Why Estuarine Mapping? Organisation Development, Change Management, Leadership...

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 เม.ย. 2024
  • The Estuarine Framework is the third major framework in the Cynefin® ecosystem. This was developed as a counter to traditional approaches to strategy that are fixed in nature and reflect the key principles of change in a complex environment.
    ➡️ Understanding where we are and starting journeys with a sense of direction rather than abstract goals
    ➡️ Understanding and working with propensities and dispositions, managing both so that the things you desire have a lower energy cost than the things you don’t
    ➡️ Initiating and monitoring micro-nudges, lots of small projects rather than one big project so that success and failure are both (non-ironically) opportunities
    ➡️ Decomposing to the lowest coherent level of granularity and creating novelty through new connections
    ➡️ Identifying what we can change, where we can monitor the impact of that change, and how we can amplify or dampen it
    Explore more: thecynefin.co/estuarine-mapping/
    When is the next training and practice session? 🤜 thecynefin.co/events/

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