Mourning Stars | Saints Row: The Third Retrospective Chapter 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 43

  • @lunarnocturne
    @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Apologies for my smoke detector making its way into the recordings lmao.
    The battery has been replaced, and the beeps shouldn't show up in the next chapter.

  • @chesterstevens8870
    @chesterstevens8870 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but I feel like Killbane is yhe hi-water mark for Saints Row antagonists. He's brutal, cunning, menacing, charismatic, and he backs his words up with action. He chews almost every scene that he's in, and the black airforce energy he radiates makes him infinitely fun to watch. It doesnt hurt that his final words regarding the Saints ended up being prophetic.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Killbane's ambition and determination is what makes him so likeable, you're right.
      And that remark about Black Airforce Energy is correct because this dude and his entire crew pursued the Saints miles on-end just to catch them by surprise. How much hate is in one's heart to be able to do that!?
      His approach to action would've made for interesting conversations between him and Phillipe more than anything.
      Tension? Maybe. Still, it'd be entertaining to watch those two share the screen for a few minutes longer.

  • @0uttaS1TE
    @0uttaS1TE ปีที่แล้ว +3

    4:56 I'm gonna be a massive nerd here but it's a tuned mass damper. It's designed to counteract the force of high winds and earthquakes in skyscrapers. The Taipei 101 building has one of em.
    ...I'll be honest I literally only know about it because of Life After People lmao

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Mannnnn thank you so much!
      While writing the script, I lost 10 mins of my life trying to find the name of that thing so that I put it into the script but eventually gave up and settled with "ceiling thing."
      Huge thank you lol.
      Also I wonder if any major buildings here in North America has those.

    • @0uttaS1TE
      @0uttaS1TE ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@lunarnocturne There are. It's mainly in New York tho. Places like Trump Tower have one.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The more you learn lol.
      Thanks for the info!

  • @fredosupremetheamericandre6577
    @fredosupremetheamericandre6577 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You make some amazing points about Angel's missions being wasted potential (and there being room for variety in Kinzie's missions, which would be cooler if there was actual stealth in this game). Target practice whilst walking on hot coals would've been a good start. Now I'm wondering what other ideas you'd have for this.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I hate how they make the intro missions to the new characters just introductions to the Activities.
      Even worse is that they all get sidelined.
      The Deckers having stealth missions would go so hard. It's really fitting
      Also, don't ask where I come up with these ideas lmao. It does seem like the type of thing Angel would do.

  • @greatrieck
    @greatrieck 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Loren seemed to be like for a weird comparison Lady D in RE8 or Benedikta in FF16. Both hyped to hell and back but in reality are just the first starter villain you take out almost immediately.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Well, Lady D's erm... "assets" were what made her popular, as short as her appearance was in Resi 8 lol.

  • @spielmann1647
    @spielmann1647 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I also felt loren was underused and died way too early, killbane is a bit meh. Must say it is strange seeing viola and kiki and the other characters in the remastered version, as i have only played the original one. Anyhow great video as always, can't wait for the next one .

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah Loren's screentime was a joke. Makes me wonder if the team had any original plans to do something more with him.
      The fact that he dies in 2 hours of total runtime makes his presence feel like it was all for nothing.
      As for the models on Remastered, I'd say they did a good job touching them up, especially Kinzie. She's really cute.

    • @0uttaS1TE
      @0uttaS1TE ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@lunarnocturne Personally, I'm mixed about the new models. They look better, but I'm more nostalgic for the older style. They looked, Idk, hardened. I'm not sure how to describe it

  • @retroroy8720
    @retroroy8720 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So glad to see this one get covered! Your Saints Row retrospectives are amazing!

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks man! I'm still working on the last 2 chapters of this retrospective before I stitch them all together release it as one video.

  • @retroroy8720
    @retroroy8720 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Saints Row 2 is my favorite in the franchise, but I have to admit, SR3 was enjoyable despite some of its story flaws.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว

      I still think it's an enjoyable game as well. I still love the gunplay and mission design.

  • @RSans4210
    @RSans4210 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    SR3 remastered is on sale for $6 bucks on PS4/PS5. Even though I beat it for Xbox, I couldn't resist

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah I bought it back in 2021, a year after it released. I'm currently trying to get the Platinum trophy for it.

    • @RSans4210
      @RSans4210 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lunarnocturne I respect the grind lol

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah I like going real far for the games I play and I've been getting into the habit of scoring the Platinum for games for at least 6 years now.
      (Except for the Yakuza games, trying to Platinum those is a practice in patience lol)

  • @kelendalkazama9926
    @kelendalkazama9926 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My notifs are a cunt for making me miss this by 2 weeks!

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thankfully you got something a little extra to watch alongside this in the form of a new upload!

  • @M4DAttack
    @M4DAttack ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The whole linear story thing was a huge mistake for Saints Row 3's storytelling in comparison of Saints Row 1 and 2, where you chose who to go after at any time.
    And for Saints Row 3 I wish there was something where somewhere in the story when the Morningstar and deckers remain leaderless it should've torn the syndicate apart and the gangs fight each other.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The story is somewhat non-linear given that each mission is broken up by faction, like the STAG and Deckers arc for example.
      I do think that some form of in-fighting should've led to one of the gangs breaking away from the Syndicate, leaving Loren and whoever else is left behind to deal with the fallout.

    • @M4DAttack
      @M4DAttack ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@lunarnocturne definitely the deckers would've disband from the syndicate when Matt Miller leaves the country. And Maybe the Morningstar too? Killbane (hope I got his name right) is scary in a way, but I doubt he would be able to keep two other gangs in line.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      From what Jane says on the radio, he left the state to pursue a career in cybersecurity after his arc wraps up.
      As for Killbane, the Syndicate was in shambles even while he was leading it.
      I wish we could've gotten to slowly see the unraveling of Killbane, and the organization slowly crumbling in on itself

    • @M4DAttack
      @M4DAttack ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@lunarnocturne agree and overall I still love this game's story.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Me too. I've been toying with the idea of making a semi-unscripted video where I discuss the game's story and talk about ways to improve the script. Might do it. Might not. Who knows.

  • @diamondinthesky4771
    @diamondinthesky4771 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    NGL I keep trying to write up my own version of a potential SR3 storyline in place of what Volition came up with because let's not kid ourselves, SRTT's story is basically ignoring 1 and 2. There is literally no reason that the Boss just gives up searching for Dex and no way he wouldn't have a total meltdown after Gat dies. For fuck sake look what he did to Jessica for killing Carlos. Impossible to believe it's the same Boss. There are elements of the gameplay that I like, but the story is just bs lol.
    I don't know if anyone would be interested in me rambling out my ideas though LOL.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      SR3 feels like it was written as somewhat of a soft reboot. It's not interested in tying up loose ends. It doesn't help that Saint's Row 2 ends on what's pretty much a cliffhanger thanks to the Dex DLC.
      Dex and Troy should've been the finale arc the same way Ultor was. Instead, we're busy running around fighting some cyber-goths and luchadores. And the fact that Shaundi, the one who shared the screen with Gat the least, is distraught over his death is very very strange.
      Also, you're talking to man who LOVES long comments, so I'm all ears.
      I also had planned to make a semi-unscripted video where I do a script doctor of the game's story. I dunno when or even if I'll do it, but it'll just contain footage of me running around the open world whilst I ramble on for god knows how long lol

    • @diamondinthesky4771
      @diamondinthesky4771 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@lunarnocturne That could be interesting! I keep wanting to make my own videos more about topics but I am anxiety stricken and procrastinate to an absurd degree.
      And yeah, definitely. The lack of reaction to Gat's death makes it hard to believe that the Boss is even the same character from the first game. It's pretty clear that SRTT is like Ben 10: Omniverse for 1 and 2. It just decides what it wants and doesn't want to acknowledge as having happened in those games. Or just randomly retcons shit if it's more convenient. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for me to imagine the SRTT Boss being the player character in SR2.
      I could ignore the story issues if what they came up with was better than 1 or 2 but anyone saying that is wrong lmao.
      As for my ideas, all I got so far is:
      (Also I invent some new characters/"OCs")
      - There is a surviving Ronin/Akuji clan faction still operating in Japan, under the leadership of Shogo's nephew/Kazuo's grandson, who I can describe best as "Asian Joffrey". But really they are led by his mother who is the Cersei of this situation.
      - Dex after his transfer sides with "the Ronin 2: Bushido Boogaloo" possibly for further protection once the Boss looks for him, knowing that he has at least half of Ultor after him and his best bet is to side with enemies of the Saints.
      - Dex's Ultor/Ronin 2.0 would be sharing a brain & basically be the primary antagonistic force. Replacing STAG. I don't think too many people are gonna miss STAG.
      - The Syndicate, somehow, can stay. But I debate how to handle their inclusion. On first glance you'd think why doesn't Dex go to them - but thing is, if they still want to offer partnership to the Saints, what better way to do that than offering Dex up as a "gift"? lol. Wouldn't be a good move for Dex. So I keep them a separate faction.
      - Perhaps Dex even views Loren as a Business Rival and actively wants the Saints to fight him so he and the gang he's aligned in can replace Loren's Syndicate or something like that. Similar to Dane's plan from the second game.
      - One idea I play around with is incorporating some ideas from SR: Undercover like "Lady Ranja controlling a Splinter Cell of the Saints" or "Mr. Sunshine's twin brother reviving the Samedi but everyone thinks it's really him", but I don't want this to be too jumbled. That said if I did I'd make it ambiguous if it's really sunshine's brother or not. I think the Boss' reaction to the notion Sunshine came back again would be priceless. Maybe he wouldn't be running a whole ass gang arc though and just some scary cult for like a special bonus mission or something.
      - As for Lady Ranja from SR: Undercover. Maybe that shit is going on in Stilwater while the Boss is away and that's where Troy's arc gets to finish. That might require most of the Saints crew to stay home and me to invent more new characters potentially lol. Maybe Gat & Pierce hold the fort back home while Boss & Shaundi go to [insert Steelport or new city here]. But I'm willing to cut this out and have everyone accompany the Boss lol.
      Its still just a bunch of disorganized ideas, and I have more, but this is like the main gist lol.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think that the writers could've taken advantage of Boss' lack of reaction to his death by having Shaundi or Pierce scold him, telling him how far-gone the newfound fame has made him. It would've made for an interesting coming-to-jesus moment for Boss himself and allowed him to reflect on what he once was.
      A new Ronin outift could be interesting! After all, Kazuo was the leader of a yakuza clan before his demise.
      I'd actually like to see something like Dex manipulating the Syndicate from the dark and kill Phillipe right before we have the chance to do so. Would've been great to show him snatching victory from us and a kickass reveal.

    • @diamondinthesky4771
      @diamondinthesky4771 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@lunarnocturne Yeah, the SR2 Boss would have an absolute meltdown if Gat was killed. The Boss barely knew Carlos, but look at how far he went to kill Jessica. Could've just shot her, stabbed her, or anything. But instead he wanted to really make sure her death fucking *traumatized* Maero. How the Boss went from that to how he/she is in SRTT is never addressed and we're led to believe the Boss has just always been like he is now with the occasional "the boss was just crazy back then". If they're implying the Boss was in some therapists' office for 5 years then that's even dumber lmao.
      And thanks, haha. My idea was that Kazuo had a daughter, older than Shogo (and thus closer to the Boss & Gat in age) who basically just made her son the Oyabun the moment she heard Kazuo was dead. Her son in my mind is like the combination of both Shogo & Kazuo's worst traits, hence being an "Asian Joffrey" - but really his mother is trying to be the real power behind him. Imagine that Gat would laugh about having left the Ronin in the hands of a [Japanese] kid who is definitely that one kid from PSN/Xbox Live who you just want to kill and teabag repeatedly. One could only imagine Kazuo's realization that after his death, that would be his closest heir lmfao.
      Gat be like "He probably spends more time on Call of Duty than he does actually gangbanging, but that doesn't change the fact he's totally ruthless"
      And that is a good point/idea too! Dex doing that really would be interesting and something he'd do. I definitely feel like he'd be a Machiavelian schemer trying to play everyone off each other while having his own ends and it would have been interesting for him to just pull the rug out from under the table like that. There are a lot of ways for Dex and the Syndicate to interact together, but I definitely think them either being Rivals or Dex betraying Loren are the better options. Dex really should have been the main/overarching villain of this game....not Cyrus Temple. That white mofo who just comes in half way through with technology ripped from Mass Effect and just hijacks the plot.

    • @lunarnocturne
      @lunarnocturne  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lmao Maero took so many Ls from Boss that he legit made a deal with Ultor of all people just so he could secure his empire. Little did he know that this move would've been highly public and put all of his men in danger.
      Ha, that little suggestion about the Ronin reminds me of the relationship between Daigo Dojima and his mother in Yakuza 2.
      Yayoi Dojima is the new head of the Tojo and she doesn't like how Daigo spends his life doing nothing but bar-hopping.
      She sends in Kiryu to beat him back into the clan and things move on from there.
      And yeah like I keep saying, Dex/Troy operating in the shadows would make for a really good finale plot.
      Cyrus Temple... I have quite a few words to say about him and STAG as a whole, but I'm gonna hold my tongue since I don't wanna spoil the script lol.