She is very smart brain ,she came up with great ideas to create new great products to sell,we entrepreneur inventor must have creative minds,new ideas,,new inventions.i hope she becomes very successful in the near future 🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭.
Does she have a Facebook page? I would like to support Khmer products and import them to the USA. However, the Turmeric powder/Organic Turmeric powder and Ginger powder/Organic Ginger powder are saturated in the US market, even Turmeric and Ginger oil. Does anyone know what makes Khmer Turmeric and Ginger better than Thai’s, India’s, or China’s? Example: Kampot Pepper has a distinctive taste due to the land where it grows. This is a selling point preventing other countries from competing. If Khmer can produce ពន្លៃ oil would be great as it has more potential on the topical application. Reply in Khmer is fine, I can read it.
She is very smart brain ,she came up with great ideas to create new great products to sell,we entrepreneur inventor must have creative minds,new ideas,,new inventions.i hope she becomes very successful in the near future 🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭.
🇰🇭🇰🇭 congratulations 👏🎉
លោក កុសល សម្ភាសន៍ពិបាកស្ដាប់ណាស់ ដូចមិនចេះសួរសោះ
I believe this is the really true. You are so smart.
សម័យកូវីដ ម្តាយខ្ញុំបានដាំទឹកខ្ញីពិសារាល់ថ្ងៃ ធ្វើអោយគាត់ស្រួលខ្លួនមិនសូវឈឺដូចមុន
Hello Bong Srey , Those products what is related to health or safe it to use .Thank you
សូមសសើរ congratulations, you are so smart that you can make
The body can absorb 10% of tumeric. But with black pepper the body can absorb 2000%. Your turmeric can’t compete with turmeric with black pepper.
Congratulations 🥳
វាល្អ តែមិនអាចផឹកជាប្រចាំបានទេ
ខ្ញុំឃេីញម្សៅ ខ្ញៃរបស់បរទេសលក់ពេញ ផ្សារទំនេីប ជាពិសេសផលិកផលរបស់ថៃ
ផលិតក្រោយគេឆ្ងាយណាស់ នៅបរទេសគេមានយូហើយម្សៅរមៀត និងម្សៅខ្ញី ហើយគេមានម្សៅខ្ទឹមសរទៀត យកល្អផលិតតែម្សៅពន្លៃទៅ
ម៉េចបំរុងទិញគេមួយជីវិតមែន? មានមនុស្សធុនដូចលោកចឹងបានប្រទេសសូម្បីឈេីចាក់ធ្មេញក៍នាំចូល សម្រាមសង្គម
លេខរបស់គាត់ ០៨៧ ២៧៧ ៥៧៧
ខ្ញុំត្រូវការម្សៅខ្ញី១ដប ០៩៧ ៦៤៩៩ ៤៩៩
លេខរបស់គាត់ ០៨៧ ២៧៧ ៥៧៧
មិន មែន គេ មើល ងាយ ផល័ ផល ខែួរ ទេ មក ពី មាន ឣួក បន្លំ យក ផលិតផល មិន ពិត មក លក់ ធ្វើ ឣោយ ខូច ឈេួាះ ខែួរ ហើយ មើល (សុក ខែួរ ឮ តែ ពុល ងាប់ (គប់ (បភេទ
Help share our local products to abroad
Does she have a Facebook page? I would like to support Khmer products and import them to the USA. However, the Turmeric powder/Organic Turmeric powder and Ginger powder/Organic Ginger powder are saturated in the US market, even Turmeric and Ginger oil. Does anyone know what makes Khmer Turmeric and Ginger better than Thai’s, India’s, or China’s? Example: Kampot Pepper has a distinctive taste due to the land where it grows. This is a selling point preventing other countries from competing. If Khmer can produce ពន្លៃ oil would be great as it has more potential on the topical application. Reply in Khmer is fine, I can read it.
លេខរបស់គាត់ ០៨៧ ២៧៧ ៥៧៧