I was hoping to find an easy way to dye my lamp oil so I could tell when my Dietz lantern was filled without having to judge where the drops stopped. (Dietz lanterns use a solid metal tank that you can only see into via a fairly small opening, and overfill can cause leaks).
Love the way I can custom color my lamp oil to fit the current holiday.
What is this dye called and where can i get some
I was hoping to find an easy way to dye my lamp oil so I could tell when my Dietz lantern was filled without having to judge where the drops stopped. (Dietz lanterns use a solid metal tank that you can only see into via a fairly small opening, and overfill can cause leaks).
can this dye be used with fractionated coconut oil?
Food coloring and oil do not mix
Any alternatives found on how to colour oil since food colouring won't help?
Just use Oil based food coloring .
Oil based food coloring and oil DO mix. Always know your ingredients. 😉
wow adding commercial extremely overpriced dye will change color...who would have ever thought that