*Update 11/5/2024 at 4pm CDT:* This has been patched today with Update It was fun while it lasted. (So solo Platinum Master Lost Sectors will go back to rewarding a weapon with a bonus perk in only 1 random column)
Whatever the daily LS is. When I recorded the video (the first day the bug was realized), Bay of Drowned Wishes was all we can say was the definitive trigger. People have since been able to do it in today's LS Chamber of Starlight. So, going forward (until Bungie patches it), whatever the daily Master LS is should trigger the bug.
i thought i was going crazy but this has been happening to me since EARLY in Episode Echoes. never knew what proc'd it but i had done a master lost sector on the Pale Heart so nice to know what did it. it's currently still happening but as stated its not ALL world drop weapons. hope this helps!
Just leaving my input: I ran a few lost sectors last season and got the first column double perk bug. Saw this, then ran the master bay of drowned wishes and went straight to banshee to buy and old sterling after each to test. The first two only had the 3rd column double perk. After my 3rd lost sector run, there was double perks in both 3rd and 4th columns.
Its a new feature added last season. They are supposed to have double perks only in One Slot when running master lost sector. It was in twab while ago.
@@youdontknowme9381 I’m pretty sure the “feature” is that you get double perks in column 3 from the lost sector drops specifically. The bug is that drops from ANY source will have double perks as well after doing the lost sector. Unless I’m mistaken and doing a lost sector was supposed to give your account some global loot quality buff, which seems strange to me
UPDATE: CHAMBER OF STARLIGHT GO GO GO IT WORKS!!! (old comment: done about 4 runs now in bay of drowned wishes. weapons are dropping like normal w only 1 double perk. will update if i get the elusive double double to proc)
Honestly, double and triple perks on non-crafteable weapons should be a thing anyway. Make it so that we have to do certain challenges or triumphs. Just like how prestige with Shaxx gives more perks per column on crucible drop weapons.
agreed. i think you could maybe even do this for dungeons but lock it behind a solo flawless completion? maybe something a little easier, but you get the idea
This is still working today even in the evening. You need to go to the tower or you can check powerful engrams after you clear the Master Lost Sector to see if you have 4 perks. I let the mission time out instead of going to orbit, not sure if that matters. It took me over 10 clears but it still works 10/24/2024
Adding more info because I think I have a bug? Or all the API sources are wrong. On 10/24/24 I did Chamber of Starlight 7 times and had the double double perk bug. Today (10/26) when i went to complete the daily lost sector believing it was going to give me the new solar slug shotgun and i got a different rotations world weapons, specifically the one that contains Rosarago.
Bay of Drowned Wishes came back into the rotation today and I missed doing this when the video was released. After having double perks dropping (but only in one column) since Echoes I wanted to try and now get double double perk drops as well. I did 25 runs and recorded my results. I never had an instance where a gun wouldn't drop after completion like was mentioned in the video and never had a weapon drop where it had double double perks. Would love to know if this is still possible and if I did anything wrong. Note - At the beginning of my testing I would go to the Tower and open Gunsmith/Rahool/Hawthorne engrams etc to get a "double perk viable" weapon to test what it would roll, I also recorded what this test weapon was and what perks it had in my findings below. I quickly ran out of engrams to do this however and the tonics at Eido weren't great today to get further world drops unfortunately. I had the idea to use a heavy weapon world drop tonic I had sitting there at some point during the session, the only other time I could "test" my rolls was when I would just get a drop during the Lost Sector itself. Here are my results: Before starting - World drops would drop with double perks in 4th column 1st run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Went to tower and got a Glissando to drop, also had double perks in 3rd column 2nd run - Legato dropped, double perks in 4th column. Went to tower and got a Nox Perennial to drop, also had double perks in 4th column 3rd run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Went to tower and got a Last Forray to drop, also had double perks in 3rd column 4th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Geodetic HSM, had double perks in 3rd column 5th run - Crux dropped, double perks in 4th column. Went to tower and got a Parabellum to drop, also had double perks in 4th column 6th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Combined Action, had double perks in 4th column 7th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Nox Perennial, had double perks in 3rd column (changed columns even though Maahes can't get double perks?) 8th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Glissando to drop while doing the 9th run, had double perks in 3rd column 9th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks 10th run - Old Sterling dropped, double perks in 4th column. Got a Crux to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, also had double perks in 4th column 11th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Parabellum to drop during 12th run, had double perks in 3rd column 12th run - Crux dropped, double perks in 4th column 13th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Crux and Marcato to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, both had double perks in 4th column 14th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Crux to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, both had double perks in 4th column 15th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks 16th run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 4th column, got a Geodetic HSM to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, also had double perks in 4th column 17th run - Glissando dropped, double perks in 3rd column 18th run - Crux dropped, double perks in 3rd column 19th run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column 20th run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column 21st run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks 22nd run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a legato to drop, had double perks in 3rd column 23rd run - Crux dropped, double perks in 4th column 24th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks 25th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks Again, I would love to know if this is still possible and if I did anything wrong, cheers FIRST UPDATE The following day the lost sector was Chamber of Starlight, again I hopped back in to do some testing as this was previously a lost sector where it was known to work. Again I recorded my results and again I never had an instance of where a gun wouldn't drop after a completion or a gun dropping with double double perks. Will post my results below again but keen to try the lost sector tomorrow and see it the new proposed theory is correct. Before Starting - world drops would drop double in 3rd column 1st run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Crux dropped during the 2nd run, double perks in 3rd column 2nd run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 4th column 3rd run - Domino dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Crux to drop, had double perks in 3rd column 4th run - Domino dropped, not possible to get double perks 5th run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 4th column 6th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column 7th run - Suspectum dropped, not possible to get double perks 8th run - Domino dropped, not possible to get double perks 9th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 3rd column 10th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column 11th run - Suspectum dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Psi Hermetic to drop, had double perks in 4th column 12th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column 13th run - Suspectum dropped, not possible to get double perks 14th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 3rd column 15th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column 16th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Went to tower and got a Neoptolemus to drop, also had double perks in 3rd column
I just did 10 tries where I also went to the tower in between to decrypt a world drop engram like in the video. My results are the same as yours. I also got weapons to drop from my lost sector, as you mentioned so I think that is the issue that prevents us from getting it to work if we missed it in the past. So I dont think you and I did anything wrong specifically, it might have gotten shadow fixed for now with master completions rewarding weapons, but who knows.
Meant to update the pinned comment and title after last rotation, but was pretty busy and just didn't do it on the yt side. Forgot to post this here, but the 2-2 bug can still be triggered last I heard, but only on specific rotation, not technically tied to a specific lost sector. When the bug was first discovered, I only heard verified confirmation (from people I trust) that you could trigger it in "Bay of Drowned Wishes" and "Chamber of Starlight". When it got back around (so a next cycle of the Lost Sectors this season), people could only reproduce the bug in "Chamber of Starlight" and "The Quarry". Seemingly, the 2 "bugged" lost sectors are in a rotation that is slightly (1 LS) out-of-sync with the seasonal rotation. As of typing this, it is "Chamber of Starlight". If holds true, the bug shouldn't trigger today but only on "The Quarry" and "Excavation Site XII". Will try to update when I see any confirmation/news.
Meant to update the pinned comment and title after last rotation, but was pretty busy and just didn't do it on the yt side. Forgot to post this here, but the 2-2 bug can still be triggered last I heard, but only on specific rotation, not technically tied to a specific lost sector. When the bug was first discovered, I only heard verified confirmation (from people I trust) that you could trigger it in "Bay of Drowned Wishes" and "Chamber of Starlight". When it got back around (so a next cycle of the Lost Sectors this season), people could only reproduce the bug in "Chamber of Starlight" and "The Quarry". Seemingly, the 2 "bugged" lost sectors are in a rotation that is slightly (1 LS) out-of-sync with the seasonal rotation. As of typing this, it is "Chamber of Starlight". If holds true, the bug shouldn't trigger today but only on "The Quarry" and "Excavation Site XII". Will try to update when I see any confirmation/news.
I did not record my drops but i kinda gotten same results. All Master clears got me a weapon, and i did around 15 for Bay and today now also chamber of starlight .Im gonna give the next days of LS some more tries and let u guys know if i find something.
@@Commander_Pika thankyou for the reply, I'll keep testing each day and look out for the ones you mentioned while updating my own comment and this one with what I find as well! UPDATE - Did 16 runs of Chamber of Starlight just then, recorded my results and updated my original comment with them. Your theory seems to be correct so far, no instance of a gun not dropping and no instance of a gun with double double perks.
Ok so I HAVENT been tripping out - good to know! 😂 Basically I got the heliocentric and a few others to drop last episode and season going back to season of the wish at least, MAYBE Witch, where they have double perks straight up from grabbing them off the ground in patrol. I was sooo confused
It’s the Dreaming City (Bay of Drowned Wishes - Lost Sector) today (23th Oct 2024). I’ve done the Master 12x so far & all I get is the Double Perks in either the Left OR Right column, but never both.. Do we know if it still works or am I wasting my time..?
Been at this non-stop for about 7 hours today, with my average Bay solo flawless master time of around 9 minutes (8-10 mins typical), then I go to Eido to sell her the cheap green tonic she wants today until I get an associated weapon with an extra perk. All up maybe 15 mins per full iteration of this, so about 28 runs today. At no stage did I get double doubles. Always 1 left, 1 right, or none. 28 runs might not be statistically significant enough to call it, but I'm done. A shame if this is patched and I missed it.
@@BeardyMacBeardFace yep yep I’ve done exactly same thing today… done the Bay of Drowned Wishes about 15 runs on Master & done the Tonics to try find the Double Double perks but same, only in Left or Right but never BOTH.. it’s weird I don’t know what makes it happen… It’s a shame but I’ve given up for now
I can CONFIRM the Quad Perks are BACK!! For today only (24th Oct 2024) the Lost Sector is the Chamber Of Starlight on The Dreaming City & yes they are currently working! Go out & grab them while it works 👍🏼
There's been a few lost sectors that *have* dropped a weapon on Platinum completion. I don't know how this stacks up with other players' experiences, but I only got this bug to happen when I was trying to trigger it on a lost sector that did *not*.
I was doing master metamorphosis (did it like 6 or 7 times) and it would drop weapons usually. I quickly got double perks in one column and kept going back to banshee/clan bitch/etc. to decrypt more. None dropped with double perks in both columns. You may be right
It might just be something bungie added intentionally. I've gotten several just from doing random activities, playing normally. But, they only happen to be on the weapons that are older (ex: parebellum, but not yarovit)
I haven't run any lost sectors this season. I've gotten double perks on my weapons but outside of barrel differences all the perks have been exactly the same.
I triggred this bug on a moon lost sector, after it dropped a weapon for me with two perks on 3rd column, after doing the lost sector and it dropped two perks on 4th column i started to get weapons with two perks on 2nd column. Any lost sector work. MAYBE if you get two weapons to drop with each having double perks on different columns that would trigger the 4 perks. hint: use ghost mod that gives two drops
Just triggered the bug by running The Quarry on 10/25 twice. First time I got a Live Fire with doubles in the second column which is what I was previously "set" to based on runs from last season. Then ran it again and got no weapon. Focusing in tower confirmed a double perk old sterling.
I did this earlier in the season and am getting double perks in both columns. How can I complete the Expert Lost Sector seasonal challenge without messing this up? Or will doing one on Expert not mess with it? I seem to remember it could be reset somehow.
You just don't, unfortunately. Doing an Expert will deactivate the bug and reactivating it is tricky, as it seems only 2 LS can do so. So, just skip the challenge or wait to do it at the end of the episode of Bungie fixes this bug. You don't have to complete all the challenges to get the big bright dust like at the end.
What is happening right now is a bug. What was originally intended (and you are thinking of) was for Master Lost Sector drops to be a source of guaranteed World Drops with an extra perk in one of its columns. This feature was added in Season of the Wish. However, when weapons leave the Lost Sector loot pool (new weapons get rotated in, old ones rotated out), they get moved to Banshee's gunsmith engrams/foundry focusing. This allows you to directly focus weapons, but no longer get them with double perks since they aren't coming from Master Lost Sectors. Like the video explains, what is going on is that you are getting weapons OUTSIDE of Master Lost Sectors with double perks and they are now dropping with 2 perks in both columns, something that wasn't originally a thing. (Master LS drops only give an extra perk in 1 column).
@@LuchoVena you dont get a weapon drop when the double-double glitch is active, you have to go claim a legendary engram after every run. you can get them from hawthorne and gunsmith, sometimes cheaply at eido, and it also works on engrams in your postmaster. keep in mind Episode Echoes weapons are bugged and will never drop with double perks in any column
@@elliehuggyes i tried getting some to check this way but never changed from my 1+2. Since is early in the season i didn't have many engrams so they back at 0
Only World Drop weapons. So currently, that's 16 weapons from season of the Deep, Witch, Wish, and Revenant. My previous video shows all weapons this affects: th-cam.com/video/IYaI3dWkcOI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=4eS-rd8i0B9LFgro
yo some1 update me if it still works today, i spent like 40 engrams and focused 14 heliocentrics w double-double perks and didnt get heal clip + incandescent. i dont wanna deactivate my bug but master lost sectors are the fastest method for gunsmith engram farming so...
@@Commander_Pikaw.e going on now is def broken and they will look into it, cuz you're not even getting a guaranteed world drop on master LS completion.
Live Fire and Neoptolemus II are the only ones I haven't deleted but they drop with double perks every time. Focused potion weapons like Chroma Rush are dropping with double perks as of earlier. The potion ones last for 66 minutes and average 4 drops. I only waxed Vanguard for rank 16 auto rifle that comes with dual double perks. I noticed world weapons having them after getting Vanguard rifle. The only other game mode I played was onslaught for potion resources and fieldwork maxed. I have done zero lost sectors. 🤷♂
Just replying here as well so there is a record on yt for this bug: Referenced weapons was a Vantage Point with 2-2 perks, which is a Revenant "shiny" weapon from Onslaught. Live Fire and Neoptolemus II only had 2 perks in column, only 1 in column 4.
As of today, so far, in Bay of Drowned Wishes, it’s not working sadly. I already had doubles in 4th column set, after doing this it removed that and put it in the third columns on drops after that. 😢
I didn't say double perks was a new concept. I said it was new and bugged for THESE weapons. Triple perks come from core playlist weapons after 4 resets or Raid adepts after you have all the patterns. THIS bug applies to World Drop weapons, which previously could only get 2 perks in 1 column via Master LS.
*Update 11/5/2024 at 4pm CDT:* This has been patched today with Update It was fun while it lasted. (So solo Platinum Master Lost Sectors will go back to rewarding a weapon with a bonus perk in only 1 random column)
Watched your video, went into the lost sector on master & got double perks on run one‼️‼️ Thank you sir 😎
@@Iamhimothy-11 which LS? The one today or one in his vid?
Whatever the daily LS is. When I recorded the video (the first day the bug was realized), Bay of Drowned Wishes was all we can say was the definitive trigger. People have since been able to do it in today's LS Chamber of Starlight. So, going forward (until Bungie patches it), whatever the daily Master LS is should trigger the bug.
Today it’s on the EDZ ‘The Quarry’ does anyone know if the double perks will drop from here or is it just from Dreaming City LS ..?
i thought i was going crazy but this has been happening to me since EARLY in Episode Echoes. never knew what proc'd it but i had done a master lost sector on the Pale Heart so nice to know what did it. it's currently still happening but as stated its not ALL world drop weapons. hope this helps!
Just leaving my input:
I ran a few lost sectors last season and got the first column double perk bug. Saw this, then ran the master bay of drowned wishes and went straight to banshee to buy and old sterling after each to test. The first two only had the 3rd column double perk. After my 3rd lost sector run, there was double perks in both 3rd and 4th columns.
Its a new feature added last season. They are supposed to have double perks only in One Slot when running master lost sector. It was in twab while ago.
@@youdontknowme9381 I’m pretty sure the “feature” is that you get double perks in column 3 from the lost sector drops specifically. The bug is that drops from ANY source will have double perks as well after doing the lost sector. Unless I’m mistaken and doing a lost sector was supposed to give your account some global loot quality buff, which seems strange to me
Thanks for the video, and heads up. Got on it late with less than a hour until reset, confirmed double double drops now. Hope it is not patched ever!
(old comment:
done about 4 runs now in bay of drowned wishes. weapons are dropping like normal w only 1 double perk. will update if i get the elusive double double to proc)
10 runs, no dice.
@@ryyyyyyyy same unfortunately. i hope the bug returns some time soon in another lost sector
@@elliehuggsame luck, it’s driving me nuts 🤦♂️
@@ryyyyyyyy it works in chamber of starlight :3
@@afri2n it works today !!!
Just did a few runs of the sector on Master and got it to work
Honestly, double and triple perks on non-crafteable weapons should be a thing anyway. Make it so that we have to do certain challenges or triumphs. Just like how prestige with Shaxx gives more perks per column on crucible drop weapons.
agreed. i think you could maybe even do this for dungeons but lock it behind a solo flawless completion? maybe something a little easier, but you get the idea
This is still working today even in the evening.
You need to go to the tower or you can check powerful engrams after you clear the Master Lost Sector to see if you have 4 perks.
I let the mission time out instead of going to orbit, not sure if that matters.
It took me over 10 clears but it still works 10/24/2024
Adding more info because I think I have a bug? Or all the API sources are wrong.
On 10/24/24 I did Chamber of Starlight 7 times and had the double double perk bug.
Today (10/26) when i went to complete the daily lost sector believing it was going to give me the new solar slug shotgun and i got a different rotations world weapons, specifically the one that contains Rosarago.
i am loving this! looked it up to see what was going on with my game lol
Bay of Drowned Wishes came back into the rotation today and I missed doing this when the video was released. After having double perks dropping (but only in one column) since Echoes I wanted to try and now get double double perk drops as well. I did 25 runs and recorded my results.
I never had an instance where a gun wouldn't drop after completion like was mentioned in the video and never had a weapon drop where it had double double perks. Would love to know if this is still possible and if I did anything wrong.
Note - At the beginning of my testing I would go to the Tower and open Gunsmith/Rahool/Hawthorne engrams etc to get a "double perk viable" weapon to test what it would roll, I also recorded what this test weapon was and what perks it had in my findings below. I quickly ran out of engrams to do this however and the tonics at Eido weren't great today to get further world drops unfortunately. I had the idea to use a heavy weapon world drop tonic I had sitting there at some point during the session, the only other time I could "test" my rolls was when I would just get a drop during the Lost Sector itself.
Here are my results:
Before starting - World drops would drop with double perks in 4th column
1st run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Went to tower and got a Glissando to drop, also had double perks in 3rd column
2nd run - Legato dropped, double perks in 4th column. Went to tower and got a Nox Perennial to drop, also had double perks in 4th column
3rd run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Went to tower and got a Last Forray to drop, also had double perks in 3rd column
4th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Geodetic HSM, had double perks in 3rd column
5th run - Crux dropped, double perks in 4th column. Went to tower and got a Parabellum to drop, also had double perks in 4th column
6th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Combined Action, had double perks in 4th column
7th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Nox Perennial, had double perks in 3rd column (changed columns even though Maahes can't get double perks?)
8th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Glissando to drop while doing the 9th run, had double perks in 3rd column
9th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks
10th run - Old Sterling dropped, double perks in 4th column. Got a Crux to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, also had double perks in 4th column
11th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Parabellum to drop during 12th run, had double perks in 3rd column
12th run - Crux dropped, double perks in 4th column
13th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Crux and Marcato to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, both had double perks in 4th column
14th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks. Got a Crux to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, both had double perks in 4th column
15th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks
16th run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 4th column, got a Geodetic HSM to drop from a heavy weapon world drop tonic at the same time, also had double perks in 4th column
17th run - Glissando dropped, double perks in 3rd column
18th run - Crux dropped, double perks in 3rd column
19th run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column
20th run - Legato dropped, double perks in 3rd column
21st run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks
22nd run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a legato to drop, had double perks in 3rd column
23rd run - Crux dropped, double perks in 4th column
24th run - Maahes dropped, not possible to get double perks
25th run - Controlling Vision dropped, not possible to get double perks
Again, I would love to know if this is still possible and if I did anything wrong, cheers
The following day the lost sector was Chamber of Starlight, again I hopped back in to do some testing as this was previously a lost sector where it was known to work.
Again I recorded my results and again I never had an instance of where a gun wouldn't drop after a completion or a gun dropping with double double perks. Will post my results below again but keen to try the lost sector tomorrow and see it the new proposed theory is correct.
Before Starting - world drops would drop double in 3rd column
1st run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Crux dropped during the 2nd run, double perks in 3rd column
2nd run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 4th column
3rd run - Domino dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Crux to drop, had double perks in 3rd column
4th run - Domino dropped, not possible to get double perks
5th run - Parabellum dropped, double perks in 4th column
6th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column
7th run - Suspectum dropped, not possible to get double perks
8th run - Domino dropped, not possible to get double perks
9th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 3rd column
10th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column
11th run - Suspectum dropped, not possible to get double perks. Went to tower and got a Psi Hermetic to drop, had double perks in 4th column
12th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column
13th run - Suspectum dropped, not possible to get double perks
14th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 3rd column
15th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 4th column
16th run - Neoptolemus dropped, double perks in 3rd column. Went to tower and got a Neoptolemus to drop, also had double perks in 3rd column
I just did 10 tries where I also went to the tower in between to decrypt a world drop engram like in the video. My results are the same as yours. I also got weapons to drop from my lost sector, as you mentioned so I think that is the issue that prevents us from getting it to work if we missed it in the past.
So I dont think you and I did anything wrong specifically, it might have gotten shadow fixed for now with master completions rewarding weapons, but who knows.
Meant to update the pinned comment and title after last rotation, but was pretty busy and just didn't do it on the yt side.
Forgot to post this here, but the 2-2 bug can still be triggered last I heard, but only on specific rotation, not technically tied to a specific lost sector. When the bug was first discovered, I only heard verified confirmation (from people I trust) that you could trigger it in "Bay of Drowned Wishes" and "Chamber of Starlight". When it got back around (so a next cycle of the Lost Sectors this season), people could only reproduce the bug in "Chamber of Starlight" and "The Quarry". Seemingly, the 2 "bugged" lost sectors are in a rotation that is slightly (1 LS) out-of-sync with the seasonal rotation. As of typing this, it is "Chamber of Starlight". If holds true, the bug shouldn't trigger today but only on "The Quarry" and "Excavation Site XII". Will try to update when I see any confirmation/news.
Meant to update the pinned comment and title after last rotation, but was pretty busy and just didn't do it on the yt side.
Forgot to post this here, but the 2-2 bug can still be triggered last I heard, but only on specific rotation, not technically tied to a specific lost sector. When the bug was first discovered, I only heard verified confirmation (from people I trust) that you could trigger it in "Bay of Drowned Wishes" and "Chamber of Starlight". When it got back around (so a next cycle of the Lost Sectors this season), people could only reproduce the bug in "Chamber of Starlight" and "The Quarry". Seemingly, the 2 "bugged" lost sectors are in a rotation that is slightly (1 LS) out-of-sync with the seasonal rotation. As of typing this, it is "Chamber of Starlight". If holds true, the bug shouldn't trigger today but only on "The Quarry" and "Excavation Site XII". Will try to update when I see any confirmation/news.
I did not record my drops but i kinda gotten same results. All Master clears got me a weapon, and i did around 15 for Bay and today now also chamber of starlight .Im gonna give the next days of LS some more tries and let u guys know if i find something.
@@Commander_Pika thankyou for the reply, I'll keep testing each day and look out for the ones you mentioned while updating my own comment and this one with what I find as well!
UPDATE - Did 16 runs of Chamber of Starlight just then, recorded my results and updated my original comment with them. Your theory seems to be correct so far, no instance of a gun not dropping and no instance of a gun with double double perks.
Ok so I HAVENT been tripping out - good to know! 😂
Basically I got the heliocentric and a few others to drop last episode and season going back to season of the wish at least, MAYBE Witch, where they have double perks straight up from grabbing them off the ground in patrol. I was sooo confused
It’s the Dreaming City (Bay of Drowned Wishes - Lost Sector) today (23th Oct 2024). I’ve done the Master 12x so far & all I get is the Double Perks in either the Left OR Right column, but never both.. Do we know if it still works or am I wasting my time..?
The same done multiple times and only get double only of them
Been at this non-stop for about 7 hours today, with my average Bay solo flawless master time of around 9 minutes (8-10 mins typical), then I go to Eido to sell her the cheap green tonic she wants today until I get an associated weapon with an extra perk. All up maybe 15 mins per full iteration of this, so about 28 runs today.
At no stage did I get double doubles. Always 1 left, 1 right, or none. 28 runs might not be statistically significant enough to call it, but I'm done. A shame if this is patched and I missed it.
@@BeardyMacBeardFace yep yep I’ve done exactly same thing today… done the Bay of Drowned Wishes about 15 runs on Master & done the Tonics to try find the Double Double perks but same, only in Left or Right but never BOTH.. it’s weird I don’t know what makes it happen… It’s a shame but I’ve given up for now
I can CONFIRM the Quad Perks are BACK!! For today only (24th Oct 2024) the Lost Sector is the Chamber Of Starlight on The Dreaming City & yes they are currently working! Go out & grab them while it works 👍🏼
@@SparkyMTB thanka, I was kinda skeotical.
There's been a few lost sectors that *have* dropped a weapon on Platinum completion. I don't know how this stacks up with other players' experiences, but I only got this bug to happen when I was trying to trigger it on a lost sector that did *not*.
I was doing master metamorphosis (did it like 6 or 7 times) and it would drop weapons usually. I quickly got double perks in one column and kept going back to banshee/clan bitch/etc. to decrypt more. None dropped with double perks in both columns. You may be right
😊 Finally it's happening in well sectors
tried like 4 times but on the 4th try I only got double perks in one column so I gave up and settled for it
It might just be something bungie added intentionally. I've gotten several just from doing random activities, playing normally. But, they only happen to be on the weapons that are older (ex: parebellum, but not yarovit)
bay of drowned wishes today😎
How did you go with it? Any double doubles?
@@BeardyMacBeardFace no luck, not sure why. i probably did about 14 runs (master, plat, sub 5 mins)
I haven't run any lost sectors this season. I've gotten double perks on my weapons but outside of barrel differences all the perks have been exactly the same.
I triggred this bug on a moon lost sector, after it dropped a weapon for me with two perks on 3rd column, after doing the lost sector and it dropped two perks on 4th column i started to get weapons with two perks on 2nd column. Any lost sector work.
MAYBE if you get two weapons to drop with each having double perks on different columns that would trigger the 4 perks. hint: use ghost mod that gives two drops
Weird that this lost sector doesn’t drop anything, thought I was losing my marbles. Do we know why that is?
Yes, Bungie laid off their QA team
@@fratcher1611 is it up to the Swanson code though
Takes about 3 master runs to get double perks and I can only get double drops on world dropped weapons. Vendor drops don't have any
Just triggered the bug by running The Quarry on 10/25 twice. First time I got a Live Fire with doubles in the second column which is what I was previously "set" to based on runs from last season. Then ran it again and got no weapon. Focusing in tower confirmed a double perk old sterling.
Looks like Bungie finally fixed this with today's patch. It was fun while it lasted!
Indeed 😞
I have not done any LS on Dreaming City but i got this bug.
I did this earlier in the season and am getting double perks in both columns. How can I complete the Expert Lost Sector seasonal challenge without messing this up? Or will doing one on Expert not mess with it? I seem to remember it could be reset somehow.
You just don't, unfortunately. Doing an Expert will deactivate the bug and reactivating it is tricky, as it seems only 2 LS can do so.
So, just skip the challenge or wait to do it at the end of the episode of Bungie fixes this bug. You don't have to complete all the challenges to get the big bright dust like at the end.
isn’t a bug, this has been happening for idk how long in lost sectors for gunsmith weapons because that’s how they want you to farm them
What is happening right now is a bug. What was originally intended (and you are thinking of) was for Master Lost Sector drops to be a source of guaranteed World Drops with an extra perk in one of its columns. This feature was added in Season of the Wish. However, when weapons leave the Lost Sector loot pool (new weapons get rotated in, old ones rotated out), they get moved to Banshee's gunsmith engrams/foundry focusing. This allows you to directly focus weapons, but no longer get them with double perks since they aren't coming from Master Lost Sectors.
Like the video explains, what is going on is that you are getting weapons OUTSIDE of Master Lost Sectors with double perks and they are now dropping with 2 perks in both columns, something that wasn't originally a thing. (Master LS drops only give an extra perk in 1 column).
Im guessing Festival of the Lost is gonna "fix" this bug ?
Doubtful, as Haunted LS are different from Expert/Master LS. (Event activity vs planetary, different rewards pool, etc.) But only one way to find out.
I got this today in Chamber of Starlight
The bug is working today after reset 10/24. Just got it to activate.
Yoooooo huuuuuugeeeeeeeee
Update: Can confirm. Took me about 7 runs to activate tho and the LS today is ass 😭
I spent like 3 hours last night (10 runs?) and not once did i get a weapon drop on master too see if it got the double perk set. How did you?
@@LuchoVena you dont get a weapon drop when the double-double glitch is active, you have to go claim a legendary engram after every run. you can get them from hawthorne and gunsmith, sometimes cheaply at eido, and it also works on engrams in your postmaster. keep in mind Episode Echoes weapons are bugged and will never drop with double perks in any column
@@elliehuggyes i tried getting some to check this way but never changed from my 1+2. Since is early in the season i didn't have many engrams so they back at 0
@@LuchoVena yeah double-double isnt guaranteed to activate. i had to do 7 runs for mine
does this apply to any weapon you get to drop after this bug happens? or just world drop weapons?
Only World Drop weapons. So currently, that's 16 weapons from season of the Deep, Witch, Wish, and Revenant. My previous video shows all weapons this affects: th-cam.com/video/IYaI3dWkcOI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=4eS-rd8i0B9LFgro
yo some1 update me if it still works today, i spent like 40 engrams and focused 14 heliocentrics w double-double perks and didnt get heal clip + incandescent. i dont wanna deactivate my bug but master lost sectors are the fastest method for gunsmith engram farming so...
I wouldn’t risk it since the lost sector changed
Comment said they got it to activate in The Quarry.
I did the same master lost sector solo plat twice and got double perk in both columns on world drop weapons (13/10/24)
Do you need a platinum completion?
will it work on todays chamber of starlinght in dreaming city?
Personally don't know yet. Will update eventually when I do.
Confirmed to work in today's LS. So, seems like a permanent new evolution of the bug. Happy hunting
@@Commander_Pika yeah was coming back to say this, (first master sector of the season) it worked thanks
@@Commander_Pikaw.e going on now is def broken and they will look into it, cuz you're not even getting a guaranteed world drop on master LS completion.
I got mine doing the new onslaught
Live Fire and Neoptolemus II are the only ones I haven't deleted but they drop with double perks every time. Focused potion weapons like Chroma Rush are dropping with double perks as of earlier. The potion ones last for 66 minutes and average 4 drops. I only waxed Vanguard for rank 16 auto rifle that comes with dual double perks. I noticed world weapons having them after getting Vanguard rifle. The only other game mode I played was onslaught for potion resources and fieldwork maxed. I have done zero lost sectors. 🤷♂
Just replying here as well so there is a record on yt for this bug:
Referenced weapons was a Vantage Point with 2-2 perks, which is a Revenant "shiny" weapon from Onslaught. Live Fire and Neoptolemus II only had 2 perks in column, only 1 in column 4.
@minotaur8426 positive, I can't remember if before or after rank 16 Eido.
@minotaur8426 Non-masterworked
As of today, so far, in Bay of Drowned Wishes, it’s not working sadly. I already had doubles in 4th column set, after doing this it removed that and put it in the third columns on drops after that. 😢
You can get triple triple perks. Nothing new.
I didn't say double perks was a new concept. I said it was new and bugged for THESE weapons. Triple perks come from core playlist weapons after 4 resets or Raid adepts after you have all the patterns. THIS bug applies to World Drop weapons, which previously could only get 2 perks in 1 column via Master LS.