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Really sorry to bother you with that but I can't find the interview with Wolfram Anders interview 2018 about accountants in Brazil and Spain and i reaaaaallyyyyy want to send it to one friend who doesn't believe me what a obstacle is the bureaucracy ...for Brazil mide be the prise, for my country is the stoping force 😢
12:34 Certainly not true. It should be Germany. Airbus split in half is still way larger than Embrear - maybe equalling company seat with aircraft produced in the country is not the way how to look at it? Or your source is shallow at best. Brazil is already the leader of wasted potential. Much of it can still be lead back to the slave society of the past, which didn't really went away.
@@DeepDarkier only fools rely in politicians to change their lives, the salvation is individual and will always remain so, national salvation is unreal
@@DeepDarkiervoting for complete degenerate anti-science, stupid and low mental capacity guys like bolsonaro is the main reason why Brazil still struggles to be at least a reasonable nation. You're probably not the most brilliant apple in your family's basket.
Brazil waking up and making big moves has been on everyone's bingo card since the 1970s. It still hasn't happened, and everyone is disappointed about it. In the same vein, people have been talking about Japan completely collapsing since the late 1990s, and again, it has still, somehow, not happened.
Their economic system was bad. They didn’t achieve much industrial progress, they implemented a lot of state intervention and manipulation in the economy, they didn’t have a free market, they depended on sale of resources instead of fostering a capitalist innovative economy…
@@t.n.h.ptheneohumanpatterna8334 China has huge problems, collapsing demographics, plenty of pollution, reliant on both importing of minerals and then exporting of products with no real blue water Navy to guarantee its shipments. Printing of its currency that even makes the U.S. look conservative. Corruption and a Communist dictator with tunnel vision. And it doesn't have an issue with picking on its neighbors claiming an entire sea.
@@jirislavicek9954u cant even imagine how much money is lost because corruption. Our president today is the head of the biggest corruption scandal in the world. And will be worst soon if they win again
"Brazil is the country of the Future and always will be" I was told by a Brazilian forty-five years ago. This humorous and self-deprecating phrase implied Brazil had the potential to be a major power but may never achieve it. We shall see. Its economy overtook that of Russia recently.
Brazil has overtaken Rússia decades Ago, but this country is made of cicles, It even surpassed UKs GDP in 2012, we spent a decade going on circles, just now our GDP per capta is surpassing that of 2013. Our justice is a complete garbage, its demoniac shit, i cant even describe how bad it is. Our population has a reasonal thinking compared to that of monkeys, people now idolize bet influencers, poor people spend government aid on online bet sites and the money goes right away to some tax haven island. People vote for the most fucked up politicians there is, clowns, liars, influencers, thiefs. Its fucking depressive and hopeless. Thanks to christ alone i can have peace.
As a Brazilian I tell you - do not worry, Brazil is under no risk of ever been successful. The truth is, we (Brazil) achieved Decadence before reaching Ascension. Brazil is stuck in decadent 20th century mindsets. There's no future in my country, and that is sad to have to admit, but it is true.
As long as It can manage it’s natural resources. It would be nice if the developed countries could subsidize nationalizing the Amazon rain forest something like company’s paying a carbon tax to ensure no one disturbed the rainforest so Brazil doesn’t feel the pressure to utilize the land for agriculture and still gets revenue for it. Ideologically cool idea practically not gonna happen. Wish the best for their country and ecosystem though
I used to live in Brazil for 7 years and I have a lot of friends there. The country has all the resources they need, but that does not help much when the problems of Brazil are related to social and cultural problems like crime, alcohol and drug use, broken families, and short sighted politicians who try to grab as much money as possible to themselves while they are in office instead of thinking about the future of the country. It is very difficult to change these cultural and social problems that to some degree are interconnected.
Brazil is like an adult that was child prodigy and had (and still has) all the potential for absolutely everything...but never really does anything with all that potential.
Like their footballers of today .! Lots of talent but behave like children .! An embarrassment. I do NOT compare this generation to the Giants of the past. ( Socrates / Eder / Pele / Jairzinho...etc etc..)
It always pissed me off when some reads a Portuguese word in English and pronounces the “J” as an “H”. Just use the English “J” instead, it’s much closer.
Interesting take. I once heard a "hot take" that that's part of what has kept the United States from falling into decadence - every few generations America dethrones its elites and replaces them with new ones. All of them have been relatively peaceful, with one major exception (the Civil War). That way the decadenace and cavalier attitude of the nations leaders doesn't destroy the entire nation's potential. Case in point, some previous elites in American history were: Late 1700s - early 1800s: Northeastern merchants Early 1800s - 1865: Southern planters (This dethronement of the elite was, indeed, very violent) 1865 - 1930s: Northern industrialists 1930s - 1970s: Government beuracrats 1970s - 2010s: College-educated technocrats 2010s - Present: Technophiles (???) It's a theory anyways...
@@2pedroandrade The same way US still had a capable elite even during the slavery period. The point is rather that the elite nowdays is ungodly worse. Also genocide? Tell me more.
Brazil is very different from other countries, both due to the size of its territory and the great mixing and immigration that occurred, the largest Italian community outside of Italy, the largest Japanese community outside of Japan, there are more Lebanese in Brazil than in Lebanon, many Syrians, many Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese and other countries in America and many native peoples, it is also the country with the most descendants of Africans outside of Africa and 200 years of German immigration, and everyone has Portuguese blood or some Spanish from the colonial era, Brazil is a mixture of the world whole in one place and one people Brazilian Blood is the peace treaty between nations! 🇧🇷🤝🌐🎉
A photo of a white girl with blue eyes and her grandparents with completely black skin went viral recently. Here it's a mix of everything, thank God! One day we'll be big!
@@RuandosSantosGoncalves This has been common in Brazil for a long time, although there is still some type of prejudice among some people, miscegenation has been happening in Brazil for a long time, my great-grandfather was black and my grandmother was white European, my grandmother was native and her father, my grandparents are Portuguese, Arab and Jewish everyone is mixed
The sad truth is that every Brazilian cries that Brazil will never be a serious and developed country, but these same people do not want to act to make this dream a reality. No country succeeds just depending on its political leaders (even because we only have scoundrel politicians). If the people are not active and do not demand their rights, it is obvious that this country will not change. Especially because the one's who really have power in this fiefdom don't want to see the people united.
Why would anyone spend so much effort that will end up just bank rolling the lavish lives of a few oligarchs? It's easier to leave than to deal with this disrespect.
That's so true and I'm so tired of people whining soooo much online. It's everyone's fault but never their own. People complain about wages but open companies and want to pay as little as possible to the collaborators. It's never them, it's always the others. And anyway, it's not even true that it's not going to prosper. In the 90s, over 80% of the country was in extreme poverty, that number has dropped to 32%. People complain that things are getting more expensive, but the truth is inflation is under control and the minimum wage policy always raises it by inflation + GDP growth. That essentially means the country is inching closer to more equality, which is a major issue. So what if some middle class families can't binge on frivolous ultraprocessed crap as they used to be able to before? The country's eradicating famine. Transportation has improved, environmental action has improved, infrastructure is getting better, multiple municipalities are tackling crime and homelessness. It's a MUCH better place than what it was when I was a kid. But people have the memory of a clownfish and can't for the love of God remember what we've already had to endure. Brazilians are WHINERS. They don't even realize that they're better off than most of humanity. They need someone to blame for every misfortune that they have. They're entitled. It actually reminds me of Americans. We're not that different after all.
@@BHNative "inflation is under control" According to the official data, but every product is shrinking in volume, and most important: TAXES DOUBLED SINCE THE 80's. It is not whining when the government is actively exploiting it's own people to subsidize the lavish life style of a few oligarchs, they take everything they can, and you want us to be grateful for the scraps and leftovers that trickle down? People like you are the reason why the same corrupt actors keep getting elected over and over again.
I totally agree, but this is not a Brazilian problem, is a Latin American problem, they are stuck in the Cold War and stupid outdated ideologies. You can see it in Argentina and Venezuela too
While there are motorbikes with two thugs killing you for your phone and then being lauded by the community as heroes, Brazil isn't going anywhere else other than down the drain... And that's only a very specific example out of a huge spectrum of many similar ones. Human life has no value in Brazil. Formal knowledge has no value in Brazil. Nothing worthwhile has any value in brazil. Only sex, bad music, drugs and stupidity have a place in Brazil.
as a Brazilian I can positively affirm to you dudes, we won't wake up, ever. we are in eternal slumber, controlled by oligarchs and small-minded populists. nice video tho.
@@Tupandemia Sim, produzimos alimento pra abastecer 1,6 bilhão de pessoas eu só penso que a gente deveria valorizar o mercado interno primeiro antes de mandar soja pros porcos na China
I am in Fortaleza, Brazil visiting my wife’s family at the moment. I’ve been here a few times. The country has a lot of potential but the bureaucracy and the way of life will hold it back for a while.
Bolsonaro tried to change that by cutting bureaucracies/regulations, enforcing the law on criminals and boosting economic freedom and then the whole world was against him.
Question I have is what does 'awaken' mean and why does Brazil need to? I'm guessing 'awaken' means becoming a world beating 'great' power contending in geopolitical contest. Historically, a great power arises out of generational struggle(s) against an existential threat which requires collective action by its population. Once the threat is resolved, the legacy (culture and traditions) of this struggle carries the nation into regional/world power status. However, Brazil does not face any existential threats from its neighbors or faraway foreign powers. So I don't see Brazil 'awakening' any time soon, though I cannot rule out possibility of a unique historical anomaly of Brazil 'awakening' without this external stimulus. The only thing I can think of that will push Brazilians into collective action in the near future is perhaps some kind of ecological disaster stemming from climate change. Only time will tell.
No it wont matey. BraSil has nothing to "wake up" from, as you just said, very different from a certain state and population that keeps trying to poke it's little dirty nosey on every other country's business 🥰
I get what you're reffering to and that's exactly the problem hindering development in the country, but not in the way most people think. The biggest problem in Brazil is how the country resolved their "generational struggles", not the fact that the country doesn't have one right now (it has, but it's more covert and much harder to solve) Historically speaking, Brazil has never had a "rupture" in it's social structures. Because of that you can trace the current elites way back to the colonial times. As an example you can take the Independence from Portugal that turned Brazil from the political center of the Portugal, Brazil and Algarves Empire to the Empire of Brazil, with the brazilian emperor being the son of the latter empire that went back to Portugal to become the king there, leaving his son as the ruler. That happened in every moment that could cause a rupture and restructuring of the backwards elites that rule the country and actually start working towards the interests of the brazilian people. Such moments happened in every developed economy around the world and are the main factor that made those economies do so well to this day
Gentleman, our brains refuse to see what it does not want to see. So, European and American foreigners refuse to consider the hypothesis that Brazil is a nuclear power. My view, however, as a Brazilian civilian that has no connection at all with the official Brazil, is that Brazil has already the bomb and my doubts were removed by the fact that the Brazilian navy has ordered the construction of 4 nuclear submarines (the first one is scheduled to be finish by 2028 and then will be put to sea trials in order to be commissioned). Brazil builds already its 2000 metric tons of displacement traditional diesel electric submarines, which are modern, silent, and deadly and if the idea is to protect our 7000 km Atlantic coast, those subs do that job perfectly well. If the idea is to protect our coast, rather than building 4 nuclear subs with the same money we would build an extra 15 2000 tons diesel electric submarines. The only explanation I can find for the Brazilian decision to build nuclear submarines is because thei are the means of delivery of the bombs. I can not think of any other explanation. Now, you would still think this is just fantasy of a Brazilian civilian that does not know what he is saying. However, you have to consider that Brazil has large reserves of uranium, Brazil operates two nuclear power plants, Brazil produces the uranium drops that keep those two nuclear power plants running, and the question then is whether Brazil has the educated people (engineers, phisicists, chemistricians, metallurgicians, mathematians, statisticians, etc., necessary to produce the bomb. And the money to do that. Well, you foreigners insist on being oblivious to the fact that Brazil has the biggest particles accelerator in the whole Southern hemisphere, named Sirius, and right next to it it has build the most modern and biggest biosafety laboratory on earth, named Orion, and it was built next to the Sirius exactly to be able to benefit immediately from the results of the scientific researches undertaken at Sirius. On top of that, Brazil is among the top 10 countries on Earth in the production of scientific papers and again, is among the top 10 countries in the production of higher mathematics. So, the question I pose to you is this: if Brazil designs and builds and launches to the outer space its own satelites, if Brazil designs and builds first class aircraft which are a tremendous global success - Brazil has the third largest aviation industry on earth - , if Brazil designs and builds its own traditional and nuclear submarines, if Brazil has large reserves of uraniun, and if Brazil has all the raw materials it needs, all the minerals it needs, and 5 steel mills that can produce whatever kind of metal alloys necessary, and if Brazil is absolutely self-sufficient in energy and has the 8th biggest economy measured by GDP, obviously money is not a problem. Then, why on earth would not Brazil be able to build its bomb? Until 2019, I could give you a firm reply about this: no, Brazil will not build the bomb, because as you correctly mentioned, Brazil suffers no threat at all from its neighbors. And in fact, to be precise, the only country and in fact a military alliance named Nato, which in fact is a birds of prey alliance, which the US is the commender in chief, is the only military force capable of invading Brazil. That does not mean at all that Nato would succeed in invading Brazil. Brazil has been invaded in the past 500 years by all the great powers of the time and has always defeated them all, and defeated them alone, singlehandedly. And that has always been so because of the Brazilian geography. Brazil is a natural fortress, far easier to defend and far more difficult for offense operations. However, Nato has the bomb. And Brazil shares a common border with France (France has with Brazil 750 km long land border, which is the longest land border France has with any country), which is a Nato country. And if Nato decides to invade Brazil, it will certainly be hammered and Nato simply could not accept a defeat to Brazil because of the repercussions it would have along with Russia and China, and Nato would not at all allow itself to become the butt of international jokes. So, the solution would be to use tactical nuclear weapons in order to put Brazil on its knees, and Nato would not face any constraints to do that, because Brazil is far away from the US and from European countries and so, who cares about nuclear radiation precipitation after the detonations of such tactical weapons, right? And in my view, this is why Brazil decided to build the bomb, and this is why it is building its own nuclear submarines. The idea of all that exercise is to have that association of birds of prey to think that it is a very bad idea that of seizing the Brazilian rain forest from us. The Brazilian civilians never wanted to hear the military blablabla about the need to build the bomb until 2019. Then, in that yeart, that lilly white, the French Prime Minister, Emanuel Macron, carrying all the responsibility of a head of state of one of the most important countries of Nato, made a declaration that was just one inch from being a full declaration of war against Brazil. That idiot said candidly (wasn't he cute?) that Nato was reconsidering the Brazilian sovereignty over the Brazilian Rain Forest. And what impressed us, Brazilians, most was the American reaction to this unbelievable statement from Emanuel Macron. That is, there simply was no American reaction to it. Total silence. And since the US is the commander in chief of Nato, we decided that where there is smoke there is fire. And in the next day the Brazilian civilians sided with the military in order to produce the bomb. Again, our brain refuses to see what it does not want to see. Have you noticed that recently there have been several earthquakes happening about 100 km below the surface of the Amazon Rain Forest, and because these earthquakes happens so deep down it does not produce any damage on the surface?
Brazilian expat here. Sadly it won’t. Brazil lost its demographic window in the last two decades and will become old way before it gets any richer. It now has a below replacement fertility rate for the first time and a deficit to GDP ratio similar to that of a developed nation. It managed to scape the hyperinflation of the 80s only to raise taxation enormously in the 90s. The commodities boom of the 2000s made politicians increase government spending like there would be no tomorrow. When the downturn arrived in the 2010s, the high ranking bureaucrats fought tooth and nail against any reform of government expenditure and even raised their own salaries and benefits while the population suffered with inflation not seem in decades. Brazil is a semi-elected managerial oligarchy right now, with a political / bureaucratic caste detached from the reality of their population (it has one of the largest discrepancies between public/private sector salaries in the West). Brazil has become too politically divided to elect a reformist candidate like it just happened in Argentina. And even if they did elect a Xavier Milei equivalent, the establishment is too much entrenched to be removed as quickly: it would take multiple successive terms to do it (and Latin American electorates aren’t famous for being patient and tend to flip after a couple of cycles). I am sad to say that Brazil’s promised future will never come to fruition and it will crumble under the weight of its own Leviathan state as it yearns for a time when it could just coast along on high commodities prices.
@@moneyobsessedand I didn’t even mention the enormous brain drain it is suffering. I believe that only China and England lost more millionaires to the US than Brazil in the last couple of years. And not just millionaires (mostly entrepreneurs): many highly trained professionals like engineers and doctors (the good ones at least) are leaving in droves.
@@moneyobsessedhum. TH-cam deleted my reply. Apparently it doesn’t like we speak about 🧠 drain… Anyway, it is losing engineers, doctors and financiers to the US in droves. And those are not your average professional, they are the cream of the crop: the most driven individuals, the researchers, those that went to top universities (back when admission was solely decided by your grades…). And don’t let me even start on entrepreneurs… in the last couple of years, 🇧🇷 only lost less millionaires to the 🇺🇸 than 🇨🇳 and 🇬🇧…
@@HeitorS.-dh2wl the private sector is not a charity. If you want the salaries to be higher then something must be done about the dismal productivity of the Brazilian worker. The way to do that is to cut wasteful spending and cut ridiculous tax regulations and reinvest the extra funds into education
We outsiders love Brazilian football, Samba, Brazilian art and cinema and everything in its culture. So it can find a place in the world using its soft power!
@@FodaseNaoLigomerecemos esta bomba, enquanto "Brasil" continuar sendo somente algumas partes do país e outras sendo usadas como produção de "escravidão" moderna... isso não vai acontecer
Let's face it, the Usa will never leave Brazil grow strong. It would never allow another power appear in the continent. Every seed of hope that appeared in brazil's has been destroyed by the Usa before it came close to become a threat. We don't have power to say no to them like China or Rússia, so there is no hope, at least while Usa is strong. And I am not saying that everything is their fault. We have tons of internal problems, but even if we solved them, the US could easily revert all progress.
for Brazil to grow stronger and powerful in the international stage, crime and especially corruption will need to be tackled getting off of the top 10 crime rates by countries list would be a start to attract brazillians living abroad such as in the U.S. back
@@loafoffloof3420there are much worst crimes in the USA, hundreds of children going missing everyday in the USA, school $hooting$ every week and drugs usage even worst than Brazil, the thing is, being in a dangerous neighbourhood is contagious, Brazil is unlucky with its geographical position thereby attracting all the bad things which happen in the America's, just as bad as someone who lives in the ghetto, you know our neighbours to the north, east, west all share the same problems, some to a lesser and greater extent. Too bad it can't move its Geografical positions and too bad the country is just too large in order to shut down all of its borders.
The USA don’t have to worry about stopping Brazil. We brazilians destroy ourselves, choosing a mega-state-oligarch-lef-wing-corrupted regime. “Viva STF” for being the best sabotaging agents of CIA against Brazilian growth! 😂
EXACTLY, finally it’s said. US does not want the development of Brazil in the America so will undermine the U.S. relevance, and US does everything in their power to stop any advancement in Brazil. Just a week ago US government wanted to interfere in Brazilian purchasing of fire jets from Sweden because they didn’t “consult with US before”. US will lose its power sooner than expected, China is heavily investing everywhere in the world and US wants to keep dominance through wars. Investments will bring people together and war will set them apart. US politics is failing
Isso foi depois do golpe republicano de 1889, quando o Brasil era monarquia ele era realmente soberano chegando até mesmo a quase interferir na guerra civil dos EUA, de tanto imperialismo que tinha. Depois disso a nossa primeira bandeira da república se mostra uma copia dos EUA, ou seja os Brasileiros tinham um país de verdade mas preferiram exilar o imperador e copiar a republica dos EUA.
They did, and if you check the publications, they are all woke bull or highly derivative garbage. And that's compared with the rest of the world. The biggest percapita publications on tranny analsex, funded by the state.
0:00 what? so Nile Valley civilization which began in the interior of Africa and went on to dominate parts of the middle east, the Swahili civilization of east Africa which went on to dominate trade in the Indian Ocean, the empire of Axum (modern Ethiopia) which ended up controlling and colonizing the southern half of the Arabian peninsula, the Polynesian people who spread out from their tiny homeland in the Pacific and colonized the greatest maritime territory never existed? This video is 40 minutes long and you chose to open it with a massive historical error. TH-cam needs to start vetting content creators because this is just ridiculous.
Not that I agree with the video creator, but perhaps he’s referring to how Brazil as a state (rather than an empire) with democracy (as compared to the dictatorship, which only recently ended in the 1980s) is recent?
Brazil creation happened at least a century earlier than US. Independence was 46~ years later or so. US has the same regime since 1787 (their constitution) Brazil since 1988. It's easier to say why Brazil 'was late'
I'm not sure if any of you know, but every single nation in the Western hemisphere is relatively young. That is what the narrator means. Europe, Africa and Asia have large nations with continuity going back thousands of years, the Americas do not.
I’m a Brazilian and I like that the U.S. is the leading country in the world, it is obviously the most powerful country in the world and everyone recognizes that. I hope the americans keep that
Latin America isn't a continent. As a Brazilian I'd rather have Uruguay, one out of the two decent countries in South America, as our representative - the other country being Chile, which is messier.
One of the saving blessing of South America is that we are far away from any conflict and mostly amicable with each other. What Brasil and neighbors should do is reel in the internal corruption and crime plaguing the continent. To then coordinate a resilient contingency plan to repel any foreign entities. A safe and prosperous SA would bring a lot of investment and perhaps serve as a safe manufacturing space for the rest of the democratic world
Brazil has three regions socially and economically distinct. South and South East are relatively developed with higher GDP and HDI and these characteristics led these states to pay more taxes to the federal government. The North East is lower in GDP and HDI and there are no navigable rivers that allows them to economically make trade to other parts of the country. Furthermore, it is separated from other parts of the country by a biome called Cerrado, the most biodiverse savanna on the planet but with a land very difficult for human beings. The last region is Amazon basin. The largest tropical forest on the planet and corresponds 48% of the whole country. Very low HDI and GDP and lacks in many basic aspects, for instance there are people that has no basic sanitation and no drinking water. All these three geographical regions make political desires from the population very different and it causes division in the parliament to make policies in pro of the country and also it is a trigger for populist politicians to get into power and make false promises to the people.
If nature gives you eggs, make an omelet. You can't outsource the blame. There are many countries in the world in worse conditions that are moving forward. The population lets itself be carried away, doesn't take responsibility, doesn't become aware, doesn't take control of the situation. They are constantly adrift, not navigating reality.
Biggest problem, that doesnt allow those three regions to have their investment to go further, is the AgroBussiness.. ...with Capitalist/Facist ideology ... that doesnt want to pay to clean the fields of weeds, instead they save the money to put fire and kill everything... cos is cheaper to just give health problem to all the country, then expend 200K_$ to clean a field, if they can expend NOW 10K_$ ... so its bank account of 5.000.000 dont take a hit of 200.000 . MARK: not talking about Family Bussiness, small country side productive sites... I'm talking about BIG, WAY BIG terrains, with Cattle expansion and Soy... (Monoculture - Which is a problem by itself). This aspect is less present on South/SouthEast. You're not wrong, i'm contributing here. ... So it would be needed for investment on this two other regions you mention: Northeast and Amazon... To bring more Water to Northeast and try to UN-Desertify the area, and to find a FINE balance to KEEP Amazon Dense Florest, while building sinergic bio-smart cities in its areas, also making the live of the indigenous people, a happy one and worth of their cultura ancenstry. (Not all indigenous people want to keep the old ways, but not all want to go Modern, and i respect this forever, Caucasian people sadly lost their Old Ways and contact with Nature... [Celtic Culture] ... also, is fundamental, but sadly most countries throw this responsability only to Brazil... while they just destroyed big part of their own ecosystem to "develop" and then, so rich, can be on internet forever giving opinion on flags they didnt vowed their life for... >_
Acho que sua análise ficou simples e superficial, primeiro na parte geo-economica o sul e sudeste são claramente divididos(o IBGE faz essa divisão por uma razão), no sudeste é onde fica a maior parte da economia do país com São Paulo, Rio e Minas tendo a economia as mais dinamicas por uma serie de razões. Ja o Sul tem uma economia menor que o sudoeste, mas melhor distribuição e qualidade de vida, com só o RS tendo uma economia comparável aos estados do Sudeste. Há também a região centro-oeste, que parece que você esqueceu na sua análise o que é incongruente, Pois é a região com maior produção agrícola do país e também uma das regiões com maior importância devido a nossa economia ser baseada em commodities. Outra erro foi colocar o Nordeste como isolado geograficamente do país, mas isso não é verdade a maioria da população do nordeste reside na faixa litorânea de mata Atlântida conectando a região ao resto do país pelo litoral. Já em relação à economia do nordeste, atualmente o Nordeste assume o papel de região "deficitária", que tem mais foco do Governo Federal por razões de desenvolvimento, essa é uma situação temporária que ocorreu historicamente em várias das regiões do Brasil, por exemplo ocorreu no sul durante o período imperial e ocorreu no centro-oeste na segunda metade do século 20.
The problem here is the fees of depts that our country has to pay, and we are stupid as fuck i brought a book yesterday my mom was laughing saying that is a waste of money 💀
Brazil has 3 major problems: 1) The Republic, originating from the 1889 Coup against the Monarch Dom Pedro; 2) The generals of the Brazilian Army, who maintain the Republic and sell Brazil to the countries that pay the most (China or USA); 3) Lula da Silva, who is the operator of this great "Military Republic". Brazil needs a leader like Nayib Bukele or Javier Milei. Maybe this way the country will move forward.
1) the monarchy is gone - deal with it; 2) blame the US for that - read the recently public CIA document "Operation Brother Sam", which expose the intervention of the United States that led to the end of democracy in Brazil and the imposition of the military regime of 1964-1985; 3) the brazilian people must stop this ignorant belief that the President is "that" powerful - we always forget that we have a Congress and a Senate, and who we vote in there is just as important as who we vote as President; 4) Milei is a madman who is sinking Argentina towards failure, and Bukele is questionable at best - Brazil have different issues then those countries;
Pelo menos um que saiba que o problema começou em 1889. Pra mim tinha que restaurar a monarquia parlamentar com os 4 poderes novamente, temos nossos imperadores netos de Dom Pedro I, fundador do império.
@@DompedroI-v5k Acho MUITO difícil. Se isso acontecesse, o monarca seria apenas representativo (não teria poder nenhum). Pois o mundo está caminhando para a descentralização, para a digitalização, para a bitcoinização (Bitcoin como principal moeda do mercado) e para a anarquia de mercado (trocas voluntárias sem interferência de terceiros). As moedas fiduciárias estão falindo (inclusive o dólar, mesmo que hoje o dólar seja uma moeda forte), os países estão com dívidas impagáveis e as pessoas estão percebendo que os governos tradicionais não servem para NADA que não seja roubar os pagadores de impostos para favorecer oligarcas corruptos e custear guerras desnecessárias. Eu não consigo prever o futuro, mas quem vem adotando essa tese há pelo menos 15~ anos está acertando, enriquecendo e melhorando de vida.
What we have/are: 5th largest landmass 7th biggest population 8th biggest GDP 2nd biggest arable land 90% renewable energy 2nd in number of airports Sunlight all over the year The greatest volume of fresh water No frequent natural disasters Welcoming people What we NEED: Less taxes Less bureaucracy More investments More freedom of market Decent politicians
Awesome video and good research man! Just one correction: when you talked about the father of our diplomacy (the Baron of Rio Branco), you put up a picture of his father. They both had almost the same name, but the Baron was “Junior”. He was the one who settled most of our border disputes.
Brazil lost a lot of economic complexity in the 90s and 2000s. This was a trade-off of opening the economy to foreign companies and investors. All the promissing businesses that could eventually be successful were not ripe in order to compete with huge conglomerates from USA and Europe and with China imported goods. So competition crushed them. Now we dont have relevant companies for common industrialized goods such as cars, machinery for factories, etc.
Consider Embraer. It's an important counterexample. Why Embraer is so relevant and so successful around the globe in aviation? Answer: basically for the very same reason Chinese companies in 50 years started from nearly zero to become dominant globally. Brazil can attract industries and intellectual capital if the government decides that it is what they wanna do. But they don't. Instead, they created the highest VAT in the world, squeezing even more the workforce, without giving then anything as exchange, not even jobs.
@@richardgomes5420 Você acompanha as falas do Campos Neto ? Bem nós temos a segunda maior taxa real de juros do mundo, sendo que uma parte significativa dos nossos impostos vão para paga-las, na ultima reunião ela foi elevada para desacelerar a economia e aumentar o desemprego pois a alta do emprego estaria causando inflação. A questão é se ao aumentar o emprego , o BC sobe juros para provocar desemprego e tb aumenta a necessidade de mais impostos
"Will Brazil Finally Awaken?" no. My great-grandad had great hopes coming here after the Napoleonic wars before the Siege of Antwerp, he helped the spread of sociocratic values in Brazil. My grandpa was a electrical engineer in the most prestigious university of his state when the atom bomb happened and he had great hopes for Brazil, my dad worked his whole life in the federal police and had great hopes until he retired and tried to leave with our family from this place, before passing away he asked me not to join the federal police because "something went wrong with the police in the late 80s, the new guys are sociopaths" and he was the second generation of federal police in the nation (60s). You may project your routine beliefs to other nation's army but I know it deeply, should the order to siege every capital in Brazil come in one morning there would be a million dead by lunch and The People would practice cannibalisms by afternoon.
because neoliberalism is fascist-adjacent ideology, the ruling class needs psychopathic henchmen to prevent the working class from claiming what is rightful ours.
Useless report, another dissatisfied person who spends the day on the couch, you are disposable if you disappear you will not be missed at all. Maybe with fewer people like you, Brazil could think about becoming a power.
I doubt it because 1: Brazil is not growing in per capita terms any faster than the developed world, so it is remaining much poorer rather than catching up. 2: The fertility rate has fallen off a cliff, Brazil will almost certainly have an old, shrinking population within 1-2 generations time. For reference it has a lower fertility rate than the US. Even in the best case scenario I think it will only experience a modest gain in influence over the next several decades and still be only regionally important.
Só para constar o Brasil está crescendo a cerca de 3,2% enquanto a OCDE está crescendo a 2,6% (dado que temos a segunda maior taxa real de juros do mundo)
You’re right, probably it will never wake up. The only thing that could happen in order to make that be true is a revolution in the political system, that likely will never happen.
Brazil has rather geographical and topological drawbacks from becoming the "United States of South America" - Great Escarpment and the lack of navigable river systems fully under Brazilian territorial jurisdiction. Argentina is the only South American country with the same demographic and geographical endowments as the United States. Argentina has majority territorial control of the Paraná River system.
Don't bet in navigable rivers as and resources as adavantage, Japan is mountainous, and was the second most rich country in the world. Is never geography but always robust institutions.
As a Brazilian i can tell you all, we've been waiting for "the giant to wake up" for decades now and it's always a promise that never becomes a reality. I mean, we're not a "weak" country but it's hard to believe we're going to be a massive boom sometime in the near future
Gentleman, Brazil is too big a country for a foreigner to grasp it correctly. It is not at all easy to understand Brazil for the non-initiated. Brazil was founded in the year 1500 and become independent in 1822. For the first 322 years Brazil was a Portuguese colony and as such was not the master of its destiny. So, as an independent country, Brazil begun equating and providing solutions for its problems only as from 1822 onwards. Right after having become independent the top number one national priority was to keep the country united, which we did with astounding success (Spanish America split into 9 different countries just in South America). Then our second national priority was to defend the country from our Spanish speaking neighbors, who, being Spaniards, had to be anarchical and belicose and from 1822 until 1870 Brazil was involded in wars with Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguai and French Guiana. And we again succeeded in accomplishing our second national goal (defending the country against invasion). Having solved the two most urgent issues, our third national priority was to abolish slavery (this is a Portuguese liability, not Brazilian, but we are suffering the consequences of slavery up to now, just like the United States), and in 1888 we abolished it, and we granted full citizenship rights to the former slaves. You compare the Brazilian approach with the American solution. They abolished slavery 89 years after having become indepedent, while we abolished slavery only 66 years after having become independent. And in order to accomplish the abolition they had a civil war which cost the life of Abraham Lincoln, but they did not grant to the former slaves full citizenship rights , but rather considered them as third class citizens that did not have the same rights the white people had and had to live under odious segregation policies, and the Americans only granted full citizenship rights to the Afro-Americans in 1965 (after the death of Martin Luther King), so, all in all, the Americans only granted full citizenship rights to the Afro-Americans 189 years after their independence. We did that only 66 years after our independence and this is why we have to racial or religious problems in Brazil while the US has both. The Afro-Americans only achieved full citizenship rights 59 years ago! So, every Afro-American who is older than 59 years old still bear in their minds the humiliations, the discriminations, they had to suffer, 59 years is to short a period for the Afro-Americans to let it go, while in the Brazilian case the Afro-Brazilians enjoy full civil rights for the past 136 years, which explains to a large extent why we do not have the huge racial and religious problems the Americans do face. This is another great national accomplishment of the Brazilian society. Then we entered in the 20th century. Brazil was the only Latin American country which fought in WWI and WWII, we suffered (like all other countries the huge problems caused by the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, then the permanent attempts by the left to seize the power which led to a military government much like in the Spanish fashion under Franco, but we begun our industrialization process (which we succeeded fully, today Brazil is a fully industrialized country), we moved our capital to the hinterland of Brazil more than 1000 km from the coast, and began our steady but relentless march to the West, and we were able to solve our huge inflation and huge foreign debt because we were heavily struck and put on our knees by two consecutive oil shocks, and Brazil which was not an oil producer suffered a very heavy blow. And in the end of the 20th century Brazil established as its main priority to achieve full energetic independence, which we did. This is a great story of succees of Brazil. And Brazil began the 21st century in fifth gear, at high speed, and we are beginning to take-off. The greatest achievement is that Brazil has tamed the tropics, meaning by that that Brazil has learned to put the Tropics to work for it and not against it (and this is a hell of a game-changer). Just to highlight what that means, in 2022 The United States produced 120 million metric tons of soy (it used to be the first World producer), Argentina 40 million tons (second world producer) and China 15 million tons (third world producer) and in that year Brazil produced 170 million metric tons of soy. The USDA is projecting that Brazil will be producing by 2040 300 million tons of soy. That miracle is happening to with wheat, corn, etc. We are already the biggest food producer on Earth but in the coming years our position will become stronger and stronger. And here is a typical bias of left-wing economists. They tend to understimate or even minimize a country's agribusiness production, believing that a country in order to be "rich" must produce and export industrialized goods and a country that produces grains, raw materials, minerals, you name it is an underdeveloped and poor country. This is an idiotic approach. There is nothing in the economic literature that confirms this viewpoint. Much to the contrary, all rich countries (the US, Canada, France, Germany, you name it) all have a powerful and thriving agribusiness. But Brazil has become fully industrialized. Brazil designs, builds and launches to the outer space its own satelites, using designed and built in Brazil rockets. Brazil has the third largest aviation industry on Earth, and currently is producing supersonic fighter jets equivalent to the American F-16. Brazil designs and builds its own conventional diesel electric subs and its own nuclear submarines. How many countries can you list that can do the same thing? Brazil has become absolutely self-sufficient in energy, having achieved by far the best energy matrix on Earth, with 75% of it being generated by hydroelectricity, which is non-pollutant and renewable, but Brazil is becoming a very big solar energy and wind energy producer, as well as green hydrogen producer and Brazil is currently the second biggest ethanol producer, with the US being the number one, but this is going to change very soon and Brazil will overtake the US in this game. And Brazil has now become an oil producer as well, so very few countries on Earth can enjoy the energy independence that Brazil has acquired. And Brazil is criss-crossing the country with new, modern, efficient roads and railways and we are currently building two transcontinental roads and two transcontinental railways linking the Atlantic to 6 Pacific ports (three in Peru and three in Chile), and these will be game-changers too. And finally, Brazil has built a very complex network of canals bringing in water to the Brazilian Northeastern region which has always been draught-stricken, responsible for 20% of the Brazilian territory (the size of Alaska) and 25% of the Brazilian population, bringing in water from a perennial river, the São Francisco, and now this region will have all the energy it needs and all the water it needs so it will become in the next decades the region of Brazil with the highest rate of development. Because of all these game-changers, Brazil is expected to double its current GDP which today is about 2,5 trillion dollars in the next 10 years, i.e., by 2034 it will be 5 trillion dollars. And it is expected again to double 10 years afterwards, i.e., by 2045 it will be 10 trillion dollars. This is not a summer night dream, gentleman. This is very much achievable, because our growth is absolutely self-sustainable, and the world has 8 billion souls which need to be fed, and Brazil, together with the US will be the great granaries of mankind and will supply all the rice, corn, soy, wheat, animal protein, etc., that the world will need. This is going to be a firm, non-elastic, permanent demand, and by reaching the Pacific, we will obtain lower FOB prices, because we will reduce our logistics costs, the round trip will be shortened by 30 days, hence, lower financial costs, etc. You foreigners fail to grasp and detect those tsunamic changes which are taking place in Brazil right now.
Fábio, só vou discordar de você em dizer que é um problema da esquerda desconsiderar o agro como uma forma de evolução. A problemática da esquerda no agro é outra. Mas não pode- se negar o quando o agro do Brasil é forte e evoluído. Eeeee também devo colocar em discussão a parte da abolição da escravidão, nós sabemos que não foi bem como a teoria dos pelos direitos. A prática foi uma exclusão dos escravos, eles foram para a margem da sociedade e é onde. A maioria de seus descendentes estão até hoje. Massss há mérito em estarmos tratando disso na atualidade e lutando para dar aos negros e seus descendentes o valor que eles merecem na nossa sociedade. Mas em números eles ainda são a grande maioria nas cadeias e a grande minoria das universidades e nos cargos de poder. Do resto, concordo com o senhor! E gosto muito da sua visão de potência que o Brasil pode ser! É o otimismo que o brasileiro precisa ter!
@@paulapalhao9034 Oi Paula. Fico feliz por você me dar esta oportunidade de a gente trocar figurinhas. A questão da raiva da esquerda para com o agro é absolutamente, completamente, totalmente ideológica. O homem da terra, seja ele um fazendeiro, ou um sitiante, é um homem profundamente conservador, um homem que administra uma fábrica à céu aberto e que todos os dias pede à Deus Pai e aos seus santos protetores que os ajudem, que mandem água mas sem ser em excesso, que não mande geada para queimar as suas plantações, enfim, ele tem que ser um homem profundamente religioso e a esquerda obviamente odeia esse tipo de gente. Acresce que o homem da terra é profundamente ligado à sua propriedade, aquilo que é seu, que ele herdou dos avós e vai transferir para seus netos, e a esquerda fala em coletivização das fazendas, expropriação e invasão de terras, então é óbvio que o agro sempre foi e sempre será contra a esquerda, e a esquerda sabe que para ela prosperar ela precisa liquidar o agro. Acho que essa é a razão principal da esquerda ser contra o agro. Agora, sobre a questão da escravidão, cara Paula, eu simplifiquei um tema que deve ser possivelmente a questão social mais complexa da história da humanidade, ou seja, como integrar no tecido social de uma determinada sociedade ex-escravos. Estou convencido de que a única solução para esse mega problema é o tempo, são as gerações que irão se sucedendo, e com o tempo os escravos, ou melhor dizendo aqueles cujos ascendentes foram escravos. É fácil fazer uma conta aterradora, cara Paula: O Brasil foi fundado em 1500 e aboliu a escravidão em 1888, ou seja o Brasil praticou a escravidão por 388 anos. O Brasil tem 524 anos de história, e 388 significa que em 75% de toda a nossa história o Brasil praticou a escravidão. Ou seja, somente nos útlimos 25% de nossa história o Brasil aboliu a escravidão. Isso é muito pouco tempo para se curar todas as chagas sociais produzidas pela escravidão. Tem um outro aspecto também muito importante. Os europeus entre os séculos 16 e 19 trouxeram 8 milhões de escravos para o continente americano. E desses 8 milhões, 5,5 milhões vieram para o Brasil. Ou seja, os europeus enviaram para todos os outros países americanos escravos da África, e são 35 países no continente americano, e 34 desses países receberam 2,5 milhões de escravos distribuidos entre eles. Mas o Brasil recebeu 5,5 milhões (75% de todos os escravos), e quando o Brasil se tornou independente, a gente tinha 20 escravos para cada cidadão livre. O nosso patriarca com justa razão dizia para Dom Pedro que era inviável construir um país onde a maioria esmagadora da população era composta por escravos. E esse foi sem dúvida um problema gigantesco. E o Brasil era um país pobre, sem recursos. Os ingleses acabaram com a escravidão na primeira metade do século 19, e obrigou os proprietários a libertá-los, mas os indenizou. E como a Inglaterra já era naquela época o pais mais rico e poderoso do planeta, o governo britânico pode se dar o luxo de mandar libertar os escravos e indenizar os proprietarios, e para isso a Coroa Britânica teve que fazer um empréstimo gigantesco, que ela só terminou de pagar por volta de 1970, mais ou menos. No caso brasileiro, a solução foi drástica. A nossa grande Princesa Isabel sacrificou a nossa monarquia, para acabar com a escravidão, e ela acabou com a escravidão na mão grande, na porrada. Mandou os proprietários de escravos soltarem os escravos sem receberem indenização, o que era um atentado às leis do país, porque durante a escravidão, era perfeitamente legal as pessoas comprarem escravos, e quem comprava pagava impostos ao estado, em suma, era um negócio perfeitamente legal. E de repente, aparece uma princesa louca que rasga as leis, viola a constituição, e estupra os proprietários de terra, literalmente colocando a mão no bolso de todos aqueles que tinham comprado legalmente escravos e pagado os impostos. Isso aí tem um nome: roubo. Roubo puro e simples. Mas não tinha outra solução para esse gravíssimo problema. Os fazendeiros contra-atacaram apoiando a derrubada da monarquia e a implantação da república, e o novo governo republicano simploesmente declarou que era ilegal ter escravo e quem tivesse teria que soltá-lo ou ser preso, e como eles criaram um novo sistema jurídico, os proprietários de terra não poderiam contratar advogados para reclamar uma indenização, que juridicamente não tinha como ser negada. Todo proprietário de escravos poderia demandar uma indenização, e ganharia a causa, e o estado quebraria porque jamais teria condições de indenizá-los. Mas o advento da república resolveu essa questão. E os escravos brasileiros simplesmente foram deixados ao Deus dará, sem ter para onde ir, sem ter onde se abrigar, enfim, foi uma história de terror e de muito sofrimento, mas a vida deles era tão difícil quando eram escravos que eles sairam no lucro, porque pelo menos eles não tinham que tomar chicotada todos os dias, etc. E foram literalmente expulsos do campo e escorraçados para as cidades, e dai a origem das favelas. A história é complicadíssima, mas estamos avançando, e acho até que estamos mais adiantados nessa questão da integração do negro à nossa sociedade do que os americanos. Mas acho que só no século 22 as chagas da escravidão serão finalmente fechadas e curadas. É isso. Gostei muito dessa oportunidade de trocar essas ideias com você!
@@fabiofaria4243 o Brasil não é especial. É um país como qualquer outro. Nem pior, nem melhor. Dizer que "o Brasil não é para principiantes" é insistir num lugar-comum que apenas reafirma uma suposta excepcionalidade falaciosa. Esse argumento foi completamente acessório à sua tese. Realmente desnecessário.
I think things in Brazil are improving in the last years, there are still many things to improve but at least there is a brighter future than in most of Europe currently
@@riccardozorn1822 Integralismo cara? Sério? Integralismo era história pra boi dormir! Liberdade e proteção da tirania? ISSO ERA E É relativo, a própria defesa da corporativismo implica que as liberdades iriam até que ficasse no caminho do estado. Dito isso a saudação é foda msm assim
As a Brazilian living in Europe for the past 7 years, I realized how impressed I am with the capacity of adaptation of the Brazilian people, especially from an economic perspective. We are world class in several areas, but we don't realize it. We prefer to put as behind of the Europeans and Americans as usual, but this only an assumption, not a fact. The fact is that everything that we decide to speciliaze, we are able to do it. Aviation, medicine, chemistry sector, agroindustry, military innovation, pharmaceuticals. In many of those sectors, or we are leaders or we are giving a hard time to the top economies in the world 😂 I just seat and watch ❤🇧🇷
Só se for o Futuro da república das Bananeiras,né!?? Porque o Bostileiro não perde uma oportunidade de perder uma oportunidade,por isso não desenvolvemos como deveriamos. 👍🏻
As à Brazilian I can state that everything said here is true. I have never seen such a great reading of my country. It’s obvious that you studied a lot to make this video. Thumbs up for you 👍
As to the discussion of Brazil's courting of 'enemies' of the West I am reminded of Nelson Mandela's response to a question (by an American, obv) about why he met with and praised the leaders of Cuba, PLO, Libya etc: "one of the mistakes which some political analysts make is to think that their enemies should be our enemies". th-cam.com/video/rkcbODygOV8/w-d-xo.html
Brazil support of Venezuela has created a humanitarian Catastrophe so dire that even Lula says Venezuela election was not fair. Now, Those countries you mentioned are enemies of freedom anywhere. You think Cuba has freedom of expression?
This. Everybody that is irrelevant or far away from Venezuela critiques Brazil for its position but they really don't understand (or don't care) the consequences of different approaches. And I'm kinda sick to listen to people cry out the danger of Brazil trading goods with China. Usually people from North America or EU that also trade goods with China; way more than Brazil actually.
Mandela had to give up his socialist platform to win the support of the West. Brazil will do the same: Lula is a flash in the pan. He's already finding out that the Chinese aren't the socialists he was looking for.
Strange when the world stood up for him and demanded justice for black south africans was he saying that? No, he wasnt, he was glad the world was making enemies out of his enemies, ie the ruling govt of then apartheid south africa. You are short sighted to the extreme and hypocritical.
In one moment, the author cheers the Rio Branco Baron for his skills on solving issues with diplomacy and peace. This is the opposite of what NATO does, and just because Brazil doesn't use wars and sanctions to solve problems, the author suggest Brazil aligns with dictators like Maduro, Ortega and Putin. Brazil understands sanctions and bully attitudes coming from NATO will not destroy or weaken dictatorial leaders, but will increase the suffering on the people trapped in a dictatorial regime.
That’s exactly what will ruin US and NATO as a whole. While they believe in war, Chine believe in investment in other countries. China will be the new grand power
ERROR IN THE VIDEO: The picture you showed is not of barão do Rio Branco (Father of Brazilian Diplomacy), but of his father, visconde do Rio Branco, a brazilian statesman who was a prime-minister during the Second Empire and played a central role on the abolition of slavery.
@@FemboyLegendGD I do believe that Ethnostate is the way to go, yes! Today we have a lot of examples wher mixing ppl makes society into a big pile of dog shit!!!
Fret not. China owns Angola and is dumping angolans in Brazil to give space to the Chinese moving to Angola. Given Angola's birthrate is 5 children per woman I think Brazil is speedrunning to be overcrowded with little angolans in 20 years😂😂😂
USA's population isn't aging as fast due to influx of young illegals...migration of skilled labor away from US (outside of Silicon Valley) is picking up faster than being replaced. Doesn't sound like a much brighter future than Brazil's.
I live in a region where there used to have bases and staging posts for the "Bandeiras" and "Entradas" during the 17th century. All the major roads used to be routes they took to go westwards.
Your video is very well made, like all the ones I’ve seen here for a long time, as I've been following you for months. However, you make a mistake when talking about the so-called “judicial dictatorship.” There was an attempted coup here, which you didn’t even mention in the video, and the measures taken by Alexandre de Moraes are confirmed by an absolute majority when brought to the plenary of the supreme court. Twitter was suspended because the company refused to comply with Brazilian laws. Twitter was refusing to block accounts of people promoting crimes, which is typified here. Accounts with Nazi content, people openly calling for military intervention, threatening and defaming others, etc. Elon Musk did not appoint a legal representative, which is required by law, and the company was suspended from operating here. These are simply the consequences of the actions of this eternal rocket teenager. We have laws here, and they must be respected.
You are a liar. First, none of the people who were blocked by the STF are Nazis. Second, they were blocked for disinformation and attacks on democracy, which have no legal definition. This was done through a confidential inquiry opened without the authorization of the Public Ministry, and it has been ongoing for more than five years. This inquiry was initiated ex officio by a minister of the STF for an internal investigation into attacks on the institutions, specifically the STF. This action is illegally based on the fact that, since the internet is under the institution's jurisdiction, they can investigate, which already constitutes a deviation of purpose. The STF is investigating something it should not be investigating, as it is not the Public Ministry, and being the victim, it cannot participate in the investigation, even if it could request its opening
One should remember that there is active opposition against Brazil developing into a super power. Interventions in Brazil by foreign powers were many and varied and continue to this day. Who knows how it will all turn out but it's not a simple matter of internal changes only.
@@HikikoSunny01 If the USSR were the only country in the world and had no competition, it would probably still be around. But set that aside, for now. Do you really think that countries are not working in their own national interests? All countries are. Since the beginning of time. No exceptions.
@@rockapedra1130 Duh, if the Roman empire was the only nation in the world and had no competition they'd still be around. Same energy. Ever heard of the elitist theory of democracy? Yep. And guess what, Brazil elite is not even bad, it's worse. Brazil only works on the national interest in surface, why exactly? Can't say. Appease the population perhaps? Fact is, Brazil's problem is too rooted to one to simply says that great powers make even a small fraction of what prevents Brazil from becoming better.
@@HikikoSunny01 I'm not saying that Brazil doesn't have internal structural problems too. I do however object at your one dimensional analysis of a really complex problem.
Fyi... the productivity of the American worker isn't as high as the numbers indicate. Productivity is measured by the work of full-time employees. But a vast number of US companies, especially high tech, use "contractors." Although these people are technically self-employed and are not employees of the firm, they are treated and expected to perform as if they were full-time employees. And because they aren't employees, they aren't counted when it comes to productivity. In other words, if a company has 50 employees and 50 contractos, a total of 100 workers, and the company makes $1 per worker giving it a profit of $100... productivity is then calculated taking into account only the 50 employees. Thus, the productivity goes from $1 per worker to $2 per employee. Productivity figures of US companies, and by extention the country's, are higher than they should be.
O imperador Dom Pedro II só queria cuidar de plantas e negociar títulos. Os generais republicados deram um golpe militar e ratearam o país entrex os 3 poderes entre as elites burguesas.
North America is a continent. South America is a continent. Americas with an "s" is a broad geographical naming convention describing both of the continents together, but it is not a single continent. There is no continent named America. China needs more funding for its education system.
@@MMMichaelTTTthat depends on who you ask. In some parts of the world, North and South America are considered separate continents, in some other parts of the world they are considered one continent.
Why are you lowering yourself by bootlicking China? What is there to "love" about a ruthless dictatorship suppressing its people with iron fist and threatening peaceful neighbours with war (assuming you are a real person and indeed brasilian, and not just a bot or payed troll)?
@@MMMichaelTTT I am sorry, dude. There was only one continent called America until the 20th century, after WW2 I guess, when the US unilaterally decided to split it in two. UNILATERALLY! Latin American countries never accepted this, in fact. we laugh at the idea. France and a whole bunch of European countries don't either. The UN doesn't either. Check out your passport: It is written clearly Citizen of the USA or US citizen for there's no such a thing as American nationality. It's not accepted in officialdom. All citizens of any country from Canada to Argentina and Chile are Americans, which refers to the the location of their countries in the American continent, not to any nationality. You can call your country America, informally, as I can call mine Pindorama, who cares? A nickname is a nickname. Officially there is no country called America. To add insult to injury, the name Amerika was put on the Brazilian map in 1507 by the German cartographer Martin Waldsemuller who named our continent after Amerigo Vespucci who traveled extensively along, guess where??? The Brazilian coast! Then he wrote a book that became a best seller in Europe and the name caught on. The little that was known of the north American land mass was called Parias, name of some Indian tribe, it wasn't catchy so it was discarded. Now, go back to middle school cuz you must have slept through those long and tedious years!
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Really sorry to bother you with that but I can't find the interview with Wolfram Anders interview 2018 about accountants in Brazil and Spain and i reaaaaallyyyyy want to send it to one friend who doesn't believe me what a obstacle is the bureaucracy ...for Brazil mide be the prise, for my country is the stoping force 😢
12:34 Certainly not true. It should be Germany. Airbus split in half is still way larger than Embrear - maybe equalling company seat with aircraft produced in the country is not the way how to look at it? Or your source is shallow at best.
Brazil is already the leader of wasted potential. Much of it can still be lead back to the slave society of the past, which didn't really went away.
It's sad to see that Brazil is the potential man of wealth and geoplitical significance smh.
Answer: NO
every time someone asks if brazil will awaken, 25 years are added to its slumber
150 years of brasil awakening
Will Brazil awaken?
"Brazil never misses the opportunity to miss an opportunity."
- A brazilian themself.
Totally agreed. I'm a Brazilian as well :(
And we lost a great one not voting bolsonaro again, paulo guedes put everything in place for the next 4 years to be great, but now it going downhill
@@DeepDarkierbe careful, the putista leftists are gonna start flocking here 🤭
@@DeepDarkier only fools rely in politicians to change their lives, the salvation is individual and will always remain so, national salvation is unreal
@@DeepDarkiervoting for complete degenerate anti-science, stupid and low mental capacity guys like bolsonaro is the main reason why Brazil still struggles to be at least a reasonable nation. You're probably not the most brilliant apple in your family's basket.
Brazil waking up and making big moves has been on everyone's bingo card since the 1970s. It still hasn't happened, and everyone is disappointed about it. In the same vein, people have been talking about Japan completely collapsing since the late 1990s, and again, it has still, somehow, not happened.
Their economic system was bad. They didn’t achieve much industrial progress, they implemented a lot of state intervention and manipulation in the economy, they didn’t have a free market, they depended on sale of resources instead of fostering a capitalist innovative economy…
Now ppl are talking about China collapsing
@@johnnyissuper6955which will never happen China is here to stay 😊
Will see
@@t.n.h.ptheneohumanpatterna8334 China has huge problems, collapsing demographics, plenty of pollution, reliant on both importing of minerals and then exporting of products with no real blue water Navy to guarantee its shipments. Printing of its currency that even makes the U.S. look conservative. Corruption and a Communist dictator with tunnel vision. And it doesn't have an issue with picking on its neighbors claiming an entire sea.
I stand with Brazilian people. Not the politicians.
Do you know any country where politicians are good??? I would love to move there
@jirislavicek9954 yeah but Brazil's problem with corruption is especially bad
Esse é a verdade, nosso povo é cultura e incrível, porém senpre ficamos tristes quando pensamos demais na política de qualquer pais
@@jirislavicek9954u cant even imagine how much money is lost because corruption. Our president today is the head of the biggest corruption scandal in the world. And will be worst soon if they win again
@@jirislavicek9954 Iceland
This giant only wakes up to drink a cup of water and flip the pillow to the colder side.
have you been watching me sleep??
You just described my sleep pattern 😆
porra mano kkkkkk
"Brazil is the country of the Future and always will be" I was told by a Brazilian forty-five years ago. This humorous and self-deprecating phrase implied Brazil had the potential to be a major power but may never achieve it. We shall see. Its economy overtook that of Russia recently.
Brazil has overtaken Rússia decades Ago, but this country is made of cicles, It even surpassed UKs GDP in 2012, we spent a decade going on circles, just now our GDP per capta is surpassing that of 2013. Our justice is a complete garbage, its demoniac shit, i cant even describe how bad it is. Our population has a reasonal thinking compared to that of monkeys, people now idolize bet influencers, poor people spend government aid on online bet sites and the money goes right away to some tax haven island. People vote for the most fucked up politicians there is, clowns, liars, influencers, thiefs. Its fucking depressive and hopeless. Thanks to christ alone i can have peace.
As a Brazilian I tell you - do not worry, Brazil is under no risk of ever been successful.
The truth is, we (Brazil) achieved Decadence before reaching Ascension. Brazil is stuck in decadent 20th century mindsets. There's no future in my country, and that is sad to have to admit, but it is true.
Brasileiro e sua sindromes de vira-lata
@@user-je3sk8cj6gvocê está sendo viralata, so isso
@@user-je3sk8cj6gBrasil è um ótimo pais pra quem não è um mal agradecido
As the old saying goes, Brazil is the country of the future, and it always will be
As long as It can manage it’s natural resources.
It would be nice if the developed countries could subsidize nationalizing the Amazon rain forest something like company’s paying a carbon tax to ensure no one disturbed the rainforest so Brazil doesn’t feel the pressure to utilize the land for agriculture and still gets revenue for it. Ideologically cool idea practically not gonna happen. Wish the best for their country and ecosystem though
Certeza que é um brasileiro, só um brasileiro diria isso
When I wake up there is writing on the ceiling "Tomorrow I will go to work." So I think if that is tomorrow I can sleep some more. 🤥
Sounds like some dark humour😂😂😂😂
I used to live in Brazil for 7 years and I have a lot of friends there. The country has all the resources they need, but that does not help much when the problems of Brazil are related to social and cultural problems like crime, alcohol and drug use, broken families, and short sighted politicians who try to grab as much money as possible to themselves while they are in office instead of thinking about the future of the country. It is very difficult to change these cultural and social problems that to some degree are interconnected.
Brazil is like an adult that was child prodigy and had (and still has) all the potential for absolutely everything...but never really does anything with all that potential.
Gifted kid syndrome
Like their footballers of today .! Lots of
talent but behave like children .! An embarrassment. I do NOT compare this
generation to the Giants of the past. ( Socrates / Eder / Pele / Jairzinho...etc etc..)
Sounds like me.
Just one hint... Portuguese is not spanish... J are not Rs
True, the Portuguese had morals
The Portuguese were the cruelest (along with Belgium) in Africa.
@@HalfBlackSahraoui morals = slavery
It always pissed me off when some reads a Portuguese word in English and pronounces the “J” as an “H”.
Just use the English “J” instead, it’s much closer.
@@pedrojioia portuguese j are the same as in eglish and french. thais must be spanish
The ultimate soft power for Brazil is that the people are just really hot
It also makes good music. Maybe it will one day compete with South Korea in soft power. Probably not tho.
You forget about their football team
@@NishankPandreFootball team is a pale shadow of what it was.
You forgot the amazon...The lungs of the earth
Due to being mixed from Arabs, European and west African then adding some Japanese too
Brazil has the same elite since colonial times, everything that happens or not in Brazil is never a coincidence.
A mesma elite aristocrática socialista
Interesting take. I once heard a "hot take" that that's part of what has kept the United States from falling into decadence - every few generations America dethrones its elites and replaces them with new ones. All of them have been relatively peaceful, with one major exception (the Civil War). That way the decadenace and cavalier attitude of the nations leaders doesn't destroy the entire nation's potential. Case in point, some previous elites in American history were:
Late 1700s - early 1800s: Northeastern merchants
Early 1800s - 1865: Southern planters (This dethronement of the elite was, indeed, very violent)
1865 - 1930s: Northern industrialists
1930s - 1970s: Government beuracrats
1970s - 2010s: College-educated technocrats
2010s - Present: Technophiles (???)
It's a theory anyways...
Weirdly enough, Brazil's elite actually used to be 'good'.
Nowadays it doesn't even fulfill it's role as the high class tbh
@@HikikoSunny01 When did they? I hope not during the slavery and genocide part.
@@2pedroandrade The same way US still had a capable elite even during the slavery period.
The point is rather that the elite nowdays is ungodly worse. Also genocide? Tell me more.
Also do not underestimate the nationalistic power of language. They speak Portuguese. They are the most powerful Portuguese speaking nation.
Brazil is very different from other countries, both due to the size of its territory and the great mixing and immigration that occurred, the largest Italian community outside of Italy, the largest Japanese community outside of Japan, there are more Lebanese in Brazil than in Lebanon, many Syrians, many Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese and other countries in America and many native peoples, it is also the country with the most descendants of Africans outside of Africa and 200 years of German immigration, and everyone has Portuguese blood or some Spanish from the colonial era, Brazil is a mixture of the world whole in one place and one people Brazilian Blood is the peace treaty between nations!
A photo of a white girl with blue eyes and her grandparents with completely black skin went viral recently. Here it's a mix of everything, thank God! One day we'll be big!
@@RuandosSantosGoncalves This has been common in Brazil for a long time, although there is still some type of prejudice among some people, miscegenation has been happening in Brazil for a long time, my great-grandfather was black and my grandmother was white European, my grandmother was native and her father, my grandparents are Portuguese, Arab and Jewish everyone is mixed
É por causa dessa falta de ancestralidade que o Brasil tá como tá. O que une o povo brasileiro se cada um tem descendentes diferentes?
The sad truth is that every Brazilian cries that Brazil will never be a serious and developed country, but these same people do not want to act to make this dream a reality. No country succeeds just depending on its political leaders (even because we only have scoundrel politicians). If the people are not active and do not demand their rights, it is obvious that this country will not change. Especially because the one's who really have power in this fiefdom don't want to see the people united.
Why would anyone spend so much effort that will end up just bank rolling the lavish lives of a few oligarchs? It's easier to leave than to deal with this disrespect.
That's so true and I'm so tired of people whining soooo much online. It's everyone's fault but never their own. People complain about wages but open companies and want to pay as little as possible to the collaborators. It's never them, it's always the others. And anyway, it's not even true that it's not going to prosper. In the 90s, over 80% of the country was in extreme poverty, that number has dropped to 32%.
People complain that things are getting more expensive, but the truth is inflation is under control and the minimum wage policy always raises it by inflation + GDP growth. That essentially means the country is inching closer to more equality, which is a major issue. So what if some middle class families can't binge on frivolous ultraprocessed crap as they used to be able to before? The country's eradicating famine.
Transportation has improved, environmental action has improved, infrastructure is getting better, multiple municipalities are tackling crime and homelessness. It's a MUCH better place than what it was when I was a kid. But people have the memory of a clownfish and can't for the love of God remember what we've already had to endure.
Brazilians are WHINERS. They don't even realize that they're better off than most of humanity. They need someone to blame for every misfortune that they have. They're entitled. It actually reminds me of Americans. We're not that different after all.
@@BHNative i don't know about the other topics, but the last paragraph is pure truth.
Os cidadãos tem armas nesse país? Não, então não há como combater nada.
@@BHNative "inflation is under control" According to the official data, but every product is shrinking in volume, and most important: TAXES DOUBLED SINCE THE 80's.
It is not whining when the government is actively exploiting it's own people to subsidize the lavish life style of a few oligarchs, they take everything they can, and you want us to be grateful for the scraps and leftovers that trickle down?
People like you are the reason why the same corrupt actors keep getting elected over and over again.
Brazil reminds me of Italy, chronically stuck into outdated ideologies of the 20th century
I totally agree, but this is not a Brazilian problem, is a Latin American problem, they are stuck in the Cold War and stupid outdated ideologies. You can see it in Argentina and Venezuela too
Brazil feels more similar to Italy than to Portugal in many ways.
Otherwise they simply call it the Socialism of the 21th century 🤡
Also Greece.
@@diegoyanesholtz212 Argentina literally has the most pro anglo/globalist leader since the early XX's. Nothing to do with late XX's politics
Brazil deserves to be happy and wealthy country!
Thanks you. Everyone deserves it also. The Path to peace is justice and prosperity
While there are motorbikes with two thugs killing you for your phone and then being lauded by the community as heroes, Brazil isn't going anywhere else other than down the drain... And that's only a very specific example out of a huge spectrum of many similar ones. Human life has no value in Brazil. Formal knowledge has no value in Brazil. Nothing worthwhile has any value in brazil. Only sex, bad music, drugs and stupidity have a place in Brazil.
May all of us have TRUE Order and Progress
Nah, it won't awaken. Brazil is like a giant in eternal slumber, occasionally waking up because it choked on its own saliva.
I resemble that remark
É a mais pura verdade
Já chegou os Vira latas latindo
as a Brazilian I can positively affirm to you dudes, we won't wake up, ever. we are in eternal slumber, controlled by oligarchs and small-minded populists.
nice video tho.
This brazilian is talking a lot of shit. i'm brazilian too, and bro, cala b0ca...
Even our national anthem says we are lying eternally in a splendid cradle.... why wake up if its splendid?
@@joaomiguelalves4063 Lying ? Where u see Lying kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
@@FRONTLIN3probably meant "Laying", as sleeping
I can think of a brazillion reasons it won't.
Look at the past and you will see it will
@@FodaseNaoLigo no. The past is what keeps it from breaking out. Letting go of the past and forging its own destiny is what Brazil needs to do.
Brazil mentioned
@@RidingTheKhaliYugao maior produtor de alimentos do mundo
@@Tupandemia metade do país em insegurança alimentar em 2022
@@guilhermeteodosio40 por causa do mal governo de 22 mas ainda somos o maior produtor de alimentos e está melhorando depois da pandemia
@@Tupandemia Sim, produzimos alimento pra abastecer 1,6 bilhão de pessoas eu só penso que a gente deveria valorizar o mercado interno primeiro antes de mandar soja pros porcos na China
@@Tupandemia kkkkkkkk foda
I am in Fortaleza, Brazil visiting my wife’s family at the moment. I’ve been here a few times. The country has a lot of potential but the bureaucracy and the way of life will hold it back for a while.
Bolsonaro tried to change that by cutting bureaucracies/regulations, enforcing the law on criminals and boosting economic freedom and then the whole world was against him.
Question I have is what does 'awaken' mean and why does Brazil need to?
I'm guessing 'awaken' means becoming a world beating 'great' power contending in geopolitical contest.
Historically, a great power arises out of generational struggle(s) against an existential threat which requires collective action by its population. Once the threat is resolved, the legacy (culture and traditions) of this struggle carries the nation into regional/world power status.
However, Brazil does not face any existential threats from its neighbors or faraway foreign powers. So I don't see Brazil 'awakening' any time soon, though I cannot rule out possibility of a unique historical anomaly of Brazil 'awakening' without this external stimulus.
The only thing I can think of that will push Brazilians into collective action in the near future is perhaps some kind of ecological disaster stemming from climate change. Only time will tell.
Bingo the jungle!!!!!
No it wont matey. BraSil has nothing to "wake up" from, as you just said, very different from a certain state and population that keeps trying to poke it's little dirty nosey on every other country's business 🥰
that existential threat exists and its an existential threat towards EVERY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET
its called the united states of america
I get what you're reffering to and that's exactly the problem hindering development in the country, but not in the way most people think.
The biggest problem in Brazil is how the country resolved their "generational struggles", not the fact that the country doesn't have one right now (it has, but it's more covert and much harder to solve)
Historically speaking, Brazil has never had a "rupture" in it's social structures. Because of that you can trace the current elites way back to the colonial times. As an example you can take the Independence from Portugal that turned Brazil from the political center of the Portugal, Brazil and Algarves Empire to the Empire of Brazil, with the brazilian emperor being the son of the latter empire that went back to Portugal to become the king there, leaving his son as the ruler.
That happened in every moment that could cause a rupture and restructuring of the backwards elites that rule the country and actually start working towards the interests of the brazilian people. Such moments happened in every developed economy around the world and are the main factor that made those economies do so well to this day
Gentleman, our brains refuse to see what it does not want to see. So, European and American foreigners refuse to consider the hypothesis that Brazil is a nuclear power. My view, however, as a Brazilian civilian that has no connection at all with the official Brazil, is that Brazil has already the bomb and my doubts were removed by the fact that the Brazilian navy has ordered the construction of 4 nuclear submarines (the first one is scheduled to be finish by 2028 and then will be put to sea trials in order to be commissioned). Brazil builds already its 2000 metric tons of displacement traditional diesel electric submarines, which are modern, silent, and deadly and if the idea is to protect our 7000 km Atlantic coast, those subs do that job perfectly well. If the idea is to protect our coast, rather than building 4 nuclear subs with the same money we would build an extra 15 2000 tons diesel electric submarines. The only explanation I can find for the Brazilian decision to build nuclear submarines is because thei are the means of delivery of the bombs. I can not think of any other explanation.
Now, you would still think this is just fantasy of a Brazilian civilian that does not know what he is saying. However, you have to consider that Brazil has large reserves of uranium, Brazil operates two nuclear power plants, Brazil produces the uranium drops that keep those two nuclear power plants running, and the question then is whether Brazil has the educated people (engineers, phisicists, chemistricians, metallurgicians, mathematians, statisticians, etc., necessary to produce the bomb. And the money to do that. Well, you foreigners insist on being oblivious to the fact that Brazil has the biggest particles accelerator in the whole Southern hemisphere, named Sirius, and right next to it it has build the most modern and biggest biosafety laboratory on earth, named Orion, and it was built next to the Sirius exactly to be able to benefit immediately from the results of the scientific researches undertaken at Sirius. On top of that, Brazil is among the top 10 countries on Earth in the production of scientific papers and again, is among the top 10 countries in the production of higher mathematics.
So, the question I pose to you is this: if Brazil designs and builds and launches to the outer space its own satelites, if Brazil designs and builds first class aircraft which are a tremendous global success - Brazil has the third largest aviation industry on earth - , if Brazil designs and builds its own traditional and nuclear submarines, if Brazil has large reserves of uraniun, and if Brazil has all the raw materials it needs, all the minerals it needs, and 5 steel mills that can produce whatever kind of metal alloys necessary, and if Brazil is absolutely self-sufficient in energy and has the 8th biggest economy measured by GDP, obviously money is not a problem. Then, why on earth would not Brazil be able to build its bomb?
Until 2019, I could give you a firm reply about this: no, Brazil will not build the bomb, because as you correctly mentioned, Brazil suffers no threat at all from its neighbors. And in fact, to be precise, the only country and in fact a military alliance named Nato, which in fact is a birds of prey alliance, which the US is the commender in chief, is the only military force capable of invading Brazil. That does not mean at all that Nato would succeed in invading Brazil. Brazil has been invaded in the past 500 years by all the great powers of the time and has always defeated them all, and defeated them alone, singlehandedly. And that has always been so because of the Brazilian geography. Brazil is a natural fortress, far easier to defend and far more difficult for offense operations. However, Nato has the bomb. And Brazil shares a common border with France (France has with Brazil 750 km long land border, which is the longest land border France has with any country), which is a Nato country. And if Nato decides to invade Brazil, it will certainly be hammered and Nato simply could not accept a defeat to Brazil because of the repercussions it would have along with Russia and China, and Nato would not at all allow itself to become the butt of international jokes. So, the solution would be to use tactical nuclear weapons in order to put Brazil on its knees, and Nato would not face any constraints to do that, because Brazil is far away from the US and from European countries and so, who cares about nuclear radiation precipitation after the detonations of such tactical weapons, right? And in my view, this is why Brazil decided to build the bomb, and this is why it is building its own nuclear submarines. The idea of all that exercise is to have that association of birds of prey to think that it is a very bad idea that of seizing the Brazilian rain forest from us.
The Brazilian civilians never wanted to hear the military blablabla about the need to build the bomb until 2019. Then, in that yeart, that lilly white, the French Prime Minister, Emanuel Macron, carrying all the responsibility of a head of state of one of the most important countries of Nato, made a declaration that was just one inch from being a full declaration of war against Brazil. That idiot said candidly (wasn't he cute?) that Nato was reconsidering the Brazilian sovereignty over the Brazilian Rain Forest.
And what impressed us, Brazilians, most was the American reaction to this unbelievable statement from Emanuel Macron. That is, there simply was no American reaction to it. Total silence. And since the US is the commander in chief of Nato, we decided that where there is smoke there is fire. And in the next day the Brazilian civilians sided with the military in order to produce the bomb.
Again, our brain refuses to see what it does not want to see. Have you noticed that recently there have been several earthquakes happening about 100 km below the surface of the Amazon Rain Forest, and because these earthquakes happens so deep down it does not produce any damage on the surface?
Brazilian expat here.
Sadly it won’t.
Brazil lost its demographic window in the last two decades and will become old way before it gets any richer. It now has a below replacement fertility rate for the first time and a deficit to GDP ratio similar to that of a developed nation.
It managed to scape the hyperinflation of the 80s only to raise taxation enormously in the 90s. The commodities boom of the 2000s made politicians increase government spending like there would be no tomorrow. When the downturn arrived in the 2010s, the high ranking bureaucrats fought tooth and nail against any reform of government expenditure and even raised their own salaries and benefits while the population suffered with inflation not seem in decades.
Brazil is a semi-elected managerial oligarchy right now, with a political / bureaucratic caste detached from the reality of their population (it has one of the largest discrepancies between public/private sector salaries in the West).
Brazil has become too politically divided to elect a reformist candidate like it just happened in Argentina. And even if they did elect a Xavier Milei equivalent, the establishment is too much entrenched to be removed as quickly: it would take multiple successive terms to do it (and Latin American electorates aren’t famous for being patient and tend to flip after a couple of cycles).
I am sad to say that Brazil’s promised future will never come to fruition and it will crumble under the weight of its own Leviathan state as it yearns for a time when it could just coast along on high commodities prices.
Demographics, education, freedoms to do are destinies
@@moneyobsessedand I didn’t even mention the enormous brain drain it is suffering. I believe that only China and England lost more millionaires to the US than Brazil in the last couple of years. And not just millionaires (mostly entrepreneurs): many highly trained professionals like engineers and doctors (the good ones at least) are leaving in droves.
@@moneyobsessedhum. TH-cam deleted my reply. Apparently it doesn’t like we speak about 🧠 drain…
Anyway, it is losing engineers, doctors and financiers to the US in droves. And those are not your average professional, they are the cream of the crop: the most driven individuals, the researchers, those that went to top universities (back when admission was solely decided by your grades…).
And don’t let me even start on entrepreneurs… in the last couple of years, 🇧🇷 only lost less millionaires to the 🇺🇸 than 🇨🇳 and 🇬🇧…
You just went straight to the point!, Brazil is a corrupt oligarchical republic.
@@HeitorS.-dh2wl the private sector is not a charity. If you want the salaries to be higher then something must be done about the dismal productivity of the Brazilian worker. The way to do that is to cut wasteful spending and cut ridiculous tax regulations and reinvest the extra funds into education
Man, you did great research on our country here, a rare find indeed. Congratulations!
We outsiders love Brazilian football, Samba, Brazilian art and cinema and everything in its culture. So it can find a place in the world using its soft power!
Brazil stopped having hope of becoming a true superpower after we deposed the Emperor.
Brazil is often called "the sleeping giant". Really, it's a giant in an induced coma.
cara.... real.... é triste mas eu ri mt com isso KKKKK
No. /End video
People have been talking about a sleeping Brazil forever. Its just an unrealistic dream.
Brazil has taken over the US on food exports
@@FodaseNaoLigo rafeiro
@@FodaseNaoLigomerecemos esta bomba, enquanto "Brasil" continuar sendo somente algumas partes do país e outras sendo usadas como produção de "escravidão" moderna... isso não vai acontecer
Let's face it, the Usa will never leave Brazil grow strong. It would never allow another power appear in the continent. Every seed of hope that appeared in brazil's has been destroyed by the Usa before it came close to become a threat. We don't have power to say no to them like China or Rússia, so there is no hope, at least while Usa is strong.
And I am not saying that everything is their fault. We have tons of internal problems, but even if we solved them, the US could easily revert all progress.
for Brazil to grow stronger and powerful in the international stage, crime and especially corruption will need to be tackled
getting off of the top 10 crime rates by countries list would be a start to attract brazillians living abroad such as in the U.S. back
@@loafoffloof3420there are much worst crimes in the USA, hundreds of children going missing everyday in the USA, school $hooting$ every week and drugs usage even worst than Brazil, the thing is, being in a dangerous neighbourhood is contagious, Brazil is unlucky with its geographical position thereby attracting all the bad things which happen in the America's, just as bad as someone who lives in the ghetto, you know our neighbours to the north, east, west all share the same problems, some to a lesser and greater extent. Too bad it can't move its Geografical positions and too bad the country is just too large in order to shut down all of its borders.
The USA don’t have to worry about stopping Brazil. We brazilians destroy ourselves, choosing a mega-state-oligarch-lef-wing-corrupted regime. “Viva STF” for being the best sabotaging agents of CIA against Brazilian growth! 😂
EXACTLY, finally it’s said. US does not want the development of Brazil in the America so will undermine the U.S. relevance, and US does everything in their power to stop any advancement in Brazil. Just a week ago US government wanted to interfere in Brazilian purchasing of fire jets from Sweden because they didn’t “consult with US before”. US will lose its power sooner than expected, China is heavily investing everywhere in the world and US wants to keep dominance through wars. Investments will bring people together and war will set them apart. US politics is failing
Isso foi depois do golpe republicano de 1889, quando o Brasil era monarquia ele era realmente soberano chegando até mesmo a quase interferir na guerra civil dos EUA, de tanto imperialismo que tinha. Depois disso a nossa primeira bandeira da república se mostra uma copia dos EUA, ou seja os Brasileiros tinham um país de verdade mas preferiram exilar o imperador e copiar a republica dos EUA.
It will never rise, unless the government decide to invest in education and cientific search
the probleam is we dont have a lider who is not corrupt
@@Virtus_63 we'll never have because this doesn't exist
Ksksssk o Brasil investe nisso a mais tempo que qualquer outro país e tamo na mesma merda
They did, and if you check the publications, they are all woke bull or highly derivative garbage. And that's compared with the rest of the world.
The biggest percapita publications on tranny analsex, funded by the state.
As the famous quote goes, "Brazil is the country of the future, and always will be". So no, it won't.
Coisa que um brasileiro falaria
@@FodaseNaoLigo You are a spammer and add nothing of value.
Eu tenho esperança , isso que nos faz brasileiros , esperança
O Brasi
l vai ser o pais do futuro pra sempre, por que sempre que o tempo passar, o Brasil vai precisar de + tempo para ficar rico
0:00 what? so Nile Valley civilization which began in the interior of Africa and went on to dominate parts of the middle east, the Swahili civilization of east Africa which went on to dominate trade in the Indian Ocean, the empire of Axum (modern Ethiopia) which ended up controlling and colonizing the southern half of the Arabian peninsula, the Polynesian people who spread out from their tiny homeland in the Pacific and colonized the greatest maritime territory never existed? This video is 40 minutes long and you chose to open it with a massive historical error. TH-cam needs to start vetting content creators because this is just ridiculous.
I wouldn't say they were dominant in the world order with the exception of the Egyptians
@@WastedBananas he said prominent hierarchal position. He never said world dominating.
We wuz kangs ... Blah blah blah.🐒.. 🥱🥱🥱
brazil was created almost at the same time as the us, what are you even talking about in the first minute
Not that I agree with the video creator, but perhaps he’s referring to how Brazil as a state (rather than an empire) with democracy (as compared to the dictatorship, which only recently ended in the 1980s) is recent?
@@Daniel-iy4zythe state ultimately still existed back then with that legacy of poltics so calling it new is still odd.
Brazil creation happened at least a century earlier than US.
Independence was 46~ years later or so.
US has the same regime since 1787 (their constitution)
Brazil since 1988.
It's easier to say why Brazil 'was late'
I'm not sure if any of you know, but every single nation in the Western hemisphere is relatively young. That is what the narrator means.
Europe, Africa and Asia have large nations with continuity going back thousands of years, the Americas do not.
@@HikikoSunny01 if we want to get technical. The US has had massive shake upos in the 1860s and 1940s which would qualify the same sort of thing.
I’m a Brazilian and I like that the U.S. is the leading country in the world, it is obviously the most powerful country in the world and everyone recognizes that. I hope the americans keep that
As a Latin American, I will proudly follow the Brazilian representation of our continent
Latin America isn't a continent.
As a Brazilian I'd rather have Uruguay, one out of the two decent countries in South America, as our representative - the other country being Chile, which is messier.
Gracias hermano, gracias de Brasil, amor por la LatAm 🇧🇷🇪🇨🇨🇴🇦🇷🇻🇪🇨🇱🇵🇪🇵🇾🇺🇾
Brazil Russia India China!!!!!
Brazil is south america, not latino!
Latin america is a collective delirium.
@@VinnieMF sindrome de viralata
I believe in my beloved homeland 🇧🇷❤️
One of the saving blessing of South America is that we are far away from any conflict and mostly amicable with each other. What Brasil and neighbors should do is reel in the internal corruption and crime plaguing the continent. To then coordinate a resilient contingency plan to repel any foreign entities.
A safe and prosperous SA would bring a lot of investment and perhaps serve as a safe manufacturing space for the rest of the democratic world
Brazil has three regions socially and economically distinct. South and South East are relatively developed with higher GDP and HDI and these characteristics led these states to pay more taxes to the federal government. The North East is lower in GDP and HDI and there are no navigable rivers that allows them to economically make trade to other parts of the country. Furthermore, it is separated from other parts of the country by a biome called Cerrado, the most biodiverse savanna on the planet but with a land very difficult for human beings. The last region is Amazon basin. The largest tropical forest on the planet and corresponds 48% of the whole country. Very low HDI and GDP and lacks in many basic aspects, for instance there are people that has no basic sanitation and no drinking water. All these three geographical regions make political desires from the population very different and it causes division in the parliament to make policies in pro of the country and also it is a trigger for populist politicians to get into power and make false promises to the people.
If nature gives you eggs, make an omelet. You can't outsource the blame. There are many countries in the world in worse conditions that are moving forward. The population lets itself be carried away, doesn't take responsibility, doesn't become aware, doesn't take control of the situation. They are constantly adrift, not navigating reality.
Biggest problem, that doesnt allow those three regions to have their investment to go further, is the AgroBussiness.. ...with Capitalist/Facist ideology ... that doesnt want to pay to clean the fields of weeds, instead they save the money to put fire and kill everything... cos is cheaper to just give health problem to all the country, then expend 200K_$ to clean a field, if they can expend NOW 10K_$ ... so its bank account of 5.000.000 dont take a hit of 200.000 .
MARK: not talking about Family Bussiness, small country side productive sites... I'm talking about BIG, WAY BIG terrains, with Cattle expansion and Soy... (Monoculture - Which is a problem by itself).
This aspect is less present on South/SouthEast.
You're not wrong, i'm contributing here.
... So it would be needed for investment on this two other regions you mention: Northeast and Amazon... To bring more Water to Northeast and try to UN-Desertify the area, and to find a FINE balance to KEEP Amazon Dense Florest, while building sinergic bio-smart cities in its areas, also making the live of the indigenous people, a happy one and worth of their cultura ancenstry.
(Not all indigenous people want to keep the old ways, but not all want to go Modern, and i respect this forever, Caucasian people sadly lost their Old Ways and contact with Nature... [Celtic Culture] ... also, is fundamental, but sadly most countries throw this responsability only to Brazil... while they just destroyed big part of their own ecosystem to "develop" and then, so rich, can be on internet forever giving opinion on flags they didnt vowed their life for... >_
Acho que sua análise ficou simples e superficial, primeiro na parte geo-economica o sul e sudeste são claramente divididos(o IBGE faz essa divisão por uma razão), no sudeste é onde fica a maior parte da economia do país com São Paulo, Rio e Minas tendo a economia as mais dinamicas por uma serie de razões.
Ja o Sul tem uma economia menor que o sudoeste, mas melhor distribuição e qualidade de vida, com só o RS tendo uma economia comparável aos estados do Sudeste.
Há também a região centro-oeste, que parece que você esqueceu na sua análise o que é incongruente, Pois é a região com maior produção agrícola do país e também uma das regiões com maior importância devido a nossa economia ser baseada em commodities.
Outra erro foi colocar o Nordeste como isolado geograficamente do país, mas isso não é verdade a maioria da população do nordeste reside na faixa litorânea de mata Atlântida conectando a região ao resto do país pelo litoral.
Já em relação à economia do nordeste, atualmente o Nordeste assume o papel de região "deficitária", que tem mais foco do Governo Federal por razões de desenvolvimento, essa é uma situação temporária que ocorreu historicamente em várias das regiões do Brasil, por exemplo ocorreu no sul durante o período imperial e ocorreu no centro-oeste na segunda metade do século 20.
Falou muito e falou merda
The problem here is the fees of depts that our country has to pay, and we are stupid as fuck i brought a book yesterday my mom was laughing saying that is a waste of money 💀
fingers crossed things work out fine for Brazil
Brazil has 3 major problems: 1) The Republic, originating from the 1889 Coup against the Monarch Dom Pedro; 2) The generals of the Brazilian Army, who maintain the Republic and sell Brazil to the countries that pay the most (China or USA); 3) Lula da Silva, who is the operator of this great "Military Republic".
Brazil needs a leader like Nayib Bukele or Javier Milei. Maybe this way the country will move forward.
1) the monarchy is gone - deal with it;
2) blame the US for that - read the recently public CIA document "Operation Brother Sam", which expose the intervention of the United States that led to the end of democracy in Brazil and the imposition of the military regime of 1964-1985;
3) the brazilian people must stop this ignorant belief that the President is "that" powerful - we always forget that we have a Congress and a Senate, and who we vote in there is just as important as who we vote as President;
4) Milei is a madman who is sinking Argentina towards failure, and Bukele is questionable at best - Brazil have different issues then those countries;
Pelo menos um que saiba que o problema começou em 1889. Pra mim tinha que restaurar a monarquia parlamentar com os 4 poderes novamente, temos nossos imperadores netos de Dom Pedro I, fundador do império.
@@DompedroI-v5k Acho MUITO difícil. Se isso acontecesse, o monarca seria apenas representativo (não teria poder nenhum). Pois o mundo está caminhando para a descentralização, para a digitalização, para a bitcoinização (Bitcoin como principal moeda do mercado) e para a anarquia de mercado (trocas voluntárias sem interferência de terceiros). As moedas fiduciárias estão falindo (inclusive o dólar, mesmo que hoje o dólar seja uma moeda forte), os países estão com dívidas impagáveis e as pessoas estão percebendo que os governos tradicionais não servem para NADA que não seja roubar os pagadores de impostos para favorecer oligarcas corruptos e custear guerras desnecessárias.
Eu não consigo prever o futuro, mas quem vem adotando essa tese há pelo menos 15~ anos está acertando, enriquecendo e melhorando de vida.
What we have/are:
5th largest landmass
7th biggest population
8th biggest GDP
2nd biggest arable land
90% renewable energy
2nd in number of airports
Sunlight all over the year
The greatest volume of fresh water
No frequent natural disasters
Welcoming people
What we NEED:
Less taxes
Less bureaucracy
More investments
More freedom of market
Decent politicians
Correction: you used the wrong image on Barão do Rio Branco. You used his father’s photo
Awesome video and good research man! Just one correction: when you talked about the father of our diplomacy (the Baron of Rio Branco), you put up a picture of his father. They both had almost the same name, but the Baron was “Junior”. He was the one who settled most of our border disputes.
Brazils land is really difficult to develop. Brazils upward trajectory ends if it can’t continue to access foreign investment
Difficult to develop in what way exactly?
"it's over! acabou!"
It never even began.
Orgulho do meu país por ser um dos fundadores do bloco BRICS. 🇧🇷
Porem Brics virou um grupelho de ditaduras,incluindo essa metda aqui. =/
Brazil lost a lot of economic complexity in the 90s and 2000s. This was a trade-off of opening the economy to foreign companies and investors. All the promissing businesses that could eventually be successful were not ripe in order to compete with huge conglomerates from USA and Europe and with China imported goods. So competition crushed them. Now we dont have relevant companies for common industrialized goods such as cars, machinery for factories, etc.
This 👆👍
Consider Embraer. It's an important counterexample. Why Embraer is so relevant and so successful around the globe in aviation? Answer: basically for the very same reason Chinese companies in 50 years started from nearly zero to become dominant globally. Brazil can attract industries and intellectual capital if the government decides that it is what they wanna do. But they don't. Instead, they created the highest VAT in the world, squeezing even more the workforce, without giving then anything as exchange, not even jobs.
@@richardgomes5420 Você acompanha as falas do Campos Neto ? Bem nós temos a segunda maior taxa real de juros do mundo, sendo que uma parte significativa dos nossos impostos vão para paga-las, na ultima reunião ela foi elevada para desacelerar a economia e aumentar o desemprego pois a alta do emprego estaria causando inflação. A questão é se ao aumentar o emprego , o BC sobe juros para provocar desemprego e tb aumenta a necessidade de mais impostos
@@CarlosEduardo-wo4ff 👏👏👏
Great Analyses man
Quick response as a Brazilian: no
Fascinating, thanks for creating this!
Brazil: the natural leader of Ibero-america.
And lusephone world too
Good job brother. Thanks so much!
Short answer: no
Long answer: nooooooo
@@MartelSays even longer answer: It could, but probably not.
Yes itnwill
@@MartelSaysbrasileiro pessimista
So glad it's Hubert!
Time changes. Once powerful nations become weak and vice versa.
Not in the modern age.
@@MMMichaelTTT Who's to say? Britain, for example
That's actually a very good summary about Brazil and its domestic political and economical discussions.
"Will Brazil Finally Awaken?" no. My great-grandad had great hopes coming here after the Napoleonic wars before the Siege of Antwerp, he helped the spread of sociocratic values in Brazil. My grandpa was a electrical engineer in the most prestigious university of his state when the atom bomb happened and he had great hopes for Brazil, my dad worked his whole life in the federal police and had great hopes until he retired and tried to leave with our family from this place, before passing away he asked me not to join the federal police because "something went wrong with the police in the late 80s, the new guys are sociopaths" and he was the second generation of federal police in the nation (60s). You may project your routine beliefs to other nation's army but I know it deeply, should the order to siege every capital in Brazil come in one morning there would be a million dead by lunch and The People would practice cannibalisms by afternoon.
because neoliberalism is fascist-adjacent ideology, the ruling class needs psychopathic henchmen to prevent the working class from claiming what is rightful ours.
Useless report, another dissatisfied person who spends the day on the couch, you are disposable if you disappear you will not be missed at all. Maybe with fewer people like you, Brazil could think about becoming a power.
That was a wonderful presentation of Brazil. Thank you for sharing!🤙
What does it mean for "to be a sleep"? Is everyone in Brazil just narcoleptic? 😂😂😂
I think it's a reference to the Brazilian anthem
@@HikikoSunny01 No it isn't, it is just usual amurican propaganda, he got some points right but it is mostly prupugunda
@@eidmarco lmao fair enough
Only people from Bahia
@@risaadthemerchant5142 Lmao
As always a very well narrated and professional production. Thought provoking.
I doubt it because
1: Brazil is not growing in per capita terms any faster than the developed world, so it is remaining much poorer rather than catching up.
2: The fertility rate has fallen off a cliff, Brazil will almost certainly have an old, shrinking population within 1-2 generations time. For reference it has a lower fertility rate than the US.
Even in the best case scenario I think it will only experience a modest gain in influence over the next several decades and still be only regionally important.
HAHAHAHA Vai comer gmo Joe, tuas pesquisa são tudo biased. Mas deixa assim que é mejor.
Só para constar o Brasil está crescendo a cerca de 3,2% enquanto a OCDE está crescendo a 2,6% (dado que temos a segunda maior taxa real de juros do mundo)
Entertaining video. Thanks for the hard work put into this!
Good Times Bad Times: "Will Brazil Finally Awaken?"
Me: "This old line - yet again?" (Sorry to any Brazilians, but come on - you know it's true)
You’re right, probably it will never wake up. The only thing that could happen in order to make that be true is a revolution in the political system, that likely will never happen.
I remember the turmoil and people drawing the "corcovado" as a giant awakening and after one week people drawing him just yawn and back to sleep 😂
Brazil has rather geographical and topological drawbacks from becoming the "United States of South America" - Great Escarpment and the lack of navigable river systems fully under Brazilian territorial jurisdiction.
Argentina is the only South American country with the same demographic and geographical endowments as the United States. Argentina has majority territorial control of the Paraná River system.
yet.... compare them for the last century....
We are no longer in the 19th century. 😂
Brazil's best basins for navigation are the Tocantind-Araguaia and the Amazon basin, but they're in severe unpopulated regions.
@@jptrrs yes, Argentinian politics is much more to blame for their underdevelopment than Brazil's. Brazil achieved a lot considering their drawbacks
Don't bet in navigable rivers as and resources as adavantage, Japan is mountainous, and was the second most rich country in the world. Is never geography but always robust institutions.
As a Brazilian i can tell you all, we've been waiting for "the giant to wake up" for decades now and it's always a promise that never becomes a reality. I mean, we're not a "weak" country but it's hard to believe we're going to be a massive boom sometime in the near future
Gentleman, Brazil is too big a country for a foreigner to grasp it correctly. It is not at all easy to understand Brazil for the non-initiated.
Brazil was founded in the year 1500 and become independent in 1822. For the first 322 years Brazil was a Portuguese colony and as such was not the master of its destiny. So, as an independent country, Brazil begun equating and providing solutions for its problems only as from 1822 onwards. Right after having become independent the top number one national priority was to keep the country united, which we did with astounding success (Spanish America split into 9 different countries just in South America). Then our second national priority was to defend the country from our Spanish speaking neighbors, who, being Spaniards, had to be anarchical and belicose and from 1822 until 1870 Brazil was involded in wars with Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguai and French Guiana. And we again succeeded in accomplishing our second national goal (defending the country against invasion). Having solved the two most urgent issues, our third national priority was to abolish slavery (this is a Portuguese liability, not Brazilian, but we are suffering the consequences of slavery up to now, just like the United States), and in 1888 we abolished it, and we granted full citizenship rights to the former slaves. You compare the Brazilian approach with the American solution. They abolished slavery 89 years after having become indepedent, while we abolished slavery only 66 years after having become independent. And in order to accomplish the abolition they had a civil war which cost the life of Abraham Lincoln, but they did not grant to the former slaves full citizenship rights , but rather considered them as third class citizens that did not have the same rights the white people had and had to live under odious segregation policies, and the Americans only granted full citizenship rights to the Afro-Americans in 1965 (after the death of Martin Luther King), so, all in all, the Americans only granted full citizenship rights to the Afro-Americans 189 years after their independence. We did that only 66 years after our independence and this is why we have to racial or religious problems in Brazil while the US has both. The Afro-Americans only achieved full citizenship rights 59 years ago! So, every Afro-American who is older than 59 years old still bear in their minds the humiliations, the discriminations, they had to suffer, 59 years is to short a period for the Afro-Americans to let it go, while in the Brazilian case the Afro-Brazilians enjoy full civil rights for the past 136 years, which explains to a large extent why we do not have the huge racial and religious problems the Americans do face. This is another great national accomplishment of the Brazilian society.
Then we entered in the 20th century. Brazil was the only Latin American country which fought in WWI and WWII, we suffered (like all other countries the huge problems caused by the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, then the permanent attempts by the left to seize the power which led to a military government much like in the Spanish fashion under Franco, but we begun our industrialization process (which we succeeded fully, today Brazil is a fully industrialized country), we moved our capital to the hinterland of Brazil more than 1000 km from the coast, and began our steady but relentless march to the West, and we were able to solve our huge inflation and huge foreign debt because we were heavily struck and put on our knees by two consecutive oil shocks, and Brazil which was not an oil producer suffered a very heavy blow. And in the end of the 20th century Brazil established as its main priority to achieve full energetic independence, which we did. This is a great story of succees of Brazil.
And Brazil began the 21st century in fifth gear, at high speed, and we are beginning to take-off. The greatest achievement is that Brazil has tamed the tropics, meaning by that that Brazil has learned to put the Tropics to work for it and not against it (and this is a hell of a game-changer). Just to highlight what that means, in 2022 The United States produced 120 million metric tons of soy (it used to be the first World producer), Argentina 40 million tons (second world producer) and China 15 million tons (third world producer) and in that year Brazil produced 170 million metric tons of soy. The USDA is projecting that Brazil will be producing by 2040 300 million tons of soy. That miracle is happening to with wheat, corn, etc. We are already the biggest food producer on Earth but in the coming years our position will become stronger and stronger. And here is a typical bias of left-wing economists. They tend to understimate or even minimize a country's agribusiness production, believing that a country in order to be "rich" must produce and export industrialized goods and a country that produces grains, raw materials, minerals, you name it is an underdeveloped and poor country. This is an idiotic approach. There is nothing in the economic literature that confirms this viewpoint. Much to the contrary, all rich countries (the US, Canada, France, Germany, you name it) all have a powerful and thriving agribusiness. But Brazil has become fully industrialized. Brazil designs, builds and launches to the outer space its own satelites, using designed and built in Brazil rockets. Brazil has the third largest aviation industry on Earth, and currently is producing supersonic fighter jets equivalent to the American F-16. Brazil designs and builds its own conventional diesel electric subs and its own nuclear submarines. How many countries can you list that can do the same thing?
Brazil has become absolutely self-sufficient in energy, having achieved by far the best energy matrix on Earth, with 75% of it being generated by hydroelectricity, which is non-pollutant and renewable, but Brazil is becoming a very big solar energy and wind energy producer, as well as green hydrogen producer and Brazil is currently the second biggest ethanol producer, with the US being the number one, but this is going to change very soon and Brazil will overtake the US in this game. And Brazil has now become an oil producer as well, so very few countries on Earth can enjoy the energy independence that Brazil has acquired.
And Brazil is criss-crossing the country with new, modern, efficient roads and railways and we are currently building two transcontinental roads and two transcontinental railways linking the Atlantic to 6 Pacific ports (three in Peru and three in Chile), and these will be game-changers too.
And finally, Brazil has built a very complex network of canals bringing in water to the Brazilian Northeastern region which has always been draught-stricken, responsible for 20% of the Brazilian territory (the size of Alaska) and 25% of the Brazilian population, bringing in water from a perennial river, the São Francisco, and now this region will have all the energy it needs and all the water it needs so it will become in the next decades the region of Brazil with the highest rate of development.
Because of all these game-changers, Brazil is expected to double its current GDP which today is about 2,5 trillion dollars in the next 10 years, i.e., by 2034 it will be 5 trillion dollars. And it is expected again to double 10 years afterwards, i.e., by 2045 it will be 10 trillion dollars.
This is not a summer night dream, gentleman. This is very much achievable, because our growth is absolutely self-sustainable, and the world has 8 billion souls which need to be fed, and Brazil, together with the US will be the great granaries of mankind and will supply all the rice, corn, soy, wheat, animal protein, etc., that the world will need. This is going to be a firm, non-elastic, permanent demand, and by reaching the Pacific, we will obtain lower FOB prices, because we will reduce our logistics costs, the round trip will be shortened by 30 days, hence, lower financial costs, etc.
You foreigners fail to grasp and detect those tsunamic changes which are taking place in Brazil right now.
Fábio, só vou discordar de você em dizer que é um problema da esquerda desconsiderar o agro como uma forma de evolução. A problemática da esquerda no agro é outra. Mas não pode- se negar o quando o agro do Brasil é forte e evoluído. Eeeee também devo colocar em discussão a parte da abolição da escravidão, nós sabemos que não foi bem como a teoria dos pelos direitos. A prática foi uma exclusão dos escravos, eles foram para a margem da sociedade e é onde. A maioria de seus descendentes estão até hoje. Massss há mérito em estarmos tratando disso na atualidade e lutando para dar aos negros e seus descendentes o valor que eles merecem na nossa sociedade. Mas em números eles ainda são a grande maioria nas cadeias e a grande minoria das universidades e nos cargos de poder. Do resto, concordo com o senhor! E gosto muito da sua visão de potência que o Brasil pode ser! É o otimismo que o brasileiro precisa ter!
@@paulapalhao9034 Oi Paula. Fico feliz por você me dar esta oportunidade de a gente trocar figurinhas.
A questão da raiva da esquerda para com o agro é absolutamente, completamente, totalmente ideológica. O homem da terra, seja ele um fazendeiro, ou um sitiante, é um homem profundamente conservador, um homem que administra uma fábrica à céu aberto e que todos os dias pede à Deus Pai e aos seus santos protetores que os ajudem, que mandem água mas sem ser em excesso, que não mande geada para queimar as suas plantações, enfim, ele tem que ser um homem profundamente religioso e a esquerda obviamente odeia esse tipo de gente. Acresce que o homem da terra é profundamente ligado à sua propriedade, aquilo que é seu, que ele herdou dos avós e vai transferir para seus netos, e a esquerda fala em coletivização das fazendas, expropriação e invasão de terras, então é óbvio que o agro sempre foi e sempre será contra a esquerda, e a esquerda sabe que para ela prosperar ela precisa liquidar o agro. Acho que essa é a razão principal da esquerda ser contra o agro.
Agora, sobre a questão da escravidão, cara Paula, eu simplifiquei um tema que deve ser possivelmente a questão social mais complexa da história da humanidade, ou seja, como integrar no tecido social de uma determinada sociedade ex-escravos.
Estou convencido de que a única solução para esse mega problema é o tempo, são as gerações que irão se sucedendo, e com o tempo os escravos, ou melhor dizendo aqueles cujos ascendentes foram escravos. É fácil fazer uma conta aterradora, cara Paula: O Brasil foi fundado em 1500 e aboliu a escravidão em 1888, ou seja o Brasil praticou a escravidão por 388 anos. O Brasil tem 524 anos de história, e 388 significa que em 75% de toda a nossa história o Brasil praticou a escravidão. Ou seja, somente nos útlimos 25% de nossa história o Brasil aboliu a escravidão. Isso é muito pouco tempo para se curar todas as chagas sociais produzidas pela escravidão.
Tem um outro aspecto também muito importante. Os europeus entre os séculos 16 e 19 trouxeram 8 milhões de escravos para o continente americano. E desses 8 milhões, 5,5 milhões vieram para o Brasil. Ou seja, os europeus enviaram para todos os outros países americanos escravos da África, e são 35 países no continente americano, e 34 desses países receberam 2,5 milhões de escravos distribuidos entre eles. Mas o Brasil recebeu 5,5 milhões (75% de todos os escravos), e quando o Brasil se tornou independente, a gente tinha 20 escravos para cada cidadão livre.
O nosso patriarca com justa razão dizia para Dom Pedro que era inviável construir um país onde a maioria esmagadora da população era composta por escravos.
E esse foi sem dúvida um problema gigantesco.
E o Brasil era um país pobre, sem recursos.
Os ingleses acabaram com a escravidão na primeira metade do século 19, e obrigou os proprietários a libertá-los, mas os indenizou. E como a Inglaterra já era naquela época o pais mais rico e poderoso do planeta, o governo britânico pode se dar o luxo de mandar libertar os escravos e indenizar os proprietarios, e para isso a Coroa Britânica teve que fazer um empréstimo gigantesco, que ela só terminou de pagar por volta de 1970, mais ou menos.
No caso brasileiro, a solução foi drástica. A nossa grande Princesa Isabel sacrificou a nossa monarquia, para acabar com a escravidão, e ela acabou com a escravidão na mão grande, na porrada. Mandou os proprietários de escravos soltarem os escravos sem receberem indenização, o que era um atentado às leis do país, porque durante a escravidão, era perfeitamente legal as pessoas comprarem escravos, e quem comprava pagava impostos ao estado, em suma, era um negócio perfeitamente legal. E de repente, aparece uma princesa louca que rasga as leis, viola a constituição, e estupra os proprietários de terra, literalmente colocando a mão no bolso de todos aqueles que tinham comprado legalmente escravos e pagado os impostos. Isso aí tem um nome: roubo. Roubo puro e simples. Mas não tinha outra solução para esse gravíssimo problema.
Os fazendeiros contra-atacaram apoiando a derrubada da monarquia e a implantação da república, e o novo governo republicano simploesmente declarou que era ilegal ter escravo e quem tivesse teria que soltá-lo ou ser preso, e como eles criaram um novo sistema jurídico, os proprietários de terra não poderiam contratar advogados para reclamar uma indenização, que juridicamente não tinha como ser negada. Todo proprietário de escravos poderia demandar uma indenização, e ganharia a causa, e o estado quebraria porque jamais teria condições de indenizá-los. Mas o advento da república resolveu essa questão.
E os escravos brasileiros simplesmente foram deixados ao Deus dará, sem ter para onde ir, sem ter onde se abrigar, enfim, foi uma história de terror e de muito sofrimento, mas a vida deles era tão difícil quando eram escravos que eles sairam no lucro, porque pelo menos eles não tinham que tomar chicotada todos os dias, etc. E foram literalmente expulsos do campo e escorraçados para as cidades, e dai a origem das favelas.
A história é complicadíssima, mas estamos avançando, e acho até que estamos mais adiantados nessa questão da integração do negro à nossa sociedade do que os americanos. Mas acho que só no século 22 as chagas da escravidão serão finalmente fechadas e curadas.
É isso. Gostei muito dessa oportunidade de trocar essas ideias com você!
Mucho texo
@@miuiruma273 kkkkkk nós falamos muito mesmo!!
@@fabiofaria4243 o Brasil não é especial. É um país como qualquer outro. Nem pior, nem melhor. Dizer que "o Brasil não é para principiantes" é insistir num lugar-comum que apenas reafirma uma suposta excepcionalidade falaciosa. Esse argumento foi completamente acessório à sua tese. Realmente desnecessário.
I think things in Brazil are improving in the last years, there are still many things to improve but at least there is a brighter future than in most of Europe currently
They need education first, democracy second!
USA killed its education now look at it unraveling
Nope, we need dictatorship first, discipline and education secondly
The potential man of economics and geopolitical relevance indeed.....
Somos um grande país e sim seremos potência .Todas as grandes potências hegemônicas caiem um dia e outras surgem nos estaremos lá um dia eu acredito
Hail Brasil, Hail Lusophonia, Hail CPLP!
O quinto império 😭
O quinto império 😭
@@riccardozorn1822 Integralismo cara? Sério? Integralismo era história pra boi dormir! Liberdade e proteção da tirania? ISSO ERA E É relativo, a própria defesa da corporativismo implica que as liberdades iriam até que ficasse no caminho do estado.
Dito isso a saudação é foda msm assim
@@riccardozorn1822 num mundo justo você tá falando isso na cadeia, brother ;)
Introductions so good I always leave a like before the real stuff starts
Introductions so good I always leave, like; before the real stuff starts
@@eidmarco shoo
Uh... If it was gonna happen... It would have happened already.
As a Brazilian living in Europe for the past 7 years, I realized how impressed I am with the capacity of adaptation of the Brazilian people, especially from an economic perspective. We are world class in several areas, but we don't realize it.
We prefer to put as behind of the Europeans and Americans as usual, but this only an assumption, not a fact.
The fact is that everything that we decide to speciliaze, we are able to do it. Aviation, medicine, chemistry sector, agroindustry, military innovation, pharmaceuticals. In many of those sectors, or we are leaders or we are giving a hard time to the top economies in the world 😂
I just seat and watch ❤🇧🇷
Great piece. Brazil is the country of the future, and always will be.
Bostileiro detected 😂
@@FodaseNaoLigo Concordo com você. Meu comentário pretendia ser irônico.
Só se for o Futuro da república das Bananeiras,né!?? Porque o Bostileiro não perde uma oportunidade de perder uma oportunidade,por isso não desenvolvemos como deveriamos. 👍🏻
@@normanreedus5734 Os americanos arcam com parte da culpa, considerando o que a CIA fez a João Goulart.
As à Brazilian I can state that everything said here is true. I have never seen such a great reading of my country. It’s obvious that you studied a lot to make this video. Thumbs up for you 👍
As to the discussion of Brazil's courting of 'enemies' of the West I am reminded of Nelson Mandela's response to a question (by an American, obv) about why he met with and praised the leaders of Cuba, PLO, Libya etc: "one of the mistakes which some political analysts make is to think that their enemies should be our enemies". th-cam.com/video/rkcbODygOV8/w-d-xo.html
Brazil support of Venezuela has created a humanitarian Catastrophe so dire that even Lula says Venezuela election was not fair.
Now, Those countries you mentioned are enemies of freedom anywhere. You think Cuba has freedom of expression?
Oh yes, ally with dictatorships which stand against your value.
This. Everybody that is irrelevant or far away from Venezuela critiques Brazil for its position but they really don't understand (or don't care) the consequences of different approaches.
And I'm kinda sick to listen to people cry out the danger of Brazil trading goods with China. Usually people from North America or EU that also trade goods with China; way more than Brazil actually.
Mandela had to give up his socialist platform to win the support of the West. Brazil will do the same: Lula is a flash in the pan. He's already finding out that the Chinese aren't the socialists he was looking for.
Strange when the world stood up for him and demanded justice for black south africans was he saying that? No, he wasnt, he was glad the world was making enemies out of his enemies, ie the ruling govt of then apartheid south africa. You are short sighted to the extreme and hypocritical.
In one moment, the author cheers the Rio Branco Baron for his skills on solving issues with diplomacy and peace. This is the opposite of what NATO does, and just because Brazil doesn't use wars and sanctions to solve problems, the author suggest Brazil aligns with dictators like Maduro, Ortega and Putin. Brazil understands sanctions and bully attitudes coming from NATO will not destroy or weaken dictatorial leaders, but will increase the suffering on the people trapped in a dictatorial regime.
That’s exactly what will ruin US and NATO as a whole. While they believe in war, Chine believe in investment in other countries. China will be the new grand power
As a brazilian: No, it hasn't, and it won't
ERROR IN THE VIDEO: The picture you showed is not of barão do Rio Branco (Father of Brazilian Diplomacy), but of his father, visconde do Rio Branco, a brazilian statesman who was a prime-minister during the Second Empire and played a central role on the abolition of slavery.
"Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who are you" If Brazil's friends are BRICS, then no wounder...
China is great tho
@@FemboyLegendGD Japan is a Nation state, China...mm... not sure! In China there are main people dominating aaalllot of smaller onse!
@@GreatRetro ofc you are someone who would love a good old fashioned ethnostate lol
@@FemboyLegendGD I do believe that Ethnostate is the way to go, yes! Today we have a lot of examples wher mixing ppl makes society into a big pile of dog shit!!!
No wonder it is languishing as underdeveloped.
We need politicians that are not submissive to the US interests, but compromised with the Brazilian development.
Bad video, you would do better to show WHY IT HASNT become a major power than speculating as to how it COULD become one
There are millions of videos like the ones you requested on TH-cam, just search for them.
many other videos show that bad try u failed man
Brazil is aging faster than the USA. 0:29 Since Brazil is growing old before it industrialized, I think it has a harder future. 1:37
Fret not. China owns Angola and is dumping angolans in Brazil to give space to the Chinese moving to Angola.
Given Angola's birthrate is 5 children per woman I think Brazil is speedrunning to be overcrowded with little angolans in 20 years😂😂😂
USA's population isn't aging as fast due to influx of young illegals...migration of skilled labor away from US (outside of Silicon Valley) is picking up faster than being replaced. Doesn't sound like a much brighter future than Brazil's.
Ah a new upload just as I open up TH-cam to find a video to fall asleep to.
I live in a region where there used to have bases and staging posts for the "Bandeiras" and "Entradas" during the 17th century. All the major roads used to be routes they took to go westwards.
O maior problema do Brasil é o povo daqui. Brazil's biggest problem is its people.
20:42 cool, I can see my city in this map
Demographic window is gone. Brazil id not going anywhere.
This video is a very accurate description of my country, its strengths and weaknesses. Which is very rare so find BTW.
Your video is very well made, like all the ones I’ve seen here for a long time, as I've been following you for months. However, you make a mistake when talking about the so-called “judicial dictatorship.” There was an attempted coup here, which you didn’t even mention in the video, and the measures taken by Alexandre de Moraes are confirmed by an absolute majority when brought to the plenary of the supreme court. Twitter was suspended because the company refused to comply with Brazilian laws. Twitter was refusing to block accounts of people promoting crimes, which is typified here. Accounts with Nazi content, people openly calling for military intervention, threatening and defaming others, etc. Elon Musk did not appoint a legal representative, which is required by law, and the company was suspended from operating here. These are simply the consequences of the actions of this eternal rocket teenager. We have laws here, and they must be respected.
dont spread lies for the foreigners.
@@jorgemurilo6456 saia do seu mundo de fantasia, você tem político de estimação!
@@_Ocariao da onde vc tirou isso ?
You are a liar. First, none of the people who were blocked by the STF are Nazis. Second, they were blocked for disinformation and attacks on democracy, which have no legal definition. This was done through a confidential inquiry opened without the authorization of the Public Ministry, and it has been ongoing for more than five years. This inquiry was initiated ex officio by a minister of the STF for an internal investigation into attacks on the institutions, specifically the STF. This action is illegally based on the fact that, since the internet is under the institution's jurisdiction, they can investigate, which already constitutes a deviation of purpose. The STF is investigating something it should not be investigating, as it is not the Public Ministry, and being the victim, it cannot participate in the investigation, even if it could request its opening
Your economic analysis was spot on! Same for the Rule of Law 👍
One should remember that there is active opposition against Brazil developing into a super power. Interventions in Brazil by foreign powers were many and varied and continue to this day. Who knows how it will all turn out but it's not a simple matter of internal changes only.
The active opposition is Brazil itself.
That's like sayin' USSR didn't work because of US.
@@HikikoSunny01 If the USSR were the only country in the world and had no competition, it would probably still be around. But set that aside, for now. Do you really think that countries are not working in their own national interests? All countries are. Since the beginning of time. No exceptions.
@@rockapedra1130 Duh, if the Roman empire was the only nation in the world and had no competition they'd still be around. Same energy.
Ever heard of the elitist theory of democracy? Yep. And guess what, Brazil elite is not even bad, it's worse.
Brazil only works on the national interest in surface, why exactly? Can't say. Appease the population perhaps? Fact is, Brazil's problem is too rooted to one to simply says that great powers make even a small fraction of what prevents Brazil from becoming better.
@@HikikoSunny01 I'm not saying that Brazil doesn't have internal structural problems too. I do however object at your one dimensional analysis of a really complex problem.
@@rockapedra1130 How it's one dimensional? Pessimistic? Yea sure, but no way one dimensional in my opinion.
If you care to explain I'm open.
Fyi... the productivity of the American worker isn't as high as the numbers indicate. Productivity is measured by the work of full-time employees. But a vast number of US companies, especially high tech, use "contractors." Although these people are technically self-employed and are not employees of the firm, they are treated and expected to perform as if they were full-time employees. And because they aren't employees, they aren't counted when it comes to productivity.
In other words, if a company has 50 employees and 50 contractos, a total of 100 workers, and the company makes $1 per worker giving it a profit of $100... productivity is then calculated taking into account only the 50 employees. Thus, the productivity goes from $1 per worker to $2 per employee.
Productivity figures of US companies, and by extention the country's, are higher than they should be.
Brazil's biggest problem was accepting to be a republic!
isso msm
O imperador Dom Pedro II só queria cuidar de plantas e negociar títulos. Os generais republicados deram um golpe militar e ratearam o país entrex os 3 poderes entre as elites burguesas.
comentário típico de mcc
monarquista médio na net
❤❤❤ Love China From Brasil! Yes, Brasil writing with "s" And America is a continent and not a country
North America is a continent. South America is a continent. Americas with an "s" is a broad geographical naming convention describing both of the continents together, but it is not a single continent. There is no continent named America. China needs more funding for its education system.
@@MMMichaelTTTthat depends on who you ask. In some parts of the world, North and South America are considered separate continents, in some other parts of the world they are considered one continent.
Why are you lowering yourself by bootlicking China? What is there to "love" about a ruthless dictatorship suppressing its people with iron fist and threatening peaceful neighbours with war (assuming you are a real person and indeed brasilian, and not just a bot or payed troll)?
@@MMMichaelTTT I am sorry, dude. There was only one continent called America until the 20th century, after WW2 I guess, when the US unilaterally decided to split it in two. UNILATERALLY! Latin American countries never accepted this, in fact. we laugh at the idea. France and a whole bunch of European countries don't either. The UN doesn't either. Check out your passport: It is written clearly Citizen of the USA or US citizen for there's no such a thing as American nationality. It's not accepted in officialdom. All citizens of any country from Canada to Argentina and Chile are Americans, which refers to the the location of their countries in the American continent, not to any nationality. You can call your country America, informally, as I can call mine Pindorama, who cares? A nickname is a nickname. Officially there is no country called America. To add insult to injury, the name Amerika was put on the Brazilian map in 1507 by the German cartographer Martin Waldsemuller who named our continent after Amerigo Vespucci who traveled extensively along, guess where??? The Brazilian coast! Then he wrote a book that became a best seller in Europe and the name caught on. The little that was known of the north American land mass was called Parias, name of some Indian tribe, it wasn't catchy so it was discarded. Now, go back to middle school cuz you must have slept through those long and tedious years!
Do ponto de vista puramente estético, Brazil é mais bonito que Brasil. Ao menos na minha mui humilde opinião.
As a Brazilian i just one say one thing...
one thing
I am brazilian, and Brazil is awaken!!!
Prove it.
Awake but still stuck in bed.
no tf it isn't what city you at
@@trueluscao he's just a deluded youngster who probably never left the country. Has no fricking clue.
@@Oil2024 For many having the current president is the same as being awaken