mechanics and items, such as a sapper of some kind, which reverses upgrades of engi's buildings, a revolver, that "stores crits" whatever it is, InvisWatch which, yes, turns him absolutely INVISIBLE for enemy team, another watch, the "Ringing Death", which allows to FEIGN YOUR OWN DEATH, EVEN SHOWS IT IN THE KILLFEED, even his melee can INSTAKILL ANY CLASS if hitting in the back and most importantly the Disguise PDA which allows spy to CHANGE PLAYER MODEL to any enemy or allie AT WILL LIKE A GODDAMN SHAPESHIFTING SKINWALKER! And now the conspiracy thing really plays out, some people say that they encountered such things on public servers, like being melee instakilled by a scout, that got behind their back, or being killed in an empty room, or having your buildings' health drained, while nobody was attacking them. You might think, that's probably cheaters, or valve spaghetti code but isn't it interesting, how those actions align perfectly with spy's unique mechanics?! We cannot see the spy's model because he is ALWAYS DISGUISED OR INVISIBLE! But on the level of subconscious you know they are there. Like seeing two exact copies of your teammate heading different directions, noticing how players appear from an apparent deadend, hearing footsteps and not seeing anyone. VALVE SHAPESHIFTING DEMONS ARE ALREADY AMONG US (like in the hit game amongus) YOU NEED TO RUN!!!
Yo this is crazy I can't believe there was almost a 10th class. Honestly this spy class sounds kind of stupid and unbalanced, glad he was never in the game.
love this vid. i love how scuffed the maps look
I'm also working on a megawad myself which is going to be called "doom's inferno" as of now and it will have a total of 45 maps 9 of which are secret levels.
The megawad is based off of dante's inferno, which is basically instead of the normal fiery lava filled hell it's instead split into 9 different layers or circles, which all have a corresponding sin and a punishment for those who commited the sin for that layer. I'm not going to go more into detail about it but you can google it up if you want to know more.
Anyway as of right now I have finished one whole map and I am almost done with the second one but just before I did finish the second I kinda just took a bit of a long break from the whole project and the reason was that each level so far has taken maybe like a couple of days or even a week to finish.
This is a passion project of mine and I don't really have a deadline either. Once it is done someday in the future I will probably upload it somewhere.
That sounds like a great idea! Just now as I was making a hell map for my next video, I thought of Dante's Inferno, but it doesn't really have much to do with my level.
i hope you would be able to make a successful finish! good luck! i hope you realise how amazing it is to pursue such a challenge, it's inspiring! thanks!!
Very interesting! Video was really enjoyable, nice content.
This was a great doom video! Would love to see more doom stuff from ya!
The wad isn't vanilla compatible, it quits out of chocolate and crispy doom with "No sectors in level".
It isn't...
I can't remember if you said that it was meant to be or not, so this isn't a complaint, I just thought that you ought to know (as a new mapper and all).
These look legitimately fun to play
why does scout have two right hands
its a secret
Civvie needs to play this wad purely just to make that Sewer Level count joke XD
Glad to see someone who gets where the inspiration came from
@@Bananoker i guess you could say I'm a "Man of Culture" XD
@@Fatih_M177 "Actionable pun detected"
now learn trenchboom and make 4 quake maps
Honestly, i think you did a good job pal!
I will beat this mod with hideous destructor
At least there the spiderdemon fight will in fact be epic
for some reason the backwards hand on the scout png really disturbed me
Imagine inventing an entirely new map as your "first" experience, couldn't be me
So not a game.but a mappack?
Thy clickbait consumed
@@BananokerClicklust, if you will
The best part of these kind of games is endless maps
Not bad for the time taken. Still better than many, many levels I played.
I was like "what is a swirl level"? Anyway, good job.
I want to make my own DOOM mod, but at the same time want to remake the sprites.
My idea was a more fantasy based setting, and the monsters are traditional fantasy monsters. Doomguy is replaced by a witch girl.
If this sounds interesting, cool, I might make it if I'm bored.
I personally have no experience with replacing sprites, but this does sound interesting!
@@Bananoker I've actually thought about what I'd replace.
Pinky would be replaced by a lesser dragon
Cacodemon would be a Beholder
Zombieman and Shotgun Guy would be either kobolds or goblins, not sure which.
And Cyberdemon would be a Demogorgon (the DND one)
It's important not to blow your whole WAD making a single game...
Don’t worry hombre, I’ll make the secret levels just for you 👌
the famous Jarcky secret levels
@@Bananoker anything for a fellow underhalls enjoyer
The kelpy g is so fire
16 maps is not "half of a megawad", it's still a megawad. Anything with 15 or more maps is considered a megawad. Some even consider anything above 9 maps to be a megawad, after John Romero released the first Sigil and called it a megawad.
5:38 this level makes my teeth hurt
Part of the beauty of doom wads is realizing how long it took to bloody make them.
Make a simple map 1 hour
Make a decent map 1 day
Make a good map 1 week
Make an amazing map, 1 month
Adjust for how simple or complicated your map is, because if it's complicated and highly detailed a player can beat you massive month long work in 5 minutes and that feels sorta like a waste to me.
Can't wait for a sequel!
1:03 why is there a right hand on his left arm
Because his mother drank while pregnant.
Doom mapping? Yeah, yeah... Cool. Anyhoo...
I locked my Grandma in the freezer and forced her to listen to the Jet Set Radio soundtrack, while she watched me dance on the outside. She thought it was a pretty chill time. She kept cheering me on! Banging on the window yelling and everything! My last dance brought her to tears... It was a very heartwarming and a memorable experience... A bit sad too.
I miss ya Grandma...
Ooh 2:54 city/civilization (esc) level? Creativity
good job pal👍❤
A sewer level.
Just trying to upset Civvie 11, ain'tcha? :P
of course :P
Better than I could do.
welp i played it on Nightmare in Brutal Doom... most levels were walk in park in others i had put effort 9/10
7:10 how did you get the walls to lower on the cacos death? i haven't been able to find anything like that in UDB
You can give enemies "actions" which are performed upon death, which means you can perform an "Open door" or "lower wall". Connect this action to a sector through a sector tag, and you can lower walls when an enemy dies. I probably explained that poorly so go find more help elsewhere.
Nice dude will play it when i get my laptop
But too many Cacos
They're my favorite demon, I'm sorry
@@Bananoker 14 was hell
Died 5 times
its like tnt evilution but its actually decent
Looks fun, I wanna try
1.21 GigaWADS!!
Great work 👍👍👍
make own levels / maps since 1995 🙈😎
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
I played the wad, it's good. Would be great if it had actual secrets... and a berserk pack. Just because I like to punch stuff haha.
Cool maps though!
Can you tell me your map making proccess
I sit down, think about a theme, make the map's basic layout, add textures and details (to the map's theme), add enemies and ammo, and then finally review and reiterate until it's good enough. You'll be seeing more of this soon... stay tuned!
Love doom content!
You are funni :33
What I'm curious about is why limit the wad's compatibility to a single source port when there's nothing at display that you couldn't have done in vanilla format? Seems kind of arbitrary to me.
Because I only use GZDoom and I'm most comfortable with it, plus there are things at display that couldn't be done in vanilla, it's just not obvious.
cool, now make a conversion
why no? :(@@Bananoker
@@isidrotorrescamacho9113my brother in christ for a total conversion hed have to: code new weapons, code new enemies, make new textures, make new weapon sprites and enemy sprites, make a story, its just too much work m9, making one good map takes time, making alot of good maps with all of these changes would take forever
Banana Bread.
Still better then moch 2 speed of stupid
It's too good
You cant just open slade and make doom something something Mordor
Bro sounds like 🤓 "
nah he just sounds like that one Indian guy who teachs you math
or two... thousand
When you say plutonia are you talking about the plutonia experiment or a .WAD called Plutonia? Also how are you, Hope your doing well. 😊
Doing great, and I was talking about the plutonia experiment
Wtf is wtf?
Could you do tutorials for newbies
nuh uh
@@Bananoker lol ok
wheres all the data😢
Making a map is NOT making a "Game".
So you made a map, not a game then.
Now make a source engine mod with me next
Make a Team Fortress Game next I bet you won’t
Is this 'game' of yours standalone?
@@Bananoker Then it's not a game. It is a mod for Doom II. You may want to change the video title. It is misleading. I thought this was a fan-game when I read it.
i mean, don't make a joke about Vietnam war or any war on this planet
it's very disrespectful for any one who fallen from those meaningless war
lolol love it